Timeline Test

This is a post to test the WordPress Simile Timeline plugin. I like this timeline and want to do a lot with it. more later


New Insights

“16/6.2. But once again, false Lords and false Gods began to set up kingdoms of their own, in heaven and in the cities of mortals. And, lo and behold, every one called himself either Thor or Apollo. And the spirits who manifested in the temples and for the oracles, all gave one of these names. And mortals who were obsessed, believed themselves to be the reincarnation of Apollo or Thor; the obsessing spirits calling themselves by these names”

Reincarnation is half true and half false. Those who at the end of a Dan (millennium) will not accend (follow god), stay behind and become obsessing spirits. Thus as satan says in the temple,

“if thou curses me, I will take the spirits which follow me, and they shall posses the bodies thou hast created for adam and eve”.

So you see.. those left in the dark rigions ( Outer Darkness/second death?), under the dominion of satan, the whore, the anti-christ, stay in the wheel and in essense FALL again. They are reborn and go through hell again.

” 36 These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels—
37 And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power;
39 For all the rest shall be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the triumph and the glory of the Lamb, who was slain, who was in the bosom of the Father before the worlds were made. ”

So the righteous are resurrected (raised up) to the first, second or third heaven/earth, but the wicked are cast out of heaven/ thrust back down (to hell and then back to a fallen earth) to be the demons that posses the next cycle or to be reincarnated beings (fetals).

But there is another aspect of this? Resurrected spirits can fall from “grace” or from higher worlds and come back down and be reborn, as Christ was and as the wicked are… born in the flesh.

“get quote from truth’s good news of Eloheim spiritually begetting”

So the spirits of all men begin by being spiritually created by the Eloheim. But on earth, the spirits of men can be newly begotten spirits, decending spirits like Christ?, accending spirits like ______?, or a fetal (reincarnation) which shares, or has chased away the original spirit.
-so one of these is an intercycle reincarnation, and one is a intracycle reincarnation… How does this work?

“20/29.5. Hoab now turned his attention to the hosts of adamic﷓stricken drujas, who were constantly forming themselves in knots, and yet being as rapidly severed by the ethereans. To Athrava he said: How more helpless a deranged spirit is than a mortal! They float on their own wild thoughts. At one time they fly from us before the wind; at another they run together, or upon us, like molten gum, and we cannot keep them off.
20/29.6. Athrava said: Behold the wisdom of the Father in creating man in a corporeal body! What a glorious anchorage for a young, weak, or deranged spirit! What a home a corporeal body is! How much easier we could manage these crazed ones were they provided thus!
20/29.7. Hoab said: Which shows us the way we must proceed to restore them. Since we cannot create corporeal bodies for them, the Father has given us power to provide them subjectively for the time being.
20/29.8. So Hoab and Athrava proceeded as follows: First by walling the place around with fire, so that none of the druj could escape, and then dividing them into thousands of groups, by means of fire also; then creating subjective bodies for them, to which they bound themselves willingly, and which prevented them from fastening to one another. (This is what drujas call reincarnation in another world.)”

As mentioned in truths good news, the Eloheim or Etherean Gods decend to newly created corporeal worlds and “fall” that they might create corporeal bodies for thier spiritual children. Both those they have begotten and those they are bound to. They do this that they might help the spirits to ascend as they have.

“Adam fell that men might be”…

Telestial – tele (far, far off from completion of a cycle; far off like the stars.)
Terrestrial – terra (earth, mortal)
Celestial/Etherea/Sky – celes (heaven, sky)
AntiChrist – anti (against) anti in sense of “before” (locative singular of *ant- “front, forehead”) like anticipate
TELE: comb. form meaning “far, far off,” from Gk. tele-, combining form of tele “far off, afar, at or to a distance,” related to teleos (gen. telos) “end, goal, result, consummation, perfection,” lit. “completion of a cycle,” from PIE *kwel-es- (cf. Skt. caramah “the last,” Bret. pell “far off,” Welsh pellaf “uttermost”), from base *kwel- (see cycle).

Telestial – because they will not be resurrected until the resurrection of the unjust, they will be born in another cycle. They are those thrust down to hell and are like dim/distant stars in the sky.
Terrestial – because they will inherit the (atmospherean) earth in the millennium and beyond coming forth during the resurrection of the just.
Celestial – because they shine and rule like the sun.

Introduction to The Gospel of The Holy Twelve

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is a revalatory text, suggesting to be a restoration of the original gospel of christ.

The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is a revalatory text, suggesting to be a restoration of the original gospel of christ.


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The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
The Gospel of the Holy Twelve is a very unique and interesting Restorationism Text. Like a few other assorted texts, it purports to be a restored version of the original Gospel from which the four Gospels were loosely copied. It is said to have been written by Saint John along with the Book of Revelation. One forward reads,

This Gospel record is the recovered document from which the Four Gospels as we have them today were built upon. It was the first formulated life of the Christ and was written by St. John about the year 70 AD., when he was imprisoned in Rome and given page by page to one whom he could trust.

When the scroll was completed and after its contents had been made known to the Apostles, it was taken to Tibet by the same disciple, who left it in the care of a unnamed lama.

Mormonism, of course, has a number of scriptures that support the idea that assorted parts of the bible were corrupted through time, and that these corruptions would be corrected by new finds and revelations in the latter days.

20 … I, Nephi, beheld… a book, and it was carried forth among them [the Gentiles in America].
23 And he said: Behold it proceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew….
24 And the angel of the Lord said unto me: Thou hast beheld that the book proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew; and when it proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew it contained the fulness of the gospel of the Lord, of whom the twelve apostles bear record..
25 Wherefore, these things go forth from the Jews in purity unto the Gentiles, according to the truth which is in God.

Now this could be talking about the Old Testament as compiled by Ezra or it could be talking about the parts of the New Testament possibly compiled by John. Either way, Mormonism holds that the that the version of this bible that has been passed down to us through Roman era rabbinism and early catholicism has many plain and precious things taken out. Parts which may still exist in Tibeten libraries and other buried locations. Note this additional LDS scripture concerning the idea that John the beloved will help reveal additional distorted truths in the latter days…

25 But the things which thou shalt see hereafter thou shalt not write; for the Lord God hath ordained the apostle of the Lamb of God that he should write them…
26 And also others who have been, to them hath he shown all things, and they have written them; and they are sealed up to come forth in their purity, according to the truth which is in the Lamb, in the own due time of the Lord, unto the house of Israel.
27 And I, Nephi, heard and bear record, that the name of the apostle of the Lamb was John, according to the word of the angel.

So we learn in essence that the “in the due time of the Lord” we will get a “pure” or uncorrupted version of the Old Testament (Obviously this will occur when the Plates of Brass are given back to man, but I believe it is happening in part to those ready to receive by the restoration of these Tibetan versions). Furthermore we may get an uncorrupted version of the Book of Revelation written by John the Revelator. Is it possible that this too was sent to Tibet and is one of the “Rich Treasures [to be brought] unto the children of Ephraim” when “they who are in the north countries [sic] come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets [sic] hear his voice, and [sic] no longer stay themselves; and [sic] smite the rocks, and the ice [flows] down at their presence.” (D&C 133:26–30) [Read my article on the Lost Ten tribes in Tibet and Mongolia here -link]

Now I’m not so sure that the Gospel of the Holy Twelve is an uncorrupted original gospel. If fact, I tend to believe it a channeled text which introduces its own bias into the Gospels. But I think it may actually restore some great aspects of the Gospel of Christ, and that the original certainly could have been given to St John by revelation and sealed to be sent to Tibet with the Book of Revelation that they could come forth in purity during the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. Furthermore, I speculate that the “mission and ordinance, for [John] to gather the tribes of Israel… and restore all things” spoken of in D&C 77:14 will be centered in bringing forth these records hidden in Israel, Tibet, Great Britain and the other locations where Israel was largely scattered. As an echoed witness to John’s mission we have these quote from the Doctrine & Covenants Church Manuals,

The Apostle John ministered to the Prophet Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in 1829 when he assisted Peter and James in the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood (see D&C 27:12).

In a conference of the Church on 3 June 1831, the Prophet Joseph Smith taught concerning John’s ministry: “John the Revelator was then among the Ten Tribes of Israel who had been led away by Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, to prepare them for their return from their long dispersion” (History of the Church, 1:176).

In trying to get to the bottom of how the Gospel of the Holy Twelve got from its supposed residence in Tibet to England, The Christian Gospel Trust of Sussex writes that it remained in Tibet

“until a friar, named Placidus, visited the monastery in the eighteen seventies and asked if he might show it to the Church Authorities in Rome.

The scroll was then given to him and on the way home, which took a long time, he translated a portion of it into Latin and on his arrival in Rome read it to the assembled Cardinals. At first they were impressed, but as he proceeded to reveal the contents they realised that to make it known would discredit the Church which had, during the Council of Nicea, eliminated from the Gospels the Master’s teaching about the love and care of animals and about abstaining from eating flesh-foods. And so the scroll was hidden away in the archives of the Vatican, where it remains to this day”

I don’t think that this story is a total fabrication, but one does wonder how it fits into another preface written in another version where supposedly Rev. Gideon Ouseley claims that the first publication of The Gospel of the Holy Twelve as written by him was communicated to him “in numerous fragments at different times, by Emmanuel Swedenborg, Anna Kingsford, Edward Maitland, and a priest of a former century giving his name as Placidus, of the Franciscan Order, afterward A. Carmelite”, who were the translators thereof. He also refers to certain “spiritual manifestations” which he says accompanied the transcription. So perhaps the story pieced together here is that it went from John to Tibet, to the Vatican where it has been since the 1800’s. But deceased seers including Emmanual Swedenborg translated the work from latin and revealed in to Gideon Ouseley in visions whereafter he wrote it down and published it. Sounds quite fantastic to me, but perhaps no more fantastic than the translation/revelation of the Book of Mormon or Pearl of Great Price.

It has become my practice to judge spiritual books by their content, not by the stories surrounding their coming forth.

To end, I will showcase some of the unique content found in the text….

In the following passage we have a list of the twelve apostles as well as the tribe of israel each represented. This is a Jewell of information lost to the new testament gospels but that I had been searching for for many years.

Now the names of the twelve apostles are these who stood for the twelve tribes of Israel:
2. Peter, called Cephas, for the tribe of Reuben; James, for the tribe of Naphtali; Thomas, called Dydimus, for the tribe of Zabulon; Matthew, called Levi for the tribe of Gad; John, for the tribe of Ephraim; Simon, for the tribe of Issachar.
3. Andrew, for the tribe of Joseph; Nathanael, for the tribe of Simeon; Thaddeus, for the tribe of Zabulon; Jacob, for the tribe of Benjamin; Jude, for the tribe of Dan; Philip, for the tribe of Asher. And Judas Iscariot, a Levite, who betrayed him, was also among them (but he was not of them). And Matthia and Barsabbas were also present with them. (17:1-3)

Now these are too inspired to be made up. Note that Judas “who was among them, but not one of them” was a Levite. Not to be counted just as the tribe of Levi in the apportioning of Israel to each tribe. Note also that John the beloved is of Ephraim… Of Course! I’ll let you chew on the rest. They are an absolute revelation.

Secondly, lets look at… I”ll complete this when I have some time…


Article under construction from this point.

In truth there are just too many deep wonderful principles to even do justice. Take the four-fold ministry for instance… (add quotes, see other article)..

However, the two doctrines that are suspect and may have been added by Buddhist/Tibetan scribes may be the parts on animal cruelty. But judge for yourself.

See my posts here (link) to see an explanation of what may appear to some to be a teaching on reincarnation (Christians would just call it resurrection).

Also a bit on marriage…. I’ll have to write an article on this because many texts (including Paul in the new testament) clarify the whole concept of their being a time to marry and a time to be celibate.



Read the Book Here

Scientific vs. Scriptural Timelines

Today in the Christian & Muslim worlds there are two predominate world-views seeking to explain the history of the world. One is the religious view offered by traditional Christian & Muslim theologians based on faith-centered interpretation of scriptural evidence. The other is the naturalistic view offered by Scientists based on a logical interpretation of empirical evidence.

Which do you find yourself believing more?  Can they be harmonized?  See our article ‘How Old is the Earth? How the Bible Timeline Fits with Earth’s Geologic & Archaeological Prehistory‘.

The religious take on history:

  • 5000-4000 B.C. God, having power over atoms and element, creates complex life on earth, in a perfect immortal condition and places it in
    the Garden of Eden. He finishes and declares his work “Good” sometime around six to seven thousand years ago.
  • 4000 B.C. Adam’s sin brings death to the world. The world “falls” from its perfect, immortal state.
  • 4000 B.C. Adam is expelled from the Garden of Eden, which is located in Jackson County Missouri. Adam-ondi-Ahman is a mountainous region
    at this time (D&C ?? ), and is located near the “Sea East” (Moses ?? ). Adam’s posterity, and thus civilization radiates out from this area
    and is still concentrated in that region after 1000 years (Moses ?? Enoch scripture)
  • 3960 B.C. Adam is taught by God to read and write, he in turn teaches this skill to his children, who begin recording a book of
    remembrance (Moses ?? ).
  • 3960 B.C. Adam and his descendants raise livestock and cultivate grains (Moses?? )
  • 3500 B.C.? Adams descendants become masters in working metal such as brass and iron. (Gen 4:22) They also make musical instruments such
    as the harp and organ. (Gen 4:21)
  • 3000 B.C. God translates the city of Enoch about four thousand years ago; the righteous from that time until the flood are likewise
    translated in preparation for the world’s destruction (Moses ??)
  • 4000-2400 B.C Pre-flood patriarch life spans average 900 years. Something changes at the flood to make them slowly begin to
  • 2444 B.C. God baptizes the earth in the flood that kills “all that is on the dry land”, save Noah, his family, and the animals
    with him on the arc. (Gen ?? )
  • The world then begins to be repopulated by Noah and his family. His descendants all speak the same language and are concentrated in the
    land of Shinar (Assyria) & Egypt.
  • The descendants of Noah possess full knowledge of reading, writing, metallurgy and civilization.
  • 2330-? B.C. Egypt is first settled by Egyptus after the flood (Abr. 3: ?). When she finds the land, it is still underwater.
  • 2160? B.C. The earth is divided in the days of Peleg, about a hundred years after the flood (Gen. 10: ?, D&C 133: ??)
  • 2100 B.C. The Brother of Jared heads north from Shinar (Assyria) where “never man had gone before” on his way to the great
    ocean that separates the continents.
  • 2100 B.C. North America is settled for the first time since the flood by the Brother of Jared and his group. They bring livestock, bees
    and grains to repopulate the continent.
  • 2000 B.C. The Jaredites exhibit a high level of sophistication. They grow fruit and grain, and have all manner of livestock. They
    manufacture silks, and fine linen. They smelt gold, silver, and steel. (Ether 7:9) They also use horses, donkeys, elephants, and cureloms and cumoms
  • 2000 B.C. A money system using precious metals is firmly established by Abraham’s time. (Gen 23:15–16)
  • 2000 B.C. Silver and gold are smelted in the time of Abraham. They are used for jewelry such as earrings and bracelets. (Gen 13:2)
  • 1600 B.C. Iron, brass, tin and lead are used by the time of Moses. (Lev 26:19, Num 31:22)
  • 1544? B.C. The children of Israel grow to be a great people in the land of Egypt, numbering several million
  • 1517 B.C. Moses is sent by God to foretell and carry out the command to entirely destroy the kingdom of Egypt, and lead the Israelites to
  • 1000 B.C. Steel is specifically mentioned as being used for bows at the time of David.
  • 1000 B.C. David and his son Solomon rule the entire Middle East. The climate is much more fertile and is described as a land flowing with
    milk and honey (Ref ?? ).
  • 800 B.C. By this time Israel has lost much of its power in the region and Assyria begins to raise up in the north as a major world
  • 7?? B.C. Assyria attacks and destroys the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Its people are transported to foreign lands and from there scattered
    among “the north countries”. (ref ??)
  • 600 B.C. Lehi’s group and the Mulekites flee Israel just prior to its destruction and sail to America. Sometime after their arrival
    the former inhabitants (the Jaredites) are completely destroyed and these new groups become the population stock for all future American peoples. (reword)
  • 580 B.C. Babylon conquers Assyria and becomes the major world power. It then attacks the Southern Kingdom of Judah and carries its
    inhabitants away into Babylon as prisoners.
  • 550 B.C. Much like Joseph in Egypt, David becomes second in command to Nebecaneezer, the king of the most powerful country in the world.
    He exerts much influence and spreads Israelite culture throughout the kingdom. After 70 years in captivity many of the Israelites return to set up the nation once
  • 500 B.C. At this point the bible ends and written history becomes abundant and trustworthy.
The Naturalistic take on history:

  • 3 billion years ago – First life on earth appears in the form of single celled organisms such as protista and Eukarotic cells.
  • 570 million years ago – Cambrian Explosion occurs, marked by the abrupt appearance of complex life in the fossil record. Every major
    phylum on earth today, is represented.
  • 438 million years ago – First land plants and land invertebrates appear in fossil record.
  • 360 million years ago – Development of amphibians and insects.
  • 320 million years ago – Appearance of early reptiles
  • 245 million years ago – Development of conifer plants
  • 208 million years ago – appearance of fist birds and the rise of the dinosaurs.
  • 65 million years ago – First flowering plants evolve.
  • 45 MYA First Anthropoids evolve in Africa or Eurasia
  • 25 MYA First ape-like hominoids evolve
  • 5 MYA Divergent evolution begins between humans and apes (latest shared ancestor)
  • 3.5 MYA First erect walking bipeds (hominoids or early human’s) evolve
  • 2.5 MYA Humanoids learn to use stone tools.
  • 1.5 MYA First Homo Erectus species evolves
  • .5 MYA Humans learn to kindle fire
  • 400,000 BC Sites in England & Germany show hunting occurred
  • .2 MYA First Homo Sapiens evolve in Africa or Asia
  • 120,000 BC Neanderthals evolve
  • 90,000 BC Fish nets from the Congo found
  • 50,000 BC Bone and rock tools become prevalent, oldest stone spear tips found
  • +20,000 BC Cave paintings, sewing needles, bow and arrow are invented
  • 20,000 BC First inhabitants of North America cross the Bering Straights from Asia
  • 10, 000 BC Early Archaic culture raises up in North America
  • 8000 BC First cultivation of grains/farming, Alcoholic fermentation invented
  • 7000 BC Early use of pottery
  • 6000 BC Early use of linens (man goes from animal furs to woven fabrics)
  • 5000 BC Irrigation developed, First use of copper, First corn cultivation
  • 4500 BC Early ships and sailors in Mesopotamia and Egypt
  • 4000 BC Development of plowing and first domestication of horses
  • 4000 BC Sumerian /Acadian culture rises in Babylonia (peaks 2330 BC)
  • 4000 BC Some have carbon dated the pyramids of Egypt to this date.
  • 3500 BC Early number systems developed, First use of carts with wheels
  • 3100 BC Early development of writing
  • Archaic Kingdom of Egypt (3100-2700 BC)
  • 3000 BC Stonehenge built, Minoan Civilization rises in Crete (3000-1400 BC), stone plows found
  • 2950 BC The oldest living tree (a bristle cone pine in West U.S.) starts growing
  • 2800 BC Development of the Calendar by Babylonians
  • 2700 BC Old Kingdom of Egypt rises (2700-2200 BC) capitol is Memphis.
  • 2550 BC The Great Pyramids of Egypt are built
  • 2500 BC Beginnings of glass, libraries, long distance trade, and domestication of camels.
  • Early Indus Valley Civilization rises. (it is destroyed by Aryans in 1500 BC)
  • 2400 BC Rise of first Chinese Civilizations
  • 2300 BC Invention of paper
  • 2050 BC Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2050-1800 BC) capitol is Thebes
  • 2000 BC The Aramaens move into Israel from the north
  • 1750 BC Hamarabi’s Code established. (first modern system of law)
  • 1620 BC Rise of the Hittite Empire (1620-1350 BC) although they existed from 3000 BC
  • 1500 BC The Hindu “Vedas” are written. (some say 1700 or 1500-1200 BC)
  • 1450 BC The Myceneaen Civilization rises in Greece and Crete.
  • 1400 BC The Hittites begin smelting Iron.
  • 1100 BC The Dorians conquer Mycenaean Greece
  • 1050 BC The Phoenicians (the Canaanites) found Tyre and Sidon (Lebanon) and Carthage in Libya.
  • 800 BC Rise of the Medes who later conquer Assyria with Persia.
  • 600 BC The first coinage money system is invented


More on Eternal Progression

link to this after main eternal progression article.

Your former picture is not so much correct; to picture the earth as the center between good and evil, heaven and hell; the water between earth and air if you will. This can possibly bring about an incorrect image of eternity (as it has in my case).

It is more correct to view things as follows. Good and evil, the light and darkness exist on all planes, even in Etherea or the celestial most rarified planes (as you would call it). But the farther in the rarified direction you move, the smaller the “distance” or contrast between the opposing forces, until at some point in the “upward” direction of density you arrive at a total oneness of existence. This is THE ONE TRUE GOD, completely outside of space and time and is entirely within the realm of faith. Conversely as you move toward grosser matter, the opposites become more largely polarized. Thus in earth there is stronger polarization than in the spirit world or terrestrial or celestial spheres.

As an individual or the earth ascends, he/it must leave behind the unrefined dross, or grosser fleshy matter if he is to ascend. Thus the righteous/ying is in ascension and the wicked/yang is in dissension. The righteous of the earth will ascend to the millennium which will be a less dense earth composed merely of the “ying” or “good” or “light” of the previous earth man left upon death. (The bad is left behind). However, during the millennium the good ying will further be divided and polarized starting the whole sorting process over. Does that make sense?

This is why you envisioned the earth without large polarization in its infancy and then the good and evil sides of the spirit world growing out from it through time. When the righteous people and earth ascend (are rarified together) they will be more homogenous and “one” than they were on earth. It could be said that they were not polarized (even though they were somewhat). But with time that subset will become just as polarized as they were with the wicked back on the previous earth in the previously cycle. Its like a group of nations that forget their differences because they have to unite when they are attacked by an “evil” super-power, but when that evil empire is conquered, they start squabbling with each-other, lose their unity and soon a subset of them becomes the next evil super power to repeat the cycle again.

I suppose the earth could be viewed as a battlefield standing between a good and evil spirit worlds since there are yet grosser “corporeal” world beneath earth (I think?) just as there are less dense “atmospherean” world above, and these dualities both have their influences on earth. But one should not picture the earth as standing between the hells and heavens of where departed spirits go. For ALL spirits upon death move to an atmospherean world which is less dense than (and therefore above) this earth. However, the righteous subset only (along with the earth itself eventually) ascend, while the wicked stagnate or descend. So you see, just as the righteous have to “wait” in heaven for their loved ones to die so they can be together eternally (in heaven), so also do all men “wait” in heaven for the earth itself to “die” so it’s “spirit” can raise to the SAME density as the righteous and they can live together for another cycle during the millennium wherein there will be birth and death (as desired) as well as materialization and translation. The wicked also will be reunited with their evil portion of the earth as it is “resurrected” into both the same and a lower density and becomes their abode whith both birth????

-So is the earth really only 4000ish years old since the flood, or is there truth to the big numbers and
-is ante-diluvium and millennial scriptural accounts the same world?

(so the God of this world is over both good and evil. You might say the father is god over both the Son/Christ and Satan. They are both his servants. And both of them can be subdivided into two as well. Christ into The Son & Holy Ghost, etc. etc. And Satan into the devil and the anti-christ. So your view that the demiurge dwells in a region of light is not quite true… HOW can he be in heaven? He visits there to recieve instruction from the father and he is a light/dark couple.. this is more complex than that. the devil is two in one, who are HIGHLY polarized. He is a schizofrenic. while before god’s throne he is an obedient servant doing what he thinks is right, self-righteously trying by fire. But while on earth he is a debaucherous devil. So it is with all the evil. they are bipolar. But the righteous are not so bipolar, not so polarized… they are moving upward toward unity.

Eternal Progression

This article is under construction… come back when its done.

-Need to explain the rotating ying yang upward cone illustration. There are two spiritual kingdoms (spirit world heaven & hell levels which are in a way the resurrected kingdoms/D&C 76 kingdoms of the previous cycle). The lower half / kingdom (hell) descends to a lower plane in the next cycle/final judgment (they do not even get a “resurrection”, they are sons of perdition in D&C 76 as well as the “third part” who followed Satan in the beginning of this cycle and never got bodies). Spirit paradise (which are often divided into two or three separate “spirit kingdoms” themselves or sometimes even six but are really only one in a sense, since the higher part descends into hell and helps everyone end up meeting in the middle) along with as many as will come ascend/progress to the upward cone plane/resurrection; but once they ascend, they themselves immediately are polarized into the new ying & yang or heaven & hell. It is this immediate polarization which is the three degrees of resurrected glory spoken of in D&C 76. So hopefully you see the complexity created by the cyclical nature of the progression of things. The immortal “spirit” world which existed at the time of Adam and Eve was actually the three degrees of glory/resurrection for the previous cycle. Then the fall occurred and created a temporal earth as well as a “hell”.

People think the millennium is the resurrection spoken of in D&C 76, but it isnt at all? The resurrections in D&C 76 are “physical” resurrections into immortal worlds…. this is where the confusion comes about. I could say they are “spiritual resurrections” since they are into the/a “spirit” world but that causes misunderstanding, because all spirit is also “matter” or “physical”. Thus the better verbiage to differentiate things with is eternal world or temporal world. Meaning, is the resurrection into a temporal world with death where opposites mix, or is it in an eternal world where there is no birth or death and like attracts like. So the D&C 76 kingdoms are final resurrections into an immortal or eternal state. And the spirit world of the cycle started out as the resurrection kingdoms of the last cycle.

People, including the early apostles, were under the impression that Christ’s (second) coming would be shortly after his death because in a way it was. The fact is that as soon as Christ ascended to his father and his God (who dwelt in the highest realms of the spirit body/world (and perhaps even a separate etherean world/kolob) he immediately began to descend through the spirit planes with his saints. In essence, the spirit body/world/planes began contracting/collapsing in on themselves as he began descending to successively lower planes and organizing all the inhabitants of those planes to continue on descending with him. Thus for the highest spirit planes, Christ’s advent was shortly after his death and resurrection. However, for earth and the lower realms of the Spirit World it has not yet occurred. For the middle realm of the Saints, however, it occurred when the Millerites said it did, in 1844.

And thus it continues forever, the separation of the wheat and the tares.

Also, add the illustration of how the highest two spirit kingdoms switch places on earth. The highest most righteous spirit planes come to earth as the middle son, in the middle land, in the middle time. They descend and become “second/last” to help bring everyone up. The father becomes the son. The downside to this is that the middle kingdom of the spirit world then on earth thinks they are the bomb, and boasts in their pride and damns themselves to become last. the middle symbol below should be the twisted snake symbol.

1 \ / 2
2 / \ 1
3 ———- 3

-so how does the etherean worlds/kolob fit into this?
-is the telestial kingdom the hell/prison of the next cycle? It says in 76:84 of the telestial, “These are they who are thrust down to hell. ” but I think it is saying it is mostly those in hell/spirit prison of this cycle which will inherit the telestial (lowest level of paradise) in the next cycle/resurrection. (since it also says in 76:89 that even the Telestial defies all understanding) And this same group is mostly likely to fall right back from their low paradise into the next cycle’s hell as soon as the stratification starts occurring.
-So how does the millennium fit into this? It would seem that during the millennium heaven and earth combine into one. That is the paradise planes of the spirit world combine with earth, and hell is bound in its own place. Perhaps this is the nature of an “atmospherean” stage of a planet. It is “in the process of expanding or contracting”. So during the antediluvian age earth was contracting “into” corpor; and during the millennium earth with be expanding from corpor to etherea… So if you’ll remember, the spirit world start collapsing in on themselves at christ, and continue until heaven & hell reach each other… (and since earth lies directly between the two) when they reach each other the spirit world and earth will essentially become one… All veils will have been dropped/destroyed. Then something crazy happens… all hell breaks loose on earth. But why? How does this collapsing relate to the destructions that will come, and why satan and all those still in prison be bound from influencing the earth? The answer: because heaven and earth (corpor & atmosherea) are expanding toward etherea or dimension shifting up… so all those on heaven and earth who cannot abide that glory will not be able to rise with it!
-Effectually atmospherea (heaven) collapses onto the corporeal earth, and when this is accomplished the entire creation density shifts up, so that corpor now occupies the density which the first level of the spirit world (lower atmospherea) now occupies. When that occurs, all that cannot ascend with it (those in hell who will not rise) are left behind in a lower density not able to influence or take any part in the corporeal/temporal/mortal earth until it once again descends (as it did in the antediluvian period) and falls once again into its reach)

Would it surprise you to know that the view of eternity revealed and held by all religions is a bit incomplete? The Catholics may think they have the whole picture, and yet it differs from the Protestants and Evangelicals who both think their ideas of heaven, hell and the resurrection are superior. Then there’s the Latter-day Saints whose addition of multiple degrees of resurrected glory adds another dimension to the picture rivaled perhaps only by Hindu and Buddhist philosophies.

I believe that when Christ comes to reign he will show us how each of these beliefs fits into the big picture. How Christian “resurrection” and eastern “reincarnation” are two different aspects of the future reality of the human soul (link). This millennial atonement or “bringing together” of all revealed truth in all dispensations has already begun with the restoration of the fullness/wholeness of the gospel. Lets start our journey here with a simplistic diagram of

Put the three degrees of glory as taught by missionaries and then bring in the further light from oaspe and g.o.h.t. and gone west, etc…

write this starting with simple christian/bom view

-give John Ward diagram… (divides heaven into 3)

-compare buddhist & Kabalah versions.

add three degrees of glory

-give jewish temple symbolism and then lds temple..

-give Swedenborg, a sixteenth century seer, version

-give Oahspe diagram of es, astmoshephera, corpor…

-explain the real thing…

The Anti-Christs (Demiurge)

There are three divine beings. The true Gods (the I AM’s), the false gods/idols (the demiurge/anti-Christs), and the dark lords (Satans). The Satans live in the realm of darkness (hells), the true gods and false gods both live in the realm of light, but the false gods become the Devils of the next cycle.

The true Gods are what they are. They do not crave or like worship. They are simply the beings of the higher levels who do their best to serve and help those of the lower levels progress (because that the type of people they are).

The false gods (demiurge/anti-christs) are created by the people in the same way that Israel disobediently created Saul and David to be their kings. The blind masses want a celebrity to worship. They want a king to rule them. They want a golden calf to dance around and they create these in their own minds… then an egocentric individual steps into the mold created by the masses. If he does not live up to the mold, he is overthrown from office and a new sycophant is inaugurated. They pretend to rule the masses, but in reality, the masses rule them. They are puppets.. the puppet rulers of the true Gods. The true Gods oversee and have power over all mortal and immortal existence. But they wish for people to rule themselves and always do their aiding and managing in a laissez-faire manner. But when the people want a king or god… they give the people what the want. They let them select some poor puppet and allow the people to carve them into what the masses crave, all the while knowing that the fate of all idols is the axe and the fire.

So then what is the difference between a true God and a false God (demiurge)? Simply put, one wants to be God and is thus directed from below (the masses), and the other has no real desire to be God and thus is humbly directed from above. One is slave to his subjects and the other is subject to his father only. Look at the difference in attitude between Jesus and Lucifer…

1 And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying: That Satan, whom thou hast commanded in the name of mine Only Begotten, is the same which was from the beginning, and he came before me, saying—Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.
2 But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.
3 Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down;
4 And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.

The Church of the Devil (Satans) is the whore of all the earth. But the anti-christ/demiurge is a whore too. It is one who offers sexual union with only the flesh. One who masquerades at-one-ment with only one aspect of their being. The flesh is not the soul. It is only one aspect of the soul… a covering that hides spirit. Both man and God have many layers and to “know” God or another individual is to know and love all their layers. Because of the law of one, it is often true that a person with a beautiful body has an opposite and equal ugliness to some aspect of their spirit being. True union in the marriage chamber entails accepting and embracing the whole individual both beautiful and ugly. A whore offers only the flesh in a union that is far from oneness. It is a selfish union where energy transfer is not equal. It drains and distorts.

So it is with the demiurge. He offers one aspect of the ONE TRUE GOD and says I am GOD, know me and gain eternal life. And yet he does not reveal his whole self nor does he give it. He selfishly takes and leaves his “subjects” drained and violated. His does not offer true at-one-ment for he has not yet truly at-oned himself. He does not reveal both his “good” and his “bad” nor does he lift his brethren up with him. He does not tell man that he was once like them and that they are one step behind being his equal. He does not unclothe his first and his last, his beauty and his uncomelyness nor his wrath with his patience.

It’s no mistake that the same Hebrew & Greek words that Christ uses in John 17 saying that life eternal is to “Know” God, is also used to describe procreation in the Bible. Knowing God is like “knowing” a man or a woman. It is a very sacred and deep parallel. Man is hidden beneath clothing because his glory is too much for the innocent. But both Man and God were initially clothed with the intention of being revealed. Those who are afraid of reading another’s religious texts or scripture are like those who are afraid of seeing another uncovered. To unclothe God is to play with fire and one must take care not to get burned. But if we seek truth to be our bride then we must get past the covering which has been placed on her to truly know her. We will not change the truth by uncovering it. The fear of “false doctrine” is like the fear of falsely judging a bride to be. A fool-hearty youth may be allured to marry fine clothing only to find that it covers hideous tattoos and blemishes. She may marry a handsome body only to find it covers a hideous soul. But in the end, one must learn that clothing, body and soul are all aspects of that individual, and to love the individual one must know and accept all of its aspects. So it is with God and his truth. A fool-hearty youth may be led to many false judgments about God by judging the appearance of one of his coverings. But in the end, to “know” God is to know and see ALL of his coverings and to learn all aspects of his being. It is to see the meaning and beauty of how the “good” and the “bad” (by our skewed judgments) work together to form his I AM. He IS. BEING HE IS BEING. And to know him one must play with fire… for the ALL CONSUMING FIRE is his name.

There are ample types of the three divine ones in the scriptures. The first born, the last born and the middle. Whether it be Cain/Abel/Seth or Japeth/Shem/Ham or Esau/Isaac/More or Reuben/Judah/Joseph or Laman/Lemual/Nephi/Sam/Jacob, in nearly every instance the firstborn who believes he has earned the right to the birth-right is rejected and the middle-born receives it. The first becomes last and the last becomes first. Scripture suggest that this type plays true for even Lucifer and Christ. The Son of the Morning being the “first born” believed it was his right to rule this world, so when the Father rejected him and his rule declaring Christ to be the firstborn before him, he revolted and took a third of the host of heaven with him.

The secret is that those that make themselves first always are rejected causing a fall to become last. While those who make themselves last are made first by the law of justice… and if they then sacrifice that first estate on the cross, they fall to the middle and become exalted in the center of it. They become the first AND THE last, the alpha AND omega. The true Gods who have at-one-ed the opposites.

So can you solve the mystery? Who is the demiurge? Who is the anti-Christ or the demiurge that will reveal themselves in the last days? The one who is to become the “Master Mahan” of the next cycle?

These are the deep mysteries intended for the inner circle. For the rest of us, we shouldn’t dwell too much on them. Just live a good life and press forward in faith.