House of the Prophets

19 The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh— 20 But that every man might speak in the name of God the Lord, even the Savior of the world; (D&C 1:19–20)

And again, verily I say unto you, I would that ye should always remember, and always retain in your minds what those gifts are, that are given unto the church… For to some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby… to some is given the working of miracles; and to others it is given to prophesy… (D&C 46:10–22)

8 Wherefore, I will that all men shall repent, for all are under sin, except those which I have reserved unto myself, holy men that ye know not of. (D&C 49:8)

A. They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers. (D&C 77:15)

In Mormonism, we sometimes forget our prophetic roots and confuse the concept of the prophetic leading high priest (of which there is only one per priesthood sect – D&C 107), and a prophet (of which there can be many). Mormonism was not just started by Joseph Smith, but by a whole group of individuals with a prophetic or mystical worldview. Scores of people who regularly saw visions and believed in prophetic ability. To be a prophet or prophetess in Mormonism was not a privilege reserved for the Pope or people of the scriptures, but a right that came with faith and good works. It was a body of people who believed they received revelation from heaven in order to start religious movements which could stand as the cornerstones of upcoming philosophical thought for the new age.

Through the years, the Mormon movement continues to be a ‘house of the prophets’. Not just with leaders who believe themselves capabable of revelation from heaven, but by scores of visionaries who have been raised under the faith. Sometimes these visionaries, mystics and prophets have stayed within the faith… and sometimes they have broken off to form their own sects. But regardless, they are a continuation of an ancient tradition of people who believe themselves moved upon by divinity to change the course of the world.

Prophets of the Second Great Awakening

Many LDS people don’t realize that Joseph Smith’s first vision experience was not entirely unique. Many individuals both in recent and ancient times have had experiences with what they believe are angels and deity. Many of the worlds largest religions are the result of such experiences. Many smaller faiths within the mysticism movement have a long history of having and analyzing these types of experiences (see this article for a discussion on this).

Theophany” (θεοφάνεια/theophaneia) is the word coined by the ancient Greeks to describe the appearance of a deity to a human. This term has been used to refer to appearances of the gods in the ancient Greek and Near Eastern religions. While the Iliad is the earliest source for descriptions of theophanies in the Classical tradition/era (and they occur throughout Greek mythology), probably the earliest historically dated description of a theophany is in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Similar experiences have continued throughout recorded history.

In the Book of Oahspe the idea is proposed that true prophets RARELY come as isolated instances; because they are the product of powerful heavenly forces which send THOUSANDS of influencers to all parts of the world simultaneously to affect human events. Indeed, this is supposedly one of the ways people can know whether a movement/inspiration is sourced in the higher more powerful heavens, or just by random un-exalted spirit beings. Because it will show up an inspirational movements among multiple cultures simultaneously. This is relevent in Mormonism, as the Joseph Smith was but one grand player, in many ‘prophets’ of the Second Great Awakening. The following is a list of theophanies, ordered by their relevance to Mormonism.

Joseph Smith Jr

Joseph Smith (December 23, 1805 – June 27, 1844), was an American religious leader and founder of Mormonism and the Latter Day Saint movement. When he was 24, Smith published the Book of Mormon. By the time of his death, 14 years later, he had attracted tens of thousands of followers and founded a religion that continues to the present with millions of global adherents.

Smith was born in Sharon, Vermont. By 1817, he had moved with his family to western New York, the site of intense religious revivalism during the Second Great Awakening. Smith said he experienced a series of visions, including one in 1820 during which he saw “two personages” (whom he eventually described as God the Father and Jesus Christ), and another in 1823 in which an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates inscribed with a Judeo-Christian history of an ancient American civilization. In 1830, Smith published what he said was an English translation of these plates called the Book of Mormon. The same year he organized the Church of Christ, calling it a restoration of the early Christian church. Members of the church were later called “Latter Day Saints” or “Mormons”, and Smith announced a revelation in 1838 which renamed the church as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Taiping Heavenly King (太平天王)

Hong Xiuquan (Jan 1814 – June 1864), was a Hakka Chinese prophet/leader of the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty, establishing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Peace over varying portions of southern China.

In 1837, Hong reported being visited by two figures, an old, paternal figure and an elder brother-figure who he later described as God the Father and Jesus Christ. In the vision the old man [Father] complained to Hong about men worshiping demons rather than him. In a second vision, Hong saw Confucius being punished for his faithlessness, after which he repented. In another dream, Hong dreamt of angels carrying him to heaven, where he met the elder-brother figure [Jesus] wearing a black dragon robe with a long golden beard who gave him a sword and a magic seal, and told him to purge China of its demons. Much like Joseph Smith in America, started a church which he called ‘the heavenly kingdom’ and instituted polygamy as well as a form of ‘consecration’ or communism. Hong’s religion or ideology was broken up when his rebellion was destroyed by Chinese imperial forces in the Taiping Rebellion, and his followers put to death. (Deaths from the Rebellion are estimated at between 20-70 million). Without the the foundation of individual freedom and independence which the United States environment gave Joseph Smith’s movement, Hong’s promotion of consecration ended up being more extreme than that of the Latter-day Saint movement. His legacy lived on, and became a major basis for the later popularity of the Communist revolutions of China.

The Báb, given name, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi

The Báb, whose birth name was Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi (October 20, 1819 – July 9, 1850) was the founder of Bábism, and one of three central figures of the Bahá’í Faith (~8 million adherents). He was a merchant from Shiraz in Qajar Iran who, at the age of twenty-four (on the evening of May 22, 1844), claimed to be an inspired interpreter of the Qur’an within the Shaykhi school of Twelver Shi’ism. In a series of several stages, he first introduced himself as the Báb (meaning “Gate” or “Door”) to the Promised Twelver Mahdi or al-Qá’im, then the Mahdi himself, then the Prophet of a New Age, and finally, as the essence of God and his being.

Bahá’ís claim that the Báb was also the spiritual return of Elijah and John the Baptist, that he was the saoshyant referred to in Zoroastrianism,[3] and that he was the forerunner of their own religion. Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Bahá’í Faith, was a follower of the Báb and claimed to be the fulfillment of his promise that God would send another messenger. In 1850, at the age of thirty, the Báb was shot by a firing squad in Tabriz.

Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad مرزا غلام احمد

Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam (~20 million adherents). He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Mahdi, in the likeness of Jesus (mathīl-iʿIsā),[1][2] in fulfillment of Islam’s eschatological prophecies, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.

When he was just over forty years of age, his father died and around that time he believed that God began to communicate with him. He claimed countless dreams and visions from God. In 1889, he took a pledge of allegiance from forty of his supporters at Ludhiana and formed a community of followers upon what he claimed was divine instruction, stipulating ten conditions of initiation. Ghulam Ahmad was a prolific author and wrote more than ninety books on various religious, theological and moral subjects between the publication of the first volume of Barahin-i-Ahmadiyya (The Proofs of Islam, his first major work) in 1880 and his death in May 1908.  In addition to the claim of being God’s Messenger and “god or one with God” Mirza wrote, of one particular theophany as follows,

“I saw God Almighty personified as a human being in a vision. He put His arm round my neck and said [Punjabi]: If you will be devoted to Me, the whole world will be yours.” (from Tadhkirah, page 609, page 571 in the hardcopy)

By the time of his death, he had gathered an estimated 400,000 followers, especially within the United Provinces, the Punjab and Sindh and had built a dynamic religious organisation with an executive body and its own printing press. After his death he was succeeded by his close companion Hakīm Noor-ud-Dīn who assumed the title of Khalīfatul Masīh (successor of the Mahdi).

—–finish this sometime——

Prophets of the Catholic Reformation

Martin Luther
John Calvin

Prophets of the Jewish Awakening

Jachanan Ben Kathryn

The Cosmology of the Times and Seasons (& Biblical ‘Weeks’ Prophetic Calendar)


Cosmology of the Times and Seasons
According to the amazing cosmology taught in the fascinating channeled text Oahspe (see my overview of the text here), the first step to understanding Biblical or ancient Jewish cosmology, prophesy or the evolution of the soul, is strangely enough to have a general understanding of the earth’s progression or orbit within the galaxy. Since social and individual soul progression somewhat follows that of the earth’s evolution, an understanding of astronomical cosmology or the organization and cycles of the universe gives a framework for us to better understand both earth and man’s origins and destiny. Many LDS scriptures, show this is often the first step taken by higher beings in educating mystics/prophets, and was among the first concepts shown to Moses (Moses 1:4,33–38), Abraham (Abr 3:2–21), Enoch (Moses 7), the Brother of Jared (Ether 3:25) and others. Joseph Smith purports to have introduced a very basic version of this cosmology in the Pearl of Great Price (see facsimile 2). In his channeled works, as well as his important Alphabet of the Egyptian Language, Joseph Smith suggests that there is a physical and spiritual hierarchical order to the universe where stars/planets gravitationally and energetically rule over the evolution of other stars/planets and the higher dimensional rulers of those systems rule over the inhabitants of the governed bodies as well. Abraham states that he,

2 …saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it;
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.

In the notes written by Joseph Smith for the hypocephalus from the Egyptian Book of the Dead (facsimile 2), we get more detail of this ancient cosmology stating that “Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God,” is “first in government, the last pertaining the the measurement of time.” According to the narrative, Abraham is further taught that Kolob has a binary or sister sphere of sorts called Oliblish by the Egyptians that “stands next to Kolob”, being “the next grand governing creation near the celestial or the place where God resides. …which is equal with Kolob in its revolution and in its measuring of time”. The account suggests these bodies are either governing masses in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or a binary system composing one of the “twelve fixed stars” described below. The spiritual power or perhaps gravitational influence of these bodies is then traced down through two more “stars” called Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam which then pass their power onto Kae-e-vanrash which in turn “governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, [including]… the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions.” In Joseph Smiths personal notes to the hypocephalus and “Alphabet of the Egyptian Language”, he goes into a bit more detail naming the “twelve fixed stars” (of which Kolob belongs) and “fifteen moving planets”, as well as giving what seems to be a slightly different explanation of some of the aforementioned spheres…

“Oliblish, Enish-go-on-dosh, and Kaii-ven-rash, are the three grand central powers that govern all the other creations, which have been sought out by the most aged of all the fathers, since the beginning of the creation, by means of the Urim and Thummim: The names of the other twelve of the fixed stars are: Kolob, Limdi, Zip, Vusel, Venisti, Waine, Wayoh-ox-oan, oansli, Shible, Shineflis, flis, os. The Egyptian names of the fifteen moving planets are: Oanisis, Flosisis, floese, Abbesels, Eleash, Subble, Slundlo, Carroam, Crashmakraw, obblesisim, Izinsbah, missel.

“Kli flosisis signifies Kolob in its motion, which is swifter than the rest of the twelve fixed stars; going before, being first in motion, being delegated to have power over others to regulate others in their time” (J.S. Alphabet of the Egyptian Language)

Comparing this to what we currently know of our Galaxy, its not easily understood what Joseph Smith was getting at (or if this is a feasible astronomical model at all). But although this cosmological model may at first seem a bit far-fetched, it in fact has more witnesses to its general validity in both John Newbrough’s work, Hindu and eastern cosmology and modern scientific astronomy. Newbrough for instance wrote of a cohesive and highly illustrated cosmology consisting of our solar system orbiting through our Milky Way galaxy in a circuit, in his book Oahspe, A Sacred History of the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth.

1. First, the earth plieth in a circuit around the sun, which circuit is divided into four arcs called spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. Second, the sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit [around the center of the galaxy], which is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand years or one [harvest] cycle.
3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the spiritual regions of hundreds of etherean worlds, where dwell Jehovah’s high-raised angels, whose Chiefs have to do with the management of worlds.
4. During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of such of Jehovah’s angels for the resurrection of man of the earth. (Oahspe 9/1.1)

Like Joseph Smith’s work, Newbrough’s work suggests that as our Solar System orbits the Galactic core, we pass by higher-dimensional “etherean” worlds or “governing” systems which are inhabited by higher beings who subtly govern the inhabitants of world who pass within their domains. Newbrough’s works contain hundreds of pages which detail the histories, philosophies and tactics of these extra-dimensional beings. And the picture they paint is surprisingly similar to Joseph Smith’s and many ancient religious myths which integrate religion into the movement of our solar system’s as it orbits around the milky-way galaxy. Just as a single rotation around the sun can be separated into 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days; so also did the ancients try to give names to the corresponding orbital periods of the solar system moving in the Galaxy. An example is given below

1. And thou [speaking to an officer of the current governing “god” of earth] shalt dwell in thy kingdom seven years and sixty days, and the time shall be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding shall be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth bringeth forth.
2. And the time from one dawn of dan to another shall be called one dan’ha; and four dan’ha shall be called one square, because this is the sum of one density, which is twelve thousand of the earth’s years. And twelve squares shall be called one cube, which is the first dividend of the third space, in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth. And four cubes shall be called one sum, because the magnitude thereof embraceth one equal of the Great Serpent. (Oahspe 07/2.6)

The Zodiac, Precession of the Equinoxes & their Effect on Earth
Both Newbrough’s and Smith’s works seem to make the claim that in ancient times, higher beings came to earth and taught men a general understanding of astronomy & astrophysics and their relationship to galactic rule. The idea of a “great celestial serpent” is found in many ancient cultures and generally seems to describe the Galactic Orbit of our Solar System following a sinusoidal or possibly helical pattern as it dips above and below the galactic equatorial plane. These motions relate to Earth’s precession of the equinoxes as well as the precession or axial wobbling of our sun. (The sun wobbles and travels in a slight helical pattern because of the gravitational effects of Jupiter and the other large planets; seen from the side this orbital path would look like a stretched spring or partially coiled flying serpent.)  These ‘serpent’-like movements so fully explained in Oahspe (written in 1870’s) have also been proven by modern astronomy, as can be seen in illustrations in the following figure.

Established scientific model for our solar system’s orbit in the Galaxy from

What makes Oahspe, the Law of One and Joseph Smith’s mystic works unique is the picture they paint of how these well understood astronomical phenomena affect the earth and its inhabitants. Their works agree, first in suggesting that just as the earth experience’s periodic “conjunctions” with other larger planets in its orbit around the sun, our solar system also experiences conjunctions with far larger star clusters as it orbits the galactic core. These star clusters not only subtly affect our solar system gravitationally and electromagnetically, they also rule us spiritually as they contain “gods”, archangels or unified planetary consciousnesses who “have to do with the management of worlds” (Oahspe 9/1.3). This gives a bit more insight to Joseph Smiths hypocephalus where “god”, who is associated with a celestial body (throne) is said to rule earth from/by the fixed star known in a certain Egyptian dialect transliterated as ‘Kolob’. This idea of course, is not limited to Mormonism, Star Trek and other science fiction but exists in some form in the astrology of many ancient cultures. The following is another excerpt from Oahspe which gives a more detailed account of earth’s galactic orbit and how it relates to “heavenly” government.

04/7.2. And Jehovah caused the earth, and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requires of them four million seven hundred thousand years. And He placed in the line of the orbit, at distances of [approximately] three thousand years, etherean [celestial] lights, at which places, as the earth passes through, angels from the second heaven come into its corporeal presence. As ambassadors they come, in companies of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, and these are called the etherean [celestial] hosts of the Most High.
04/7.3. They come not as single individuals; nor do they come for a single individual mortal.
04/7.4. And Jehovah gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan’ha, the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals. Every three thousand years Jehovah gave this sign on earth, so that those, who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar spirits, could bear testimony regarding the origin of man on earth. || Jehovah said: And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan’ha that these signs manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High come soon after. Let him who will become wise, enumerate the great lights of My serpent, for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew. ||
04/7.5. In the time of the earth, when man was brought forth from mortal to immortal life, the earth passed beyond se’mu [interstellar organic debris]. The angels of heaven remained with corporeal man, but not in the semblance of mortals, but as spirits; and by virtue of their presence, strove to make man wise and upright before Jehovah. Upon the earth the number of such angels was millions. To these angels Jehovah spoke:
04/7.6. Behold the work you have taken in hand! It was commanded to you all, to partake of all the fruits of the earth except of the fruit of the tree of life, which is of the knowledge of the earth and heaven, lest you lose your inheritance in etherea.
04/7.7. Behold, you now have sons and daughters on the earth; by your love to them you have become bound spirits of the lower heaven. Until you redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation, you shall not rise again and inherit My emancipated heavens.
04/7.8. To which end you shall be co workers with one another in system and order. In My name you shall become an organic body and known as the heaven of the earth, or lower heaven, which shall travel with the earth.
04/7.9. And I will allot to you a Chief, who is wise in experience in founding heavenly kingdoms; and he shall appoint from among you, officers, messengers, ashars, asaphs, and es’enaurs [angel leadership positions], and you shall be numbered and apportioned to your labor and places, like in My other lower heavens on other worlds.
04/7.10. He who is Chief shall be called God of this heaven and the earth, which are now bestowed to his making.
04/7.11. And God shall have a Council and throne within his heavenly city; and the place shall be called Hored, because it is the first kingdom of God in this firmament.
04/7.12. And God shall rule on his throne, for it is his; and his Council shall rule with him; in My name they shall have dominion over angels and mortals belonging to the earth.
04/7.13. And God shall appoint Chiefs under him who shall go down and dwell on the earth with mortals; and the labor of these Chiefs shall be with mortals for their resurrection. And these Chiefs shall be called Lords, for they are Gods of land, which is the lowest rank of My commissioned Gods.
04/7.14. And God and his Lords shall have dominion from two hundred years to a thousand or more years; but never more than three thousand years [a Dan]. According to the regions of dan (light) into which I bring the earth, so shall the terms be for the office of My Gods and My Lords.
04/7.15. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors; these officers shall be appointed and crowned in My name by God and his Lords.
04/7.16. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords, they shall in these, My bound heavens, gather together all those angels who have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My etherean [celestial] kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah, for they are Mine and in My service.
04/7.17. And in the time of dan I will send down ships from etherea to God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms; by My etherean [celestial] Gods and Goddesses, these ships shall descend to these heavens to receive God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.
04/7.18. All those who ascend shall be called a Harvest to Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles, because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give to My servants.
04/7.19. But at no other times, nor in any other way, shall My Harvests ascend to My emancipated worlds in etherea. For each and every dan’ha I have created seven dans, and to each dan given six generations of mortals.

Uncontacted primitive tribe living in Brazilian rain forest photographed in 2010
Uncontacted primitive tribes like this one currently living in Brazilian rainforest help us to consider how our world might also be just like these groups which are totally unaware of the advanced civilizations which dwell around and above them. Just as international laws are being drafted to protect the self-determination of these groups, it is logical to consider that higher dimensional groups are also constrained by law in the manners they are allowed to subtly influence human culture, through the imaginations, thoughts and visions of our cultural icons. (see Zoo Hypothesis & Fermi Paradoxthis documentary for details)

Oahspe as well as other channeled texts also detail the spacecraft and dimension shifting technology which these higher beings use in covertly guiding and governing the affairs of earth. The Law of One, a more modern cosmological work channeled by Don Elkin, goes into great detail to explain the rules of non-intervention these beings are bound by, in order to preserve man’s rights to self-determination. These texts also explain the way in which communication and travel between the various dimensions is bound by laws of physics relating to the earth’s 11 year solar cycle and the position of our solar system within its Galactic orbit.

Our solar system orbit in the Galaxy as a macrocosm to earth’s orbit around the Sun–with associated calendar divisions. A Solar year with 12 months, 52 weeks & 365 days, matched with Oahspe’s ancient ‘Galactic year’ composed of 12 zodiacs, 32 ‘cubes’ and 1500 ‘arcs or dan’has’

Additionally, Oahspe and the Law of One suggest that as the earth travels through differing energetic densities of the galaxy, it affects the consciousness and intelligence of mankind in general. This concept linking energy or light in the galaxy with intelligence and consciousness is also taught in Mormonism in the Doctrine and Covenants.

7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made….
11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—
13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:11–13)

Illustration showing how a double interference energy & gravity wave pattern radiating out from the center of the Milky Way creates the Galactic ‘arms’ and causes periods of Solar instability.

Oahspe and the Law of One go into far more detail on the specifics of how the intensity of cosmic energy affects human consciousness and behavior. It suggests that most ages of enlightenment as well as ages of apostasy and intellectual darkness are caused by the amount of intergalactic energy reaching our solar system.

38/7.6. The prophets of old divided time into cycles of three thousand years, with slight variations. And they found that at the beginning of these periods of time, a certain impulse came upon the people, causing them to try to be better and wiser—even as the same feeling is manifesting itself this day in many nations.
38/7.7. The scale then rises for four hundred years, more or less; and, after that, wars and epidemics come upon the people. They then begin to decline, especially in virtue and peace, but the general intelligence suffers little for about another six or seven hundred years. After which time, they destroy their libraries and records, and reduce themselves to ignorance and vice. Then a darkness follows of one thousand or more years, with slight intermissions. And after that, for six hundred years the corporeal senses [intellect] begin to ascend. Self conceit comes upon them; they think they are the beginning of wisdom on earth. Then comes another cycle of light. Angels descend from the unseen worlds. New revelations crop up in every quarter. Inspiration comes upon mortals, and they go to the opposite extreme, becoming superstitious and obedient to unseen influences.
38/7.8. Such, then, is the general character and behavior of man during a cycle (dan’ha cycle). And he rises and falls in all these particulars as regularly as the tides of the ocean.
38/7.9. These revelations are chiefly made so that man can begin to comprehend these things, and learn to classify them so as to rise in wisdom and virtue, and thus overcome these epidemic seasons of cycles.
38/7.10. As previously shown, there are positive and negative forces continually going to and escaping from the earth. Without these no creature could live on the earth. The negative imparts to man his corporeal growth, as well as his corporeal desires, passions, and so on.
38/7.11. According to the quantity and quality of the corpor solutions in the firmament and their precipitations to the earth, so will man be affected and inclined to manifest. These influences are easily discernible by some persons. As one is depressed by a dull day; another inclined to drunkenness and fighting. A bright day inspires man with energy… (Oahspe 38/7.6-11, Cosmogony)

[add a law of one quote here illustrating the same point. That the “logos” (law of one terminology for a governing celestial body) dictates progression of consciousness on earth ]

The following illustrations from Oahspe, visually depict the theorized “arcs” or regions of reinforcing or cancelling galactic energy patterns described in the preceding verses.

Much of the Christian idea of “harvest” (Rev 14:15) comes from this same concept of Galactic “Times & Seasons”. Suggesting that higher beings in our galaxy seek to help people on earth progress in the same way that a gardener tends his garden. There are cosmically induced “winters” where the earth travels through un-energetic or thick nebulous regions of galactic dust which inhibit earth from receiving much of the higher wavelengths of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum (God’s spirit in religious terms), which mankind’s body and spirit rely on for intelligence and connectivity with each other and the rest of creation. These beings plant the “seeds” of civilization in the autumn (such as Moses to Christ), clear the weeds during winter (such as the dark ages), pour down inspiration during spring (such as the renaissance to present) and gather the fruit during summer (coming millennium). The higher off-planet beings who aid the earth transmit most orally communicated information first to the upper realms of earth’s spirit world where it filters down through multiple realms of that dimension before passing on to our dimension in the material world (see D&C 76:86–88).

18/6.21. Is a summer on the earth not half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two, one full time? So also I created for atmospherea [the spirit dimension] a dan (cycle) of four hundred years, and a half time of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half time I created one dan’ha.
18/6.22. For thousands of years I sent My Gods to teach these things, so that My angels could know the times of My resurrections. Does a farmer not have knowledge of the resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new growing things, which I raise up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should My angels have of My spring times, in atmospherea [earth’s spirit world], when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of emancipated souls?

There are several other cosmic influence dictated by our position in the galaxy, explained in Oahspe’s cosmology which we dont have time to cover in this article. These include the 11 year solar cycle affecting the ability to travel and communicate through space. There are many activities which can occur only with the collapse of the sun’s magnetic field during solar max (get refs). These cycles as well as regions of nebula and gas clouds also affect man’s ability in the spirit world to raise or be resurrected between realms or kingdoms (refs). The realms or kingdoms of the spirit world are also raised or lowered depending on these galactic conditions (get refs).

[Talk about how Saros Cycles/Eclipses and other cycles factor into ancient prophesy and timeliens.   Add a few paragraphs here showing how the highly fragmented hindu, buddhist and mayan cosmological belief systems and calendars each sought to literally or figuratively describe the “arcs” or discs of the solar system’s orbit through the galaxy. Name specifically a few of the most popular. End with a chart showing how they fit with Christian Harvest cycles, Mormon cosmology ideas and how Oahspe contains the most detailed and believable framework for tying them all together with modern scientific/astronomical observations.]
Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles. Redraw this to show correlations better.
Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles. Redraw this to show correlations better.
[Go through and rewrite this. Remake first image to show how the pattern of each dispensation fits with the cosmology.  Especially understanding how dictatorships & monarchies are established during times of low energy… and then transition to democracies as we raise in cosmological “glory” (dictated by our location in the universes energy fields).  Add more about the gospel pattern from times of Israel to times of gentiles, etc)

Oahspe further details in its cosmology that the ‘times’ of earth’s heavens are apparently tied to our outer ionosphere and electromagnetic fields. And that the rotation of these regions is slower than that of the surface of the earth. Thus mathimatical calculations were done by the ancients to correlate the time on earth versus the time in heaven.

1. That man might find still further evidence of the earth’s wark belts (magnetosphere), I created the nearest one with different densities, so that not every year on earth would be alike as to heat and cold. And in certain cycles of Dan I condense the first wark belts so that the sun seemeth to mortals as if in eclipse. For it is upon this belt that My cycles of dan’ha give either light or darkness to mortals spiritually.
2. Let man compute My times for his own profit; I created the first wark to gain in rotation faster than the earth, one year for every eleven. So that when the wark hath made twelve of its own years, the earth shall have completed eleven years.

So Oahspe here shows the relationship between the well known number of 11 seen in earth’s Solar Cycles and the religious usage of the number 12. The scientifically well known phenomena of Solar Maximum occurring roughly every 11 years with 3 Solar Max or sunspot cycles occurring every 33 years—is supposedly equivalent to 12 years or 36 years in heaven. Which in turn is somehow associated with ‘resurrections’ or movements of spirits and consciousness bound within earth’s ionosphere to more energetic levels of the magnetic field.

The Magic Square

Other popular texts in ancient mysticism such as the Gospel of the Holy Twelve support Oahspe’s views in the way they talk of the magic square of 1.1 In that text, Christ has his disciples stand in the formation of the magic square after assigning them all a number and name. And although there were originally 12 apostles, one of them “who should be counted one of them by man, but was not of them” (GHT 68:18, 76:13, Acts 1:17).  Note that the columns and rows add up to 671, which doubled is only one week more than the number 1335 given us in Dan. 12:12 and seems to have some Biblical mystical significance. Oahspe also reminds us of the relationship between the number 11/33 and the prophetic base prophecy.

10/14.4. Accordingly, every thirty three years after that, there was one migration of a group from the Lord’s first resurrection … In accordance with that, the light of dan fell on two hundred years, four hundred years, five hundred years, six hundred years and one thousand years, which became the base of prophecy for each cycle from that time forward, for a long period.

2.And he placed the sun in the midst and made lines thence to the stars, with explanations of the powers of the seasons on all the living.
3.And he gave the times of Jehovah, the four hundred years of the ancients, and the halftimes of dan, the base [number] of prophecy; the variations of thirty-three years; the times of eleven; and the seven and a half times of the vortices [orbits/frequencies] of the stars, so that the seasons might be foretold, and famines averted on the earth. (Oahspe: Book of Osiris 12:2-3))

Oahspe also talks about how in Israel, as in other cultures, there were two calendars and numeric systems used. As would be expected from the aforementioned verse, the earthly base number for one popular calendar was 11 (according with the Solar Cycle), but another calendar was patterned after the heavenly base number of 12. Accounting for this, early Egypt used a calendar with 11 months for earthly secular things, but the Jews and other groups used a calendar of 12 months for spiritual things. Our current society has adopted the 12 month “spiritual base number” for our calendar, even though the eleven month calendar would be exact.

3.God said: My people shall reckon their times according to the place and the people where they dwell. And they did this. Hence, even the tribes of Israel had two calendars of time, the long and the short.
4. To events of [earthly] prophecy there was also another calendar, called the ode, signifying sky-time, or heavenly times. One ode was equivalent to eleven long years; three odes, one spell, signifying a generation; eleven spells one Tuff. Thothma, the learned man and builder of the great pyramid, had said: As a diameter is to a circle, and as a circle is to a diameter, so are the rules of the seasons of the earth. For the heat or the cold, or the drouth or the wet, no matter, the sum of one eleven years is equivalent to the sum of another eleven years. One spell is equivalent to the next eleventh spell. And one cycle matcheth every eleventh cycle. Whoever will apply these rules to the earth shall truly prophesy as to drouth and famine and pestilence, save wherein man contraveneth by draining or irrigation. And if he apply himself to find the light and the darkness of the earth, these rules are sufficient. For as there are three hundred and sixty-three years in one tuff, so are there three hundred and sixty-three days in one year, besides the two days and a quarter when the sun standeth still on the north and south lines.

There’s a lot of information packed into that verse. First we see the reasoning for a “long and short” count calendar or numbering system. This is relevant, as archaeologist have found this to be common in many ancient civilizations (especially Mesoamerica), but sometimes we forget how easy mixups in these differing calendar systems can distort the dates we find in ancient histories, tablets and even the Bible. Secondly we see one of Egypt’s calendar’s as it was dualistically used with the Egyptian Great Year.  It is defined as 1 ode = 11 years, 3 odes = 1 spell, and 11 spells = 1 tuff which is 363 days or years. Perhaps it easier to see the relationship between these great cycles if we diagram them;

1 Ode = Week (with 11 days per week)
1 Spell = Month (with 3 weeks per month)
1 Tuff = Year (with 11 months per year)

This gives us 363 days per year with 2.25 intercalary days placed at the winter and summer solstice.

Still to Finish- Under Construction…

So to get a better understanding of all these numbers, let’s back up a bit and look at some of the scriptures we have which present the riddles.

1. Jehovah said: Let a sign be given to the inhabitants of the earth that they may comprehend dan’ha in the firmament of heaven. For even as I bequeathed to the earth a time for creating the living, and a time for angels to come and partake of the first fruits of mortality and immortality, so shall man at certain times and season receive testimony from My hosts in heaven.
2. And Jehovah caused the earth, and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requireth of them four million seven hundred thousand years. And he placed in the line of the orbit, at distances of three thousand years, spiritual (etherean) lights, the which places, as the earth passeth through, angels from the second heaven come into its earthly (corporeal) presence. As embassadors they come, in companies of hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands, and these are called the spiritual (etherean) hosts of the Most High.
3. Not as single individuals come they; not for a single individual mortal come they. And Jehovah gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan’ha, the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of earthly (corporeal) bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals. Every three thousand years gave Jehovah this sign on earth, that those who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar spirits, might bear testimony in regard to the origin of man on earth.
4. Jehovah said: And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan’ha that these signs are manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High come soon after. Let him who will become wise, enumerate the great lights of My serpent, for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew.
14. And God and his Lords shall have dominion from two hundred years to a thousand or more years; but never more than three thousand years. According to the regions of dan (light) into which I bring the earth, so shall be the terms of the office of My Gods and My Lords.
15. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors; by him and them shall they be appointed and crowned in My name.
16. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords they shall gather together in these, My bound heavens, all such angels as have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My spiritual (etherean) kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah, for they are Mine and in My service. And to God and his Lords, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, will I send down from etherea ships in the time of dan; by My spiritual (etherean) Gods and Goddesses shall the ships descend to these heavens, and receive God and His Lords with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.
17. And all such as ascend shall be called a Harvest unto Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give unto My servants.

[The above verses in Oahspe are a bit misleading. It paints a picture that the lights of dan are floating out in space at set locations like the spokes of a wheel, perfectly set every 3000 years time/distance in the great circle of the solar systems orbit. This is not likely, elsewhere in Oahspe it is more specific showing that these etherean “lights” are actually celestial bodies or could even be called etherean worlds which resemble comets to earth from afar. Most likely these etherean worlds/celestial bodies are also orbiting the sun like the planets (but far more eccentric and obliquely), and come back into the inner solar system with a period of ~3000 years. Thus the time of Melchizedek, Christ and Messiah are times of the “coming of the Lord”. And event which Joseph Smith taught many will say “is a comet”. To the righteous he comes with 10,000 of his angels to translate the righteous and take them away to his heavenly kingdom. To the wicked he is the destroying angel, because all who are left behind are left with the destruction this object causes to the corporeal earth and its heavens.]

6 generation= 1 dan, 7 or 7.5 dans= 1 dan’ha, 1 dan’ha = ~3000 yrs (give or take), a generation can span between 33 yrs (for a 200 yr dan) and 100 yrs (for a 600 yr dan), and a dan’ha can span between 1400 yrs (for a 200 yr dan) and 4200 yrs (for a 600 yr dan). I think it is quite possible that the length of the current Dan can be computed by the Sun’s mean polarity cycle. At present the length of the Solar Cycle is ~11 years (see wiki article for explanation of our sun’s polarity reversals). As you may have noted from many references already mentioned, it seems that 11 years as a solar “week” and 33 years as a solar “month” is a recurring theme in oahspe.

10/14.3 …Thirty three years were allotted to these Lords’ kingdoms for a resurrection, because thirty three is the division of dan corresponding to one hundred dans to each cycle. (oahspe x.x)

9 The Rakima watches in silence; patiently it sits, waiting for the day of the Destroyer. It will come in a hundred generations, as is written in the Great Vault. (SCL 33:9)

One hundred generations had passed since the overwhelming deluge and ten generations since The Destroyer last appeared. Once man lived for less than two score years, now his years were three score and ten (GLN 6:30)

-First cycle is a dispensation (of Dan). It is an intra-planetary cycle. It is the smallest major cycle and occurs multiple times per Dan. It is created by a celestial bodies ascending and descending within our own planetary vortex. (Elijah, Joseph Smith, Etc, each 200-600 years.)
-Second cycle is the destroyer (of Dan’ha). It is an extra-planetary cycle. It is the planet X/etherean world/celestial bodies, which brings great destruction to the wicked but salvation and resurrection to the righteous. (Enoch, Melchizedek, Christ, Messiah, Etc, each ~2400-3800 years.)
-Third cycle is the destruction/recreation cycle. It is a solar cycle. It occurred at the flood/creation. It is caused by something interacting with our Sun, and not just a light of Dan or celestial bodies or etherean world. (Adam, Noah, End of word, each 7000-XXXX years.)

Dan’Ha Lengths Given in Oahspe 

-Kosman to Moses/Capella = 3,400 years
-Moses to Abraham/Brahma = 2,400 years
-Abraham to Melchizedek = 3,100 years
-Melchizedek to Osiris = 3,300 years
-Osiris to Thor = 3,200 years
-Thor to Apollo = 2,800 years)
-Apollo to Sue = 3,200 years
-Sue to Aph = 3,600 years



Understanding The Jewish Jubilee in the 70 Weeks Prophesy

The Jewish Jubilee was a festival of alignment. It symbolized God’s judgement, justice and mercy as it was designed to celebrate the alignment of the heavens (primarily the sun) with the primarily lunar (moonth-based) calendar given to Moses by their God. A Jewish Jubilee Year was once every 49 lunar years and celebrated the alignment of the Jubilee cycle (49 years), and the Sabbatical Cycle (7 years), with an even more important Solar ‘Great Year’ cycle equaling 49×10 and 7×70 (or 490 years).

It’s important to realize how the Jewish Jubilee was astronomically based, being a drawn out version of the Metonic cycle presently used to align the modern Jewish lunar Calendar to the sun by adding 7 ‘leap-months’ to the Calendar each 19 years. (Usually 1 each 2 or 3 years). You see, the Jewish Calendar seeks to keep each month actually aligned with the moon’s lunar cycles. So instead of having 30/31 days each month like ours, they have 29/30 days which average to the 29.5 lunar days per month each year. (A lunar cycle is 29.53 days long or 7.3 days per phase: full, waxing, new, waning). This makes the Jewish year 354 days long instead of 365, and in need of ‘leap-months’ every few years to align with the sun instead of just a ‘leap-day’ every 4 years like ours.

With the ancient Jubilee however, I believe that instead of adding 7 months each 19 years as they currently do, they were brilliantly instructed to add 18 months (or 1.5 years) every 49 years instead. (Think delayed gratification.) The 1.4 years being intercalated time and a Sabbath time of rest and release. It did NOT begin every 49 solar years, but every 49 lunar ‘years‘, (which are 12×29.5306 days long which is 47.5 solar years). A full lunar Jubilee cycle therefore began on day 17,346 (or 49yrs of 12m x 29.5d). That would put it 531.55 days behind the true solar 49 year period of 17,896.87 days at the beginning of the Jubilee. So to catch up the sacred calendar to the solar one, they would need to add 531 days or 18 months each 49 lunar years. This would align with the true year within 0.55 days, which means an extra day would also need to be added every other Jubilee in addition to the 18 months.

Table of ‘Metonic Cycle’ like intervals where whole months can be added to bring lunar cycle into sync with solar cycle. With the Jubilee, we add 1.5 lunar years every 49 lunar years; which equals 49 solar years (short .55 days)

So then if one wants to track the captivity of Israel for not keeping the Sabbath as Daniel did (because the Jubilee was considered a Sabbath). We take those 18 months accrued each Jubilee of 49 lunar/47.5 solar years and carry them to a Great Year (of 490 years) which is 180 months or 15 years each 490 lunar/475 solar years. So then 15 solar years of each 490 solar years should be a captivity for not keeping the sacred Jubilees, IN ADDITION to the captivity Moses/Jeramiah decreed for not keeping the regular sabbatical years (1 every 7 years) which equal 70 in a 490 year period. So in all, the captivity is not just 70 years, but 70+15 or 85 years each 490 year cycle.

Daniel and Israel’s elite had already been in captivity for 15 years from 606 BC to 589 BC between the first and second Babylonian destructions of Jerusalem when he prophesied. So he knew 70 years were left.

The 1290 & 1335 days

So how does the 42 months or 1260 days or 3.5 years or “time, times and an half” of Daniel & Revelations fit into this? How about the 1290 & 1335 days?

25 He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time. (Daniel 7:25)
6 “How long will it be before these astonishing things are fulfilled?” 7 “It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed.” 11 From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days (Daniel 12:11–12)

2 “But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. 3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” (Rev 11:2–3)

(I think its the difference between the tropical month and sidereal month over a span of x time. (back check?)

days/monthx12x47.5 yrx49 yrx50 yr
Tropical Lunar Month27.321582 days327.86
Synodic/faze Lunar Month29.530588 days354.37
Difference between the two26.5 days318 d1258.901298.661325.16
Tropical vs Synodic Month Table

The sidereal month is the time needed for the Moon to return to the same place against the background of the stars, and is 27.321661 days (i.e., 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 12 seconds). The tropical month is the time needed for the moon to return to the same place against the backdrop of the sun, and is 27.321582 days (i.e., 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 5 seconds), only 7 seconds shorter than the sidereal month. The draconic, or nodical, month of 27.212220 days (i.e., 27 days 5 hours 5 minutes 35.8 seconds) is the time between the Moon’s passages through the same node, or intersection of its orbit with the ecliptic, the apparent pathway of the Sun. (not as important)

So: Synodic= 29.530 days, Tropical= 27.321 days, Sideral= 27.321 days, Draconian= 27.212 days, Anomalistic= 27.554 days.

As seen in the ‘Tropical vs Synodic Month Table‘ above, the difference between Tropical Months and Synodic/faze Months over a 49 year period is ~1290 days (1298.657). Coincidence? The difference between the two in 50 years is 1325 days (1325.16). Coincidence? The difference between the two in 47.5 years (a Jubilee before we add the 18 intercalary months/1.5 years = 1258 days (1258.91). Coincidence? So again, that’s 1258 vs. 1260, 1298 vs. 1290, and 1325 vs. 1335 days. Off by only 2-10 days. And if we simplify the offset between the lunar tropical & Sideral years to 26.5 days, all the differences become even closer (1.25, 8.5, 10 days different from the 1260,1290,1325).

So does it not seem that the significance of the above verses is saying that the punishment of Israel during the Times of the Gentiles (Time, Times & half Time) is somehow equal to the time between Tropical and Synodic Months? Doesn’t it seem that Israel had multiple calendars?! One Solar. One with twelve 29.5 day months (like they use now), And ANOTHER that tracked the Tropical Moonth (perhaps with thirteen months of 27 days each? Note that 13×27.3=354.9 almost exactly the Synodic Moonth Year)

To recap. There is 26.5 days difference per year between Tropical & Synodic months. That difference could easily be made up by adding a 13th tropical month each year. But if we track that difference over 47.5,49 & 50 years, it becomes ~1260,1290,1325 days.

Now… what if we track that out to 490 years instead of 49 years? We just times by 10 making 12600,12900,13250 days. Which in years is 34.5,35.3,36.3 years. Are these significant? They are all about half of 70, which could certainly be something… since Daniel’s vision seems to suggest ‘In the midst of the week/hedomad, the sacrifice will cease, and most Christendom believe this “week or hebdomad” is a period of seven… but this logic seems to suggest it’s a “week or hebdomad” of 70 years. And the ‘midst’ is 34.5,35.3,36.3 years! (which is right when Christ died, and Pentecost ended and such)

Note, these would be important because they “should” equate to the amount of time needed for the moon phases to return to the same spot in the sky against the backdrop of the stars? Since this is what the difference between Tropical and Synodic months is measuring? Right?
This helps prophesy eclipses.. since they happen EVERY 54.093 years in the same region. Check to see if a special one happens around every 490 years. (54.093×9=486.8). So basically 3.5 years (or 1260 days) before 490 there is an eclipse!


DOES THIS HAVE ANY BEARING ON MESOAMERICAN 13 MONTH CYCLES? (13X20=260 x73=52yrs). I think it has to do with Venus somehow. So then there’s 3 calendars
All sink with the Solar
1. Synodic Month (12 months + Jubilee 18 months to catch up)
2. Tropical Month (13 months keeps in sink with Synodic Calendar above)
3. Venus Month. (this is the only one preserved, since it was Egyptian/Austronesian it wasn’t eradicated w/Nephites)

Put it all together..

24 “Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place.

25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him

  1. From Command to restore to Anointed one = 7*62 or 68 sevens (483 yrs)
  2. After the 62 sevens, Anointed put to death.
  3. Confirm covenant for 1 seven. (70 yr period)
  4. In middle it, sacrifice ends, abomination set up, end comes as a flood (34.5,35.3,36.3 years)

Day started: At sundown when 3 first stars are visible (evening and then morning [and then day] are the [first] day)
Daily Sacrifices were offered: The daily sacrifices consisted of two burnt offerings: one lamb … in the morning [9:00 AM], the other lamb … in the evening [3:00 PM] (Numbers 28:4,8). This last phrase, in the evening, is literally ‘between the evenings’ or twilight. Evening one would be for the next day, since day starts at sundown.
Festival Sacrifices were offered: Numbers 28:23 suggests they were presented immediately after the morning sacrifice.
Passover Sacrifices were offered: initially slain “in the evening” or twilight (cf. Numbers 9:3Leviticus 23:5) until the temple was built and then offered at approximately 3:00 P.M

Note: Some Rabbis considered twilight to be when the sun sets until the appearance of three stars, this is where the symbol of a crescent with one, two or three stars in the crescent began.

Month Started: The END of the new moon (when the tiniest crescent appeared. (Rosh Chodesh) Full Moon falls in center of month.
Year Ended: Either after 12 lunations (354 days) or 13 lunations

The Jewish Calendar as a Cipher to Celestial Cycles

It appears that the Jewish Calendar was created as a sort of type, key or microcosm of larger scale celestial cycles. The 490 year cycle for instance is undoubtedly based on a well understood Venus transit cycle. A transit of Venus across the Sun takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and earth thus becoming visible as a black dot against the solar disk. Much like a solar eclipse of the moon, these transits last several hours and generally occur in a pattern of ‘pairs’ that repeat every 243 years with a pair of transits eight years apart in December (Gregorian calendar) followed by a gap of 121.5 years, then another pair eight years apart in June, followed by another gap, of 105.5 years.

This Venus ‘Great Year’ is notable itself for being a macrocosm for Venus’s 263 day “yearly” orbit as an evening and morning star. It’s called this because Venus spends exactly 265 days as a morning star (brightly preceding the sun’s rise each morning), then it seems dead, disappearing for 8 days below the horizon, before appearing/resurrecting again as an evening star (trailing the setting sun each night) before catching the sun and spending ~46 days hidden in its light. This gives us 4 important ‘sacred’ numbers. 265, 8, 265 & 46 (=584 days).

Some of these numbers are quite similar to those of it’s great year of 243 years and 8 years. And the number 8 fits nicely with the number 7 which is universally used to trace the phases of the moon. (The moon has 4 fazes of 7 days each ‘moonth’ and if we create a festival which lasts from Sunday to Sunday it equals 8 days). Furthermore, Venus transits or crosses between the earth and the sun 5 times every 8 years. In 52 years (the number of weeks per year), it crosses 32.5 times. And if we’d rather use whole numbers we just double that to track it’s 65 (13×5) transits every 104 years. Which if we times by 5 yet again (104×5) gives us 520 years. (and note that 8×5 = 40, they clearly counted by 5s!)

So why are these numbers important? Likely because the most important parts of any good calendar are tracking the tracking the solar year, and telling you when to plant & harvest by tracking the Spring & Fall equinoxes. (with moon cycles thrown in). Well it just so happens that if we want to include a 7/8 week festival (tracking the moon) twice a year with the equinoxes. Then the 8 day & 8 year Venus cycles are a GREAT thing to throw in to help us know where we are in a cycle. (Because Venus is probably the most visible star in the sky after the sun & moon!). So it makes sense to start our calendar where Venus’ 8 DAY cycle matches with our spring equinox as well as our 8 year Venus transit. And how often does this happen?! finish this…

[The match is in using the 243 year Venus transit as a macrocosm of the Jewish year. The two 8 year periods of transits matching with the two 8 day festivals of Israel. So 121.5yrs / 8yrs / 105.5yrs / 8yrs is roughly equal to = 177d / 8 day / 153d / 8 day. And note that tons of past transits match almost perfectly with my 490 year cycles. See Nasa’s list here. 243×2=486]

List of Micro/Macrocosms (see here)
-8 day festivals, twice a year. = Venus transit
-Festival of weeks = Jubilee
-49 year Jubilee =

The Book of Ben Kathryn and the future of the United States

The Book of Ben Kathryn suggests in its prophesies that America will divide into 5 segments of some sort within the next 3 generations. This isn’t a stretch of coarse, as similar divisions are common in most major historical empires and republics. The USSR, for instance, split into 15 completely autonomous nations or republics after 75 years. The British commonwealth, split into even more units after 150-250 years of growth, however each unit had differing levels of autonomy. History will tell whether this prophesy comes true, as well as the specific character of our dissolution—but if history is any indicator, our division is inevitable.

“5 Forasmuch as thou sayest I bless thee because of thy wealth, so shall I make it plain that I curse thee…”

“O ignorant nation? Thou desirest only auctioneers to rule thee, and the oratory of the tradesman is eloquence unto thee. They stand at thy gates, thy beautiful gates wherein entereth the wealth of Cathay, the fineries of Europe, West Indies goods, the weavings of Britain, the carvings of the Latins, and the gadgets of Japan. Hear them bark: “Goods for all! Burn incense to enterprise! Is she not clever! Fineries, silks, gold, oil, yea, rum and sugar of the islands, the tool and the craftsmen… and flesh for the lording over by success— is not God with us? … ”

” 15 Swiftly came entropy upon France, likewise upon Russia; so too upon China— the servant sat upon the horse and the princes walked on foot, the thing which I hate in mine heart, saith the LORD. Though swiftly it came upon them, slowly shall it come upon you. As a creeping fog in the night shall it come, and ye shall not be delivered after three generations except by division.” 16 Thou art a wondrous flower, O America. Thy roots spread far, and it taketh much nourishment to maintain the beauty of thy petals. But when the ground is all roots, wherewith shall it be nourished? The great flower dieth and becometh the nourishment for seeds dropped by birds. The flowers that spring forth shall grow from thee. Thy flesh shall sustain five flowers and then they shall cast their seed and there shall be a garden.

” 17 The LORD hath sworn in his wrath. He shall not relent. Thou thinkest thyself so new, so original; but doth he not see the same sons of flesh as thy fathers? As he waited upon the times of the Amorites, as he surveyed Sodom, as he endured Egypt, as he judged Rome, as he humbled the Ottomans, so hath he seen thy ways, O foolish nation.”

It would seem that in fulfillment to the prophesy, the players are already slowly being moved into place in the Middle East.

-With the fall of the Egyptian monarchy and the election of a Muslim Brotherhood candidate (a party outlawed just years ago). Egypt is positioning itself to be the leader of Middle East affairs and a new model of Islamic democracy.

-An ottoman revivalist movement is talking hold of the region, with faith being put in Turkey as the ancient seat of the Ottoman Empire and the greatest chance of breaking free of Western hegemony and bringing about its revival.

-The Turkish government is shifting its focus away from secularism and European ties toward more Islamic law and middle eastern ties (old Ottoman nations)…

“4 The word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Speak unto Israel, saying: Thou shalt not abhor the Egyptians, for I shall break the rod of Ishmael through them, and as cracks in a dam shall Islam break from Egypt, and the cracks shall spread unto Turkey. They shall rejoice in what they had before, and shall say unto the nations: Are we not a crown of the nations? Is not Greece our stepchild and Rome our admirer?…”

All that is needed is a catalyst to expedite the Middle East militarization and armament, aiding in tipping of the balance of power in the region (and the world) away from the West. The book of Ben Kathryn prophesies that an attack on Israel will be that catalyst.

“4 Behold, the Gentiles seek a sacrifice, and how their ears swell to hear a slaughter in Jerusalem…”

“.. Alas, an end hath come, an end on the power of the ancient and established. Swords shall fall and borders shall be redrawn in blood. For all this is required by their hard hearts because they would not hearken unto the words of the LORD. They built the ways of the LORD by fad, and they tear them down equally.”

The West has stripped its legal system off of the Judeo-Christian principles which were its foundation… and with no real foundation it is crumbling. Higher beings, interacting with the group mind oversaw the creation and evolution of this legal system and have carefully created the global political systems which have exported these legal systems to the entire world. As the Arc of the Covenant with its Cherubim guarding the Law were carried around Israel, so has “God” (or group mind) raised the nations of Gentile Christianity with their western judeo-christian legal system to super-power status so they could globally spread this ethical democratic world-view. But both the container and the law have been polluted and it’s time to pass the baton on to another people and bring the world up to the next step in its progression.

“Thou makest them bankrupt who defend themselves, and he who hath no money hath no advocate. Thou declarest the process and not the outcome to be justice. For a thing of nought thou lettest men be accused, and findest them guilty of suspicion because of the demands of the prudery of gainsayers and gainseekers. Seedy grandeur motivateth the arrogant, and for money thou wilt mull over a word to bring the innocent to book. The feet of thy constables are set to earn thee money, and the innocent and meek are ravished at the same time.
6 Behold, I have seen it, and I will repay according to thy measure; according to the smirk of thy hauteur…”

11 In that day I shall pose a riddle, and thou shalt give me the answer. When was Jacob not Israel? When was the younger divided into two, and the elder portion still served the younger?
12 Jacob, O Jacob, thou shalt be my prince again. Thou shalt be Israel, and the elder shall be cast away and without inheritance…

15 And in that day Jacob the younger shall take the birthright again, and Israel shall serve Judah: the first the last, the greater the lesser, the larger the smaller. The LORD of hosts hath spoken.

The catalyst to all this change is a slithering serpent. Created by the divine mind but ruled by the devil (the selfishness of man). He is the sliest of beasts, and can beguile even the intelligent watchman. The serpent is a Middle Eastern movement. A political machination involving nearly every major country on the Arabian peninsula— in league with the Western Beast which gives them their money and power.

“I shall smite Damascus in battle, for it is the head of a serpent that doth coil through Tyre and Zidon, Berytus, and unto Aleppo. Its tongue dangleth out, and the venom on its tip is Amman.
3 (The oracle of Riyadh) Behold, doth Israel not know that the gopher is deadly in battle? unsetting the warhorse in its charge. Behold then ye fine men of Arabia and their embroidered trim of golden thread and their flowing linen of the finest cotton of the East. No covenant with Riyadh shall stand, for the LORD overturneth the counsel of sly men, and bringeth to nought the pacts of those whose purpose is underhanded. Fear not Arabia or her handsome princes clad in flowing garments, for when Damascus calleth for the light of day, in the day of battle, the House of Saud shall not bear it, as a burrowing creature cannot bear the light of day. So shall the LORD God overturn the House of Saud and all the princes thereof, and bring to nought the counsel of the beautiful men of the east and the priests of Mecca.”

The serpent is not Bin Ladin’s Al Qaeda who are essentially Sunni Muslims (Qutbism or Wahhabi Islamic sects) seeking for a return of the Sunni led Ottoman-like Empire. Those Islamic State organizations fit into the multi-dimensional ‘whore’ archetype (see The War of God and Magog). The serpent sounds more like Hezbollah ideologues, a political movement long based in Lebanon with strong influence in Syrian cities like Damascus and Amman Jordan. They seek the destruction of Israel and the creation of a Shia led Islamic state after the pattern Iran has set. They have been heavily involved in the Syrian civil war since its beginning, and play a key role in the Iran-Israel proxy conflict.

It seems that the political climate in the Middle East is remarkably similar to the political climate in Europe just before WWI/WWII. Population and wealth are booming while kingship’s and monarchies are falling. And underlying all this social change is the jhadist doctrine which has been simmering in universities and underground political organizations for 50 years in the exact same manner communism did before WWI. Only this time the slogan is not “workers unite!’ [with violence against bourgeoisie capitalist oppression], it is “Islam unite!” [with violence against Western-backed Monarchies, Israel, secularism and Western hegemony]. The U.S. and U.N. do not seem to fully appreciate the Middle Eastern political climate. They are fighting these small fragmented terrorist cells without seeing that the real threat is far larger and far more ingrained in Middle Eastern politics. We are egging on the civil wars and political upheavals of the ‘Arab Spring’ somehow thinking that the new democratic governments will be more friendly toward us than the old. But we don’t see that these largely secular monarchies are going to be replaced with semi-democratic Islamic States (or at least transitional democracies with strongly ingrained Islamic State components).

20 The end of the oracle: For when the Israelite shall smite the Assyrian, ye shall know your watchmen looked amiss and led you astray. The LORD shall cause an end of time upon the nations [Gentiles], upon their congregations [churches]; and their watchmen shall be no more. Ye shall return over Jordan and re-inhabit the desolate places, and Heshbon shall not be dwelt in until it is within a fertile valley, and her watchmen no longer see the desolate mountains of Ataroth and Rabbah; and the Ammonite and the Moabite shall dwell peaceably within the congregation of the LORD, and the nations shall dwell peacefully with Israel.

This prophesy may have been fulfilled with the 2003 U.S. led invasion of Iraq, where Gorge Bush Jr. and Cheney were deceived (likely by Israeli lobbies) into preemptively striking Iraq (the Assyrian Empire was based in Mosul, Iraq; the present capital of the Islamic State in the Levant).  Even-so, we should all be scared to death of the possibility that Israel might strike ISIL again, in a manner which provokes harsh retaliation by IS and a loss of protection from Western Allies. If and when they do, it will begin a serious of events that “causes an end of time upon the [gentile] nations” or in other words brings down the United States and the European Union’s power (this has already been happening since the 2003 invasion turned much of the world’s support from the US’s global military endeavors, and the great recession brought us into unsustainable debt). Within two short decades the USSR fell from power as it fell into crippling debt, lost its superpower status and fragmented into pieces. The same thing is prophesied to happen to us, howbeit more slowly. We spend billions nation building and fighting fragmented terrorist cells, but none of it will do any good if the prophesies in the Book of Ben Kathryn prove true. It would suggest that war will break out in the same way it did in the first word wars. It will first be some type of coalition (Hezbollah? IS? ISIL?) between Iran?, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon attacking Israel and the U.S. in retaliation. It seems the prophesy suggest that after the initial attack, the U.S. will exit the conflict and try not to get involved in the same way it did for the first years of WWII. (unfortunately this will likely be in consequence of American public shock when Syria? or ISIL? deploys chemical or biological weaponry on us or our troops)

18 And thou, O shrewish Israel, brag not, for thou didst bring the American upon thee not as a wife but as an harlot, and they shall despise thee for this after a time. Thou spokest softly into their ears. Thou wast sure in thine imagination that they should deliver thee, and thou luredst them to go up after and against thine enemies.
19 Yet I shall confound them before thine enemies. They shall ravage the serpent’s head but be driven home by a flea. Thy pledge shall be broken, thy wealth no longer barter.
20 O America, repent of thy bitterness, for thou canst close thy loopholes. I shall not hold thou guiltless in that day when thou lookest the other way.

21 Woe unto that nation, for they kill and eat their children to sustain their old age. Their babies have no graves, but their cry cometh up unto me.
22 As they bled their womb, so shall I bleed their heritage, and unto a mightier people will I give their land.
23 They have removed life for convenience; I shall remove the convenience of life. I send them the bug. See a wonder: by a speck the Earth is destroyed; against the multitude of tininess can no army fight. The LORD hath spoken.

Early on, Saudi Arabia will step in and attempt to take advantage of the situation. Most likely they will feel threatened that Iran will take power of Israel, Syria and Lebanon, so in their own interests they will step in try to take control of the region themselves. After a time, the next step will be the intervention of Egypt and Turkey who will succeed in stopping the conflict and eventually tie the region together into some type of NATO-esque Coalition or Union or Empire whose power will eat away at Europe and the US.

17 Though I chastise her, it is to correct her and not to destroy her. I the LORD declare unto you before it shall happen. Send your armies back to the sun, ye of Arabia, hung shoulders and with sorrow on their faces. Damascus rebuild and fill thy time with contemplation. Riyadh, see a princeling become a king; a crown to come forth from Medina. Baghdad cast off thy brutish heads. I have declared: Israel is my chosen, saith the LORD. See Amman repent and Egypt seek peace, and make ye peace. Come and worship all ye nations. Grind your weapons into medicine, and your pride, transform it into humility. I declare unto you before it happeneth that ye may seek me and know that I have spoken and that there is no God but me, saith the LORD.

I pray that the U.S. will be wise and repentant, and minimize the karma and backlash we have coming to us. let’s hope that the wise in the Middle East will see the signs as they start to unfold and be led by inspiration to flee the areas of destruction and fighting. I hope I’m wrong about all this. I think the United States is young and still has a huge role to play in world politics. We’ve done amazing things in aiding nations to escape tyranny and violence; in providing a safe place for trade, invention and progress. But we’ve grown prideful. There are too many power hungry individuals in our political systems, too many imperialist. Our legal system has serious issues. Our moral system, political powers and social groups have grown too divided and imbalanced. When we see the turmoil and pain going on across the sea, lets all pray these can be addressed and fixed without violence here.

But all this doom and gloom prophesy shouldn’t alarm us. If we were to read a prophesy of all the bad events of the last 30 years all crammed into a small book, we would be scared into thinking it was the end of the world. But life has gone on and the good always out-ways the bad for the intelligent and righteous. Despite nations rising and falling around us, life can go on relatively normal for everyone but those on the battlefield… and the prophets of society always warn people before their cities become battlefields.  And when it comes to the United States, the Book of Ben Kathryn seems to support the prophesies of Second Great Awakening prophets such as Joseph Smith, who predicted that after a major ‘chastising’. Major segments of the United States of America will rise again, and join Mexico and the rest of Latin America’s 500 million spanish speakers (the second most spoken language in the world) in becoming one of the most powerful economic and political blocks in the world.

16 Thou art a wondrous flower, O America. Thy roots spread far, and it taketh much nourishment to maintain the beauty of thy petals. But when the ground is all roots, wherewith shall it be nourished? The great flower dieth and becometh the nourishment for seeds dropped by birds. The flowers that spring forth shall grow from thee. Thy flesh shall sustain five flowers and then they shall cast their seed and there shall be a garden.

Read the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn here

Prophesy in the Book of Ben Kathryn

The identity of Gog and Magog

The End of the Times of the Gentiles

Scriptural Prophecy (List of all Fulfilled and Future Prophecy in Scripture)


This document is a compilation of all the prophecy, (both fulfilled and future) found in Judeo-Christian scripture. Many of these suggested prophecies create a “chicken and the egg” scenario, where an unbeliever would suspect the fulfillment was self-fulfilling and came only because of the prediction, whereas a believer would see the fulfillment as an independent validation of an independent prediction. With neither scenario being provable. In a few instances of particularly impressive prophesy, unbelievers almost universally move the goal posts, arguing that the prophecy must be from after the event, such as the Cyrus prophecy. But once again it’s impossible to prove either way.

Some of the most impressive prophecies, are undoubtedly the prophesied Assyrian & Babylonian destruction and restoration of the nation of Israel — as well as the additional “latter-day” destruction & restoration fulfilled in the modern day with Israel as a secular democracy/theocracy with the same ancient language and state religion. Also of note are the known predictions of Christ found in not only in the Bible, but related middle-eastern prophesied messiah-figures such as those found in Mithraism, Egyptian & Greek epics (such as Prometheus). Also, those of the cyclical cosmic ‘destroyer’s’ found in the Kolbrin, Egyptian & Babylonian texts.

Moses prophesied in Leviticus 26 that if Israel did not keep the Sabbath & turned to false Gods, they would be scattered & destroyed 7 times. But it is prophesied and promised that each time they would be restored to the land & their temple. This has been fulfilled with remarkable accuracy over a 3500 year period. Indeed there is no other religious group that has been so thoroughly destroyed and yet miraculously restored as the Judeo-Christian tradition.

1 ‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God. 2 ‘Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the Lord. 3 ‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, 4 I will send you [all good things]… ‘But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands… 16 then I will do this to you… 18 I will punish you for your sins seven times over. 19 I will break down your stubborn pride… 25 I will bring the sword on you… [and] cut off your supply of bread… 28 I myself will punish you for your sins seven times… 30 I will destroy your high places [temples], cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. 31 I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries… 33 I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. 34 Then the land will enjoy its sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths. 35 All the time that it lies desolate, the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it… 44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God. 45 But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God.

Leviticus 23:1–46

Daniel expanded this prophesy roughly 1000 years after Moses purportedly gave it, and defined with more clarity the clause stating that “the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it” was to be broken into 70 ‘sevens’ or sabbatical years making 490 year segments. He obviously recognized that the Philistine captivity which came 490 years after Moses, and the destruction of Solomon’s temple and Babylonian captivity which happened 490 years after their liberation– was a fulfillment of Moses’ prophecy, and that the duration of their current captivity would be 70 years as well since another 490 years of unkept sabbaths had passed. One year for each Sabbatical year (or year of release) they did not obey the rule to allow land to lay fallow & release all debt. He then extended the prophecy again that 490 years would pass before their next temple was destroyed and another scattering & captivity would occur. (Dan 9) He then also extends his vision and prophesy even farther into the future to the “time of the end” (Dan 12:10–13) saying 1290 years would pass until an ultimate abomination of desolation would be set up on Jerusalem’s temple mount, but after another 1335 years would come the ‘blessed’ day when Israel’s punishment would end and they would have rest in the land (Dan 12:1–13).

4 seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 6 How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? 11 …from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 13 …for [then] thou shalt rest… (Dan 12:4–13)

That’s a total of at least ~3675 years covered in Daniel’s timeline & prophecy. (Around ~1050 from Moses to the Babylonian destruction plus 1290 plus 1335 years to the ‘time of the end’). That Daniel was looking far past his current 490 year cycle is clear from the beginning of his book where he speaks of a “latter-day” kingdom that would “break into pieces and consume” the clay-like kingdoms which would follow the four great kingdoms of his own cycle (Dan 2:28–45). An idea that he reiterates twice with the ten horns growing out of the four great beasts of his own cycle. (Dan 7:17–23)

In fact Daniel’s two periods or ‘times’ (Dan 12:13) of 1290 & 1335 very likely are an illusion to Hosea 6:2 where the same verbiage of yā·mîn (הַיָּמִֽין׃) is used. Hosea, who lived in Samaria just before the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians prophesied to the Northern Kingdom, pointing to Moses words in Leviticus 23 saying,

“1 …He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us 3 he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:1–3)

Earliest Prophecies
-Adam ‘stood up in the midst of the congregation… and predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation.’ (Moses 6:8,13,23; D&C 107:56)
-Enoch prophecies of (Moses 6:27–31,38)
-People of Canaan (north of Enoch, who must be in Africa) utterly destroy the people of Shum & divide themselves & are cursed w/ blackness & despised. (Moses 7:6–8)
-Noah prophecies of the flood…
-Brother of Jared prophecies of…
-Moses prophecies of…
-Babylonian Empire
-Persian / Median Empire
-Macedonian (Grecian) Empire
-Roman Empire

Pre Christ History
-Babylonian Empire
-Persian / Median Empire
-Macedonian (Grecian) Empire
-Roman Empire

The most important prophecy of the pre-Christian era are those of Daniel 11. (go through and pick out the most significant aspects. particularly Alexander and his generals. this section is believed to be post-Daniel because the prophecies are so exact. the following links give commentary showing exactly who/what is being talked about).

Time of Christ
-Life of Christ
-Crucifixion & Resurrection of Christ
-Global destructions at catastrophes at Christ’s death
-First Resurrection of the Dead
-Christ visit’s America (Nephites)
-Christ visit’s the other lost tribes of Israel
-Israel is destroyed by Roman Empire. (abomination of desolation of Daniel set up)
-Temple shall be destroyed so that one stone is not upon another.
-Final Scattering of Israel
-Those in Judea need flea into the mountains
-Will be famines, pestilences, & earthquake
-Gospel is preached to all nations
– Begins the day the gospel is taken to the gentiles, but continues all through the dark ages to present.

Rise of the Great & Abominable Church
-The church (& Israel) is driven into the wilderness (Apostasy)
? The love of man shall wax cold
-Many false Christ’s come
-Many false prophets come and deceive many.
-Wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet

? Times of the Gentiles is “come in”.
– times of the gentiles likely starts with the destruction of Israel and preaching of Gospel to the Gentiles. JST Matt says it is “come in” in the same generation as…
-Christopher Columbus discovers America
-Puritans cross sea and come out of captivity to America
-Lamanites are driven, smitten & chastised by Gentiles
-Europe takes over the world, ruling all fallen Israelite counties.
-America is set up a free nation, under God

Restoration of the Gospel
-Visions to Joseph Smith
-Book of Mormon Translated
-Gospel preached to all nations
-United States Civil War
— gather out of the eastern countries, stand in holy places etc…
-Lehi’s seed restored to knowledge of their fathers
— This begins as the gospel is taken to south America but is continuing today and will not be fulfilled in its fullness until the -“Lamanites blossom as a rose” and are converted in mass

Restoration of Jews to Israel (Palestine)
-Continuation of wars, pestilence & earthquake
– gather out of the eastern countries, stand in holy places etc… (this time saints are Christians who gather to the Americas
? – Elect gathered as an eagle around a carcas
– Israel will be gathered to Israel & America
– Parable of the fig tree with tender branches is fulfilled
? Fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled
– occurs in the same generation as the scourge??


Things which occur continually from the scattering of Israel to the Second Coming
People say “the Lord delayeth his coming”
The love of man waxes cold
there are wars and rumors of wars
There are earthquakes in diverse places, lightning’s, thundering’s & other common natural disasters

The saints shall stand in holy places (and escape the desolation)

Rise of the First Beast (this could be after first set of catastrophes or already happened)
Beast rises up and exercises power on 7 mountains
one of Beast’s mountains is wounded and world wonders after it (this could very well be fall of communism in russia)
Second beast rises with all the power of first and make the world worship it image (philosophy)
Second beasts gains power over saints, kills and persecutes them. Gains control of market so none can buy or sell without his “mark” of allegiance on them.
Whore rides on the beast. The beast (political kingdom) gives power to the whore (great and abominable church or world view of the devil)

Fall of United States of America & Other Gentile American Nations
(Only to occur if they fight against the church & saints. This could be before or after first set of catastrophes)
Constitution hangs by a thread
Saints hold it inviolate, and will maintain it, along with law & order if national government fails

First set of catastrophes (opening of sixth seal)
Righteous called out “go ye out from Babylon” gather to Zion and “be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord”
-Saints again stand in holy places and avoid some of destruction
Those that look shall see signs in heaven; Blood, fire & smoke
Before Lord comes, Sun shall be darkened, moon to blood & stars fall
Continents start to go back together
Seas shall heave beyond their bounds
All things will be in comotion, and some men’s hearts shall fail them
Great men, mighty men & chief captains hide in the rocks and caves. (say to rocks fall on us)

Final harvest (period of gathering) before last destructions
Four angels hold back the winds and destructions
144,000 sealed up to be high priests ordained to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.
Last of the righteous are gathered up to Zion, the only nation at peace
Elders will be called home…. After their testimony will come testimony of destructions

Rise of the Second Beast
World empire in re-established which persecutes the saints
False Prophets give this nation power over people.
World empire implements tyranny over world economics
– none can buy or sale with out the mark of beast

Opening of seventh seal
First Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)

Final War / Armageddon (Fifth Plague/ Angel)
Armies of the Beast (global power) gather to fight against Israel (battle of Armageddon)
Two prophets in Jerusalem hold off armies with their power over elements
Two prophets die and are left in the street, then are resurrected after three days
Second fulfilment of Daniel’s Abomination of Desolation
Arm of the Lord falls upon all nations
Angel’s sound their trump to announce Christ coming
Angels shall fly with a trump to announce the coming of the bridegroom
The “great sign in heaven” to appear, “the sign of the coming of the Son of Man” like lighting across the sky
Angel shall announce the fall of the great & abominable church

? Silence in the heavens for space of about 1/2 hour. ???
Curtain of heaven shall be unfolded as a scroll unrolled, and Lord shall be unveiled
Lord comes with his saints in the clouds in power & glory
Christ comes across the sky like a light from the east
Voice says “how oft I would have gathered you” & “I have called you by destructions”

BEFORE the arm of the Lord Falls
-First[fruits] resurrection: an angel shall sound his trump, and the saints that have slept shall come forth to meet me in the cloud (D&C 45:45, D&C 88:96–98)

AT Christ’s coming
-And after this another angel shall sound, which is the second trump; and then cometh the redemption of those who are Christ’s at his coming; who have received their part in that prison (D&C 88:98–99)

Last set of Catastrophes occur right as he appears (ends the battle of Armageddon)
-God’s presence is a melting fire, causing the waters to boil and mountains to flow down at his presence.
-The earth to reel to & fro as a drunken man
-Graves of the saints shall be opened; and they shall come forth and stand on the right hand of the Lamb, when he shall stand upon Mount Zion (D&C 133:56, 29:13)
-Continents go back together (D&C 133:
-At God’s presence the sun and moon are darkened, and stars fall

-Hail storm (meteorites) destroy the crops of the earth
-Wicked nations are utterly wasted. Babylon, The beast and whore are totally destroyed.
-Christ stands upon the mount of Olivet
-Jews are converted

Saints on earth shall be quickened and caught up to meet him
dead will be resurrected and also be caught up to meet him

? Shall be as it was in the days of Noah, two shall be in field & one taken
Third trump to announce resurrection (sounds on Mt Sanai, D&C 29:13)
Men shall be changed to immortality “in the twinkling of an eye.”
with Fifth trump, every knee bows, and every tongue confesses.
Sixth trump announces “the whore is fallen”
Seventh trump says “IT IS FINISHED, Lamb has trampled the winepress”
Angels are crowned and made equal with God
Seven angels sound again to reveal the works of men during the 7,000 years
Seventh angel stands on land & sea announcing there is “TIME NO LONGER”.

Before ‘earth shall rest’, the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth (Moses 7:61)
-Also Before, truth shall come out from the earth, truth will sweep the earth like a flood, elect will be gathered to the new Jerusalem (in short, the dispensation of fullness of times will occur BEFORE the second coming & millennium. Moses 7:62)
-City of Enoch ‘shall meet them there’ [at the New Jerusalem], and receive them into our bosom, and see [their face] and fall on their necks & kiss each other (all before Millennium, Moses 7:62–63)

Very beginning of Christ’s Millennial reign
-Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father’s name written on their foreheads. (D&C 133:18, Rev 7:1–4)
-They who are in the north countries come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they smite the rocks, and the ice flows down at their presence. (D&C 133:26)
-Highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep. (D&C 133:27; Isa 11:15–16, Isa 35:8–10)
City of Zion (Enoch) to come down out of heaven

Millennium [Metaphorical 1000 years]Satan is bound for [metaphorical] 1000 years (Rev 20:2–3, D&C 101:28, ), although actually “time is no longer”. (D&C 88:100,110)
Lion shall lie down with the lamb, child shall play with the asp
Men will live to the age of a tree & then be transfigured
Final resurrection occurs

Satan is loosed for the final battle
Battle of Gog & Magog
-Wicked are cast out into outer darkness & everlasting fire, with weeping, whaling & gnashing of teeth. (D&C 133:73)
-Unharvestable beings get moved off planet (LAO x:x)
? After the thousand years are over heaven and earth will pass away (D&C 29)
The heavens & earth pass away & are resurrected
– “Satan shall be bound, and when he is loosed again he shall only reign for a little season, and then cometh the end of the earth” (D&C 43:31)

Most Important Chapters of Prophecy
-Daniel 7,9,12
-Revelation x.x
-Leviticus? xx;x

3 Nephi 16 (all)
3 Nephi 20 (all)
3 Nephi 21 (all)
3 Nephi 26:1–11
3 Nephi 28:27–32
3 Nephi 29:1–9

1 Nephi 10:11–14
1 Nephi 13 (all)
1 Nephi 14 (all)
1 Nephi 15:12–20
1 Nephi 22 (all)

2 Nephi 1:9–12
2 Nephi 6 (all)
2 Nephi 10 (all)
2 Nephi 26:12-end
2 Nephi 27 (all)
2 Nephi 28:1–3, 32
2 Nephi 29:1–3, 13–14/end
2 Nephi 30 (all)

Ether 4:13–17
Ether 13:4–13

Daniels 70 week prophecy and the war of Gog and Magog: The Book of Ben Kathryn’s cipher to biblical prophecy



There is an “end time” conflict in the works according to a very interesting and unique new Jewish prophesy. Likely escalating in the next two decades—it is said to be the prophesied epic biblical war of “Gog and Magog”. But the new Jewish prophetic text suggests it will not occur like most people think. It will not begin or end with the evangelical “rapture” or the Second Coming as many people imagine it. Nor has it anything to do with any kind of end of the world apocalypse or nuclear holocaust.  In fact, as the events unfold exactly as Ezekiel and other biblical and Islamic prophets foretold, and instead of Christ’s coming or a rapture— Jerusalem & Israel get attacked and ‘conquered’ by a short-lived radical Islamic Caliphate (a shadow of Christ’s crucifixion 2000 years earlier), hundreds of millions will slowly lose misplaced faith in western Christian and Islamic ideologies—paving the way for a major religious reformation and a new global religious movement. The following article will detail the prophesies of the Old Testament concerning the prophesied battle of Gog and Magog, and walk through the detailed additional information given in the 1996 modern Jewish revelation, The Book of Ben Kathryn (see Introduction to the Book of Ben Kathryn).

In summary, the prophecy seems to predict a coming drawn-out conflict that is said to begin by an Israeli (& American?) preemptive attack/war on biblical “ancient Assyrian” territory (ancient Assyria was headquartered in modern Mosul, Iraq and encompassed parts of modern Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey). Alough this attack/war may have been fulfilled in the 2003 American Iraqi invasion (see this documentary video for details), is still to be fulfilled by a particular Israeli strike on Iraq, Iran, Syria or the emerging Islamic State (largely headquartered in Mosul). This foolish pre-emptive conflict will then set in motion a series of Middle-Eastern wars which involve the heart of the Arab World, Russia and the United States. Although the U.S. is said to only play a minimal role in the apex of the coming war, the conflict will heavily involve Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt the U.N. and likely Iran, Russia & North Korea. Possibly an analog to WWII centered on the Middle East instead of Europe. But just as the period between the Napoleonic wars and the World-Wars politically transformed Europe— by the time the smoke clears, a new Middle Eastern coalition will emerge to destroy American & European global hegemony and transform the major players in the global political dynamic.

This war is said to be the Biblical sign of a 40 year “probation” and prophesied New Age—the sign that the End of the Times of the Gentiles has come and the beginning of Judah’s part in the Restoration of Israel & final age of the major cycle. As detailed in D&C 45, Matthew 25 (JST-M), Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel and the Book of Revelation, the Koran and many channeled texts, the year of roughly 2033 marks the coming of The Third Day (or final biblical period or dispensation two thousand years from Christ’s death, see Hosea 6:1–2) . The third day is said to mark the end of the Times of the Gentiles (~34 AD – 2034? AD) in which divinity has smiled upon the Gentile nations of Europe—and a beginning of a switch or return of that favor and power to the Semitic nations of the Middle East. And the age (often translated “time” in the Bible) is said to end the same way it started–with the martyrdom of God’s archetypal lamb (symbolized by Christ and the Nation of Israel as a portrayal of the world’s pacifists) by the false lamb or beast (violent, false fascist religion). The end of the age will mark a change in the seat of global military and monetary power, a change in the seat of western religion and culture and a major change in Christianity and Islamic thinking. As well as a change in the climate and a change in mankind’s spiritual proclivities. And a return to a period of of prophets, miracles and increased interaction between earth’s physical and spiritual dimensions.

Much like WWI & WWII catalyzed the collapse of colonial European monarchies, imperialism & Catholic domination–the coming period of destructive Middle Eastern war will catalyze the collapse of today’s Arab monarchies & Islamic ideological domination. And just as the radical, violent factions of Marxism and Nazism were crucial tools in dethroning the deeply ingrained, corrupted systems of the past–so too will the radical, violent factions of Jihadist Islam (Wahhabism, Al Qaeda, ISIL/ISIS) prove a horrible yet effective tool to breakup the deeply ingrained systems of the Middle East, and test the faltering western religious and political systems in order to pave the way for a new and upcoming global religious & political movement.

12 And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.  13 Their hand shall be lifted up upon their adversaries, and all their enemies shall be cut off.  14 Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles except they repent; for it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Father, that… I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strongholds… Thy graven images I will also cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the works of thy hands. (3 Ne 21:12–14 quoting Micah 5:8–15, see also 3 Ne 20:16; Mormon 5:24; Ben Kathryn 66:2)

Who Is Gog & Magog and Why is it Important?

Gog and Magog are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments, eight times in Ezekiel 38-39 and once in Revelation 20:18. It is also alluded to in the LDS Doctrine and Covenants and is referenced twice in the Book of Ben Kathryn.  Many have speculated about the identity of Gog and Magog, but the Book of Ben Kathryn adds an interesting modern prophetic perspective to the biblical term.

It is important to realize the the reference to “Gog and Magog in Rev 20:18, just as the reference to “Armageddon” in Rev 16:16 are allusions, and do not refer to the same battle as Ezekiel prophesied about.  The LDS Bible Dictionary gets this right when it says of Magog,

“In the Bible, a land and people near the Black Sea. Their king, Gog, shall lead the armies of Magog in a last great battle before the second coming of Christ (Ezek. 38:2; 39:6). The scriptures speak of another great battle of Gog and Magog at the end of the Millennium between the forces of God and the forces of evil (Rev. 20:7–9; D&C 88:111–116).”

The scriptures never actually call these prophesied wars, “the battle of Gog & Magog”–that apocalyptic label is a modern one, and a misunderstood one at that. The description of the post-Millennial “battle of the Great God in D&C 88 is important, because it helped Mormon theologians clear up the misunderstanding of many Christian dispensationalist–that is that the allusion to “Gog & Magog” in John’s book of Revelation is in fact just a dualistic allusion–and not the same event as Ezekiel prophesied in the destruction of Israel by “Gog of the land of Magog, the prince who rules over the nations of Meshech and Tubal”. A careful reading of the reference in Rev. 20:7–9 should make this clear on its own–but some modern Christian tribulationist have somehow influenced popular opinion to the point that even many LDS people believe in some type of apocalyptic pre-millennial “Battle of Magog” (the same goes for the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon).

The Bible implies that Israel was to be made an archetype or symbol of how heaven leads mankind (1 Cor 10: 11. Ex 25:40, Heb 8:5). The Book of Ben Kathryn (BOBK) adds to this perspective suggesting that Israel, Judaism and Christianity were created to shape western culture and the world political dynamic. God was to do this by creating these organizations and then loosely leading them through a selected number of cosmic cycles or “times” (BOBK 38:15-19; 13:3). Three and a half millennia ago, Moses was given a prophetic or spiritual calendar meant to symbolize the events of the coming 3,000-4,000 year cycle (Lev 23Deut 28:63–67; Lev 26:23–24). Early prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel used this calendar to prophesy that after the return from their Babylonian captivity, Israel would be destroyed more permanently and scattered among the ‘Nations’ or gentiles (Dan 9:24). This final age of latter-day captivity would last two “times”, cycles or dispensational ages (Hosea 6:1–2, Deut 4:27–31; Deut 28:49–52; Lev 26:18–28; Ezek 22:14–15; Romans 11:25). But on the third day (age/cycle), Israel’s dead body was to be revived by the spring rains to rise again and be resurrected for a final summer harvest. The grand sign of this coming national resurrection given by Ezekiel, was the war of Gog and Magog.

The references to this war in Ezekiel 38 & 39 come directly after Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones symbolizing the resurrection of the political nations of Judah & Israel and the reunification of the sticks of Judah and Joseph. In the following sections we’ll walk through the scriptures covering Gog and Magog and see how modern events may already be fulfilling this prophesy.

First off, the battle spoken of here, is most definitely an event still in the future. Starting in Ezekiel 38 the Lord says,

“2 …Son of man, turn and face Gog of the land of Magog, the prince who rules over the nations of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.
3 Give him this message from the Sovereign Lord…
8 … A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and after its people have returned from many lands to the mountains of Israel.
9 You and all your allies—a vast and awesome army—will roll down on them like a storm and cover the land like a cloud…  (Ezekiel 38:2–9)

The reason why this is such an important event is not because it will involve all the nations of the world or become some type of end-time “battle of Armageddon”, but instead it is because this is the sign the the Lord has given as a global signal for the end of the Times of the Gentiles (and Daniel’s 70 weeks of Jerusalem being trodden down of the Nations) and the beginning of final restoration of Israel (Judah). As he says in Ezek 38:18–23 & Ezek 39:22–29,

“18 …When Gog invades the land of Israel, my fury will boil over!
19 In my jealousy and blazing anger, I promise a mighty shaking in the land of Israel on that day.
20 All living things—the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the people on earth—will quake in terror at my presence. Mountains will be thrown down; cliffs will crumble; walls will fall to the earth.
21 I will summon the sword against you on all the hills of Israel, says the Sovereign Lord. Your men will turn their swords against each other.
22 I will punish you and your armies with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur!
23 In this way, I will show my greatness and holiness, and I will make myself known to all the nations of the world. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

“22 And from that time on the people of Israel will know that I am the LORD their God.
23 The nations will then know why Israel was sent away to exile—it was punishment for sin, for they were unfaithful to their God. Therefore, I turned away from them and let their enemies destroy them.
24 I turned my face away and punished them because of their defilement and their sins.
25 So now, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will end the captivity of my people; I will have mercy on all Israel, for I jealously guard my holy reputation!
26 They will accept responsibility for their past shame and unfaithfulness after they come home to live in peace in their own land, with no one to bother them.
27 When I bring them home from the lands of their enemies, I will display my holiness among them for all the nations to see.
28 Then my people will know that I am the LORD their God, because I sent them away to exile and brought them home again. I will leave none of my people behind.
29 And I will never again turn my face from them, for I will pour out my Spirit upon the people of Israel”. (NLT Ezek 39:22–29)

Daniel gets even more specific in prophesying about the restoration and destruction of Israel. While captive in Babylon around 540 BC, Daniel gave a timeline for when Israel would be restored as a nation, as well as their eventual annihilation and scattering, and regathering after a long period. Many have offered interpretations for how these symbolic “70 weeks” or 490 years fit into biblical prophecy, but as we’ll see in a moment, the Book of Ben Kathryn suggests that heaven is about to reveal the answer.

24 “Seventy weeks [hebdomads] are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint [dedicate] a most holy place. 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of an anointed one, a prince, there shall be seven weeks. Then for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with squares and moat, but in a troubled time. 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.” (Daniel 9:24–27 NAS)

9 He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. 10 Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand. 11 And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days. 13 But go your way till the end. And you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days.” (Daniel 12:9–13 NAS)

Paul in Romans, alludes to these Old Testament prophecies of God’s rejection of Judah for a biblical dispensation or “time” (as an archetype of all Middle Eastern peoples) . He does this by comparing Israel to an olive tree whose natural branches were to be broken off because of their wickedness, and wild branches symbolizing the Gentiles grafted in until the fullness (or full number of Daniel’s 70 week prophecy) be come in. In simpler terms, Paul predicts (like Ezekiel & Daniel before him) that Israel would destroyed and scattered for an entire biblical epoch called “the times of the Gentiles or Nations”. During that period of roughly 2000 years, Israel and the Middle East would cease to be Major world players and Europe/Rome would come to rule. But after the “fulness or end of the times of the Gentiles”, favor would be returned to the Semitic or Abrahamic people of the Middle East.

25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. (NIV Romans 11:25)

When Might These Things Happen?

The “Times” given in Biblical prophesy are poor translations of an ancient concept preserved in the Hindu Yuga, and the Mayan Baktun and even ancient Israeli religious calendar systems. To many ancient cultures the world was divided into cycles of time wherein the events of earth were governed by cosmic phenomena revolving around venus cycles and the procession of the equinoxes. The Biblical week, Sabbatical year and Jubilee fit into these mystical cosmic systems. The “weeks” or Hebdomads of Daniel’s famous “seventy week prophecy” found in Dan. 9 added up to make a complete “time” or age (see this article for an overview of Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy). Ancient biblical prophesy predicted the end of the times or “age” of Israel for a period of roughly 2000 years and it’s subsequent renewal. (see my article on Comparative Cosmology for details, or this site for many insights on how Israeli, Hindu, Maya, Egyptian and Babylonian cosmology fit into biblical dates and the ancient cosmological worldview)

The Book of Ben Kathryn gives a lot of detail helpful in unraveling when the ancients predicted the ‘Times of the Gentiles’ and the war of Gog from Magog might happen, as well as who will be involved. In the modern Book of Ben Kathryn chapter 22, directly after speaking of Daniel’s 70th week of the Gentiles and the withdrawal of God’s spirit from them, we are given these verses (with allusions to Micah 5 we will discuss in a minute) where we are told that Israel is to be returned to 70 last years of captivity and whilst the land “trembleth even by reason of [military] boots” the “congregations of the nations [gentiles] shall be broken by the staff of Jacob.” Read carefully,

THUS saith the LORD thy God, in the year of the 70th hebdomad [week] of the Gentiles set thy face … and prophecy thou against them: Your times come to the full. The LORD God setteth ye a time to repent. (ie. the ‘fulness of the Gentiles’ has arrived)
2 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: Set thee now a goodly vase before thee. Fill it with fine flowers, with delphiniums, roses, marigolds, wild flowers, and every beauteous flower thou canst find.
3 Prophecy unto the nations: For so is the LORD’s fulfillment. I set my ways and my laws to the purpose to which they were intended, and it nourisheth and causeth all beautiful things to grow and to sustain.
4 Empty now, my prophet, the vase of the goodly flowers. Prophecy unto the nations, unto my Bride, for so she fancieth herself: This is what ye call fulfillment; then smash it against a wall so that it shattereth.
5 Therefore thus saith the LORD God, so I do with thy fulfillment before me. So I make of thy fulfillment, and this shall be the end of thy fulfillment before me.
6 In the year of their 70th hebdomad, so set thy face against them and thus prophecy thou: In your probation ye shall traverse 40 miles. Your watchmen shall fall to the side of the road, the might of their camels collapse…
7 But as for the vase, this is mine oracle against it, saith the LORD. Thus saith the LORD: When thy probation shall be ended I shall smash thee against the wall, for empty thou shalt be, and a vase be of no value unless it is set to the purpose to which it is intended.
8 Bend now a little; give me some time of your minds. I set thee now a sign and a riddle: Ezra riseth of the nations [Gentiles], from a cold and inhospitable place, and again with nails my laws, my ways, and my fulfillment are raised up unto all nations, and my laws go forth.
9 Upon the outer door they be, proclaiming not what is within but what is not. So understand ye the prophecy of the 70 hebdomads of the Gentiles, for they who calleth themselves my watchmen have been of heavy ears, heavy eyes all these hebdomads since. (BOBK 21:1)

Here we have some fantastic assertions concerning Daniel’s 70 week prophecy. First we are told that at the beginning of Daniel’s 70’th week, God will send a prophet alive today, John Ben Kathryn, to prophesy against the Gentiles/Nations. Seemingly suggesting that he is one of the archetypal “two witnesses” mentioned in Revelation 11 that will work miracles in the eyes of the Nations. (We learn in chapters 1 & 3 that this prophecy was preemptively given 2006. But Ben Kathryn and his companion prophets are told not begin their ministry to “turn Israel” until around 2036. which will include incredible miracles like healing and even raising the dead.) We also see that the end of the Times of the Gentiles are marked by apostasy, where the Church has lost its efficacy in leading Western Culture to peace, justice and goodness (2 Thess 3:x). God will give the Gentiles a period of probation (likely 40 years alluded in v.6) after which war or some type of desolation shall be poured out (war of Gog & Magog).

Perhaps more importantly, we are given a riddle where Ezra is unmistakably made a parallel to Luther and the Christian Reformation. This “riddle” is monumental as it confirms the concept of dualism or parallelism in Daniel’s revelation. Elsewhere in the Book of Ben Kathryn, Christian eschatologist are chided for dispensationalist interpretations which suggest a 2000 year “gap” or silence in Biblical prophecy (see BK 23:5-6). Instead we see here that the dispensation of the Gentile Church is dualistically included in Daniel’s prophecy. We also see that Ezra’s decree to rebuild or “reform” Israel is the correct start of Daniel’s 70 weeks, NOT Cyrus/Darius decree to rebuild Jerusalem. This is a major theme in Ben Kathryn— the idea that Israel or the church is God’s focus in his prophesy and covenants, but Israel always focuses on the temporal aspect of things, namely the land. Jerusalem is a symbol of the people of Israel and the temple is a symbol of the religion. Thus daniel’s reference to “the streets and wall” is a dual references to both Ezra’s rebuilding the righteousness of Israel as well as Luther’s rebuilding the righteousness of Christianity in the reformation!

So Daniel’s 70 weeks spreads from Ezra’s reforms in Jerusalem in 454 BC to Christ’s entry into Jerusalem in 30 AD ALSO, dualistically represents Luther’s Christian Reformation of the mid 1500 spanning 490 years to around 2030.

Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles. Redraw this to show correlations better.

Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles.

Gog & Magog as a transformative war

The Book of Ben Kathryn suggests that this coming war of Gog and Magog, which will signal the ‘end of the times of the Nations or Gentiles’ will transform the global political dynamic. Sometime coinciding with the war, God will call leaders to restore Israel as an archetype of his raising of world leaders in the Middle East to lead global politics.

IN that day I shall set to me eight princes of my people. And upon them and my prophets shall my spirit come, to direct the ways again, and for a sign and a pillar unto Israel. They shall raise up my standard as aforetime, and my people shall look up and be healed.
2 Fear not, thou trembling land; for a great thing have I done in all the land. For, lo, I am returning this second time the captivity of my people Israel. Whilst the land trembleth, even by reason of boots, do I swell your borders and enlarge your house. My laws do go forth, amidst the up-cry they are heard in Judah and Jerusalem. Laud ye the LORD in his land! And tell ye the nations to repent at his doings.
3 And it shall be a hissing to the nations in that day, a source of offense, and as a shout of rejoicing is to him that seeketh solace. I shall gather the congregations against the house of Israel as one that gathereth an army to battle, and as one pulleth the bit in the foamy mouth. But I shall be jealous again for my people, Israel. And it shall come to pass in that day that the congregations of the nations shall be broken by the staff of Jacob. I have made it a double staff and a quartershaft, and Jacob shall vanquish his enemies; on the right and on the left shall the staff strike as unto the sting of behemoth’s tail; and in that day Israel shall know that it is I, the LORD, who is their righteousness, and that I have not changed from my purpose, for my purpose is spoken before the world was, and it shall be lauded after the world passeth away. (Book of Ben Kathryn/BK 22:1-3)

1 If any of the elders of Israel come before thee to prove thee if thou hast spoken in my name, or to say outright thou hast not spoken in my name, sit before them and say….
5 Because ye sought the land to take comfort in it, and because the heathen proclaimed to you that land was the jewel of my covenant, hear ye this word from the LORD: I appoint you to 70 years of captivity again, captivity and desolation in your own land, captivity which ye expounders of false laws could not extract because of your hard hearts, and because ye sought land and not the LORD. Because ye sought a god of your creation I have given you no place to call upon. (Book of Ben Kathryn/BOBK 63:5)

These verses reveal a few very important details concerning the attack of Gog and Magog and its timing. After referencing Both Daniel’s 70 week prophecy and Ezekiel’s prophecy of Gog and Magog (v.3 ), it says the Lord is appointing Israel 70 more years (captivity again) in its own land.  A major theme of the Book of Ben Kathryn is that Israel has been a captive puppet to the West since its founding. In chapter 65  we get the following statement, “Thou waitest like a fat child to be served of the nations, and they have only robbed thee, and now they hate thee. The same that delivereth thee from bondage art thou then in bondage to“. Israel has been in bondage for nearly 70 years since its founding in may 1948 (1948 + 70 =2018), and in relation to the coming battle which will place Israel in 70 more years of bondage in its own land to a foreign power.

Just as the 70 year Babylonian captivity, and the 70 year Roman oppression were based on the seventy sabbatical years that Israel failed to observe (forming the backdrop of Ezek 4:5), modern Israel is about to get one last seventy year captivity for the same reason. And it is prophesied and biblically foreshadowed, all for the express purpose of proving to mankind that unified higher dimensional beings (God) are guiding human evolution by creating highly symbolic geopolitical divisions which expose our weaknesses and self-righteousness, and then healing those division as we learn what true love and harmony are.

Notice the allusions to Ezekiel used in the above chapters of the Book of Ben Kathryn. At the end of the Times of the Gentiles (Daniel’s 70th week/hebdomad), the nations will be gathered to battle “as one pulleth the bit in the foamy mouth”. Exactly as Ezekiel said, he “will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws to lead you out with your whole army” (Ezek 38:4). Notice also the references to Micah 5.

“5 When the Assyrians invade our land and break through our defenses,
we will appoint seven [shepherds] to watch over us, eight princes to lead us.
6 They will rule Assyria with drawn swords and enter the gates of the land of Nimrod.
He will rescue us from the Assyrians when they pour over the borders to invade our land.” (Micah 5:5–6. NLT Translation: King James translation is very poor here)

These “eight principal men” (Micah) or “eight princes” were mentioned in Ben Kathryn 22:1. The shepherds are also mentioned by Ben Kathryn three chapters earlier in 19:6. (In a minute we’ll get to the modern interpretations and how these seven prophets come to rule Assyria and the Gentiles with the sword of the Word of the Lord). Notice they are called on the scene at the time when the Assyrian (ISIS) shall be led as an animal with the armies of the Nations to attack Israel. The Lord through Ben Kathryn links this Assyrian attack with Gog as he further explains the returned “captivity of my people” spoken of in the aforementioned verses. He speaks to Israel in chapter 66,

” 2 Ye turn aside your faces from the merchandise of Gog, and the affliction of the maidens of Magog (fn-2), in that they are caused to be made harlots. Therefore I have turned my face away from thine indenturing to America, and thou shalt be indentured for a season as the harlots of Magog, the merchandise of Gog and Damascus. But thy bed shall not cause thee to earn thy redemption. I, the LORD, shall redeem thee. I shall redeem thee from the indenture wherewith the maidens of Magog have been indentured, for thou lovest thy whoredoms and seekest not to be free of them. I shall smite Damascus in battle, for it is the head of a serpent that doth coil through Tyre and Zidon, Berytus, and unto Aleppo. Its tongue dangleth out, and the venom on its tip is Amman.” (Book of Ben Kathryn 66:2)

So modern Israel is told that in the same way that they are currently “merchandise” or puppets to the United States government, after the coming war they will be indentured or captive to some extent to “Gog and Damascus” (ISIS? or a Russian/Syrian coalition?). The “serpent” mentioned here is a coalition made up of Arabs overtaking Syria (sounding a lot like the Jihadist Islamic militant groups Hezbollah or ISIS, but possibly a more benign group of simple Sunni Arab states), the group is said to contain strong factions in at least Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Ezekiel 38:2 suggests that Gog is the leader of Magog which is a land encompassing the nations of Meshech and Tubal who are in turn trading partners with Tyre (Ezek 27:13). Each of these ancient locations is archetypal, with the Book of Ben Kathryn comparing the ancient Phoenician trading hubs of Tyre & Sidon to Modern America (BK 26) and Gog & Magog to the Middle East & possibly Russia. The true ancient location of Magog is hotly debated, but most believe it to be an allusion to the modern nations which occupy the southern shores of the Caspian & Black Seas. This would include the Modern Nations of Iran, Turkey or possibly Russia. However, the key to the fulfillment of the prophecy does not hinge on properly identifying Gog as much as knowing he is but the leader of a confederacy who will attack and captivate Israel, which is in league with factions from, “Damascus, Egypt, Persia (Iran), Lydia (Turkey), and Libya (North Africa)” (Ezekiel 30:5).

Given all the evidence it seems likely that all these prophecies are suggesting that a Modern Gog (likely based in Syria), the leader of a group is going to be caused by Israel’s God (per Ezek 38:2–8) to attack, maim and occupy Israel (see BK 44:8-9, 20:15-16). The attack will come unexpectedly in the middle of a greater conflict occurring elsewhere (BK 63:4-5). The effects of this conflict, which WILL NOT bring about the rapture or end-time tribulation or second coming of Christ (as so many Millennialists suppose), but will instead indirectly lead to the gradual fall of the West’s global hegemony and the advent of restored Israel (Judah) as described by the Bible and book of Ben Kathryn and detailed in my article “Prophesy in the book of Ben Kathryn“.  The importance of this prophecy lies in it being a prophetic signal a monumental shift in global religious and political power.

  THUS saith the LORD God; And it shall come to pass in the days after the fullness of the nations [fullness of the Gentiles] hath come in, that they will no more say: “Last days;” and no more shall it be heard.
11 Tribulation, great tribulation— my soul is in tribulation at the bleat of their words. I cannot bear them. Last days, last days are a mockery. I don’t wish to hear them. Your days have been long. Full of days hast thou been, O Heshbon. Ammon still remaineth, and Moab’s wastes are still not arid. Have ye been removed except by judgment so that another may take your place in an arid time to come? So shall thy preaching foretell thine own removal. Thy days have been as full as the former days, prosperous Heshbon. Whose last days do thy seers see? Say no more “last day,” but come unto the LORD, the Great God, the God of the horn of Judah, the Redeemer of Jacob. Behold how Jacob was a trickle ye flicked with your toe, and now he is a torrent.
12 Tribulation shall vanish with your days and the bleat of your ignorance; but Judah shall be set aright…
15 What use is there in speaking to man? His ways are set. His path leadeth to destruction. Upon a horse, with a switchback, doth he set the gallop to his end. Take ye heed, O ye of Samaria, and hearken unto this oracle: ye shall not go down to Megiddo. Nor shall the LORD overturn you with a mighty battle. You set the tempo to your end, and it cometh as a snare in an unexpected place, without honour and without chance to draw the sword.
16 Look off to the north, ye caravaneers of Heshbon. Set up camp. Raise your pulpit and set it to the north. The Assyrian watcheth from the heights as a predator. The Palestinian lurketh in the clefts. Judgment cometh from behind you and not from the desolate realm. They have passed Jordan before you, because your eyes were laggard on the camp of your neighbour, upon the desolate places. They are within your camp, and ye are cut off first.
17 (The oracle for an end of time) Thus saith the LORD unto the nations: An end, an end cometh. The time hath returned. Now hath the time of your hebdomads [weeks] come to fruition before me. Say not, From whence cometh destruction?— ye are within the seething pot. Your congregations saw false visions in the desert sand, and your house is laid desolate. Your retreat is also stalked. I set ye now to the time of your probation. Hear ye the word of the LORD: My mercy setteth ye a time. Shout it aloud, and from the rooftops let this message go forth! Get ye to repentance! Cast off your ways, O foolish people, and harden not your hearts. Put aside your uncleanness, your vanities, and your cold self-seeking hearts, and I shall lead you yonder Jordan where dwelleth Sharon’s fertile plain and Jezreel’s cultivated fields.
20 The end of the oracle: For when the Israelite shall smite the Assyrian, ye shall know your watchmen looked amiss and led you astray. The LORD shall cause an end of time upon the nations, upon their congregations; and their watchmen shall be no more.(BK 20:1,)

In fact, apart from destruction in Jerusalem and partial loss of sovereignty, it appears that this invasion will actually be a good thing for Israel, and will mostly affect the surrounding nations. Its religious nature will serve to break down religious fundamentalism. And after being stripped of it’s self-righteous leadership, Israel is told it will prosper in this captivity! During the surrounding tumult, “whilst the land trembleth, even by reason of boots, do I swell your borders and enlarge your house. My laws do go forth, amidst the up-cry…”  As “swords fall.. and borders are redrawn in blood” (BK 22:1-3), Israel will be enlightened as prophets  and Islamic social reformers start a new movement which will culminate in the rebuilding of the Temple and the eventual unification of Ephraim and Judah— archetypes and foreshadows of Christianity and Islam and the Middle East and Europe.

A Spiritual Awakening

The “seven shepherds and eight princes of men” already mentioned, are discussed further in the book of Ben Kathryn chapter 19 & 22. Here the Lord compares his people to sheep whom he led to seasonal pastures (the Gentile Nations of Europe & the Middle East), and how the Lord will fire his hired seasonal shepherds & princes (Gentile Christianity/Islam & Western politicians) and raise up new prophets/leaders (a Restorational Judaism/Islam & powerful Middle East) to lead them back to their original pastures and patch up their sheepcotes…

5 …Doth not a shepherd take his sheep to seasonal grass, and when the season turneth yet again doth he not take them to the old pastures and the old cotes to graze? Behold as the sheep graze he mendeth the cotes and then leadeth them into safety. Or seeing a fire come to the seasonal grass, will he not hasten, especially when seeing that the old grass groweth ready?
6 Therefore thus prophecy thou unto thy brethren, the children of Israel, So am I a shepherd unto Israel, saith the LORD, and so shall I do. Follow my paths and come to my sheepcote, for my shepherds have gathered speckled sheep. But I will not mix ye, saith the LORD. I shall sack my shepherds and scatter their speckled beasts. And from my pure sheep I shall raise me up seven shepherds. For from sheep born of another pasture, of the seasonal grounds, shall I speak unto this people and lead my people back, counsel them, govern them, and restore them to the old cotes. (Book of Ben Kathryn 19:5-6. See allusions to Micah 5:5 & Zechariah 11-13))

IN that day I shall set to me eight princes of my people. And upon them and my prophets shall my spirit come, to direct the ways again, and for a sign and a pillar unto Israel. They shall raise up my standard as aforetime, and my people shall look up and be healed. (BK 22:1)

Where Christ called twelve apostles himself, and “seven stars” through Paul (see Rev 1:20) who were commissioned to work miracles and begin the Christian Movement—The Jewish prophet Ben Kathryn is instructed in his personal notes to call “seven prophets” and “eight mighty men” who will be given power in their old age to do miracles in the eyes of the nations in order to begin the coming Messianic Movement. (Note this act is meant to be an archetype for a greater group of shepherds and princes or religious and political leaders who will lead Israel out of Assyrian captivity. Also, LDS people might be interested in the symbolic relationship to the mission of the 7 presidents of the 70 from D&C 107:95–96.)

The seven shepherds and eight princes or mighty men of Micah 5:5 and Ben Kathryn 19 & 22 stand in contrast to the Antichrist in the prophecies of Daniel, Revelation and elsewhere in the New Testament. As explained in my article on confusion surrounding the LDS view of Apostasy, and Parallels between the Times of Israel and the Times of the Gentiles the antichrist is also a title or archetype. Identifying an individual associated with this prophesied figure is virtually meaningless, because the title is meant to point people’s minds to the degenerate anti-Christian condition of the ruling “Christian” Western World (their inability to turn the other cheek and actually practice the Christian heritage they profess). When the anti-Christian mindset defiles the temple and sits on the throne (in other words it takes over the church and becomes the predominant political policy), it will lead to the west’s downfall and the end of western global power. This is the meaning of the “abomination of desolation” mentioned throughout scripture.

THUS saith the LORD thy God, in the year of the 70th hebdomad [week] of the Gentiles…
2 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: Set thee now a goodly vase before thee. Fill it with fine flowers, with delphiniums, roses, marigolds, wild flowers, and every beauteous flower thou canst find.
3 Prophecy unto the nations: For so is the LORD’s fulfillment. I set my ways and my laws to the purpose to which they were intended, and it nourisheth and causeth all beautiful things to grow and to sustain.
4 Empty now, my prophet, the vase of the goodly flowers. Prophecy unto the nations, unto my Bride, for so she fancieth herself: This is what ye call fulfillment; then smash it against a wall so that it shattereth.
5 Therefore thus saith the LORD God, so I do with thy fulfillment before me. So I make of thy fulfillment, and this shall be the end of thy fulfillment before me.
6 In the year of their 70th hebdomad, so set thy face against them and thus prophecy thou: In your probation ye shall traverse 40 miles. Your watchmen shall fall to the side of the road, the might of their camels collapse, the burden of their loads dropped aside; and ye shall leave their parched bones… (BK 21:1-6)

5 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, That day I shall make it a day of rebuke. I shall cause the Gentiles to know their abominations, for their prophets speak but what the congregations want to hear. As a dart that whistleth forth shall always find a target, so a mouth that speaketh deceitfully shall always find an ear that delighteth in deceit.

After this lengthy conflict of Gog and Magog (involving much of the Middle East), the 70 year captivity (within the Caliphate this war temporarily creates- perhaps led by Turkey) and the restoration of the nation of Israel (under a new Messianic Religious movement largely founded by John Ben Kathryn & the “seven shepherds”), the world will know that the biblical prophecies of the final battles of the Times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. As Ezekiel says in Ezek 38:17, the world will be asking when the archetypal attack on Jerusalem takes place “Are you the one I was talking about long ago, when I announced through Israel’s prophets that in the future I would bring you against my people?” (Ezek 38:17). And when Israel is not rescued by the second coming as so many Gentile Christians believe, and the miracle-working prophets prophesy against western christianity, western Christians will realize that they “prophesied amiss”. Instead the war will affect the western world far more than anticipated and the modern nation of Israel will be miraculously saved from regional destruction as they are absorbed into a new empire for “70 years more captivity” (BOBK 63:5). But after this captivity, the nation will be restored, the Aaronic jewish temple will eventually be rebuilt, a proper sacrifice made (D&C 13:1, 84:31-33) and the people of Israel will take the place of Rome and the Christian faith/Catholic Church as the social and religious mecca of the Eurasian world (BK 46:11; D&C 133:13; 109:62-67). At that point the world will realize that the reference in the Book of Revelation to “Armageddon” was a type or allusion to a battle occurring in Megiddo long ago (see Ben Kathryn 20:15, as well as many articles like this one). Likewise the world will see that Ezekiel’s prophecy of “Gog and Magog” was fulfilled with amazing detail over 2600 years after it was given.  And as Daniel dualistically prophesied, the war marked the Full end of the Times or Dispensation of the Gentiles and the beginning of the restored “age of Israel” and their final dispensation of symbolic history. D&C 45 also expands on this prophecy, specifying that the gathering of Israel to Jerusalem will not occur until after the Time of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

24 And this I have told you concerning Jerusalem; and when that day shall come, shall a remnant be scattered among all nations;
25 But they shall be gathered again; but they shall remain until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
26 And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them…
27 And the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound.
29 …and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men.
30 And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
31 And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. (D&C 45:24–31)

Christ made clear that part of his “coming” would be metaphorical (He being a living symbol of Israel) when he said “destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again” (John 2:19), which was of course an allusion to Hosea 6:2; “After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” When Israel is restored; their temple cleansed and the Word of God issues forth from it to heal the Nations (Isa 2:3, Micah 4:2, Ezek 47:8), most of the scriptures which modern Christians interpret as “Christ’s end-time second coming” will have been fulfilled, and the fear of “end-times” eschatology will fade away for a season. The final dispensation of the Fulness of Times will be begun for both Ephraim & Judah (ancient symbols of Modern Christian and Islamic nations).

“THUS saith the LORD God; And it shall come to pass in the days after the fullness of the nation’s hath come in, that they will no more say: “Last days;” and no more shall it be heard. But they who walk in my paths shall be gird with a pap of iron, and my words shall be written thereon. Upon my word shall they engrave “sandal,” and they shall say of my name: “Mine identify and mine honour.” (Book of Ben Kathryn 20:1)

Higher beings saw long ago that mankind was nearing the age of industrialization and globalization.  In preparation, Israel was created and destined to give birth the the world’s most powerful and influential religions and cultures. Israel was created as a symbol of mankind for mankind. From this fledgling runt of a nation would spring Christianity, Islam and the cultures destined to take over the world. From the struggle caused by Israel’s dualities, the western world would become strong and powerful. Hidden within its scripture and history is the wisdom and love of the Gods. In the final age, when man is brought into brotherhood with the Higher Beings that guide us, God will heal the divisions and dualities He has caused, and show us our error and the wisdom gained from hard fought experience.

7 See, I have given thee these things, which thou dost not wish to hear, both symbol and meaning, that it may be a blessing and a weight upon thee. But thou shalt bear it. I shall give ye that house again, and it shall be a memorial to your ways and a light unto my ways that ye depart not from my ways again, to abominate before me.
8 Behold why I have made such symbols: that at thy corrupting of them, thy heart may be revealed, and the evil known for what it is, made manifest to all mankind.
LO and behold, I create a new day. I mend the rend between thee and the nations. I heal the injured and I broadcast wheat in the charred soil. (BOBK 60:7-8, 61:1)

Fear Not

It is easy to be frightened of the political unrest in the world today–especially the unrest caused by radical Islam. But the promises of the Bible, Book of Mormon and the prophesies in the Book of Ben Kathryn paint a hopeful picture!  All this unrest serves only to encourage human political and religious progression. Just as the future seemed dim for the “northern barbarians” of Rome’s time (Germanic Tribes) before their mass conversion to Christianity and the rule of Law during the first five centuries after Christ, it may seem dim when looking at what the ‘west’ sees as ‘barbaric’ or backward practices of many radical Islamic countries.  But there are groups which have been watching over and guiding western culture since the days of Abraham–and they have set up the Judeo-Islamic-Christian Faith’s for the sole purpose of letting us know that we are not alone in the world. We all have a right to self-determination, but God is distantly guiding the evolution and progression of human history.  Both Islam and Christianity are about to be slowly transitioned into a more peaceful, intelligent, unified global religious movement. A movement which will eventually absorb Hindu and Buddhist religions — and finally unify with the divinely instituted Chinese and Shamanistic traditions as well.


So much of what is about to happen has been prophesied for thousands of years. There are literally hundreds of references in the Old Testament referring to the naturalistic events described in this article and sensationalized by dispensationalists as the “final battle”. (The only thing that is “final” is that this is the beginning of the “final dispensation” or period of God’s work with telestial/3rd density man.  In addition to Ezekiel, Zechariah prophesied of the coming war when he said,

“2 I am going to make Jerusalem a cup [caldron] that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.
3 In that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves…
6 On that day I will make the leaders of Judah like a firepot [cauldron] in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume right and left all the surrounding peoples, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.”

compare this to the verse in Ben Kathryn,

“6 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Behold now in the dusk vision, a great caldron set upon broken desert ground. What doeth it? And I said, “It pitcheth round, as on a whirligig, and doth not steady, but the water slosheth at every point of the brim.”
7 So bring I upon the Earth at every quarter, convulsion and upheaval, dismay, a setting on edge, fumes and smoke and a steamy vapour. As the water feedeth the desert from tumult, so shall old seed sprout from upheaval. Publish it abroad. Fear not, for I shall put the fear of thee on mine enemies, and at the time appointed I shall give thee the heart not of a rabbit but of a lion. At my word they shall have confusion of face, for lo, I have not spoken by prophet since days of old.” (BOBK 1:6-7, compare also Jer 1:13)

“8 And the LORD instructed me, Go place a caldron at Damascus Gate, for out of the north I will bring tumult on this land and on this city Jerusalem. It shall be a river. The American shall pass through this gate to Joppa way, as a river also, and he shall no more return. For I make Jerusalem a caldron and the Syrian as the boiling water seeking its stony hearth.
9 For they have provoked me in all that they have provoked, saying, The American will deliver us. I am angry with Jerusalem and discontent with Tel Aviv. I shall make Jerusalem as the handle of the caldron, and Tel Aviv a morsel in the seething therein. I moreover shall make your walls as the potsherd and Tel Aviv as the shards of its residue.” (BOBK 44:8)

Also explore the similarities of Zechariah 12-14 with BOBK chapter 45.

12 And this shall be the plague wherewith Jehovah will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from Jehovah shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor.
14 And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the nations round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.
15 And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in those camps, as that plague. (Zech 14:12–14)

12 Flee unto the multitude of cities, but a flood shall overtake you all. Flee unto the sea, but upheavals shall upset you. Flee not and stand haughtily in your place, but the green fire of heaven shall descend upon you, and ye shall lose your hard eyes. Thus saith the LORD, seethe your meat in the caldron, and draw the flesh upon a seething fork, that ye may know the LORD’s intention upon you in that day. For thus saith the LORD of hosts, I shall cause great fear to come upon all the northlands ; and bodies shall make their homes their tomb. The American shall walk on foot. I shall bring up they from the south for fear of what shall befall. The seething shall take them; it shall consume their tongues first; their eyes shall be consumed, beast and man, great and small. Yet for all this I shall not speak peace upon the earth, nor stay mine hand until I make an utter end from the Old Gate westward, and a wind to cleanse upon the East Gate to the islands afar off, until the houses of their god’s are bare and their gold an abomination.
13 …See your stars crash down, they which ye have placed in orbit. Who can turn the moon, and who is he that bringeth the heavens upon us? Who can change man’s speech by waves ye know nought of? It is I, the LORD. Glory is my going forth. Justice is my burning fire about me. (BOBK 45:12-13)

This seems pretty similar to the Ezekiel verses already quoted about the invasion of Gog and Magog. Read again, and wonder will these possible geologic/cosmic destruction occur at the same time as the invasion? What parts are symbolic and what parts literal?

“18 …When Gog invades the land of Israel, my fury will boil over!
19 In my jealousy and blazing anger, I promise a mighty shaking in the land of Israel on that day.
20 All living things—the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, the animals of the field, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and all the people on earth—will quake in terror at my presence. Mountains will be thrown down; cliffs will crumble; walls will fall to the earth.
21 I will summon the sword against you on all the hills of Israel, says the Sovereign Lord. Your men will turn their swords against each other.
22 I will punish you and your armies with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur!
23 In this way, I will show my greatness and holiness, and I will make myself known to all the nations of the world. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

Note that the above Zechariah verses are directly after the well known verses of the second coming,

2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
3 Then shall Jehovah go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the mount of Olives shall be cleft in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
5 And ye shall flee by the valley of my mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azel…
6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that there shall not be light; the bright ones shall withdraw themselves:
7 but it shall be one day which is known unto Jehovah; not day, and not night; but it shall come to pass, that at evening time there shall be light.
8 And it shall come to pass in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the eastern sea, and half of them toward the western sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. (Zechariah 14:2–8)

Elsewhere on my site I talk about how many of the “cataclysmic” events in these scriptures seem to point toward a large solar flare, or somewhat destructive Solarmax ejecting a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) bigger than the historic Carrington Event on 1859. Both Oahspe and The Law of One which I mention in my “revelatory texts” section give a bit more insight on how “harvest” events have occurred in the past, what causes them, and how they affect the earth.



In conclusion I will try and summarize my interpretation of all of these scriptures in a timeline of what will go down over the next 70-200 years. (many of these things have already come to pass since first writing this)

-The world will not end, nor will 1/3 of it die, or any other overblown apocalyptic end-world type interpretation of the book of Revelation. The Book is highly symbolic and full of dualisms (things that are designed to be broad & symbolic enough to have multiple major fulfillments while teaching the same moral lesson).
-All events will have had roughly historic analogs (solar flares/solar max, polar wandering, WWI/WWII, etc… life goes on).
-The United States will continue to pressure the nation of Israel into disarmament (65:3), with the underlying pledge that we will protect them from Arab aggression (66:19).
-America will continue to bankrupt itself in the process of trying to police the world & support retiring baby boomers. (65:9)
-Afterwards, America / Israel will follow the new precedence of “pre-emptive war” by striking neighboring Syria, Iraq (Mosul) or Iran? [text says Assyria, which could be Syria, Iraq Turkey or Iran] (20:20)
-Syria/Iraq/Iran or a group associated with it (IS), and likely centered near Mosul or ancient Assyrian terretory, will have been plotting with neighboring Arab groups to attack Israel. Israel’s attack will give them the impetus and regional Arab support to carry out their plans of mass destruction against Israel. (12:4 44:8, 66:1-3)
-The destruction in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv (Damascus, Syria, Iraq and many other parts of the Middle East as well) will lead many of apostate Christianity to believe Armageddon is here and Christ is coming. When their preconceived notions of the Second Coming are not met, many will lose faith in western Christianity and Christian scripture (16:1-3, 16:9-10,12).  There is very little detail given to suggest the length of this war. It could be large and short like WWI, or it could be punctuated and drawn out much like the wars of the last few decades.
-The war will destabilize the entire region, leading eventually to the necessity of Turkey and Egypt militarizing to both fight and make peace (redrawing borders and creating some kind of regional political power), and eventually take the place of the United States, Russia and the E.U as the regional hegemon (66:4-5)
-At some point during the 70 year period of conflict an Islamic State/Arab empire geographically similar to the Ottoman Caliphate will emerge to challenge the European Union as a regional power. (66:4-5)  Likely a radical group like ISIS early on in the conflict, and probably not lasting too long–evolving into something more politically responsible like an Arab State Union.
-Much like the LDS Church within the U.S., Israel is to be brought into captivity one last time (by this new Islamic or Arab Empire). During this 70 year captivity God will begin the Gathering of His People to Israel. (63:1,5; 64:5-6)  [All of this being symbolic of events occurring in the earth’s spiritual realms, and archetypal of larger social and political movements occurring apart from religion or sectarianism].
-During this 70 year captivity, God will raise up scores of prophets to Israel, eventually causing a massive conversion of tens of millions of Jews & Arabs to this new Messianic movement. (22:2-3).
-It’s also important to note that the text hints that ‘Israel’ is/will be a type of what happens to the West in general. So just as ‘Israel’ is to become ‘captive one last time. So to will the West be ‘captive’ during this period to its own increasingly socialist governments (ie. Just like the Russians were ruled by the Soviet Socialists for almost exactly 70 years, and just like Israel was a puppet to the west for 70 years)
-At the end of this 70 year captivity, Israel will again become an independent nation, the Temple will be rebuilt, and Jerusalem will become the new “Rome” in the ensuing wholesale cultural conversion of the region. This regional religious transformation will exceed even the cultural conversion of the Roman Empire regions of the first four centuries to Christianity. It may follow a similar growth time frame. (5:4-5, 46:11, etc.)

However, there are also many questions these scenario poses, which I don’t care to speculate on. Such as, are all these wars the same event? Is the attack by Syria the same as Gog/Magog and will they be coincident with this possible solar flare/solar max? Is the latter & former rain mentioned in both TBOBK and the Bible an allusion to two events roughly 40 years apart (as typified by other biblical dates & prophesies). How does it relate to the plague mentioned in D&C 45, Zechariah & TBOBK? Is the D&C plague the same as the “bug” mentioned in BOBK? Will the Middle Eastern Conflict be one large short lived war like WWI, or will it be many separate more spread out conflicts such as the recent middle eastern conflicts.

My hunch is that all these events will not be one short, dramatic event as most end-time predictions, but will be a significant, drawn-out conflict somewhat like the wars of the last few decades, which shapes the global religious and political power structures to an extent as great as the European renaissance and colonialism.

Daniel's 70 week prophesy

lots of great o.t. refs to final battle.

add notes about these sites..

The ‘Times of the Gentiles’ and Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy

Daniel's 70 week prophecy

24 “Seventy weeks [sevens/hebdomads] are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place.

25 “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. (Dan 9:24–25)

Egyptian Background to Daniel’s Prophecy

Most people don’t realize it, but Daniel’s famous ‘seventy weeks prophesy‘ (quoted above) where he prophesies the time between the call to rebuild the Second Temple and the coming of Messiah was actually based on a larger prophetic timeline given by Moses in the Book of Leviticus. Indeed it is based on an entire cosmological & calendrical system that has been lost to history, but is preserved in bits and pieces of the Bible as well as Mayan, Aztec and Hindu calendars & prophetic cycles.

This cosmological & prophetic timeline is explained in detail in restorationists text such as The Kolbrin, and Oahspe which I will cover later in this article. I hope to explain to the reader not only how the words of Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeramiah and Moses fit together to form a cohesive prophetic cosmology, but also how this cosmology has been validated by modern archaeological, astronomical and geological evidence.

The first historical hints of this ancient system are actually found in Egyptian art motifs of Apep, the Egptian god of chaos, often depicted in numbered coils being cut or divided by the god Hor. Moses created a religious calendric system dividing celestial cycles into sevens and tens which also prophetically broke earth’s history (the symbolic “seven thousand years of biblical history) — as well as dividing the future history of Israel into seven cycles of roughly 490 years (as explained in the Book of Daniel. Dan 9-11) which were called by ancient prophets, the ‘times & seasons’ of Israel. In Lev 26, Moses explains,

18 And if [Israel] will not yet for all this hearken unto [the Lord], then I will punish you seven times more for your sins. […in the coming great cycle] 19 And I will break the pride of your power… 21 And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. 22 I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate.27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; 28 Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. 29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. 30 And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you. 31 And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries [temple] unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours [I will cease your sacrifice]. 32 And I will bring the land into desolation
33 And I will scatter you among the heathen, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste. 34 Then shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies’ land; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths [each one you did not keep]. 35 As long as it lieth desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it. (Leviticus 26:18–28)

In other words, SEVEN times God would destroy Israel as a people, along with their temple & cities and lead them into captivity. Most modern interpretations of this scripture delineate these as the seven periods of partial captivity during the period of the judges, but both Jeremiah and Daniel (see Jer 25:9–14, Dan 9:2) understood from this prophecy that there would be seven 490 YEAR PERIODS in which God would bring a ~70 year captivity to Israel. One year for each year that Israel did not keep the Sabbatical year during the 490 year period (see 2 Chronicles 36:20–21).

21 So the message of the LORD spoken through Jeremiah was fulfilled. The land finally enjoyed its Sabbath rest, lying desolate until the seventy years were fulfilled, just as the prophet had said. (NLT 2 Chrons 36:21

It seems likely that this lost Jewish cosmology is why Daniel broke down the future 490 year period of his dispensation into 70 sevens. Because he understood that he lived at the beginning of the third 490 year cycle. And could prophetically predict one seven or week for each of the years of captivity that Israel would continually face in each 490 year period for not obeying the sabbatical years. He also understood that the True Messiah has to come in the meridian of those ‘times’, after the 4rth 490 year cycle or 70 weeks. In Israeli cosmology the alignment of 70 sevens or 10 Jubilees of 490 years also had special significance because as Moses taught, after 7 such ‘times’ or captivities the end of the full age or world would come. Seven 490 year periods equals 3430 years which as Oahspe teaches us, is just short of the period of the ‘great serpent’ or in other words the period it takes the earth to bring about an astronomical Solar cycle which brings destruction and renewal. (see both Oahsp & The Kolbrin for details on this cycle)

The above cosmology also seems to be loosely supported by Qumran/Dead sea texts dating to the late second temple period. In the Book of Enoch a similar ‘Apocalypse of Weeks’ is used as part of the cosmology supposedly taught to Enoch by the angels. The entire book revolves around motifs with periods of seven, but in Chapters 10 & 93 we see the entire history of the world from Enoch and the Flood to the end of the Millennium broken down into 7+3 or ten weeks. Obviously mistaken, this book breaks from Moses’ seven cycles after himself, and instead puts three weeks from Adam to Abraham and seven weeks from Abraham to a millennial end. The length of all but the first two of these weeks or 70 generations is shown by bible chronology to be about 500 years (and almost certainly 490 or 7×70 years given the ubiquitous Book of Enoch motif of seven and seventies.)

3. And Enoch began to recount from the books and said: ‘I was born the seventh in the first week, While judgement and righteousness still endured.
4. And after me there shall arise in the second week great wickedness, And deceit shall have sprung up; And in it there shall be the first end [or Flood].
5-17 [and so on to the tenth week or end]

11. ‘Go, bind [the watchers] who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. 12. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. (Apocalypse of Weeks, Book of Enoch ch 93 & ch 10:11-12)

Although the book obviously falls flat in its prediction of a millennial age spanning from about 500-1500 AD, the Book nevertheless gives us a great understanding of the ancient Jewish cosmology. And in fact when adjust to coincide with the seven cycles of Moses from Leviticus, as we’ll see it seems to hold great merit for its predictive abilities. At very least the Book of Enoch was a known source for Jewish understanding of the 70 week cosmology, we know from the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. It it, the author explains

And now I have learned in the Book of Enoch that for seventy weeks will you go astray, and will profane the priesthood, and pollute the sacrifices, and corrupt the law, and set at nought the words of the prophets.

And because you have heard concerning the seventy weeks, hear also concerning the priesthood; for in each jubilee there shall be a priesthood… (ToWP 3:16-17. see also here)

Note the author does not say the expected “I have learned from Daniel”, but that it was learned from the Book of Enoch! This leaves us to wonder if the Book of Enoch is also one of the primary ‘books’, mentioned in Daniel 9:2 as a primary source of his cosmology (a book name possibly redacted by Masoretic Jews opposed to canonical acceptance of the Book of Enoch). In this article we’d like to speculate on the more exact dates of these 490 / 3430+ year cycles and go through some of the complexities involved in the layout of these Jewish cosmological & prophetic timeline.

With the modern Jewish revelation of the Book of Ben Kathryn we now have a great deal more light on the topic in regards to Daniel’s Seventy Weeks prophecy and its relationship to ‘end times‘ events (Dan 8:13). In the following section I’ll attempt to explain what the ‘times’ mentioned in scripture are and help us understand the sign of the arrival or the end times, and understand how it relates to Daniel and John’s apocalyptic prophesies and to the coming restoration of Israel. So to start with, lets get some definitions out of the way.

The Times of the Gentiles/Times of Israel
The Times of the Gentiles” and “fullness of the Gentiles” is a very significant phrase. It is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Luke 21:24, Romans 11:25), twice or more in the Doctrine & Covenants (D&C 45:24–30, D&C 88:84, 90:9 & JS-H 1:41), a few times in the Book of Mormon (1 Ne 15:13; 3 Ne 16:4–7) and roughly twice in the Book of Ben Kathryn (21:1, 6:2). The Times of the Gentiles is closely related to the term fullness of the Gentiles or fullness of times as well as Daniel 9’s ‘weeks’ prophesy and Revelation’s “time, times and half time” — and stands in contrast to the time of Israel. The times of Israel was the period of time spanning between Moses and Christ. Whereas after Christ, Jerusalem was to be given for a time (or cycle/period) to “a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof” (Matt. 21:43, see also Luke 21:24, Rom 11:25). In short, the Gospel was to go first to the Jew (during the dispensation or times of Israel) and then to the Gentile (during the dispensation or times of the Gentiles) and then back (during the final dispensation or fullness of times — see 1 Nephi 13:42, 2 Nephi 9, Jacob 5:63, Ether 13:8–12, D&C 90:9)

The Fullness of Time or Fullness of the Gentiles
Eccl 3:2, Daniel 7:25, Gen 15:16, Gen 1:14–18, Luke 1:57, John 7:8 and Jeremiah 5:24 (see DR translation) help us to understand the definition of the biblical term full time, as being the completion of a cyclical period—and its relationship to harvest-time or the delivery date of a pregnancy. When Elisabeth’s “full time came that she should be delivered”, it meant she was full term and ready to be delivered any day. Likewise when “the fullness of the yearly harvest” is come it referred to the “appointed weeks” of the yearly harvest arriving and harvest needing to occur as soon as ripeness & weather conditions permitted. Similarly, conquest of the Holy Land was not allowed until “the iniquity of the Amorites” was “full” or had reached its fullness. (שָׁלֵם = to be full or reach completeness or even perfectness). So then the fullness of a cycle such as the fullness of the Gentiles or fullness of times means these cycles are technically complete and now the angels are just waiting for the right circumstances to finish up the works of the cycle. In essence the period of “fulness” is like an intercalary calendar period, where extra uncounted days or months are added to fill up the cycle.

A great summary of this concept is given in the spurious channeled text Oashpe. Where it is suggested that just as Israel (like many societies) used their lunar calendar to measure their holy days, pregnancies and crop harvests in weeks, so also did they measure the times between their sowing and harvest of a gospel dispensation in ‘symbolic weeks’. (or in Revelation terms, the birth of the man-child and the rising of the Kingdom of Heaven or Messiah who serves as an archetype of symbol of the church/gospel or heavenly kingdom)

18/6.20. Times and half times I have given to My worlds and their heavens. In a ‘time‘ I have made a full resurrection to those who aspire to My heavens above… But in a time I manifest a new light, for such, also, are My creations. Do not think that I have given seasons to corporeal worlds only; I gave seasons to [heavens], also.
18/6.21. Is a summer on the earth not half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two, one full time? So also I created for [heaven] a Time of [about] four hundred years, and a half time of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half time I created one dan’ha. [or full dispensation of times of about 3500 years].
18/6.22. For thousands of years I sent My Gods to teach these things, so that My angels could know the times of My resurrections. Does a farmer not have knowledge of the resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new growing things, which I raise up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should My angels have of My spring times, in [heaven], when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of souls?

Oahspe, Book of Osiris, ch 6.. 18/6.21

Dan’ha. The etherea [heaven], the highest place in ethereal [heavenly] worlds. Jehovih said: The sun I made as the head of a serpent, and his phalanx I made as the body of a serpent; thus I made the great corporeal serpent. To him I gave a circuit to travel in, and I numbered his time a thousand tuos and seven aka and four bi’jus, for the sun coil. [Equal to four million seven hundred thousand years –Ed.] I have placed my A’ji and my Ji’ay in many places on the circuit, but I have placed my Dan’ha only in one thousand six hundred places. (A dan’ha cycle of time is about three thousand years, sometimes more, sometimes less.)

Tangent Warning.
For Oahspe, the distinctions of time, times and half times were used by the ancients as a reference to a cosmological period averaging 3500 years which encompassed a full period of a full harvest of souls. A harvest or resurrection being a time when intergalactic conditions allow / the earth’s magnetic field drops sufficiently to allow movement between earth’s heavenly dimensions. (see my article on Time, Times and half Times for more detail concerning the prophetic cosmological calendar.) The cycle is actually caused by the helical orbit of the Solar System which perturbates the sun back and forth within the Galactic current sheet. Each time the sun changes direction in that greater field, the interaction of electrical fields wreaks havoc on the magnetic field & solar output.

The ancients called this helical motion of the Solar System’s orbit around the Galactic core, the Solar Serpent. And within its motions there were TWO related cycles which affected conditions on earth. One is the helical orbit of our solar system in the galaxy as discussed above, the second is a more minor ‘mini cycle’ created when when Jupiter/Saturn pull the sun left and right in a ~500 year cycle which has a similar effect to the greater 3500 year cycle but far less sevier.

[TO DO: Add a section on this tangent explaining: Daniel teaches us that a “time” or Dan for the present cycle is roughly 490 years (or seven hebdomads), plus the intercalary time (fullness). So from above we see 7 1/2 times equals roughly 3430/3675 yrs (490*7=3430, +1/2 or 245 yrs =  3675). Which is the time from Moses to the full end of the age. Oahspe’s timeline puts the beginning of this dan’ha at 1556 BC and Kosmon at 1855ish ( there’s a lag between Kosmon and the Carrington event of ’59 for some reason). Plus 245 will put us at ~2119.  In the midst of that “week” is crazily 1996, when the BOBK prophesy is given. My dates are slightly different, but mostly similar. The Kolbrin give a lot of information to support this general idea I should add. —- Ohaspe’s Dans start at his date for Moses at 1556 BC, So adding 490 might equal. 1. 1066 BC, 2. 576 BC, 3. 86 BC, 4. 404 AD, 5. 894 AD, 6. 1384 AD, 7. 1874 AD. 7 1/2. 2119 AD. But I think there are intercalary period between each Dan, so I think more properly they should start at 1634 BC and go 1. 1102 BC, 2. 529 BC, 3. 33 AD, 4. 529 AD, 5. 1034 AD, 6. 1524 AD, 7. 1996 AD. 7 1/2. 2241 AD. I have pages of excel spreadsheet computations and illustrations on this, but most will not be interested in the math or science.]

Understanding Daniels chapter 9’s 70 Week Prophecy

The Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is the narrative in chapter 9 of the Book of Daniel in which Daniel prays to God to act on behalf of his people and city, and receives a detailed but cryptic prophecy of “seventy weeks” by the angel Gabriel. The prophecy has been the subject of “intense exegetical activity” since the Second Temple period.

In the Book of Daniel, Daniel reads in the “books” of Torah that the desolation of Jerusalem must last for seventy years according to the prophetic words of Jeremiah (verse 2), and prays for God to act on behalf of his people and city (verses 3–19). The angel Gabriel appears and tells Daniel that he has come to give wisdom and understanding, for at the beginning of Daniel’s prayer a “word” went out and Gabriel has come to help Daniel understand the propohetic timeline of the Lord:

24 Seventy weeks [hebdomads] are decreed for your people and your holy city: to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place.

25 Know therefore and understand: from the time that the word went out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the time of an anointed prince [or Messiah], there shall be seven weeks; and for sixty-two weeks it shall be built again with streets and moat, but in a troubled time.

26 After the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing to show, and the troops of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary [Jerusalem & the Temple]. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed.

27 He shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall make sacrifice and offering cease; and in their place shall be an abomination that desolates, until the decreed end is poured out upon the desolator. (Dan 9:24–27)

Over the years there’s been countless attempts to interpret Daniel 9, and correlate the prophecy with the history of Israel. Both Christian and Jewish scholars agree that the timeline spans somewhere from ~520 BC when Daniel lived to 70 AD when the temple was destroyed. Since this period covers at least 600 years (or even to the 2nd coming) and the prophecy calls for only 490 years, different scholars use different dates for “the time that the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem” as well as different ways of spanning the gap between the “coming of Messiah” and the destruction “of the city and sanctuary”. Most Christian authors also use a “divided week” or Gap to separate the events of Daniels “final week” into the first half when the Messiah comes & temple is destroyed verses the end of the week with the “man of sin” or anti-christ and other post-Christ aspects of the prophecy mentioned elsewhere in scripture.

In this exegesis we’ll use the Book of Ben Kathryn as an authoritative cypher to finally find the correct fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy. The Book reiterates Daniel’s prophetic calendar and gives us the cipher for solving it in chapter 21. Here the prophet lays out the typological parallel between Ezra and Martin Luther, who both served as dispensation heads to begin the final 490 years (70 weeks) of their respective dispensations. (see chart above to see the parallel of these two dispensations and how history was designed to repeat to fulfill the prophesied events). In other words, it seems to be implying that there is not a “gap” or divided week between the events of the prophecy and the final week of “tribulation” (which is also mentioned in Matthew 24 and seems to suggest a dual fulfilment in Christ’s second coming), but instead it suggests that history repeats! By clearly drawing a parallel between the prophet Ezra, who around 450 BC, led far-reaching Jewish reforms when he returned from Babylon, and Martin Luther who led the Christian reformation in 1517 AD, the prophet is clearly suggesting that the events of the 70 week prophecy are repeating in our day and that we can expect to see a dual fulfillment of the coming Messiah, and the destruction of Jerusalem!

1. THUS saith the LORD thy God, in the year of the 70th hebdomad of the Gentiles set thy face to the east, and set it to the west, to the north and then to the south, and prophecy thou against them: Your times come to the full. [ie. You’ve reached the “fullness of your times” or the “fullness of the Gentiles”] The LORD God setteth ye a time to repent…
6. In the year of their 70th hebdomad, so set thy face against them and thus prophecy thou: In your probation ye shall traverse 40 miles. Your watchmen shall fall to the side of the road, the might of their camels collapse, the burden of their loads dropped aside; and ye shall leave their parched bones…
…When thy probation shall be ended I shall smash thee against the wall, for empty thou shalt be, and a vase be of no value unless it is set to the purpose to which it is intended…
8 Bend now a little; give me some time of your minds. I set thee now a sign and a riddle: Ezra [ie. Martin Luther] riseth of the nations [Gentiles], from a cold and inhospitable place, and again with nails my laws, my ways, and my fulfillment are raised up unto all nations, and my laws go forth [the reformation].
9 Upon the outer door they be, proclaiming not what is within but what is not. So understand ye the prophecy of the 70 hebdomads [weeks] of the Gentiles, for they who calleth themselves my watchmen have been of heavy ears, heavy eyes all these hebdomads since. (BOBK 21:1-7)

Continuing, in this prophecy, the LORD tells the prophet that in the beginning of the final hebdomad / prophetic “week”, John Ben Kathryn, just like John the Baptist of the ancient age should go prophesy and tell the gentiles that their time is almost up. In Nabion Chapter 23, the prophet is given some detail as to what this will entail.

SMITE thou the ground and I shall raise up prophets as the dust to afflict this generation. Look up Israel, look up, behold the latter rain as before, saith the LORD. Look up and feel the steady rain. Lift up the head of Israel, remove thou the plate. Hear the child cry from afar: The miracles of our God, the miracles of our God— a child is cleansed; a maiden is raised from the dead; a man without legs walketh. Behold again in the name of Jesus Christ this is done in Israel. Look up, O Israel, believe and greet thy redeemer as he cometh.
2 Send my knights before my face. Go, thy God cometh. I stand upon Zion and brace my scepter in the mount. I am thy great general and thy exceeding great hero.
3 And the LORD said unto me, How long did I wrest thee from the Gentiles and take thee unto thy people which thou knewest not?
4 And I said “40 years.”
5 So shall I turn Israel.
6 Yea, LORD, come. Blessed be the name of the LORD. I say ye, Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the LORD.

Some authors have interpreted the captivity of chapter 63 verse 5 of the Book of Ben Kathryn as predominately the period spanning the creation of the Israeli state in 1947 to 2017. In other words suggesting that this “captivity” is mostly in the past and will end with Israel’s spiritual awakening within a decade. As much as I would love for this to be the case I just don’t see it supported in the text or in historical types.

Read the text in chapter 63 of the Book of Ben Kathryn carefully, and notice the tense. The LORD says I appoint you captivity ‘again‘. In other words, “right now I am appointing you another seventy years captivity”. So then the question becomes which 70 year captivity was the previous one referred to here? Read it, and then lets go over the possibilities.

4 Even soon do I bring my word to pass, and ye shall part before the storm of the LORD. Give little attention to my words, ye hard-hearted? So shall the nations and peoples give little attention to it for the convulsions that shall be upon them. Each shall fear at his own fence and cast not an eye to Jerusalem.
5 Because ye sought the land to take comfort in it, and because the heathen proclaimed to you that land was the jewel of my covenant, hear ye this word from the LORD: I appoint you to 70 years of captivity again, captivity and desolation in your own land, captivity which ye expounders of false laws could not extract because of your hard hearts, and because ye sought land and not the LORD. Because ye sought a god of your creation I have given you no place to call upon. (BOBK 63:4-5)

Its easy to see how some could interpret this 70 years of captivity to be referring to the 70 years of captivity to america and the West from 1947-2017. After all in Chapter 44 & 66 we are told that this is indeed a captivity and desolation.

5 Ye are scattered about the Earth, to the four winds. Jerusalem is in desolation. Ye are [currently] in captivity. Was it sin or righteousness that caused this to come upon you? (BOBK 44:5)

So obviously the 70 years has dual fulfillment which mirrors the types given in the Babylonian captivity, but it would seem that the last of these captivities (and the worst of them) lies wholly in the future. This issue is clarified here in chapter 66…

1 AND the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, The LORD will not relent upon the matter, even upon his issue with Judaea… Jerusalem is in desolation and no man layeth it to heart. There is bloodguiltness, and no man considereth.
2 Ye turn aside your faces from the merchandise of Gog, and the affliction of the maidens of Magog, in that they are caused to be made harlots. Therefore I have turned my face away from thine [70 year?] indenturing to America, and thou shalt be indentured for a season [70 year?] as the harlots of Magog, the merchandise of Gog and Damascus. But thy bed shall not cause thee to earn thy redemption. I, the LORD, shall redeem thee. I shall redeem thee from the indenture… I shall smite Damascus in battle, for it is the head of a serpent that doth coil through Tyre and Zidon, Berytus, and unto Aleppo. Its tongue dangleth out, and the venom on its tip is Amman. (BOBK 70:1-2)

You see Jerusalem is currently “in desolation” because Israel has been in a 70 year spiritual captivity to America and the West since its founding. But it yet still WILL BE in physical captivity to another power. And what is that power? It is none other than the Gog & Magog of Ezekial 38 (see my Article The Book of Ben Kathryn and the Battle of Gog and Magog. This soon to emerge Islamic State seems to be a confederation of nations involving Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia which will undoubtedly be responsible for the prophesied destruction spoken of in chapter 44 verse 9 soon to be visited on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv…

8 And the LORD instructed me, Go place a caldron at Damascus Gate, for out of the north I will bring tumult on this land and on this city Jerusalem. It shall be a river. The American shall pass through this gate to Joppa way, as a river also, and he shall no more return. For I make Jerusalem a caldron and the Syrian as the boiling water seeking its stony hearth.
9 For they have provoked me in all that they have provoked, saying, The American will deliver us. I am angry with Jerusalem and discontent with Tel Aviv. I shall make Jerusalem as the handle of the caldron, and Tel Aviv a morsel in the seething therein. I moreover shall make your walls as the potsherd and Tel Aviv as the shards of its residue. Hear this word that I have spoken, O Jerusalem, and turn and repent that I shall relent.

I would guess that the afore mentioned “serpent” is closely connected with Hezbollah and ISIS, but at some point will gain full regional political control. Not a sly conspiracy of lowly rogue states, but a fully formed BEAST with wings legs and claws. Continuing the same chapter, it sounds to me that the prophecy suggests that after this conspiracy of Palestinian neighbors (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan & Saudi Arabia) attack Jerusalem and  Tel Aviv along with possibly an isolated attack on some central U.S. city (see BOBK ch 64 v. 23) that Egypt and Turkey will step in to stop the carnage, and in the aftermath a new Islamic Empire or confederation will emerge comparable to the Ottoman Empire challenging Western Hegemony.

…for the LORD overturneth the counsel of sly men, and bringeth to nought the pacts of those whose purpose is underhanded. Fear not Arabia or her handsome princes clad in flowing garments, for when Damascus calleth for the light of day, in the day of battle, the House of Saud shall not bear it, as a burrowing creature cannot bear the light of day. So shall the LORD God overturn the House of Saud and all the princes thereof, and bring to nought the counsel of the beautiful men of the east and the priests of Mecca.
4 The word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Speak unto Israel, saying: Thou shalt not abhor the Egyptians, for I shall break the rod of Ishmael through them, and as cracks in a dam shall Islam break from Egypt, and the cracks shall spread unto Turkey. They shall rejoice in what they had before, and shall say unto the nations: Are we not a crown of the nations? Is not Greece our stepchild and Rome our admirer?
5 Shall the West brag over us? Is the West not our stepchild? We shall go to the West, to our stepchild. The desert shall teach us nothing, but we shall encroach upon the desert. Alexandria was mother and Constantinople our nanny.

It is this beast which I believe will not only hold Israel captive for one more 70 year period, but will also nearly bring down the power of the West. They will cut off our oil supply (“the American shall walk on foot” ch. 45:12), and most likely nail the coffin of the slowly decline and fall of the dollar and Euro as the world’s reserve currency (ch. 65:1-8). Alliances between this new empire, China and Russia will bring to pass many of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation concerning “buying and selling”. In short, the hegemony the west has held over the world since the Colonial era will be returned onto our own heads. But the difficult economic times brought about to both Israel and the West during this period will serve as God’s way of humbling us. Islam will surge, Gentile Christianity will continue to wain, but this new religious movement of Restored Israel and Restorationalist Christianity will explode as God sends prophets “like flies to afflict this generation”. And out of the newly plowed field, will grow a movement which will eventually encompass the globe to an extent more impressive than the wholesale conversion of Roman & Sassinid provinces to Christianity in the centuries after Christ.

14 Awake! Let thy reason return. Riyadh grinneth as a fat cat behind his shomahg. He careth not for the Palestinian. He seeth a plump canary. Damascus thinketh of battle, and Amman by reason of gain again longeth for thee, and Cairo forever waiteth as a maiden to greet them as one greeteth the merchants of Bosrah.
15 Thus saith the LORD, this shall not be. They are beasts about thee, and as a man leadeth beasts to water so shall they come at my beckoning, but not drink. Their counsel will not stand, nor their conspiracy triumph….
17 Though I chastise her, it is to correct her and not to destroy her. I the LORD declare unto you before it shall happen. Send your armies back to the sun, ye of Arabia, hung shoulders and with sorrow on their faces. Damascus rebuild and fill thy time with contemplation. Riyadh, see a princeling become a king; a crown to come forth from Medina. Baghdad cast off thy brutish heads. I have declared: Israel is my chosen, saith the LORD. See Amman repent and Egypt seek peace, and make ye peace. Come and worship all ye nations. Grind your weapons into medicine, and your pride, transform it into humility. I declare unto you before it happeneth that ye may seek me and know that I have spoken and that there is no God but me, saith the LORD.

According to the mystic traditions of several of the worlds largest religions, in our solar system’s corkscrew orbit around the galactic core, we weave through a series of peculiar pattern of gravity & electromagnetic waves on a helical periodicity of about once every ~3000 years. I explain the particular physics principles of this transit and how it creates the armed structure of the Milky Way and its accompanying electromagnetic reversal and destruction cycle in my article here. The effects of this cycle are unpredictable and often overblown by dooms-dayers, but past stories of the spectrum of global perturbances can be found in books like The Kolbrin, Oahspe, the Bible and of course the mythologies of essentially every ancient culture on earth. The last time the sun reversed direction in its helical orbit was at the time of the biblical Exodus of Moses. This event brought about the technological retrenchment of the then, Globalized Egyptian empire as much of its religious knowledge was preserved only among Israeli elites. It was parts of this advanced knowledge of astronomy that led Moses’ revelation & creation of the Jewish calendar with its accompanying prophetic cosmology of the events of the current cycle and prediction of the coming global perturbations which always accompany our the passing of the Galactic wave-front.


Outline (I still  need to add some of these concepts to this article)

-rewrite much of this.  Make an outline at the beginning that sums it up. Edit out overspiritualistic mumbo jumbo.

-add a quote to the actual Daniel 7 70 weeks prophecy to the beginning for context.
-note that daniels’ “midst of the week” is the same as LDS phrase “meridian of time”, which fits into the whole 3.5 out of 7 in Daniel and Revelation.  This is a key to comparing the week of Christ’s death, to the final “week” spoken of in Daniel & Revelation, which is a type of Oahspe’s Dan. The Dan lasts from Moses to the coming Solar Event. But REMEMBER, you don’t “measure” or count the Times of the Gentiles in the type (Rev 11:2). So even though this Dan is like 3600 – 3800 years long, you don’t ever include 2000 years of that in the symbolism.  So

The below came to me in a pretty strong revealed insight while sick.
-The 70 week prophecy is a fractal.  It not only represents the 490 years between Ezra & Christ (457 BC – 34AD), but also the 490 years between Luther and Ben Kathryn (1517 – 2006 AD). [note the historical Ezra date is probably a bit wrong/unknown].
-More importantly the 70 weeks refers to the Cosmological Dan’s of Oahspe. (based on interference patterns in the galaxy which affect our sun)  A Dan for this cycle is about ~1260 years (1260,1290 of Daniel & revelation).
Time, Times and 1/2 time equates to;
-Time ~1260 years from Moses to Babylon/Ezra
-Times ~1260×2 or 2520 from Babylon/Ezra to Ben Kathryn/rebuilding of temple.
-1/2 Time ~1260/2 or 630 from Ben Kathryn/temple to end of age/Dan when gravity wave hits us (end of 3rd density mentioned in law of one).
-So going with Oahspe’s system of Dan’s, this cycle’s Dan is ~1260+2520+630 or 4410 long. (could actually be closer to 4000, and ‘Time’ closer to 1000)
-The ‘Times’ or 2520 of the Gentiles is not measured, (probably because polarity is reversed during it.)
-The 1/2 Times and ‘midst of the week of Daniel has lots of fulfillment. (obviously the fact that Christ was killed 3.5 years into his ministry and Ben Kathryn will prophesy the last 3.5 years of that week).  But more importantly CHRIST CAME HALF WAY BETWEEN EZRA AND THE END (minus the times of the gentiles). Get what I mean?
The final ‘week’ is Ezra to the End (2630AD).  There was a 1/2 week (600 yrs) from Ezra to Christ–then when Israel is restored around 2046-2088AD the week will resume and there will be another 1/2 week (600 yrs) until the end of time or end of 3rd density earth. The ‘abomination which maketh desolate’ is ‘set up’ in the ‘midst of the week’, in one dualistic reading, it’s the gentile church.
-Note that the Bible takes the ~4000 to 4600 years of this age and turns it into 7000 years. That’s how 40 relates to 70.  40 is real years, and 33 years is usually added to that just to fill up the time. (it’s kind of an intercalary time that’s not counted, and probably relates to some sophisticated astronomical measurement. Like where the prophetic calendar and sun calendar overlap).
-Note the 70 year patterns such as from Christ’s Birth to the Temple’s destruction and another 70 years until Israel is COMPLETELY wiped out around 140 AD. As well as the 40 years Herods temple (false gentile temple) is under construction till Christ.  Note the same patterns are reversing right now.  There’s a 70 year period from Israel’s creation (1949AD) to Trump making Jerusalem the official capitol contrary to the UN resolution in 2018 (setting up the abomination which makes desolate, where republicans begin to be turn religion into something that hurts people).  Note the 55 years mentioned in Ben Kathryn chap xx spanning from 2004ish to 1949. Note the 40 years of ‘peace’ from 2006 to 2046ish where God shall ‘still the waters’. It’s quite possible that the ’70 more years of captivity is from 2018 to 2088, or 2046ish to 2116AD or something.
-NOTE that it’s possible that there REALLY WAS A HUGE CATACLYSMS in the western Hemisphere at the time of Christ, that was caused by a switching magnetic field, and there might be another one around 2046, when the pole shifts (or it could have been at Ezra, and not happening again until the end of time 2600AD.
-Note that the Book of Ben Kathryn 45, is likely taking about TWO events. One around 2046 and the other at the end of the time 4600AD. It says, “that ye may know the prophecy cometh and tarrieth not, cometh even unto your gates and unto your desolate mount, and extendeth even beyond the days of your rejoicing and recovery”. So it’s hard to tell if there will be any significant earth changes at 2046 (but just a big regional war and political change of battle of gog and magog).
-It’s quite likely there will be two sets of cataclysms. One coming soon which is mostly just a mag field reversal/excursion with some minor earth changes & satellite crash downs and WWIII (all events pretty minor). But a end time one around 2300AD that is HUGE and brings us fully into 4rth density space/time..
-Note that it’s possible a minor Dan is closer to 1000 than 1260 so it fits into the 7 days thing more and puts the end closer to 2500AD (does the BOBK/Nabion say something about 1000 years from Moses to Ezra they kept not the feasts?)

The Parallel Between the Times of Israel and Times of the Gentiles

“I give you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived” (D&C 52:14)

One type or pattern that is helpful in understanding the role of the Gentile Christian Church in relation to Israel and the Great Apostasy is the pattern or type between the Times of Israel (from Abraham to Christ) and the Times of the Gentiles (from Christ to near present). These two biblical ‘epochs’ are exact mirrors of each other. By looking at the similarities in these two times and organizations one can see how higher beings must have led the Gentile Church (Catholic Church) and European history to essentially create a “repeat” of the events of the time of Israel. During the gentile epoch, the Catholic church and Rome played the part of Judaism and Jerusalem of the former epoch. By studying the blow timelines, and histories, you can see how both groups (Israel & Christianity) have the higher law and priesthood taken away after about 500 years of existence. Both groups were twice made captive to secular empires due to apostasy. Both groups exhibited similar phases of church and state rule. God used both groups to colonize and civilize the world during a colonial era spanning from one of their darkest periods to the end of the era.  See more details in the article Redefining the LDS (Protestant) View of the “Great Apostasy”

Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles.


Abraham & Patriarchal Period (2000-1730 BC) = Apostolic Period (33- 300 AD)
God established the covenant with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, blessing the nations of the earth through the seed of Jacob who were the twelve tribes of Israel. This was a type of Peter, James & John who blessed the earth through the seed or converts of the twelve apostles of the lamb. Just as the period from Abraham to Joseph in Egypt was a formative period wherein the seed of Abraham suffered from many wars famines and hardships, so also was the apostolic era up until Constantine a formative period where the early saints and bishops suffered much under the persecution of Rome.

Melchizedek, Abraham & Esais (~2000 BC) = Christ, Peter & Paul (~34 AD)
Just as Christ gave the priesthood separately to Peter personally, and then later to Paul through angelic visitation (see Gal 3), so also does the Bible and Doctrine & Covenants teach that Melchizedek gave the priesthood to Abraham, but a man name “Esaias”, who lived “in the days of Abraham, received the priesthood separately “under the hand of God” (D&C 84:7–14). It was this separate priesthood which was then passed on through the Midianites to Moses and the Israelite’s in the wilderness; in a way similar to what many have argued of Paul’s (not Peter’s) priesthood being the primary authority line among the Greek and Orthodox Christian churches. The biblical parallels between Melchizedek and Christ are too numerous to mention here. Any simple internet search will return scores of articles.

Joseph, Chancellor of Egypt (1718 BC) = Constantine Emperor of Rome (313 AD)
Just as Pharaoh saved the Egyptian Empire (& the whole region of the world) by promoting Joseph and following his council, so Constantine saved the Roman Empire (& that whole region of the world) by promoting Christianity and implementing its teachings. Also as Pharaoh allowed Joseph to bring his rebellious brothers (the twelve tribes) who had sold him, into Egypt to save and promote them…. so Constantine brought together the (somewhat corrupt) twelve tribes (bishops of the twelve apostles) into Constantinople, saving and promoting them … Just as Joseph worked behind the scenes to save Egypt and Israel, giving Pharaoh the glory in Egyptian history, so is it quite likely that some humble Christian worked behind the scenes to convert Constantine to the faith of his mother and persuade him to bring salvation to “famine-ridden” (persecuted) Christians. Constantine truly was the ‘Joseph or Pharaoh’ of the Gentile age.

Israel in Egypt (1732-1517 BC) = The Church in Constantinople/Roman Empire (313-528? AD)
Just as Israel spent 215 years in Egypt, a period which started very well for Israel, but in the end turned into captivity, necessitating great plague and destruction on Egypt to facilitate their delivery; So also the church at first prospered in Constantinople & The Roman Empire but with time this marriage of church and state became a captivity, requiring great plague and the fall of the Roman Empire to facilitate the churches escape from corruption.
Likewise it is imaginable that the children of Israel probably began to fall quite quickly into idolatry and partake of the sins of Egypt after coming there and being given privileged status under Joseph. They drank in the religion and idolatry of Egypt so much that by the time God sent Moses to deliver them from both physical and spiritual slavery, many did not want to leave and would not give up their idolatry (mixing Egyptian religion and temple rites into their own culture and religion). In fact we are told in the Bible and Book of Ben Kathryn that Israel never did give up the idolatry of the nations or even properly keep the laws and feasts revealed to Moses for the entire thousand years from Joshua to Ezra. Likewise, the church once brought into and promoted by Rome immediately fell into idolatry (mixing Christianity with Roman religion and Mithriaic Romanized rites) and paganism which they did not give up until the reformation. Much like Ezra, it took Luther to get the church to remember the Law of Christ and begin to tone down their worship of idols, Saints, and Roman culture.
When Constantine founded and brought the church into Constantinople he declared “…the church bishop will be second to Rome…”. However, in time this decree was ignored and Constantinople quickly became the head of the Church, facilitating the close alliance of Church and State, and bringing with it the corruption and captivity which always follows such an unholy alliance. (Note: This problem did not exist in Rome previous to Constantine, because although the head of the empire, Rome persecuted the church, adding to its purity and fortitude.) It was not until around 533 that Emperor Justinian once again declared the Roman Holy See as the highest ecclesiastical authority. It can be debated whether Justinian’s acts would put him more in line of Moses in liberating the Church, or Pharaoh in holding it hostage to State control. In any event, it was God’s hand in sending the Plague of Justinian in 541 which sufficiently devastated the population of the Roman empire (especially in the east) as to effectively bring about it’s final fall and the wholesale liberation of the Church from it’s control (for a time).

Moses (1517 BC) = Justinian (534 AD)
It is very interesting the way Justinian seems to fit as a parallel for Moses. Indeed even Justinian perceived himself to be a modern ‘Moses’ in his publication of the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law). This law was coincidentally published in 534 AD, 1000 years before Luther published the ‘Luther Bible’, bringing the people back to the true Law of Moses. The Corpus Juris Civilus was indeed also very similar to the Law of Moses, in that it reaffirmed the Orthodox Christian church as the only true religion (and the only state religion), it gave harsh laws concerning non Christians, arians, pagans and Jews, etc… Luther also appears to have been a great student of Justinian and both read and quotes extensively from his works. In fact the Justinian Code was the basis for German Law during the time of Luther as it had been the Basis of Law for the Holy Roman Empire throughout it’s existence.

If Justinian is indeed typified by Moses, the consequences would seem to persuade us that the close relationship of church and state by the medieval catholic church were not ungodly, but were in fact the will of God. Just as it had been god’s will for Israel to be HIS special people among the heathen nations of the Gentiles. There is more involved here, of course, because church and state were not totally united in Israel (king different from high priest), but the state was to follow the laws/ councils of the church. Of course this is how it was during the medieval period as well, the kings were different from the pope, but the church held a very large amount of influence over the kings. Justinian was a self proclaimed ‘Moses’ of the Gentile age.

Joshua (1477 BC) = Belisarius (533 AD)
Belisarius was Justinian’s main general, who enlarged the empire by 45% during his campaigns. He defeated the ostrogoth in Ravenna, captured all of Italy, defeated the Vandals in Carthage… He was an orthodox Christian and did much to defeat arianism including deposing the Pope Silverius (who was installed by the Goths) with Vigilius.

Aaron/Eleazer = Pope Gregory I (the great)
Reading about Gregory is a breath of fresh air. He appears to have been a very benevolent good-hearted man. He aids in removing the Church from both Roman and Constantinople’s “Bondage”. He further exerted the primacy of the Holy See in Rome and perhaps more importantly, led the people to accept it by his goodness and popularity. He also served in Constantinople for a time under Justinian before returning to Rome and making many needed reforms. He also was a bit of a military leader and appears to have led in justice. Read about him in the catholic dictionary

Reign of the Judges = Post Roman Empire Church
Just as Israel entered a new period of fragmentation, idolatry, war/captivity and freedom from a king, so after the collapse of the Roman Empire the church both suffered and proffered from a period of fragmentation, conflict and idolatry. Reading the history of the papacy from Gregory to at least the split of the church you see how absolutely degenerate it, at times, became. The papacy became a puppet to the warring papal states and the pope was often a murderer or moral degenerate. This truly was a good parallel to an era where Israel was in constant bondage because of their wickedness.

Eli (1143)/Saul/David/Solomon (1014) begin the Empire of Israel = Charlemagne (800-814)/ Louis the Pious (814-840)/Sons? (Institution of the Holy Roman Empire)
[note: Newton’s “3 kings” were Charles Martel/Pepin the Short/ Charlemagne -all are father son, may be the better type?…]

Just as Israel is unified and made into a great empire by Saul & David, so is the Holy Roman Empire begun by reign of Charlemagne and Otto I. Just as Saul was crowned King by the High Priest Samuel, so was Charlemagne made emperor (Imperator Augustus) by Pope Leo III
Likewise “Charlemagne restored an equal balance between emperor and pope”, just as David taught that Obedience is better than the sacrifice of flesh etc…

However, This parallels bothers me as being anachronistic. It is just too early to work, and Charlemagne’s empire splits into Germany & France which I don’t think are types of Judah & Israel. Perhaps it is a sub-type or something else…? I should Look for a better type…perhaps it is Popes, or emperors at Constantinople. whoever they should be coronated by the religious leader, and lead to the division of the church. perhaps The Davidic era and kings of Israel does not have a type in the Gentile church. perhaps this is another aspect that exists only for the house of Israel, just as prophets who talk to God.

Temple of Solomon = Consolidation of the Catholic Church (Holy See)
The gentile church did not have a temple or tabernacle as did Israel. That institution was and is for Israel alone. However, the Gentile church regarded (as is true) the words of Christ’s stating that God can not be housed in stone and that the Body of Christ is the true Temple of God, and that the Church is in fact the living Body of Christ. Therefore, symbology and typology regarding the temple must be applied to the state and being of the Church; with special emphasis placed on the consolidation and leadership of the Church. Thus the destruction of the temple of Israel typified later destruction of faith in the Holy Roman See or consolidation and authority of the the Church and its Rome based leadership. This symbol seems quite fitting, as it was the temple that gave the nation of Israel its feeling of cohesiveness and divinely led nationality and authority.

Split of Northern/Israel and Southern Kingdom/Judah (989 BC?) = The Great Schism (1065 AD)
After the building of the great temple, Solomon foolishly causes the rebellion of the Northern Kingdom, which contains the greater part of the tribes of Israel (10 of them). Likewise, the foolish Pope Leo institutes the radical “Gregorian reforms” which state the Pope to be more powerful than any state and should have power to dispose Emperors. His reforms are of good intention but very prideful. They restate the Roman Popes preeminence over any other bishop (including Constantinople) and lash out against iconoclasm, an issue that leads the split off of the Eastern Orthodox Church (the greater part of the Christian church at the time).

The nature of this split is also of importance. The Northern Kingdom’s desire for more freedom actually leads to a kingdom of greater totalitarianism and despotism. Even after its destruction and absorption into Assyria, the Northern realms of Babylon/Persia/Macedonia and Rome tend to have more despotic rulers than Judah and Egypt ever did. — The same is true of the Byzantine or Eastern Orthodox Church. In its desire for greater theological freedom and mysticism it seems to breed more warlocks, magicians and imperial despots (especially in Russia).

Thus in this parallel, The Northern Kingdom and the Northern Empires (Babylon/Persia/Macedonia/Rome) are reborn in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern imperial phases of the Mongols and Russia. The Southern Kingdom and Egypt matching with the Roman Catholic Church and Western European Empires.

Assyria = The Mongols/Turks/Ottomans
The mongols were decedents of Northern Assyrian peoples (later called Scythians)  who migrated up through the Caucasus region to east Asia.  Their brutality and fighting styles were similar.  But more importantly their effects upon later empires. The Mongol influence on Byzantium and Russia matching the Assyrian influence on Babylon and Israel.

Destruction/Captivity of Israel = Destruction/Captivity of Constantinople
Much research to do concerning this section… Just as the Northern Kingdom is destroyed by the Assyrians and carried off captive to later settle in Armenia, Tibet and Mongolia, so is Constantinople and much of the Eastern Orthodox church destroyed by Ottoman Turks, Mongols and the Golden Horde (All Turkish Nomadic Warriors) and again much is carried away into Armenia Tibet and Mongolia. There is a lot of mystery hidden in this type, but its unraveling holds the keys of how Buddhism and the East fit into the Gospel plan.

Daniel's 70 week prophesy

Diaspora of Judah (600-200 BC) = European Colonialism of the World (1500-1900 AD)
Just as God leads Lehi, Mulek and a host of other Israelites to (re)colonize and (re)populate every major continent and “isle of the sea” (2 Ne 10:21) from about 600 BC to 400 BC, so also European Christians like Christopher Columbus and Magellan are led by God to (re)colonize and (re)populate the world during the 15th through 17th centuries. This parallel is key to unraveling much of God’s use of Israel/Christianity to civilize the world fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant. Many histories show that after the Babylonian diaspora Jewish enclaves popped up over much of Eurasia. Jewish & Semitic controlled ports were created up and down the eastern coast of Africa, all along the coasts of India and into Indonesia as well as throughout the Mediterranean and heading up into northern Europe. Historians are yet to discover the true magnitude and colonial parallel of this era. Just as it was not necessarily “Christianity” or any one European country that monopolized European Colonialism, so too it was not just “Judaism” or Israel that led the colonialism and imperialism of the world by Middle Eastern (Semitic) nations during the 6th to 2nd centuries before Christ.

However, one parallel of particular importance is that of the Lehite colonizing of North America with the English colonizing of North America. Both sparked restorational movements where a higher level of light was added to the mother religion (Judaism & Catholicism). Also Joseph Smith correlates chronologically to Alma the Elder, where both are regarded as “the founder of the church” (Mosiah 23:16, 29:47) which is given the responsibly of preparing a people ready for the Lords Coming.

Assyrian Sack of Israel (701 BC) = Tamerlane’s Sack of Eastern Orthodox Church & its Territories (1336–1405 AD)
Tamerlane (or Timur) the last great Turko-Mongol leader heads a campaign laying waste to much of the eastern church throughout Byzantium, Russia and the Russian steppe. The 15th century essentially marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. The Mongols were close analogs to the Assyrians in both origin and behavior.

Babylonian Captivity of Judah (586-446 BC) = Avignon Papacy & The Great Italian Wars (1494 – 1559 AD)
This parallel might be somewhat loose but still interesting and likely more thatn coincidence.  The Great Italian wars, also called the Habsburg-Valois Wars, involved the papal states and most the major states of Western Europe associated with the Holy Roman Empire’s Habsburg Rulers (France, Spain, England, Scotland, etc).  The war is associated with the Avignon Papacy, which is actually called by many historians the “Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy, because of its similarity in duration and scope. The war was a low point in European Unity, with the pope actually instigating part of the war against france. The Spanish and Portuguese inquisition was instituted during this time, as was the pope’s seizure of the papal states and building of St Peter’s Basilica which helped provoke the Reformation. Most certainly it was a major turning point for the Catholic church, the Holy Roman Empire, and Europe in general.

Ezra Rebuilding the temple (537 or 480 BC) = Martin Luther Reforms/ Rebuilds the Church (1517 AD)

Nabion states that it was 1000 yrs (exactly?) between Joshua and Ezra when Israel did not keep the feasts or the Law as given by Moses, thus we can also assume a period of 1000 yrs between Justinian and Luther when the Gentile church did not keep the spirit of the feasts or obey the Laws given to stay separate from Egypt/Babylon/Cesar. …The true date for the end of the 1000 yr period is more likely 1534 when Luther finished the translation of the ‘Luther Bible’ in German. This was about/exactly 1000 yrs from Justinian’s decree of 533/34.

But more important than Luther’s effect on Protestantism, was the Protestant movement’s effect on the mother church. The reformation brought about many, many needed reforms to Catholicism to bring it back to its roots.

Creation/Restoration of the Church through Alma = Restoration of the Church through Joseph Smith
As already mentioned Joseph Smith correlates chronologically to Alma the Elder, where both are regarded as “the founder of the church” (Mosiah 23:16, 29:47) which is given the responsibly of preparing a people ready for the Lords Coming. Additionally it is during this period of restoration among the Nephites that the Jaredite plates are found and interpreted giving a wealth of additional knowledge to the people, as well as a large amount of esoteric information to the prophets that is not allowed to be given to the Church in general (Mosiah 28:17–19, Ether 3:21–23, Ether 4:4).

Leontopolis Temple Built (169-154) = ????
Onias the rightful heir to the office of high priest flees to Egypt after temple is desecrated and builds a temple (the only functioning temple away from Jerusalem) at Leontopolis. This helps explain why Joseph & Mary fled to Egypt with Jesus, and why the Egyptian saints were so die-hard during the persecution of the first three centuries. The parallel is yet to be revealed, but has to do with the restoration of Judah and their rightful heir to the high priesthood (independent of the restoration work in America).

Babylonian Empire/Medo-Persia/Grecia/Rome-Sasinid = Early Russian Empire/Imperial Russia-Napoleonic Empire/British Empire/NATO-USSR
Just as Ezra came out of the Babylonian captivity so Luther came out of the Holy Roman Empire Captivity. There’s a lot more to these types though. The types have at least three different applications on three different levels. One is a loose European level, the next is a Eurasian level, the next is a global level. These types are the fulfillment to Daniel/John’s Revelation allegory. Getting too specific turns into speculation at this point.

Please read Redefining the LDS (Protestant) View of the “Great Apostasy” to see how this type helps to clear up misunderstandings LDS theology on the apostasy. As well as how it fulfills Bible prophesy, Modern Jewish prophesy, and the coming restoration of the Jewish state and Temple. See also Daniels 70 week prophecy and the war of Gog and Magog: The Book of Ben Kathryn’s cipher to biblical prophecy

DateTimes of IsraelTimes of the GentilesDate
1052 BCSaul / David’s EmpireOtto’s Holy Roman Empire962 AD
930 BCSplit of Northern & Southern KingdomsThe Great East-West Schism1054 AD
720 BCAssyrians destroy Northern KingdomMongols/Turks/Ottomans (Islamic) destruction of the Eastern Church1299 – 1453 AD
620 – 529 BCBabylonian EmpireByzantine Empire– 1453 AD
500 – 300 BCMedian & Persian EmpiresHabsburg Eastern Europe (Holy Roman) Empires1550 – 1804 AD
336 – 100 BCMacedonian (Greek) EmpireFrench & British Empire1750 -1960 AD
100 BC – 300 ADRoman EmpireAmerican/E.U. Empire1950 – ?

The Difference Between the Priesthood & Prophets

It seems to me that many of us Mormons often think that because the Lord has said that “no one shall be appointed to receive commandments and revelations in this church excepting my servant [the prophet]” (D&C 28:2), that no one but the “prophet” could possibly receive revelation pertaining to the church as a whole, or anything outside of our families or callings for that matter. This is a twisting of both the scriptures and the words of ancient prophets who have spoken on the matter.

Lets look to the scriptures for some examples.

God often sends prophets to keep the priesthood in check.

God often gives the gift of prophecy to normal members to keep the priesthood in check.

-Very few of the individuals we call “prophets” in the Bible were high priests, priests, or even held the priesthood (House of Levi).  Most did not even call themselves prophets (heb navi).
-The prophets were often rejected because they were either nobodies or considered a bit weird and wacky (such as Isaiah walking around naked and barefoot to get people’s attention).
-Was Anna, the prophetess from the tribe of Asher a priesthood leader when she saw the baby Jesus and “spake of him to all them that looked for redemption on Jerusalem” (Luke 1:37–38).
-Was Simeon, a man “just and devout” an officer of the priesthood when he blessed Jesus in the temple and prophesied “this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; …that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (Luke 1:25–35).
-Was Agabus a false prophet when he prophesied of the famine (Acts 11:28)?
-Was Miriam a member of the priesthood when she prophesied?
-Was Lehi or Nephi a priest (or even a Levite holding the Priesthood) when God appeared to them and told them to prophesy concerning Israel and Jerusalem?
-More than half of the Old Testament prophets were not from the tribe of Levi (and thus were not even eligible to hold Jewish priesthood). To Jews under the Mosaic law, this was nearly the equivalent of God calling non-Mormons “prophets” to prophesy against Mormonism.).

In fact, in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 Paul lengthily exhorts all members of the church to seek (“covet” in fact) the gift of prophecy that the Church might be edified. In part he says,

Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. [for] he that prophesieth edifieth the church. …Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. (1 Cor 14:1–4,39)

What we must remember is that there is a big difference between a prophet as one who has the gift of prophecy, and the priesthood. The president of the high priesthood (who we often call “the prophet”) as well as all the twelve apostles are set apart to be “prophets, seers and revelators” (D&C 107:92); but they certainly are not the only ones to have right to these gifts. All of these are gifts of the Spirit, and as the D&C tells us.. “and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God” (D&C 46:11). Paul reiterates this saying “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” (1 Cor 12:7). Both Moses Numbers 11:29 and Joseph Smith in D&C 1:20 suggest that God wants all his people to be prophets and speak in his name.

To suppose that one must hold the priesthood or even be a member of the church in order to have this gift of the Spirit is to fall under the warning given by Moroni in the Book of Mormon,

7 And ye may know that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, according to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.
8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.

24 And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth—that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief.
25 And wo be unto the children of men if this be the case; for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no not one. For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God.(Moro. 10:7–8, 24–25)

Now perhaps where the misunderstanding comes in, is that the priesthood is given the keys to govern the gifts of God. That all things might be done as Pauls said “decently and in order” (1 Cor 14:40), God has ordained the priesthood to be the “head” of the body of Christ (Church). The priesthood holding the “keys” which administer and govern the gifts of the Spirit is to look over and direct their usage that “that all may be profited thereby” (D&C 46:12).

26 And all these gifts come from God, for the benefit of the children of God.
27 And unto the bishop of the church, and unto such as God shall appoint and ordain to watch over the church and to be elders unto the church, are to have it given unto them to discern all those gifts lest there shall be any among you professing and yet be not of God…
29 That unto some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head, in order that every member may be profited thereby (D&C 46:26–29)

So the bishop of each ward is given the keys and responsibility to “discern” the gifts of the spirit to aid people in knowing whether a ward member or some other christian who claims to have the gift of prophecy or tongues, etc. (which they certainly could have) really does have the gifit or not. Additionally it is given to certain members of the high priesthood to hold the keys to, and in fact possess “all those gifts” or in other words to have all the gifts of the spirit so that they can better administer and discern their usage in the church and the Christian Community. This right and authority belongs to the Melchizedek priesthood, and is most certainly held by the presidency of the high priesthood (First Presidency of the Church).

8 The Melchizedek Priesthood holds the right of presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the church in all ages of the world, to administer in spiritual things.
91 And again, the duty of the President of the office of the High Priesthood is to preside over the whole church, and to be like unto Moses—
92 Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to be a seer, a revelator, a translator, and a prophet, having all the gifts of God which he bestows upon the head of the church.
(D&C 107:8,91–92)

Even outside of the Mormon Church, Christians may seek and obtain spiritual gifts. We should not think that healings, prophesies, or other miracles done by other churches are somehow of the devil least we be like John saying “Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us”, whom Jesus rebuked saying “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.” (Luke 9:55)

Just as Christ gathered all believers in One as he descended to teach the Nephites and Lamenites, exhorting them not to “contend” one with another, so also is it the Mormon Church, and the restored priesthood which is charged with gathering and directing all Christians in one during this the dispensation of the fullness of times. We certainly cannot do this if we think our “prophet” (president of the high priesthood) or simply only members of our church are the only one with right to the gift of prophecy, seership, healing or other spiritual gifts. We might well remember Paul’s council,

3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. (1 Cor 12:3–6)


Needed Reformation

Part of my reason for writing this article is my belief that there is some needed reformation and repentance among Mormon people. In both the bible and Book of Mormon we are told that there were times that God “covered” the prophets or took the gift of prophecy out of the midst of certain people because they had no faith in them. During these times God did not take the “president of the high priesthood” from their midst—there will always be someone to fill that throne—but he took the gift of prophecy, revelation and seership from the masses.  I fear this has occurred in Mormonism to some degree because of our false belief that that if God is going to speak to Mormons, it will be through the “prophet” (President of the High Priesthood) or the “twelve apostles” (travelling twelve).

We love to point the finger at other people and religions for their “rejection” of the prophets, instead of searching ourselves for error. When was the last time you searched out the prophets (and not just the high priests)?

  7 And again I speak unto you who deny the revelations of God, and say that they are done away, that there are no revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues, and the interpretation of tongues;
8 Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them

8 And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, for they are many; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them…
9 For behold, to one is given by the Spirit of God, that he may teach the word of wisdom…
13 And again, to another, that he may prophesy concerning all things;
14 And again, to another, the beholding of angels and ministering spirits…
24 And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth—that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief.
25 And wo be unto the children of men if this be the case; for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no not one. For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God. (Moroni 9, 10)


See this article for a little more information about modern misconceptions about ancient Israeli prophets.

for more authoritative information see the books: Karel van der Toorn’s Scribal Culture and Joseph Blenkinsopp’s A History of Prophecy in Ancient Israel


Additional Prophesies of the Book of Ben Kathryn

For an introduction to the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn Go Here.

The primary proof of the validity of John Ben Kathryn as a prophet will be final destruction and restoration of the modern nation of Israel.

” AND the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: Give ear, my servant, if any of the elders of Israel come before thee to prove thee if thou hast spoken in my name, or to say outright thou hast not spoken in my name, sit before them and say…
4 Even soon do I bring my word to pass, and ye shall part before the storm of the LORD. Give little attention to my words, ye hard-hearted? So shall the nations and peoples give little attention to it for the convulsions that shall be upon them. Each shall fear at his own fence and cast not an eye to Jerusalem.” (63:1-4)

” 3 I have waited for the day, and now I speak it. I form it with my words, and I prepare your hearts to hold it. Even while your fathers sinned I preserved them, even while ye sinned I wiped your enemies from you these last 55 years. Do ye think it was your own power which dissembled them? I set in store for this moment. Ye shall never perish before me as a people, nor shall I make an utter end of you from the land. I speak it now forever: it was not to preserve thy flesh that thou shouldest be preserved before me, O Israel, but it was for this generation to see my great namesake justified in all the Earth; that they might be raised up, and that Israel should bear its place, a nation of believers in the LORD their God. I shall get me honour in all my creation that day when all the Earth knoweth I have prepared this day from the beginning, and now I speak it.” (45:3)

The prophesy suggests that after the Prophet begins his ministry, the nation of Israel will provoke a ravaging attack by neighboring Arab nations (Syria in particular).

” 5 Because ye sought the land to take comfort in it, and because the heathen proclaimed to you that land was the jewel of my covenant, hear ye this word from the LORD: I appoint you to 70 years of captivity again, captivity and desolation in your own land, captivity which ye expounders of false laws could not extract because of your hard hearts, and because ye sought land and not the LORD.” (BOBK 63:5)

Of course, this idea is nothing new to LDS theology as Joseph Smith’s translation of Matthew 24 makes it clear that jerusalem (and its temple) will be destroyed a second time in the latter days.

4 And Jesus left them, and went upon the Mount of Olives. And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying: Tell us when shall these things be which thou hast said concerning the destruction of the temple, and the Jews; and what is the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world, or the destruction of the wicked, which is the end of the world?.
12 When you, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation [fulfilled in 70 AD], spoken of by Daniel the prophet, concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, then you shall stand in the holy place; whoso readeth let him understand…
31 And again [a second time in the latter-days], this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come, or the destruction of the wicked;
32 And again [a second time in the latter-days] shall the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, be fulfilled.
33 And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (JS Matt 24)

This attack will be provoked by a preemptive strike on Syria by Israel.

” 20 The end of the oracle: For when the Israelite shall smite the Assyrian, ye shall know your watchmen looked amiss and led you astray. The LORD shall cause an end of time upon the nations, upon their congregations; and their watchmen shall be no more.” (20:20)

Despite the expectation of the Gentile Church for the rapture and second coming during the siege of Jerusalem, Israel will be unexpectedly overcome as the United States is forced to flee because of trouble at home (a Terrorist Attack?).

” 6 Therefore, thus saith the LORD of hosts, hear, O Israel, the hard way that thou hast chosen. This last time I shall afflict thee. Affliction is a hard tool, and a rod from Syria shall I bring upon thee, and the Egyptian from the south. I shall lift up thy filthy skirt so that the American no longer adoreth thee and plieth for thine hand. He shall not deliver thee from the affliction that I shall bring.
7 Go call him the eagle if thou wish. But he shall have a woman’s head and a man’s desires; a scepter she carrieth to tilt the scales of justice. The LORD is a mighty archer, and I have brought me down many a swift bird of prey, and lured many a chicken hawk from the nest of its neighbour.
8 And the LORD instructed me, Go place a caldron at Damascus Gate, for out of the north I will bring tumult on this land and on this city Jerusalem. It shall be a river. The American shall pass through this gate to Joppa way, as a river also, and he shall no more return. For I make Jerusalem a caldron and the Syrian as the boiling water seeking its stony hearth.
9 For they have provoked me in all that they have provoked, saying, The American will deliver us. I am angry with Jerusalem and discontent with Tel Aviv. I shall make Jerusalem as the handle of the caldron, and Tel Aviv a morsel in the seething therein. I moreover shall make your walls as the potsherd and Tel Aviv as the shards of its residue.” (44:6-9)

” 4 Hearken unto me, for I will not part from my purpose. For surely, saith the LORD, I make an end of thy surety on the nations. Thy rest upon the Gentiles is vanity, and thy embassies to America to deliver thee pointless. The Lion of the Isles will not come to thy rescue. But I say, Nay, go thou not up, whole Britain, nor send thou the Scot with the American, lest thou sufferest a greater wound from thine ally. They shall not thwart my purpose nor douse my hot sword from the smithy’s furnace, for I set over the East Gate a two-edged sword is in mine hand, against thy rest and against the nations it shall burn.” (45:4)

” …How hath America removed thine enemies from thy borders all these years? They make pretty their speech, but even the nations wince at its recital…
22 When they had power they did not hearken unto my spirit, but burnt Japan with fire, which thing I commanded them not. I gave their secrets to others, and in fear did I give that generation life. Fear turned to foolishness, and foolishness turned to lies. For one tooth they took ten, for the lives of 1000 took they 100,000.
23 Behold, saith the LORD, weepings and howlings unto thee. I declare not joy. I repay according to thy ways. Oh the howl of the great city upon the river River and the bareness of thy columns, for that day shall come, and thou shalt not punish the Ishmaelite.” (65:20-23)

The false view of the Gentile Church that Israel will be saved by the Second Coming and the saints raptured during Israel’s tribulation period is a false expectation just as the view ancient Israel held of a conquering /liberating Messiah was a false expectation. When Israel is sieged, conquered and captivated Gentile Christianity will be in confusion as the ‘times of the gentiles’ ends.

DECLARE thou this word unto Israel, saith the LORD. The LORD of hosts causeth me to prophecy against the nations and against their prophets, for with thy turning I will loosen the teeth of the false prophets off of the nations, so that the remnant of mankind shall seek the LORD..
3 Even by reason of their own boiling is their time full, even full to the brim of blood, lasciviousness, greed, and uneven weights. Not for your sakes do I cut them off, but for their great sins do I cut off their head and their tail, their grasping hands and loathsome tongue. The head is their tradition, their grasping hands their congregations [churches], their tongue their preachers, and their deadly tail their lying prophets; and their feet, are these not their judges? supported by the strong tail.
10 Foolish people, hard eyes, hard minds! What I declared unto you came to pass, and what I declare unto the nations shall soon come to pass; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. I shall call that day Astonishment, for so shall it be an astonishment to the nations the day I turn you unto me; and that night shall be called Terror, for shall not the nations be overwhelmed at the sight of it?…
12 Shall your teeth not be set on edge at the doing? saith the LORD. Yea, they shall be set on edge, every one of you. And your eyes, even they shall be set longingly to your coasts. In that day ye shall know that the nations prophesied unto you a lie. Your nakedness shall be revealed, and ye shall know that the prophets of the nations were gainsayers and flatterers.
13 Thus saith the LORD; A voice is heard from Achor; a wailing and the weeping of shame. Out of the valley stirreth the voice of ashes; soot is the breath from their mouth. The nations lament, and the great congregation [church] is covered in shame, for I have made the nakedness of the prophets of the nations an abhorrence. I shall strip them of their apparel, and ye shall burn it… (16:1-13)

4 But he that preacheth “Behold the day of the LORD is at hand; he doth smite Israel for joy”— that day shall overtake him and be a snare.
5 For, see, the false prophet is brought to nought, and the expounder of presumptions is unmasked. I cut off both in one day: He who would take by envy the promises which I have given thee, and he who declareth it falsely as thy flesh. His hands move not over stones, and caress they not trunks, but he fondleth your flesh, and ye are made idolatrous of things not of the LORD.
6 Out of the nations we have heard a droning, and there is a constant drip in our ears: “The day of the LORD.” Why call yourselves prophets, ye preachers, when ye have seen nothing? Have ye not declared my day for generations, and then hastened your feet to vanities and fleshpots? When a man seeth smoke he doth declare: “Fire cometh.” But ye have seen nothing. He who is within the smoke seeth not thither it listeth. Only after it lifteth ye see the pattern of char, and ye do declare the doings of the LORD: “Ah, lament.” (17:4-6)

THUS saith the LORD God; And it shall come to pass in the days after the fullness of the nations [gentiles] hath come in, that they will no more say: “Last days;” and no more shall it be heard. But they who walk in my paths shall be gird with a pap of iron, and my words shall be written thereon… (20:1)

4 Empty now, my prophet, the vase of the goodly flowers. Prophecy unto the nations, unto my Bride [church], for so she fancieth herself: This is what ye call fulfillment; then smash it against a wall so that it shattereth.
5 Therefore thus saith the LORD God, so I do with thy fulfillment before me. So I make of thy fulfillment, and this shall be the end of thy fulfillment before me. (21:4-5)

Much like the captivity of the Saints in the United States, restored Judah will flourish and enlarge within the captivity of this Arab Nation/Coalition.

” 2 Fear not, thou trembling land; for a great thing have I done in all the land. For, lo, I am returning this second time the captivity of my people Israel. Whilst the land trembleth, even by reason of boots, do I swell your borders and enlarge your house. My laws do go forth, amidst the up-cry they are heard in Judah and Jerusalem. Laud ye the LORD in his land! And tell ye the nations to repent at his doings…”

In the turmoil neighboring Arab nations will step in to stop the war and occupy devastated Syria and Israel. This Arab coalition will merge into a union which eventually rivals the European Union in power and influence

” 17 Though I chastise her, it is to correct her and not to destroy her. I the LORD declare unto you before it shall happen. Send your armies back to the sun, ye of Arabia, hung shoulders and with sorrow on their faces. Damascus rebuild and fill thy time with contemplation. Riyadh, see a princeling become a king; a crown to come forth from Medina. Baghdad cast off thy brutish heads. I have declared: Israel is my chosen, saith the LORD. See Amman repent and Egypt seek peace, and make ye peace.” (66:17)

” 2 Ye turn aside your faces from the merchandise of Gog, and the affliction of the maidens of Magog, in that they are caused to be made harlots. Therefore I have turned my face away from thine indenturing to America, and thou shalt be indentured for a season as the harlots of Magog, the merchandise of Gog and Damascus. But thy bed shall not cause thee to earn thy redemption. I, the LORD, shall redeem thee. I shall redeem thee from the indenture wherewith the maidens of Magog have been indentured, for thou lovest thy whoredoms and seekest not to be free of them. I shall smite Damascus in battle, for it is the head of a serpent that doth coil through Tyre and Zidon, Berytus, and unto Aleppo. Its tongue dangleth out, and the venom on its tip is Amman.
3 (The oracle of Riyadh) Behold, doth Israel not know that the gopher is deadly in battle? unsetting the warhorse in its charge. Behold then ye fine men of Arabia and their embroidered trim of golden thread and their flowing linen of the finest cotton of the East. No covenant with Riyadh shall stand, for the LORD overturneth the counsel of sly men, and bringeth to nought the pacts of those whose purpose is underhanded. Fear not Arabia or her handsome princes clad in flowing garments, for when Damascus calleth for the light of day, in the day of battle, the House of Saud shall not bear it, as a burrowing creature cannot bear the light of day. So shall the LORD God overturn the House of Saud and all the princes thereof, and bring to nought the counsel of the beautiful men of the east and the priests of Mecca.
4 The word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Speak unto Israel, saying: Thou shalt not abhor the Egyptians, for I shall break the rod of Ishmael through them, and as cracks in a dam shall Islam break from Egypt, and the cracks shall spread unto Turkey. They shall rejoice in what they had before, and shall say unto the nations: Are we not a crown of the nations? Is not Greece our stepchild and Rome our admirer?
5 Shall the West brag over us? Is the West not our stepchild? We shall go to the West, to our stepchild. The desert shall teach us nothing, but we shall encroach upon the desert. Alexandria was mother and Constantinople our nanny.” (66:2-5)

When the true nation of Israel is finally restored, the Final Temple will be built as Ezekial described and the ancient temple relics will be found and restored to it.

” 7 Then shall mine hand shame thee. By a people that thou hatest shall I restore my holy things in that day. I shall declare unto a nation that thou hatest, Bunyin, Restore, and he restoreth.” (58:7)

” WRITE this in a book and set the words in store against that day, against the resurrection of mine house, for the keeping of mine house, and for the ordinances that I shall give thee, for all who shall come to my house to worship. See that mine house is built according to all the manner and custom; and according to the need for size; that the plan of the inner court and land oblation be done as I gave unto Ezekiel…” (48:1)

Much as occured with Ancient Isreal and the United States (see introduction) at the end of the Gentile’s 70 weeks they will be given a 40 year period of probation before destruction comes upon them. During that period of probation the Gentile Nations (especially America) will loose a great deal of thier wealth, influence and power.

” THUS saith the LORD thy God, in the year of the 70th hebdomad of the Gentiles set thy face to the east, and set it to the west, to the north and then to the south, and prophecy thou against them: Your times come to the full. The LORD God setteth ye a time to repent.” (21:1)

” …Try and give unto him this word that he might see the ripples again, for I do quell [still/suppress] the ocean that they might see the ripples again, lest my block be placed in vain. My spirit doth go out in stillness. Cast thine eyes upon a tempered sea and behold and but seek.
6 Pray, and I shall quell the ocean that there withholden any tempests, and there shall be no storms upon the sea 40 years; for thy faith, O Jacob; for thy rebuke, O Ephraim.” (13:5-6)

” 6 In the year of their 70th hebdomad, so set thy face against them and thus prophecy thou: In your probation ye shall traverse 40 miles. Your watchmen shall fall to the side of the road, the might of their camels collapse, the burden of their loads dropped aside…”
7 But as for the vase, this is mine oracle against it, saith the LORD. Thus saith the LORD: When thy probation shall be ended I shall smash thee against the wall, for empty thou shalt be, and a vase be of no value unless it is set to the purpose to which it is intended.” (21:6-7)

Related Articles

Read the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn here

Prophesy in the Book of Ben Kathryn

The identity of Gog and Magog

The End of the Times of the Gentiles

Additional Prophesies in the Book of Ben Kathryn

The Book of Ben Kathryn

Introduction to The Book of Ben Kathryn


Is a ‘prophet’ and miracles like Jesus did coming to Israel within a few decades?


If you personally know Jochanan HaNavi please use the contact page to contact me.


The Book of Ben Kathryn claims to be a modern revelation to Judah through a modern prophet (the first true Jewish Prophet in modern times), heralding the end of the Times of the Gentiles and the turning of the Jews to the Messiah with the final ‘Restoration of Israel.’ It was given to Jachanan ben Kathryn (John, son of Kathryn) first in the year 1995/96. It’s author is a Messianic Jew, born among the Gentiles but taken at an early age to Israel. His texts points out that he did not seek out his calling, and in fact apparently tried actively to flee from it (BOBK 1:2,9). His prophesy is the result of a theophanic experience. As a prophet, the author is commanded to take seven disciples but no general following, and even now lives unpretentiously out of the public eye waiting for “God’s” command to begin his mission and work miracles and reforms.

One must read it to make their own judgments, but with the exception of a few books, it seems like the more I read most modern restorationalists texts or supposed prophecies the less impressed I am. Most purported prophecies out there are ridiculous — but even some of the more impressive ones (such as those featured on this site) seem often distorted by their channels or means of revelatory reception despite truth and inspiration in them. But the Book of Ben Kathryn is one of the few that the more I have read it, the more I have been absolutely amazed at its prose, poetry, form and allusions to the Old Testament revelations supposedly originating from the “God of Israel”. Not to mention the fact that I was led to the text by a powerful spiritual experience involving an audible voice directing me to it for the short time it was available in English. It makes specific verifiable prophetic claims. And its associated angelic ‘instructions to the prophet’ tell specifically of miracles that the prophet will work “in his old age” to prove his authenticity. In this and many of my articles I attempt to look at the book objectively even though I have been thoroughly convinced both spiritually and intellectually of its authenticity.

It truly is a spectacular revelation, rivaling any of those found in the Old Testament. Its subtle and ubiquitous references and allusions to the Books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah and more make it seem as though it came from the same authors. It is certainly not surprising that the revelation was given/written in both English and Hebrew.

The revelation was first given to the supposed prophet in 1995, but instructed him not to write it until 2004 or published it until 2006 (see chap 1 vs. 1-4). Furthermore, it suggests that it will not gain any wide audience until the very unexpected events prophesied therein begin to occur (a final 70 year destruction/captivity of the modern nation of Israel and/or gentile Christians) and the prophet is commanded to work miracles in the eyes of the nations.

The book suggests it need not be rejected or believed at present, since God will “prove” to the nations of its truth by the coming fulfillment of biblical prophecy, accompanied by miraculous events not seen since the days of Jesus. (People raised from the dead, unparalleled healings, appendages miraculously restored to those without legs, and eventually even green fire from heaven – likely a large solar flare interacting with the earth’s decaying magnetic field).  And perhaps most importantly, the movement he starts will slowly bring about the eventual conversion of Jews, Islamic countries & Christians to a new religion, much as the works of Jesus did in the first through fourth centuries.

Although not specifically mentioned, Jachanin Ben Kathryn’s revelation indirectly suggests he/his movement will perhaps be one of the “two witnesses” symbolically portrayed in Revelation 11 (see also D&C 77:15), who will come to Israel during at Daniel’s prophesied “70th week”, to herald the end of the Times of the Gentiles and the beginning of the restoration of Israel.

SMITE thou the ground and I shall raise up prophets as the dust to afflict this generation. Look up Israel, look up, behold the latter rain as before, saith the LORD. Look up and feel the steady rain. Lift up the head of Israel, remove thou the plate. Hear the child cry from afar: The miracles of our God, the miracles of our God— a child is cleansed; a maiden is raised from the dead; a man without legs walketh. Behold again in the name of Jesus Christ this is done in Israel. Look up, O Israel, believe and greet thy redeemer as he cometh.

An LDS Perspective

The Book of Ben Kathryn should be of special interest to Latter-day Saints, since LDS people believe themselves to be essentially the apogee of the restored Northern Kingdom of Ephraim (D&C 133:30–35; 27:5; Ether 13:3–12)—A view that the Book of Ben Kathryn seems to support as it continually refers to the American Christian Church as “Ephraim.” The traditional biblical restoration of the Jewish southern Kingdom (Judah) to Jerusalem is, of course, ubiquitously prophesied of in Mormon scripture (D&C 98:17; 18:26; D&C 45:18–44; 77:9-15; 109:62-66; D&C 133:12–14,34–35; Ether 13:3–12, 1 Nephi 13:42, JS Matthew 24). The slight doctrinal differences and subtle contempt which the Book continually directs toward “Ephraim” should also be of note to LDS people. This “enmity” between Ephraim (the Northern Kingdom) and Judah (the Southern Kingdom) is spoken of in Isaiah, The Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, and is a continuation of the ideological differences between King David’s split kingdom. And was one of the primary points made to Joseph Smith in his first angelic visions (see Isaiah 11). The text seems to suggest that the Northern and Southern Kingdoms were created to be types or symbols of the major doctrinal and political schisms which exist in Western culture today—namely; dictatorship vs. republican government, democracy vs. autocracy, and Islam/strict monotheism vs. Christianity/trinitarianism.  LDS scripture seems to support the idea that these two kingdom’s would be restored independently—with their ancient biases, and eventually grow together and come to see eye to eye during the final dispensation (see Ether 13:3–12). And that Christ’s “coming” would harmonize these political and religious opposites. (ie. Both the Israeli State and the early Mormon theocracy were created with many of the same crazy doctrinal and social issues they had when they were destroyed thousands of years ago)

9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea…
12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
13 The envy of Ephraim also shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. (2 Nephi 21:12–13; Isa 11:12–13)

Of even greater importance to Latter-day Saints are the overwhelming references in LDS scripture to a “reverse order” restoration of Ephraim & Judah in scripture. Scores of LDS verses point to the idea that the ancient Christian Gospel was to go 1-first to the Jews, 2-then to Ephraim (ten tribes), 3- and lastly to the Gentiles. In the last days it was to be restored 1-first to the Gentiles, 2-then to Ephraim (ten tribes), 3- and lastly to the Jews.

 10 And then cometh the New Jerusalem; and blessed are they who dwell therein, for it is they whose garments are white through the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who are numbered among the remnant of the seed of Joseph [Ephraim], who were of the house of Israel.
11 And then also cometh the Jerusalem of old [Judah]; and the inhabitants thereof, blessed are they, for they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; and they are they who were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth, and from the north countries, and are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father, Abraham.
12 And when these things come, bringeth to pass the scripture which saith, there are they who were first, who shall be last; and there are they who were last, who shall be first. (ether 13:10-12. see also D&C 19:27, 20:9, 21:12, 90:9, 98:17, 107:33-97, 112:4, 133:8)

The Book of Ben Kathryn seems to add to this parallelism by suggesting that just as the early Christian movement found few supporters among the Jews (compared to the movement’s success among Ephraim and the Gentiles)—so too has the reverse order restorative work among Ephraim & the Christian Gentiles found few followers compared to what will come from Judah and Islam.

3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come…  after much tribulation [ie. the ‘tribulation’ period]. 8 And also that a feast of fat things might be prepared for the poor; yea, a feast of fat things, of wine on the lees well refined, that the earth may know that the mouths of the prophets shall not fail. 9 Yea, a supper of the house of the Lord, well prepared, unto which all nations shall be invited. 10 First, the rich and the learned, the wise and the noble; 11 And after that cometh the day of my power; then shall the poor, the lame, and the blind, and the deaf, come in unto the marriage of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, prepared for the great day to come. 12 Behold, I, the Lord, have spoken it. (D&C 58:3,8–12)

Despite very small doctrinal differences, one of the most catching aspects of the Ben Kathryn revelation is its style. As an avid reader of supposed “revelations”, I am reminded of D&C 67:5–8 which teaches that “true revelations” are given in a poetic form difficult for men or false spirits in the lower heavens to replicate.  In my experienced opinion, apart from the Bible and eastern sacred texts the language of the Book of Ben Kathryn is unparalleled. Likewise its references and allusions to Old Testament prophecy are unlike anything I have ever read.

The similarities between Ben Kathryn’s subjective theophany experience, to that of other visionary mystics like Joseph Smith in D&C 76:22–23; D&C 110:2–3; 137:3-4, or other Old Testament prophets (see Abr 1:15–19, Moses 6:26–34, Daniel 10:8–21, etc) are also of interest. The prophet speaks of it in first person as follows,

  5 Wonder of wonders, saith my soul. Wonder of wonders moveth my tongue. Who is like unto the LORD our God? I have seen the great King, he who is BEING. I am speechless. There are no words. Groanings of my soul cannot form them. Behold, burnings in mine heart cannot materialize words. What a wonder that he should breathe into man his spirit! Yea, I live because of the LORD, because of his burning fire. No heart can bear the compassion of his ways. I see no son of flesh who can stand before an ounce of his glory.
6 I have never seen beauty like this, like unto the LORD our God. Consider, O man, his doings, for eye cannot behold nor can heart appreciate his visage. At the healing of our wound, we do see him. At the gentle hour, we do hear his call. The LORD hath drawn his portrait and hath made me the frame. From beginning unto end, I have been written on by his hand, that all the Earth shall see and understand his glory.

One last very interesting aspect of the revelation is the way in which its prophecy of the restoration of Judah parallels the restoration of the American Ephraimic Church and original Christian Church.

-Just as Christ and the original 12 apostles began their ministry about 40 years before the beginning of the 70 period of Roman destruction of Israel (beginning at siege of Titus in 70AD through the Jewish-Roman Wars ending in 135 AD), also just as Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Ezekiel and Daniel all prophesy either in the 40 years leading to the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem or during the 70 Israeli exile in Babylon— so too is the modern nation of Israel prophesied to be attacked and brought captive around 40 years after John Ben Kathryn received his revelation, beginning a 70 year period of captivity wherein the Lord will “raise up prophets as the dust to afflict this generation” in order to establish the religious movement.

-Likewise the destruction of Israel at 70 AD led to the absorption of this fledgeling Christian religion/kingdom into the expanding Roman Empire which would one day adopt this movements as its primary state religion. Just as shortly after Joseph Smith and other restorationists revelations on the restoration of the New Jerusalem, the “Kingdom” was taken over and absorbed into the powerful, expanding United States which has already come to be dominated by the religious ideals of the Second Great Awakening (Evangelicals/Baptists, Mormons, Adventists, etc..)—so too John Ben Kathryn declares that Israel, after the coming Messianic restorationist movement takes hold, will be taken over and absorbed into a powerful, expanding Arab Union/coalition where although treated harshly at first, will be nourished during 70 years of captivity until they are turned to the true Messiah and restored as an independent nation and kingdom.

-Just as the “Barbarians” nations of Northern Europe were almost entirely converted to the Christian religion within a few hundred years of its founding, so too does the Book of Ben Kathryn prophesy that the Islamic Nations of the Middle East as well as the Christian Nations of Europe will give way to this coming Israeli restorationist movement. The Book of Ben Kathryn itself is written in a manner as to appeal to Jews, Christians and Muslims and slowly bring them together into a more unified religious system.

Summary of Prophesied Events in the Book

-The United States will continue to pressure the nation of Israel and other peaceful Middle Eastern Nations into disarmament (65:3), with the underlying pledge that we will protect them from Arab aggression. (66:19)
-America will continue to bankrupt itself in the process of trying to police the world. (65:9)
-Afterwards, America & Israel will follow the new precedence of “pre-emptive war” by striking Iraq (Mosul) and likely at a later point, neighboring Syria or Iran? [text says Assyria, which was headquartered in Mosul, Iraq, but spread into Syria, Turkey & Iran. this may have been fulfilled in the 2003 unprovoked Iraqi invasion or more likely is in the future.] (20:20)
-Some Arab faction (the Islamic State? Iran/Russia/Syria or Hezbollah?) will have been plotting with neighboring Arab countries to attack Israel. One of Israel’s attacks will give them the impetus and Arab support to carry out their plans of mass destruction. (12:4 44:8, 66:1-3)
-The destruction of Jerusalem will lead many of apostate Christianity to believe Armageddon is here and Christ is coming. When their preconceived notions of the Second Coming are not met, many will lose faith. (16:1-3, 16:9-10,12)
-The ensuing war will destabilize the entire region, leading eventually to the necessity of Turkey and Egypt to militarize and step in to make peace. (66:4-5))
-Sometime either before or after the siege of Jerusalem, a Middle Eastern group will strike at the heart of America (65:23)
-In the end an Islamic/Arab (& russian?) union similar to the Ottoman Caliphate will emerge to challenge the European Union as a world power. (66:4-5)
-Much like the LDS Church within the U.S., Israel is to be brought into captivity one last time (by an early fundamentalist aspect of this Islamic Empire). During this 70 year captivity God will begin the Gathering of His People to Jerusalem. (63:1,5; 64:5-6)
-During this 70 year captivity, God will raise up scores of prophets to Israel, causing a massive conversion of millions of Jews & Arabs to this new Messianic movement. (22:2-3)
-At the end of this 70 year captivity, Israel will again become an independent nation, the Temple will be rebuilt, and Jerusalem will become the new “Rome” in the ensuing wholesale conversion of the region. This regional religious transformation will exceed even the wholesale conversion of the Roman Empire regions of the first four centuries to Christianity. (5:4-5, 46:11, etc.)

-Over ten chapters of the Book are instructions to priests and leaders on the day to day operation of the future Jerusalem Temple. It is instructed to follow the template given by Ezekiel. It is prophesied that the Ark of Covenant and “holy things” of the former temple will be found and returned to Israel.

These, of course, are just my interpretations of the prophecies given by Ben Kathryn, but if you would like to make your own judgments you can read the text yourself. The original version has been posted since about 2006 on (shortly after a Spiritual Voice led me to the site and I created my site sharing a version of the text, the site was closed down. I speculate that the Hebrew version of the Book is likely still available on a purely Hebrew site, and that the English site shortly existed only to call myself and a few other individuals as apostles or proponents of the movement.)

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