Practical Guidebook
to the Spiritual Life

Standard Edition

In Modern American Language




You have a corporeal (physical) body and a spiritual body: Hear me, and I will open your understanding. I come to free not only the corporeal man, but the spiritual man.


Yet with your freedom, you also attain to responsibility so that sooner or later, your fidelity to your Creator and to your fellow-man, in righteousness, love and good works, shall become the most sacred study of your life.


Your God does not come in this era as a dictator, but as your elder brother, with ample experience. Nor do I command, saying: You shall believe, because I, your God, have said it, or revealed it in this book.


Nevertheless through Oahspe, light of Jehovah, the Creator, is revealed to man; and man is to judge himself, and labor to save himself, so that by this he may have honor and glory.


For the will of the Creator is not for man to be forever led; but for man to ultimately have the light of practicing good works organically, from infancy up.




for the
Spiritual and Practical
Enlightenment and Development
Individuals, Groups and Humanity
For Their
Glory and Happiness
and for the
Glory of the Whole









A History of the Dominions of

the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth for the Past Twenty–Five Thousand Years;


Being from the Submersion of the Continent of Pan in the Pacific Ocean,

Commonly Called the Flood or Deluge,

to the millennial (Kosmon) era, the Present Time;


Also a Brief History of the Preceding Years, from Man’s Beginning on Earth

to the Flood;


Together With:


A Synopsis of

the Cosmogony of the Universe;

the Creation of Planets;

the Creation of Man;

the Unseen Worlds;

the Labor and Glory of Gods and Goddesses in the Heavens of the Earth

and in the Etherean Heavens above them;


With the

New Commandments of Jehovah

to Man of the Present Day,

and Other Revelations

from the Second Resurrection,

formed in Words in the Thirty–Third Year

of the millennial (Kosmon) era.


This present edition being placed into modern American Language;

being an extraction, compilation and integration of materials


from the First Published Edition




and from the

Second Published Edition

Published in 1891



Copyright 1910 by Justine Ballou Newbrough

Copyright 1935 by E. Wing Anderson


and from

Extant pre-1882 Oahspe Source Materials


and from

the Heavens of Jehovah.


This new edition being placed

into the public domain in 159 A.K. (Anno Kosmon) being year 2007 of the common civil calendar.

Oahspe Table Of Contents

01/ Tae’s Prayer......................................

02/ Oahspe Prologue...............................

03/ Voice of Man....................................

04/ Book of Jehovah................................

05/ Book of Sethantes............................

06/ First Book of the First Lords............

07/ Book of Ah’shong.............................

08/ Second Book of Lords......................

09/ Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles..............

10/ Book of Aph.....................................

11/ The Lords’ First Book......................

12/ Book of Sue......................................

13/ The Lords’ Second Book..................

14/ Book of Apollo.................................

15/ The Lords’ Third Book.....................

16/ Book of Thor....................................

17/ The Lords’ Fourth Book...................

18/ Book of Osiris..................................

19/ The Lords’ Fifth Book......................

20/ Book of Fragapatti............................

21/ Book of God’s Word.........................

22/ Book of Divinity...............................

23/ Book of Cpenta-armij.......................

24/ First Book of God.............................

25/ Book of Wars Against Jehovah.........

26/ Book of Lika.....................................

27/ Book of the Arc of Bon....................

28/ God’s Book of Eskra........................

29/ Book of Es........................................

30/ Bon’s Book of Praise........................

31/ Book of Ouranothen.........................

32/ Book of Judgment............................

33/ Book of Discipline............................

34/ Book of Inspiration...........................

35/ Book of Saphah, A. Prologue...........

*Ancient Languages Section

B. Tree of Language (B.1-2)...........

Language Primaries subsection

B.3 Pronunciation Guide..........

B.4 The Signature.....................

B.5 Adamic, etc., Primaries.........

B.6 Tablet of Ah’iod’zan..........

Language Groups subsection

C. Pan.......................................

pg 6













































D. Se’moin...............................

E. Tablet of Bienei....................

F. I’hin Tablet...........................

G. Tablet of Kii Language........

H. Emp’agatu

H.1-4 Preamble.................

H.5 Emp’agatu Tablet.......

Israel Language Evolution

I.1 Tablet of Zerl...............

I.2 Tablet of Iz...................

I.3 Tablet of Iz and Zerl....

I.4 Tablet of Iz-Zerl...........

I.5 Qadeth Iz, Divan Seal..

*Condensed Histories Section

J. I’hin and I’huan Chief Tribes......

K. The Basis of the Ezra Bible........

L. Ahura’Mazda..............................

M. Basis of Vede.............................

N. Lords of the Hosts in Heaven.....

O. East Believers Earthly History.....

*Historical Rites & Ceremonies Section

P. Fonece.........................................

Q. Aribania’hiayaustoyi..................

R. Ho’ed..........................................

S. Sun Degree Ceremony................

T. Kii Ceremonies............................

U. Port-Pan Algonquin....................

V. Anubis.........................................

W. Agoquim.....................................

X. Baugh Ghan Ghad......................


Y. M’git’ow..............................

Z. Hi’dang................................

AA. M’hak...............................

BB. Chamber of Adepts..................

CC. Chamber of Prophecy...............

36/ God’s Book of Ben...........................

37/ Book of Knowledge..........................

38/ Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy..

39/ Jehovah’s Kingdom on Earth............

40/1 Glossary..........................................

40/2 List of Images.................................

40/3 Table of Contents............................

40/4 Index...............................................













































Oahspe Images List


i000 Symbols Depicting Glossary Words. p.916-929

i001 Symbol of the Creator’s Name. p.12

i001a Circle Cut Twice. p.30

i002 Etherea. p.13

i003 Snowflakes. p.14

i004 Photospheres. p.17

i005 Earth and Atmospherea. p.15

i006 Earth and Plateaus of Lower Heaven. p.18

i007 Earth, Needles in the Atmosphere, and Plateaus. p.18

i008 Se’muan Firmament. p.19

i009 X’Sar’jis. p.22

i010 The Earth in Jy’ay. p.21

i011 The Earth in A’ji. p.76

i012 The Earth in Hyarti from Nebulae. p.21

i013 Asu, the First Race. p.23

i014 Some Races of Man. I’hin, I’huan, Yak. p.59

i015 The First Harvest. p.51

i016 Ah’shong and Ethereans Come to the Red Star. p.63

i017 Pre-Flood Outline Map of the World. p.28

i018 Post-Flood Outline Map of the World. p.196

i019 Star-Worshippers. p.173

i020 Onk or Zodiac. p.168

i021 Atmospherean heavens founded by Fragapatti. p.194

i022 Ug-sa or Uh-ga. p.269

i023 Took-shein, Flathead King. p.380

i024 Che-guh, Flathead Queen. p.380

i025 The False Osiris. p.454

i026 Isis. p.454

i027 Tablet of the False Osiris. p.454

i028 The Nine Entities. p.799

i029 Tablet of Grade and Ingrade. p.832

i030 First, Second and Third Resurrections. p.573

i031 The Tree of Language. p.727

i032 Adamic (Earth) Language. p.733

i033 Tablet of Se’moin. p.734

i033r07a Fete. p.110

i033r03f Gau. p.110

i033r10j Git’ow’um. for sun. p.167

i033r04g Git’s’ang. p.249

i033r10i Git’um. for moon. p.167

i033r03k Inqua. p.249

i033r01i Jehovah or Ormazd. Symbol.259

i033r10g Um. direction or place. p.167

i033r10k V’work’um. for vortex. p.167

i034 Tablet of Bienei. p.745

i034r7f2 EOI’m. p.470

i034r8f Ope. p.809

i035 I’hin Tablet. p.749

i036 Tablet of Kii Language. p.751

i037 Tablet of Emp’agatu. p.753

i038 Tablet of Zerl. p.754

i039 Iz and Zerl. p.756

i040 Qadeth Iz, The Divan Seal. p.757

i041 The Signature. p.729

i042 Adamic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries. p.730

i043 Tablet of Ah’iod’zan. p.731

i044 Tower of Gall. p.608

i045 Tablet of Fonece. p.767

i046 Tablet of Ancient Egypt. p.770

i047 Tablet of Hy’yi. p.772

i048 Ceremonies in Sun Degree. p.773

i049 Tablet of Kii Ceremonies. p.776

i050 Port-Pan Algonquin (Jaredite). p.777

i051 Tablet of Anubis. p.780

i052 Bible of the Mound-Builders. p.781

i053 Tablet of Bah-ghan-ghad. p.739

i054 Tablet of Tau-ghan-ghad. p.739

i055 Tablet of Baugh-ghan-ghad. p.783

i056 Temple of Skulls. p.784

i057 Temple of Skulls close up. p.784

i058 Tablet of Emethachavah. p.786

i058c3a Pulley Ramps. p.844

i058c3b Double Pulleys. p.844

i058c3d Winch. p.844

i058c3e Tourniquet. p.844

i059 Ceremony of Holy Mass (Moon). p.797

i060 Illustrations of Corporeal Worlds. p.845

i060d2 Earth and Saturn Compared. p.15

i061 Light in Space Illustrated. p.846

i062 Sun and Earth Light. p.854

i063 Primary Vortex.     |

i064 Secondary Vortex.   |_  With caption

i065 Third Age of Vortex.  |         p.847;

i066 Fourth Age of Vortex.|      small p.16

i067 Organic Wark. p.865

i068 Shattered Wark. p.859

i069 Manifestations of Vortexya. p.858

i070 Vortexian Lenses. p.853

i071 Vortexian Currents. p.848

i072 Dissection of the Great Serpent. p.24

i073 Tow’sang. With caption p.851; small p.16

i074 The Cyclic Coil. p.810

i075 The Earth in the Crossroads of Horub. p.191

i076 The Earth in Ocgokuk. p.326

i077 The Earth in Kas’kak. p.395

i078 Earth in the Arc of Bon. p.500

i079 A’ji’an Forest of Aghanodis (Missing Plate). With caption. p.555

i080 Lo’iask. p.593

i081 Ji’niquin Swamp. p.602

i082 Arc of The millennium (Kosmon). p.835

i083 Orachnebuahgalah. p.877

i084-i087 Map of the Etherean Roadway, combined plates pp.643-644

i084 Map of the Etherean Roadway, Plate 1 of 4. p.83

i085 Map, Etherean Roadway, Plate 2 of 4. p.123

i086 Map, Etherean Roadway, Plate 3 of 4. p.152

i087 Map, Etherean Roadway, Plate 4 of 4. p.320

i088 Orian Fields 1 of 9. p.827

i089 Orian Fields 2 of 9. p.828

i090 Orian Fields 3 of 9. p.828

i091 Orian Fields 4 of 9. p.828

i092 Orian Fields 5 of 9. p.829

i093 Orian Fields 6 of 9. p.829

i094 Orian Fields 7 of 9. p.829

i095 Orian Fields 8 of 9. p.830

i095d06 Symbols for the Orian field Huy. p.810

i096 Orian Fields 9 of 9. p.830

i097 Anoad. p.340

i098 Etherean Worlds and Roadways for Sun-phalanxes. p.175

i099 Serpent’s Orbit. p.825

i100 Cevorkum, Roadway of Solar Phalanx. p.826

i101 Mathematics of Planetary Oscillations. p.874

i102 Deviation of the Line of the Solar Vortex. p.873

i103 Prophetic Numbers. p.879

i104 Serpent. p.876

i105 The Earth in Se’mu. p.870

i106 Sha’mael. p.883

i107 Creator’s name sign, with horizontal line only. p.28

 i108 Melchizedek. p.255

 i109 Po. p.347

i110 Abram, later named Abraham. p.349

i111 Brahma (the first and true), with Yu-tiv. p.360

i112 Ea-wah-tah, also known as Hiawatha. p.377

i113 Thothma (Hojax). p.461

i114 Capilya. p.503

i115 Moses. p.530

i116 Chine. p.536

i117 Sakaya. p.571

i118 Ka’yu, aka Confucius. p.580

i119 Joshu. p.598

i122 Fate. p.260

i123 Feminine of Jehovah. p.809

Editor’s Preface

Oahspe (Iosepe or Joseph) Latter-day Saint Edition


Oahspe is revelation communicated from the Lower Heavens to John Baloooo Nerenbouroah in 1860


In the opinion of this editor the book contains more truth than any other work revealed from the lower (Telestial Heavens)  in this dispensation.  But as dictated by the Law of Agency, the book also contains an equal amount of the philosophies of men (erroneous and false information), mingled with scripture. 


The law of Agency dictates that both the higher and lower heavens (God & Satan) must be given equal opportunity to entice mankind for Good or Evil.


Law of Faith… cant reveal that which one doesn’t already believe

Tae’s Prayer

Chapter 1 Tae’s Prayer

01/1.1. Jehovah, the Creator, said: I blow My breath upon the planet, and man[1] comes forth, inquiring: Who am I, and what is my destiny? ||

01/1.2. So I send an elder brother of man, to teach him, and show him the light.

01/1.3. God said: Behold[2] me, O[3] man, I am an elder brother. I have passed through death and found the glory of the unseen worlds.

01/1.4. Jehovah gave to me, your God, dominion over the earth and her heavens.

01/1.5. Man said: I have found truth in corpor (physicality); I know I live; that trees grow and die. This is true knowledge. || Give me truth regarding the unseen; and a way that I can prove its truth?

01/1.6. And in the stirring up of man’s soul, Jehovah spoke through His[4] sons and daughters. His voice came up out of the marsh and down from the heavens above, and the children of men heard and saw, and rose up because of the spirit in them. They responded to Him, Who is Almighty; and their voices were called Tae, because as it is the universal word of all children born, so it represents the universal prayer of man (humankind).

01/1.7. Tae said: Reveal, O Father, give me light! I see the wide earth, the sun, moon and stars. But the great vault of heaven appears to be just an empty sky. Where is the dwelling place[5] of the dead; the place of the souls of men?

01/1.8. In times past, You have quickened seers and prophets, and through them, lifted up Your children and proclaimed other worlds! Am I less worthy than those of past ages? All the while my forefathers, and now I, have abided by[6] Your mighty presence.

01/1.9. By Your own hand You have quickened my consciousness, to be dissatisfied with the old revelations, and made me peer deeper into the cause and place of things,[7] and to desire further light from Your holy place.

01/1.10. By Your power my manhood (womanhood) has been raised up. Only by Your power and wisdom will I be appeased.[8]

01/1.11. When I was a child I believed as a child, because it was told to me; but now that I am grown, I desire to know who Your prophets were, and how they attained their gifts, and wisdom of words.

01/1.12. The cosmogony You taught in ancient times was sufficient for that day; but now I am raised up by You to receive comprehensive knowledge of the sun, and the stars of other worlds, and of their travel in Your great firmament.[9]

01/1.13. And now I cry out to You, where is the promised heaven? Where is the proof of immortal life? By You I was quickened into life and made conscious that I am. To You I come in the majesty You made me, You my Father! By You I was made determined to sift all things to the bottom. In You I know there is capacity to encompass all my holy desires, and answer me.

01/1.14. Give me of Your Light, O Father. When I was a child I called to You as a child; now, I call out in the manhood (womanhood) You have bestowed upon me! I will know Your Lords, Gods, Saviors, and Your promised heaven.

01/1.15. I have scaled the mountain; the countless corporeal worlds traveling in the eternal sea of space speak of Your handiwork! I have perceived that all the stars in heaven would not fill the hollow of Your hand; that truly Your breath moves the universe! The glory of Your works has inspired me with fervor[10] to come to Your Mighty Home!

01/1.16. Speak, O Jehovah! You alone can satisfy this soaring spirit that sprang from You, inspired. Give me light! O Father!

01/1.17. I have encompassed the earth and bridged its nations with assimilative words.[11] My geography is finished. O, give me a book of heaven! I have burrowed deep in corporeal knowledge, and have seen the drift of all on the earth. Where is the spirit world, and land of the dead? O give me light!

Chapter 2 Tae’s Prayer

01/2.1. Jehovah heard Tae’s prayer, and answered him. He said: Let the angels of heaven go down to the earth. My blessed son calls to Me in wisdom and truth. || And the angels of heaven descended to the earth, for it was in the early days of dan’ha (a time of great spiritual light) in the firmament of heaven, and the angels manifested and proved the immortal life of man.[12]

01/2.2. Jehovah said: Let this day be the beginning of the reign of The millennium/Kosmon (the new era now upon us); for it is the beginning of the wisdom of earth joined with the wisdom of heaven,[13] in My name.

01/2.3. Tae said: Yet not even half is answered, O my Father in heaven. Since You have proved the immortal life, You have stirred me to my soul’s foundation. Where do these inhabitants of the unseen world come from? Where lies this heavenly footstool of Your majesty?

01/2.4. If when I am dead I shall see the place, is the germ of that sight not already in me? How am I made that I see, but do not see this? Hear, but do not hear this? If I am now dead to[14] that which is to be, will I not then be dead to what is here now? Give me light, O Father!

01/2.5. Jehovah said: I gave a corporeal body to man so that he could learn corporeal things; but I made death so that he could rise in spirit, as an angel, and inhabit My etherean worlds.[15]

01/2.6. Tae said: You made both the seen and the unseen. Are they at war, or in harmony? My corporeal body is made of earth (flesh), and stone (minerals, bone) and water. Is the spiritual body, then, not made of air (oxygen, hydrogen) and imperceptible[16] dust?

01/2.7. The angels You have sent have feet and legs! Why? Do they walk on the air, or wade through it? They have no wings,[17] they cannot fly; they say they have not seen the illustrious angels who have long been dead. Must I also go into the es world (spirit world, heaven) simply to meet my neighbors, and never salute the wise of ancient days? Give me light, O Jehovah!

01/2.8. Something within me makes me anticipate the light and glory of what I have not seen; but I must have it tangible and demonstrable—the pure truth!

01/2.9. Have You not given me an inquiring spirit, so that I must prove all things to my own satisfaction? How and when, then, O Jehovah, shall I find growth for my own members,[18] so that I can know the es worlds and its inhabitants? I will not be appeased by merely seeing the spirits of the dead, or by their testimony. They may call themselves God, Christ, Buddha, Brahma, Allah, Confucius or Jesus, yet I will not rest on them or their word. I will put forward my plea to You only, O Jehovah. I am Your son (Your daughter).

01/2.10. You have quickened me to know things by my own knowledge; and though it is told me: Thus said the Lord of your God, yet I will raise my voice ever above them. And though a spirit says: I am your Jehovah, believe me, I will deny him.

01/2.11. For, You have quickened me to rise up above the tales of the ancients, and to demand knowledge from Your throne. By You, my soul is moved to this magnificence, and only Your magnificence can satisfy Your son (Your daughter).

01/2.12. As to the spirits of the dead, I desire to know their dwelling places, how they live, how they travel, their manner of growth, their food and clothes, and how they spend their time—whether they labor or live idly; and above all, to what extent, and in what way, their corporeal lives affected their spiritual happiness in heaven.

01/2.13. I desire to know, too, how it was with the ancients? Make clear, O Jehovah, the heavens and ways of my forefathers, for I would apply Your lessons wisely! The wisdom of today I would weigh against the crucible of the past, and set my star to the future, well prepared.

01/2.14. What then, O Father, is Your judgment upon the world today? For I desire to know how to live, so that tomorrow may prove an everlasting glory. Make plain the ways of heaven and earth, O my Creator! I would know Your creation, so that my just place in Your wide universe may become known to me.

01/2.15. Give me light, O Father! Not by word of mouth. I will have my members quickened so that I can comprehend within myself.

01/2.16. Then Jehovah, the Creator, spoke, saying: To all men and women I gave two senses, corpor and es. In the time of Seffas[19] (now finished) I allotted time for man to mature corpor (materiality). But now the time of The millennium (Kosmon) has come (the new era), and man shall mature es (spirituality).

01/2.17. It is well that you be believing toward men and angels; but it is better to develop yourself. You have desired to know the mysteries of My unseen worlds, and the past histories of the earth. Behold, I will give you a new sense, which will fulfill your soul’s desire. And with it, you shall read the books in the libraries of heaven!

01/2.18. In the past, have I not said: All things shall be revealed! || Do not think that a loud-speaking messenger will come, for man would not believe; but I quickened the righteous with My own hand, and they will comprehend without belief.[20]

01/2.19. The time of preaching and believing is at an end.[21] Man shall know by his own knowledge, and practice that which he knows.[22] In this, My light is being manifested in this day. ||

01/2.20. And again Jehovah spoke in heaven, in answer to Tae’s prayer; and Oahspe came forth, being one of the first fruits, for this, the millennial (Kosmon) era.


02/1.1. After the creation of man, the Creator, Jehovah, said to him: So that you shall know you are the work of My hand, I have given you capacity for knowledge, power and dominion. This was the first era.

02/1.2. But man was helpless; neither did he stand upright, nor understand the voice of the Almighty. And Jehovah called His angels, who were older than the earth, and He said to them: Go, raise man upright, and teach him to understand.

02/1.3. So the angels of heaven descended to the earth and raised man upright. And man wandered about on the earth. This was the second era.

02/1.4. Jehovah said to the angels who were with man: Behold, man has multiplied on the earth. Bring them together; teach them to dwell in cities and nations.

02/1.5. So the angels of Jehovah taught the peoples of the earth to dwell together in cities and nations. This was the third era.

02/1.6. Now in that same time the Beast (self)[23] rose up before[24] man, and spoke to him, saying: Possess whatever you will, for all things are yours, and are good for you.

02/1.7. Man obeyed the Beast; and war came into the world. This was the fourth era.

02/1.8. And man became sick at heart, and he called out to the Beast, saying: You said: Possess all things for yourself, for they are good for you. Now, behold, war and death have encompassed me on all sides. I pray, therefore, teach me peace!

02/1.9. But the Beast said: Do not think I come to send peace on the earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword. I come to set man at variance against his father; and a daughter against her mother. Whatever you find to eat, whether fish or flesh, eat it, taking no thought of tomorrow.

02/1.10. So man ate fish and flesh, becoming carnivorous, and darkness came upon him, and he no longer heard the voice of Jehovah or believed in Him. This was the fifth era.

02/1.11. And the Beast divided itself into four great heads, and possessed the earth; and man fell down and worshipped them.

02/1.12. The names of the heads of the Beast were, Brahmin, Buddhist, Christian, and Mohammedan. And they divided the earth, and apportioned it between themselves, choosing soldiers and standing armies for the maintenance of their earthly aggrandizement.[25]

02/1.13. And the Brahmins had seven million soldiers; the Buddhists twenty million; the Christians seven million; and the Muslims two million; whose trade was killing man. And man, in service of the Beast, gave one‑sixth of his life and his labor to war and standing armies; and one‑third to dissipation and drunkenness. This was the sixth era.

02/1.14. Jehovah called out to man to desist from evil; but man did not hear Him. For, the cunning of the Beast had changed man’s flesh, so that his soul was hidden as if in a cloud, and he loved sin.

02/1.15. Jehovah called to His angels in heaven, saying: Go down to the earth once more, to man, whom I created to inhabit the earth and enjoy it, and say to him: Thus says Jehovah:

02/1.16. Behold, the seventh era has begun. Your Creator commands your change from a carnivorous man of contention, to an herbivorous man of peace. The four heads of the Beast shall be put away; and there shall be no more war on the earth.

02/1.17. Your armies shall be disbanded. And, from this time forward, whoever desires to not war, you shall not impress (draft, conscript);[26] for it is the commandment of your Creator.

02/1.18. Neither shall you have any God, Lord or Savior, but only your Creator, Jehovah! And you shall worship none other, from this time forward forever. I am sufficient for My own creations.

02/1.19. And to all who separate themselves from the dominion of the Beast, making these covenants to Me, I have given the foundation of My kingdom on earth.

02/1.20. And all such people shall be My chosen; by their covenants and their works they shall be known on the earth from this time forward as Mine, and shall be called Believers (Faithists).

02/1.21. But to those who will not make these covenants, I have given the numbers of the Beast, and they shall be called Uzians, signifying destroyers. And from this time forward, these shall be the two kinds of people on earth, Believers (Faithists) and Uzians.

02/1.22. So the angels of heaven descended to the earth, to man, and appeared before him, face to face, hundreds of thousands of them, speaking as man speaks, writing as man writes, and teaching these things about Jehovah and His works.[27]

02/1.23. And in the thirty‑third year of the angels’ descent, the Ambassadors of the angel hosts of heaven, in the name of Jehovah revealed to man His heavenly kingdoms, through this Oahspe, making known the plan of His delightful creations, for the resurrection of the peoples of the earth.

02/1.24. Not immaculate[28] is this book, Oahspe; but to teach mortals how to attain to hear the Creator’s voice, and to see His heavens, in full consciousness, while still living on the earth; and to know, in truth, the place and condition waiting for them after death.[29]

02/1.25. Neither are, nor were, the revelations in this Oahspe wholly new to mortals. The same things have been revealed at the same time to many, who live at remote distances from one another, but who were not in correspondence till afterward.

02/1.26. Because this light is comprehensive, embracing corporeal and spiritual things, it is called the beginning of the millennial (Kosmon) era. And because it relates to earth, sky and spirit, it is called Oahspe.[30]

The Voice of Man

03/1.1. O Jehovah, what am I that I should supplicate You? Do I know my own weakness, or do I understand the way of my thoughts? You have placed before me most wonderful creations. They impress me, and my senses rise up in remembrance of the Almighty. Where have I invented one thought other than by looking upon Your works? How can I do otherwise than remember my Creator, and out of Your creations, O Jehovah, find rich food for meditation all the days of my life?

03/1.2. And yet, though I have appropriated the earth to myself, I am neither happy nor perfect. Misery, crime and selfishness are upon my people.

03/1.3. What is my weakness that I cannot overcome it? Or, what is my strength that I give in to the desires of the earth? I build up my belief and courage in You; but before I know the way of my weakness, I stumble and fall. Am I made that I shall be forever a disappointment to myself, and a censure[31] to my own behavior?

03/1.4. How can I say to anyone: Be pure and holy, O man! || Are my flesh and blood not proof that man cannot be without sin? O this corruptible self, this tendency to fall from the right way! You, O my Creator, have proven to my senses, every day of my life, that You alone are mighty in purity and truth.

03/1.5. If only I had a starting point from which to estimate Your wonderful decrees, or could find a road in which I would never stumble! But yet, O Jehovah, I will not complain because of the way of Your works. You have invented a limit to my understanding, by which I am reminded of You, to call upon Your name. I perceive my own vanity; that were all knowledge mine, I would become less beholden[32] to You!

03/1.6. What am I, O Jehovah, without You; or how am I to find the glory of Your creations, other than by the light of Your countenance? You raised me up out of sin and darkness, and clothed me in light. I perceive the smallness of myself in Your great works. You have bound me to travel on the earth, to sojourn[33] with beasts and all types of creeping things; nor have You given me one attribute[34] in which I can boast over them, except in the power of destruction. The high firmament You have placed above me; the stars, moon and sun! I know You have been there, but I am bound down in a little corner of Your works! Neither do I have power to rise up to Your distant places, nor to know Your extended heavens.

03/1.7. No, I do not even have power to shape my own size and stature; but all things take form and dimension whether I will it or not. In Your own way the walls of the world are built; by their magnitude[35] I am confounded; by the majesty of Your hand, appalled.[36] Why have I vainly set myself up as the highest of Your works? My failures are worse than any other living creature under the sun. I cannot build my house in perfection as a bird does; my ingenuity cannot fashion a spider’s net; I cannot sail up in the air like a bird, nor live in the water like the fish, nor dwell in harmony like the bee. Half of my offspring die in infancy; and the multitude of my household are quarrelers, fighters, drunkards and beggars; the best of my sons and daughters are less faithful than a dog! I go forth to war, to slay my brother, even while Your wide earth has room for all. Yes, I plague the earth with starvation, sin and untimely death. O, if only I could school myself to not boast of my greatness; instead I should be forever ashamed in Your sight, Jehovah!

03/1.8. But I will acknowledge my iniquities;[37] I can hide nothing from the eye of my Creator. Hear me then, O Father!

03/1.9. I took up arms[38] against my brother. With great armies I encompassed him, to despoil[39] him.

03/1.10. By the stroke of my sword I multiplied his widows and orphans; the cry of anguish that came out of their mouths I answered by the destruction of my brother’s harvests.

03/1.11. To my captains and generals who showed great skill in killing, I built monuments in stone and iron. Yes, I inscribed them from top to bottom with their bloody victories.

03/1.12. And in my vanity I called out to the young, saying: Behold the glory of these great men! To honor them, I have built these great monuments!

03/1.13. And the youth of my household were whetted[40] with ambition for spoil. The example of my hand made them train themselves for warfare.

03/1.14. To my colonels and generals I gave badges of gold. I called to the young women, saying: Come, a great honor I give you; you shall dance with the officers of death!

03/1.15. And they fluttered up on tip‑toe, elated by the honey of my words! O Jehovah, how gaping[41] my wickedness; how utterly I have failed, except in making the flow of my brother’s blood the relish of satan![42]

03/1.16. To my destroying hosts I have given great honor and glory. In the pretense of enforcing peace I hewed[43] my way in flesh and blood.

03/1.17. I made an illusion, a kingdom. I called out to my people, saying: We must have a kingdom! I showed them no reason for it; but I pressed them to take up arms and follow me for patriotism’s sake. And yet what was patriotism? Behold, I made it as something greater than You and Your commandment: You shall not kill.

03/1.18. Yes, by the cunning of my words, I taught them my brother was my enemy; that to fall upon and destroy him and his people was great patriotism.

03/1.19. And they ran at the sound of my voice, for my glory in the greatness of my kingdom; and they committed great havoc.

03/1.20. Yes, I built colleges for training my young men in warfare. I drew boundaries, making borders here and there, saying: This is my kingdom! All others are my enemies!

03/1.21. I patted my young men on the head, saying: You dogs of war![44] Great shall be your glory!

03/1.22. And their judgment was turned away from peace; I made them think that righteousness was to stand up for me and my country, and to destroy my brother and his people.

03/1.23. Yes, they built me forts, castles and arsenals, without number.[45] I called to my people, saying: Come, behold the glory of my defenses which I built for you!

03/1.24. And they gave me money, garrisons,[46] ships of war[47] and torpedoes,[48] shouting: Hurrah for our kingdom! We have faith in these things, but not in You, our Creator!

03/1.25. Thus I led them away from You. Their eyes I turned to look down, in the way of death. By the might of my armies, I put away righteousness.

03/1.26. Yes, I covered the earth over with drunkards, widows and orphans; to beggary I reduced them; but I whetted their pride by saying: Look what great standing armies we have!

03/1.27. To the man who said: There shall come a time of peace, when war shall be no more forever, I mocked and said: You fool! ||

03/1.28. I know the counts against me,[49] O Father. I cannot hide my iniquity from Your sight. I have said war was a necessary evil to prevent a too populous world! I turned my back on the wide, unsettled regions of the earth. With this falsehood in my mouth I stood up before You! Yes, I cried out as if for the righteous, saying: I war for righteousness, and for the protection of the weak! In the destruction of my brothers and sisters I stood as a murderer, pleading this excuse. Stubbornly I persisted in not seeing justice on the other side, while I cut down those whom You had created alive. Above the works of Your hand I raised myself up as a pruning knife in Your vineyard.

03/1.29. Even more than this, I persuaded my sons and daughters that to war for me was to war for our Father in heaven. By my blasphemy I led them into ruin. And when the battle was over for a day, I cried out: Behold the glory of those who were slain for the honor of their country! || Thus I have added crime to crime before You, Jehovah; and so, destroyed Your beautiful creation. Truly, I have not one word in justification of my deeds before You!

03/1.30. O, if only I had remained faithful with You, Jehovah! But I invented Gods to the glory of the evil one. In one place I called out to my sons and daughters, saying: Be Brahmins; Brahma saves whoever professes his name. In another place I said: Be Buddhists; Buddha saves whoever calls on his name. In another place I said: Be Christians; Christ saves whoever calls on his name. In another place I said: Be Muslims; whoever says: “There is only one God and Mohammed is his prophet!” shall have indulgence without sin. ||

03/1.31. Thus I have divided the earth, O Jehovah! Into four great idolatries I have established them, and into their hands put all manner of weapons of destruction; and they have become more terrible against one another than the beasts of the forest. O, if only I could put away these great iniquities which I raised up as everlasting torments to the earth. Truly, there is no salvation in any of these.

03/1.32. Their people are continually destroying one another. They quarrel and kill for their respective religions; setting aside Your commandment: You shall not kill. They love their own nation and hate all others. They set aside Your commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself.

03/1.33. They preach and pray in sufficient truth; but not one of these people practices peace, love and virtue, in any degree equal to their understanding. These religions have not saved from sin any nation or city on the whole earth.

03/1.34. In vain I have searched for a plan of redemption; a plan that would make the earth a paradise, and the life of man a glory to You our Creator, and a joy to himself. But alas, the two extremes, riches and poverty, have made the prospect of a millennium[50] a thing of mockery.

03/1.35. For one rich man there are a thousand poor, and their interests ceaselessly conflict with one another. Labor cries out in pain; but capital strikes him with a heartless blow.

03/1.36. Nation is against nation; king against king; merchant against merchant; consumer against producer; yes, man against man, in all things upon the earth.

03/1.37. Because the state is rotten, the politician feeds on it; because society is rotten, the lawyer and court have riches and sumptuous feasts; because the flesh of my people is rotten, the physician finds a harvest of comfort.

03/1.38. Now, O Jehovah, I come to You! You hold the secret of peace, harmony and goodwill among mortals. Give me of Your light, O Father! Show me the way to proceed so that war, crime and poverty, may come to an end. Open the way of peace, love, virtue and truth, so that Your children may rejoice in their lives, and glorify You and Your works forever.

03/1.39. Such is the voice of man, O Jehovah! In all the nations of the earth this voice rises up to You! As You spoke to Melchizedek, Abraham and Moses, leading them forth out of darkness, O speak, Jehovah!

03/1.40. Man has faith in You only; You alone were sufficient for the past: Today, You alone are sufficient for Your own creation. Speak, O Jehovah!

I001 cl Jehovih Name

 i001 Symbol of the Creator’s Name.

Book of Jehovah

In which is revealed the three great worlds (realms), corpor, atmospherea, and etherea. As in all other Bibles it is revealed that this world was created, so in this Bible, Oahspe, it is revealed how the Creator created it. As other Bibles have proclaimed heavens for the spirits of the dead, behold, this Bible reveals where these heavens are, and the manner, glory and work that the spirits of the dead enjoy; and through which the wisdom, power, love and glory of the Almighty is magnified for the understanding of man.

CHAPTER 1 Jehovah

04/1.1. All was. All is. All ever shall be. The All spoke, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be; and, being positive, was called He and Him. The All Motion was His speech.

04/1.2. He said, I Am! And He comprehended all things, the seen and the unseen. Nor is there anything in all the universe that is not part of Him.

04/1.3. He said, I am the soul of all; and all that is seen is part of My person and My body.

04/1.4. By virtue of My presence, all things are. By virtue of My presence, life is. By virtue of My presence, the living are brought forth into life. I am the Quickener, the Mover, the Creator, the Destroyer. I am First and Last.

04/1.5. I am two apparent entities, nevertheless I am only One. These entities are the Unseen, which is Potent[51], and the Seen, which is of itself Impotent[52], and called Corpor.

04/1.6. With these two entities, in likeness of Myself through them, I made all the living; for as the life is the potent part, so the corporeal part is the impotent part.

04/1.7. Chief over all that live on the earth I made Man; male and female I made them. And, so that man could distinguish Me, I commanded him to give Me a name; by virtue of My presence I commanded him. And man did not name Me after anything in heaven or on the earth. In obedience to My will he named Me after the sounds the wind utters, and he said, EOIh! Which is now pronounced Jehovah, and is written thus:[53]




(Highest Spiritual Realms)



(Middle Heavens)

In process of precipitating and condensing


(gas clouds)


(liquid clouds)


(dust clouds)



(Material Matter)


Kingdoms of Matter (divided by density)

Corpor: Visible (earthly) realms of matter

Es: Unseen realms of matter, divided into Ethe & Atmosphera

Etherea – The highest spiritual realm or “heaven” and resurrection. Ethererea worlds are most like the sun, inhabitable within and without.

Atmospherea – Worlds/dimensions intermediate between Etherea and Corpor. In process of condensing into Corpor or evaporating into Etherea.  Divided into three degrees or densities

CHAPTER 2 Jehovah

04/2.1. Jehovah said: By virtue of My presence I created the seen and unseen worlds. And I commanded man to name them; and man called the seen worlds Corpor, and the unseen worlds Es; and the inhabitants of Corpor, man called corporeans. But the inhabitants of Es he sometimes called es’eans and sometimes spirits and sometimes angels.

04/2.2. Jehovah said: I created the earth, and fashioned it, and placed it in the firmament; and by My presence, brought man forth a living being. I gave him a corporeal body so that he could learn corporeal things; and I made death so that he could rise in the firmament and inherit My etherean worlds.

04/2.3. To es I gave dominion over corpor; with es I filled all place in the firmament (even within corpor). But corpor I made into earths, moons, stars and suns; beyond number I made them, and I caused them to float in the places I allotted to them.

04/2.4. Es I divided into two parts, and I commanded man to name them, and he called one etherea and the other atmospherea. These are the three kinds of worlds I created (corporeal, atmospherean, and etherean); but I gave different densities to atmospherean worlds, and different densities to the etherean worlds.[54]

04/2.5. For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the Most Rarefied.[55] Out of ethe I made them. And I made ethe the subtlest of all created things, and gave it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even within the corporeal worlds. And to ethe I gave dominion over both atmospherea and corpor.


i002 3w Etherea


i002 Etherea. Jehovah said: For the substance of My etherean worlds I created Ethe, the Most Rarefied. Out of ethe I made them. And I made ethe the subtlest of all created things, and gave it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even within the corporeal worlds. And to ethe I gave dominion over both atmospherea and corpor.


04/2.6. In the All Highest places I created the etherean worlds, and I made them of all shapes and sizes, similar to My corporeal worlds. But I made the etherean worlds inhabitable both within and without,[56] with entrances and exits, in arches and curves, thousands of miles high and wide; and in colors, movable chasms and mountains in endless change and brilliancy; and over them I ruled (rule) with All Perfect mechanism. To them I gave motions, orbits and courses of their own; and I made them independent, and above all other worlds in potency and majesty.

04/2.7. Nor did I create one etherean world like another in size, density or in component parts, but every one differing from another, and with a glory matchless each in its own way.1

04/2.8. I also created atmospherean worlds in the firmament, and gave them places, orbits and courses for themselves. But atmospherean worlds I created shapeless and without fixed form, for they are in the process of condensation or dissolution, being intermediate in condition between My etherean and My corporeal worlds. Of three degrees of density I created them, and I commanded man to name them, and one he called Ji’ay, and one A’ji and one Nebulae.

04/2.9. But all of them are composed of the same substances, being like the earth, but rarefied. Nor is there on the earth or in it, one thing, whether iron, lead, gold, water, oil, or stones, that is not also in My atmospherean worlds. As I have given light to the earth so have I given light to many of them; and all these I have commanded man to call comets. And he named them so.

04/2.10. And I also created atmospherea around My corporeal worlds; together I made them.[57]


i005 6w m4 cl Earth and its Atmospherea


i005 Earth and Atmospherea, (as seen through spiritual eyes). Jehovah has said: Around My corporeal worlds I placed atmospherea; for, as the earth and other corporeal worlds provide a womb for the spirit of man, so have I made the substance of atmospherea to be a womb for the souls of men. And Jehovah made the atmosphere of the earth with a circumference of 1,504,000 miles, with the earth floating in the center of it. || The earth is the black center, and the surrounding swirled gradations of gray, her atmospherea. The rings symbolize plateaus; the outer rim, Chinvat.


CHAPTER 3 Jehovah

04/3.1. Thus spoke Jehovah; by the light of The millennium (Kosmon) He proclaimed these things among the nations of the earth.

04/3.2. Man looked upward in prayer, desiring to know the way of all created things, both on earth and in heaven. And Jehovah answered him, saying:

04/3.3. The [58]whirlwind I made as a sign to man of the way of My created worlds. As you see the power of the whirlwind gathering up the dust of the earth, and driving it together, know that likewise I bring together the ji’ay, a’ji and nebulae in the firmament of heaven; by the power of the whirlwind I create the corporeal suns, moons and stars. And I commanded man to name the whirlwinds in the etherean firmament, and he named them according to their shape, calling them vortices and wark.


04/3.4. By the power of rotation, swift driving at the periphery, I condense the atmospherean worlds that float in the firmament; and these become My corporeal worlds. In the midst of the vortices I made them, and by the power of the vortices I turn them on their axes, and carry them in the orbits I allotted to them. Wider than to the moons of a planet I have created the vortices, and they carry the moons also.

04/3.5. Around some of My corporeal worlds I have given nebulous belts and rings, so that man could comprehend the rotation of My vortexan worlds.[59]


i060d2 6w m2 cl Earth and Saturn Compared


i060d2 Earth and Saturn Compared.


04/3.6. For each and every corporeal world I created a vortex first, and by its rotation and from the places in the firmament where it traveled, I caused the vortex to conceive the corporeal world.[60]


i063 15w m2 cl Primary Vortex          i064 15w m cl Secondary Vortex


i063, i064, i065, i066 The four stages of Vortex development (above: L 1st, R 2nd; below: L 3rd, R 4th).


i065 15w m2 cl Tertiary Vortexi066 15w m b cl Quaternary Vortex


04/3.7. To make the sun I created a great vortex, and within this vortex and subject to it, I made the vortices of many of the corporeal worlds. The sun vortex I caused to rotate, and I gave it power to carry other vortices within it. According to their density and position, they are thus carried forth and around the sun.[61]


i073 15wv n m cl Tow'sang


i073 Tow’sang. Solar Phalanx, that is, sun-family.


04/3.8. Do not think, O man, that I created the sky a barren waste, and void of use. Even as man in the corporeal form is adapted to the corporeal earth, so is he in the spiritual form adapted to My etherean worlds. Three great estates I have bestowed on man: the corporeal, the atmospherean and the etherean.[62]

CHAPTER 4 Jehovah

04/4.1. Man perceived the general formation of the world, and he prayed that his eyes would be opened for a sign in heaven; and Jehovah answered him, saying:

04/4.2. The clouds in the air I bring into view suddenly; by different currents of wind I make the unseen visible and tangible to man’s senses. In the same way, I cause etherean currents to bring forth ji’ay, a’ji and nebulae, prior to making corporeal worlds.

04/4.3. In all of the universe I have made the [63]unseen to rule over the seen. Let the formation of clouds stand in view of man on earth, so that he may bear witness to the way the unseen becomes seen.

i004v 6w m4 cl Photospheres

i004 Photospheres. Jehovah said: Let the sign of the corporeal worlds be as the signs of the etherean worlds;* nevertheless they shall be independent of one another. Neither shall the travel of corporea** disturb the motions and positions of etherea, but pass through, as if nothing were there. But the behavior (effect) of the etherean worlds on corporea shall be to bring them to maturity and old age, and final dissolution. || And it was so. And there floated within etherea certain types of densities, called ji’ay, a’ji, and nebula, which sometimes augmented the size of the traveling corporeal worlds, and sometimes illumed them on the borders of the vortices, and these corporeal worlds were called photospheres, because they were the places of the generation of light. [D is etherea and the etherean worlds in dotted outline; A is a photosphere, i.e., a corporeal sun as it moves through etherea and the etherean worlds; B, the direction of the solar phalanx (photosphere plus planets) through etherea; and C, a corporeal planet (e.g., the earth) being carried in the master vortex of the solar system, that is, a planet being seemingly towed by the sun. –ed.]

** any corpor body whatsoever; the corporeal realm

04/4.4. Man perceived, and he prayed for a sign of duration, and Jehovah answered him, saying:

04/4.5. Note the tree which has sprung up out of the ground and fulfilled its time; it falls and rots, and returns to the earth. But the wind, which you do not see, never ceases to blow. So also[64] is the comparative duration of all things. Do not think, O man, that corporeal things are annihilated because they disappear; for as a drop of water evaporates and rises in the air as unseen vapor, so do all corporeal things, even earth, stones, gold, silver and lead, become as nothing (loss of corporeality) in the firmament of heaven in course of time.[65]

04/4.6. Things that man sees, I created with a beginning and an end; but the unseen I made of endless duration.

04/4.7. I made the corporeal man belonging to the seen; but the spiritual man I made as one within the unseen, and everlasting.

04/4.8. As the corporeal man perceives corporeal things, so does the spiritual man follow upward the evaporated corporeal entities of things. As corporeal things are tangible to corporeans, so are es things[66] tangible to the spirits of the dead.

04/4.9. As I cause water to rise upward as vapor, and take a place in the air above, let it be a sign and testimony of other places (plateaus) in atmospherea where the spirits of the lower heaven dwell.[67]

04/4.10. As I made a limit to the ascent of clouds, so I made a limit to the places of the different kinds of substances in atmospherea; the more subtle and potent to the rim, and the more dense and impotent nearer to the earth.

04/4.11. According to the condition of these different plateaus in atmospherea, whether they are near the earth or high above,[68] so shall the spirit of man take its place in the first heaven;[69] according to his diet, desires and behavior, so shall he dwell in spirit on the plateau (level) to which he has adapted himself during his earth life.


i003 Snowflakes in color


i003 Snowflakes. Jehovah said: I created the corporeal worlds round in shape, with land and water, and I made them impenetrable, for I bring forth the living on the surface of them. Man should not imagine that My etherean worlds are also round and impenetrable; for, of all I have created, I created no two alike. || Now, it came to pass in the lapse of time, that the atmosphereans so loved the lower heavens, that they did not strive to ascend to the emancipated heavens of Nirvania, never having reached the bridge of Chinvat. But they often returned to the earth and conversed with corporeans, and they lauded the glories of even the lower heavens, so that man looked up in wonder because of the magnificence of the Father’s works. Yet these were bound spirits.* Then Jehovah made the snowflake and caused it to fall, so that man could behold the beauty and glory of its formation. And He sent ethereans down from the emancipated heavens, and these taught man that whatever glory he had yet heard of, was as darkness is to light, compared to the beauty and majesty of the etherean worlds. And the ethereans held up snowflakes, saying: In the name of Jehovah we declare to you, that the etherean worlds are larger than the earth, and penetrable—full of roadways of crystals, and arches, and curves, and angles, so that were man to travel a million years on one alone, he could not see half its beauty and glory. And the firmament of heaven has tens of billions of etherean worlds. Look at the snowflakes as though they were microscopic patterns of the worlds in high heaven; and you shall tint them like a rainbow, and people them with countless millions of angels, spotless, pure, holy, and rich in the knowledge of Jehovah and His works, and full of the majesty of His love.

* Atmosphereans reside in the lower heavens, and are called bound spirits because they are bound to atmospherea till they are emancipated. [70]


i007 6w m cl earth plateau needles


i007 Earth, Needles in the Atmosphere, and Plateaus. When Jehovah condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there rose up from the earth heat and moisture, which continue to this day. But Jehovah limited the ascent of the substances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was the same as the clouds that float in the air; and the heat was of similar ascent. And while the moisture and heat rise upward, they are met by the etheric substance of the vortex of the earth, and the moisture and the gases of the air assume the form of needles [‘atoms’ –lw]. On the side of the earth facing the sun the needles are polarized and acting [harmonic –lw], driving forth, which is called light; but on the face of the earth opposite from the sun the needles are in confusion, and this is called darkness. Jehovah said: So that man may comprehend the structure of the belt that holds the earth, I will give him a sign high up in the air. And Jehovah caused the vapor in the firmament to be frozen and fall to the earth, white, and it is called snow. For the snowflake shows the matrix in which it is molded. Jehovah said: Let this be a sign also, that even as heat and moisture rise up from the earth, so are there representatives of all things on the earth which have also evaporated upward, and all such things rise up to the level of density that is like themselves, every one to its own level, and they take their places in the strata of the vortex. These are called plateaus; or spheres, for they surround the whole earth. Some of them are ten miles high, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand or more miles. And all these spheres that rotate and travel with the earth are called atmospherea, or lower heavens.


i006 3w cl Plateaus






i006 Earth and Plateaus of Lower Heaven. E, Etherea; B, periphery of the earth’s vortex. This line was called by the ancients the Bridge of Chinvat.* All within this area is called Atmospherea. The center circle is the earth; land mass is black; O, the ocean. 1, 2, 3, represent atmospherean plateaus on and near the earth. The O, O, O, with a line through it [Æ], represent atmospherean oceans.

* Note that to make the earth, etc., apparent, this Chinvat line is not to scale. That is, were Chinvat drawn in actual proportion to the shown size of the earth, the B line would be drawn some 30 of earth’s diameters distant from the center of the earth.

04/4.12. For I made the power of attraction manifest[71] in all things before man’s eyes so that he might not err; so that like would attract like, I made them.

04/4.13. Man sought to know the progress of things. Jehovah answered him, saying:

04/4.14. Open your eyes, O man! There is a time of childhood, a time of propagation, a time of old age, and a time of death to all men. It is likewise with all the corporeal worlds I have created:

04/4.15. First as vapor the vortex carries it forth, and as it condenses, its friction engenders heat, and it is molten, becoming as a globe of fire in heaven. Then it takes its place as a newly born world, and I set it in the orbit prepared for it.

04/4.16. In the next age I bring it into se’mu,[72] for it is ripe for the bringing forth of living creatures; and I bestow the vegetable and animal kingdoms.


i008 3w Se'muan Firmament


i008 Se’muan Firmament. Jehovah said: Behold, I caused all living creatures to gestate in darkness. And this shall be testimony to the end of the world, that, when I created life on the face of the earth, she traveled in My se’muan firmament. This is the triumphant entry of oxygen to the earth’s surface. It is also the gestative age for the animal kingdom. Jehovah said: Let there be a sign for man that comes after, so that he shall understand the work of My hand. And Jehovah commanded that after that time, all the living should gestate in darkness. And it was so. || The white sphere in the middle of the dark se’mu is the earth.


04/4.17. Next it enters ho’tu, for it is past the age of begetting, even as the living who are advanced in years. Next it enters a’du,[73] and nothing can generate upon it. Then comes uz, and it is spirited away into [74]unseen realms. Thus I create and dissipate planets, suns, moons and stars.

04/4.18. My examples are before all men. My witnesses are without number. I raise the tree up out of the ground; I give it a time to bring forth fruit, followed by a time of barrenness, then comes death and finally dissolution. I prepare the new field with rich soil, bringing forth; and the old field that is exhausted. And by My examples man shall weigh the progress and destiny of a whole world.

04/4.19. Let no man marvel because of the size of the mammoth and the ichthyosaurus,[75] for there was a time for them as there is a time for the infusoria[76] of this day.

04/4.20. I have given you a sign, O man, in the queen of the honeybee; because of the change of the cell, she comes forth a queen, even from the same kind of germ[77] as the other bees. Be wise, therefore, and remember that the earth is not in the place of the firmament of old. Let this be a testimony to you of the growth, change and travail[78] of the earth.

04/4.21. Nevertheless, O man, the seen and the unseen are only parts of My person; I am the Unity of the whole.

CHAPTER 5 Jehovah

04/5.1. Man perceived the magnitude and glory of the corporeal worlds. He said, How shall I speak of Your great works, O Jehovah, and of Your wisdom and power? Shall I open my mouth before You? I look upon Your countless stars, suns and moons, spread out over the heavens! The millions of years You have rolled them on in the never‑ending firmament! Processions in and out, and round about,[79] of mighty worlds! By Your breath going forth!

04/5.2. O You All Highest! How can I hide my insignificance! I cannot create the smallest thing alive! Nor change the color of a hair on my head. What am I, that You have seen me?

04/5.3. Tell me, O my Creator, where did life come from—this unseen within me that is conscious of being? Tell me how all the living came into life?

04/5.4. Jehovah heard the words of man, and He answered him saying: Let a sign be given to man so that he may comprehend se’mu. || And so Jehovah caused the jellyfish and the green scum of water to be permanently coming forth in all ages, so that man could understand the age of se’mu, when the earth and the shores by the water, and the waters also, were covered over with commingled atmosphere and corporeal substance. This substance was called se’mu, because by His presence, Jehovah quickened it into life; and in that way, He made all the living, both the vegetable and animal worlds. Not that se’mu is jellyfish or the green scum of water; for in this day the earth does not produce se’mu abundantly; nevertheless the jellyfish and the green scum of water are signs of that which was in that day of the earth.

04/5.5. Jehovah said: Because of My presence I quickened into life all that live, or ever have lived.

04/5.6. Because I am male and female, even in My likeness, I made them thus. Because I am the power to quicken into life, so, in likeness of Me, I made them with power to bring forth.[80]

04/5.7. According to their respective places, I created the living; [81]not in pairs only, but in hundreds of pairs and in thousands and millions of pairs.

04/5.8. According to their respective places and the light upon se’mu, so I quickened them in their color, adapted to their dwelling places.

04/5.9. Each and every living thing I created new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing did I create out of another.

04/5.10. Let a sign be upon the earth, so that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changes and becomes another.

04/5.11. || And so, Jehovah gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which would be unlike either its mother or father, but He caused the new product to be barren.[82] ||

04/5.12. Jehovah said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.[83]

04/5.13. Such is My person and My spirit, being from everlasting to everlasting; and when I bring a new world into the time of se’mu, My presence quickens the substance into life; and according to the locality and the surroundings, I bring forth the different species; for they are flesh of My flesh and spirit of My spirit. To themselves I give themselves; nevertheless, they are all members of My Person.

04/5.14. As a testimony to man, behold the earth was once a globe of liquid fire! Nor was there any seed on it. But in due season I rained down se’mu on the earth; and by virtue of My presence I quickened into life all the living. Without seed I created the life that is in them.

CHAPTER 6 Jehovah

04/6.1. When man comprehended the earth he looked upward; and Jehovah saw him and knew the desires of his soul. So Jehovah sent His son Uz, and Uz spoke, saying:

04/6.2. Hear me, O man; the mysteries of heaven and earth I will clear up before your judgment. You (the human race) are the highest of all creation, and come to the highest of all kingdoms;[84] from Great Jehovah you shall learn wisdom, and none shall stop you.

04/6.3. Contemplate, O man, on the magnitude of your Father’s kingdoms and His places in the firmament on high. Unless I take you into the heavens above, you cannot comprehend its places.

04/6.4. Man then rose up in spirit, and ascended into the firmament, for his spirit had crystallized into separateness; and Uz and Es[85] ascended with him, speaking in the voice of the Father. And man saw that each and everything in the firmament was orderly, and still each to itself located. Then Es spoke, saying:

04/6.5. Observe, O man! As a farmer sows corn in one place, wheat in another, and flax in yet another—everything in a separate place; even so does Jehovah store the ingredients of which worlds are made—everything in its place: the substance of the iron in one place, the substance of the stones in another, the substance of the vegetable kingdom in another, and likewise for the substance of the animal kingdom, and the oils and sand; for He has places in the firmament of heaven for all of them. These that you saw are the ji’ay, the a’ji, and the nebulae;[86] and amid them, in places, there is se’mu also. Let no man say: Over there is hydrogen only, and over here, oxygen only. The divisions of the substances of His creations are not as man would make them. All the elements are to be found not only in places close by, but in distant places also.

04/6.6. When the Father drives forth His worlds in the heavens, they gather a sufficiency of all things. And when a corporeal world is yet new and young it is carried forth not by random, but purposely, in the regions suited to it.[87] Accordingly, as there is a time for se’mu; and a time for falling nebulae to bury deep the forests and se’muan beds, to provide coal and manure for a time afterward; so is there a time when the earth passes a region in the firmament when sand and oil are rained upon it, then covered up, and gases bound and sealed for the coming generations of men.

i010 3w Earth in Jy'ay


i010 The Earth in Jy’ay. The earth (white spot) in Jy’ay (ji’ay) during the glacial period, showing m’ha’k, the surrounding nebula, that caused the earth’s crust to break and upheave, forming ranges of mountains. At the period referred to, the earth was turned from its axial course: the north becoming east, and the south becoming west.


i012 3w Earth in Nebulae


i012 The Earth in Hyarti from Nebulae. Showing the earth (white disk in center) eclipsed on all sides by nebulae. In the Hyartien period the earth was in darkness for one hundred and thirty years. This was the gestative age for the vegetable kingdom.


04/6.7. And man said: I am ashamed in Your sight, O Jehovah! I looked upward and said: The sky is vacant! Then I said: It is true, the corporeal worlds are made of condensed nebulae; but I did not see the wisdom and glory of Your works. I locked You up in coincidences and happenings. Your unseen world has become seen; the unreal has become the real.

04/6.8. O if only I had been mindful of You! If only I had not put You far off, nor imagined laws and decrees. Teach me, O Jehovah! How was the beginning of man? How was it with the first of the living that You brought forth?

04/6.9. Jehovah said: Have I not declared Myself in the past; in My works have I not provided thousands of years in advance? As I have shown system in the corporeal worlds, know then, O man, that system prevails in the firmament.

04/6.10. To the tree I gave life; to man I gave life and spirit also. And the spirit I made was separate from the corporeal life.

04/6.11. Out of se’mu I made man, and man was only like a tree, but dwelling in ha’k (darkness); and I called him Asu.[88]

04/6.12. I looked over the wide heavens that I had made, and I saw countless millions of spirits of the dead, who had lived and died on other corporeal worlds before the earth was made.

04/6.13. I spoke in the firmament, and My voice reached to the uttermost places. And there came in answer to the sounds of My voice, myriads[89] of angels from the roadway in heaven, where the earth travels. I said to them, Behold! I have created a new world; come and enjoy it. Yes, you shall learn from it how it was with [90]other worlds in ages past.

04/6.14. There alighted upon the new earth millions of angels from heaven; but many of them had never fulfilled a corporeal life, having died in infancy, and these angels did not comprehend procreation or corporeal life.

04/6.15. And I said, go and deliver Asu from darkness, for he shall also rise in spirit to inherit My etherean worlds.

04/6.16. And now the earth was in the latter days of se’mu,[91] and the angels could readily take on corporeal bodies for themselves; by force of their wills, clothing themselves with flesh and bones out of the elements of the earth. By the side of the Asuans they took on corporeal forms.

04/6.17. And I said: Go forth and partake of[92] all that is on the earth; but do not partake of the tree of life, lest in that labor you become procreators and as if dead to[93] the heavens from which you came.

i009 3w Xsargis


i009 X’Sar’jis, or end of the se’muan age; that is, the time of the termination of creating animal life. Jehovah said: Behold, I quickened the earth with living creatures; by My breath came forth all the living on the face of the earth, in its waters, and in the air above the earth. And I took the earth out of dark regions, and brought her into the light of My ethereal worlds. And I commanded the living to bring forth, by cohabitation, every species after its own kind. || And man was more dumb and helpless than any other living creature. Jehovah spoke to the angels that dwelt in His ethereal worlds, saying: Behold, I have created a new world, like the places where you were quickened into life; come and enjoy it, and raise man upright and give him words of speech. For these will also be angels in time to come.


04/6.18. || But those who had never learned corporeal things, being imperfect in wisdom, did not understand Jehovah’s words, and they dwelt with the Asuans, and were tempted, and partook of the fruit of the tree of life; and lo and behold[94] they saw their own nakedness. And there was born of the first race (Asu) a new race called man;[95] and Jehovah took the earth out of the travail of se’mu and the angels gave up their corporeal bodies. ||

04/6.19. Jehovah said: Because you have raised up those who shall be joint heirs in heaven, you shall tread the earth with your feet, and walk by the sides of the new born, being guardian angels over them, for they are of your own flesh and kin. 1

04/6.20. The fruit of your seed I have quickened with My spirit, and man shall come forth with a birthright to My etherean worlds.


i013 6w m3 cl Asu



i013 Asu, the First Race. Being the animal man (proto-man), wholly of the earth, and incapable of eternal life.

i072pa cl colored Dissection of Great Serpent


i072 Dissection of the Great Serpent.



04/6.21. As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man‑child and woman‑child born into life I will quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again.[97]

04/6.22. As the corporeal earth passes away, so shall the first race Asu pass away; but as I do not pass away, so shall the spirit of man not pass away.[98]

CHAPTER 7 Jehovah

04/7.1. Jehovah said: Let a sign be given to the inhabitants of the earth so that they may comprehend dan’ha[99] in the firmament of heaven. For even as I bequeathed to the earth a time for creating the living, and a time for angels to come and partake of the first fruits of mortality and immortality, so shall man, at certain times and seasons, receive testimony from My hosts in heaven.

04/7.2. || And Jehovah caused the earth, and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requires of them four million seven hundred thousand years. And He placed in the line of the orbit, at distances of [aprox] three thousand years, etherean lights, at which places, as the earth passes through, angels from the second heaven come into its corporeal presence. As ambassadors they come, in companies of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, and these are called the etherean hosts of the Most High.

04/7.3. They come not as single individuals; nor do they come for a single individual mortal.

04/7.4. And Jehovah gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan’ha, the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance[100] of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals. Every three thousand years Jehovah gave this sign on earth, so that those, who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar spirits, could bear testimony regarding the origin of man on earth.[101] || Jehovah said: And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan’ha that these signs manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High come soon after. Let him who will become wise, enumerate[102] the great lights of My serpent,[103] for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew. ||

04/7.5. In the time of the earth, when man was brought forth from mortal to immortal life, the earth passed beyond se’mu. The angels of heaven remained with corporeal man, but not in the semblance of mortals, but as spirits; and by virtue of their presence, strove to make man wise and upright before Jehovah. Upon the earth the number of such angels was millions. To these angels Jehovah spoke:

04/7.6. Behold the work you have taken in hand! It was commanded to you all, to partake of all the fruits of the earth except of the fruit of the tree of life, which is of the knowledge of the earth and heaven, lest you lose your inheritance in etherea.

04/7.7. Behold, you now have sons and daughters on the earth; by your love to them you have become bound spirits of the lower heaven. Until you redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation, you shall not rise again and inherit My emancipated heavens.

04/7.8. To which end you shall be co‑workers with one another in system and order. In My name you shall become an [104]organic body and known as the heaven of the earth, or lower heaven, which shall travel with the earth.

04/7.9. And I will allot to you a Chief, who is wise in experience in founding heavenly kingdoms; and he shall appoint from among you, officers, messengers, ashars, asaphs, and es’enaurs,[105] and you shall be numbered and apportioned to your labor and places, like in My other lower heavens on other worlds.

04/7.10. He who is Chief shall be called God of this heaven and the earth, which are now bestowed to his making.[106]

04/7.11. And God shall have a Council and throne within his heavenly city; and the place shall be called Hored, because it is the first kingdom of God in this firmament.

04/7.12. And God shall rule on his throne, for it is his; and his Council shall rule with him; in My name they shall have dominion over angels and mortals belonging to the earth.

04/7.13. And God shall appoint Chiefs under him who shall go down and dwell on the earth with mortals; and the labor of these Chiefs shall be with mortals for their resurrection. And these Chiefs shall be called Lords,[107] for they are Gods of land, which is the lowest rank of My commissioned Gods.

04/7.14. And God and his Lords shall have dominion from two hundred years to a thousand or more years; but never more than three thousand years [a Dan]. According to the regions of dan (light) into which I bring the earth, so shall the terms be for the office of My Gods and My Lords.

04/7.15. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors; these officers shall be appointed and crowned in My name by God and his Lords.

04/7.16. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords, they shall in these, My bound heavens, gather together all those angels who have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My etherean kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah, for they are Mine and in My service.[108]

04/7.17. And in the time of dan I will send down ships from etherea to God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms; by My etherean Gods and Goddesses, these ships shall descend to these heavens to receive God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the [109]exalted regions I have prepared for them.

04/7.18. All those who ascend shall be called a Harvest to Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles, because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give to My servants.

04/7.19. But at no other times, nor in any other way, shall My Harvests ascend to My emancipated worlds in etherea. For each and every dan’ha I have created seven dans, and to each dan given six generations of mortals. ||

04/7.20. The angels understood the commandments of Jehovah according to their knowledge in the etherean heavens; being heirs of other planets, and having died in infancy, and having matured in the es worlds; but they did not understand the Creator regarding the practice of the lower heavenly kingdoms. And for that reason their knowledge was incomplete.

04/7.21. Jehovah said: I do not condemn you because you have become joint procreators with the asuans; for you have done two services to Me; which are first to teach yourselves corporeal things, so that you can understand and sympathize with corporeans, and second, you have caused the earth to become peopled with those who are capable of immortality.

04/7.22. Observe now what shall happen on the earth: Those who are of your flesh and kin who cohabit together shall rise in wisdom and virtue; but those who cohabit with the asuans will bring forth heirs in the descending grade of life. The first shall bring forth heirs to everlasting life; but the second shall bring forth heirs that shall go out in [outer] darkness.[110]

04/7.23. In the dominion of which matters your God and Lords will instruct you, so that you may, by inspiration and otherwise, learn to control the behavior of mortals to everlasting life. And so that these labors are not too severe upon you, I created the dans and dan’has in the firmament, at which times you can be relieved from the watch by other angels from other worlds coming to exchange with you.

04/7.24. This also I put upon you: That to rule over mortals to virtue, by your own wills governing them in all things, is contrary to My commandments. For what honor has any man if made to do a thing?

04/7.25. But you shall give My light to mortals, leaving them to [111]choose. It is better for them to suffer some than to grow up in ignorance of the stings of disobedience.

04/7.26. Know that I make this a willing service on your part; because you have bound your affections on the earth, to your own kin, you willingly become guardian angels over mortals. Yet I did not make a separate law for you; as it is with you, so shall it be with the spirits of these mortals when they are born into the es world: They will also desire to become guardian angels over their mortal kin.

04/7.27. But these spirits, never having known My higher heavens, will be unsuitable for the office of ashars; they would only be the blind leading the blind.

04/7.28. To prevent which, God and the Lords shall provide these spirits in the first resurrection with places to dwell in; and with occupations and opportunities for education. For I do not desire them to remain bound to the earth, but to rise up and inherit My etherean kingdoms.

04/7.29. And in this also you shall be discreet in governing them, giving them the light of My heavens with some liberty to choose and to perfect themselves. Otherwise they would only be slaves in heaven. According to their weakness or strength, so shall you provide for these new spirits entering My es world.

04/7.30. Therefore those of you who are appointed by My God and My Lords as guardians over mortals shall be called Ashars, and you shall report to your respective Lords, according to the section of the earth where you may be. And ashars shall have many watches (work shifts).

04/7.31. And those of you who are appointed to receive the spirits of the dead into heaven shall be called Asaphs, and you shall report to your respective Lords and their kingdoms.

04/7.32. And the ashars shall make a record of every mortal as to the grade of his wisdom and good works; and when a mortal dies, and his spirit is delivered to the asaphs, the record shall be delivered with him; and the asaph, receiving, shall deliver this spirit, along with the record, into that place in these heavens which is adapted to his grade, where he shall be put to work and to school, according to the place of the resurrections which I created.[112]

04/7.33. As you shall thus become organic [harmonious] in heaven, with rulers, teachers and physicians; and with capitals, cities and provinces; and with hospitals, nurseries, schools and factories, so shall you also ultimately inspire man on the earth to the same things.[113]

04/7.34 And mortals who are raised up to dominion over mortals shall be called kings and emperors. As My Gods and My Lords are called My Sons, so shall kings and emperors be called sons of God; through him they shall be raised up to their places, and given dominion for My glory.

CHAPTER 8 Jehovah

04/8.1. Jehovah said: God shall cause a record to be kept in heaven, of his dominions and those of his Lords. And he and they shall enjoin[114] it upon their successors forever to keep a like record.

04/8.2. And in the times of My harvest a copy of these records shall be taken up to My etherean kingdoms and filed with My Orian Chiefs and Archangels[115] in the roadway of the travel of the great serpent,[116] for their deliberations regarding the progress and management of the inhabitants of the earth and her heavens.

04/8.3. Do not think, O angels, that the resurrection of your heirs and their descendants who come up out of the earth is an easy matter, and of steady progress devoid of mishaps and woeful darkness.

04/8.4. The angels under you shall become at times rebellious and defiant; disregarding your laws and decrees; and they shall desert your heavenly places and go down to the earth in millions and hundreds of millions. And they shall drive away the ashars, and then assume guardianship over mortals. But they shall develop no righteousness under the sun; and they will inspire mortals to war and destruction. And these angels will themselves take to war and evil throughout the place of your heavens.

04/8.5. With the foul gases of atmospherea they shall make weapons of war and places of torment. With these elements they shall make suffocating hells in order to cast one another into chaos.

04/8.6. And mortals slain in war shall be born in spirit into chaos on the battlefields; and entering the es world in chaos, they shall not know that they are dead (as to earth life), but shall still keep fighting right and left.

04/8.7. And enemy shall take enemy in these heavens, and cast them into the places of torment, which they shall have built, and they shall not know peace or wisdom.

04/8.8. And the work of your heavens shall become as nothing. You shall go about delivering hells and the spirits in chaos. And your labor shall become exhausting; truly you shall cry out because you came and peopled the earth.

04/8.9. For I have also created this possibility for My creations, so that both angels and mortals shall learn to know the elements of the heavens and the earth, and to know the trials of love and misfortune.

04/8.10. Nor have I made [117]wisdom possible to any man or angel who does not know My elements, and the extremes of evil and good which I created.

04/8.11. But in the times of great darkness, which shall come upon earth and these heavens, I will bring the earth into dan’ha; and My ethereans shall come in My name and deliver them.

04/8.12. And again for another cycle they shall be left with the lessons given to them; but they shall fall again in course of time. But again I will deliver them; through My Gods and Goddesses I will cause them to comprehend the magnitude of My creations.

04/8.13. As you travel from heaven to heaven (via ships) in this atmospherea, so shall you also inspire mortals to build corporeal ships, and sail across the oceans, so that the inhabitants of different divisions of the earth may become known to one another.

04/8.14. And when the inhabitation of the earth shall have been completed and the nations shall have established civil communion around from east to west, in that same time I will bring the earth into the millennial (Kosmon) era, and My angel ambassadors, Gods and Goddesses, shall render up the records of these heavenly kingdoms.1

04/8.15. Through them I will reveal to mortals the creation of My worlds, and the history and dominion of My Gods and Lords on the earth, even from this day down to the time of The Millennium (Kosmon). ||

04/8.16. And Jehovah caused the angels of atmospherea to assemble together and organize the first kingdom of the heaven of the earth. And the place was called Hored, because it was the place of the first organic abiding place for the first God of this world.

04/8.17. And Hored was situated over and above the mountains of Aotan in Ughoqui, east of Ul, of that country afterward called the continent of Pan.2 ||

04/8.18. Thus ends the inorganic habitation of the earth and her atmospherea.


i107 3w m3 cl hoirzontal EOIh


i107 Creator’s name sign, with horizontal line only.


i017 6w m cl Pre-Flood Map


i017 Pre-Flood Outline Map of the World. Showing the Locality of Pan, the Submerged Continent.

[once again I believe this is in error. Pan was North America, the Zion of the pre-diluvian world. However, it was quite different that the present geography, and indeed was submerged and connected to Japan as the earth was much much smaller at that time. –lw]

[118]  [119]


Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovah


First God of the first cycle of the earth after man’s creation

CHAPTER 1 Sethantes

05/1.1. In the beginning of the inhabitation of the earth, the angels of heaven assembled in Hored, a heavenly plateau resting on the earth.

05/1.2. And the archangel Sethantes was the wisest of them all, and he said to them:

05/1.3. Behold, we have come from distant heavens; by the voice of Jehovah we came to partake of the glory of the red star, the earth. Jehovah said to us: Come and enjoy the new world I have created. Partake of all its fruits, except of the tree of knowledge, which is the fountain of life. Do not partake of this, lest you die.

05/1.4. But the voice of the earth spoke to us, saying: Partake, for indeed, mine is the tree of everlasting life.

05/1.5. And many did not obey the voice of the Father, and are now bound by the tie of life, which is in the blood.

05/1.6. And the voice of Jehovah came to me, saying: Sethantes, My son, behold, in My etherean heavens I gave into your charge millions of angels, whom you have brought to the earth, and they have fallen from their high estate. Go, deliver them.

05/1.7. And I said: What shall I do? And Jehovah said: Bring your angel hosts to Hored, for there I will crown you God of these heavens and earth for the redemption of angels and mortals. And it shall be a new heavenly kingdom from this time forward to the end of the world. For it is the time of the arc[120] of Wan, and I will bring from etherea My high‑raised Goddess, Etisyai, chief factor[121] of Harmuts, and she shall crown you in My name: God of heaven and earth.

05/1.8. God said: When I had thus spoken in Hored before the angels of heaven, a great light, like a sun, was seen descending from the firmament above. And I commanded my es’enaurs to chant in praise of the Father and His works.

05/1.9. Meanwhile I had the angels of Hored numbered, and there were twenty seven million six hundred thousand, being the same who were on an excursion in my charge when the voice of Jehovah commanded us to visit the earth.

05/1.10. The light above descended fast toward us; like a ship of fire it came nearer and nearer, till we saw it was far wider than the place of Hored and all my angel hosts.

05/1.11. And when the great light had descended to the plateau of Hored, there came forth out of the light one million archangels, from the arc of Wan in the Hosts of A’ji, in the orbit of Tow’sang in etherea, and they bore regalia[122] and crowns from the Orian chief of Harmuts. Foremost of the archangels was Etisyai, and her brother Ya’tiahaga, commissioners from the etherean heaven.

05/1.12. When they came near me, Etisyai gave the sign of Jehovah’s name, greeting, halting, and saying: All hail! In Jehovah’s name, and in the love of Harmuts, Orian Chief, we come to greet you, first God of the lower heaven, belonging to the corporeal earth!

05/1.13. I said: All hail, O emissaries of Harmuts, Chief of Orian worlds! Come, O Etisyai, and your brother and all this host! Come, honor my throne, in Great Jehovah’s name!

05/1.14. The archangels then came forward, saluting, and Etisyai said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I found[123] here a throne!

05/1.15. And she caused the form and substance of it to rise, and she ascended onto it, and Ya’tiahaga with her. And the other archangels formed a crescent in front of the throne, all of them bearing crowns or diadems, but they stood upright. And now the angels of the host of God took their places, so that they could witness the testimony of Jehovah’s commission, but the lights from the columns of fire, brilliant in all colors, shades and tints, baffled many of them from seeing plainly.

05/1.16. When all things were ready, Etisyai, standing erect and brilliant like a star, raised her right hand, saying: JEHOVAH! All‑wise and Powerful! In Your name, this Your Son, God, I crown! From the Orian Chief, Harmuts, raised to the rank of God, and by You, O JEHOVAH, ordained! From this time forward to be known forever in the emancipated heavens as Your Son! PEACE! WISDOM! LOVE! POWER!

05/1.17. And now with her left hand she raised the crown high, so that all could see and bear witness, and upon giving the sign again of Jehovah’s name above the crown, a flame of light shot forth brilliantly from it. And then she placed the crown on God’s head, saying:

05/1.18. Arise, O My Son, Son of JEHOVAH! Instantly there arose from the millions of souls one universal shout: All hail, O Son of Jehovah! And God rose up, having the crown on his head, and the people cheered him lustily, for he was well beloved.

05/1.19. Etisyai said: Bring forward your five chief Lords so I may crown them also. God then caused the five chief Lords, whom he had previously selected, to sit at the foot of the throne.

05/1.20. Again Etisyai raised her right hand, saying: O JEHOVAH! Almighty! From Whom all glories emanate! In Your name, these Your Sons, I crown, Lords of the earth, and of the waters of the earth! From the Orian chief Harmuts! By my commission I raise them to the rank of Lords For Kingdoms Of Heaven! PEACE! WISDOM! LOVE! POWER!

05/1.21. Then Etisyai took the crowns, which were handed to her by the other archangels, and placed them on the heads of the Lords, saying:

05/1.22. Arise, O my Lords, and be Lords of JEHOVAH for His Glory! And be the Lords of God, having dominion over the earth and the waters of the earth, in LOVE, WISDOM, and POWER, AMEN!

05/1.23. The Lords rose up, having on their heads the crown of Lords, and again the multitude saluted with great cheering. When the applause ceased, Etisyai said:

05/1.24. My God and my Lords, give now the sign of Jehovah’s name, so that His glory may be fulfilled. (For this was the oath of office.)[124]

i001a Circle cut twice

i001a Circle Cut Twice.


05/1.25. And God and the Lords saluted Jehovah before the hosts of heaven. And they stood apart a little distance, and Etisyai said:

05/1.26. Behold the All Light, Jehovah, encompasses me. My voice shall be His voice. By the glory of Faith in Him, I am One with the Father.

05/1.27. And a fleece of golden hue descended from above and encompassed Etisyai, and she was like a central star with rays of light emanating. She was entranced by Jehovah. Through her the Creator spoke, saying:

05/1.28. My Son, now God, I brought you forth out of corpor, quickened into life everlasting. By faith I inspired you to do whatever you have done. Faith I gave to you, as the tree on which all perfection is the fruit. By that faith within man, which nurtures the I Am within himself to perfection, he becomes My Son,[125] doing by virtue of My presence. According to your wisdom and love I have given you strength; and by your strength, raised you up.

05/1.29. Behold, this day I have given you a kingdom in atmospherea, and made you God before all the kingdoms of heaven. This place shall be your place and Mine also. Here you shall dispense wisdom and laws, and appoint officers in My name and by virtue of My power.

05/1.30. And your kingdom shall be like two kingdoms: One here with the hosts of heaven, and one on the earth, over these your Lords. For you are the judgment seat and creator of order over the whole earth, and in the heaven belonging to the earth.

05/1.31. Stretch forth your hand, My Son, and clothe yourself in the golden fleece.

05/1.32. God made the sign, and then raised his hands upward, saying: Jehovah! Jehovah! By Your command I call upon You to array me in Your golden fleece! Behold I am Your Son.

05/1.33. And the archangels tossed up the raiment and regalia they had brought from their etherean arc in a’ji, and, by the faith that was in God, the substance flew to him and encompassed him in raiment of the upper heaven.

05/1.34. Then Jehovah spoke to the Lords, saying: As God has built a kingdom in Hored, and reigns over this heaven, and over you and your helpmates, so shall you build kingdoms on the earth, and you shall rule over mortals in My name, teaching them about Me and My everlasting kingdoms in the firmament above. In testimony of My voice, receive this raiment of silver and gold from My archangels.

05/1.35. The archangels then draped the Lords in shining raiment. And Etisyai came down from the throne, still entranced, saying:

05/1.36. Though My Daughter Etisyai will rise up in the flame of fire, yet I, Jehovah, will abide with you, O God, and with you, My Lords, now and forever! And then Etisyai took God’s hand and led him to the center of the throne, saying: Sit on this throne for it is your Father’s kingdom in the lower heaven of the earth![126]

05/1.37. When God sat down, the entrancement departed from Etisyai, and the Light of Jehovah went and settled upon God and the Lords. But Etisyai sat down at the foot of the throne, and immediately all the archangels sat down also.

05/1.38. God said: Behold, she who is greatest makes herself least of all. Arise, O Daughter of Jehovah, and enjoy my kingdom, for it is Jehovah’s also. And God came down from the judgment seat and took Etisyai’s hand and she rose up, at which point God proclaimed the freedom of the hour. Thus was established the first throne of God in these heavens. And now all of the hosts mingled together, angels and archangels, joyfully.

CHAPTER 2 Sethantes

05/2.1. When the hour ended, God again ascended the throne, and the marshals raised the signals of order, and the archangels went and stood in a crescent in front of the throne. Etisyai sat at the feet of God, and the splendor of her glory, unadorned, except with white and yellow drapery, shone through all the talents Jehovah had given her—the perfection of purity, wisdom, and love; the like of which only Gods had looked upon!

05/2.2. God said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I now found the session of Your kingdom in the lower heaven. As long as man and woman shall bring forth heirs to You, this kingdom shall not cease to glorify You. Let the Lords approach the throne.

05/2.3. The es’enaurs now sang, and the marshals and escorts conducted the Lords before the throne. When they were in order, the music ceased, and God said:

05/2.4. There are five great divisions of the earth, and I have ordained you the five Lords of them in Jehovah’s name. I have placed you according to the number of inhabitants on the earth’s divisions, and your relative rank before heaven. When you have seated yourselves in your respective kingdoms, you shall each have twelve messengers, whose duties shall be between you and me. Therefore choose your messengers this hour, so that, before the resurrection of the archangels, they may be confirmed and their registry[127] carried to heaven above.

05/2.5. The Lords chose their messengers, and they were confirmed in the name of Jehovah, and the swift messengers, who ply with the upper heavens,[128] made a record of their names and places. After which God said to them:

05/2.6. You have been chosen according to your talents; according to your excellence you will be promoted to wider fields of labor. May the wisdom, love and power of Jehovah be with you all, amen!

05/2.7. And now Etisyai signaled that her time of departure had arrived.

05/2.8. God came down from the judgment seat, and standing one moment in sorrow, reached out and took Etisyai’s hand, saying:

05/2.9. Arise, O Daughter of Jehovah, and go your way!

05/2.10. Etisyai rose up, pointing upward, saying: My house is in the arc of Wan. Jehovah dwells with you and me! My swift messengers shall come to you at times. My love will be with you and your Lords, and the harvest of your resurrection. In Jehovah’s name, farewell!

05/2.11. Etisyai then walked to the ship of fire; but before she entered, she turned and took one more look at the hosts of Hored, and then, stripping from the frames, luminous drapery, cast it playfully over the es’enaurs, and quickly disappeared in the light.

05/2.12. The es’enaurs chanted, and the hosts of archangels joined in with them, and in that same moment of time the ship began to rise, and it was as thousands of columns of fire surrounding one majestic column, and the whole circle rising in spiral form, turning and rising, rising and turning. And when it was a little way up it seemed like an ascending sun; and then higher and higher, like a distant star, and then it passed beyond the vision of the angels of Hored.

05/2.13. When order was proclaimed, the All Light began to gather about the throne, covering over God and the Lords. Jehovah, through God, said:

05/2.14. Hear Me, for I reside also with these My Lords of the hosts of heaven.

05/2.15. The Lords said: What shall we do? And Jehovah answered: Summon all the angels to pass before the throne of God, one by one, so that I may judge them. For all those who dwelt on any of My corporeal worlds of the fifth of the second rate[129] shall reside in the kingdom of Hored, and their labor shall be with es’yans only; but all of the full of the first rate shall reside in the kingdoms of My Lords, and their labor shall be with corporeans.

05/2.16. The marshals then arranged the angels and they passed in front of the throne, and so great was God’s wisdom that, in looking on the angels as they passed, he perceived the rates of every man and woman. And those destined for labor in atmospherea only, he caused to turn one way, and those for the earth, as ministering spirits with mortals, to turn the other way; and when they had all passed, they were correctly divided according to Jehovah’s commandment.

05/2.17. God said: Hear me, O Lords! Take your laborers and proceed to your respective places on the divisions of the earth and the waters of the earth. And you shall be Lords with me, your God, for the glory of Jehovah. Whatever you do on the earth I will ratify in heaven; whomever you deliver from the earth I will receive in heaven. As you shape and build up mortal man, delivering his spirit into my kingdom, so will I receive and award him.

05/2.18. So that your kingdoms may accord with me and mine, I give you sufficient messengers, and they shall pass daily between us: According to their proficiency and power to pass from place to place, so have I chosen them.

05/2.19. Let a record be kept within your own kingdoms, and these records shall be your own, to be carried upward with you in the next resurrection.

05/2.20. And separate from your own record, you shall also keep a record jointly with me, pertaining to your kingdom’s relations with mine.

05/2.21. When mortals die and are born in spirit, you shall receive them and enter them in your records as es’yans, signifying newborn in heaven. And for these es’yans, you shall provide temporary dwellings where they shall reside, some for a few days, and some for the space of one year or more. Through the messengers you shall inform me of their numbers and conditions, and I will send ships to bring them to my kingdom.

05/2.22. You shall appoint asaphs, whose office it shall be to receive es’yans from the ashars.

05/2.23. While a mortal is alive on the earth, the ashars shall stay with him, guarding him in the name of the Lord, and in my name. But when he dies the ashar shall deliver the es’yan to the asaph, saying: In Jehovah’s name, receive this newborn spirit. He was my protégé; for the good or evil in him, charge it to me. || And the ashar shall deliver up a record of the mortal life of the es’yan, and the record shall be kept within your own kingdoms.

05/2.24. And the asaph shall take the es’yan, saying: In Jehovah’s name, I receive this newborn spirit. He shall be my protégé according to the commandments of the Lord my God. || He shall then take the es’yan to the place prepared for it, where it will have nurses and attendants according to its requirements.

05/2.25. When ships come to your kingdoms, the asaphs shall deliver all the es’yans they have received, and my officer shall receive them, and bring them to my place in heaven.

05/2.26. When God had ended the instructions to the Lords, the Lords answered, saying: We will be your Lords, O God, doing your commandments, for the glory of Jehovah, our Father.

05/2.27. God said: To each of you I have given a great division of the earth, and each division shall be named after you, each in its place.

05/2.28. This, then, was the rank assigned: Whaga (Pan); Jud (Asia); Thouri (America); Vohu (Africa); and Dis (Europe). And the lands were called after the names of the Lords and entered as such in the books of heaven in Hored, by command of God in the name of Jehovah.[130]

05/2.29. And the record of the Great Serpent showed the firmament of Tem’yi in the third circuit of c’v’wark’um and dan’ha twenty‑four.[131]

05/2.30. When all was finished the Lords came and sat down at the foot of the throne, and the es’enaurs chanted a hymn of praise to Jehovah, and the entire multitude joined in the singing.

05/2.31. When the hymn ended, God rose up, standing amid a sea of light, and raising up both hands, said: O Jehovah! Almighty and everlasting! Help Your servants in founding this Your Kingdom for Your glory! Peace, Wisdom and Power!

05/2.32. Then making the sign of Jehovah’s name with his right hand, he came down to the foot of the throne, and taking the hand of Whaga, Lord of Whaga, he said: Arise, my son, and go your way, and Jehovah will bless you.

05/2.33. Whaga rose up and stood aside, and then in like manner God raised the other four Lords and they stood aside also.

05/2.34. The marshals filed past the throne, saluting, and after them the Lords, saluting also; and then came the asaphs, and lastly the ashars; and the procession was under way, passing between the pillars of fire, with which God’s laborers had encircled and ornamented Hored.

05/2.35. This was the beginning of the first kingdom in the lower heaven, and the first of the reign of the Lords on earth.

CHAPTER 3 Sethantes

05/3.1. And in heaven God appointed angel surveyors, to survey the earth and atmospherea; and astronomers, to note the place of the stars; and enumerators, to number the inhabitants of the earth and atmospherea, to grade them and apportion[132] their places; and nurses and physicians, to receive the es’yans and administer to them; and builders of heavenly mansions; and weavers of fabrics for covering the newborn, the es’yans; and builders of heavenly ships for carrying the inhabitants from place to place. And God appointed officers and teachers, according to their grade, to all of these offices.

05/3.2. And when God had completed his appointments, the people were sent to their places, to begin the work allotted to them. And God called the asaphs, and he said to them:

05/3.3. Go down to the earth, and bring me the first fruit of the first resurrection.

05/3.4. And the asaphs said: Your will is our will, but what do you mean by the first fruit of the first resurrection?

05/3.5. God said: The spirits of the dead. The asaphs said: The spirits of the dead, who are they?

05/3.6. God said: When a corporean comes forth out of his corporeal body, this shall be called death.

05/3.7. The asaphs said: Who then are the spirits of death? And God answered them, saying: O you who died in infancy, how can you learn corporeal things! Go then to my Lord, Whaga, and he will show you.

05/3.8. The asaphs departed and went down to the earth, and the Lord, through the ashars, delivered five hundred es’yans to the asaphs, who brought them to Hored, before the throne of God. And God said to them: Who are these?

05/3.9. The asaphs said: These are the first fruit of the first resurrection. Behold, we know now the beginning and the end of corporeality; the earth body of these es’yans was only a womb from which they are now delivered.

05/3.10. God said: Well done. Take these es’yans and feed and clothe them, for this is your labor.

05/3.11. The asaphs answered: Alas, we have tried to feed them with all types of food on which we ourselves subsist, but they will not eat.

05/3.12. God said: Alas, O you innocents! You feed on ethereal food; these es’yans must have atmospherean food, even as corporeans subsist on corporeal food. Go, then, fulfill this first resurrection; for as much as you deliver them, so will you be delivered in time to come.

05/3.13. The asaphs then departed, taking the es’yans with them. But after a while they returned again to God, saying:

05/3.14. Behold, O God, we have gathered the atmosphere of trees of all kinds, and of seeds and plants that grow on the earth, all most beautiful to our senses, and savory to the smell, and we gave these to the es’yans, but lo, they will not eat. Being alarmed, we again hastened to you for information.

05/3.15. God said: O you of little wisdom, knowing so much of heaven and so little of earth. Go back to the place where you brought these es’yans from, and learn what kind of food they subsisted on.

05/3.16. The asaphs went back with all haste to learn in reference to the food. And in due time they came again before God, saluting, saying:

05/3.17. What shall we do, O God? Behold, these es’yans while in the corporeal form feasted on fish and worms. How can we bring them the atmospherean part of these things?

05/3.18. God said: The last time you were present you said you had gathered the atmospherean part of trees, seeds and plants growing out of the earth. Why, then, can you not gather the atmospherean part of fish and worms?

05/3.19. The asaphs said: Alas, we have observed this difference: The trees, plants and fruits emit delightful atmospheres, most nutritious to the spirit, but that which is emitted from the living fish and living worm is foul‑smelling, being only the sweat and dead substance evaporating. What, then, shall we do?

05/3.20. God said: Go to the place where mortals kill fish and worms; and in the same time that mortals tear these things with their teeth, snatch from their hands and mouths the atmospherean parts of the food, and give it to these es’yans. Remember, also, that little by little you shall teach them to live on other kinds of food.

05/3.21. And as you do with these es’yans, do this also for others afterward, remembering that what men subsist on in corporeal life, is entailed[133] on them in spirit for a space of time after entering atmospherea; and they shall be fed spiritually with like substance. The asaphs then departed.

05/3.22. On the third day after that, the Voice of Jehovah came to God, saying:

05/3.23. My Son, behold what the asaphs have thoughtlessly done in your name! They came to the fishery and did as you directed, gathering food for the es’yans; and the es’yans stood at their side, saying: Why gather food for us? Behold, we are now strong in spirit; allow us to gather for ourselves. And the asaphs said: It seems well; do as you desire.

05/3.24. So the es’yans went to the fishermen and fisherwomen, who were eating raw flesh, and the es’yans laid hold of the atmospherean part, and ate a sufficiency of it. Then the asaphs said to them: You have feasted sufficiently; come away with us now.

05/3.25. But lo, the es’yans engrafted themselves on the fishermen and fisherwomen, and would not depart. The asaphs, not knowing what to do, called on My name. O God, quickly send to them those skilled in deliverance, so that My es’yans are preserved to everlasting life.

05/3.26. And God summoned those skilled in deliverance of engraftment, and dispatched them hastily with messengers to the fisheries.

05/3.27. Jehovah said: From the trees, fruits, flowers, grains, seeds, and roots that grow in the ground, I have created a ceaseless harvest going upward into the atmosphere, which shall be the sustenance of the spirits of men newborn in heaven. But whoever feasts on flesh on earth, shall not find spiritual food in heaven, but he shall return to the butcheries and eating‑houses where flesh is eaten, and before it is rotten he shall feast on its atmospherean part. Place a guard, therefore, over the newborn, lest they engraft themselves on mortals, feasting on their feasts, and so go down to destruction.

05/3.28. After many days the asaphs came before God, saying: The physicians severed those who were bound, and we brought them away. Shall this be our labor, day and night, to lead these es’yans about, finding them clothes and food? For we have observed that the more we do for them, the less they do for themselves.

05/3.29. Jehovah spoke through God, saying: A nurse I provided for the newborn, but when he is grown I command him to provide for himself so that he may be a glory in My kingdoms. By charity alone you cannot raise man up; but be diligent in teaching him to continually try to raise himself, for in this lies the glory of manhood.

05/3.30. The asaphs said: If we leave the es’yans alone they will return again to the fisheries and fasten themselves upon mortals, doing nothing but eating.

05/3.31. God said: Near the fisheries, but in atmospherea, go and fashion a colony, and it shall be your colony in heaven. Take these es’yans there, not showing them the way to the fisheries. In the colony put them to work, weaving, making clothes and otherwise producing; but go yourselves for the food at the fisheries, and bring sufficient every day, giving only to those who labor, or to invalids and helpless ones. By this you shall inspire them to labor, which is the foundation of the growth of the spirit; and eventually they will not only care for themselves, but join you in helping others, which is the beginning of the second resurrection.

05/3.32. This then is the lesson you have learned, that according to the diet and the habit of mortals on earth, so must you provide the same for their spirits when first entered in heaven.

05/3.33. Choose therefore, from your own people, a sufficient number to make all things required for a delightful colony, whether it is food, clothing, nurseries, hospitals, place of worship, or place of dancing, and there receive all the es’yans who are delivered from the earth, raising them up in industry, virtue, wisdom, mirth, love, benevolence and adoration, and this shall be a new heaven to you all.

05/3.34. You are my chosen, and an example colony of all the kingdoms I shall build in my heaven. The time is coming when the whole atmosphere around the earth shall be filled with countless millions of angels born out of the earth.

05/3.35. Be swift in your labor; the people spring up from the earth rapidly into heaven, and every colony you now establish shall, in time to come, be a great kingdom, requiring experienced workmen. Whoever labors most efficiently for Jehovah, I will promote to wider fields.

05/3.36. You are one of the cornerstones of Seffas,[134] and his house shall embrace atmospherea and the whole earth. Words are already taking root in the mouths of mortals; and for tens of thousands of years, war will reign; might against might, darkness against darkness. Hundreds of millions will be slain in wars on the earth, and their souls be thrown into chaos. Even as you saw these spirits fastening onto mortals for food, so will spirits in chaos, millions of them, fasten themselves on the battlefields, still battling; or fasten themselves on mortals, obsessing them to madness and death.

CHAPTER 4 Sethantes

05/4.1. So God established colonies in heaven for the reception of the spirits of mortals; and the colonies embraced the arts of healing, education, industry, drapery, manufacturing, the building of ships, and all things required for the spirit, even as corporeal things are required by mortals.

05/4.2. And great labor came upon the hosts of God who established these things, toiling day and night, receiving the es’yans and providing food and clothing for them. And many of the hosts of God lamented that they had come to the corporeal earth, and they framed songs and anthems of lamentation, and these they chanted even while at labor.

05/4.3. God was troubled that they were lamenting in the presence of es’yans, and he called together the proper officers in order to rebuke them; but lo and behold, the light of Jehovah spoke from the throne, saying:

05/4.4. Do not rebuke them, O My Son. Did I not command them, saying: Behold I have created a new world, the earth; come and enjoy it. And when they had come, did I not say to them: Enjoy all the fruits of the earth, except the fruit of the tree of life, lest you die. But corpor spoke to them and they believed in corpor. Why then shall they not lament? Do they not remember their former homes in etherea, and thus aspire to regain them?

05/4.5. But seek, O My Son, to make their lamentations a glory in the souls of the es’yans, so that they may also aspire to a higher heaven.

05/4.6. The voice departed, and God, perceiving the wisdom of Jehovah, commanded certain officers to collect many of the anthems and deposit them in the library of Hored, in heaven; and it was done.

05/4.7. This, then, is representative of their lamentations:

05/4.8. Where is my home, O Jehovah? When I was happy and my feet wandered.

05/4.9. I dwelt with Your hosts, far above! Far above! Your glory shining.

05/4.10. O the songs in Your upraised kingdoms! When shall I rejoice in the music of my own house?

05/4.11. O those sparkling, running waters! O the pastimes and feasts of love!

05/4.12. Where is it, O Jehovah? It was my home in high heaven!

05/4.13. I fell, I fell in darkness! Wandering soul within me, that led me forth.

05/4.14. The gardens of Jehovah stood on every hand. O senseless feet to take me onward!

05/4.15. Into the darkness I was lured; sweet perfumes arose amid the darkness.

05/4.16. Intricate in Your glory, O Jehovah! I lost the way. I was lost!

05/4.17. The music of Your spheres was shut out. I was enveloped in darkness!

05/4.18. Where is my home, O Jehovah? Why have I forsaken[135] it?

05/4.19. Crystals, and high arches on every side. Full, standing out, shining.

05/4.20. And the songs of my sweet loves! Such was my home and place of revelry!

05/4.21. I bartered them all away, wandering forth. Buried myself in the opaque, in the dark!

05/4.22. O for my home in high heaven! Mirth, song, rest, and love, clear shining.

05/4.23. You, O Jehovah, have given me sons and daughters. Out of this darkness my gems were born!

05/4.24. O I will polish them up. Kin of my kin, I will raise them up!

05/4.25. Your Goddesses in heaven above will come. In ships of fire descending!

05/4.26. My jewels shall enter and rise with me. We shall search for my home; the haven of rest!

05/4.27. I see You, O Jehovah, in the distance. Higher than the highest of heavens!

05/4.28. O hasten,[136] my home, and my rest! O ripen these, my precious diadems!

05/4.29. O take us to ethereal worlds.

05/4.30. But no one could repeat their numerous lamentations, for there were hundreds of thousands of them. And as the ethereans sang them, the es’yans, the newborn, the atmosphereans, listened, longing listened, and looked upward.

CHAPTER 5 Sethantes

05/5.1. In the first year of Hored, God’s kingdom in heaven received one and a half million es’yans: men, women and children, born of the earth. And left within the different divisions of the earth, with the Lords, there were still three and a quarter million es’yans, being for the most part fetals.[137]

05/5.2. In the first one hundred years there were born from the earth, one hundred and seventy million es’yans. And this was the sum of three generations of I’hins; which is to say, that in those days the number of earth inhabitants (not including the asuans, who were not created to everlasting life) was fifty‑four million. And already each of the Lords’ heavenly places had become large kingdoms.

05/5.3. In those days the period of five years was allotted the es’yans as their time of infancy[138] in heaven, requiring nurses and helpers, but some of them required many more years.

05/5.4. After five years the es’yans were taken from the nurseries and, by symbols and objects, were taught the rudiments of education; and drilled in processions, music, dancing and gymnastics; but every day they were required to labor for a brief period, some at weaving, some spinning and some in transportation.[139]

05/5.5. The voice of Jehovah directed God, saying: The structure of My Kingdom in heaven requires you to make all labor an agreeable exercise for the growth of the spirits in your dominions.

05/5.6. And God commanded the officers of the realm of Hored to lengthen the hours of labor, according to the age and strength of the spirits received from the earth, and it was so.

05/5.7. Jehovah again spoke to God, saying: In all labor that you allot to those who have sprung up from the earth, freely allow them to do whatever they desire; but you shall not permit them to return to their earth kindred alone, unattended, lest because of their love they engraft themselves, becoming bound to mortals. But when they have lived fifty years in heaven, you shall not only permit them to return to mortals, but you shall direct them to do so, for, by this time, they shall have no further desire for engraftment.

05/5.8. Again Jehovah said: As fast as you can appropriate the labor of earth-born spirits to help in the resurrection of others, you shall do so in My name.

05/5.9. And God and the Lords under him labored so; and in one hundred years, there were twenty million souls, who had come forth out of the earth, and had been raised up to the second rate. And many of them fully comprehended the manufactories, nurseries, schools and hospitals in heaven, and they were in many things equal to the requirements of their teachers.

05/5.10. The voice of Jehovah came to God, saying: It is well, My Son, to take a rest. Behold, you have toiled a hundred years, day and night, without ceasing. You shall, therefore, appoint other officers, and spread out the kingdom of Hored to cover all the land of Whaga (the continent of Pan). And you shall appoint in My name your most efficient officer to sit on the throne for a short space of time, for you shall travel and visit the five Lords of the earth and their kingdoms.

05/5.11. And you shall take with you a thousand heralds, a thousand messengers, and five thousand musicians. And you shall have a ship sufficient to carry your host, and to be your house wherever you go. See to it, and set all things in order, and depart on a journey of one year.

05/5.12. So God called in the surveyors, who brought maps of earth and heaven showing the best places for extending the kingdom of Hored.

05/5.13. And God appointed fifty governors for the fifty places required, giving each of them five thousand men and women to accompany them. And when they were chosen God addressed them from the throne, saying:

05/5.14. You are chosen according to the commandment of the Father; and by His command I will come to your respective places before long, to bestow you with all that is required for building up colonies in Jehovah’s name. As you witnessed the founding of Hored by the archangel Etisyai, so may you understand that I will come to you all and do likewise. Go forth, then, taking your hosts, and lay down the foundations for your cities. As you have learned from me, go forth also doing as I have done; and as you do with a small colony, and a small city, so will I give into your keeping that which is greater when you are prepared for it.

05/5.15. When God ceased, the marshals led the way, and with the hosts following their governors, filed in front of the throne, saluting with the sign of Jehovah’s name, which was answered by God’s hands upraised. Meanwhile the es’enaurs sang in glory to Jehovah. Presently the hosts passed beyond the pillars of fire.

05/5.16. When all had quieted, God said: Let the builders of ships begin now and build a ship for me and my hosts, for the time draws near. And from my laborers, who have toiled a hundred years, day and night, without ceasing, let the graders choose those who, according to their grade, shall be my companions and hosts on this journey.

05/5.17. And they were chosen so, and notified.

05/5.18. God said: While I am absent, the one who stands highest in the grades shall sit on my throne, being God in my place; your God and my God shall be chosen according to the transcendence[140] of the one who has done the most for the resurrection of the es’yans.

05/5.19. So God commanded the graders to present the records before the throne, so that the Council of Hored could determine the matter.

05/5.20. And Ha’jah, an etherean, was chosen. So God commanded them to send word to Ha’jah, with an escort to conduct him to the capital.

05/5.21. In due time the escort brought Ha’jah into the palace of the kingdom of God, and God was sitting on the throne. With music, they came in and filed in front of the throne, forming a crescent, with Ha’jah between the horns.

05/5.22. God said: By command of Jehovah I have summoned you here, O Ha’jah. For a long time I have known you, even on other worlds. Of all virtues in man which stand highest, which is, never to mention one’s self, you excel all others in my kingdom. Your labors for the general upraising of Hored excel all others. For this reason you are preferred; and chosen by Jehovah to be my assistant while I am here, and in my absence to be my very God in the Father’s name.

05/5.23. Ha’jah said: This being the will of Jehovah, proceed.

05/5.24. God struck the gavel, and the Holy Council rose to their feet. God said: In Jehovah’s name I salute you, Ha’jah, God of Tek,[141] to hold dominion in Hored. Come forward and receive my throne for the Father’s sake. The marshals then conducted Ha’jah to the foot of the throne, and God came down and took his hand and led him up. And as they were going forth, a light, as golden fire, came down from the firmament above, sent by the kingdoms high exalted; and God and Ha’jah were covered over and illuminated.

05/5.25. God said: By Your Wisdom, Love and Power, O Jehovah, I receive Your Son on Your throne. Be with him in Wisdom and Strength for Your glory forever! Amen!

05/5.26. God raised up a rod, waving it, and rain came down from heaven. Ha’jah said: In Your name, O Jehovah! At which point God stretched up his hand to Jehovah, saying: Give me a crown for Your son, God of Tek, O Jehovah!

05/5.27. And there descended, like a small star streaming downward,[142] a light of gold and silver, and it settled on God’s hand, and he fashioned it into a crown, and emblazoned it with the sign God of Tek, and placed it on Ha’jah’s head, saying: In Jehovah’s name, I crown you, to sit on the throne in Hored during my absence.

05/5.28. Ha’jah said: Your Son [Ha’jah], O Jehovah, shall fulfill Your commandments in wisdom and love. May the Father, Creator of worlds, give this, Your Son [Sethantes] rest and comfort for the glories he has wrought[143] in Your name! Amen!

05/5.29. The Council said: Amen! The es’enaurs chanted an anthem of praise to Jehovah. And God led Ha’jah forward and seated him on the throne, saying: You are God in my name and Jehovah’s also. And since I now go down to the earth to sojourn (visit) for a season, you shall be known as God of both earth and heaven.

05/5.30. So God departed out of Hored and embarked on a ship, taking seven thousand men and women for his escort, plus a thousand es’enaurs and the crew of three thousand to work the ship.

CHAPTER 6 Sethantes

05/6.1. God went to the provinces of the governors of heaven, whom he had previously appointed and sent forth to dwell near the earth; and as he himself had been commissioned by Jehovah in Hored, so did he install the governors on their seats.

05/6.2. Now, the governors were situated at remote distances within Whaga (Pan), but God sent messengers to them, notifying them of the time he would appear.

05/6.3. And the Lord Whaga, being apprised[144] of God’s journey, established a protectorate in the Lord’s kingdom in the city of Ul’oo, on earth, and went and joined the ship of God, and traveled with him throughout Whaga, being present at the inauguration of the governors in these heavens.

05/6.4. To each and all the governors, God said: Remember that the responsibility given my governors pertains to things in heaven; for the Lord’s matters[145] pertain to earthly things and to angels who labor with the corporeans. But you are to attend to the es’yans, receiving them in heaven, providing them with places to live in, and in their helplessness supply them with food, clothes and the rudiments of learning.

05/6.5. God said: Keep in mind also, the time will come when each of these governorships shall develop into an independent kingdom; and instead of being governors you shall be raised as sub‑Gods.

05/6.6. After God established the governors, the Lord persuaded God to visit his place in Ul’oo, and from there, travel about over the earth and see the mortals with whom the Lord had to deal. And God consented, and the Lord sent messengers before him, so that the house of the Lord, which mortals had built, would be replenished and cleansed.

05/6.7. And the protectorate notified the ashars, and the ashars impressed mortals to go clean and purify the house of the Lord. And so mortals went to work cleaning the place, and they burned incense of sweet myrrh and hepatan, not knowing they were fulfilling the command of the Lord.

05/6.8. When the ship of the hosts of God came to the city of Ul’oo, mortals saw it high up in the air, and they feared and quickly ran to consult the prophet of the Lord. And the prophet said: Behold, God appears in a sea of fire in the firmament of heaven.

05/6.9. And God caused the ship to be made unseen, so that fear would subside on earth, and he descended with his hosts into the house of the Lord, and they went and touched the things mortals had built so that they could perceive corporeally.

05/6.10. Then the Lord gave a banquet, and the angels of God stayed four days, exchanging fellowship with the ashars, who ministered to mortals. And the ashars took the angels of God among mortals, both while mortals were asleep and awake, showing the angels all things.

05/6.11. And because of the presence of the hosts of God, mortals were roused up with new vigor to worship the Lord, rising early and going to the house of worship, and continuing all day; and not one of them knew the cause of it.

05/6.12. On the evening of the fourth day, God commanded his hosts to prepare to renew the journey, and the ship was again illumed and readied for its course.

05/6.13. God said: O Jehovah, Who creates all, look down and bless Your Lord! From his high estate in etherea he has descended to these poor mortals to lift them up. Already he has toiled with them a hundred years. Three generations have risen up out of the earth, and they begin to glorify You in Your kingdoms above the earth. Who but You, O Jehovah, can honor Your Lord or know his sore trials! Behold, man grows up out of the earth, saying: There is no Lord and no God. But his feet and his hands are guided every hour of the day. And when he enters the unseen worlds, these realms become seen; but he is helpless in a strange place. And Your Lord provides for him and teaches him Your kingdoms. Your Lord goes from place to place on the earth; he finds a corner and says: I will build a city here. He sends forth his angels and they inspire man on the earth to come and build a city. Yet when the city is built, man says: Behold, there is no God and no Lord.

05/6.14. Your Lord brings the corporeans together and guards them day and night; but man turns away in strife and destruction. Then Your Lord withdraws his angels from the city because of its wickedness; and lo, the city falls in ruins. But man does not know the cause. Yet Your Lord toils on, day and night, watching, guarding, and striving to lift man out of darkness. O Jehovah, Father, bless Your Lord and his hosts! Bring quickly, the time when man shall comprehend the foundations of Your kingdoms!

05/6.15. The Lord said: O Jehovah, Ever Present! Hear the words of Your God, he who comprehends the whole earth and the heaven of the earth, knowing no day or night. He deals with millions; his judgment is sufficient for all.

05/6.16. Glorify him, Your Son, of heaven and earth. He fashions the homes of Your Lords and Your little ones in great wisdom. His love is the glory of all men; his strength fashioned after Your foundations. Give swiftness and rest, and joy in Your quickening of him, Your God! ||

05/6.17. The mortals of the city of Ul’oo had gathered together to worship, and they were singing and dancing to the Lord, and the angels joined in the singing also. And God went and sat on the altar and illuminated it, so the mortals could see him. Then the chief prophet came near the place of the Lord, and the Lord placed his hand on the forehead of the prophet, so he could speak in the name of God.

05/6.18. The prophet said: Behold me, I am the God of heaven and earth, and my words come out of the mouth of this my prophet. Keep holy the four days of the moon, for they are the Lord’s days. Do no evil, but strive for wisdom and to do good. And when you are dead, behold, you shall live, for I have places prepared for you in my heaven. Rejoice and be merry, for the Lord lives and reigns.

05/6.19. When the prophet ceased, God rose up from the altar, and his traveling host also, and saluting the Lord in the name of Jehovah, disappeared in heaven above.

CHAPTER 7 Sethantes

05/7.1. As mortals sail corporeal ships across the corporeal ocean, so sailed the ship of God in the atmospherean ocean. As a man having five sons, sends four away to distant countries and keeps one at home, so did God do likewise with the five Lords bequeathed[146] him by Great Jehovah.

05/7.2. So God had departed from the foundation of Hored, in a ship, in heaven, to visit his four faraway sons, the Lords of the other four great divisions of the earth, whose labor was with both mortals and the spirits of the dead, for the glory of Jehovah.

05/7.3. First to Jud, Lord of Jud (Asia), he headed his ship, running close to the earth, bounding forth, and sapping up fuel from the tall forests to feed the phosphorescent flame, running easy till the wild coast on the west of Whaga was reached. Here he halted his ship, first God of the first Lords of earth, till his navigators determined the distance of the wide sea ahead; then gathering fuel and substance from the rich growing lands, he and his traveling host stowed the ship to the full.

05/7.4. And God went in, commanding: Go forth, go forth! Forth into the sea of heaven! And onward plunged the ship of God in the blue winds of the firmament, high soaring, above the black clouds sprung from the corporeal ocean. And the music of his thousand es’enaurs leaped forth in time and tune to the waves, plenteous and most defiant.

05/7.5. Jehovah looked down from the highest of all the heavens, His everlasting throne of thrones, saying: Onward! Onward! Tame the elements, O God! O man! The earth is yours; the air above is yours. Stretch forth your arm and tame the elements I have made.

05/7.6. Onward sped the ship of God, by the force of wills matured; and, by its hallowed light, displaying its purpose before other traveling Gods and men, those in other ships cruising on adventurous paths in Jehovah’s wide oceans of splendor.

05/7.7. Merrily sang the crew, and danced, and viewed the wide expanse, premising about the scattered ships coursing here and there, in strange colors and marvelous swiftness.

05/7.8. On one side the rising moon, the setting sun on the other; beneath lay the black clouds and great corporeal ocean; and yet high above twinkled the stars and the planets of the Great Serpent on his long journey.

05/7.9. God came forth and surveyed the scene; and the power of Jehovah moved upon him. Then his seven thousand loves and traveling companions gathered around him. God said:

05/7.10. All Your places are new, Great Jehovah! For thousands of years I have gazed on Your matchless splendors, seen and unseen; but Your glory grows richer day by day. When Your voice came to me, more than a hundred years ago, saying: Go, My son, I have a new garden planted; take some workmen and till the soil; I foresaw the long labor of the generations that would spring up out of the earth. I feared and trembled. I said:

05/7.11. How shall it be, O Jehovah? Shall the new earth be peopled over, and mortals run their course like on other worlds before? First, in wholesome love, worship and due reverence to the Gods, and then for ages and ages bury themselves in bloody wars? O lead me forth, Father! Jehovah! I will take Your garden for a season, and fence it around with Lords, and wise kingdoms. And with Your potent spirit, hedge mortals on every side so that the earth shall bloom as a paradise for angels and men.

05/7.12. And Your sons and daughters came with me, and engrafted Your immortal kingdom.

05/7.13. How is it now? How does my labor compare with that of other Gods on other worlds?

05/7.14. O you archangels, Gods, and Goddesses! Look down on the great earth! Jehovah has filled my arms with a great load! I tremble on the immortal scales!

05/7.15. And God, transfixed, looked up into the swift‑passing sky, for his voice reached to the thrones of etherean worlds on which the Orian regents reigned in all power. And down from amid the stars shot a single ray of light, embossed with the adorable words: Jehovah’s Son, all hail! Hail, God of Earth, Jehovah’s Son! Glory! Glory to Great Jehovah, for all that you have done!

05/7.16. Then upward furled the shining light till it faded amid the distant stars. Anew the trumpeters and singers sent forth a strain of sweet music, spirited and sounding full of soul. And as the music glided forth across the waters, lo, other music, strange and welcome, came from the west lands to the borders of the ocean.

05/7.17. For the ship was across the sea, and the hosts of the Lord Jud had come to meet the God of earth and heaven. And now, saluting loud and long, the two ships drew to close anchorage. Presently the messengers interchanged, and in Jehovah’s name greeted God and his hosts, who were old‑time friends to the Lord and his hosts.

05/7.18. God said: By Your will, O Jehovah, let us take course for the Lord’s kingdom and place of labor. And presently the two ships sped forth, close to the earth, unified in the music of anthems of olden times.

05/7.19. Far up into the heart of the country, where fertile lands, mountains and waters were close companioned[147] to the asuan race, the ships sped on till one pillar of fire, standing on a mountainside, proclaimed the place of the Lord, and here they halted and made fast[148] the vessels, unseen by mortals.

CHAPTER 8 Sethantes

05/8.1. These chieftains had long been friends on other worlds, and pledged to join in an adventure on some new corporeal world, to raise sons and daughters up to Jehovah. Now it was being fulfilled in the Lord and God, remotely situated, and this visit much looked forward to.

05/8.2. And so God and the Lord came forth, saying: In Jehovah’s name! Met at last! And they embraced and reassured each other that it was really true, that which they had talked of a thousand years before.

05/8.3. And then all the hosts of God and the hosts of the Lord came forward, and knowing one another, saluted and embraced also. After that they proceeded to the house of the Lord, which mortals had been inspired to build of wood and clay. And when they were within, they joined in prayer and thanks to Jehovah, and they sang and danced, and rejoiced to their souls’ content.

05/8.4. At sunrise the next morning the mortal priests and priestesses, led by a prophet, went into the house of the Lord, to pray, sing and dance as they had been taught by inspiration from the Lord, but many people lingered outside, saying to one another:

05/8.5. Ta hop! Ta hop! (I fear! I fear!) For last night I saw lights in the house of the Lord, and I heard sounds like singing and dancing before the altar of God!

05/8.6. Nevertheless their companions persuaded them, and they went in and sang and danced also.

05/8.7. After a time of rejoicing, followed by quiet, the Lord said: Behold, O God, the follies of judgment, and the vain calculations of even Lords and Gods! We look upon the mature man, saying: Alas, he is stubborn in his own way; we cannot convert him. Then we desire the immature, saying: Him I will raise up in my own way, and he shall not depart from my judgment. But we tire of his immaturity and slow growth.

05/8.8. God said: On that hangs the highest testimony of the Person of Great Jehovah. He created man the nearest blank of all the living, purposely unlike all the rest and devoid of sense. Whereas, according to the order in the others of the animal world, a newborn babe should be already wise.

05/8.9. Jehovah says: I have provided all the living with certain paths to travel in; but man alone I created new out of all things dead and dissolved, and he shall grow forever. To the beast I gave an already created sense (so-called instinct); to man I allotted angels. And even these angels I have provided with others above them; and yet others above them, forever and ever. Thus the first of man, the newborn baby, I created a blank in sense and judgment, so that he may be a witness that even he himself was fashioned and created anew by My hand. Nor did I create him imperfectly, that he should re‑enter a womb and be born over again. That which I do is well done. ||

05/8.10. The Lord said: You are wise, O God. The opposites prove Jehovah. Water runs downhill, but man walks up the hillside; the tree grows up out of the ground while it lives, but after death it falls. Man stands on the earth, but the earth rests on that which is lighter than the earth. Jehovah says: The life of the tree is of Me; the unseen that holds the corporeal earth in its place, is of Me. ||

05/8.11. And yet, O God, who can attain to know Jehovah? The mortal says: When I am dead and risen in heaven I shall see the Great Spirit; but he fails, still being helpless, yes, as helpless in his place as he was helpless on the earth. Then he says: When I am strong and wise, like Lords and Gods, and can traverse[149] the wide firmament, then I will see Jehovah. But when he rises and can course his vessel through the whirlwinds of the vortices of heaven, and he is called Lord or God, lo, he finds the arcs and the ethea[150] standing before him still. More and more he is appalled at the thought of the Great I Am Who lives still beyond.

05/8.12. He hurries down to the corporeal earth, to teach mortals and spirits of Jehovah and His endless worlds and exalted heavens. But lo, the darkness of men! They say: I do not see Him; I do not hear Him; I do not believe in Him. He is merely like the wind, going without sense; as water goes down the hill, so is He; He is dead. He is nothing.

05/8.13. And the Lord invents ways and means; yes, he teaches man to pray and sing to Jehovah, so that the sounds may lead his soul upward. The Lord tells him to wear clothes and hide his nakedness from the Lord; and the Lord sends angels to reward him for his good deeds. And the angels of the Lord lay plots and stratagems in man’s pathway to stir him up. Yes, Jehovah gave man sleep, so that his corporeal‑bound spirit could see and hear heavenly things. But man loads his stomach, and debauches on intoxicating smoke and drink till his soul is buried in darkness.

05/8.14. And the Lord cries out in despair: How weak I am, O Jehovah, before You! I took it upon myself to be Lord over men on the earth, to learn my lesson in the government of worlds. But O Jehovah, I know I fail in Your sight. What will Your God say when he sees my little good? What pity do the archangels have for Your struggling Lord of earth?

05/8.15. God perceived the sorrow of his friend, and he said: O Jehovah, You Who are Almighty, how keener You have made our sense of our own weakness, than those who look upon us! Your Lord is my God in the glories he has wrought out of such crude substance, and I sing to his praise and love. Lo I have looked upon the naked men and women of this great land, crawling on hands and feet, with no thought but to eat, and I have seen them raised up by Your Lord and his ashars, to walk upright and use words of speech, and to wear clothes and skins to hide their nakedness. Yes, O Father, I have cried out with great joy, and I called aloud to You, O Jehovah, saying: Who knows the labor of the Lord! Will man ever forget to sing praises to the Lord God?

05/8.16. But Jehovah says: I will keep some of the tribes of men in darkness till the last days; for man in his conceit shall be confounded; for he shall perceive that the tribes of darkness cannot put away their own darkness. Yes, man shall bow down in reverence to My Lords in the early days of the earth. ||

05/8.17. In this way God and his Lord conversed, as they went forth to see the work of the Lord, and to find the mortals who had given up the places of asu and came to live in villages and cities. Over the continent of Jud they traveled for many days and nights. And when God had seen all the work of the Lord, he said:

05/8.18. Behold it is good. Your toil and seclusion away from the Lords of the upper heavens are severe, but you are fashioning the love of millions, who shall bless you.

05/8.19. Now while God sojourned here, his hosts regaled[151] themselves with the company of the ashars and asaphs in the kingdom of the Lord, and great was the love and rejoicing among them.

CHAPTER 9 Sethantes

05/9.1. When God’s visit was ended, and the hosts notified, the Lord gave a banquet lasting two days and nights, during which the angels sang, danced and trumpeted before God. After that, God and his hosts embarked on the ship, ready to proceed on the journey; and the Lord went up to the ship to say goodbye, and his host went with him.

05/9.2. God said: When dan approaches we shall meet again. May Jehovah prosper your harvests till then!

05/9.3. The Lord said: That is another hundred years! O God, I live almost in a wilderness. I have not ten million souls, mortals and spirits!

05/9.4. God said: Your kingdom shall be mighty when I come again. May it glorify Jehovah!

05/9.5. They embraced and separated! Each gave the sign of Jehovah’s name. Upward rose the ship of God, with banners outstretched, and newly ornamented by the Lord’s angels. And now, resuming its westward course, sped on above the mountaintops, like a meteor hurled from heaven. Meanwhile the trumpeters gave forth the gladly solemn sound of the march of God.

05/9.6. But before the ship had made half its journey, an approaching light emerged from the far west, radiant and laden with hosts from the Lord of Dis (Europe), and the Lord was also aboard.

05/9.7. When the ships drew near and halted, God called with a loud voice, saying: In Jehovah’s name, all hail! I know my Lord comes.

05/9.8. And the Lord answered: Hail to you, O God, Son of Jehovah! || And they turned the Lord’s ship and lashed the two together even as they sped on.

05/9.9. Now after they had all exchanged welcome and good wishes, the Lord said: Before we go to my central throne, let us survey the continent over which your servant is Lord of land and water.

05/9.10. And God answered: Your will be done, O Lord. And so they journeyed for many days, often descending to the earth in places where the Lord’s angels had begun colonies with mortals, impressing man with words of speech, and to live in villages.

05/9.11. And God said that all he saw was good and well done. So they came to the throne of the Lord and halted and sojourned for sixty days.

05/9.12. And God and his hosts, and the Lord and his ashars and asaphs, were together in general reunion, praying, singing and dancing, and reasoning on the endless works of Jehovah. But one book could not contain all that was said and done, of the excursions made, and the visits over the plains and mountains where in thousands of years from then, man would live and build cities, and go to war and destroy them.

05/9.13. The mathematicians foretold the great cities and nations that would rise up; how this one and that one would move to battle; how their great cities would fall in ruins and be covered up by falling nebulae, and by denuding mountains[152] washing down upon them, so that even the memory of them would be lost. And yet, further on, the mathematicians foretold the coming of The millennium (Kosmon) when the ruined cities would be discovered and their histories deciphered by the su’is[153] of man in Great Jehovah’s hand.

05/9.14. And now when all these things had been estimated, the prophets and mathematicians went before God, Son of Jehovah, according to the commandments of the Lord, and spoke, telling all these wonders.

05/9.15. When they had finished, God said: What is our service on the earth, O Lord? A few centuries at most and we will have risen up from the earth, taking our hosts with us to dwell in higher realms. But there shall be other Gods and Lords after us, to deal with mortals and newly born spirits. After awhile there shall be great warriors, and great cities and nations, and they shall have Gods and Lords of their times who will dwell many weary years, even centuries, in the darkness with man. After that, even the Gods and Lords will be forgotten. And man will turn against Great Jehovah, putting to death His adherents, preferring idols of stone and metal, and spirits born of woman.

05/9.16. The Lord said: And yet further on a brighter light adorns the way: Great Jehovah’s hand sends the traveling worlds into the light of The millennium (Kosmon), and new prophets arise, gathering up the histories lost and the glorious plan of the Great Spirit over all. Yes, even your labor and my ships will be seen by mortals of that day.

05/9.17. Thus they discoursed, reading the past and the future, and weighing the present; while angels less informed, gathered around to learn how worlds are peopled, and nations and cities destroyed; the far distant, and the near at hand, being as nothing[154] in Jehovah’s vast universe.

05/9.18. But the time came for God’s departure, and he and his traveling host embarked, and the Lord and his angels drew around to receive God’s prayer before he left. And so after they had embraced and parted, God said:

05/9.19. Though I go away, my love abides with you all. And now, O Jehovah, bless these my fellow‑laborers, and make them strong to endure their great trials. Yours is the power and glory, O Father! Amen!

05/9.20. The ship rose up and the trumpeters gave forth: Glory to You, O Jehovah, forever and ever!

CHAPTER 10 Sethantes

05/10.1. Jehovah spoke to God, saying: Steer your ship to the southland, My Son, and visit your Lord, who is God of Vohu (Africa). And God went as commanded, to the south, running close to the earth, over deserts and mountains.

05/10.2. But when they were a short way on the journey they were met by the Lord, who had been apprised of God’s coming. And the ship of the Lord came alongside, and made fast to the vessel of God, and all the angels saluted and intermingled, having known one another hundreds of years, and some for more than a thousand years.

05/10.3. The Lord said: On our journey, let us run our ship through the valleys and along the banks of rivers, for it is here that both asu and men dwell. And so they journeyed, surveying the earth as they sailed above. The country was mostly barren, supporting neither man nor beast.

05/10.4. But man dwelt by the riversides, burrowing in the ground to avoid the heat by day and the cold by night. And they came to places where the angels of the Lord were dwelling with mortals, having inspired them to make villages and to hide their nakedness.

05/10.5. The Lord said: Behold, O God, only the unseen is potent over man. If the beasts or the stones or the forest could tell man to hide his nakedness, he would not; nor will he heed[155] his brother’s voice. Without experience, man cannot be advised profitably regarding himself, for Jehovah has made him that way. Because man cannot discern angel presence, the angels alone can teach man and inspire him to new life. For they talk to him in his sleep, and show him what is for his own good. And when he wakes in the morning, he supposes it was himself talking, and he is ambitious to obey himself. Patient and of long endurance are the angels of the Lord.

05/10.6. God said: Will man ever know he has been raised up? Will he be believing? Or will he, too, need to go to some new world and raise up its first fruits and toil his hundreds of years with naked mortals? O Jehovah, how wisely You have shaped the labors of the believing and the unbelieving!

05/10.7. Lo, man comes forth out of the earth, boasting of his unbelief, saying: Unless I see with my own eyes, and feel with my own hands, I will not believe. But You, O Jehovah, have fitted a labor for his eyes and for his hands, to his heart’s content.

05/10.8. And yet another man comes forth out of the earth, being believing, and quickly he mounts to the thrones of Your exalted heavens. Great is the work of Your Lord, O Father.

05/10.9. The Lord said: Who knows Your wisdom, O Jehovah! Who cannot perceive You in the foundations of Your everlasting worlds? You have provided nurses for the new earth; and out of this, Your footstool, You will bring forth many, who will, in the far future, be laboring as Your Lord and his angels labor here. Of what expanse is Your wisdom, O Jehovah!

05/10.10. In this manner they conversed and journeyed onward, till they reached the throne and place of the Lord. And here they made fast their ships, and they descended, down to the city of Ong’oo, in upper middle of the continent of Vohu (Africa).

05/10.11. And the Lord now sent messengers to all the ashars in his dominions, appointing ten days of rest, and time for feasting, music, dancing, and worshipping Jehovah.

05/10.12. And so it came to pass that the angels of the Lord and those of God held a reunion, being the first one in over a hundred years.

05/10.13. And then God toured over all the continent of Vohu, inspecting the work the Lord had done, and he pronounced it good before Jehovah.

05/10.14. When God had rested the full time, he and his hosts entered the ship of God, and taking leave of the Lord and his hosts, departed on the journey, saluting the Lord with a thousand trumpeters in the name of Jehovah.

CHAPTER 11 Sethantes

05/11.1. And now the long journey across the ocean was about to begin. God said: Great is Your wisdom, O Jehovah, in the division of waters! Your barriers protect nations from nations. You have made a refuge beyond the waters, where the evil man cannot pursue. Yet greater still are Your spirit oceans, O Father. The spirits of darkness cannot cross over, and the spirits of newborn peoples are not contaminated. O You Far‑seeing; You Bestower of thrift[156] into the hands of Your Gods and Lords.

05/11.2. The master of the ship provided well for the journey; and presently the vessel of fire sped over the water, high above the clouds that cover the ocean. Onward to the west, bleak and desolate, through the spirit sea, unseen by mortals. On the distant borders, where the lands come to the water’s edge, the Lord of the land of Thouri (America) stood, stationed in a ship, to welcome God to the great west lands.

05/11.3. And this was the land that the angels later called North America, signifying the meeting of nations and the dawn of The millennium (Kosmon).

05/11.4. God came down out of the ship and stood on the land, and a light of etherean flame descended upon him, and Jehovah spoke out of the light, saying: Hear Me, O My Son! I have brought you here to this land, which is the last of the circle, even as Whaga is the first. Behold, when the earth is circumscribed[157] with those who choose Me, I will come here with a great awakening light to the souls of men.

05/11.5. On this land I will finish the dominion of the Gods and Lords on earth, even as begun on Whaga;[158] through you and your Lords I will now lay the foundation for My kingdoms. On this land I will raise up a people who shall be the fulfilling of that which the I’hins of Whaga profess; for My chosen shall come out boldly against all dominion except Mine, Jehovah’s. Look over this land, My Son, and provide for the time of The millennium (Kosmon).

05/11.6. My prophets will foretell[159] you what shall happen; and afterward you shall look upon the mountains and strong standing rocks, and the thought of your soul will pierce them, and its impression will be as a written book before the races of men in that day. Nor will they know the cause, but they shall come forth in tens of thousands, for My sake, putting away all Gods, Lords, and ancient tyranny. Your soul shall be My talisman, deeply engraved in the land, water and mountains.

05/11.7. On this land alone, no Lord or God shall be established by the sword, for it is My land, which I planned for the deliverance of the nations of the earth. ||

05/11.8. The hosts of both the ships came and joined in gleesome reunion after a hundred years’ absence; then they traveled over the land and waters of the great west continent.

05/11.9. And all the places that the Lord had searched out, to the east and west and north and south (i.e., in all directions), even to the farthest boundary, were revealed and recorded in the books of heaven.

05/11.10. God said: And you, my Lord, shall mark out the place of the dominion of Jehovah in the founding of His kingdom on earth. And a record of your labors shall descend through the Lords and Gods that come after you, even down to the time of the coming light of The millennium (Kosmon).

05/11.11. And the people, who shall dwell here till that day, shall never be worshippers of any Lord or God, such as other people shall worship.[160]

05/11.12. Let my seal be put upon this land, in the name of Jehovah, and to Him I consecrate it forever!

05/11.13. When all that was accomplished, God and the Lord rested from their labors. And the Lord prepared a feast and reunion for all the angels in his dominions.

05/11.14. So they assembled; and they sang, prayed, danced, and conversed on things long past and things of the future, reassuring one another of their love and high esteem, even like mortals of this day do.

05/11.15. When the banquet had ended, God and his traveling host, in due ceremony and order, took their leave. And so God departed. And when the ship of God was raised up and under way, the voice of Jehovah came to God, saying:

05/11.16. Steer your ship, My Son, over all the other lands, islands and waters of the earth. Go low down to the earth so that your recording angels can witness the affairs of men, and all the places I created on the earth, and the waters of the earth.

05/11.17. So God visited all places on land and water, where man lived and where man did not live, and the angels made a record of them in the books of heaven.

05/11.18. And the time of God’s journey since he left Hored was one year and seven days; and his rest was completed. So he sent messengers to Hored, his heavenly kingdom, announcing the time of his coming. And for there he set sail.[161]

CHAPTER 12 Sethantes

05/12.1. When it was known in Hored that God was about to return, Ha’jah prepared for God’s reception.

05/12.2. And there volunteered ten thousand musicians, five thousand bearers of banners, one thousand marshals and officers of the throne, and one hundred thousand receivers, to go part way and meet God and his companions.

05/12.3. And Ha’jah granted their prayers and they started at once,[162] being the most majestic host that had as yet gone forth in the lower heaven.

05/12.4. And when they were a little way off, behold, God and his ship of fire approached in heavenly splendor. And the marshals met him and laid hold of the ship’s han’iv,[163] at which, all the hosts did the same, except the musicians, who sang and played.

05/12.5. When they drew near and entered Hored, Ha’jah broke down from his high estate, and left the throne, running to meet God as a child would run to its father. And when the multitude saw this, they also broke loose from decorous behavior and gave full vent to their outbursting love for God and his hosts. And all the people became as a tumult[164] in rivalry of rejoicing.

05/12.6. In a little while God and Ha’jah turned and walked to the throne and ascended it; Ha’jah took his place, and God sat to his right, and order reigned.

05/12.7. Ha’jah said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I welcome back Your First Son of earth, to the kingdom You have bestowed upon him and Your sons and daughters. Because he has glorified You, by his labor, wisdom and love, we honor him in Your name and for Your glory!

05/12.8. God said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I return to these, my loves! That I am returned I glorify You, O my Father. That You have made them rejoice, is the glory of my life.

05/12.9. And now a great light gathered up around the throne, so bright that many could not look upon it, and presently the power of Jehovah came upon Ha’jah, and the voice of Jehovah spoke through him, saying to God:

05/12.10. This is again your throne, O My Son! You shall finish that which I have put upon you. Your people shall learn the manner of My kingdoms, and know that even as I make all, so do I rule over all.

05/12.11. Hang up your traveling garb, My Son; dismiss your traveling hosts and resume your seat on the throne, for I gave it to you. The voice departed; Ha’jah rose up and stood aside, and the light fell upon God, and he resumed the throne and was hailed by the multitude in Jehovah’s name.

05/12.12. God said to Ha’jah: Because you have prospered my kingdom during one whole year, you shall be my companion and assistant, with power and wisdom to superintend all matters not directly under my Lords.

05/12.13. Behold, I have set this day apart as a new day in heaven and earth; because on this day the sun takes its course from the north line; and from this time forward it shall be called the new year’s day. So shall it be, from this time forward, the day of the relief watch in Hored.

05/12.14. Hear my voice, O Ha’jah, and members of the Council of the throne of heaven! That which I commanded, you shall proclaim throughout heaven and earth to all who serve me.

05/12.15. Because of the increase of the kingdom of Hored, I will have the place enlarged; and the Council shall no longer be called a Council, but Moeb, for it shall be an assembly over all councils below it.

05/12.16. And Moeb shall no longer deal with the affairs of individuals, even if they are Lords; but it shall have dominion with the cities and kingdoms of heaven, and with judgments and decrees.

05/12.17. But in all matters of less degree, this, my son Ha’jah, shall have dominion. And you, O Ha’jah, shall build a house in Hored, near this throne, and it shall be your residence and the place of your business.

CHAPTER 13 Sethantes

05/13.1. So God enlarged the place of Hored, and built one thousand more pillars of fire, enlarging the circle and otherwise making it a place of splendor. And God called together the recorders from the libraries of heaven, and caused them to select one hundred thousand new members for the house of Moeb (Parliament), choosing them from the highest on the lists. In this matter, God said:

05/13.2. Do not seek for the most learned, or the most prayerful, to be members; but choose those who rank highest in assimilating to Jehovah and to their fellows; for these are the first to become Gods and Goddesses. Jehovah says: A strong man may do more good works than a weak one; and yet the latter may stand fairer in My sight. I open the way to the weak and the strong; to the learned and the unlearned.

05/13.3. God said: In all these matters, whichever man or woman has put away self‑desires for self’s sake, serving the Father by laboring for others, is on the road to wisdom. And if the records show a sufficient time for growth in such a man or woman, through which these virtues become organic,[165] then choose that person, for Moeb shall be composed of such.

05/13.4. So the laborers gathered agni[166] from the heavens around them, and remodeled the interior of Moeb, so that its members would be seated according to their rank. On the day it was finished, the recorders brought the new members, who went into the temple to their respective places.

05/13.5. When they were seated, God spoke from the throne, saying: To You, O Jehovah, I have built the house of Moeb in Hored; by Your wisdom I have chosen its members. To You, O Father, I dedicate this house, and it shall be Your house. Give us of Your light, O Jehovah, so that we may not err.

05/13.6. A light descended from the heavens above, and fell upon the members of Moeb, as a symbol of approval by the archangels; and presently the new members stood up of their own accord, but the old members remained seated.

05/13.7. God said: Above your heads I make the sign of Jehovah’s name, in a circle of fire, and the cross, and the leaf of life; for by it, you are sworn to the Father’s labor.

05/13.8. Hear me, then, O my beloved: From this day forward you are denied individual ministration with individuals, but you are now a unit with many, and your labor, love and wisdom must be in concerted action with these.

05/13.9. From now on you must no longer say: What can I do for this man or that man, or this woman or that woman, or this child or that child? || For this is individual labor; and on the earth such ministration belongs to the ashars; and in atmospherea, it belongs to the asaphs. But you shall minister to organic communities who are composed of individuals. For there are communities for factories, for education, for treatment of the sick, and so on; and such communities exist both on earth and in heaven.

05/13.10. You shall divide yourselves into groups for this purpose, and every group shall be in charge of its special business; and each group shall stand in Moeb as one member of Jehovah’s judgment seat. You shall divide according to your talents, and group together, each of you choosing a department in which you have the greatest wisdom and strength. Withdraw now to complete your groups according to the rates my proper officers will assign, and then return again into Moeb, and in Jehovah’s name, take the seats allotted to you all.

CHAPTER 14 Sethantes

05/14.1. On the second day after the house of Moeb was completed, and all the members were in their respective places, Jehovah spoke through God, saying:

05/14.2. Now is the beginning of the second resurrection. Even as the corporean puts off the corporeal body, and is born a spirit, becoming the first resurrection, so are you, in putting away individual self and becoming an organic community, the beginning of the second resurrection.

05/14.3. Because those of the first are for individual self, I have bound them close to the face of the earth; as they survived on the earth on corporeal food, so have I made them to survive in the lowest heaven on atmospherean food. Because Moeb has risen above these conditions, I will exalt the foundations of the house of Moeb higher up from the earth than Hored, and Moeb shall be the lower house of My kingdom.[167]

05/14.4. The voice of Jehovah departed and God saluted Ha’jah in the name of the Father. And a great light enveloped the house of Moeb, and the es’enaurs chanted a hymn of praise. Then God arose and stood in the throne of Jehovah, saying:

05/14.5. Hear me, O all you people of heaven above and heaven below, the house of Moeb in the beginning of the second resurrection is founded in Jehovah’s name. Proclaim the words that have gone out of my mouth, to the east and west and north and south, and to the swift messengers of the arcs of the firmament above.

05/14.6. Glory, glory, to Jehovah! Boundless and Almighty Creator, Present, and full of love, wisdom and power, glory to You forever and ever, amen!

05/14.7. The house of Moeb chanted a proclamation. The swift messengers assumed their respective globes of light, and began to ascend in every direction, carrying the word to the exalted spheres.

05/14.8. And God crowned Ha’jah as sub‑God of Hored,[168] and he was proclaimed to all the quarters of heaven and earth. And the history of his name exists to this day as Jah, among mortals.

CHAPTER 15 Sethantes

05/15.1. Ha’jah said: With the exaltation of Moeb, so too shall my places be exalted before Jehovah. Let the enumerators of the communities of heaven send representatives before me, and the communities of manufacturers who produce food and clothes for the es’yans, the communities for hospitals and nurseries, the communities for education, the communities for training messengers, and all other communities.

05/15.2. When the representatives came, according to the instructions of the marshals, and were before the throne, Ha’jah said:

05/15.3. The toilers shall not always be toilers; the physicians not always runners after the sick. Whoever is proficient, I will exalt. He who can walk shall no longer crawl.

05/15.4. Many are wise and strong, and some have passed beyond the boundary of self‑desires for self’s sake.

05/15.5. A child may not have self‑desires, but then it lacks wisdom and strength. A full-grown man or woman may have wisdom and strength, but lack in the abnegation of self.

05/15.6. I will make every community a double from this time onward, and one shall be called Maga, and the other shall be called Minga. Maga shall be my promoted laborers, who are being prepared for the second resurrection.

05/15.7. And Maga’s labor shall be in concert with Moeb, the house of Jehovah. But Minga’s labor shall be as before, with individual affairs and the organizing of new places for the delivered es’yans, who are the fruit of the Lords and their kingdoms on the earth.

05/15.8. Let my marshals select judges to carry out these, my decrees, in the name of Jehovah.

CHAPTER 16 Sethantes

05/16.1. From the founding of Hored until the installment of Ha’jah, was one hundred and thirty years, and at that time the lower kingdom of heaven was fully organized according to the decree of Jehovah.

05/16.2. And the kingdoms of the Lords on earth were also fully established. And at that time the earth had passed into Hon’she, in the etherean space, where the Orian Shrevarhs[169] dwell, to whom the swift messengers from God had reported the condition of the earth’s surface, with the tablets of Grade and Ingrade of mortals.[170]

05/16.3. The Shrevarhs said: The earth has not attained her fullness. The gases of her low regions must be purified to make more places for mortals.

05/16.4. So it came to pass that fire, brimstone, iron and phosphorus fell upon the earth, by command of the Shrevarhs, by the will of Jehovah, and this shower reached into the five divisions of the earth. But before its fall, God was notified, and he apprised the Lords, and they informed the ashars, and they impressed those mortals who were in rapport with heavenly things, and the chosen marched away from the places of destruction, so that not one perished.

05/16.5. But many of the asu’ans were consumed in the fire.

05/16.6. But God sent extra workmen, and surgeons and physicians, from heaven, down to those spirits who were falling into forgetfulness and dissolution, and commanded that they be engrafted on the surviving asu’ans for pity’s sake; and this was accomplished through the Lords of the earth and their servants, the ashars.

05/16.7. At the end of two hundred years God enumerated the people in the lower heaven, and there were, besides the spirits of the fetals (many of whom were doubtful as to everlasting life), two hundred and ninety‑six million souls. Of these more than thirty million, who were the first of the earth’s production, had been raised up to the grade of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah.

05/16.8. And now the sixth generation of the seed of the fallen angels was delivered, and this was the fullness of earth bondage for them.

05/16.9. God summoned the house of Moeb for the revelations of Jehovah on the first day of the first year of dan of Hon’she. And when they were assembled, and had chanted to Jehovah appropriate anthems for the times past, the All Light came upon God, and he said:

05/16.10. Behold, the time of dan of Hon’she is here. Before three days pass by, the hosts from the etherean heavens will descend to accomplish the resurrection of my hosts to the regions from which they came two hundred years ago.

05/16.11. Summon my Lords of the earth, and my people of heaven; proclaim my words to them.

05/16.12. You who peopled the earth with everlasting life, attend to my words; the harvest of the new year has ripened, it will be gathered into the heavens above. Let my people rejoice, for the glory of deliverance is at hand.[171]

05/16.13. In Orian fields, hosts of angels and archangels wait, full of hope and love, to receive these, the first fruits of the new earth.

05/16.14. Clothe them in quietness with the rays of light. Make ready; for etherean Gods and Goddesses set sail in the regions above to come and deliver us.

05/16.15. Proclaim my words in all places in the name of Jehovah. And add to them, saying: If you desire to ascend, come to Moeb, in the name of the Son of Jehovah!

05/16.16. Messengers went forth, both in heaven and on the earth, and proclaimed that which had been commanded.

05/16.17. And on the third day, ninety million angels assembled in Moeb and Hored, to witness the descending and ascending of Jehovah’s chosen. And the archangels of Hon’she sent a hundred thousand Gods and Goddesses to guard Moeb and Hored, to dispel and keep away the clouds and sunshine, so as to add glory to the scene.

CHAPTER 17 Sethantes

05/17.1. The Loo’is came before God, and having organized themselves into one community so as to make it lawful to speak in Moeb, they appointed Ga’wasa to speak on behalf of the community. Ga’wasa said:

05/17.2. Hear me, O God, in the name of Jehovah! You have ordained me according to the custom of heaven, to be a master of generations with mortals, and yet one generation is incomplete, for which reason I have come before you. Today I have been summoned by Jehovah, through your messengers, saying: If you desire to enter the next resurrection, come, for the time of harvest has come. Thus says God, Son of Jehovah. || Yet, I also desire to dwell another generation on earth.

05/17.3. God said: The places of heaven are open to all. If you want to ascend now, do so. If you want to wait one generation, then you shall wait two hundred years, for that is the period of the next harvest.

05/17.4. Ga’wasa said: In Jehovah’s name, let my brethren pass before you in judgment.

05/17.5. God said: Jehovah’s will be done.

05/17.6. Ga’wasa withdrew and went and told his brethren what was said; and presently they came in and passed in judgment before God.

05/17.7. God said: You have said, let me pass in judgment before you! Hear me, then, for this is my judgment: If you ascend with your work incomplete, you will be the unhappiest of men. Remain, therefore, for a greater glory is within your reach.

05/17.8. The Loo’is passed to the left, signifying their determination to stay another two hundred years with mortals.

05/17.9. After the Loo’is, others came desiring to be adjudged by God, and to all who had incomplete work, God said: Remain! And they remained.

05/17.10. Besides these, there were seventy thousand ethereans eligible to ascend, who volunteered to remain with mortals another two hundred years. Among these were the five Lords and Ha’jah, and four hundred messengers belonging to Hored, and seven hundred women in fetal,[172] in the western division of Hored under the Lord of Whaga.

CHAPTER 18 Sethantes

05/18.1. Jehovah spoke in the arc of O’wasti, in the Orian field of Hon’she, in the etherean heaven. Jehovah said: Earth’s time is at hand; the deliverance of her first‑born will fall at your doors. Come forth, O My sons and daughters, and receive them from My hand.

05/18.2. Onesyi, high aspiring Goddess of Hon’she, along with a thousand counselors,[173] gathered in a host of five million souls, emancipated, and to them the dignified Onesyi spoke, saying:

05/18.3. Unlike all harvests previously delivered to us from other corporeal worlds, Jehovah sends us the first‑born of the earth. Let us rejoice and glorify Him, O my beloved. Send out to the boundaries of Hon’she and proclaim there the upraised hosts of earth. You, who volunteer to go to the earth to receive them, come quickly. And you, who remain at home, provide them with mansions and quarters.

05/18.4. Onesyi said: Swift messengers have just come to me from the arc of Wan; Etisyai will be there. She was the one who bestowed Jehovah’s crown on the first God of the corporeal earth. Her hosts, a million strong, go by the way of Tiviyus, and ask that we meet them in O’wea. And you, Wistaw, shall sit on my throne. I will go to the earth, to receive the thirty million newborn, the glorious gift of Jehovah.

05/18.5. Onesyi said: The young virgin earth has given birth. O the joy of the firstborn! I will take with me a host of singers, a million strong. Their voices shall have power and sweetness to win the love and adoration of all thirty million. The glory of Jehovah’s works shall shine so brilliantly upon them that all past trials shall be forgotten. Hasten, O Gods and Goddesses! Let down the curtains of fire! Here begins the play of Jehovah in the management of a new world!

05/18.6. Now men and women gathered together, being those long raised up in the emancipated heavens, whose wills were potent over a’ji and nebulae, and swift in appropriating what Jehovah had fashioned in the firmament. And they built a ship, the size of which was equal to the width of Hored, and filled it within with angels of the rank of Gods and Goddesses, many of whom had been brought forth into life before the earth was created, and whose native corporeal worlds had gone out of existence. And they let down curtains from the ship, and the curtains were like flames of fire, and they reached downward, equal to the breadth of the earth.

05/18.7. These Gods and Goddesses were like a unit in will; being potent and swift workmen, the ship was soon laden and on her course through the vault of heaven. Past the a’jian fields of Che’wang, she rode swiftly. Soon the hosts of the much‑loved Etisyai were seen in a smaller craft, highly polished and swift, making way for O’wea.

05/18.8. Up goes a shout of joy from millions of throats, then a song of delight; heaven is joyful in Jehovah’s boundless dominions. And now the two approach O’wea; and they slacken speed and draw near each other, nearer and nearer, till the ships touch and are joined by skilled workmen.

05/18.9. Forth leap the two Goddesses, Etisyai and Onesyi, and in no stateliness or ceremony, but like children in whom love is transcendent, they fly to each other’s arms, amid the outburst of joy from the countless throng. Yet onward moves the etherean ship, majestic and meteor‑like, steadily taking course to the new earth.

CHAPTER 19 Sethantes

05/19.1. And now the evening of the third day had come, and God and his hosts in Moeb were hastening all things, to be ready for the great light that was to descend from high heaven.

05/19.2. The ninety million angels looked upward, watching for the dawning of the light, waiting and watching. And many who remembered Etisyai, of two hundred years ago, wondered if she would return in glory, like when she came and crowned God by Jehovah’s command. Some were robing themselves in white, and hastening nervously, like a bride about to wed; some were half inclined to sorrow for leaving the earth and lower heaven, where they had toiled so long; and some were stately and by their presence said: Your will be done, O Jehovah!

05/19.3. God ascended the throne, and Ha’jah came up and sat at his right hand; and the light of Jehovah shone upon them so that many newborn, especially of the es’yan spectators, could not look upon them.

05/19.4. God said: One dan has come and gone; this harvest is only thirty million.

05/19.5. Ha’jah said: Your son, O Jehovah, has shaped the destiny of a world. Great is his glory.

05/19.6. A light of golden hue gathered above the throne, and took the form of a triangle; and there was a graven image at every corner, which together read, I‑O‑D; and it was in the character of Whaga,[174] bestowed by the Lord on the altars in the houses of worship on earth, and its value was thirty‑three million, which was the exact number prepared for the emancipated heaven in etherea; and the thirty‑three was the years of a generation of mortals.

05/19.7. God said: Jehovah is one; the living is one; inanimate corpor is one; and these three are the entirety. To teach mortals this, O Ha’jah, is to give wisdom to the earth. Take this triangle, O Son of the Most High. And as long as Seffas endures on the earth it shall be the bequeathed[175] heirloom of heaven, descending from God to God who occupies the throne.

05/19.8. Then God stretched forth his hands, and the triangle became fixed and solid, and God hung it on Ha’jah’s neck, adding: In the name of Jehovah, receive this jewel (the triangle), as my parting testimonial. Remember, that when mortals are raised up to understand this symbol of three in one, then The millennium (Kosmon) will begin to dawn on the earth.

05/19.9. Ha’jah said: O God, symbol of the three attributes, love, wisdom and power! You left your stately home, where you had Gods and Goddesses for companions, and came to the far-off earth, which was young and curtained around with poisonous gases, to guard the young and imperfect angels of other worlds in their wanderings forth, with your wisdom, love and power concealed. You gave them liberty and yet redeemed them. You stretched forth your hand over the earth and made it yield souls to glorify the Creator. And yet all the while you have never quoted yourself. O that this could be taught to angels and men! What person will not trip or mention himself, or make himself a manifested self?

05/19.10. This day I am to be crowned, to fill the place you have built up; but I falter and tremble like a child. Ha’jah burst into tears, and after a little while he added: O Jehovah, why have You laid Ha’jah’s tears so close? You have created love in my soul, and it has grown to be a mountain. God, Your Son, who has been my tutor for a thousand years, and on many worlds, corpor and es, is now thrusting Your glory upon me.

05/19.11. God said: Heed[176] the earth and her heavens, for they are to be yours for one dan. And remember also, that though I ascend with my hosts to etherea, yet I have charge of this world until the completion of this cycle [dan’ha], two thousand eight hundred years; after I ascend, my archangels shall answer to your prayers to Jehovah.

05/19.12. Suddenly a light came down from the firmament, like a new star, twinkling, with a halo extending wide on every side. All eyes were turned up, full of expectancy. Hushed and still, the ninety million stood.

05/19.13. Presently the star assumed a brighter phase and spread its halo outward, with horns descending, like a crescent, like that formed in sacred worship when a God stands in the midst. Larger and brighter the light grew, tremulous[177] and waving like sheets of fire.

05/19.14. Then, three rays of light shot down toward Hored and Moeb, piercing, and in advance of the central orb. And the three rays were red, blue and yellow; but the crescent beyond was white, and it shone abroad over the heavens, so that the corporeal sun and stars in the firmament were invisible.[178]

05/19.15. Upon seeing the majesty and grandeur of Jehovah’s host descending, millions of es’yans and clouded souls in the lower heaven broke and fled; some ran and hid to avoid the threatening light. For such is the magnifying power of the etherean flame, that all dark thoughts and hidden evil lurking in the soul are magnified, and made so plain that even the dumb can read them through.

05/19.16. Millions of the ethereans on God’s staff had seen such scenes before, and now stood in glee, firmly riveted by the joy within them. To them, a hundred to one, clung the newly raised from earth, who had never known any other heaven, except the atmospherean heaven that travels with the earth around the sun every year. From these there arose millions of whispers, saying: It is like a new death; like a new birth. Behold a man dies on earth, and his spirit flies off to another world. And now yet again it flies off to still another world.

05/19.17. Quickly, now, projecting foremost came the three great rays; and these were the orders of marshals from the a’jian fields of O’wea and Hon’she; the red lights represented A’ji, the blue lights represented O’wea, and the yellow, Hon’she. Of these marshals, there were one million, and they cast curtains to cover around all of Hored, the great kingdom.

05/19.18. Chief of the marshals was Ah’jeng; and next to him were five sub‑chiefs; and next to them one thousand tributary chiefs, who were masters of the ceremonies; and they came in the center of the descending three great rays of light, came swiftly and direct toward the throne of God. And the substance of the rays of light was like curtains of cloth,[179] one end of which reached up to the now near approaching crescent sea of fire.


i015 3w f2 c Etisyai and Onesyi Descending


i015 The First Harvest. Earth and lower heaven, with the fire-ship of Etisyai and Onesyi and their etherean hosts descending, for the deliverance of the first harvest of heavenly souls raised up from the earth.


05/19.19. When the light was nearly touching the pillars of fire surrounding Moeb, it slackened a little, and then gently slowed. The chieftains leaped from the etherean flames and stood at the foot of God’s throne, saluting in Jehovah’s name.

05/19.20. God and Ha’jah stood up and answered the sign, then descended and went to the left and right of Ah’jeng, and all three ascended; then Ah’jeng sat upon the throne, and the voice of Jehovah spoke through him, saying:

05/19.21. Hold up your heads and rejoice, O My sons and daughters! Behold, I come in a flame of fire! I am here, there, and throughout the place of heaven, boundless. I gather together and I put asunder[180] the loves of mortals and angels. For they shall go abroad in My firmament and behold My glorious works.

05/19.22. Down to the corporeal world I descend and carry away the loved, for they are Mine. I will make all people look up to My kingdoms. Down to the lower heaven I come in ships of light, curtained about with etherean mantles,[181] and gather in My harvest of new births to higher worlds, more radiant. My hosts below shall look up and glorify My everlasting splendors.

05/19.23. I give the tear of grief, sorrow and pity; but, in its flowing forth, I come with holier light and power to stir up the souls of My people. For they shall learn to speak to their Father, Who hears, and is attentive and full of love.

05/19.24. My joy is in the birth and growing up of souls, and in the joy of their joys, and in the proclaiming of their adoration for My boundless universe.

05/19.25. I call to them in darkness, and they come forth; but they halt in the darkness, and I call again, and I send My higher, upraised angels to them, and they call also. Yes, I fill the sky with the splendor of My worlds, es and corpor, so that I may stir man up to rise and enjoy the things I have made.

05/19.26. The voice departed, and Ah’jeng said: Behold the glory of the heavens, O my beloved, and the reward of the diligent in heart. Jehovah lives and reigns, the Highest and never to be reached, the Forever Beyond, and yet Ever Present.

05/19.27. O You Light of Light and Life of Life, how wonderful is the substance of Your creation! You have given me light to see Your splendors, which are forever new. O Jehovah, You Past, Present and Future of one time, which is and was and ever shall be. Jehovah, You Seen and Unseen, and Potent, Who have from Your very Self imparted a part to all the living! Who have raised up these of Hored! Glory be to You forever and ever!

05/19.28. And now, by certain signs and signals, Ah’jeng directed the officers of his hosts to take possession of Moeb and Hored. And the marshals extended out around the place, and by their presence added new light to the pillars of fire.

05/19.29. The marshals were decorated with colored raiment and signs and symbols, denoting the places from which they came, and their rank as Gods, and the experience they had passed through.

05/19.30. When Ah’jeng ceased speaking, the music of the chosen band of descending angels broke upon the place; first, faintly and far away. The work of the marshals was in keeping with the time of the music; and as the music drew nearer and stronger, so also more and more of the marshals descended and filed off to their respective places.

05/19.31. Presently the advance of the horns of the crescent, and the cold wave of the falling sea of fire, swept over the lower heaven fearfully and with unquestionable power. By a signal from God, the Brides and Bridegrooms joined in the music of the archangels, and great was its glory.

05/19.32. Between the horns of the crescent was a star of wonderful beauty; and it came toward God’s throne, reflecting countless rays of light, brilliantly and awe‑inspiring. And as the star drew near, it opened on the advance side, as a shell is opened, and there, with arms entwined, sat Etisyai and Onesyi, Goddesses.[182]

CHAPTER 20 Sethantes

05/20.1. Ah’jeng stepped down and stood at the foot of the throne. Masters of the inner temple gathered about the star, and unrolled a carpet reaching across the threshold, and the two Goddesses stepped forth from the crystalled cushion within the star, and glided, as if on a ray of light, up to the judgment seat of Jehovah. Meanwhile the musicians, a million voices, chanted: Glory, glory to Jehovah, Creator of worlds! Whose place is magnificence, and counterpart to endless time. The All, Whose Great Existence surpasses the grandest thoughts of men and Gods! Whose worlds in splendor are the scrolls, on which His hands write with the souls of mortals, His Almighty Will and Boundless Love!

05/20.2. And now the wheels of the great ship of fire, spread out and around; and all the millions of descended hosts formed a mighty amphitheater in which Moeb occupied the arena with its thirty‑three million Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah arrayed in white, but differently from the Redeeming Hosts from the etherean worlds.

05/20.3. Moving in unison as one person, in time to the music, without a word of command, the hosts proceeded; each as a shining crystal in the place allotted, and void in nothing; and all so perfect, as if Jehovah had made each a special work of wonder to inspire men with reverence for the talents He had created.

05/20.4. The hosts, forming in place according to the music, were so perfectly timed that when the music ceased, all was still. The throne stood in the east, facing the west; the hosts of Moeb, who were the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah, occupied the lower plane, and the ethereans surrounded them on all sides, rising higher and higher in the distance.[183]

05/20.5. God and Ha’jah met the Goddesses at the foot of the throne. God knew Onesyi hundreds of years before in other worlds, and he remembered Etisyai, who had crowned him two hundred years ago. Likewise Ha’jah also knew Etisyai and Onesyi. When they met they all saluted by touching the right hands; and immediately the Goddesses ascended to the center of the throne, and God went on the right and Ha’jah on the left.

05/20.6. Etisyai and Onesyi looked hopefully on the Brides and Bridegrooms, but were passive. Presently the voice of Jehovah spoke out of the light of the throne, saying:

05/20.7. Soul of My soul, substance of My substance, I created man. Out of My corporeal Self I clothed him with flesh, blood and bones. Man’s spirit I gave from out of My own spirit, ever present; and I quickened him to move on the face of the earth.

05/20.8. God and the Brides and Bridegrooms responded, being quickened by the All Light: Out of corpor I came, quickened by Jehovah’s Ever Presence. By virtue of His Wisdom, Power and Love I came into the world; to Jehovah all glory is due forever!

05/20.9. Again Jehovah spoke, saying: I allotted man a time to grow, to attain wisdom, power and love; a time to rejoice, and a time of sorrow; a time to beget offspring and know a father’s love and care. In likeness of Me, I gave him attributes of My attributes, so that man could know Me and My Love.

05/20.10. Response: By the bondage of my love to my descendants, I know my Father lives and reigns, and will watch over me forever!

05/20.11. Again the voice of Jehovah said: I gave man a time in the corporeal form, so that he could learn corporeal things, and to learn where the tree of life springs from. I made man from no self‑existence of his own, but from Myself; and in the place I quickened him into life, I bound him for a season. But when man has fulfilled his corporeal life I provide death to deliver him into a new world.

05/20.12. Response: Beautiful is Your Wisdom, O Jehovah, and far reaching. I was bound in the flesh even as a beast; like the attributes of a beast was my judgment, struggling for things of the corporeal world. With horror I looked upon death; as a sore calamity I judged Your cutting me off. But You delivered me into another world, preserving my judgment whole, bringing me to the heavens of my forefathers.

05/20.13. Then Jehovah said: At no time did I bring man, newborn into the world, without a mother and a nurse, and rich nourishment to feed him. Yes, I gave him angels to inspire him and lift him up; and I provided a Lord of the earth to manage his kingdoms and nations, and a God in heaven with a throne and judgment seat, so that man in the angel world would be provided and wisely instructed in soul, to comprehend the glory and harmony of My worlds.

05/20.14. Response: Bountiful, O my Father Above! From nothing that I knew of, You brought me into conscious being, and in my helpless days fed me with rich nourishment. You gave me rulers and examples of government on the earth to discipline my soul to the order of men. And when I was born in heaven, I found God on his throne and a well‑ordered haven of rest, with willing angels to clothe, feed and teach me the ways of Your kingdoms in the firmament.

05/20.15. Again Jehovah said: When man has fulfilled his time in the lower heaven, I prepare him by ample teachers for a higher resurrection. As Brides and Bridegrooms My hosts adorn them, and I come in a sea of fire. First man was wedded to the earth, by Me solemnized,[184] and without man’s knowledge. Then to the lower heaven, he was wed, laboring with spirits and mortals.

05/20.16. The voice departed, and now Onesyi spoke, saying: Behold the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah! When they were young they were wed first to the earth and then to the lower heaven, without their wills. Now they stand before the throne of God. In Your name, O Jehovah, I command them to speak their wills.

05/20.17. Response: I put away myself for You, O Jehovah! Make me one with You! I put away the earth for Your kingdom’s sake, O Jehovah! Make me one with You! I put away Your Lord and Your God, O Jehovah, for sake of You! Your Lord and Your God raised me up and made me strong, but lo, the small spark of Yourself within my soul has grown to be a giant, bowing to none but You, O Jehovah! O make me Your Bride (Bridegroom), O Jehovah!

05/20.18. Onesyi said: The lame and the weak shall have a crutch, but the glory of the Father is to see His Brides and Bridegrooms walk alone. Whoever is wed to Jehovah shall never again, for self’s sake, say to any man, woman, Lord, God, person or thing: Help!

05/20.19. Response: God and the Lord were my Saviors; without them I would never have known of Your exalted heavens, O Jehovah. Your Spirit calls me forever upward. Your Lord and Your God taught me to look upward; yes, they prayed for me. Now I am strong before You, O Jehovah! From now on, I will pray to You only; but never for my own benefit, nor for glory, ease, rest or exaltation; but that I may be quick, strong and wise to do Your will forever!

05/20.20. Onesyi said: Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah, All hail! All hail!

05/20.21. Response: Voice of Jehovah, All hail! All hail!

05/20.22. Onesyi said: To Jehovah and His everlasting kingdoms you are wed forever!

05/20.23. Response: To You, O Jehovah, I am wed forever!

05/20.24. Onesyi said: To be one with Him forever!

05/20.25. Response: To be one with Jehovah forever!

05/20.26. The voice of Jehovah said: They shall judge from My judgment seat; in them My Wisdom shall shine; for they are Mine forever!

05/20.27. Response: To consider You first, in all things, O Jehovah, this I shall do now and forever!

05/20.28. The Voice said: Behold, I have woven a crown for them; adorn them for My sake.

05/20.29. Response: I will have no crown, except that woven by You, O Jehovah! For Your sake, I will wear Your crown forever!

05/20.30. The Voice said: Behold, these who were My sons and daughters have become My Brides and Bridegrooms; they are Mine forever!

05/20.31. Response: I am Jehovah’s forever!

05/20.32. Onesyi said: Pass before the throne, O my beloved. The testimony of Jehovah awaits His redeemed.[185] You shall dwell in the emancipated kingdoms forever!

05/20.33. And now the hosts of Brides and Bridegrooms passed singly before the throne of God; the whole thirty‑three million passed. And during this time the es’enaurs chanted a hymn of glory, and mists of yellow, blue and red fell from the firmament above; and the mists descended into the archangels’ hands as they stood about the throne, and by them were converted into crowns, which were placed on the heads of the Brides and Bridegrooms. And on the crowns were the words: In Wan brought forth; delivered in Hon’she.

05/20.34. As the hosts passed in front of the throne, Onesyi said: That which springs out of the earth feeds and clothes the atmospherean; but the etherean draws from the etherean worlds. Behold the crowns of the earth and of the lower heaven are only symbols of power, wisdom and love; but that which I bring from Jehovah’s kingdom contains real virtue.

05/20.35. And lo and behold, the Brides and Bridegrooms became as archangels by virtue of the crowns from Jehovah’s hand.

CHAPTER 21 Sethantes

05/21.1. When the ceremonies were ended, Onesyi said: Soon now in the name of the Father, we will rise and go on a long journey; and so that you may be apprised and consorted in love, I proclaim the freedom of the hour in Jehovah’s name.

05/21.2. And the people went and mingled with each other, rejoicing and saluting. And Ha’jah, God and Etisyai greeted one another, and the Lords came forward and were greeted also; and then came the marshals, followed by the es’enaurs, and next came all long‑serving laborers. And lastly, all who had redeemed any man or woman from darkness to light, came forward, and were saluted and duly honored.

05/21.3. And for the space of one hour all the angels indulged in revelry, reunion and fullness of heart; but no book could relate the thousandth part of the questions asked and love assurances expressed.

05/21.4. When the hour was ended, Onesyi signaled the proper officer, and he sounded the gavel thrice,[186] at which all was hushed and still. Onesyi said:

05/21.5. As Jehovah bestows a newborn child, and then takes the father and the mother away to the es world; so, likewise, Jehovah sent Etisyai, my sister, to establish the lower heaven, and now I come by His command to bear away this harvest to His everlasting kingdom. As a child bewails the loss of its father and mother, so will you who remain, bewail the loss of this rich harvest of archangels.

05/21.6. It is Jehovah’s will that you drink deep of the sorrow of parting, for by this bondage you will be again reunited in the heavens still above. The progress of the soul of man is forever onward and in steps and plateaus; and the glory of the resurrection of the one who goes before is equally as great as is the sorrow of the one who remains behind. But the love that binds together is as a chain stretched out across the universe; neither time nor distance shall prevail against its inventions.

05/21.7. Swift messengers, well trained to course the vault of heaven, will pass between you, carrying the tidings of your soul’s delight. And as Jehovah gives summer to follow winter, and the winter the summer, so also shall the time come again and again, forever, in which you shall mingle and part; again labor together, but in broader fields, and again part for a season.

05/21.8. Behold the wisdom of Jehovah in placing far apart the places of the souls of men; for all things abiding near each other equalize themselves. Even as there is glory in a new birth, so is there glory in death; as there is sorrow in death, so is there joy in resurrection. The time has now come when these whom you see, you shall not see for a long season; but you shall rejoice in this hour of parting, for they rise as Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah.

05/21.9. The es’enaurs sang an anthem of praise in which all the hosts united, and great was its glory. And now Onesyi arose, saying:

05/21.10. Jehovah, Almighty and Everlasting! Holy, Holy Creator, Ruler and Giver Forth! Look upon this Your Son, Ha’jah! O Father, in Your Name and by virtue of Your Power vested in me, I perpetuate and crown him God of Heaven and Earth!

05/21.11. Ha’jah, now God, said: Your will be done, O Jehovah! Then Onesyi turned to the five chief Lords of the five divisions of the earth, and bestowed them in like manner.

05/21.12. And Onesyi stretched forth her hand, saying: Give me a crown, O Jehovah, for Your Son, God of heaven and earth! And etherean substance descended into her hand, and she raised it up, and lo, it became a crown of great beauty, and she put it on God’s (Ha’jah’s) head. Then, in like manner, she crowned the Lords of the earth.

05/21.13. And Etisyai and Onesyi came down and sat at the foot of the throne.

05/21.14. God (Ha’jah) came down from the throne with Whaga and Jud, and extending their hands, they said to Etisyai, Onesyi, and Sethantes, the retiring God:

Arise, O Goddess,

Arise, O Goddess,

Arise O God;

and go your way!

05/21.15. And they rose up and marched forth. The proper officers had already prepared the ship for its etherean journey; and soon as Etisyai and Onesyi had entered the central star, all the people who were to ascend went into the places assigned them.

05/21.16. God (Ha’jah) and the Lords returned, in tears, to the throne, and now the plateau of everlasting light began to ascend. Music sprang from every side, glorifying Jehovah and the magnificence of His bountiful worlds.

05/21.17. And those of the lower heaven echoed the music above; and the light of the ascending ship of fire made all else seem a shadow. But higher and higher it rose, in the form of a crescent, slowly turning on its upright axis, turning and rising, higher and higher, and the music faded away in the distance.

05/21.18. In a little while the meteor‑like ascending ship of heaven looked like a star, till farther and farther off it disappeared in the distance.

05/21.19. And that was how the first harvest of angels born of the earth, ascended to the emancipated heavens in etherea.

CHAPTER 22 Sethantes

05/22.1. God said: Arise, O Lords of my realm, and go to the kingdoms of earth, which you received from Jehovah’s hand; and may His wisdom, love and power be with you all!

05/22.2. And the Lords departed with their attendants, and went to their kingdoms over mortals.

05/22.3. And this was the beginning of the second dispensation of the first cycle of the Eoptian[187] age of the earth. And the lower heaven was well established in habitations,[188] angels, officers, and in all the requisites[189] for the upraised souls of mortals.

05/22.4. And God dispensed laws and government like his predecessor, enlarging all the places according to the increase in the number of spirits rising up from the earth.

05/22.5. And the voice of Jehovah was with God; and as the first kingdom had been called Hored, so the second was called Hored, signifying the place of God.

05/22.6. And as it had been with the Lords of the earth in their places, so it continued with the new Lords, and they enlarged their places also, even according to the increase in the number of inhabitants of the earth.

05/22.7. And as it had been in the past, that messengers plied constantly between Hored and the Lords’ places, so it continued. By this means, through God and his Lords, all the affairs of the lower heaven were kept in harmony.

05/22.8. And God ruled in Hored four hundred years, and Hored spread over all the lands of the earth.

CHAPTER 23 Sethantes

05/23.1. When the time of God and his hosts was fulfilled, Jehovah brought the earth into dan of Eyon, in the arc Lais, whose angels descended in a ship of fire, and delivered God, his Lords, and all the hosts under them who were prepared for the etherean resurrection. At this time there were six hundred and twenty‑five million inhabitants in atmospherea. And the number of the second harvest was two hundred and eighty million.

05/23.2. The ascent of the second harvest was like the ascent of the first harvest. And the place of the landing of the second harvest in the firmament of heaven was in Lais, and Bin, and the grade of the harvest was seventy‑eight, being two less than the grade of the first harvest.

05/23.3. So the heavens of the earth passed into the care of the succeeding God and Lords, who had been raised up and prepared for those commissions. And for the present there were no more ethereans dwelling in these regions.

05/23.4. Jehovah had said: Those who come out of the earth shall be sufficient to themselves. As a mother provides for her child, so do I provide for the spirit generations of a corporeal world; but when they are mature in wisdom, strength and love, I command them to take the offices of Lords and God in the management of My kingdoms.

05/23.5. So it came to pass after the ascent of the ethereans, that the whole earth and its lower heavens were under the dominion of those who had sprung up out of the earth. And it became a saying: The first was etherean rule; the second was atmospherean rule. For the earth had Lords who had been on no other world, and a God who had never been on other worlds.

05/23.6. And it likewise came to pass that the atmospherean rulers were more lenient in their government, and less tyrannical[190] than the ethereans had been. For as the ethereans had forbidden the es’yans, the newly dead, to return to their mortal kindred, until their fiftieth year in spirit life, it was not so with the present Lords and God, for they indulged hundreds of thousands of es’yans for sympathy’s sake to return to their mortal kindred. And these es’yans did not become workers in heaven, either for others, or for their own resurrection to higher regions; but they became idlers and vagabonds in the lower heaven, often living with their mortal kindred till their mortal kindred died, and then, in turn, persuading these es’yans to do even as they did.

05/23.7. And God perceived, when it was too late, that his leniency had laid the foundation for disorganizing the kingdom of heaven; for the strolling idlers, knowing no other heaven, sowed the spirit of disbelief throughout the places of learning and industry in the lower heaven, persuading others that they were toiling to no good purpose.

05/23.8. They said: Behold, it was told us on earth there was a Jehovah! But we are in heaven, and yet we do not find Him. Now we know, in truth, there is no All Person. Come, then, let us seek ease and the rich viands that rise up out of the earth. A man lives on the earth and dies, and his spirit floats about, and then there is no more of him. Why will you serve the Lord? Why will you serve God? Be free and live for yourselves instead of for others.

05/23.9. Thus it came to pass that little by little the lower heaven began to fall from its high estate.

05/23.10. The third dan was six hundred years, and God and his Lords, having provided successors, ascended with their harvest to etherea. And its number was four hundred and eight million Brides and Bridegrooms, and their grade was sixty‑six.

05/23.11. The fourth dan was five hundred years, and the harvest was six hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms; and their grade was fifty‑eight.

05/23.12. The fifth dan was three hundred years; and the harvest was two hundred million; and their grade was fifty, which was the lowest grade capable of emancipation, or capable of surviving in etherea.[191]

05/23.13. And now darkness set in and covered all the earth. And from this time until the end of the cycle, which was three thousand years from the birth of man on earth,[192] there were no more resurrections to the emancipated heavens.

05/23.14. The Kingdom of Hored was broken up and dissolved. The spirits did not love to labor or learn according to Jehovah’s plan, but returned to the earth‑attractions; and they were called drujas,[193] because they did not desire resurrection.

05/23.15. And God, Lords, officers and teachers were without subjects and pupils. And mortals were overwhelmed by thousands and millions of drujas, so much so,[194] that the ashars were powerless to accomplish good inspiration.

05/23.16. At this time there were more than three billion[195] angels in atmospherea, and for the most part, they dwelt on earth.

05/23.17. Thus ended the first cycle of the first heaven of the earth.


First Book of the First Lords

Being contemporary with the Book of Sethantes, Son of Jehovah. That is, when Sethantes was God of heaven, his Lords had dominion on the earth in the same period of time. And this is their book, even as the preceding one was God’s book.

CHAPTER 1 First Book First Lords

06/1.1. In the beginning God created the heavens of the earth; and the Lord made man upright. Man was naked and not ashamed; neither did he know the sin of incest, but dwelt like the beasts of the field.

06/1.2. And the Lord brought the angels of heaven to man; by his side they took on forms like man, having all the organs and attributes of mortals, for it was the time of the earth for such things to be.

06/1.3. So it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and these were called I’hins, because they were begotten[196] of both heaven and earth. Consequently it became a saying: The earth conceived of the Lord.[197]

06/1.4. And the name of the first race was Asu, because they were of the earth only; and the name of the second race was I’hin, because they were capable of being taught spiritual things.

06/1.5. The Lord said: Of all that live on the face of the earth, or in its waters, or in the air above, that breathes the breath of life, I have delivered only man to knowledge of his Creator.

06/1.6. And the Lord spoke to the I’hin through his angels, saying: Go hide your nakedness, for it is the commandment of God.

06/1.7. The I’hins were afraid, and they clothed themselves, and were no longer naked before the Lord.

06/1.8. Then the Lord commanded the angels to give up their forms, and to no longer be seen as mortals.[198] And it was done. And the Lord said to them: Because you brought forth life, which is in flesh and blood, you shall minister to man for six generations on the face of the earth. And it was so.

06/1.9. And so that man may continue to walk upright, you shall teach him the law of incest, for man on his own cannot attain to know this.

06/1.10. Nor shall you permit the I’hins to dwell with Asu, lest his seed go down in darkness.

06/1.11. And man was thus inspired of the Lord, and he walked upright, and prospered on the earth.

06/1.12. But after a season man became conceited in his own judgment, and he disobeyed the commandments of God.

06/1.13. And he strayed out of the garden of paradise and began to dwell with the asu’ans, and there was born into the world a new race called Druk, and they did not have the light of the Father in them; neither could they be inspired with shame, nor with heavenly things.

06/1.14. But the I’hins were grateful to the Lord, and they gave sacrifice in burnt offerings. And they said to the Druks: Go sacrifice to the Lord, and he will prosper you. But the Druks did not understand; and they fell upon the Lord’s chosen, and slew them, right and left, taking their possessions.

06/1.15. And the Lord said to the Druks: Because you have slain your brethren you shall depart out of the place of God; and so that you may be known to the ends of the earth I put my mark upon you.

06/1.16. And the mark of the Lord put upon the Druks was the shadow of blood, which, being interpreted, is war.[199]

06/1.17. And the Lord God said: By this sign, the tribes of Druk and their descendants shall be known to the end of the world.

06/1.18. And woman, being more helpless than man, cried out with fear, saying: O Lord, how shall I bring forth to you, and not to the sons of death?

06/1.19. And the Lord said: Because you have brought forth in pain, and yet called on my name, behold, I will be as a shield and protector to you. For I will also put a mark upon the I’hins, my chosen, so you shall know them when they come to you.

06/1.20. And the Lord commanded the male I’hins, old and young, to be circumcised, so that woman would not be deceived by the Druks. And the I’hins circumcised their males, old and young; for it was the testimony of the Lord to woman that seed of their seed was born to everlasting life.

06/1.21. And the Druks went away into the wilderness, and dwelt with the asu’ans and with one another.

06/1.22. God said: I will make a boundary line between the tribes of Druks and the I’hins; and this is the line that I the Lord God make between them:

06/1.23. The I’hins shall labor and clothe themselves, and I will remain with them; but the Druks shall wander in the wilderness, neither laboring nor clothing themselves.

06/1.24. And it was so.

CHAPTER 2 First Book First Lords

06/2.1. The time of the habitation of Asu was eight thousand years; and they survived two thousand years after the time of the birth of the I’hins, which is to say, Asu dwelt on the earth six thousand years, and then conceived of the chosen of God; and after that survived two thousand years more.

06/2.2. And Asu disappeared off the face of the earth.

06/2.3. But the sacred people, the I’hins; and the carnivorous people, the Druks; remained on the earth.

06/2.4. The I’hins were white and yellow, but the Druks were brown and black; the I’hins were small and slender, but the Druks were tall and stout.[200]

06/2.5. Now, because the Druks had not previously obeyed the Lord, but went and dwelt with the asu’ans, there was a half‑breed race born on the earth, called Yak, signifying ground people; and they burrowed in the ground like beasts of the forest. And the Yaks did not walk wholly upright, but also went on all fours.[201]

06/2.6. God said: Because the Yaks cannot be taught the crime of incest, behold, they shall not dwell forever on the earth. So shall it also be with the Druks, except where they cohabit with the I’hins, whose seed is born to everlasting life. But with the Druks, and their heirs that spring from the Yaks, there shall be an end, both in this world and the next.

i014 3w cl I'hin I'huan Yak


i014 Some Races of Man. I’hin, I’huan, Yak.


06/2.7. And the arms of the Yaks were long, and their backs were stooped and curved. And the Lord said: Because they are the fruit of incest, and not capable of speech or eternal life in heaven, the I’hins shall make servants of them.

06/2.8. And so that they may not tempt my chosen to bring forth fruit to destruction, they shall be neutralized in my sight. So the angels of God taught the I’hins to make eunuchs of the Yaks. And after making eunuchs of both the male and female Yaks, the I’hins took them for servants.

06/2.9. And the Lord said: The Yaks shall serve the I’hins, and build and sow and reap for them. And it was so.

06/2.10. The I’hins were disposed to live alone, but the Lord called them together, saying: Come and dwell together in cities. For it is fitting that you live in the manner of my kingdoms in heaven.

06/2.11. Build therefore, to the Lord your God; and my angels shall dwell with you, teaching you to sing and dance for the glory of your Creator.

06/2.12. And man built to the Lord, and established worship on earth in the manner of heaven.

06/2.13. Now it happened that the Druks came to witness the rites and ceremonies of the chosen, but they took no part in them, nor did they comprehend their meaning.

06/2.14. And God said to the I’hins: So that you can teach some of them about the Lord your God, build within the house of worship an image of me; build it in likeness of man. And I will manifest to those who are capable of everlasting life.

06/2.15. And the I’hins, men and women, with their servants, built images of stone and clay and wood to the Lord, and stood them by the altars of sacrifice.

06/2.16. And during the time of worship, the angels of the Lord came and possessed the idols, and spoke from them with audible voices in the presence of mortals.

06/2.17. And the Druks inquired of the I’hins as to the cause. And the I’hins said: Behold, there is a God in heaven, subtler than the air of heaven.[202] It was he who brought us forth out of darkness. He speaks in the idol so that you may know he abides with his people.

06/2.18. The Druks said: What does he say? The I’hins answered: That whoever has attained to remember God is on the way to everlasting life.

06/2.19. The Druks inquired, saying: How can a man live forever? Behold, you, who believe, also die!

06/2.20. The I’hins answered, saying: As the voice of the Lord is unseen but potent, so is there a spirit in man unseen and potent, which shall never die, but ascend in heaven to habitations prepared by the Lord.

06/2.21. And many of the Druks pondered on these things, and their thoughts quickened their souls within them, so that they brought forth heirs to eternal salvation.

06/2.22. And the Lord said to the I’hins: Because you have done a good thing, go abroad, by the roadsides and in other places, and build images to me and mine, and my angels shall bestow gifts, signs and miracles.

06/2.23. And the I’hins supplied the roadways of the earth with idols of stone, wood and clay, and the angels of heaven descended to the idols and established heavenly kingdoms close by.

06/2.24. And when man came there, and called on the name of the Lord, it was a password for the angels; and they wrought[203] miracles, and otherwise gave man evidence of the Unseen.

CHAPTER 3 First Book First Lords

06/3.1. And God gave commandments to man, so that the earth could be a place of rejoicing forever. And these are the commandments of the Lord God given in that day:

06/3.2. You shall strive to remember the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

06/3.3. You shall not kill man, beast, bird, or creeping thing, for they are the Lord’s.

06/3.4. You shall build walls around your cities, so that beasts and serpents may not enter and do you harm. And if your habitation is in the wilderness, you shall build mounds of wood and earth to sleep on at night, so that serpents and beasts cannot molest you.

06/3.5. The I’hins inquired of the Lord, saying: If we build walls around our cities, how shall we get in and out? How shall we gather our harvests of fruit and nuts, and seeds of the field? How shall we ascend the mounds that we build in the wilderness?

06/3.6. The Lord said: Behold, my angels shall teach you to build ladders and how to use them. And when you go into the city at night you shall take the ladders in after you; and when you come out in the morning you shall let the ladders down again.

06/3.7. And God’s angels taught the chosen these things, and man provided the cities and mounds with ladders; according to the commandment of God these things were done.

06/3.8. And the I’hins prospered and spread over the face of the earth; hundreds of thousands of cities and mounds were built, and the I’hins rejoiced in the glory of all created things. Neither did they kill any man, beast, fish, bird, nor creeping thing that breathed the breath of life.

06/3.9. And God saw that man was good and grateful in all things; and God called to the angels of heaven, saying: Why are the I’hins good? For, as yet, they are ignorant!

06/3.10. And the angels answered, saying: They are good because you said to us: Go as guardian angels and inspire man to live without evil, || which we did; ministering to the I’hins, guarding and inspiring them night and day.

06/3.11. God said: Well then, the I’hins have no honor. Unless they learn by themselves to be good, they will be void of wisdom in heaven. For this reason you shall withdraw a little, so that man is tried as to his self‑commandment.[204]

06/3.12. So the angels withdrew awhile from the I’hins. Now the I’hins had stored in their cities and on their mounds, ample provision of food and clothing for the winter; but the druks did not follow the example of the I’hins, for the druks stored up nothing.

06/3.13. And when the angels withdrew a little way, evil spirits came to the druks, and said to them: Behold, it is winter, and you are hungry. Go over the ladders and possess the stores of the I’hins.

06/3.14. So the druks plundered the I’hins; and evil spirits came upon the I’hins also, and many of them were inspired to defend their stores. And war ensued;[205] and it spread around the whole earth.

06/3.15. And the I’hins asked the Lord as to why God allowed evil to come upon his chosen.

06/3.16. And the Lord said: Because you depended upon me for all things, you did not develop yourselves. From now on, man shall learn to face evil on his own account; otherwise he cannot attain to the Godhead in heaven.

06/3.17. Your Creator has given you two entities, that which is flesh, and that which is spirit. And the flesh will desire earthly things; but the spirit will desire heavenly things.

06/3.18. Behold, when the druks came upon you for your stores, your flesh cried out war, and your people fell.

06/3.19. Now I have come again to raise you up; to make you understand the spirit within. It is that, and not the flesh, which shall learn to triumph.

06/3.20. The I’hins said: Our people are scattered and gone; will they not mingle with the druks, and thus go out in darkness?

06/3.21. The Lord said: Behold there were druks who had learned a little from the images; now because your people are scattered and gone, they shall go among the druks and teach the law of incest and the name of God; and the druks shall also begin to hide their nakedness.

06/3.22. So the Lord inspired other people besides the I’hins, to make and wear clothes, which they did.

06/3.23. And again the Lord brought the I’hins together in lodges and cities, and he said to them: From this time forward, you shall live upon the earth as an example of righteousness. And your brethren who have mingled with the tribes of darkness shall no longer molest you, but shall be your defenders and protectors.

06/3.24. And a new tribe began on the earth; and they were called I’huans, because they were half‑breeds between the Druks and I’hins. The I’huans were red like copper; and they were taller and stronger than any other people in the world. And the Lord commanded the I’huans, saying:

06/3.25. Protect the I’hins, the little people, white and yellow;[206] call them the sacred people. For you are of them, and you are also of the Lord your God. And it was so.




The little people, white & yellow.




Mixed race. Coppor/red colored. Tallest and strongest on earth.




The big people; brown & black.



I’HINS (GOD’S ELECT SEED). The race born of a'su and angels; the half-breeds, from whom we are the descendants. (Abel/Seth was a type). Commanded to be circumsized 1:20  White & yellow, small & slender 2:4   Saved from the diluge in ships. Faithists

Have the greatest cities, which are small communities “hidden” within the suburbs of the large cities of the I’huan.

I'HUAN. Half-breed between I’hins (God’s elect seed) and druks. “Red like copper, taller and stronger than anyother race”. The copper-colored race. Strong, bright and quick. Jaere, Po, Abraham & Brahma are Ihuan of the I’hin side 4:11. Partly obey the LORD and partly the flesh. Protectors of I’hins. Hate the druks and pursue them with vengeance. “The I’hin precede the I’huans race in all the world” 2:11).  They are the heirs of the I’hin who will die out as they move up and another druk class is born.

1.        And the I'huan shall inhabit the whole earth in time to come; and he shall have dominion over everything on earth, and in the waters on the earth.

2.        And in time to come the I’hin (Chosen) race shall disappear from the earth; their like shall not be found on this my footstool.

DRUK. A low mortal; one who desires no spiritual light; one who can not understand spiritually. An evil man, a warrior. (Cain was a type).   Brown & black, tall and stout 2:4

ASU’ANS. Seed of A’su or Adam. Adamites. Mankind.

YAKS. Sloths, sasquatch, yack, beast. Servents of man. Animals not capable of salvation. Long arms, stooped and curved backs, walk on all fours. Servents to plow for I’hins.


CHAPTER 4 First Book First Lords

06/4.1. About this time man began to use his lips and tongue in enunciating words, prior to which he spoke in the thorax.[207]

06/4.2. And the Lord spoke to the I’hin, saying: So that the labor of the Lord your God may be remembered on the earth, go provide me a stone and I will engrave it with my own hand, and it shall be called Se’moin,[208] because it shall be a testimony to all nations and peoples, on the earth, of the first written language in all the world.

06/4.3. So the I’hins prepared a stone, hewed it flat, then polished it smooth; and the Lord came down in the night and engraved it. And the Lord explained it; through his angels he taught the I’hins the meaning of the characters engraved on it.

06/4.4. And the Lord said: Go into all cities in all the countries of the world, and provide copies of the tablet I have given. So it came to pass that the angels of heaven inspired the I’hins to make tablets and to read them, so that the first language of the earth (Adamic) could be preserved to the races of men. And it was so.

06/4.5. Now the I’huans partly obeyed the Lord and partly obeyed the way of the flesh, and they became warriors and destroyers; nevertheless, they neither harmed the I’hins nor allowed harm to come upon them.

06/4.6. God had commanded the I’hins to make eunuchs of the Yaks, the monstrosities, and use them as servants; for the Lord saw that the Yaks were not capable of everlasting life in heaven.

06/4.7. Now the I’huans also made servants of the Yaks in the same way; but they disobeyed God by inflicting the neutral gender on their enemies whom they captured in war. And although they were themselves half‑breeds with the druks, yet they hated the druks, and pursued them with vengeance.

06/4.8. In those days the relative proportion of the races of men were: I’hins, one hundred; I’huans, three hundred; druks, five thousand; yaks, five thousand; and of monstrosities between man and beast, three thousand; but the latter died each generation, for they did not have the power of procreation among themselves.

06/4.9. And God saw the work of destruction going on (of the I’huans slaughtering right and left), and he sent the I’hins to preach among them, saying to the I’hins:

06/4.10. Tell the I’huans: Do not kill whoever is created alive, for it is the commandment of the Lord.

06/4.11. For in the time of your most success in slaughtering your fellow‑man, you are also peopling heaven with the spirits of vengeance. And they will return upon you, and even the I’huans shall turn upon one another; thus says God.

06/4.12. But the I’huans did not understand; did not believe. And it came to pass that great darkness covered the earth. And man, except the few I’hins, gave up his life to wickedness all his days.

06/4.13. And the Lord’s people worshipped and preached in the temples, and the Lord and his heavenly hosts manifested to them; but all the other races of men did not hear; would not come to learn of God.

06/4.14. And the Lord became tired in his labor, and he called his angels to him, and he said to them: Behold, man on the earth has gone so far from my ways he will not heed my commandments; he cannot hear my voice.

06/4.15. And your labor is in vain also. For which reason we will persist no longer on the earth till man has exhausted the evil that is in him.

06/4.16. So the Lord and his angel hosts departed away from the earth. And clouds came over the face of the earth; the moon did not shine, and the sun was only like a red coal of fire; and the stars shone in the firmament during the day as well as at night.

06/4.17. The harvests failed; the trees yielded no nuts, and the roots on which man feeds ceased to grow.

06/4.18. And the monstrosities, and the Yaks, and the druks, died off, tens of millions of them. And even then they were not extinct. Nevertheless, the I’huans suffered less; and the I’hins not at all. For the Lord had previously inspired them to provide against the coming famine.

06/4.19. And the Lord bewailed the earth and the generations of man: I made man upright and walked by his side, but he slipped aside and fell, said the Lord. I admonished[209] him, but he would not heed. I showed him that every living creature brought forth its own kind; but he did not understand, did not believe; and he dwelt with beasts; falling lower than all the rest.


Book of Ah’shong, Son of Jehovah


God of the second cycle after man’s creation.

CHAPTER 1 Ah’shong

07/1.1. When God and his Lords of heaven and earth had lost their heavenly dominion, the swift messengers, who constantly ply through the atmospherean and etherean worlds, bore the report to Jehovah’s kingdoms in etherea.

07/1.2. The earth had passed the ji’ayan eddies at Shrapah, in the etherean roadway Hi‑abalk’yiv, and was heading for the eastern fields of Anakaron, having entered the dan’haian arches of Vehetaivi, where the great kingdoms of the Orian Chief, Hieu Wee, lay with his millions of Gods and Goddesses and high‑raised ethereans.

07/1.3. Into Hieu Wee’s presence, the swift messengers came, fresh from the heavens of the earth, with their pitiful tales of woe that had befallen its inhabitants.

07/1.4. Hieu Wee said: I see the red star, the earth, O Jehovah! I have heard the tale of horror. What shall be done, O Father?

07/1.5. Then Jehovah spoke, saying: Call your tributary Chief, Ah’shong. Let him hear the will of Jehovah!

07/1.6. Then Hieu Wee sent for Ah’shong, who had dominion over the fields of Anakaron in etherea, through which the roadway lay where the earth was to travel for three thousand years.

07/1.7. And when Ah’shong came before the Holy Council of Hieu Wee’s million Gods and Goddesses, the All Light fell upon the throne like a sun; and the voice of the Creator spoke in the midst of the light, saying:

07/1.8. Hieu Wee, My Son! And Hieu Wee answered: Here I am, Your servant, O Jehovah!

07/1.9. Jehovah said: Behold the red star, the earth; she enters the fields of Anakaron. She is dripping wet and cold in the ji’ayan eddies. Her God and Lords are powerless in the spell of darkness. Send your son, Ah’shong, to deliver the earth and her heavens. For behold, I will bring them to his door.

07/1.10. Then Ah’shong spoke, saying: Your will be done, O Jehovah. Though I have long been honored in etherea, with many etherean worlds to command, I have not as yet redeemed one corporeal world and her heaven from a time of darkness.

07/1.11. Jehovah said: Go then, My Son, to the laboring earth and deliver her; but first appoint a successor for Anakaron.

07/1.12. Then spoke Hieu Wee, who was older than the red star, who had seen many corporeal worlds created; had seen them run their course, and then disappear as such. He said to Ah’shong:

07/1.13. Send to both Wan and Hivigat, in etherea, and get the history of the earth and her heaven; and also obtain an account of her harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah. And you shall call from my realms, as many million etherean angels as your labor may require, and with them proceed to the earth. There you shall establish a line of swift messengers between this place and yours, and, by the power of Jehovah, I will answer your prayers in whatever you may need.

07/1.14. Then Ah’shong went back to Anakaron, his etherean kingdom, and in the presence of his Holy Council, made known Jehovah’s will and his. And Ah’shong called for sixty million volunteers, to go with him on his mission; and they came presently: some from Yohan; some from T’seing; some from Araith; some from Gon Loo and from various other places in Anakaron; came in millions; as many as Ah’shong called for.

07/1.15. So Ah’shong raised up a successor to Jehovah’s throne in Anakaron, and he was installed and crowned according to the discipline of the etherean heavens.

07/1.16. And Ah’shong sent swift messengers into the former roadway of the earth to obtain its history; its harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms.

07/1.17. Then Ah’shong and his sixty million volunteers gazed toward the red star, and watched her as she coursed along in the arches of Vehetaivi.

07/1.18. Thus Ah’shong, well skilled in the course and behavior of worlds, gathered together his millions of angels, trained in arduous enterprise and furtherance of Jehovah’s will. Quickly they framed and equipped an Orian port‑au‑gon, and illuminated it with fire‑lights and bolts. And these sons and daughters of Jehovah embarked and sped forth. A half a million miles, to the outskirts of Anakaron, where they stood close above the earth, so near that the sweeping moon would almost touch the down‑hanging curtains of etherean fire. And here they halted, so that both mortals and angels belonging to the earth might see and fear; for Jehovah made man so that by unusual sights he would become weak and trembling, so as to change him to new purposes.


i016 6w m cl Ah'shong


i016 Ah’shong and Ethereans Come to the Red Star. A, Atmospherea; B, Ethereans; C, Distance: 20,000 miles; E, Earth.


07/1.19. Jehovah’s voice spoke to Ah’shong, saying: For three days and nights you shall stand in the firmament so that man on earth and in atmospherea may perceive the power and majesty of My chosen in heaven.[210]

07/1.20. Ah’shong said: On the fourth day, O Jehovah, I will cross Chinvat;[211] on the fifth, descend toward the earth. Bring me, O Father, Your messengers from the lower heaven. I will converse with them.

07/1.21. Jehovah sent the angels of the earth and lower heaven up to Ah’shong; disheartened they came, to know Jehovah’s will:

07/1.22. Ah’shong said to them: The Father’s hosts have come from their high estate and glorious ease, to redeem these fallen heavens and man on the earth. It is our labor to come in love to the helpless, and teach them how to sing in Jehovah’s praise. Then the swift messengers answered:

07/1.23. In the All Person’s boundless love, may you find recompense for your holy words, most honored God. Down in darkness, long and earnestly, the Lords of earth have labored in unison with heaven’s God, whose kingdom fell. Alas, our God, who ministered over the lower heaven, is crushed and humiliated. The enemies of high heaven, exulting in their spoil of Jehovah’s kingdom and His name, mock us, saying: Where is Jehovah now? Where the Higher Light? O Believers (Faithists) in an All Person boundless!

07/1.24. But now your high‑shining sun, your ship of etherean fire, makes the sons and daughters of the earth and her heaven look up, fear and tremble. And when your Light appeared we made all haste in hope of succor.[212] Our souls are more than filled with thankfulness; and in Jehovah’s name, we will go back and employ a million trumpeters to proclaim around the earth and heaven: Jehovah has come!

07/1.25. After due salutation the swift messengers departed; and Ah’shong made all things ready for his descent at the proper time.

CHAPTER 2 Ah’shong

07/2.1. Jehovah spoke to Ah’shong, saying: On the evening of the third day you shall move your etherean ship toward the earth. And when you arrive within an arrafon[213] you shall halt for another three days, so that your magnificence may awe the mortals and angels of earth with the power and glory of My emancipated sons and daughters.

07/2.2. Ah’shong proceeded as commanded, and when he came within an arrafon, halted for three days, and the magnificence of the scene overcame the stubbornness of mortals on earth and angels in atmospherea. Again Jehovah said:

07/2.3. Proceed again, My Son, and when you are within half the breadth of the earth,[214] halt once more and make a plateau in that place, and it shall be your place of residence for the period of dawn, which shall be seven years and sixty days.

07/2.4. And from this time forward, My etherean hosts shall not remain in atmospherea more than eight years in any one cycle. This dawn that I give you shall be like every dawn of dan, some of one year, some of two, three, four or more years, as the time requires.

07/2.5. And you shall dwell in your kingdom seven years and sixty days, and the time shall be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding shall be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth brings forth.

07/2.6. And the time from one dawn of dan to another shall be called one dan’ha; and four dan’ha shall be called one square, because this is the sum of one density, which is twelve thousand of the earth’s years. And twelve squares shall be called one cube, which is the first dividend of the third space, in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth. And four cubes shall be called one sum, because its magnitude embraces one equal of the Great Serpent.[215]

07/2.7. So Ah’shong proceeded again, and moved within four thousand miles of the earth, and the voice of Jehovah commanded Ah’shong to halt there, and found a new kingdom, using all things requisite[216] to that end. Jehovah said:

07/2.8. Your place shall be sufficiently distant from the earth, so that your dominion will not be disturbed by the confusion of fallen angels. Also, the distance of your kingdom will prevent those, whom you shall redeem away from earth and mortal contact, from returning to the earth.

07/2.9. Ah’shong perceived, and he proclaimed what Jehovah had spoken to him. And the hosts cast out fastenings to the plateau, so that the kingdom, together with the etherean sea of fire, could rotate with the earth and its atmosphere. Jehovah said:

07/2.10. Make the foundation of your place strong, and erect ten thousand pillars of fire around it; and in every direction provide roadways and mansions; but in the center you shall build the house of council, where your host of dominion shall sit during dawn.[217]

07/2.11. Ah’shong built the place as commanded by Jehovah, and when it was finished, Jehovah said: You shall call the place Yeshuah (Joshua or Jesus). And it was called that because it was a place of salvation. Again Jehovah said:

07/2.12. Now choose your council, My Son, and also your sub‑officers, and when you have completed the list, leave the sub‑officers in Yeshuah while you and your council of one million men and women proceed down to the earth and its heaven to cast your eyes upon its inhabitants, for they are in distress. And when you come to the place of My Lords and My God, deliver them and bring them to Yeshuah, for they need rest. And also bring away with you all I’hins in heaven who are capable, and place them into the care of your people.

07/2.13. Ah’shong did as commanded, first selecting his council and his officers, and then he and his hosts proceeded to the earth as commanded.

CHAPTER 3 Ah’shong

07/3.1. Up to this time the ancient names of the division of the lands of the earth had been maintained, and God and his Lords having been driven from the place of Hored, which had gone into dissolution, dwelt part of the time in Whaga and part in Jud and Vohu.

07/3.2. Accordingly God and the Lords had established three kingdoms, one in Whaga, one in Jud, and one in Vohu; and within these kingdoms of heaven there were two hundred million redeemed angels capable of the second resurrection, and one hundred million es’yans and unlearned apprentices. Whaga was chief of the three heavens, and there God, Lords and all chief officers had congregated as soon as the sign of the descending sea of Jehovah’s kingdom appeared in the firmament above.

07/3.3. Jehovah spoke to God, saying: Make your places ready, O My Son, and your Lords with you. Behold, I come in a world of fire, and My faithful workers shall find rest and happiness.

07/3.4. Ah’shong will redeem your sons and daughters, for he will girdle the earth with new etherean light and great power.

07/3.5. Call your people together, O God, and have them rejoice and make merry, for the time of deliverance is at hand.

07/3.6. Then God communicated to the Lords, and they again to others, the words of Jehovah; and at seeing the sign in heaven, the faithful began to rejoice and gather together in their respective places. But of the unbelieving angels dwelling on earth, with mortals and in other abodes,[218] of whom there were hundreds of millions, this is what happened:

07/3.7. They were overcome by the sight of the ship of fire in heaven above, and fled, in fear, in all directions. And by their great numbers in the presence of mortals, caused mortals to also fear and flee in search of some secure place. And many of these spirits of darkness came beseechingly[219] to be admitted into the kingdoms of the Lords, where they had been invited for hundreds of years but would not come.

07/3.8. But God and the Lords surrounded their places with walls of light and would not receive the unbelieving. God said: Until Ah’shong arrives let order be maintained within my kingdoms. || But outside, the fear that prevailed for six days and nights on earth and in heaven was greater than anytime since the earth first was.

07/3.9. Meanwhile God and the Lords brought their es’enaurs out, and they sang and danced before Jehovah. And on the approach of Ah’shong with his hosts, God’s musicians, heralds, and the great multitude arrayed in shining raiment, were all overcome by the splendor and magnificence, as were even God and his Lords.

07/3.10. These latter sat down on the improvised throne. The etherean marshals approached and divided their ranks, first into single columns, then double, then quadruple, and so on till the fifty thousand marshals had enclosed all sides, except the east, where there was an open space through which Ah’shong came, attended by his chief counselors, of whom there were five thousand. After them came the council of one million, interspersed here and there with groups of thousands of es’enaurs, who were chanting hymns of praise to Jehovah and His kingdoms.

07/3.11. Above the continent of Whaga and parts of Jud and Vohu, the lower heaven was illuminated by the hosts of Ah’shong, the like of which had never been in atmospherea before. Nor was there any work being done on earth or in heaven, because of the fear and great stirring up.

07/3.12. But now Ah’shong approached before the throne of God and the Lords, saluting with the sign of the second degree of Jehovah, saying: In Jehovah’s name, and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, I have come to give you joy.

07/3.13. God said: In Jehovah’s name, all hail! Ah’shong, chief of Anakaron, all hail! And God went forward to the foot of the throne and received Ah’shong, at which, the Lords came forward saluting also. The es’enaurs ceased singing, and Ah’shong proceeded to the throne and sat on it, and God took off his own crown and gave it to Ah’shong, and also gave him the triangle, which was called the heirloom of the heavenly kingdoms of earth, bestowed by command of Jehovah.

07/3.14. The All Light was abundant around Ah’shong; and out of the light, the voice of Jehovah spoke, saying: Because these things are done in My name prayerfully, and in faith, so do I dwell with you all. My Son shall wear your crown, O God.

07/3.15. Behold, I come in might and swiftness, for it is the springtime of the earth. My Son, Seffas, is afoot on the earth; he has stirred up the earth‑born. But I will establish My light anew in these heavens.

07/3.16. Have I not said: I brought the seed of everlasting life to the earth? || I gave responsibility to God and his Lords to teach mortals and spirits of My glories in the upper heavens. And I commanded that My God and My Lords in these realms would be from those who came up out of the earth.

07/3.17. You were installed by My hand, and have done a good work. Do not think that I curse because Hored and Moeb are fallen! Did I not know beforehand that these things would be? Behold, I have provided all My works so that man would be forever making new things. If Hored had remained standing, there would have been no heaven to rebuild on earth in this day. How, then, could My newborn Gods learn? Do not think that I come to teach with My own labor; I provide My people so that they shall teach one another.

07/3.18. What is so conceited as man? And yet I bring him into life the dumbest of animals. Man prides himself in his power and wisdom. I send the drought, the rains and winds, the weakest of My members, and they show man he is nothing. So also do My Gods and Lords of the lower heaven become conceited in their power and wisdom; but with the turn of a word, their heavens fall. Billions of souls turn from order and high estate, into confusion and anarchy. Thus I confound men and angels, and in their seeming misery lay the foundation for an everlasting good. The voice ceased.

07/3.19. Ah’shong said: In the name of Jehovah, I announce my presence over earth and the lower heaven.

07/3.20. The marshals said: All hail! Ah’shong, God of heaven and earth! Proclaim him in Jehovah’s name.

07/3.21. Hardly had these words gone forth, when the voice of the entire hosts joined in proclaiming: All hail! O God! Son of Jehovah!

07/3.22. Ah’shong, now God, said: Your crown shall be my crown, for under it, Jehovah’s power shall triumph; otherwise people would say: Behold there is no virtue in Jehovah’s crowns. So he placed it on his head, rose up, and saluted the retired God and Lords, saying to them:

07/3.23. I have a place for you; and it is called Yeshuah. Retire there with my proper officers, and partake of rest and the freedom of the place until I come also. But the retired God and Lords said: Put us to labor, we pray. To which, God (Ah’shong) said:

07/3.24. Jehovah’s sons must not be humiliated; how, then, can you labor under me? Were you not Jehovah’s God and Lords?

07/3.25. They perceived, and, after due salutations, were provided with an escort of five hundred thousand men and women; and they departed on their way to Yeshuah.

07/3.26. God (Ah’shong) said: Let M’ghi, Bing‑fo and Nest come before me. They shall be my Lords of dawn in Jehovah’s name.

07/3.27. The three came and stood before the throne. God said: I announce the presence of Jehovah’s Lords of the earth. The marshals said: All hail! O M’ghi, Bing‑fo and Nest, Jehovah’s Lords of Earth!

07/3.28. These were also proclaimed by the united voice of the assembled hosts. God said: In Jehovah’s name, go your ways, O Lords of earth.

07/3.29. At that, the Lords crowned themselves and departed at once, saluting reverently.

07/3.30. God said: Bring the atmospherean marshals before me. They were brought and stationed in front of the throne. God said: Glory to You, O Jehovah! For I look upon Your sons and daughters who have withstood a great darkness, but retained faith in You. In Your name, and by virtue of Your power, I deliver them now. Let him who is chief, answer me: How many angels are prepared for the second resurrection?

07/3.31. Sawni, chief marshal, said: Two hundred million. God said: Retire, you and your companions, and assemble Jehovah’s harvest of souls, and I will send them to Yeshuah.

07/3.32. The atmosphereans were then duly arranged as commanded, and God called a hundred swift messengers and one thousand etherean marshals, and they provided an abattos;[220] and the hosts who had been prepared for the second resurrection departed for Yeshuah, as commanded.

07/3.33. God said: I now have remaining, my etherean hosts and the atmosphereans in darkness. Of the latter, let them remain as they are for three days, for I will travel around the world with my etherean hosts, observing mortals and spirits in their places and habits, so that I may better judge them and provide accordingly.

07/3.34. So God and his etherean angels provided an abattos, and they embarked and started on their journey, traveling imperceptibly to mortals.

CHAPTER 4 Ah’shong

07/4.1. After God and his hosts visited the earth and the lower heaven, they returned to Yeshuah (Jesus) and sat in council on the affairs of mortals and atmosphereans.

07/4.2. The Council of Yeshuah, of which there were one million members, was formed in groups, and these again represented in groups, and these in still other groups. Consequently, a group of one thousand had one speaker, who became the voice of that thousand; of these speakers, one hundred had one voice in council; and of these, ten had one voice before God, and he was the voice of the whole, and Jehovah was his voice. Thus the whole council was represented in all its parts.[221] And this was the manner of proceeding:

07/4.3. God commanded the subject; the council deliberated in thousands, and each speaker became aware of the voice of his group. Then these speakers assembled in groups of one hundred and deliberated, and each of these groups again centered into one voice; and ten of these had one voice before God. Thus it came to pass that the decrees of God were both the wisdom of men and of Jehovah. From this sprang the saying: When God said this, or God commanded that, it was the word of Jehovah expressed by men and angels.

07/4.4. God said: Behold, the heavens and earth have become like gardens grown foul and rank, producing nothing. I have come with a pruning knife and a consuming fire.

07/4.5. God said: I withdraw from the druj and the druk the beneficence[222] of Jehovah’s chosen; I leave them destitute. Who can approach the beggar with wisdom, or the king with inspiration to be good? A drowning man will try to swim; but the reveler in lust must perish before his soul can learn Jehovah.

07/4.6. It is better to labor with a child from infancy, and then to maturity, to teach it rightly, than to strive with a score[223] of conceited adults and fail to redeem one. Who are the mockers of charity more than they who give to those who can help themselves but will not? Wisdom and uprightness of heart are like bread. Do not preach to unwelcome ears; are sermons of wisdom to be forced into men’s souls?

07/4.7. Blessed Jehovah! He made hunger, and so men love bread. Without hunger they would not eat. A wise God drives home to man’s understanding his helplessness in spirit when Jehovah is denied.

07/4.8. Pursue the earth, O my beloved; bring away all light. Pursue the lower heaven of the earth also; bring away all light. I will leave the earth and heaven in darkness one whole year. They shall cry out; their conceit in the dumb wind shall fail.[224]

07/4.9. Have the spirits of heaven not despoiled Hored and Moeb? Do evil spirits and evil men not say: Behold, there is enough! Let us divide the spoils. But they produce nothing. They are devourers; living on others’ substance. The Great Spirit made man to exert; by exertion he grows in wisdom and strength.

07/4.10. They seek ease and comfort; helpless and more helpless they fall; they are on the road to everlasting destruction. Happy is the God who can arouse them.

CHAPTER 5 Ah’shong

07/5.1. God said: Blessed is the surgeon’s knife; its burn is the capital of health regained; but yet a fool will cry out: Stop! Stop! Enough! You inflictor of pain!

07/5.2. Who has an eye like Jehovah? His whipping‑posts are on all sides, but there is a clear road between them. Yet man does not follow it.

07/5.3. Withdraw all good men and good angels; and they who remain would not be half made up.[225] A man without an arm or a leg is only part of a man; a man without perception of the All Person is a deformity in soul. He seeks a home for his own ease and glory; but the Son of Jehovah seeks to find the severest[226] labor that will profit[227] his brethren.

07/5.4. Yeshuah shall be my homestead; here I will bring the fruit of heaven from below; here build my training schools. Seven years my service shall be; and they shall learn the ways of etherea. Build me a house of brotherhood and fill it with willing pupils sworn to labor. I will make them Gods and Lords with power and wisdom.

07/5.5. Behold a man makes a factory and turns out fabric for sale. I make a college and turn out sons and daughters of Jehovah, to give away. Bring me that material which will stand[228] in warp and filling;[229] Jehovah’s fabric shall endure forever. Search out the seed of I’hin, and house them with care, for they shall redeem the earth‑born after I ascend to the Father’s kingdom. And there were brought from earth to Yeshuah one hundred million spirits. And these were divided into first and second best.

CHAPTER 6 Ah’shong

07/6.1. All the first best angels of atmospherea, who were brought away from the earth and housed in Yeshuah, were placed at school and in factories newly made in heaven. These were I’hins.

07/6.2. And the second best spirits were placed in hospitals and nurseries.

07/6.3. Of those who had advanced to receive the second resurrection,[230] God said: Build an etherean ship and take them to Theistivi, in etherea.

07/6.4. So it came to pass there were two hundred million raised to the second resurrection, of grade thirty‑five. Theistivi lies between etherea and Seven A’ji, which is the lowest of the etherean heavens next to an atmospherean abode.[231]

07/6.5. God said: Two qualities remain in Yeshuah, first and second. These shall be the new kingdom after I am ascended. From these I will raise up a God and Lords, and they shall rule over the lower heaven and the earth; and they shall bequeath others after them to rule in like manner.

07/6.6. And so the second light of Jehovah was founded on the fruit of the earth. God’s etherean hosts became a training school to raise up a God, Lords, marshals, es’enaurs, and all other officers, men and women, for a lower heaven. God said: Yeshuah shall not approach nearer the earth; nor shall it be like Hored, where spirits of darkness could easily approach.

07/6.7. Now, the one hundred million spirits, whom God, his Lords and fellow‑laborers had brought from the earth to Yeshuah, were placed in a brotherhood where they were assigned to the places suited to their talents. And God divided the time of study, recreation, music, discipline, marching, and so on, suited to all the people; and it was a place of order and glory.

07/6.8. For without discipline there is nothing; and discipline cannot be without ceremony; nor ceremony without rites, forms and established words. Is it not a foolish soldier who says: Behold, I am wise! I need no discipline, no manual of arms.[232] What more is he than one of an untutored mob?

07/6.9. God said: As I drill them in heaven to make them a unit, so shall you also give rites and ceremonies to mortals, so that, coming into heaven, they do not go back to their old haunts and fall in darkness. Whatever tends to harmonize the behavior of individuals is of the Father; the opposite tends to evil. It is better that men march to the sound of one monotonous word, than not march at all; the value lies not in the word, but in bringing into unison that which was void. A fool says: I do not need to pray, there is no virtue in words. But his soul grows up at variance with Jehovah. Nor is there more virtue in prayer or words, than in marching[233] before Jehovah; for whatever tends to unite men in one expression of soul in harmony, is Jehovah’s.

07/6.10. Sacred dances as well as rites and ceremonies were established in Yeshuah in the name of Jehovah; and the new heaven became a place of delight.

07/6.11. God said: Teach my chosen to labor hard and wisely; and to dance with energy, and to sing with strength and fullness of soul. For what more is there in any man or woman than to learn to put forth? And what more pitiful thing is there in heaven than a man or woman who has but dragged along?

CHAPTER 7 Ah’shong

07/7.1. When all the best spirits of the lower heaven, and those who dwelt with mortals, were taken away and domiciled in Yeshuah, there were only druj (spirits of darkness)[234] left on the face of the earth. For one whole year, God left the earth void of Jehovah’s light.

07/7.2. Mortals loved to commune more with the spirits of their kindred, who knew little of heaven, than they did with ethereans who were wise and holy.

07/7.3. God said: What man or woman have you found who says: Come angels of Jehovah, tell me where I can do more good works, for I thirst, and am hungry to serve Jehovah with all my wisdom and strength in doing good to my fellows?

07/7.4. Rather, they turn away from such angels, and drink in the tales of the strolling druj, and so wrap themselves up in darkness. For this reason they shall find darkness in heaven and earth; and they shall become like one who is sick and broken down in conceit.

07/7.5. When the year of darkness ended, God sent two million pruners around the earth and in the lower heaven of the earth, saying to them: Find all the evil spirits dwelling with mortals, whether they are fetals or familiars, and gather them into one place. Then find the spirits and fairies who have taken caves and waterfalls as their abode on earth, and bring them to the same place. Then find the idiotic and chaotic spirits who dwell on battlefields, and bring them to the same place. Then find the lusters, who dwell in old castles and ruined cities, and in houses of evil, and when they are going out for raids on mortals, seize them and bring them to the same place.

07/7.6. The ethereans went and collected all the evil spirits and the spirits of darkness belonging to the earth, and brought them to a place in atmospherea, and there were nine hundred million of them.

07/7.7. God said: Prepare a suitable ship to transport them to Hudaow, in Ji’ya,[235] and there provide them a kingdom to themselves, giving them a God, Lords and proper officers, to discipline and educate them for Jehovah’s Kingdoms.

07/7.8. They were removed accordingly, and the earth and its lower heaven were purified from evil spirits by the decree of God in Yeshuah, in the second year of the first dawn of dan.

CHAPTER 8 Ah’shong

07/8.1. In the second year of Yeshuah, God (Ah’shong) caused to be established in his heaven, all required places of learning and industry, where es’yans could be educated to good works, and to a general knowledge of Jehovah’s kingdoms. And sufficient ethereans volunteered as teachers and practitioners for all that was required.

07/8.2. God said: Now that the earth and heaven are purified from evil, my Lords shall deliver the es’yans to the asaphs, who shall deliver them to Yeshuah, which I have established a short distance from the earth as a barrier against their returning to mortals. Jehovah says: Do not permit the blind to lead the blind.

07/8.3. And it was so; at the time mortals died, their spirits were taken by the asaphs to Yeshuah; and to make this acceptable to the es’yans, God said: Tell my Lords of the earth to teach mortals by inspiration and otherwise about my kingdom of Yeshuah.

07/8.4. And so it came to pass, through the Lords and the ashars, that is, the guardian spirits with mortals, that the name, Yeshuah (Joshua / Jesus), was established on the earth. God said: In the time of the millennium (Kosmon), men shall say: Where did the name of heavenly things come from? But the origin of Yeshuah shall lie hidden away, and Jehovah will stretch forth His hand in that day and disclose all.

07/8.5. But mortals were thick in tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I. E. Su; from which came the name of many men, Iesu,[236] signifying, without evil, which is the ultimate salvation of the soul.

07/8.6. Jehovah spoke through God, saying: When the end of dawn comes, My emancipated sons and daughters shall return to their places, taking the resurrected with them. But, so that the earth and lower heaven may not be left in darkness, you shall provide a God, Lords, marshals, messengers and all other officers, to rule and teach in My name.

07/8.7. And you shall make them from those born of earth, and they shall hold office for two hundred years, four hundred years, and six hundred years, according to the atmospherean cycles.

07/8.8. Do not permit My etherean hosts to remain longer than dawn, either on the earth or within atmospherea, for I shall take the earth into dark regions in order to build it up to a higher state for the time that comes after.

07/8.9. The voice departed. God said: Let the voice of the council deliberate on this matter, and speak before the Father. For I will provide a heaven in the ancient place of Hored, and it shall be called Bispah, for it shall be a place of reception for the spirits of the dead preparatory to their being brought to Yeshuah.

07/8.10. In due course many of the earth‑born were raised up, and God selected and appointed them to fill the places; and he founded Bispah, and officered it according to the command of Jehovah. After God established in Yeshuah, rites and ceremonies, processions and dances, with sacred words, he commanded his Lords to give the same things to mortals, and so they fulfilled all that was designed from the beginning.

07/8.11. In the seventh year of dawn, God commanded his council to select another God and Lords, and other officers. So the council proceeded according to the method of the ancients, selecting the most learned, purest and holiest, choosing them according to their rank in Godliness. And a record was made of these matters and deposited in the library of Yeshuah.

07/8.12. Then God called in his own Lords of the earth, and he set apart the first day of the new moon as the day on which he would consecrate the God and Lords, his successors; and he called the day Mas, which name endures to this day of the millennium (Kosmon). And further, God established the moon’s day (mas) on the earth as a time of consecration. (And this is the origin of saying mass).

07/8.13. When the chosen were in place before the throne, God said: By command of Jehovah you are brought before me, His Son; in His name I will consecrate you to the places commanded by Him.

07/8.14. The marshals then conducted the one who ranked highest, up to the seat of the throne. God said:

07/8.15. In the name of Jehovah, and by His Power, Wisdom and Love, I ordain you God of heaven and earth. He who receives from my hand receives from my Father, Who raised me up.

07/8.16. The initiate said: All power comes from the Father. All wisdom comes from the Father. All love comes from the Father. In His name and by virtue of His commandments through His Son, I receive all that is put upon me, for His glory, forever!

07/8.17. God then said: Give me a crown, O Father, for Your Son! || A scarlet light descended from above, and God reached forth his hands and wove it into a crown and placed it on the initiate’s head, saying: I crown you God of heaven and earth. And now you shall also receive the Sacred Triangle, which is the heirloom of the Gods of earth. And he hung it around his neck, adding: And since there can be only one God on earth or in this heaven, I uncrown myself in Jehovah’s name, and salute you, O God, God of earth and heaven!

07/8.18. Ah’shong now stood to the right, and God, who was ordained, went and sat on the throne, and red and blue lights descended from above, enveloping him completely, and he was quickened.

07/8.19. He said: Let the initiates for Lords of earth approach the throne of the Most High Jehovah!

07/8.20. The five Lords came forward. God said: Join hands and receive from the Father. By virtue of the Power, Wisdom and Love of Jehovah, vested in me, I receive you as the highest chosen; and I proclaim you Lord of earth,[237] in Jehovah’s name! Accept this crown from heaven above, the like of which cannot be woven from earthly things; by its power, you shall remain in accord with Yeshuah and the kingdoms above.

07/8.21. God fashioned the crowns and then crowned them Lords of the five divisions of the earth. God said: Retire aside and choose your messengers and officers, and after ordaining them, depart to the kingdom prepared for you. The Lords said:

07/8.22. In Your name, O Jehovah, I accept that which You have put upon me. With all my wisdom, strength and love I will serve You, O my Father, Jehovah!

07/8.23. The Lords retired; and the es’enaurs sang, more than a million voices in concert!

CHAPTER 9 Ah’shong

07/9.1. Now the time had come for the end of the first dawn of dan after the creation of man. And this was known in the etherean heavens, where countless millions of Jehovah’s emancipated sons and daughters lived. And, as might be expected, they decided to descend, which they did from all sides, to witness the labors of Ah’shong, and to receive his works as a profitable lesson for their own future on other new worlds.[238]

07/9.2. Consequently, distant stars began to appear in the firmament, approaching; and these were the etherean ships from remote places, where the name of Ah’shong had been known for thousands of years. From all sides they came, growing ever brighter and larger.

07/9.3. Ah’shong spoke to his companions, saying: Make ready, O my beloved. My friends and your friends are coming. Put our ship in order. Light the pillars of fire and spread out the sails, shining, so that they may be glorified in Jehovah’s name.

07/9.4. The proper persons accomplished these things. Now, the etherean ship of Ah’shong was anchored east of Yeshuah; and so great was its size that there was room not only for the ethereans of Anakaron, but for more than three hundred million of the redeemed of earth to ascend with them.

07/9.5. Ah’shong said: When our friends arrive, we shall join them and make an excursion around the earth, discovering its rank and glorious promises; but as to the nine hundred million drujas which I sent off to Hudaow, in Ji’ya, we shall pass there on our way to Anakaron.

07/9.6. Brighter and brighter grew the descending stars, the etherean ships from faraway worlds; and larger and larger, till in majesty they neared Yeshuah. Ah’shong then came down and sat at the foot of the throne, according to the custom of Gods. God came down and took him by the hand, saying: Son of Jehovah, you who make yourself the least of men, arise, and take your hosts, and embark in Jehovah’s ship, going wherever you will. Ah’shong rose up. The es’enaurs and trumpeters played and sang. Then Ah’shong said:

07/9.7. One more love I have in the world, O Jehovah. I go from Yeshuah, but my love remains. To you, O God, I will look back in hope and love, for you were raised by me. And to your Lords what less could I say? Yes, and to all the hosts I leave within these realms.

07/9.8. Ah’shong touched God’s right hand, and then saluting, with the third sign of emeth[239] to Jehovah, departed, and the marshals conducted him off to the ship.

07/9.9. Ah’shong and his etherean hosts rose up in curtains of light; and presently the ship was loosened from its anchorage and floated upward, and all the angels entered it; and the sails were spread out, and the mantles suspended on every side, till the whole vessel, with its thousands of masts and arcs, looked like a world on fire. The inhabitants of Yeshuah feared and trembled at the mighty works of the Gods and Goddesses; and yet, as the es’enaurs on the departing ship chanted, more than a million voices, the Yeshuans sang with them, amid their tears, with souls overflowing, with awe, love and admiration.

07/9.10. In that same time the descending stars of other Gods and Goddesses, the etherean ships from faraway worlds, were drawing nearer and nearer; and, on every side, the firmament was alive with worlds on fire.

07/9.11. Presently they came, first one and then another of the ethereans, and they made fast to Ah’shong’s ship, until more than five hundred ships were united into one mighty vessel, and yet so near to Yeshuah that all could be seen.

07/9.12. And when they had united there were countless millions of angels in close proximity, many who had known one another for thousands of years; and some who were older than the earth, and knew its history. And these had companions as old as themselves; and they were ripe in experience with corporeal earths, stars and suns in other regions of Jehovah’s kingdoms.

07/9.13. So great was the wisdom of these Gods and Goddesses, that to come within the earth’s atmosphere was sufficient to enable them to read all the souls and prayers of mortals, and all the thoughts and desires of the spirits of the lower heaven belonging to the earth. To each and all of them, the voice of Jehovah was ever present, and their power was equal to their wisdom.

07/9.14. Jehovah has said: To the corporean I have given power to hear one or two things at the same time; but My Gods can intelligently hear tens of thousands of people speaking at the same time. Yes, they can find a way to answer them also.

07/9.15. When the ships were ready for departure, Ah’shong said: Let us pass low over Yeshuah, and you shall hear and see those I have founded in a new heaven. His companions said: Jehovah’s will be done. So they proceeded; and after they had visited Yeshuah they descended to the earth, and throughout the places of the Lords; and when they had seen all, and heard the explanation from those with Ah’shong, regarding the state of the earth and its heavens, they rose higher and higher, and sailed toward Anakaron, where Ah’shong had invited them for repast[240] and social intercourse.

07/9.16. Thus the ethereans departed from the earth and atmospherea. This, then, was the beginning of the cycles of dan; and the first dawn was closed and past.

07/9.17. And the earth Gods, that is, the Lords, who were now called Adonya, were of those brought forth out of the earth. And God, who had dominion in the atmospherea of the earth, was also an earth‑born; and so were all the angels in atmospherea the product of the earth.

07/9.18. And in Jehovah’s name the Lords and God were appointed and crowned to rule in their respective places, and by this means they became the instruments of Jehovah for His glory.

07/9.19. Jehovah said: Whoever serves Me, in My name, is My son, or My daughter. The Light of My Judgment falls upon them sufficient for the time and place. To the extent that you honor them, you honor Me also. Through the flowers of the field I express Myself in color and perfume; through the lion and mastodon I express Myself with power and voraciousness; through the lamb and the dove I express Myself in meekness and docility. Through man I express Myself in words and actions; and all men, the wise and the ignorant, are channels of My expression. Some have thick tongues and poor speech, nevertheless they are My babes, My sons and daughters.

07/9.20. Jehovah said: After the Se’muan age, I gave to the earth from My etherean heavens sons and daughters, and they abode with mortals for three thousand years. And My ethereans established loo’is on the lands of the earth; and they commanded the loo’is, saying to them: Your office[241] is to lead mortals by inspiration to dwell together, man and woman, as husband and wife; and in such adaptation that their offspring shall rise higher in wisdom, love and power, than the father and mother.

07/9.21. Jehovah said: I will confound the wise man in the latter days; for he will not discover why man and woman did not live indiscriminately, like the beasts. Yes, I will show him that those who profess Me are led by Me; and those who deny Me go down to indiscriminate communion. Out of My works, the lessons of the early days of the earth shall show the presence of My hand from the beginning. By My loo’is, man and woman were inspired to raise up sons and daughters who would glorify Me and My works; by My loo’is, I have maintained My foothold among mortals.

07/9.22. Those who could comprehend Me, having faith that My presence in Person would ultimately triumph for the highest and best, I commanded to be called Believers (Faithists). Since the beginning, I have kept a thread of this line inhabiting the earth and her heavens. ||

07/9.23. The first harvest, then, was two hundred years, and the number of Brides and Bridegrooms was six hundred million, of grade ninety‑two.

07/9.24. The second harvest was two hundred years, and was eight hundred million angels, of grade eighty‑nine.

07/9.25. The third harvest was six hundred years, and was two billion angels, of grade eighty‑three.

07/9.26. The fourth harvest was five hundred years, and was two billion three hundred million angels, of grade seventy‑four.

07/9.27. The fifth harvest was three hundred years, and was six hundred million angels, of grade sixty‑two.

07/9.28. The sixth harvest was four hundred years, and nine hundred million angels, of grade fifty‑one.

07/9.29. And this was the last harvest; for none after that were of sufficient grade to live in the etherean heavens.

07/9.30. And now wars began in atmospherea, thousands of angels against thousands, and millions against millions.

07/9.31. For the possession of sections of the earth, and its mortal inhabitants, these millions of warring angels went forth. And it came to pass that mortals also fell to war; and, by the obsessing angels, were made to destroy their own cities and kingdoms.

07/9.32. And the attractions of this great wickedness caused other angels of heaven to desert their schools and factories, and descend down to mortals.

07/9.33. Thus again, the kingdoms of God and his Lords were reduced to impotence; the harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms had long since ceased to be.

07/9.34. At the end of the second cycle there were six billion angels in atmospherea, who, for the most part, were in darkness; not knowing who they were, or where they dwelt; neither knowing nor caring whether or not there were other heavens.


Second Book of Lords

Of the second cycle, being contemporaneous with the Book of Ah’shong, Son of Jehovah.

CHAPTER 1 Second Lords

08/1.1. In the beginning man was naked and not ashamed; but the Lord raised him up and told him to hide his nakedness, and man obeyed, and was clothed.

08/1.2. And the Lord walked beside man for a long season, showing him the way of resurrection; and man was obedient, depending on the Lord for all things.

08/1.3. And the Lord said to man: Behold, I have walked with you, and taught you; but because of my indulgence, you have neglected to put forth your own energy.

08/1.4. Now I am going away from you for a season, so that you may learn to develop yourself.

08/1.5. But lest you stumble and fall, I leave certain commandments with you, and they shall be a guide to you and your heirs forever.

08/1.6. Hear, then, the commandments of the Lord your God.

08/1.7. You shall love your Creator with all your mind, heart and soul, all the days of your life.

08/1.8. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself.

08/1.9. Because you were born into the world without covering, you shall clothe yourself.

08/1.10. Then man inquired of the Lord: Behold, you have shown the ass[242] what is good for him to eat, and the fish, the serpent and the lion; you have shown every living creature except man. What then shall I eat?

08/1.11. The Lord said: I give you everything that grows up out of the ground that is good to eat, and they shall be food for you.

08/1.12. But you shall not eat anything of flesh and blood, in which life is.

08/1.13. For you shall not kill.

08/1.14. Man inquired of the Lord: You have shown the males and females of all the living, the times and periods to come together; but man and woman you have not shown.

08/1.15. The Lord said: You shall learn from the beasts, birds and fishes that the female during gestation is in the keeping of her Creator.

08/1.16. Therefore you shall also respect the times of woman.[243]

08/1.17. Man inquired of the Lord: You have shown the bird how to build her nest, the carnivore how to scent the subtle track of his prey, and the spider to weave his net; but as to the design of man’s house, or the herbs that are good, or poisonous, you have not shown man.

08/1.18. The Lord said: All the instinct that is in the bird, beast, fish, insect, or creeping thing, was created with them, but man was created blank; and yet man shall attain to more subtle senses than any other living creature.

08/1.19. Man inquired: How shall man attain to these?

08/1.20. The Lord answered: Serve your Creator by doing good to others with all your wisdom and strength, and by being true to your own highest light, and all knowledge will come to you.

08/1.21. So the Lord left man to himself for a season; and man so loved the earth and whatever ministered to his ease and flesh desires, that he fell from his high estate. And great darkness came upon the earth. And man cast aside his clothes, went naked, and became carnal[244] in his desires.

 CHAPTER 2 Second Lords

08/2.1. The Lord went abroad over the earth, calling: Come to me, O man! Behold your Lord has returned!

08/2.2. But man did not hear the voice of the Lord; for, by man’s indulgence, the spirit of man was covered up in his own flesh.[245]

08/2.3. To the I’hins, the Lord sent his loo’is and they raised up heirs to the Lord; by controlling the parentage of the unborn, they brought into the world a new race of men, of the same seed and blood as of old, and these heard the voice of the Lord.

08/2.4. And the Lord said to man: Because you did not keep my commandments, you have brought affliction upon yourself and your people, to the farthest ends of the world.

08/2.5. Now I will raise you up once more, and deliver the tribes of men from darkness into light.

08/2.6. And the Lord delivered man into wisdom, peace and virtue; and the earth became like a garden of sweet‑smelling flowers and luxurious fruit.

08/2.7. The Lord said: What do you say, O man? Shall you still require a keeper?

08/2.8. And man said: Behold, I am strong and wise. You can go away from the earth. I understand your commandments.

08/2.9. The Lord inquired: Do you know the meaning of: Love your Creator? And man said: Yes, Lord; and to love my neighbor as myself; and to do good to others with all my wisdom and strength. Yes, I have the All Highest Light. I am wiser than the ancients. Behold, I want no Lord, no God; I am the highest product of all the universe.

08/2.10. The Lord said: I will try you, O man; I will go away for a season.

08/2.11. So the Lord departed once more. And man had nothing to look up to, so he looked at himself and became vainglorious. And the tribes of men aspired to overcome one another; war and destruction followed.

08/2.12. Man forgot his Creator; he said: No Eye sees me, no Ear hears me. And he neglected to guard himself against the serpent (corporeality; self); and the serpent said to him: Partake of all things, for they are yours.

08/2.13. And man heeded, and, lo and behold, the race of man descended into utter darkness. And man did not distinguish his sister or mother; and woman did not distinguish her brother or father.[246]

08/2.14. And God saw the wickedness of man, and he called out, saying: Hear my voice, O man! Hear the voice of the Lord!

08/2.15. But because of man’s darkness he could not hear the voice of God, his Lord.

08/2.16. And the Lord sent his angels down to man, so they could appeal to man’s understanding.

08/2.17. But the angels also loved darkness, and did not strive to lift man out of darkness. And the Lord had no more influence among mortals, and he departed away from the earth. And on the earth, man became like a harvest that is blighted and rotten because of its rankness.


Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles

Being forty‑eight thousand years (i.e., two gadols);[247] covering a period from the creation of man down to the submersion of the continent of Pan, called by the ancients, the flood, or deluge, which was twenty‑four thousand years B.K. (i.e., one gadol Before The millennium (Kosmon)[248]), selected from the records in the libraries of heaven.

CHAPTER 1 Synopsis

09/1.1. First, the earth travels in a circuit around the sun, which is divided into four arcs called spring, summer, autumn and winter.

09/1.2. Second, the sun, with his family, travels in a large circuit, which is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance for each arc being about three thousand years, or one cycle.[249]

09/1.3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens travel through the etherean regions of hundreds of etherean worlds, which are inhabited by Jehovah’s high‑raised angels, whose Chiefs are involved in the management of worlds.

09/1.4. During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of such angels of Jehovah for the resurrection of man of the earth.

09/1.5. At the time of man’s creation,[250] the earth was traveling in the arc of Wan, where thousands of Orian Chiefs live, with billions of high‑raised angels.

09/1.6. The Holy Council of Orian Chiefs, through the Wisdom and Voice of Jehovah, appointed one of their number, Sethantes (an archangel), to take charge of the earth, and to people it with immortal beings, during its travel in Wan.

09/1.7. The rank and title of Sethantes, thus raised up by Jehovah, Creator of worlds, became, First God of the earth and her heavens.

09/1.8. And Sethantes had come with millions of angels, who had been previously raised up from other worlds, and he accomplished his work, and was known as God.

09/1.9. Sethantes was, then, the first God of the earth and her heavens, and his place was within the arc of Wan. And during his cycle of three thousand years, he raised up from the earth, one billion five hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah.

09/1.10. After Sethantes came Ah’shong, sub‑Chief in the realms of Hieu Wee in the Haian arc of Vehetaivi. And during the cycle of Anakaron, also three thousand years, Ah’shong raised up from the earth, a harvest of seven billion two hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms.

09/1.11. The third cycle was under the dominion of Hoo Le, surveyor of Kakayen’sta in the arc of Gimmel, and his harvest was three billion seven hundred million.

09/1.12. The fourth cycle was under C’pe Aban, Chieftainess of Sulgoweron in the arc of Yan, and her harvest was four billion eight hundred million.

09/1.13. The fifth cycle was under Pathodices, road‑maker in Chitivya in the arc of Yahomitak, and his harvest was six billion four hundred million.

09/1.14. The sixth cycle was under Goemagak, God of Iseg, in the arc of Somgwothga, and his harvest was seven billion nine hundred million.

09/1.15. The seventh cycle was under Goepens, God of Kaim, in the arc of Srivat, and his harvest was nine billion three hundred million.

09/1.16. The eighth cycle was under Hycis, Goddess of Ruts, in the arc of Hohamagollak, and her harvest was nine billion four hundred million.

09/1.17. The ninth cycle was under See’itcicius, inspector of roads in Kammatra, in the arc of Jusyin, and his harvest was ten billion one hundred million.

09/1.18. The tenth cycle was under Miscelitivi, Chieftainess of the arches of Lawzgowbak, in the arc of Nu, and her harvest was ten billion eight hundred million.

09/1.19. And now the earth was full of people; all the continents and islands of the earth were inhabited by man; nor was there any wilderness left where man did not dwell.

09/1.20. But the generation of man had fallen from thirty‑three years down to twelve years. And man and woman were at maturity at seven years old; and not many lived above thirty years; but they were prolific; many of the mothers bringing forth two score (40) sons and daughters, and from two to four babies at a birth.

09/1.21. And man dwelt in peace. The earth was tilled, and it brought forth abundantly everything that was good for man to eat and to clothe himself with. In those days, there were great cities of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, and thousands and thousands of such cities in all the five great divisions of the earth. And man built ships and sailed over the ocean in all directions, around the whole world. By the angels of the Lord, he was taught and guided in all things. And man had books, both written and printed; and in schools, the young were taught knowledge regarding the sun, moon, stars, and all things that are upon the earth and in its waters. This was, therefore, called the first period of civilization on the earth.

09/1.22. Now, for the most part, all the people had become I’hins, small, white and yellow.[251] Nevertheless there were ground people, with long arms, who were large; but they dwelt by themselves, and their food was of all types of flesh, fish and creeping things. The ground people were brown and black, and they lived to be two hundred, and even four hundred years old.

09/1.23. Jehovah said: In the early days I raised up I’huans, and I gave them certain commandments, among which was, not to cohabit with the druks lest they go down in darkness. But they did not obey My words; and lo and behold, they are lost from the face of the earth.

09/1.24. Because the I’hins have become a spiritual people and have prospered in peace and spirit, behold, they have degenerated in the corporeal body. They yield abundant harvests for My etherean realms, but they are like untimely births.

09/1.25. Now I will bring the earth into a’jiyan fields and forests for a long season; for I shall again reproduce the I’huans; and the time of a generation shall be thirty‑three years. For My harvests shall be of fruit that is mature and full of ripeness.

09/1.26. And Jehovah brought the earth into new regions in the etherean worlds, and covered it over with a’ji, east and west and north and south.[252]


i011 3w Earth in A'ji


i011 The Earth in A’ji. Showing the earth (white spot in center) immersed in a’ji.


09/1.27. And it came to pass that many of the I’hins lost the generative desire and, so, did not bring forth many heirs. But the brown people burnt with desires, and they laid hold of the I’hin women when they went into the fields, and forced them, and thus brought forth again the I’huan race, the copper‑colored, strong, bright and quick.

09/1.28. Accordingly the eleventh cycle, which was under Gobath, God of Tirongothaga, in the arc of Su’le, brought forth a harvest of six billion seven hundred million.

09/1.29. The twelfth cycle was under F’aiyis, Goddess of Looga, in the arc of Siyan, and her harvest was two billion six hundred million.

09/1.30. The thirteenth cycle was under Zineathaes, keeper of the Cross, in the arc of Oleganaya, and his harvest was one billion two hundred million.

09/1.31. The fourteenth cycle was under Tothsentaga, road‑maker in Hapanogos, in the arc of Manechu, and his harvest was only six hundred million.

09/1.32. The fifteenth cycle was under Nimeas, God of Thosgothamachus, in the arc of Seigga, and his harvest was only forty million.

09/1.33. The sixteenth cycle was under Neph, God of Sogghonnes, in the arc of Arbroohk, but he failed to bring forth any harvest.

CHAPTER 2 Synopsis

09/2.1. God, who was Neph, said: Hear my prayer, O Jehovah! The earth and her heavens have gone down in darkness.

09/2.2. The I’hin has been destroyed in all the divisions of the earth except Whaga.

09/2.3. More than thirty billion angels are gathered on the surface of the earth, and they are too low in grade to be delivered.

09/2.4. What shall Your God do, O Father?

09/2.5. Mortals are descending in breed and blood; they inhabit the earth as diseased vermin.

09/2.6. Their cities are destroyed, and they live in the manner of four‑footed beasts.

09/2.7. The inspiration of Your God and his angels can no longer reach them.

09/2.8. When they die and enter these heavens they are like festering sores on one another, billions of them.

09/2.9. For three thousand years I have labored with them, but the abundance of their darkness outmatches Your God.

09/2.10. What shall I do with them, O Father! How shall Your God deliver so great a carcass of death?

09/2.11. But Jehovah did not answer the prayer of God; left him to consult with other Gods in the higher heavens.

09/2.12. But in etherea, Jehovah spoke to His Orian Chiefs, saying: As I try mortals, so do I try angels; as I try them, so do I try My Gods. Forever and ever I keep before them the testimony of an All Higher.

09/2.13. || Now on earth, it came about that the time of a generation of mortals had risen from twelve years to eighty years. Many mortals lived to be three hundred years old, and they had become very large, twice the size of men of this day.[253] But they were without judgment and of little sense,[254] and hardly knowing their own species. And they mingled together,[255] relatives as well as others; so that idiocy and disease were the general fate of the tribes of men; but they were large, strong and prolific. ||

09/2.14. The following is the grade of declension in the heavens of the earth; that is, including when Kishalon had changed the period of generation from twelve years into the upper grades, namely:

09/2.15. Abner, seventh cycle, enduring three thousand two hundred years in Hastaf, etherean a’ji seven, Hoe’tan, grade ninety‑nine.

09/2.16. Enseeni, Goddess of Marsef, etherea, dan of Gem, enduring three thousand years, grade ninety‑three.

09/2.17. Boaz, God of Hom, Orian field, dan of Josh, enduring two thousand seven hundred years, grade eighty‑eight.

09/2.18. Da’ivi, Goddess of Wowitski in a’ji thirty‑six, dan of Ruth, enduring two thousand nine hundred years, grade eighty‑two.

09/2.19. Lia’mees, Goddess of War[256] in Broek, dan forty, Orian field, Semsi, enduring three thousand years, grade seventy‑seven.

09/2.20. Divi’yas, God of Hut in Habak, ji’ya twenty‑two, Neth, enduring three thousand one hundred years, grade sixty‑nine.

09/2.21. Roa’yis’yis, Goddess of Tamak, Bent, one of Hud’du’owts, enduring three thousand seven hundred years, grade sixty‑one.

09/2.22. Yij, Chief of Orian field, Lud in Goo, dan seventy‑four, enduring two thousand six hundred years, grade fifty‑eight.

09/2.23. Gul’yaniv, Chieftainess, Orian field, Ob’Low in ji’ya forty, enduring three thousand four hundred years, grade fifty‑one.

09/2.24. From this time onward there was found no grade in the roadway of the solar phalanx (great serpent), sufficiently dense for the angels of the heavens of the earth.

CHAPTER 3 Synopsis

09/3.1. Jehovah moved upon the etherean worlds in the wide regions where the great serpent traveled. His voice went forth, and among the counselors, the high ruling chieftains of the exalted kingdoms in the firmament, He spoke, saying:

09/3.2. Hear me, O Chieftains! Be farseeing in My traveling worlds, and alert to My words. Behold the red star, the earth, has attained her maturity! As a daughter comes forth in the prime of life, so stands the young earth in her glory. For fifty thousand years she has played her part as an ornament of heaven and a harvester of bright souls for My exalted regions in the firmament.

09/3.3. Gather together, O you Orian Chiefs and you etherean Goddesses, and you who dwell in the roadway of the great serpent. Call a council of My everlasting rulers of worlds; and include those who plant My a’jian gardens and My ji’ay’an fields; and those who whirl My nebulous vortices in the firmament. ||

09/3.4. The voice of Jehovah extended across the wide universe, and those who were high raised in the management of worlds heard and comprehended.

09/3.5. And in the etherean gardens of Senaya, near the roadway of the solar phalanx, there assembled millions of Jehovah’s highest; and the place was like a park, larger than a hundred times the size of the earth; and on every side lay the crystalline borders of etherean worlds. And when they were assembled, Jehovah spoke out of the light inherent, saying:

09/3.6. Sixteen times, My etherean hosts have redeemed the earth and her heavens from darkness into light, and yet before the end of a cycle she falls again, and her atmospherea with her. And now her heavens are again filled with billions of spirits who do not know Me and My emancipated worlds. Speak, O Gods and Goddesses.

09/3.7. Sut’Loo spoke first, saying: O Jehovah, I have heard; I have seen. Too prolific is the earth, the young daughter of heaven. Too prolific is the red star of the firmament.

09/3.8. Next spoke Ka’waha, saying: You have spoken, O Jehovah! The rich earth is too prolific, O Father. Her mortals are overpowered by her atmospherean hosts. Her people build up cities and nations for a season after dawn, but soon they are flooded over by fetals and drujas, and the mortals devour one another like beasts of prey.

09/3.9. Chi’jong said: Her people have tilled all the soil of the earth and covered it over with cities; but where are they? Her people have been learned in the matters of heaven and earth, but their knowledge is dissipated by the dread hand of war.

09/3.10. Dhu’itta said: Her people become wise in a day, but on the next, they are fools. One generation becomes skilled in books, and in knowledge of the sun, moon and stars, and in the mathematics of corporeal things; but a generation follows, and lo, her people are cannibals again.

09/3.11. Gaw’zin said: I have heard, O Jehovah! I have witnessed, O Father! The red star is too prolific. She is like a garden too rich! Her products are overgrown, and they fall down and doubly enrich the soil again, to reproduce an imperfect giant stalk that is barren. So are her sons and daughters; they all run to earthly substances.

09/3.12. Loo’wan said: Great Spirit, I have heard, I have seen. We gather the earth’s harvests for You, O Jehovah, but they are small. We gather the earth’s harvests of dark spirits, O Jehovah, and they are ten times larger. Behold, there is no balance between them.

09/3.13. Thus spoke the Gods and Goddesses, till thousands of them had spoken. After that the voice of Jehovah spoke, saying:

09/3.14. You are blessed, My Sons and Daughters. How can you bequeath the administration of the earth and her heaven to the earth‑born, till she is made suitable as a gift from My hand? Now hear Me, O My Sons and Daughters: I made five great divisions of the earth, and they have all been fully inhabited and tilled by mortals. Yes, on all the divisions of the earth there have been great cities and nations, and men and women of great learning.

09/3.15. And as often as they are raised up in light, so are they again cast down in darkness because of the great desire of the spirits of the dead to return back to the earth. These druj return to mortals and fasten upon them as fetals or as familiars, and inspire them to evil. Go now to the earth, O My beloved, and find the division of the earth where most of these druj congregate, for I will uproot their stronghold; I will break them from their haunts and they shall no longer carry My people down to destruction.

09/3.16. And now the council deliberated, and after a while, caused the records of the earth and her atmospherea to be examined, and they discovered that the heaven of the land of Whaga (Pan) was beyond redemption because of the great numbers of the spirits of the cannibals and the multitude of fetals. The condition of Whaga and her heaven was as if a disease in the flesh healed over externally, leaving the root of the disease within; accordingly, the redemption of the cycles did not remain with her, but evil broke out continually in a new way.

09/3.17. So Jehovah said: Now I will prune the earth and her heaven. Behold, the division of Whaga shall be hewn off and cast beneath the waters of the ocean. Her heaven shall no longer be tenable[257] by the spirits of destruction, for I will rend[258] its foundation and scatter them in the winds of heaven.

09/3.18. Go, therefore, down to the earth and provide nets and vanchas[259] for receiving the spirits of darkness, and for receiving the spirits of mortals who shall perish in the waters. Also provide a place in My exalted heavens suitable for them; and you shall put walls around them in heaven so they cannot escape, but can be weaned from evil.

09/3.19. And when you have come to the earth and its heavens, acquaint My God and his Lords with My decree. And say to them: Thus says Jehovah: Behold, behold, I will sink the land of Whaga beneath the waters of the ocean, and her heaven I will carry away to a place in My firmament, where she shall no longer engulf My people in darkness. And Jehovah says: Go, O God of heaven, and you, O Lord of Whaga, down to My chosen, the I’hins, and say to them: Thus says the Great Spirit: Behold, behold, I will sink the lands of the earth beneath the ocean, because of the evil of the spirits of darkness. Hear Me, O My chosen, and heed My commandments: Begin now, all hands, and build ships in all places, even in the valleys and on the mountains, and let My faithful gather together within the ships, for My hand is surely stretched over the earth. ||

09/3.20. And you shall also proclaim to the earth and her heaven that from the first, even in the ancient days, I proclaimed My three worlds to all people, which are: My corporeal world, the lower heavens belonging to it, and My etherean heavens, which are in the firmament above. And I said: The first glory is of the earth, on which is paradise when man obeys My commandments; and the second glory, which is greater than the first, I created for the spirits of the dead, but I bound the lower heaven to the earth so it would travel with it, so that the communion of the dead with the living could add a glory to both. But the upper heaven, I made the highest of all glories, and I filled the etherean firmament with countless etherean worlds for the dwelling places of those who rose in the third resurrection.

09/3.21. And I sent down from the exalted heavens to the lower heavens and earth, My holy angels, over whom I appointed Gods and Lords in the majesty of My dominions. And they came proclaiming these things in My name, teaching both mortals and spirits how to live so they could rise and inherit My illuminated worlds.

09/3.22. And because man was without knowledge, My Gods and Lords appointed certain masters of generations (loo’is), who were ethereans of great wisdom, to remain with mortals and inspire marriages that would best promote spiritual growth from the start. And there came forth among all people, certain ones capable of sar’gis and su’is,[260] and they obeyed the commandments of My Gods and Lords, forsaking[261] evil and striving to serve the spirit, choosing Me above all things. For which reason, I chose them also, and called them I’hins.

09/3.23. For as much as they commenced[262] putting away self and serving Me while they were yet in corpor, so were they not born in the spirit world before their full time. And yet there are others not of full birth[263] who have not, in the corporeal form, begun to triumph in spirit over their own flesh. ||

09/3.24. Jehovah said: Go forth, O My sons and daughters, and prune My vineyard.

09/3.25. Ask My God of the earth and his Lords with him, to gather together all the angels of the earth, from east to west and from north to south; and bring them to the land of Whaga.

09/3.26. My etherean ships of fire shall surround Whaga on every side. And I will cut loose the foundations of the earth, at the borders of the ocean and the mountains of Gan; neither shall any prop nor cornerstone stop My hand. And I will send rains, winds and thundering; and the waters of the great deep shall come upon the lands; and the great cities shall go down and be swallowed in the sea.

09/3.27. And the rich valleys of Mai, with her thousand cities, shall be pierced with the madness of men and women fleeing before the waters of the ocean. And women and children shall fall by the wayside and be drowned; and men shall go down in the water and not rise.

09/3.28. And the wide plains of Og, with her thousand cities and the great capital of Penj, and the temples of Khu, Bart, Gan and Saing, shall sink to rise no more. And in the deluge, the air of heaven shall be filled with the screaming and wailing of millions of mortals going down to destruction.

09/3.29. I will rescue them from darkness; I will carry them to a’jian regions, which I previously created for spirits of darkness; and I will appoint over them, Gods and Goddesses, to teach them of Me and My kingdoms.

09/3.30. And the earth and her heavens shall take a new start among My habitable worlds. ||

09/3.31. In all these ways, then, I have provided labor for My high-raised angels in the places I created, says Jehovah.


Book of Aph, Son of Jehovah

Being the heavenly records of Aph, son of Nin’ya, Most Holy Daughter of Jehovah, and of his companion, Fiatisi, pertaining to the submersion of the continent of Whaga (afterward called Pan, signifying earth). And this period was commonly called the deluge, or flood of waters.


10/1.1. In the time of the world twenty‑four thousand years[264] before the millennial (Kosmon) era, the great serpent being in the arc of Noe, in the etherean heavens, and of the Sum of Howt and ji’ya eighty‑seven, the earth and her heavens were in great darkness. But the spirit of Jehovah moved upon His high‑raised God, Aph, in etherea, to consecrate new dominions on the earth and her heavens. Aph said:

10/1.2. I, Aph, Son of Jehovah, God in the arc of Noe, in Sum of Howt, in etherea, came to hada, heaven of the red star, in Jehovah’s name. In His wisdom, power and love, manifested in my own resurrection, to become companion to Gods, Goddesses and Orian Chiefs on the thrones of high heaven, proclaim:

10/1.3. To the atmospherean spirits of the earth, and to the spirits of the first, second and third resurrections,[265] abiding on the earth or near it, either with mortals or without; to their God and Lords, and to their Savior, and to all holy ones raised up by Jehovah for the redemption of men and angels:

10/1.4. The voice of Jehovah, Creator of worlds, came to me, in the arc of Noe, saying:

10/1.5. I am the All Highest! My service extends forever. I do not go, but I am far away. I do not come, and yet I am near. My voice is in all places. The light of the soul of man hears Me. I speak in the vine that creeps, and in the strong‑standing oak.

10/1.6. Hear the voice of your Creator, O angels of heaven. Carry the wisdom of My utterance down to mortals. Call them to the glories of the heavens and the broad earth. Behold, My voice is in the rocks, and in the wind that blows, and in all things that do not have tongues.

10/1.7. Show them My suns and stars in the firmament above; for they are My written words. My voice proceeds in the space of heaven; the wise angels of My exalted places hear the sound going forth. Listen to My speech, O spirits of the dead; proclaim Me, O Gods and Goddesses.

10/1.8. They look for Me, like they look for things;[266] they listen for My voice, like they listen for a man’s voice. And they do not find Me, or hear what I have spoken. Yet none can efface[267] My words; My wisdom endures forever. Behold, I do not come as a sound to the ear; My voice goes quickly into the soul from all sides.

10/1.9. Teach them, O angels; they do not look in the right way; their ears are turned after loud claps and noises. They cry out: Alas, I do not hear the voice of Jehovah; He has not spoken; no man has heard His voice; He is the All Silent, and dumber[268] than the things He created.

10/1.10. They have turned away from My God and My Lords; they have shut themselves up in conceit and darkness. They have peopled the air of the earth with spirits of darkness, the drujas of men of darkness, and cannibals. Their fetals float back upon them; like devouring vermin they burrow deep in pollution.

10/1.11. Remember them, O God, My Son, and you, My Lords of earth. Have no pity, but be like a surgeon’s knife upon them. You have told them, O God, that Jehovah lives and reigns; His voice stands the All Highest. But they have mocked you and your Lords, and turned away, going after iniquity.

10/1.12. They are fearful lest they believe in My Person and My voice; but of their own gabble[269] they have no fear. They criticize Me and My God and Lords; but they own[270] that they do not know Me. They suppose My exalted heavens are without order and discipline; My captains they ignore, and the teachings of My holy ones are criticized by men of straw.[271]

10/1.13. Have they not said: Who is God, that I should adore? And the Lord, that I should listen? But I turn their eyes to the armies of earth; to the general and the captain. Then they say: Ah, our affairs on earth are officered and disciplined; we revere our highest, great captains.

10/1.14. Shall they turn God away, and the Lord? What shall the Creator do to please them? Is the name of My general (God), and My captain (Lord), not My own creation? Who founded the name of God and the name of the Lord? Why are they not pleased with My Gods and My Lords?

10/1.15. Hear Me, O you etherean Gods and Goddesses; they do not desire wisdom and resurrection. Their love lies in darkness. To eat, to sleep and to devour[272] are the delights of their souls. The first lesson of life they have not learned; the first heaven of the earth is to them the All of the created worlds.

10/1.16. Hear My judgment upon them, O My holy angels long risen. For I have raised them up again and again; I have founded lower heavens for them so they could learn; but they fall the moment My Gods leave them alone.

10/1.17. Now I will carry away their heaven and earth, and they shall be seen no more forever. But the drujas and fetals shall be carried to Hautuon and cast into walls of fire.[273] And they shall be divided up into groups; kin shall be torn away from kin, friend from friend, mother from daughter, and father from son; for they have become like absorbents, sucking one another continually.

10/1.18. And the walls of the fire shall go up around them without ceasing, and they shall not escape. And those who guard them shall keep them from one another, so that they do no evil. Neither shall they sleep nor rest, but they shall be stirred up and made to know that they are alive, and can exist independent of fetal (sucking).

10/1.19. Hear My voice, O God, and command your Lord to proclaim on the earth. Have I not made an example before mortals? See the carrion[274] that rots in the field. Is it not the feast of the hyena, wolf and buzzard? Do worms not come to life in it and in turn devour the carcass that brought them forth?

10/1.20. What more is the earth (Pan) to these spirits of evil and darkness? What more is their first heaven than a place of perpetual devouring? Have they not made it a place of everlasting destruction? They visit their evils upon mortals; the young child cannot escape them, nor can the middle‑aged, nor the old man, nor the old woman.

10/1.21. The heavenly kingdoms founded by Gods and Lords have become pest houses for drujas and fetals; there is no place left for founding the upright and virtuous in heart.

10/1.22. Are My Gods and Lords servants to an evil world? And shall they find only rottenness to deal with? Now I have answered in the firmament of My holy sons and daughters. I have called them from remote places in heaven to witness the work of My hand. For as I made the earth and its heaven, so do I rule over it to the same end for which I created it.

10/1.23. When they are short of My measure, I lengthen them out; when they run foul, I prune them to My own liking; for they are Mine. Behold, the fool has said: Jehovah has made a failure! He has created a world for a certain purpose, but it runs foul of His mark!

10/1.24. Hear Me, O God, and through your Lords answer him in his conceit. Did I not quicken man into life in My own way? At zero I created him, and I said: Two roads I have made, O man. One leads to everlasting light; and the other to everlasting darkness.

10/1.25. Now I have shown him the darkness; it is My witness, through which man knows My word is All Truth. Why, then, should I not create the world, and men, and angels, that they go down toward everlasting darkness? Is it not by darkness and pain that I push man forward?[275] Yes, the conceited man would fail himself were it not for the failures I set up before him. In what way, then, have I not created wisely?

10/1.26. Do I not have a right to do My own way? Are all things not Mine? If a man dies in the corporeal part, is he a failure? How else could man rise to My etherean worlds? Open his eyes, O My God and My Lords. He was not, and I created him. He presumes to look into My plans and judgments; by his little learning he exalts his conceit, and pretends to know all things.

10/1.27. I cause the grain to grow in the field, and the day before it is ripe I send wind and rains, and destroy it utterly. I bring forth man with shapely limbs and strong arms, but in the day of his prime I cut him down. I gave the passion of love to the mother, but I take away her first‑born.

10/1.28. Do I not know that first, of all things, man shall be taught to know My power; and after that, My wisdom? Have they seen the places of the dead, and hell, and destruction? Teach them, O God; for their ultimate resurrection is My glory and My delight.

10/1.29. Shall man of earth say that the Creator was angry, and so sent the land beneath the ocean? He does not have wisdom to comprehend that in this day I cast out hell and destruction. The druj is his love, and, as vampires, they feed on each other to the ruin of both.

10/1.30. But I know what is for their own good; and My decree has gone forth.


10/2.1. I, Aph, Son of Jehovah, high dwelling in the etherean worlds, and much trained in the change and tumult of corporeal worlds, answered Jehovah, saying:

10/2.2. Father of Worlds; Jehovah, Almighty! Your Son and servant has heard Your voice. Behold, my head is bowed, my knee bent to rush forth with the force of a billion, to the suffering earth and hada.

10/2.3. Hear me, O angels of the earth’s heaven; from Jehovah’s everlasting kingdoms I speak, and by His Power reveal! || Again His Voice coursed the high heavens along where angels dwell, older than the earth. Jehovah said:

10/2.4. Hear Me, O Chieftains, of Or, and of Oat,[276] and in the plains of Gibrathatova. Proclaim My word to your hosts of swift messengers from Wauk’awauk, Beliathon and Dor, and they shall speed it abroad in the a’ji’an mounds of Mentabraw and Rax of Gowh.

10/2.5. Hear My voice, O Goddesses of Ho’etaivi and of Vaivi’yoni’rom in the etherean arcs of Fas and Leigge, and Omaza. Proclaim My decrees of the red star and her heavens; in the crash of her rebellious sides, I will harvest in the forests of Seth and Raim.

10/2.6. Hear My voice, O H’monkensoughts, of millions of years’ standing, and managers of corporeal worlds! I have proclaimed the uz and hiss of the red star in her pride and glory. Send word abroad in the highway of Plumf’goe to the great high Gods, Miantaf in the etherean vortices of Bain, and to Rome, Nesh’outoza and Du’ji.

10/2.7. Hear Me, O you Orian Kings and Queens of billions of Gods and Goddesses: I have spoken in the c’vork’um[277] of the great serpent of the sun! A wave of My breath speeds forth in the broad firmament. The red star flies toward the point of My sharpened sword.

10/2.8. Proclaim My voice in the Orian fields of Amal and Wawa; let the clear‑tongued Shepherds of Zouias, Berk, Gaub, and Domfariana, fly with all speed in the road of Axyaya, where the red star’s vortex first gathered up its nebulae, millions of years ago, and on the way, say: Jehovah has decreed a pruning‑knife to a traveling world.

10/2.9. Shout it abroad in the crystal heavens of the summering Lords of Wok, Ghi, M’goe, and Ut’taw; call them to the red star speeding forth. Lo, she skips like a lamb to be shorn; her coming shock lies slumbering low. Let them carry the sound of My voice to the ji’ay’an swamps of exploded worlds, boiling in the roar of elements, where wise angels and Gods explore to find the mystery of My handiwork.

10/2.10. Tell them I have spoken, the earth and her heavens draw near the troughs, in the etherean seas of My rich‑yielding worlds. I will scoop her up like a toy, and her vortex shall close about like a serpent hungry for its prey. Proclaim it in Thessa, Kau, and Tin’wak’wak, and send them to Gitchefom of Januk and Dun.

10/2.11. Hear Me, O Kriss’helmatsholdak, who have witnessed the creation of many worlds and their going out. Open your gardens and your mansions; the seine[278] of My fishing‑pole is stretched; countless millions of druj and fetals will fall into My net. My voice has gone forth in Chem’gow, Loo and Abroth, Huitavi, and Kuts of Mas in the wide etherean fields of Rod’owkski.

10/2.12. Haleb has heard Me; Borg, Hom, Zi and Luth, of the Orian homestead, and Chor, where


i084 6w L quad Etherean Roadway


i084 Map of the Etherean Roadway of the Solar Phalanx for the first two cycles of the past gadol, Plate 1 of 4. The Roadway shown is that through which the sun and its family (including earth) traveled during the cycles of Aph and Sue. Numbers on the map represent grades. [Locations on the map represent relative positions of etherean realms in or near the pathway that the earth and its solar system traveled. A gadol averages 24,000 years; being closer to 25,000 years in this case. –ed.]



the central tones of music emanate, from Goddesses older than the corporeal worlds.[279] To them the crash of worlds is like a note created, and is rich in stirring the memory with things long past.

10/2.13. I have spoken, and My breath is a floating world; My speech is written in the lines where countless millions of suns and stars travel, and in the midst of the etherean firmament of the homes of Gods. Let them shout to the ends of the universe; invite them, in My name, to the hi’dan[280] of Mauk’beiang’jow.

10/2.14. Send swift messengers to the regions around the location of the great serpent, with the words of My decree; bring the Lords and Gods of Wan, Anah, Anakaron, and Sith.

10/2.15. Call up Ghad, Adonya, Etisyai, Onesyi, and the hosts of the upraised, for the pastime of Jehovah’s sons and daughters in the high heavens, draws near.


10/3.1. O angels of hada of the red star, and you, O God and Lords, upraised and mighty, with countless hosts, and quick answering the thoughts of mortals, hear the words of Aph, Son of Jehovah:

10/3.2. When I was in the Orian arc of Noe, and the red star passed the Utswowldayark, in the etherean group of Vorh, the voice of Jehovah came to me, saying: Go, My Son, deliver the earth. Take with you all whom I may send.

10/3.3. And I examined the records of the stars of heaven, and of the earth, and the accounts of Jehovah’s harvests, and I perceived the bondage and labor of the red star were of the seventh magnitude in the advance of habitable worlds.

10/3.4. When His voice called the legions in high heaven, myriads[281] of shapely stars moved in from every side, even from below and above the earth; and these were ships of fire coursing the firmament, in which rode the Gods and Goddesses, called by Jehovah to the labor of earth and hada.

10/3.5. Closing in on every side they came, nearer and more compact, and brighter, with sparkling pillars of fire, and down‑swaying curtains of light, till all the space surrounding the earth was hedged in with this army of Jehovah’s etherean ships of fire.

10/3.6. Again I heard the Father’s voice, saying: O Aph, My Son, My holy one, listen to the voice of Jehovah, Creator of Gods and Goddesses:

10/3.7. Behold, I sent My Son, Neph, to the red star, with wisdom and power. Long has he been gone, struggling with the black darkness of men and angels.

10/3.8. As a valiant soldier rushes into the heaviest part of battle, and forgets himself in desperate contest, but does not cease to struggle on, against all odds, even so, for three thousand years, My God Neph has hoped to save the whole limbs of the earth (the continents).

10/3.9. From My holy place I have watched the battle for everlasting life; but the too prolific earth contributes more to the corporeal than to the spiritual man. And now I bring My legions to the rescue of My valiant Son, Neph. Send word to him, O Aph, My Son. Proclaim to him and his Lords, and to his ethereans, My just decrees. || Aph said:

10/3.10. And I sent swift messengers down to hada, informing Neph, Son of Jehovah, of the march and presence of Gods, and of the decree of the Father; and I added to it, saying: O Neph, Son of Jehovah, come here, bringing your hosts with you.

10/3.11. Presently Neph answered me in Jehovah’s name, saying: O Aph, Son of Jehovah, I come! My prayers are answered. All praise to the All Highest!

10/3.12. Then we saw in hada, the ship of Neph and his faithful hosts being prepared to ascend; and that which was seen from my ship was also seen by the myriads of Jehovah’s vessels surrounding the earth. And my place became like a central throne, to which the hosts in their ships, now made speed, swift and orderly.

10/3.13. And as they arrived, the ship of Neph rose from hada. Meanwhile, my ship rested on the borders of Chinvat, in the Schood of Hein,[282] and seven agus[283] from the moon.

10/3.14. Again the voice of Jehovah came to me, saying: My Son, make fast[284] your ship, for your place shall be the head of the army of My hosts. And let your consorts[285] extend in a line from your place down to the earth, for this shall be the delivery of those whom I shall cut off.

10/3.15. So I made fast, and my messengers sped to the concentrating forces of heaven, informing the etherean groups on Jehovah’s ships, of His commandments. And now Neph came, his ship filled with his long‑laboring hosts. And I greeted him and said to him: By the power and wisdom of Jehovah, the continent of Whaga is to be cut loose and submerged, and her heavens carried away. Return to the earth; and from all the divisions of earth and heaven, bring all the spirits of darkness to Whaga, so that I may carry them away. || Then Neph and his hosts viewed the imposing scene and returned back to earth.

10/3.16. Quickly, now, the ships of fire formed in line, extending from my place down to hada, where Neph and his Lords of the earth rested, whose hosts extended to all the divisions of land and water, embracing the various heavenly kingdoms previously built by the Lords.

10/3.17. And in the line of the etherean ships the plateaus of rank were stationed; and the hosts of Gods and Goddesses took their places, according to the rank of wisdom, power and love manifested in the etherean departments from which they came; with the two Orian Chiefs at either extremity.[286]

10/3.18. And I divided the line into sections, each with two hundred and fifty ships, and there were one thousand sections. And every ship was contracted ten thousand fold,[287] which was the force required to break the crust of the earth and sink a continent.[288]

10/3.19. Along the line I stationed sentinels and talesmen,[289] and inexhaustible numbers of messengers so that Jehovah’s voice and His sons’ voices could traverse to every part in a moment of time. And after that I formed the tube of transit, which extended in front of the ships, and from the earth to beyond Chinvat; and I filled it with the earth’s atmosphere even up to the high end, where it joined Io’sank, where I planned to deliver the drujas and fetals of those who were to perish in the ocean of the earth.

10/3.20. For every ten sections I appointed one hundred marshals and one God, and for every ten Gods one Chief in Emuts;[290] according to their rank in the heavens from which they came, so I appointed them. These, then, are the Chiefs in Emuts, namely:

10/3.21. Agar, of the order of Achav, Son of Jehovah, in Bowitch, from the corporeal star Godad, raised in Ben, of a’ji seventy, of seven hundred thousand years as inhabitant of Gon.

10/3.22. Hoe’ghi, Son of Jehovah, Marsh’wan of Hadom and Ag, nebulae four and Petrath; swift messenger of Jun, of the corporeal star Alanx, of one million two hundred thousand years as inhabitant of Roth’wok in Jois.

10/3.23. Fist’humitaivi, Daughter of Jehovah, ji’ya’an Oods’lon in Kaih; Goddess of Ine; Goddess of Ad; Governess of Wal’wal, of the corporeal star Ter’wig, and of the plains of Exwer and Gohen, in the etherean arc of Labis, of one million three hundred thousand years.

10/3.24. Hi’ata, Daughter of Jehovah, and nurse of Hue’enbak, in fifty‑seven a’ji, of the corporeal star Heats, a milkmaid, Goddess of Luf, Goddess of the plateau of O’banf, in etherea, rank ninety, and of two million years as inhabitant of Nud and Ix.

10/3.25. Gon’leps, Son of Jehovah, God of Ney, God of Aper, God of Don, God of Mu, God of Reau; physician of Bo, and of Ir, and of Jan’er; marshal of Kute and Oblin of Sharar, in etherea, of the a’ji’an field of Do; of seven hundred thousand years as inhabitant of On’lof and Rick’tus.

10/3.26. Neo, God of Lun and Hintaya; God of Mors, and of Thespune; Master of Peh and Savior of Woh’haggai, a’ji plain seven, and risen from the corporeal star Se’etiyi, and inhabitant of Sirne one million seven hundred thousand years.

10/3.27. Sicci, Goddess of Nu, in Loots and Rab; Goddess of Bad; Goddess of Ture; Goddess of Red, a’ji twenty, from the corporeal star Ith’mule, inhabitant of Suga one million years; inhabitant of Ranna one million two hundred thousand years.

10/3.28. Listiac’ca, Goddess of Man; Goddess of Hirze; Goddess of Som and Nye; Weaver of Olt’bak and Agimus. Rank ninety, raised on the corporeal star Mem; inhabitant of Das’sawig and Gabriomety two million nine hundred thousand years.

10/3.29. Tussica, Goddess of Kol; Goddess of Lowst and Wittawhaggat; Goddess of Du’e’jhi and Loo of Maggatza; Goddess of Ep; Goddess of Gek of Hennasshalonkya; Goddess of Tur in the ji’ay’an swamp of Dobbokta, fifty‑five, raised on the corporeal sun Nitz, of the serpent Tan, inhabitant of Tayay’hitsivi, two million years; inhabitant of Palla one million seven hundred thousand years.

10/3.30. Fiatisi, Goddess of Lubbuk; Goddess of Saran’ya, in Gowlolo; Goddess of Iz, Goddess of Serl; Goddess of Lok’low; Goddess of Um of a’ji, seventy‑five; Goddess of Wartz and Do’e’huitta; Goddess of Crayya; Goddess of Bak’hoo; Goddess of Teel and Ros’itz; Goddess of Mutz’mutz; Goddess of La’errets of Wouk’humhowtz; Goddess of Bil and Dusk’wan’guessel; Goddess of Ork’sa; Goddess of Unksoot; Goddess of Sl’huitta; Goddess of Shein; Goddess of Isa; Goddess of Ham; Goddess of Reikowow and Shuitit; Goddess of Daing and Gou’wok; Goddess of Faitta’zammel; Goddess of Zittayya’howb of the gardens of Zittayya’bauf in a’ji seven; surgeon of Hualla; surgeon of Bos; surgeon of Rappaya; surgeon of Lum’zon; nurse of Paigga of Semathais; nurse of Zid; nurse of Loo’see; nurse of Home; nurse of Briathath; Queen of Ouppa; Queen of Rog’ga, disciplinarian of Tuh, of Kaibbi’summak, of Tootz’mutz, of Bir’bir, of Ctenski, of Rivvia, of Soon, of Hadab, of Fussuhowtz and Ceres; raised on the star Planzza, swift messenger in Bal and Wawa’lauk five hundred thousand years; swift messenger in To’wakka and Runfwot five hundred thousand years; inhabitant of Terashash one million years; inhabitant of the fields of Ni’jayay one million years; inhabitant of Gun five hundred thousand years; maker of corporeal roadways five hundred thousand years.

10/3.31. So Fiatisi outranked all other Gods and Goddesses, and was special guest of honor to Aph, Chief over all the rest.

10/3.32. And the star that was Fiatisi’s etherean ship was stationed near the earth, so that she could better oversee the deliverance of the spirits that were to be freed by the submersion of the land of Whaga; and of these spirits there were more than twenty‑four billion four hundred million, of whom more than three billion were fetals, familiars, and spirits in chaos.


10/4.1. Jehovah said: Aph, My Son, put a wall of pillars of fire around the land of Whaga; plant them close together, like a hedge. For the false Gods and false Goddesses of hada, when perceiving their habitation going down into the water, will endeavor to escape to Jud and Vohu, and other countries.

10/4.2. But you shall not let even one escape; for they have migrated to this division of the earth because of its sumptuous productions, the better to feast their evil desires.

10/4.3. And you shall spread a net around the borders of Whaga, against the line of the ocean and to the high north mountains; and the net shall encompass the continent of Whaga, and its height shall be a thousand miles, and in thickness, so deep that no spirit of darkness can escape and find the way abroad.

10/4.4. And when you have spread the net, you shall send a sufficient number of ethereans of great power to the large kingdoms in hada, and to the false kingdoms. And you shall also send a sufficient number of ethereans down to the earth, to Whaga, so that each and every mortal, whether man, woman or child, shall have five to attend them. And those who go to mortals shall take sufficient birth‑blankets with them; for at the time of destruction, when the mortals go down in death, your servants shall receive the liberated spirits on the birth-blankets, and carry them to the atmospherean column of ascent. And here your hosts shall receive them, and provide them with food and clothes, as is required for es’yans.

10/4.5. But it shall happen that many who perish in the waters, will be mothers with children in the womb, which live by fetal, as is proper in My sight, for I created them so.

10/4.6. Therefore, give special care to all such fetals, for they are without sin. And when the mother is dead corporeally, and the fetal also, bring away their spirits, but together; and provide a volunteer angel of fetal power, and deliver the infant spirit to her to be nurtured until the proper time of weaning; and in the same place, provide a home for the mother of the child, so that she may inherit its love and mirth.

10/4.7. When the voice ceased, Aph, Son of Jehovah, looked over the hosts, as if in search of a sign that the time had come; but again Jehovah spoke, saying:

10/4.8. In the misfortunes of a fallen world, I created food for the warm love of My etherean Goddesses. See them here in millions; each one in hope of receiving a prize of that which was lost in darkness, and to thus raise up sons and daughters who shall rejoice in everlasting paradise. Do not think that I gave the talent of love only to a mother for her child, and there the talent ends; for as the talent in its incipient[291] age binds her soul to her child, so does the same talent, in My Goddesses, overspread a helpless world.

10/4.9. Are they not like midwives and mothers to thousands and millions of souls being delivered from corporeal bondage into everlasting light? And who can number them? Here stands a hundred million from Laygas; a hundred million from Inopta; two hundred million from Karduk; a hundred million from Buchk; two hundred million from Nin; two hundred and fifty million from Luth’wig; a hundred million from Pied; two hundred million from Raig; fifty million from Naivis; two hundred million from Dak’dak, and two hundred and fifty million from Od.

10/4.10. I spoke in the etherean firmament, and they have answered Me. But they do not come as curiosity seekers, nor with empty arms; but, see them, arrayed with their thousands and millions of small equipments suited to the newborn! What thing is there under the sun that they have not remembered to bring with them in some part, whether regimen or drapery, to rejoice the souls of those who are to be cut off from corpor?


10/5.1. Jehovah said: Now I will bewail you, O earth. The glories of your heavens that are past and gone, shall be a lesson to the Gods. Your heaven Hored, once the place of the wisdom of My Son, Sethantes, upraised, behold it is measured and gone down. And Moeb is no more. Yeshuah is fallen. Where the plateaus of many resurrections once floated, there are now miring[292] vampire spirits and millions of souls that neither hear nor see, but are ceaselessly burrowing deep in everlasting darkness.

10/5.2. The plateaus are broken up, the substance scattered and unorganized; nor is there a vestige left to show the glorious work of the Gods from earth’s past days.

10/5.3. Hear Me, O Gods and Goddesses, for in witnessing these deep miseries, the soul is quickened to retain great wisdom: Thus I created man; out of darkness I created him; and My holy angels taught him to walk upright, and gave him My commandments so that he could advance to eternal light. But because man did not obey the commandments of My God and Lords, he fell. Nevertheless, a few obeyed the commandments and did not fall, raising up heirs for the glory of My heavens above.

10/5.4. I have made an example of this kind of man, on all the corporeal worlds I have created; for those who did not fall, became exemplars[293] before the fallen; for having faith in Me and My works, they did not question My wisdom and justice.

10/5.5. But of those who fell, this is the history: They questioned first, My Person; next My Wisdom; then My Justice; finally My Power. And after that proclaimed the folly of God and his Lords; consequently they usurped[294] to themselves to say: There is nothing higher than man. And they said of themselves: I am the highest.

10/5.6. Hear My voice, O Gods and Goddesses; for, as out of a contrary wind I give a mortal sea‑captain a wholesome lesson, or as out of a severe winter I give a corporeal farmer a lesson in providing for his household, even so, on the brink of a wicked world, I give you a lesson in the management of My kingdoms. For, from this time forward, the earth shall not fail, nor her heavens above her. How, then, shall My Gods not rule over her in wisdom and power?

10/5.7. Since many angels assumed they were the All Highest, they put aside the commandments, one of which was: to not permit the spirits of the newly dead to return and dwell with their mortal kindred; for they, not knowing about the higher heavens, will teach falsely concerning Jehovah and His everlasting kingdoms.

10/5.8. And it came to pass, that when one commandment was set aside, the others were also; and it followed that the spirits of the newly dead, who were without knowledge of heaven, led mortals in their own way.

10/5.9. For they dwelt together and slept together; and in dreams and visions, mortals judged themselves to be wise, not knowing they were obsessed in sleep; and for the desires of the flesh, they found acquiescence in spirit,[295] having no higher God or Lord.

10/5.10. And as one spirit returned and fastened itself on a mortal, so did another and another, till hundreds and thousands of spirits dwelt in one corporeal body, often driving away the natural spirit that I gave at the time of conception. And these mortals did not know it; and they became void of direct purpose because of the confusion of soul, and were worthless on the earth.

10/5.11. Jehovah further said: From this time forward, for a long season on earth, the spirits of the es’yans shall not be permitted to return and dwell with mortals. But the earth shall be encompassed on all sides with walls of emun,[296] and supplied with ashars to bear away the spirits of the dead in the hour of death.

10/5.12. But there shall come a time when mortals are capable of comprehending these matters, at which time, their kindred spirits shall return at intervals from their holy labors in heaven, to see them and talk with them face to face.


10/6.1. And now Aph, Son of Jehovah, said: When the etherean hosts were arranged in due order, I called out to You, O Jehovah, saying: In Your Strength and Wisdom, O Father, join the heavens above with the earth below!

10/6.2. And the end of the etherean column that extended to Chinvat, on the border of the vortex of the earth, was made secure by the pressure of Your wide heavens.

10/6.3. Again I said: In Your Strength and Wisdom, O Jehovah, join the heavens above with the earth below!

10/6.4. And the end of the etherean column that extended down to the earth was made secure around the borders of Whaga, by the sea and the high mountains to the north.

10/6.5. Again I said: O Jehovah, deliver the earth from evil, for Your glory, forever!

10/6.6. And the vortex of the earth closed in from the rim, and lo, the earth was broken! A mighty continent was cut loose from its fastenings, and the fires of the earth came forth in flames and clouds, with loud roaring. And the land rocked to and fro like a ship at sea.

10/6.7. Again I said: O Jehovah, deliver Your heavens, which are bound like a chain, to a rotten carcass.

10/6.8. And again the vortex of the earth closed in on all sides, and by the pressure, the land sank beneath the water, to rise no more. And the corporeans went down to death; and the fetals and familiars gave up the battle; neither did they have anywhere to stand, nor did they know how to go to any place in all the heavens, but were lost and crying out for help.

10/6.9. And my hosts hastened in all directions with their birth‑blankets, and received the druj, fetals and es’yans, in the millions and millions; gathered and delivered them to the fountain of light, where I had provided atmosphere for them; and they were placed within. So great were their numbers, that even Gods had scarcely seen anything like it before; and in order to attest before You, O Jehovah, I had them numbered, using the sections of the divisions of my Gods and Goddesses in order to do so.

10/6.10. Of druj and fetals, there were sixteen billion six hundred million. Many of these had lived on earth as fetals and druj for thousands of years, although many others of them were not capable of everlasting life. Next, of the first resurrection there were thirty‑six billion; and of the second resurrection, three hundred and five million. But during the last hundred years, the earth brought forth no one capable of everlasting life except, indeed, the remnants of I’hins.

10/6.11. Now when the earth was delivered, and there was no escape for the spirits of the dead, or any returning to mortals, I called out to You, O Jehovah, saying: Give me of Your power, O Jehovah, and I will carry up all the plateaus of hell and the heavens of the buried continent! And Your hand came like the blade of a sword, flaming like fire, and swept over the ocean of the sunken land, cleaving all asunder. And, lo and behold, the anchorage of my feet was cut loose, and the spheres of heaven at my command.

10/6.12. Your voice, O Jehovah, came to me, saying: Descend, My Son, down to the floor of the resurrection; and go into the midst of the place of ascension, and take My Daughter, Fiatisi, with you, for I will add to your glory, the resurrection of all whom your eyes have seen.

10/6.13. So I descended; and there took Fiatisi, Daughter of Jehovah, with me; and when we had come into the place commanded, Your power came upon the place, and it started upward; and soon it turned on its vertical axis and rose higher and higher, turning and rising; and we saw we were loose from the earth, and we no longer rotated with the earth, but rose slowly upward, watching the earth rotating beneath us.

10/6.14. I said: Upward, O Jehovah! Upward, O Jehovah! Upward, O Jehovah! And all the hosts repeated the same words, for our wills and knowledge were as a unit, in which we had strength in You, our Creator!


10/7.1. Jehovah spoke in the firmament, saying: Bring the newborn into the forests of Uk’loo and the ji’ay’an roads to the arc of Noe, in the etherean heaven of Hautuon; and when you have established them on a world of their own, leave Gods and Goddesses with them, to sort them, and provide according to their necessities; for all things shall be provided to them in such a way that they can attain to knowledge and individuality.

10/7.2. And when you have placed them, hasten with My Son, Neph, back to the earth, where I have labor awaiting regarding the ships of the I’hins. || And so, in that way, the newly born were delivered.

10/7.3. Then I (Aph) departed as soon as possible, taking leave of Fiatisi, thanking her for her assistance in this great deliverance. With me, I took Neph, Son of Jehovah, and another thirty thousand Gods and Goddesses, besides ten million ethereans, who each had thousands of years’ experience in heaven and on various corporeal worlds; and we came back to the earth, to the ocean where the land had gone down.

10/7.4. And when I came to the ships in which the I’hins had escaped, finding the Gods who were in charge of them, even as I had previously commanded, Your voice, O Jehovah, came to me, saying: Bend the currents of the winds of heaven, O My Son; shape the course of the ships so that they fall into groups; and you shall divide the groups, making four groups in all. And by the winds of heaven you shall drive the groups (fleets) of ships, and bring them to the four different lands of the earth, according to its previous history and adaptation.

10/7.5. For in all countries, My chosen shall begin laying down the foundation of My everlasting kingdom, and they shall never again be destroyed by the people of darkness of earth or heaven.[297] ||

10/7.6. So according to the labor Your commandments put upon me, I divided my hosts, making four divisions of them. And I said to Neph: Direct them, O God, to those countries Jehovah has shown you, for you know all the earth; remember, you are still God of earth.

10/7.7. God (Neph) said: By Your light, Jehovah, I desire two ships to go to the north land, which was not sunk, for they shall be a testimony in time to come. Let Your Gods, therefore, shift the winds and drive two ships aside from the rest; and at the same time, my messengers will go and lead the way to the north land, in which direction Your Gods shall shape the winds of heaven.

10/7.8. Now those in charge of the wind currents divided the ships and drove two of them off to the northern land. And the Gods and angels turned the currents about and drove the four groups of ships in four different ways, according to the directions of God, Son of Jehovah. The messengers of God led the way, showing the Gods and angels of the wind, the countries designated by Jehovah.[298]

10/7.9. So it came to pass that in one hundred and fifty days, all the ships of the Believers (Faithists) were in the ports; and the people went ashore, in the different countries where they had been taken. || Again Your voice, O Jehovah, came to me, saying: Behold, My people are few in the world, and lest they take the ships and sail about, and so get divided and lost, you shall send your hosts down to the sea at night to sink the ships.

10/7.10. When I told God (Neph) what You had said, God said to me: My angels shall inspire the I’hins to take all things out of the ships, and tonight your hosts shall fulfill the commandment of Jehovah. || And so it happened; the I’hins took all their goods out of the ships, not knowing they were inspired; and that night I sent angels down, and they sank the ships.

10/7.11. And in the morning the I’hins saw their ships had disappeared, and they said with one voice: Truly, I know I was inspired, for I would not rest till all the goods were taken out of the ships. Let us, therefore, build an altar to the Lord, and sing and dance, because he is with us. And when God (Neph) saw that their souls were propitious[299] for good works and miracles, he stationed his ashars around the altars, and sent other ashars into the countryside where they gathered fruit which was growing wild, and brought it to the I’hins, casting it on the altars of the Lord, even while the people danced.

10/7.12. Thus I fulfilled the work You commanded of me, O Jehovah, and so I surrendered my commission to Your Son, Neph, God of heaven and earth.


10/8.1. Neph, God of earth, said: Behold, O Aph, Son of Jehovah, by the power and magnificence of your work I am bewildered in your presence. Who can come so near the Almighty? Who but Jehovah has attained beyond the power of your soul? Who has wisdom like you, except the Great Creator? You have stretched a line beyond the moon, and by your spoken word crushed in the side of the great earth, as if it were nothing. You have said: Arise! And a world moved at your command! Yes, you have the love and esteem of millions of Gods and Goddesses.

10/8.2. And you came against the winds of the earth, saying: Turn here or turn there, and lo, the winds moved before your words as an obedient child to its father’s voice. You call down the fire of heaven; it comes at your bidding; and you say: O Jehovah, put Your hand under the heavens of the earth, and immediately a light and floor, wide as the earth, fly into the place of your desire.

10/8.3. Now, behold, You have said: O Jehovah, I surrender my commission; I have finished that which You commanded me to do. For which reason, O Aph, my soul has great sorrow. But because you have labored a hundred days and cleaned up the whole earth and her heavens, as one might sweep the floor of a house, I am bowed down in gratitude.

10/8.4. Then Aph, Son of Jehovah, said: O Jehovah, what have I done that Your Son’s love has come to me? The more I become one with You, O You Everlasting Creator, the more You show me plainer and plainer that I am nothing. And yet Your Son, seeing I am merely a figure moved by Your hand, heaps praise upon me. Shall a man lose sight of the Almighty!

10/8.5. Nevertheless, O Jehovah, who is so weak when it comes to love, as I, Your servant? Because You have quickened me in wisdom and power, so have You made my love as a place that can never be supplied to the full. How shall I find strength to leave this, Your Son, on the far-off earth? Will I not glory in his love and great esteem; and yet do I not know that I will repine[300] because I do not have him with me?

10/8.6. Hear me, O Jehovah, for I will swiftly measure Your Son. Scarcely forty thousand years raised up to etherea, and yet You made him God of heaven and earth. For three thousand years he struggled in the battle against evil and darkness; and the broad heavens in the etherean world looked on in sympathy, love and hope, because of his tenacity, wisdom and power.

10/8.7. It was like one man fighting against a house on fire, and the place filled with helpless babes. And yet Your God never ceased, not once rested and said: It is useless; but forever renewed the battle in new ways and stratagems. As a light shows better in the dark, so did Your Son Neph, O Jehovah, move the souls of even Gods and Goddesses in Your exalted heavens.

10/8.8. Then came Your voice, O Father, saying: Go, O Aph, My Son, and deliver the earth. || And, behold, the congregating of Gods and Goddesses! So eager to fly to the assistance of Your honored Son!

10/8.9. And God (Neph) said: One favor, O Aph, Son of Jehovah, I ask of you; which is that you shall stay three days and honor the throne of God. For I will have it founded and ready; and my Lords shall have the honor of speaking to you face to face?

10/8.10. Aph, Son of Jehovah, said: By Your permission, O Jehovah, I will stay three days and three nights with Your Son, God of heaven and earth, and I will honor his throne and speak face to face with his Lords, so that I may win their love.

10/8.11. In three days’ time the kingdom of God was founded, and situated in atmospherea, near and over the land of Japheth (China), but the plateaus extended with two wings, so as to embrace Shem and Ham (India and Egypt); and the Gods, with their Lords and attendants, went to the kingdom.

10/8.12. Now, there were with God (Neph), two million spirits (earth‑born) in the second resurrection, who had volunteered to serve another two hundred years for the founding of the new kingdom of heaven, and they were well learned in official capacity, knowing how to found plateaus, with factories, mansions, hospitals, nurseries, and all places required in heaven for the newborn, so that God only had to say: Do this, or that; and it was done, and without error.

10/8.13. And now, five hundred thousand etherean volunteers from the hosts of Aph, Son of Jehovah, came before God; and they desired to remain two hundred years with God and his hosts.

10/8.14. God (Neph) said to them: Behold, the earth has passed Tryista, and it is no longer lawful for any but earth‑born to hold the places of sub‑Gods, sub‑Lords and marshals; and since you are raised from different stars, and from different etherean circuits, what shall I do that you may be honored, and also profitable to yourselves in development?

10/8.15. Gaitivaya, chief spokesman for them, said: We desire only to be laborers. For what is two hundred years to us? Appoint us, we pray, not to the I’hins, for they are already advanced, but appoint us to the natives in the divisions of the earth, especially to those who speak only a little, and who burrow in the ground. Nor do we desire a place in your heaven, but we will abide with mortals, and in the first resurrection of those who are born in darkness.

10/8.16. God said: You shall remain, and your people with you. For, since you have volunteered to leave your high estate to come and dwell for one dan[301] on the lowest of all places, laboring for the blind and dumb,[302] you shall be recompensed with the love of millions in time to come.

10/8.17. Then God departed, and Aph, Son of Jehovah, went with him, and they came into the middle of the kingdom of God, where they halted, and God said: Here I will build my throne; and, as Sethantes, in the ancient time, called his place Hored, so will I also call my place Hored; and on the earth it shall be called the Mountain of God, for it shall be my home.

10/8.18. So God stretched forth his hand to Jehovah, saying: Throne of Your throne, O Father! And from the heavens above a great light came down and settled in the place of God and Aph, Jehovah’s Son; and presently, the light gathered up from the atmospherea, substance, and made it shining and condensed, at which point, the attendants of such matters brought and laid the throne of God, and then fenced it around with pillars of fire, like Hored of the ancient days.

10/8.19. And God ascended and sat on the throne, and Aph also, sitting at the right hand of God, and the four Lords of the earth at the left hand; but the fifth Lord, Eolait, stood down at the foot of the throne. And he said: Behold, the division of the earth that was mine is sunk beneath the sea; how, then, shall I sit on the throne of God?

10/8.20. God said: Since your labor has been taken from you, you are a parable[303] on the newly dead, who have lost the earth, but have no place in heaven. Since the es’yan serves a time through the proxy[304] of others, so shall you, in that which I will bestow upon you. Know, then, that you shall sit at my right hand, for you shall be my assistant and Vice‑God during the time of my sojourn;[305] and after that, whatever you will.

10/8.21. Eolait said: You have honored me, O God! Jehovah’s will be done! So God rose up, raising his hand, and said: O You All Light, crown Your Son: Vice‑God of Hored; for Your Own Glory, forever!

10/8.22. And as the light of etherea descended into God’s right hand, he shaped it into a crown and placed it on Eolait’s head, with the usual ceremony of such rank in heaven. And Eolait came and sat at the right hand of God. And in that same moment, Aph, Son of Jehovah, rose up; at which point, God, the Lords, and all others whatsoever, sat down, for the place was as if Jehovah had appeared in person.[306] Aph said:

10/8.23. As a father is made to comprehend his own early life by looking upon his infant son, so have You, O Jehovah, forever raised up before my eyes the images of times and conditions long past. In these, Your Lords, You have called me back to the time and place when You and Your Son first crowned me a Lord and a Vice‑God over one of the divisions of my native star.

10/8.24. And my soul rose up to You in fear and prayer; for I understood how unmindful mortals and angels are of the labor of Gods and Lords, and prone to rate themselves as Chiefs of all created things. But Your Voice, O Jehovah, came to me, saying: Do not complain, My Son, against the self‑conceit of mortals and angels, nor of their criticisms of My Gods and Lords; for to such boasters I provide trials, which they do not perceive till they are encompassed by them. Suffer them,[307] therefore, to grow in their own glory within your dominions, for I have sufficient labor for them, either on earth or in heaven.

10/8.25. And I perceived Your wisdom, so I applied it through my angels; and when my people rose to the first resurrection, and the second resurrection, behold, I knew where to place them so that they could prove themselves all in all. And Your light came upon me in my place, saying: As you have profited in the first lesson, so shall you comprehend the second, and even up to the etherean heavens.

10/8.26. Nevertheless, O Father, You allowed all things to harass me and perplex my soul; and I was filled with fear and reverence because of the great responsibility You gave into my keeping. So great were my tribulations and trials that I called out to You in Your holy place to remember all other Gods and Lords in Your whole universe.

10/8.27. And You said: Hear the words of Your Creator, My God, My Son: For I created man to enter heaven as helpless as he entered earth life, and dependent on those above him, so that he might comprehend the unity between high and low, strong and weak, light and darkness; and I placed him in My mills, where he would learn that even as others grind for him, so should he grind for those beneath him.

10/8.28. For of what profit under the sun is it for My Lords to come down from their liberty and glory in My etherean firmament, and become Lords over the grovelers[308] in the flesh, or over the es’yans in darkness? Shall selfishness reign in heaven, and every one for himself? Have I not proved it on the earth that the love of doing good works to others is all that ensures a rich harvest of love in return?

10/8.29. Because they stoop from their high estate in order to promote My children whom I created alive, are they not becoming more one with Me? Even so is all exaltation in heaven; for as I stoop down to the dumb earth and water, and quicken them, making man, so have I stooped lower than anything can in all My universe. And those who follow My example, raising the low to make them have joy in life, are on the road to attain to all power, wisdom and love. ||

10/8.30. Aph, Son of Jehovah, said: I perceived Your wisdom, O Father; and Your power and wisdom came upon me tenfold. Then I sought forever after to go to the lowest and darkest places; but, lo, when I had grown in Your judgment, You spoke again to me, saying:

10/8.31. O Aph, My Son, because you have found the key to unlock the doors to the highest heavens, behold, you are too mighty for small labor. Come, therefore, with Your Creator, for I have a whole etherean world to be at your command, and your wisdom and power are required at My hand.

10/8.32. And I obeyed Your call, O Jehovah. And then, after a season, You called me again, and again, and made my labors extend into many etherean worlds. But I loved to look back and glorify You for my first Lord‑dom, and to treasure the millions of loves I found in those days. And again, O Father, You have blessed me to meet many millions of them in this pruning of the red star, the earth.

10/8.33. Now You have called me to speak on the throne of Your God of earth. Alas, Your God has said: O Aph, Son of Jehovah, come and honor my throne! Whereas, O Jehovah, I am the most honored of men and Gods because I have again opened my mouth before You and in Your name. All glory to You, O Jehovah, now and forever!

10/8.34. Then Aph, Son of Jehovah, sat down, and God signaled the marshals, who proclaimed freedom for two whole days. At which point, the Gods and Goddesses of Aph’s staff filed past the throne, and after them came the hosts of God, and then the hosts of the Lords, for they all desired to pass near and look upon Aph, and receive the signal of his blessing.

10/8.35. And afterward, all the people joined in with the es’enaurs in singing a song of glory to Jehovah, the All Highest. And when it was finished, the multitude turned to recreation and social intercourse.


10/9.1. When the time came, God called his proper officers, and they proclaimed his presence, and the people came to order. Then God said:

10/9.2. Even as it was before the submersion, so shall it be now, and you shall fill the same places as before, every one to the place provided. Nevertheless, from this time forward, all work in heaven and on earth shall be new, and as if nothing had been. Let my Lords, their attendants and ashars, prepare for their departure; and they shall receive, as they desire, from other volunteers who have come into my kingdom, and these shall be assigned to labor suited to them, whether it be with mortals or with spirits in the first resurrection.

10/9.3. And to my marshals, messengers and asaphs: Hear the word of your God, which is that you proceed throughout atmospherea, selecting and appropriating all suitable places for the spirits of the dead; and that you apportion builders and workmen, and erect factories, schools, hospitals, nurseries, and all other suitable places, adapted to receiving those of the first resurrection, as is done in all atmospherean heavens. And all who are thus received shall be called es’yans for the first five years; but after that, they shall be called es’seans, signifying having separated from corporeal desire, being full residents of the es world. But those who will not become es’seans, being the spirits of druk‑mortals and hard bound to the earth, shall be called druj, signifying wandering spirits of darkness and of evil; and those who engraft themselves on mortals shall be called fetals, signifying sucklings, and these names shall continue in heaven and on earth to the end of the world.

10/9.4. Where you may perceive the fault of leniency of the Gods and Lords of old, you shall be circumspect[309] in these times; for never again shall the rod of water chasten the living earth.

10/9.5. When God completed giving all his commandments, and the people were ready to depart, the es’enaurs and trumpeters sang and played a hymn adapted to the new heaven and new earth; and when this was finished, Aph, Son of Jehovah, spoke, saying:

10/9.6. Behold the light of the high heaven opens. Your Son, O Jehovah, longs for a great labor. I go on a journey farther than ten thousand suns. Fiatisi, Your Daughter, O Jehovah, and Goddess of a thousand worlds, has set apart (scheduled a time) to join two corporeal stars in a far‑off heaven, on which a billion shall be delivered into spirit life in a single day. With her, by Your Will and Power, O Jehovah, I go! But yet do not let these, Your Gods and Lords and all their hosts, surmise[310] I will forget one single soul of all who are here. And when the next dan appears, behold, I will return to them to enjoy a portion of their sweet love. Aph is done.

10/9.7. And now the Chief descended and sat at the foot of the throne, and God, suffused with tears, came down and took his hand, saying: Behold, he who is greatest makes himself least of all. Arise, O Aph, Son of Jehovah, and crowned Immortal God of the Arc of Noe, Son of the Almighty, arise and go your way.

10/9.8. So Aph rose up, and shaking hands with God and his Lords, descended to the borders beyond the foot of the pillars of fire, and his hosts with him, being ten million in number, where the proper persons had in readiness an ascending otevan with wings, into which they all entered.

10/9.9. At a given signal the otevan started upward, but toward the east, and, swift as a shooting star, it sped forth, and presently disappeared in the distance.


10/10.1. Jehovah said: Neph, My Son, God of earth, hear the voice of Your Creator. For as you called on Me in your sore hour of trial, so did I come to you and deliver the earth and heaven, through My Son of the arc of Noe in etherea. Remember now the upraised of Hautuon, heaven of darkness, in Uk’loo, in the firmament, for they are yours until the next dan appears on the earth.

10/10.2. God said: I have heard Your voice, O Jehovah; but what shall Your servant do? Behold Aph, Your Arc‑Son, has left the upraised children of darkness with Gods and Goddesses, who transcend Your servant so much in wisdom and power, that he can scarcely look upon them. How, then, shall it be with me, Your servant?

10/10.3. Jehovah said: Nevertheless, the upraised children of darkness are your own family, and the glory of your house in heaven shall be the light you shall make manifest in them. Do not fear, the Gods and Goddesses understand this matter.

10/10.4. Therefore, when you have put your kingdom in order, and established the heaven of the earth in all its parts, and stationed messengers between your throne and the thrones of your Lords on the earth, behold, you shall leave your Vice‑God to rule in your place for a season, and you shall go to Hautuon, in the etherean forests, for you shall be expected by them.

10/10.5. God said: Your will be done, O Father. I perceive Your wisdom, glory and justice. Now I will sojourn on my throne one year, and then you, my Vice‑God, shall relieve me while I go visit my rebellious children in Uk’loo, where Gods and Goddesses are overseeing them.

10/10.6. The Vice‑God said: Your will be done, God of heaven and earth. So it came to pass that in one year, God had established heaven so well that he could control the affairs of angels and men into the way of everlasting life.

10/10.7. God informed his Council, which consisted of five hundred thousand etherean men and women, of the words of Jehovah, adding:

10/10.8. And I will stay one year in Hautuon, so that I may become known to them whom I have raised up. But at the end of that time I will return here, bringing back as many new volunteers from there as Jehovah may command.

10/10.9. It was known in heaven that God would leave at the proper time; and, to honor him in Jehovah’s name, ten million of his hosts came from far and near to see him depart. And when God saw them, he proclaimed a day of recreation; and the people mingled together, and especially to re-converse on the matter of the deliverance of earth and heaven and the going down of Pan, as it had been.

10/10.10. On the following day, all hands being refreshed and assembled in order, according to the discipline of Gods, God spoke from the throne, saying:

10/10.11. Hear the words of your God, and rejoice in the founding of a new heaven. Be wise in heeding that which I shall utter, and make yourselves steadfast in all proven things.[311] Here are millions who stood by my side in the name of the Creator, in the days of darkness in heaven and earth. For three thousand years our battle lasted; and from out of the darkness, behold our prayers went up to Him Who is over and above all.

10/10.12. And your God said: Surely Jehovah will deliver when the vortex merges into Hi’dan; and you all repeated the same thing; and the unity of our souls’ desire reached up to the Orian Chiefs, Jehovah’s mighty Sons and Daughters.

10/10.13. For, as it is proven that a man in conflict with himself accomplishes nothing, while he who is in harmony with himself is mighty when he rules himself to a good purpose; so has it been proven that the unity of many angels can, by force of their own wills, control the place and proceedings of a world. And by your faith in this matter with your God, you became a star of faith in Jehovah, which is the mastering of all things to His glory.

10/10.14. And those who were without an All Highest in Person,[312] were without power, and of no effect, except to build up discord to our proceedings. While those who assumed to be Gods and Lords, but ignored Jehovah, were not sustained; for having nothing higher than themselves, they rose only to themselves.

10/10.15. Which is manifested on earth, even as it was in those days in heaven: boasting of good works or of good prayers, but housing themselves about with the earnings of others.[313] Did these false Gods and false Lords not set up self and worship it? And the fruits of their inspiration, and of their slaves under them, were the angels they sent to rule over mortals, for the glory of their philosophy. And so mortals of themselves also soon said the same things, which were: Behold, there is no God nor Lord of wisdom in heaven and earth.

10/10.16. And by that means, the doctrines of the false Gods and Lords overturned even their own kingdoms, changing heaven into hada.[314] But when the Light of Jehovah came, you and your God and Lords were one with His voice. For which reason, you have been preserved in victory. And now it has come to pass that your God and Lords have established a new heaven and new earth for the glory of the Father. And he[315] who labored so long in your love, now goes to the other wing of the battle, where your brothers and sisters, toiling with those in darkness, will rejoice to hear of your fruitful labors.

10/10.17. Then God turned to his right, and said to Eolait, Vice‑God of Jehovah: Because you were robbed of your division of the earth, even while you were doing good work, Jehovah has bestowed[316] you well. You shall, therefore, hold the triangle of the Gods of heaven until your God returns.

10/10.18. With that, God hung the triangle on Eolait’s neck, saying: In Jehovah’s name, all hail, God of heaven and earth? The hosts of millions responded: All hail, God of heaven and earth!

10/10.19. And God (Neph) came down and sat on the foot of the throne, in the custom of Gods. And he who had been anointed came down and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, and go your way! And God rose up, and the two, with their marshals and attendants, went down to the borders, at the line of the pillars of fire, where the proper persons had ready a ship with mantles and curtains; and God with his host of five hundred thousand, entered the ship.

10/10.20. Meanwhile the es’enaurs sang an appropriate anthem of Glory to Jehovah the Highest.

10/10.21. At a given signal the ship started upward, amid the applause of millions of angels assembled; and like a star it shot upward, higher and higher, till it was seen no more.


10/11.1. The Council of Hored being still in session, God (Eolait), ascended the throne. And the light of Jehovah fell upon God, so that he was almost obscured from sight, and the voice of Jehovah spoke, saying:

10/11.2. Hear My voice; as by My Presence and of My Own Self I made each self, and gave to each, power of words, so am I in Light manifest by soul words to My etherean hosts. O Lords of earth, as you have provided ashars, and above them asaphs, and between all My kingdoms allotted messengers, so shall you also for barbarians provide familiar spirits, who shall be subject to the order of the ashars and their Lords.

10/11.3. I create alive all mortals, whether I’hins or barbarians; and your labor shall be not only with My chosen, whom it is easy to save, but also with those who do not know Me or My es worlds. For besides those destroyed by the flood, behold, the earth is still covered over with men, women and children.

10/11.4. In the time of Aph you received volunteers from Osi, in etherea; place this matter into their hands. ||

10/11.5. This was done, and they were divided up into groups. Then, since the angels of heaven had already numbered the corporeans, the ethereans were distributed accordingly. And these ethereans selected and apportioned familiar spirits to abide with the barbarians. And these familiar spirits were the fathers, mothers and friends who had recently died, but still sojourned in the first resurrection. So the officers provided places on earth for these spirits and persuaded them to reappear before mortals in order to prove continued life; but the officers never showed themselves.

10/11.6. Jehovah has said: Provide the way, but cause the familiars to do the labor. Neither shall you make a familiar of the spirit of a young man or a young woman, lest they become fetals.

10/11.7. So it came to pass that a new department of heaven and earth was opened and founded during the absence of Neph, and in one year it was prosperous.

10/11.8. At the end of one year God returned from the Hautuon Colony, bringing with him five million volunteers, who were of the third resurrection. And, it being known in Hored when he would return, a great concourse of angels gathered together to receive him in honor, and to welcome the volunteers.

10/11.9. So that, when God’s etherean star descended, the Vice‑God, Eolait, proclaimed a recreation of ten days, which was to follow immediately after God ascended the throne and regained his presence. And so, while the es’enaurs were singing, the star alighted, and the marshals and hosts of honor proceeded to their places, and received God, who, at once, ascended the throne and saluted Eolait, Son of Jehovah, saying:

10/11.10. By Your Will and Power, O Jehovah, Your Son[317] rejoices in the time of this proceeding. Eolait said: Welcome, God of heaven and earth. And he saluted with the sign of Jehovah’s name, and was answered in like manner.

10/11.11. Without further ceremony, he took off the triangle of the Gods and placed it on God’s neck, saying: In Jehovah’s name, receive the gift of the ancient Gods.

10/11.12. Hardly had this been accomplished when the larger star‑ship alighted on the floor of the Congress, before the Council, and near the altar of Jehovah; and the five million volunteers alighted, amid the applause of the many millions assembled.

10/11.13. God, being reinstated, said: Let the marshals proclaim ten days of recreation. For we shall account to our special loves how we found matters in Hautuon, and of the power of Jehovah manifested.


10/12.1. The voice of Jehovah spoke through God, saying: Because a new heaven is established, and because the old has been raised up, let signs be manifested, by which mortals and angels in later ages may know what has happened. Otherwise it shall come to pass, that mortals and angels will forget the flood and the purging of the earth. Consider now, O Gods and Goddesses, what shall be done?

10/12.2. Eolait spoke on behalf of the Council, saying: What shall we do, O Jehovah? And Jehovah answered, saying: Because I come near the earth in its early days, and farther off as it grows older, men will say: Alas, the folly of the ancients! || For I gave fear and faith as a heritage when men were weak in judgment; but with the growth of wisdom, I take away fear and the substance of things not proven to the judgment.

10/12.3. Jehovah said: In the millennium (Kosmon), men and angels shall ask for proofs. One will say: How is it possible to relate (report) the words spoken in the distant past? Another will say: How can it be proven that the old heaven was taken away?

10/12.4. Hear, therefore, the words of your Creator; and when one says: Behold, in those days few men had the gift of words and speech, answer him, saying: Yes, and heaven was the same way; because they did not have words, they could not be made to understand.

10/12.5. And another shall say: The Creator rules in large matters, but not in the small;[318] and another shall say: Because the angels come in the millennium (Kosmon), so could they have come in the distant past.[319] And you shall answer them, saying: Who knows the plan of an earthquake, whether it is small or large before Jehovah? Is He not ever present? And do certain conditions not bring certain results? And they will answer: Yes.

10/12.6. Say to them: Give, then, a name to the Highest Cause beyond all research; and they will say: By the ancients called Jehovah. And they shall perceive they have entangled themselves in a net. For if the condition of ignorance on earth begot ignorance in heaven, how could the light of heaven come afterward to the earth except from above (from a higher heaven of enlightenment, i.e., from etherea)? Since, then, the light of heaven came from above, who else could have invented the wisdom of a flood to come upon the speech of diverse nations?[320]

10/12.7. Give them, therefore, words in heaven and words on earth, pertaining to matters of this nature, and make these sounds sacred, so that it shall be proven in Japheth, Shem, Ham, America, and in the heavens belonging to these lands. The voice of Jehovah ceased.

10/12.8. God said: You are All Wisdom, O Jehovah! Now I have a place for the new volunteers who came from etherea. For, this shall be their matter and business with the familiars who dwell with the barbarians. So, accordingly, they were allotted. And they were enjoined[321] to sing to mortals the song of the flood; and they thus established its history to endure forever on earth.


10/13.1. All things prospered in heaven for many years; neither were there great wars on earth, nor famines, nor epidemics. And the Lords of the earth had sufficient loo’is for all the Believers (Faithists), so as to control I’hin marriages to bring forth sons and daughters who would rejoice in heaven.

10/13.2. And as fast as they died on the earth, these angels were carried to heavenly places suited to them, where they were handed into the care of asaphs and entered as es’yans. But the Lords appointed no loo’is over the barbarians; and only commanded the ashars to watch for their spirits in the hour of death, and, if possible, to bring them to the organic places of God in Hored; and mostly they were. This continued for many years; but eventually the familiar spirits aroused the barbarians, and they began to have dreams and see visions, for their familiars talked to them during sleep. And when this became common, Jehovah said:

10/13.3. Behold, the time has come to appoint loo’is to abide with the barbarians. For in this I will reveal a great secret, which is that My chosen on earth cannot subdue it; for they are a harmless and defenseless people. Therefore, I have wisely created the barbarian; for he shall drive away and destroy all evil beasts and serpents; and the forests shall fall down before him.

10/13.4. For this purpose, the loo’is shall select marriages with the intent of raising up great kings and queens. But, since in the old days, the kings depended on the prophets of God for counsel, and thus were advised against killing anything I had created alive, and they quarreled with God’s prophets, so in this time of the new heaven, you shall permit the kings and queens to consult the spirits of the dead with the talents I have given them.

10/13.5. This was done also; and the barbarians were attended by familiar spirits, many of whom took upon themselves any name pleasant to the ear, some of them calling themselves God or Lord, or after the name of some great king of the past. And these familiars, being stupid,[322] supposed themselves to be such persons.

10/13.6. The result of their stupid impressions was to inspire the barbarians to believe they were attended by Gods or Lords, or by the spirits of kings or queens; and so they held up their heads and began to think. For as it had been said by the Gods of ancient times: Some are led by flattery, some by self‑conceit, some by duty, some by love of righteousness; but there are others who can be led to self‑improvement by persuading them they are specially chosen by some God or Lord, or the spirit of a famous king or queen, to work wonders.

10/13.7. God said: There was a certain sick man who could not be cured by the physicians; and a foolish woman came along, seeing visions, and said to the sick man: Tomorrow you shall be healed. God has been trying you; but you have proven yourself in soul, and your God will withdraw the spell of your infirmity; behold, your God stands beside you.

10/13.8. Now on the following day, the sick man put forth his own spirit, rose up and was well; for which reason, it has been acknowledged that even deceit may accomplish what truth could not. Allow, then, the familiars to lead the barbarians on for a season, but be watchful, and at the proper time appoint new spirits to be with them.

10/13.9. God said: Instruct the Lords that the time has now come to reveal to mortals, especially to the I’hins, the seven tetracts; for, as the ashars are withdrawn a pace, so shall mortals advance a pace.

10/13.10. Which is to say: These are the inheritances of all men born on the earth: Anash, which is persistent stubbornness, by word or thought; Zimmah, wicked device; Ra, delight in being bad; Belyyaal, worthlessness; Aven, vanity and self‑conceit; Dibbah, slander and reporting of evils; and Sa’tan, to be a leader, and especially to the delight of the other six entities.

10/13.11. These are the members of the beast of all men and women under the sun; nor is any one without them in some manner or degree. Go, therefore, to the Lords and say to them: Jehovah has set the beginning of the resurrection through Aph, His Son, Chief of the arc of Noe, to lay the tetracts on the shoulders of mortals.[323]

10/13.12. The marshals of the Council provided messengers who were immediately sent down to the different divisions of the earth; for the tetracts were some of the words selected in heaven to be given as everlasting names, by which, in after ages, the tribes of Believers (Faithists) could be discovered; and they were given alike to the Believers (Faithists) of America, Japheth, Shem and Ham, who were the sons of the arc of Noe preserved on the earth in that day. For these words, inherited by the Hebraic, Vedic and Algonquin (Jaredite) languages, were provided to be synonymous till the coming of the millennial (Kosmon) era.


10/14.1. The voice of Jehovah came to God, saying: Behold, the time draws near when Aph, My Son, shall commit the care of Hored and her affairs to another God, for four hundred years. This, then, is the commandment of your Creator, O God: Hored shall advance to the second resurrection; but the first resurrection shall be established with My Lords.

10/14.2. And when the Lord has a sufficient number of souls who are advanced to take the second resurrection, then they shall be brought to this, My holy place, where they shall be further prepared, even for the next resurrection.

10/14.3. This was accomplished. And for the first resurrection, heavenly kingdoms with thrones for the Lords were established, both on the earth and also in the divisions of the Lords. Thirty‑three years were allotted to these Lords’ kingdoms for a resurrection, because thirty‑three is the division of dan corresponding to one hundred dans to each cycle.[324]

10/14.4. Accordingly, every thirty‑three years after that, there was one migration of a group from the Lord’s first resurrection to that of Hored, which was God’s second resurrection. In accordance with that, the light of dan fell on two hundred years, four hundred years, five hundred years, six hundred years and one thousand years, which became the base of prophecy for each cycle from that time forward, for a long period.

10/14.5. God said: Close the gates of Hored, and from this time forward, only those of the second resurrection may enter. And it was so. And God extended Hored over Japheth, Shem and Ham, to the second degree; but of America, her heaven was as follows: The Lord made two kingdoms, the first and second resurrections, and allotted the first to a proxy in his own name, but over the second he presided in person, teaching his people by proxy of God in Hored. For the distance of the sea lay between these heavens, and the access could not be made in the diminutive light of thirty‑three. Nevertheless, the Lord and his attendants maintained an etherean ship that enabled him to cross the sea at intervals of eleven years.

10/14.6. Accordingly now, in the second resurrection, new colleges were established in heaven, and the spirits began the study of elements and illustrations in es and uz,[325] and the process of travel and of carrying corporeal entities. And these spirits were at times, under ashars, taken down to mortals to assist in miracles and legerdemain.[326] For the lessons in the second resurrection embraced the mastery of corpor in analysis and synthesis.

10/14.7. After the first year of God in Hautuon, he went there every eleventh year and remained one year of the earth’s time; so that in two hundred years he made eighteen visits. Now on his first visit he brought back with him a certain number of volunteers, who had been those raised by the arc of Noe; and the next visit he brought back twice as many as the first; and the next time, three times as many as the second, and increasing for each of the eighteen visits. And with the last visit, it was estimated that in total he had brought back one billion volunteers. And they were raised to the second resurrection, having been under the training of the Gods and Goddesses of Hautuon, under the direction of Aph, Son of Jehovah.

10/14.8. And now that the time of dan was drawing near, and Aph was expected to return to provide for the ascent of Jehovah’s harvest, God looked up with a cheerful heart; for it was evident that by the expiration of the two hundred years from the submersion of Pan, many of the spirits delivered from the earth in that day would be prepared to take the second resurrection. And on that, God prophesied, saying: Through You, O Jehovah, in another hundred years I shall have delivered them into etherea as Your Brides and Bridegrooms.


10/15.1. Jehovah spoke in the light of the throne of God in Hored, saying: Behold, a star comes!

10/15.2. The voice ceased, but God and his hosts knew the meaning, for it was the time for Aph to return and complete his deliverance of Neph and his hosts, and his Lords and their hosts.

10/15.3. So the Council members were moved to look into the firmament; and the messengers who had heard the voice, and who were departing on their various missions, also looked upward, even as they sped forth to their places; and they proclaimed it in all the heavens of the earth, and to the Lords and their divisions of the earth.

10/15.4. And the angels of heaven and those who resided with mortals, were stirred up, and because of their contiguity[327] to mortals, the latter comprehended that something unusual was about to happen.

10/15.5. The Council of Hored did not know how they should proceed, for the event was to surpass in magnificence anything they had ever witnessed.

10/15.6. God said: I have heard Your voice, O Jehovah. I know a star comes, and its glory shall be great. Give me light, O Father. How shall Your servant know the decorum[328] of Orian Chiefs? Behold, I am as one abashed with obscurity[329] in Your wide universe!

10/15.7. Jehovah’s voice answered, saying: Do not fear, My Son. And let your Council be strong also. Proceed at once to decorate your people, in preparation for receiving the resurrection. And as to those who are to be My Brides and Bridegrooms, clothe them in white. ||

10/15.8. The whole Council heard Jehovah’s voice, and they ordained officers to proceed throughout atmospherea and put in effect Jehovah’s commandment. And the decorated angels, and those prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms for etherea, were ordered to form in companies near the throne of God in Hored; and the officers of companies were also provided with badges, on each of which was inscribed an account of their labor on earth and in heaven, the number and nature of their charities and self‑sacrifices for others’ good, and their grade in purity, power and wisdom. And the privates were decorated with stars to illustrate the same things, in degree and number; and the stations of their file[330] in Hored were provided in the order of music, rating them according to their chord and discord, and their social adaptability.

10/15.9. For these things were done before etherean judges, to whom Jehovah had said: Let the people pass before you so you may judge them, that being assorted and arranged, they shall make one harmonious whole; for it is only by this means that they will have power to ascend and endure in My regions of light. || There were one million of these judges, and they took up their stations in different parts of atmospherea, wherever the second resurrection had been established, every judge choosing a district for himself or herself, for they were both men and women.

10/15.10. And as the angels passed before them, the wisdom of the judges was so great that they could comprehend all each person had ever done, either on earth or in heaven. And by signals, the proper officers were advised how to decorate and adorn all of them.

10/15.11. And as fast as companies of one thousand passed, they were provided with conductors, who took them to their places, which had been previously determined by the command of God.

10/15.12. While this work was proceeding, lights began to appear in the firmament above; these were the marshals of the Orian fields in etherea, in their star‑ships, taking course for Hored, and their number was legion.[331] But presently one brighter and more powerful than the rest made its way from the western arc of Onah’yi, and it steered directly to God’s throne, growing brighter and larger as it came. And when it entered past Chinvat, and was well within the vortex of the earth, in the belt of the moon’s orbit, its light spread across the whole atmosphere of heaven, and Hored was illuminated, and the angels of Hored were stirred up with enthusiasm.

10/15.13. The brilliant star did not prolong the suspense of the angel world, for he who sailed it was a God of millions of years; and by his wisdom, attained to such mastery that the elements of earth and atmospherea gave way, as if appalled by a heaven on fire. Down to the arena of the Council of Hored came the star‑ship, whose majesty outweighed all ceremony, a very crown of magnificence. And he who came, attended by half a million, was Sue’ji, marshal for that which was soon to follow.

10/15.14. God rose up, saluting, and all the hosts rose up; at which, Sue’ji ascended the throne, greeted by God and his Council. Sue’ji said:

10/15.15. By Your will, O Jehovah! And God said: In Your name, O Father, Creator! Welcome to Your Son! And presently all the place was aglow with a golden light, which, of all colors, ranks first in heaven, and the voice of Jehovah descended on Sue’ji, and He said:

10/15.16. Well beloved, come! Long enduring, come! Of patience and steadfastness, My sons and daughters! Behold, I came in the darkness and delivered Mi, for she was heavily laden with twins. And one dwelt with the mother, but the other I sent to nurse in Hautuon. And they are now grown to maturity, a son and daughter twin.

10/15.17. Turn to Hautuon: Lo, the twin comes! She was the puny child; but look upon her, O you Gods and Goddesses! Her billions come as an avalanche of ji’ay’an worlds. Open your arms, O My beloved sons and daughters.

10/15.18. The voice ceased, and Sue’ji said: When the harvest of Hautuon arrives, attended by the Gods and Goddesses who helped deliver the children of darkness, and who have changed them into beacons of light, behold, there shall be three days of recreation in atmospherea; for the hosts of Hautuon shall be shown their native world, and where they came from; and they shall read the lineage of kin and condition from which they were rescued by Jehovah’s sons and daughters.

10/15.19. But on the first day, behold, Aph, the Orian Chief, will descend in all his glory. And on the fourth day all your upraised sons and daughters shall ascend into the etherean worlds, where there are waiting to receive you, trillions of souls, long since dwellers in Nirvania. Sue’ji ceased speaking, having given commands as to the stations of his marshals for the earth and her heaven.

10/15.20. God sent his messengers, saying: Go to Wak’hah and say: God says: My heavens have been numbered, and the account of my laborers rendered and recorded in the libraries of Hored. And of all the hosts who have labored with your God, behold, you, O Wak’hah, stand on the highest grade. Come, therefore, to the throne of your God and be anointed God of heaven and earth for the next four hundred years, and as long after that as Jehovah wills!

10/15.21. The messengers, attended by one thousand marshals, departed for Adjun, the place of labor where Wak’hah dwelt, being a physician’s nurse for es’yans and still‑born mortal children and those killed by abortion. And they delivered the message of God, to which Wak’hah replied: Thanks, O Jehovah! Tell God I will come. But first let me surmise: I have been all my life, now some thirty thousand earth years, trying to learn where I would be most serviceable to Jehovah and His sons and daughters. And when I judge that I have found it, lo, a summons comes from another direction, saying: Come here. And so it seems Jehovah forever hurries us onward, faster than our wisdom can discover the requirement. || So the marshals provided an otevan, and Wak’hah was conducted to Hored, even to the foot of the throne of God, where he was saluted and received under a rod with water, according to his rank.[332]


10/16.1. Nearer and nearer came the visiting stars, the etherean ships from thousands of worlds, with countless millions of emancipated souls, dwellers in the Nirvanian regions of Jehovah. And when they reached the boundaries of the earth’s vortex they halted a while, to form in ranks, so that their glory would add to one another. While they thus stood in the great vault of heaven, a gateway opened amid the stars on one side; and from far beyond came a strange and mottled sun, swaying to and fro; and this was the great fields and forests of Hautuon letting loose the billions of the delivered earth.

10/16.2. God and his hosts saw it. And every soul burst forth one universal shout of applause. It was coming straight to Hored. And as it came nearer, the curtains, sails and streamers, made of yellow, blue and red fire, began to wave and surge, like a ship in a rough sea, but steadily holding course in the undulating elements. Presently guardian ships could be seen, thousands and thousands, traveling beside the laboring sun, the hosts of Hautuon.

10/16.3. And the guardian ships were themselves like stars, and carried millions of etherean souls who had been Gods and Goddesses on many worlds; and they formed wings for the Hautuon avalanche, to hold steady the course to the red star, the earth of mortals. And thus, in honored discipline, came the fleet of Jehovah’s worshippers, who, only two hundred years before, were like vermin delving into darkness; deep buried in death, as their only knowledge; and to whom, Great Jehovah and His exalted worlds were unknown.

10/16.4. Brighter and brighter grew that great waving sun, sailed by the immortal Gods; growing larger and more imposing, till, when it entered the earth’s vortex, it became like living fire, large as the earth, and of brilliant colors from black to adamant,[333] with blue, white, purple, yellow, scarlet, pink; of all shades; and living; and sparkling; with the broad curtains suspended, deep as the breadth of a world, and with sails and flags that reached upward, high as the moon.

10/16.5. Midway in the vortex of the earth it stopped; and the multitude of stars beyond, now gathered in, majestically, from every side, till nearly throughout the fabric of the earth’s atmosphere, there was not a place that did not glow with Jehovah’s fire of heaven. Music, which rose from the throne of God a little while before, now ceased; for here was the play of elements in harmony, which is the same as music to the ear of mortals.

10/16.6. The kaleidoscope of splendors hardly stood still, but kept moving, changing and forming by the decrees of the Gods and Goddesses; as a general on earth manipulates his armies, in the evolution of arms,[334] so in majesty and splendor, the marshaling stars constantly evolved new and glorious changes, stretching across the whole firmament of heaven.

10/16.7. And now another gateway opened amid the stars; and a cluster star was seen approaching from the southeast. It was like a star surrounded by stars, and brighter than all the others. This was the star‑ship of Aph, the Orian Chief. At the sight of which, all souls in the firmament turned in pride and wonder. In the play and management of worlds, he had attained to be swift and mighty, above all the countless millions of Gods and Goddesses assembled. And at the sight of his etherean star, angels and Gods whispered: Aph! And the magic of his name, widely known in the Nirvanian fields of the emancipated heavens, spread abroad, till every soul uttered, Aph! in all the regions of atmospherea and on the earth.

10/16.8. Nearer and nearer he came, nor did he stop at Chinvat, the boundary of the earth’s vortex; but steadily, and with power, sailed on till his star stood in the doorway of heaven, and here halted as if to complete the immortal scene.

10/16.9. But a moment more, and all the avalanche of the glorious worlds around, moved onward toward the earth, surrounding it on every side, and with the star of Aph making headway for the throne of God in Hored.

10/16.10. This was the morning of the third day in the tide of dan, in which there were still four days left. But now the marshals took their parts. First, Sue’ji, Chief over all the rest, cried out from the throne of God: All hail, O Aph, Son of Jehovah! And the words were caught up on every side, and uttered in one breath around the world. All the while, the great star‑ships and sun of Hautuon gathered in, nearer and nearer, till, like a net, they joined and filled the earth’s atmosphere in the east and west and north and south, and below and above; on every side. And the words of the marshal: All hail, O Aph, Son of Jehovah! traveled like an echo over all the heavens.

10/16.11. Then Aph’s fleet drew near; he and his hosts alighted, and he ascended the throne, saluting, saying: All hail, O Neph, God of heaven and earth! And this was also uttered by the millions of hosts. After which, the signs and ceremonies of the Gods were briefly concluded, and a recreation of three days proclaimed. So the angel hosts came forth out of their ships, or by the endless chain sped to any quarter of the earth they desired to visit. And for three days and nights the visitors dwelt on the earth and in the lower atmospherea; inspecting how the earth was made; its land and water; its mountains and valleys; its beasts of prey and beasts of burden; its birds and fishes, and, above all, its mortal people and spirits who lingered about the earth, the great story tellers, who knew no higher heaven. Then the visitors surveyed atmospherea and the works of God and his Lords, including their nurseries, hospitals, factories, schools and colleges.

10/16.12. On the fourth day the marshals called order; and so great was the discipline of the hosts and the arrangement of the starships, that in a moment of time, order reigned among all these countless millions of people.

10/16.13. Now, during the recreation, the Chiefs from many worlds, as well as Gods and Goddesses, mingled together, and exchanged their varied experience in the wide regions of Jehovah’s universe: of the management of both corporeal and es’ean worlds; of the cosmogony of etherean planets; the surveying of roadways; turning worlds from their orbital course, or changing their axial rotation; the deliverance of millions of souls into the ji’ay’an fields; the creation of new corporeal worlds and the dissolution of others, and the gathering together of the spirits disinherited, and of their final resurrection. Neither did there seem to be any end to Jehovah’s universe, where such wonders go onward forever!

10/16.14. When order was restored, God commanded Wak’hah to rise to be anointed, and God said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I anoint this, Your Son, God of heaven and earth for the next four hundred years. Guide him in wisdom and love, O Father.

10/16.15. And God gathered from the abundance of eth’ic and made a crown and placed it on Wak’hah’s head, saying: Hail God of heaven and earth, Jehovah’s Son! This, in turn, was shouted by the hosts. Then God took off the triangle, the sam’gan, the heirloom of the Gods of the red star, the earth, and God hung it from Wak’hah’s neck, saying: Take this heirloom, the symbol of three entities in one, and wear it for the glory of the Great Spirit, Jehovah.

10/16.16. To which Wak’hah, now God, answered: Your will be done, O Father, Creator and Ruler over all. And all on the throne stood aside, and God (Wak’hah) ascended the throne and sat in the center, at which time the es’enaurs chanted, and the hymn sounded around the whole earth. Then Aph, Son of Jehovah, spoke, saying:

10/16.17. In four hundred years, O God, I will come and deliver you and your harvest, and your Lords and their harvest, for the glory of Jehovah, the Unapproachable Almighty! Amen.

10/16.18. And now Aph went and sat down at the foot of the throne, at which, God came down according to custom, and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, Son of Jehovah, and go your way! And Aph rose up, saluting, and he and his attendants departed and entered his star‑ship. The es’enaurs chanted, the trumpeters played, and the solemn march of Jehovah’s sea of fire sounded from heaven and earth.

10/16.19. The marshals now put the great works in order: Neph and his attendants were stationed on the right of Aph in a ship newly built; next to him, the ships of his Lords and their attendants; after them, their marshals from the different divisions of the earth and atmospherea; next to them, the ships of the messengers; then the factors, then the nurses, then the physicians, and so on; and finally the divisions of earth‑raised, who were now adjourned to the sun‑avalanche, those raised from earth being of the same rank as those from Hautuon. These comprised the harvest of Neph for Jehovah’s emancipated realms; and the number of souls exceeded all other harvests raised up from the earth.

10/16.20. And now came the time for the ascent, and Aph said: Give us of Your power, O Jehovah! And his words were echoed in all places in heaven and on earth. The plateaus trembled and oscillated. Again Aph said: Of Your power, O Jehovah! Arise, O Heaven! Arise, O Heaven!

10/16.21. And the plateaus of the sphere started from their foundations, and slowly moved back and outward away from the earth. The es’enaurs played the march; the ethereans tore off strips of fabric and threw them down to Hored, and then formed flowers and leaves and perfumed them, casting them out to fall in the lower heavens.

10/16.22. Outward, outward, moved the etherean world, then parted the breadth of the earth, and then rose slowly upward. Presently it turned on its own axis, up to now, one entire world; but with its rotation, the different stars began to individualize and separate, all except the harvest of Neph, which was the central figure, led onward and upward by Aph, Son of the Great Spirit.

10/16.23. Faster and faster rose the glorious scene, and more awe-inspiring, and sparkling with splendor! Nor could one from Hored scarcely look upon the dazzling light. But higher it rose, and onward, toward its far‑off destiny, till it disappeared in the firmament above.


10/17.1. Now atmospherea was like a new heaven, stripped of visitors and ready to resume labor after a glorious festival. So God at once dispatched all hands to their places, and the factories, schools, colleges, nurseries and hospitals, were once more alive with willing workers.

10/17.2. And Hored prospered in every department; and so did the departments of the Lords on earth; and mortals also prospered under the light of the Great Spirit.

10/17.3. For four hundred years God reigned in heaven, and his Lords under him, and the second dan of Aph fell upon earth and heaven. So God appointed An’on as his successor. And now Aph and his attendants came to deliver God, his Lords and those people prepared for their resurrection up into etherea.

10/17.4. And the number of Jehovah’s harvest was one billion souls.

10/17.5. And God (An’on) reigned his time, and his Lords under him, and they were also delivered by Aph, but by proxy, and the harvest of Jehovah was eight hundred million souls.

10/17.6. And his successor, God of Hored and atmospherea, and his Lords fulfilled their dan, and they and their harvests were delivered by Aph’s proxy also; and the number of souls delivered was six hundred million. And Jehovah commanded Aph to commit atmospherea and the earth to the successors of Ra’zan of Garowista, in Ems of the etherean phalanx of eighty Ar’doth.

10/17.7. The next harvest of God and his Lords was two hundred million souls. After that, the earth passed into the a’ji of Urk’stand for eight hundred years, and the light of the upper heaven was lost to earth and atmospherea; so there was no harvest for the etherean realms. And because of the darkness in atmospherea, it began to fall in hada; and the seven entities of tetracts took root in Hored, overspreading the dominions of God and his Lords. And many in heaven rose up, and, proclaiming themselves Gods or Lords, obtained followers, some to the extent of three million souls.

10/17.8. These false Gods made slaves of their followers, exacting service, and in return giving pitiful homes and regimen; and by the labor of their slaves, embellishing their mansions and cities in hada.

10/17.9. Jehovah had said of old: I keep death forever present before mortals so that they may not forget the change from corporeal to spirit life; otherwise they would dispute it possible for these things to be in My hands. But My resurrections in heaven are far apart, and its inhabitants lose faith in those above them. Through faith, all power and glory is attained; therefore I have exacted that angels cultivate faith in the next resurrection.[335] ||

10/17.10. But during the last thousand years in atmospherea, there being no resurrections to etherea, many fell into disbelief of the emancipated heavens, and so, began building up heavenly kingdoms on their own account, and for their own glory. And in order to have exalted kingdoms, they sent their slaves back to mortals to inspire them with the glory of their false God’s kingdoms, so that others in turn might become slaves also.

10/17.11. So confusion began in heaven again, and it reacted on mortals, through the angels’ presence, and war and misery spread over the nations and tribes of men on earth. Thus ended the cycle of Aph’s arc of Noe, which was three thousand six hundred years.


The Lords’ First Book

Being contemporaneous with the Book of Aph, Son of Jehovah. As the latter is of heaven, so is the Lords’ Book of the earth.

CHAPTER 1 Lords’ First

The History of the Flood

11/1.1. Hear me, O man, I am the Lord, the God of earth, Son of Jehovah! I am one of your elder brothers. I, your Lord, with my brother Lords and Gods, in the name of Jehovah, speak, saying:

11/1.2. Peace and patience to all men, so that you may comprehend my words, and bear witness that heaven and earth in every part is Jehovah’s, and that all men and women are His sons and daughters, worlds without end.

11/1.3. As over mortal kingdoms, there are kings; as over empires, emperors; as over armies, generals; so has Jehovah in His heavens crowned certain chieftains for times and places, and given them certain names, by which they have been proclaimed to men and angels, so that the discipline of heavens could manifest the glory and dominion of Jehovah.

11/1.4. In all time, honored in high heaven, and known to the people on the earth as Jehovah’s Lord, Commander of heavenly light on earth, and Pacificator between All Light and All Darkness, and titled Lord of earth and Lord God, so have I and my predecessors, and my successors, been handed down for thousands of years among mortals.

11/1.5. So when it was said: The King said thus; and in after generations, if it is said: The King says thus; all men know it was not the same man, but was nevertheless The King, so I, the Lord, also proclaim the same thing of both my predecessors and successors; for all of them were, and have been The Lord.

11/1.6. For which reason, I, the Lord, by virtue of my own authority, and in Jehovah’s name, proclaim the light and the darkness of the past. And as I have been exalted by the Father, so, too, are you all in waiting for your turn in the heavens above to become Lords and Gods and Goddesses.

11/1.7. To draw your souls up in heavenly aspirations, to become one with the Father in righteousness and good works, Jehovah sends His sons and daughters down to the earth, revealing the glory of His kingdoms in the etherean worlds.

11/1.8. But because of the darkness of man’s soul, he sets himself up to mock the words of his Lord, saying: How can I become a Lord, or a God? Behold, his word has not been heard; none have written his speech.

11/1.9. Was it not so in all times on the earth? And because of this darkness among men, they have laid bare the iniquity of their own hearts. For out of the mouths of my chosen, who utter my words, come words of truth, love, wisdom, kindness, and the exaltation of virtue. But from those who deny me come corruption, war, avarice,[336] and the love of earthly things for self’s sake.

11/1.10. Behold, they have quibbled about words and the meaning of words. One says: How much of this came from the Lord, and how much from the prophet? Making mathematicians of themselves on a matter separate from the subject of the righteousness of their own souls, which lies at the bottom[337] of God’s desires.

11/1.11. Are not all words, at best, merely pictures and paintings for the spirit who finds them? And whether the Captain (Lord) or his private (angel) carry the light to the prophet, what does it matter to the man or woman who seeks to serve Jehovah by doing good works?

11/1.12. Some have said: Behold, I have given all I had to the poor, and I rise early and visit the sick; and in the night I sit up with them; and I gather up orphans and helpless ones, and make them so joyous of heart they thank Jehovah they are created into life. || Now, truly, all men know that such behavior comes from those who recognize my word, whether it comes from the mouth of a babe or the pen of a fool.

11/1.13. Who, then, shall not find delight in the word of the Lord? Do they not know that I am the same today, yesterday and forever? And in judgment, why will they not perceive that my word comes now as well as in the ancient times?

11/1.14. Behold, I am not for one man only, nor for one woman, nor for one book; but wherever the light of wisdom and the desire for virtue and holy deeds shine, there my speech will manifest. Is Jehovah not wide as the universe, and immutable?[338] And to be in harmony with Him, is this not the sum of all wisdom?

11/1.15. Therefore, if your Lord, or your God, has attained to be one with the Father, and he comes in dominion on the earth, with his millions of angels, who also know the higher light, and you are inspired by them to do Jehovah’s will, what discussion shall man have against heaven or its representatives?

11/1.16. I declare freedom to all men in Jehovah’s name, but with freedom I also give the experience of the Lords of earth. Permit, therefore, my prophets on all hands to embellish the pictures of the past in their own way; and to the extent that the pictures fortify faith in Jehovah and His Works, Power and Glory, be circumspect to desire nourishment from them. And rather than destroy that which is given in the name of Jehovah, go, and fall to work in like manner to build up His light in your own way.[339]

11/1.17. In this is wisdom; for those who strive for the light of my dominion shall receive my angels in my name; and by the words they find to express my commandments, they shall be known to be of me.

11/1.18. All words came from the Lord your God; by him, man was made upright on the earth. As the first race (Asu) went down into the earth, the second man rose up by my angels, becoming like Lords and Gods, and capable of knowing good and evil.

11/1.19. But as the light of a full grown man differs from that of a child’s, so, in different degree, was the light of men; and those with the higher light were called Believers (Faithists), because they perceived that Wisdom shaped all things and ruled to the ultimate glory of the All One; but those of the lesser light were called Cain, the druk, because their trust was more in corporeal than in spiritual things.

11/1.20. And the Believers (Faithists) were also called the chosen people, because they chose God, who is Lord over corpor; but the Cainites, the druks, were classed as enemies of the Lord, because they sacrificed by means of war and death, that which Jehovah made alive. And these two peoples have lived on the earth from the first, and even to this day.

11/1.21. And I, the Lord, Son of Jehovah, gave a certain commandment to man, saying: You shall love the Lord your God with all your soul, your wisdom and strength. But man had little strength in this matter; neither did I ask for more than he could give. And another commandment was: You shall not kill; which had man obeyed, there would have been no war in the world.

11/1.22. In like manner I gave the light of heaven to all men, but my enemies perverted my words in order to justify themselves in sin. Yet the Father so dwells in man, that man can judge of truth and holiness. So if one man says: The Lord said, You shall not kill; and yet another man says: The Lord says, You shall kill; then let no man mistake which is of the Lord in fact. For the Lord does not make alive any man whom he desires to be killed.

11/1.23. And so, my word was perverted by man; and the little light which was not lost, man tried to obscure. Nevertheless, man multiplied and inhabited the earth over, building cities and nations, and prospering in certain seasons in all things earthly. But because my priority in coming to the earth was to develop the soul of man, and for his own ultimate happiness in the etherean worlds, I did not labor with those who did not heed me, but suffered them to go on in their own conceit. And they became divided against one another, and war, pestilence and diverse diseases came upon mortals, resulting in their further downfall.

11/1.24. And the spirits of those who denied me on earth, still denied me in heaven; and in their stubbornness and conceit, continued to dwell with man on the earth. So that in the course of time, the world was overrun by spirits of darkness who did not know heaven. And it came to pass that my enemies slew my chosen on all hands.

11/1.25. In four great divisions of the earth, Vohu, Jud, Thouri, and Dis (Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe) they did not leave one alive of the I’hin race. In Whaga (Pan) I had a remnant; and they were scattered far and near, in separate places hiding away from their evil pursuers.

11/1.26. I had said to them: Every living thing that grows up out of the ground shall be food for you; but everything within which is the breath of life, which is of blood and spirit, you shall not eat. Whoever sheds blood, in which is life, by that action invites his own blood and spirit to the spoil. In likeness of God, man was made heir[340] of the earth and all things on it.

11/1.27. Be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in remembrance of the Lord God of heaven and earth.

11/1.28. And I gave the circumcision as a measure of the boundary of my chosen.

11/1.29. But there were giants (druks) in those days and in time after that; and my chosen came to them, and they bore children to them also. And their flesh became corrupt, so that vermin inhabited them from their birth to their death. And they became rotten in the head with catarrh; and in the throat with ulcers and running sores; and in the lungs and joints with the poison of death. And the offspring that was born to them came forth afflicted with the sins of their fathers and mothers, to linger in misery or to die in infancy.

11/1.30. And they thus peopled heaven with untimely births and with spirits of darkness, who, in return, came back and re‑afflicted mortals.

11/1.31. And I said: I will destroy man from the face of the earth, for the flesh of man is corrupt; by the eating of flesh and unwise cohabitation he has corrupted his race upon the earth.

11/1.32. And I, the Lord, called to my chosen, who were persecuted and hidden away in the valleys and mountains, even on the tops of the mountains, in the land of Whaga.

11/1.33. And I said to them: Because you have kept my commandments, come forth and hear the word of the Lord your God. || And they came out from their hiding places, thousands and thousands of them. And I sent my angels to them, saying to my angels:

11/1.34. Say to my chosen: This is the word of the Lord your God: You have found favor in my sight, for of all that are on the earth, you alone have kept my commandments; and you have seen righteousness in the seed of your generations.

11/1.35. Go, therefore, and build enough ships for my chosen, and get within, where none can pursue or destroy.

11/1.36. For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, even above the highest mountains; for I will destroy its corruption, and purge it of all uncleanness.

11/1.37. Take, therefore, food that is good to eat, and gather it into the ships; for the flood shall remain one hundred and fifty days, and you shall come forth and not find anything to eat.

11/1.38. And the angels of the Lord went to the Believers (Faithists) in God and inspired them to build ships, both in the valleys and on the mountains; for two whole years they built them, and then they were completed.

11/1.39. And the angels of heaven numbered the ships, and there were one hundred and thirty‑eight. And the ships stood on the mountains and in valleys; but of all the ships that had been built, not one stood near the waters.

11/1.40. And the earth stood in the arc of Noe in the firmament of heaven, in the place and grade of six hundred in the a’ji’an roads, twenty‑four thousand years before the millennium (Kosmon).

11/1.41. And the Lord commanded the chosen to go into the ships; which they did; and in that same day the gates of heaven and earth were opened.

11/1.42. And the earth (that was Whaga) rocked to and fro, like a ship at sea; and the rains fell in torrents; and loud thunderings came up from beneath the floor of the world. And the sea came up on the land; first upon the valleys and then upon the mountains; so that the ships floated on the waters.

11/1.43. But the land was swallowed up, valleys and mountains; and all the living (on Whaga) perished, except the I’hins, who floated off in the ships.

11/1.44. And the Lord said: I numbered those who were saved, and there were twelve thousand four hundred and twenty; and these were all that remained of the first race of man that walked on two feet.

11/1.45. Behold, I will carry them to all the divisions of the earth, and people it anew with the seed of my chosen. ||

11/1.46. And Jehovah blew His breath upon the ships of His sons and daughters; blew them about upon the ocean; blew them to the east and west and north and south.

11/1.47. By the will of God, the ships were congregated into four fleets; thirty‑four ships into each fleet, except two ships, which were carried together in a fleet by themselves.

11/1.48. The Lord said: I will name the fleets of my chosen, and their names shall be everlasting on the earth. And the Lord named them America, Shem, Japheth, Ham and Yista.

11/1.49. The Lord said: From these, my seed, I will people the earth over in all its divisions. And so that later generations, for thousands of years, may know the work of my hand, behold, I give them a sign, which is my covenant to them and their heirs forever:

11/1.50. Which is my crescent, in the form of a rainbow; and whatever people bear this, my sign, shall be a remembrance to me of my covenant. Nor shall they be destroyed from the inheritance that I have given to them.

11/1.51. And the chosen looked out of their ships; the sky was clearing, and a rainbow shone in the firmament; and by its light the land was found, where the Lord brought his people.

11/1.52. And in one hundred and fifty days from the beginning of the flood, the ships were brought into their respective places; for as the Lord destined them, so did they land in the different countries of the world.

11/1.53. The fleet named America was carried eastward, and the country where it landed was also called America.[341] The Lord said: From this place my chosen shall spread out north and south. But they shall not inhabit the lands to the east or west as far as the sea; for they shall be testimony in time to come, of this landing place from the continent of Pan.

11/1.54. God said: Permit my people to give names to the places where I lead them; for these names shall show in the millennial (Kosmon) era, the work of my hand done in this day.

11/1.55. The fleet of two ships carried to the north was named Yista, which in the Whaga tongue, was Zha’Pan, which is the same country that to this day is called Japan, signifying, relic of the continent of pan, for it lay to the north, where the land was cleaved in two.

11/1.56. And the Lord said to them: Behold, eight Hi’dan shall come and pass, and in that day, you shall be like a key to unlock the labors of heaven; for of all people you shall be reckoned the oldest in the world. And until I come and unlock the sea, you shall remain an exclusive people from all tribes and nations.[342]

11/1.57. Preserve, therefore, the names of my rites and ceremonies, and especially the names of land and water, and the firmament above, and ships that plow the water, and whatever sounds that man makes in the throat without the tongue and lips; for in the time of my glory on the earth you shall also be glorified. Preserve also peace, righteousness and industry, for you shall be a testimony in the later time, of the presence of my hand and of the Great Spirit also. Thus was Japan settled, and it continues to this day.

11/1.58. The fleet named Japheth was driven westward and north, and the country was called Japheth for thousands of years afterward, and is the same as that called China to this day.

11/1.59. The fleet named Shem landed to the south, and the country was called Shem for thousands of years afterward, and is the same as that called India to this day.

11/1.60. The fleet named Ham landed southwest, and the country was called the land of Ham for thousands of years, and is the same as that called Egypt and Africa to this day.

11/1.61. God said: Behold, my chosen shall manifest many signs and words common to one another in these different divisions of the earth.

11/1.62. They shall remember the flood.

11/1.63. They shall repudiate idols, but worship the Great Spirit, Jehovah.

11/1.64. They shall have the crescent.

11/1.65. They shall have the triangle.

11/1.66. They shall preserve the four days of the change of the moon as sacred days, and they shall be called mass (moon’s) days [Sabbaths –Ed.].

11/1.67. They shall be circumcised.

11/1.68. They shall remember the seven tetracts: Dibbah, the enticing evil; Ra, the flesh evil; Zimmah, the joking evil; Belyyaal, worthlessness; Aven, vanity; Anash, delight in destruction; and Sa’tan, desire for leadership, which is the captain of death.

11/1.69. They shall have three great lights: Or, the All Highest; God, son of Or; and Lord (Adonya), executor[343] of heaven and earth.

11/1.70. They shall have three lesser lights: God’s angels and Lords; the prophets; and the rabbîs.[344]

11/1.71. They shall have three representative symbols of light: The sun, the moon and the burning flame.

11/1.72. The Lord said: And my chosen shall use these lights and symbols, signs and seasons, in all the divisions of the earth where I have settled them.

11/1.73. And in the millennial (Kosmon) era I will come and show them the framework of my building, which I raise up to the Almighty.

11/1.74. God said: Now the world was of one language and one speech; in all the places of my people, they spoke alike, person to person. ||

11/1.75. Nevertheless, in all parts of the earth there lived ground people, who were black and brown,[345] and burrowed in the ground; and they had long arms and curved backs, and were naked and not ashamed, for which reason they were called Druks.

11/1.76. The Lord spoke to the chosen (the I’hins), saying: Behold the earth! I give it to you, to be yours forever.

11/1.77. Do not mingle with the druks, for they are without understanding and are not heirs to everlasting life.

11/1.78. Now many inquired of the Lord, saying: If these, having no understanding, are not heirs to everlasting life, how shall it be with our children who die in infancy?

11/1.79. The Lord said: This is a matter of the seed, and not of learning. Whoever is born from my chosen shall inherit my everlasting kingdom.

CHAPTER 2 Lords’ First

11/2.1. The Lord said: A wise physician amputates a diseased limb and so preserves the trunk to become healed.

11/2.2. Did I not see the rankness of the tribes of darkness, the druks; and that the proceedings of man would render the earth void?

11/2.3. What worth has all the world, if it does not bring forth heirs to everlasting life?

11/2.4. Behold, I saw that my chosen had become exterminated on all the divisions of the earth except Pan. And I saw that those who had been their destroyers had, in turn, nearly exterminated one another.

11/2.5. And I saw that by bringing the remnants of my people here, they could re‑establish themselves, and become the seed of a mighty people.

11/2.6. But, as for the land of Whaga (Pan), it was already in the throes of death. The druks had become a festering sore; and the spirits of the dead, tens of billions of them, would not quit their hold on mortals while life was on the earth.

11/2.7. And I sent my angels around the whole earth, and gathered in the spirits of darkness; gathered them to the land of Whaga.

11/2.8. And when my work was ready, I raised up my hand, as a surgeon that would lop off a diseased limb, and I cleft asunder the continent of Pan and sunk it beneath the waters.

11/2.9. And my angels conducted my chosen out of that land, and not one of them perished.

11/2.10. I said to the guardian angels whom I had given to man: In the lands where I will take my people, let them build mounds and walled cities, with ladders to enter, like the ancients. In all the divisions of the earth, they shall build alike.

11/2.11. For in the time of The millennium (Kosmon), their relics shall be testimony that the I’hin foreran the I’huan, the copper‑colored race, all over the world.

11/2.12. So also, I, the Lord, will provide in the millennial (Kosmon) era to discover the sunken land of Whaga, so that mortals may comprehend the magnitude of the work of the Lord. ||

11/2.13. In those days the I’hins did not dwell alone, but in cities and villages; and they were clothed. They tilled the ground and brought forth grains and seeds good to eat; and flax and hemp, from which to make cloth for covering the body. And their food was of every herb, root, grain, seed, and fruit, that comes from the earth, and is good to eat; but they ate neither flesh nor fish, nor of anything that breathed the breath of life.

11/2.14. They toiled by day, bringing the fruit of their labor within their cities; and they slept at night within their cities, and on mounds, so they would not be molested by beasts of prey or by serpents.

11/2.15. And every city had one rabbî (head father), who knew the way of the Lord; by the rabbî, the altars of the Lord were built, and the times of the sacred days foretold.

11/2.16. And the rabbî made written records on stone; which they taught to their successors, and to whoever desired to learn of the Lord.

11/2.17. And the Lord remained with them; and they kept the commandments and multiplied exceedingly, in all the divisions of the world.

11/2.18. Nor was there in those days, any war in any land under the sun.

11/2.19. In three thousand years time, behold, there were thousands of cities and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants who had spread abroad over the lands of the earth.

11/2.20. And they had built ships and sailed abroad on the seas, and inhabited its islands, north and south and east and west.

CHAPTER 3 Lords’ First

The Scriptures of that day

11/3.1. God said: So that my people may remain upright, behold, I give to them and their successors forever, certain sacred words which shall be to them the bond of my covenant.

11/3.2. The Lord said: Seven degrees of sacred rites I bestow upon my people. And no man shall take the second till he has learned all the words of the first; nor shall he take the third till he has learned all the words of the second; and so on. Man shall learn all my sacred words; from mouth to ear they shall be learned, by every man and every woman of my people.[346]

11/3.3. Listen, then, to the words of the servants of the Lord:

11/3.4. I will serve the prophets of the Lord my God.

11/3.5. Heal my flesh, O God (Iod), and cure poison.

11/3.6. The Lord is my spirit (s’pe) unseen in the heavens.

11/3.7. He is all power, wisdom, love, and anger.

11/3.8. He can heal, and he can tear the flesh, and strike dead.

11/3.9. His prophets have his good grace; they can hear his voice and interpret him.

11/3.10. The Lord is my guardian; ten times a day I will remember him.

11/3.11. God who is Lord can stop blood; choke it up, O Lord.

11/3.12. He gave blood‑stopping as a power of the prophet’s hands.

11/3.13. Confound my enemies, O God.

11/3.14. The ashars (angels of the Lord) shield me.

11/3.15. I will honor the I’hins, the sacred people of God. They are my brethren.

11/3.16. This was the first lesson. Also the Lord said to his prophets: Go to the druks and sit them on the ground in a circle, and you stand in the center, saying: Behold, O druk, the Great Spirit has spoken; I have heard His voice. His words are holy words; whoever learns His words shall have power over sickness and poison, and the flowing of blood. And, if a woman, she shall become fruitful and have great rejoicing. Hold up your hands and repeat the words of the Lord.

11/3.17. And it was so, the prophets taught the words of the Lord. First, the first degree (as shown above); and when that was mastered, then the second:

11/3.18. Blessed is the name of the Lord. He can make me alive after I am dead, and this is all he requires of me, to say: Blessed is the name of the Lord. In the morning I will say it; at noon I will say it; at night I will say it: Blessed is the name of the Lord.

11/3.19. I will wear clothes to hide my nakedness, because God requires it of me.

11/3.20. I will not steal, nor speak untruth.

11/3.21. If my brother takes what is mine, I will not be angry, nor judge him; but I will lay the matter before the prophets of God.

11/3.22. I will do no violence, for it is God’s commandment.

11/3.23. This, then, that follows, was the third:

11/3.24. I will have only one wife; I will not go after other women while she lives. (I will have only one husband; I will receive no other man while my husband lives.)

11/3.25. I will permit no man or woman of poison (leprosy) to come near the oe’ugah [camp –Ed.]. In the Lord’s name, I will drive them away.

11/3.26. I renounce[347] them; nor will I mingle with them, for it is God’s commandment.

11/3.27. The fourth commandment was:

11/3.28. I forswear[348] the hunt; but whatever comes, and is fit food for man to eat, I will kill it.[349] I will take up fish in the name of the Lord, for they suffer no pain.

11/3.29. I will till the soil, gather roots to eat, and weave fibers of barks for clothing, and live like the I’hins, the chosen people of God.

11/3.30. I renounce murderers; nor will I marry with them, nor live as they live; they are the enemies of the Lord God.

11/3.31. I will curse no man, woman or child, for it is the Lord’s commandment.

11/3.32. I renounce anger and all weapons of death; they are enemies of the Lord.

11/3.33. If a man injures me, I will lay the matter before the Lord’s prophet, for his judgment is holy, says the Lord.

11/3.34. If a woman entices me, I will go secrete myself and repeat the sacred words.

11/3.35. I will respect the times of woman, for she is the gift of the Lord to be man’s helpmate.

11/3.36. When my wife has a newborn child, I will do her labor for forty days, for it is God’s commandment.

11/3.37. The fifth commandment, which is:

11/3.38. The four days of the moon are the Lord’s; on those days I will not labor.

11/3.39. I will keep sacred the four days of every moon, and I will repeat the sacred words of the Lord three times.

11/3.40. And when the prophets say: Behold, the Lord says this is a sacred day; then I will keep that day holy, for the prophets hear the voice of God.

11/3.41. When the I’hins worship before the altar of the Lord, I will keep on the outer circle, for the I’hins are the chosen servants of God.

11/3.42. When the I’hins march forth, following the prophets, I will come after, for I will honor the Lord’s chosen.

11/3.43. When the prophets say: Pitch the tents here, I will comply, for the prophets cannot err.

11/3.44. The sixth commandment, which is:

11/3.45. I will provide for the sick, and for the woman with a newborn child.

11/3.46. I will give, first to the I’hins, second to the druks, and lastly keep for my own self.

11/3.47. To warriors, I will give in time of sickness, but when they are healed, I will say: Go your way.

11/3.48. And if a man or woman is sick from poison, I will go to them. But before I go in I will say: O Lord, my God, in your name I go on a dangerous business; come through your ashars and protect me for your sake.

11/3.49. For the Lord can shield me around, and I shall not receive the poison.

11/3.50. The seventh commandment, which is:

11/3.51. I will keep these holy words secret in the name of the Lord my God.

11/3.52. When the Lord commands, saying: Go here, or go there, or build a city here, or a house or an altar; then I will do the Lord’s bidding. ||

11/3.53. Thus the Lord established laws among men; and because of the sacredness of the Lord’s words, man treasured them and kept holy the commandments of God. ||

11/3.54. Now I, the Lord, reveal in this, the millennial (Kosmon) era:

11/3.55. My angels were with the chosen in the days of these sacred scriptures.

11/3.56. And when the words were repeated for the stopping of blood, behold, my angels compressed the veins. The words themselves did not stop the blood, but it was by the words that mortals came into concert with my hosts.

11/3.57. And when a man went into the presence of dangerous diseases, repeating the sacred words, behold, my angels enveloped that man with my unseen blankets, and the man was protected from the disease.

11/3.58. Without such words, there could be no concert of action between mortals and angels.

11/3.59. Do not think that your Lord taught a foolish thing; nor that the mumbling of words by my prophets was without wisdom and forethought by the Lord your God. ||

11/3.60. Now in those days the Lord caused the rabbî to make a wheel, and hang it beside the altar. And its meaning was: As this wheel is without beginning or end, so is the Creator. Whoever turns the wheel once around has said: In you, my God, I trust.

11/3.61. And the Lord made an image to stand at the extreme of the altar,[350] where only holy men and women could pass, and the Lord called the emblem Fete,[351] signifying, beyond me there is no appeal.

11/3.62. And the form of fete was a circle having an all-light center, with four dark corners cut off. And the Lord explained the meaning, which was:

11/3.63. There is a central light within man seeing clearly, but the four dark corners of the world (ignorance, lust, selfishness, and anger) beset[352] him on all sides.


I033r07a Fete Semoin

i033r07a Fete.


11/3.64. And the Lord made an instrument and called it gau, which was a triangle with a plumb line from the upper corner; and across the plumb line was a hollow reed for seeing through; and at the bottom end of the plumb line a weight was attached, which pointed to marks on the lower border of the triangle.[353] And the Lord explained to the prophets how to use the gau for proving all things, such as calculating the height of mountains, and the velocity of running waters, and how to lay the foundations of the temples, so that they would be square with the world. And the prophets taught the I’hins, but with them the mysteries were kept secret from all other people. So that, in after time, came the saying: Even the wicked were compelled to employ the I’hins, and were thus beholden to the Lord.


I033r03f Gau Semoin

i033r03f Gau.


11/3.65. In all, there were two hundred and eighty signs, emblems, symbols, and implements given by the Lord to his people; and when they were all completed the Lord taught the prophets the meaning; and these became the sacred language of mortals in all the divisions of the earth.


Book of Sue, Son of Jehovah

Being the second cycle after the Flood.


12/1.1. Jehovah spoke in the gardens of Atahavia, precinct of Sue, Orian Chief, in the etherean firmament, saying: Sue, My Son, what of the red star, the far‑off earth? Behold, her harvests are blighted; she has become barren in imparting immortal souls to My unending realms.

12/1.2. Sue heard the voice, and he said: In Your name, O Jehovah, I will summon my Gods of Hoit and Izaracha.

12/1.3. Swift messengers departed; and Sue, quick‑perceiving God of two worlds in the etherean Seamar, foresaw the importance of the coming red star. He said: This, with my Gods of Hoit and Izaracha, who will come in swift speed, shall be the second deliverance.[354]

12/1.4. Then came Le Wing, God of Hoit; and presently, Sivian, Goddess of Izaracha, and they stood before Jehovah’s throne. Sue said:

12/1.5. Jehovah has spoken. Behold, the red star no longer brings forth sons and daughters to Jehovah’s realms. She is weak, unstrung, and out of tune, and comes this way. And I said:

12/1.6. In Your power and wisdom, O Jehovah, I will visit the red star! Six years I will stand on her soil, and course her heaven; and I will give such potency to her confused Gods and Lords as will make a billion sing for joy. || To accompany me, I have called you. Behold, I have charts and maps of her heaven and her corporeal parts; and a history of her, as yet, young adventures in the field of worlds.

12/1.7. Then spoke Le Wing and Sivian, saying: To do Jehovah’s will and yours, behold, we have come to you. Give us to fulfill whatever you will.

12/1.8. Sue said to the swift messengers: You have heard; go proclaim my will throughout my etherean worlds; and summon up from Ithyivius a hundred million skilled volunteers. When the red star crosses the wing of Izaracha,[355] we will go forth in power, and land on her troubled parts in a sea of golden light.


12/2.1. In the Ariniisca of Portan of the etherean worlds and division of Hoit and Izaracha, flew the call of the Gods for volunteers, of which a more welcome sound is not heard in high heaven than to do Jehovah’s will. And with the voice and call there rose up hosts from every quarter, and from every subdivision, till the complement stood ready for the great work. And yet so vast were the fields and arcs of Izaracha that the hundred million chosen were only a small fraction compared to those left uncalled.

12/2.2. Coming near the throne of Sue in Aoit, the hundred million formed in squares and stars, and the chosen God[356] took his place at the head and front, looking to the low horizon, where rose the red star, the sick earth.

12/2.3. And now the builders, who had measured the elements lying in the route to the earth, formed their crescent ship of fire, and equipped it; and with mantles, curtains and banners, created of it a vessel of beauty and ornament as well as service.

12/2.4. Hardly was the ship completed when Jehovah’s light encompassed it on all sides, so that what was beautiful before, was now illuminated, sparkling and bright as a sun, and rich in golden colors; for such was the quality of the ethe of the heavens created in this region.

12/2.5. When Sue entered the ship, the voice of Jehovah came, saying: Another cycle has come and gone on the earth and her heaven, but still they fall to barrenness before the succeeding dawn. Go now, O Sue, My Son, and give a wider range to the tetracts of both angels and mortals. Give a greater scope to tyrants, kings and queens on earth, and greater to the self‑Gods and self‑Lords in hada, and more responsibility.

12/2.6. Then all hands entered the etherean ship, singing and rejoicing, observed by countless millions come to wish them a haven of joy on their six years’ visit to the corporeal earth.

12/2.7. Sue said: In Your name, O Jehovah, and by virtue of Your power vested in me, my hosts shall go forth at my command. Cut loose, you Gods, and you, O ship, born of heaven, to the red star, the earth, Go! And Sue stretched forth his hands and waved them, and lo, the mighty ship of heaven turned on its axis, cutting loose from the high firmament. And it turned, with its great curtains and banners sailing gracefully and swiftly through the blue ether.

12/2.8. The music of her es’enaurs swelled and rolled along on the spheres of many worlds unseen to mortals, where live countless millions of spectators viewing the marvelous speed, power and brilliant colors of the great ship. Faster and faster she sped on, till nearing Chinvat, which now cut sharp into the fields and forests of Izaracha, over which was potent the name of Sue, the companion God and chiefest friend of Aph, Orian Chief, Son of Jehovah.

12/2.9. When the ship came to the bridge[357] and stopped, to take in the plan of the whirling earth, Sue said: A light! A light! You Gods! And at once, as high as the moon and bright as the sun, the illumined ship stood, to overawe the self‑Gods, warrior kings, and murderers of the earth‑born, whose plentiful souls in chaos polluted heaven.

12/2.10. For three days and nights Sue held his star‑ship to the wonderful task of mastering by the marvelous scene.[358] Then slowly he entered the vortex of the earth, holding his course, but not with the rotation of the earth and her heaven; for he desired that both corporeans and atmosphereans would witness the coming power. So, slowly he came, only fifty thousand miles a day, so that when the ship neared the disorganized Hored, the self‑Gods and self‑Lords fled and left their well‑supplied kingdoms desolate, and down to the earth they rushed in thousands, and with their hosts in millions, to hide or safely stow themselves from Agni’s just hate.[359]

12/2.11. But the true God and Lords stood firm in their depleted kingdoms, fearing nothing, but in faith that this etherean ship was Jehovah’s answer to their long cry for help from the heavenly spheres. And by their pillars of fire still standing, great Sue knew where to land in the lower heaven for safe anchorage. So to Hored he came, slowly, and toward the throne of God. When he neared the place, his es’enaurs chanted and the trumpeters played; and the sound of this music came to the ears of God and his hosts, and they were the hymns of more than a thousand years ago.

12/2.12. And God and his hosts sent up rockets (fireworks) that displayed the three primary colors,[360] the sign of Jehovah’s name; and God’s es’enaurs joined in chanting with the hosts above. Presently the ship of fire was at the landing place, and Sue, Jehovah’s Son, cast out a ladder and descended, with his hosts, the hundred million angels, led by Gussitivi, marshaless of the throne of Sue, in Izaracha.

12/2.13. Sue said: Hail, O God of heaven and earth! In Jehovah’s name, I have come in power and wisdom. And God answered: Glory to You, O Jehovah, that Your Son has come so far to bless Your bewildered kingdom! Then they saluted with the signs of the sixth resurrection, after which God said:

12/2.14. In the name of the Great Spirit, come and honor my throne. So Sue went forward, and they greeted by shaking hands; and Sue ascended and sat on the throne, saying: Keep your place, O God, for I have not come to displace you or your hosts of Jehovah, but to build up for His glory. Be seated, therefore, for I feel the light of the Father descending on my head.

12/2.15. Presently the All Light enveloped Sue, and the Father’s voice spoke through him, saying: Hear the words of your Creator, My Son, and rejoice because I have not forgotten you and your people. Behold, this is the hour of your redemption from the trials of tetracts, which have run abroad in My dominions.

12/2.16. Was it not worse than this in the ancient days? And I came with My hosts and delivered them. I created man in darkness and gave him no judgment, so that the creation of his own thoughts might be for his own glory, forever. But instead of beautifying his thoughts, he listens to tetracts and clothes himself in clouds. The heaven I build for him, he digs to pieces, and then builds his own, but only to be displeased and turbulent. Nor will he content himself with providing with his own hands, but searches out My most dutiful sons and daughters, making slaves of them for his own exaltation.

12/2.17. Behold, I have previously sent My sons and daughters to search out these traitors and self‑Gods, declaring to them that only by forsaking evil and practicing righteousness could they attain to My exalted kingdoms. Their evil places I have cast down, and rebuilt in honor and glory, so that their own judgment could determine that virtue and good works are the sure foundation for happiness that will endure forever. But when I have raised them up in one cycle and made the lower heaven a paradise, alas, once My ethereans have gone away for just a little while, the tetracts take root, and grow, and turn all things upside down.

12/2.18. But now I will build them up in a new way. Yes, I will appropriate the evil of their inventions, applying this to their benefit in a way they do not dream of. The false Gods and false Lords shall be arrested and brought before this judgment seat, and I will judge them by their own behavior and desires; neither will I torment them nor abridge their happiness. Send, therefore, My Son, your marshals into the hidden places of these Gods and Lords, and say to them: Thus says the hosts of heaven: Come, my Son, and inherit a kingdom in hada, in your own way, for lo, there is room for all; but, so that you are not left behind, come quickly to Hored.

12/2.19. And they will come, hoping to embellish themselves in the old manner. But My Light shall come in due time in My own way.

12/2.20. The voice ceased, but Sue spoke on his own account, saying: What Jehovah has ordered, do so. Accordingly marshals and priests were sent in all directions in atmospherea, to gather in the false Gods and false Lords who had deserted their dominions in fear of the light of Sue’s etherean ship. And after many days the false ones were brought to Hored, being seven thousand Lords and Gods.

12/2.21. Now when they were before Sue, Jehovah’s Son, and arranged so that all could hear and see, including the whole Council, the Light gathered around the throne, and Sue addressed them, saying:

12/2.22. Hear me, O men and women! I have sent for you, and you are here. In this I am pleased. Know, then, that what I speak shall be in love and tenderness. You have deserted Jehovah’s kingdoms, and it must be because it pleased you better than to remain. Is this not true? And you also deserted your own false kingdoms?

12/2.23. For a little while they consulted together, and then answered, saying: No, it did not please us to desert our own kingdoms; but we were afraid.

12/2.24. Sue said: Who do you think I am? They answered: A God from some far‑off world, but where it lies, we do not know. We desire to know who you are?

12/2.25. Sue said: I am only a man; do not fear me. But since you feared, and so, deserted your kingdoms, does it not prove that you are not the All Highest? And do you not perceive that, because you had no All Highest, you were divided and inharmonious?

12/2.26. Hear, then, that which I say, and consider my words: I do not want your kingdoms or anything you have; but, so that harmony may reign in heaven, I will give every one of you more than you had, and increase your power also.

12/2.27. Since you see I have come to Hored, the throne of the ancients, do you not perceive that whoever accords with me is of my power also? Take, then, your kingdoms and be Gods and Goddesses, as you assumed before, and I will anoint you, and make you as part and parcel of one united whole. Again they counseled together, and then answered:

12/2.28. Why shall we take our kingdoms? Our slaves have deserted us; our kingdoms are pillaged of all their value. Indeed, our slaves have become wandering spirits, and have returned to the earth and are making their habitations with mortals, so that the people of earth are aroused because of miracles and wonders occurring on earth.

12/2.29. Sue said: What can you say to these wandering spirits that will induce[361] them to come up away from mortals? To which they answered: If we promise them provender,[362] clothes and plenty of rest, they will come; but when we put them to labor, having tasted of liberty, they will run away.

12/2.30. Sue said: How, then, did you make slaves of them in the first place? To which they answered: The day their mortal bodies died, we took them in, and they never saw or knew any other place in heaven; so we appropriated them to our service and they dutifully obeyed.

12/2.31. Sue said: Know, then, this is my conclusion: First, that you shall all be made as sub‑Gods to one confederacy, and your kingdoms shall be fair to look upon, and well supplied with all things needed.

12/2.32. Behold, there are on earth, with the barbarians, hosts of familiars and fetals; whichever of you will go down to the earth and bring them away to Hored, shall have them for his slaves; and whoever brings the greatest number, I will award him the greatest kingdom. And if you can find emissaries to work for you in bringing fetals and familiars away from the barbarians, then such labor shall be accounted to your credit. And in the corporeal cities you shall station certain angels, whose labor shall be to receive newborn spirits on birth‑blankets and bring them to your kingdoms also, for they shall be your slaves.

12/2.33. In that manner, Sue spoke, and the false Gods and Goddesses were highly pleased, and they divided themselves into certain districts over mortals and for the lower heaven, and were sent off at once to labor in their own way, and they were named sub‑Gods.

12/2.34. Sue said: These sub‑Gods have much weight with the barbarians, because they advise them in war. But, behold, it shall come to pass that when the sub‑Gods have robbed the barbarians of their familiar spirits, the I’hin priests will have a greater weight with them.

12/2.35. And the sub‑Gods will desire to find favor in my sight, and so, they will teach their slaves, and this will cause them to emancipate themselves in time to come.


12/3.1. Jehovah spoke through Sue, saying: Mine is a strong government, and everlasting. Listen to the wisdom of your Creator, O My sons and daughters. Where have I not given liberty to all people? He who does right, where is he not free? He who does wrong, where does he have liberty? Whoever endeavors to surpass himself, have I not shown him his limit?

12/3.2. I created man at zero, but only for him to add to himself forever. I gave him liberty to add only that which perfects his own soul. For which reason, if he eats poison, it takes from him his body, which I gave. Here I made a boundary, both on earth and in heaven, which is to say, to the extent that man accumulates virtue, wisdom, patience, love, truth and pure words, he is free; because, in doing so, he follows Me in My works. But he who seeks to glorify himself in his possessions, binds himself, because he is unlike Me; for I gave All, and thus made the universe.

12/3.3. I have created two states, therefore, open to all men, both on earth and in atmospherea, which are, liberty and bondage. And I made man to choose that which he will; but, so that he might not err, behold, I send My emancipated angels to explain these things beforehand.[363]

12/3.4. Even so are governments ordained by My holy ones; accordingly, you may judge whether a government is of Me or against Me. For if it gives liberty to all righteous works, and for the promotion of knowledge, providing teachers to the extent of the demand, it is of Me. But if the government makes of itself a self, for which its aggrandizement[364] is at the expense of My children’s liberty, then it is against Me.

12/3.5. For I have not created a people to be today as their forefathers were, but provided them with perpetual growth in wisdom and virtue; for which reason, the rising generations shall rebel against that which was well and good for their forefathers. All My governments understand this, whether on earth or in heaven. Whatever government does not accept this rule shall go down to destruction. For, as I have hedged man about with sentinels, such as pestilence, poverty and hunger, in order to awaken him to knowledge and industry, so have I hedged-in all governments under the sun with sentinels, such as rebellion, assassinations, war, and bankruptcy. As pestilence proves man’s disobedience to My commandments, so do rebellion and anarchy prove the disobedience of governments to the progressive spirit which I created with man.

12/3.6. The self‑God says: I will make a strong government; by armies and cruel masters I will bind the subjects in my dominions. And he draws up a multitude of laws, and heaps up books to explain the laws, and finds judges to explain the books that explain the laws, and he says: Behold how wise I am! Behold the great wisdom of my judges! Behold the great learning of my books! Behold my most perfect laws! Behold my armies that stand in great power behind all!

12/3.7. But lo, a star appears in heaven, and all his fabric gives way like a spider’s web. For instead of choosing his Creator, Who is strong, he erected things that were as nothing.

12/3.8. Hear your Creator, O My God, for through My Son I bequeath a new light to the lower heaven: For, as you have portioned to the self‑Gods to take kingdoms, suffer them to hedge themselves around with a multitude of laws; but you yourself shall have no laws except the rites and ceremonies, which you shall adorn with music and processions.

12/3.9. And it shall come to pass that the dominions of the self‑Gods will prosper for a season; and for the sake of self‑glory, they will deplete the earth people of familiar spirits and fetals. But, afterward, their subjects will tire of the laws of the self‑Gods, and hearing that you have no laws, except rites and ceremonies, they will, of their own accord, come to Hored.

12/3.10. Therefore, you shall convert the nurseries, hospitals, factories and places of education, into places of delight and recreation.

12/3.11. The voice ceased, but Sue said: Behold, a time comes in all the atmospherean heavens when the discipline of former days must give way to something new; and now is such a time in this kingdom. It may be compared to a young child who has been led by the hand for a long time, but now has become strong enough to walk alone.

12/3.12. For this purpose the earth has been brought through the fields of Izaracha, and my hosts have come with music and wisdom. Hear, then, my decree, O God of earth, and you shall be the most blessed of Gods: Send your messengers into all parts of atmospherea, proclaiming a recreation of ten days, of music, dancing and marching, with pageantry and feasting, to be in Hored on the first of the moon of Japheth.

12/3.13. The rest leave to the Father, for He will provide us in that time. And while the time is coming, I will go around the earth with my hosts in my etherean ship.

12/3.14. God said: I perceive Your wisdom, O Jehovah; in Your decrees I am raised up with new wisdom and power. O that I could have devised a way for them before they fell so low!

12/3.15. Sue called the Council and his own hosts from labor to recreation for one day, and the people mingled together rejoicing; for there were many ethereans with the hosts of Sue who had been earth‑born, many thousands of years before, and their assurance of the emancipated heavens above had greater weight with the atmosphereans than anything that others could say. Then Sue and his hosts visited the earth and her heavens; and after that returned again to Hored.


12/4.1. When the time of the festival came, more than a billion souls, besides the etherean hosts, had congregated in Hored, to witness and to participate in the ceremonies. Sue said: Here is wisdom and folly; false Gods and their dupes; laziness and industry; swiftness and sloth. Yes, here is a world worthless before Jehovah.

12/4.2. And why? Simply for lack of discipline and harmony. Everyone is for self, and none are producers for the general good. Alas, they are the same as mortals, but stripped of flesh. They are of no value to one another, and consequently of no value to themselves. Now I will show you, O God, that these hapless[365] beings, with no joy in life or hope of resurrection, shall become a great glory to the Father and His Kingdoms.

12/4.3. God said: Pity them, O Father! It is over a thousand years since they have been visited by the higher heaven. Many of them are learned, but doubting if there are other heavens, except the plateaus of the atmospherea of the earth. Millions and millions of them have never seen an etherean. Alas, I fear for them.

12/4.4. Sue said; Fear not, O God. They are like mortar in my hands. Neither shall there be preaching to them, nor praying for them. They are tired of these things. But I will found a new light among them, and it shall speak for us. Hear me, then; with the populace I shall be as one that is unknown. Call, then, your es’enaurs, and your trumpeters and harpists, and all the musicians belonging to your kingdom and to the kingdoms of your Lords, and let the procession begin.

12/4.5. For in all public matters those who are at the front, if wise, can lead on forever. Be politic,[366] therefore, and shape the populace while the self‑Gods[367] are amazed at the immensity of the hosts assembled.

12/4.6. God did as commanded, and the people saw there was a head to the proceedings. Sue said: Send your marshals and decorators to follow close behind the musicians, distributing raiment to all who will follow in the procession. My etherean hosts are advised. They will stand by the way, and, with marvelous swiftness, provide the raiment. All possible extravagant colors and fabrics, hats and ornaments, shall be gratuitously[368] distributed.

12/4.7. My hosts shall be arrayed in plain white; and they shall not march, but be as servants and workmen. And when the atmosphereans have played and sung, over all the boundaries of Hored, then my etherean band shall sing and play, and start the dance.

12/4.8. All these things were done, and from the very start to the termination of the music there was harmony in every place and corner among the billions assembled. Nor was there ever a so extravagantly equipped multitude in the earth’s heaven. And so completely captivated were the people, that their enthusiasm was boundless. Then came the etherean dance, which so surpassed the capacity of the atmosphereans that not one could join in. Nor could they take part in the etherean music.

12/4.9. So the atmosphereans looked on, confounded by the excellence of that which was before their eyes.

12/4.10. Thus ended the first day’s proceedings, which to describe in full would require a large book. So the people were called to refreshment. And the ethereans, still dressed in white, and as servants and laborers, provided the viands.[369] For, they had previously prepared a supply of material. And so easily and swiftly did they do their work, that now, for the first time, the more learned of atmospherea began to observe them with surprise and wonder.

12/4.11. Presently inquiries were made as to who they were and where they came from. For so Jehovah created man, that when of his own accord, he admires the excellence of his neighbor, he goes to the extreme in praising him.

12/4.12. So God said: Tomorrow a new entertainment shall be given, and new raiment and new viands for the feast. And the hosts shouted with great vigor and praise. Then the people mingled together to converse on all they had witnessed; neither did they comprehend the object, except for pleasure only.

12/4.13. When the next day came, the ethereans had been divided into groups, and the rites of the ancients, and of the hosts of a’ji in Partha, were announced, requiring extravagant preparations[370] and millions of atmosphereans as assistants.

12/4.14. So great was their ambition to take part, that it was only by promises of something in the next rites, that the marshals were able to make selections.

12/4.15. Sue, Jehovah’s Son, had previously stationed signal bells at remote distances from one another, but connected them so that the sounds would answer quickly. And in the intervening places, extemporized forests and waterfalls were arranged; and near the middle space, one thousand columns of fire were erected.

12/4.16. So, in the morning of the second day, when all these glorious scenes were completed, with the ethereans still plain and in white stationed here and there, the atmosphereans were more confounded than ever, and more loudly shouting in their praise.

12/4.17. First came the birth‑rites; then marriage‑rites; then death‑rites and the first resurrection; then the rites of harmony. And the play represented a million ethereans who went to a corporeal world and followed it through its life, and to death and resurrection; its darkness, disharmony and terrible suffering in atmospherea; ending with a tableau[371] of a great sun of light descending, to deliver them into everlasting paradise.

12/4.18. So grand was the spectacle and so sublime the music and spoken words, that the hosts of Hored wept, and laughed, and shouted, and prayed, as if their souls would break with joy.

12/4.19. Thus ended the second day, and so complete was the glorious work that every soul had sworn a solemn oath to forsake[372] the earth and lower heaven forever. Then God announced for the third day, the display of etherean power.

12/4.20. And the people were so bewildered already that a child could have led the most stubborn of all. For thus Jehovah created man, who, having become much conceited in himself, turns right around and makes himself a submissive fool.

12/4.21. So, on the third day, the ethereans displayed their power over the elements of the atmosphere; making corporeal substances and dissolving them at pleasure;[373] making light into darkness, and darkness into light; weaving fabrics; making diadems and precious stones; gathering viands from the essence of things evaporated up from the earth; founding plateaus and temples in heaven; making ships and chains and musical instruments. And, lastly, the etherean marshals, with half a million ethereans, turned the winds and sent a heavy shower of rain down to the corporeal earth.[374]

12/4.22. And all that time, the musicians of the hosts of Sue were playing music, the sweetness and grandeur of which so greatly surpassed that of atmosphereans, that any of theirs would be as nothing in comparison.

12/4.23. So, because of the exhibition of great power and wisdom, the third day had changed the fortunes and aspirations of every man and woman in the lower heaven. And they were running here and there, pleading to be taken as apprentices or servants, pledging themselves to do anything required of them. Neither would they be put off, demanding that half of the next day should be given to initiating them as real beginners in the second resurrection.

12/4.24. Then God spoke to them, saying: You do not know what you ask. Behold, I have commanded you for hundreds of years to put away your fine raiment and sparkling gems, and to begin adorning your souls, so as to become Brides and Bridegrooms of the Great Spirit.

12/4.25. But you would not, but strove continually to adorn yourselves, forgetting to labor for those beneath you. Behold, Jehovah’s Brides and Bridegrooms now stand before you. What is their worth compared to yours? Are they not plain? And are you not decorated?

12/4.26. But millions of voices rose up, saying: We will do whatever you command, O God. There is no God like you. Then God spoke, saying: Hear me, then, further: To begin the second resurrection requires this; to put away your jewels, diadems, ornaments, and, above all things, to forsake self, and from this time forward to labor for others who are beneath you. If you do this in a brotherhood, you are already beginning the second resurrection. Neither is there any other road to wisdom and power.

12/4.27. Again the multitude cried out: We will do anything; we have faith. And God answered them, saying: Permit, then, a few to be initiated tomorrow; but be patient and of good judgment; slow to resolve, but firm forever.

12/4.28. So on the fourth day, in the morning, behold, more than a hundred million spirits had abandoned their showy raiment and stood arrayed in white, devoid of jewels and diadems, ready to be initiated and take the vows of the second resurrection. Accordingly new music was prepared, and the procession and ceremonies so arranged, that the greatest possible glory would be manifested.

12/4.29. Canopies were stretched overhead, and on the borders of the march, arches and columns were placed, decorated with flowers and vines; and amid these, half concealed, were nestled the response singers, who were to speak for and with the initiates. But concealed from view, and at a distance, were bells and explosives, which were the morning signals.

12/4.30. And the glad and solemn sound of the Immortal Voice came upon the souls of millions impatient to vow themselves to a new life; and God and his hosts welcomed them with great joy. So grand and imposing were the ceremonies, that, before midday, another hundred million came, robed in white, to be initiated also. Nor did the people desire any other entertainment.

12/4.31. And so the initiations were continued on the fifth day; and again, another hundred million applied, also robed in white. And this was continued on the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth days. And, lo and behold, a billion angels had taken the vows of the second resurrection.


12/5.1. The words of the initiation, led by the etherean hosts, were of this manner:

12/5.2. God on the throne said: O E‑o‑ih (Jehovah)! Almighty! Boundless!

12/5.3. Response: How shall I comprehend You, You Mighty One?

12/5.4. God: You, Higher than All Gods and Lords!

12/5.5. Response: Who moves the universe with power unlimited!

12/5.6. God: Creator and Controller of the corporeal worlds!

12/5.7. Response: In Whose hands the etherean firmament is like a fruitful garden, wider than the boundaries of time!

12/5.8. God: Whose members are All Space!

12/5.9. Response: Whose members are the All that is within place, beyond measure!

12/5.10. God: You, O E‑o‑ih! You Fountain and Terminus[375] of all things!

12/5.11. Response: E‑o‑ih! E‑o‑ih! Of Whom all things are simply parts, attuned to Your will!

12/5.12. God: You All Person, O E‑o‑ih! Incomprehensible!

12/5.13. Response: Who speaks in the Light! Whose voice is the progress of the universe!

12/5.14. God: E‑o‑ih! You All Giver! By giving, Creates!

12/5.15. Response: What are Your secrets, O Mighty One? O E‑o‑ih, Everlasting, and Greater than Magnitude!

12/5.16. God: I see nothing in all the universe but You! All selfs are merely fractions of Yourself, O E‑o‑ih!

12/5.17. Response: Who has not seen You, O E‑o‑ih? Your Person is in the east and west and north and south! Below and above; far and near.

12/5.18. God: Who has not heard Your voice? Who has not found Your hand, that pushes him along?

12/5.19. Response: Without You, O E‑o‑ih, I do not go; I do not move. I set out to do things of myself, and fail utterly.

12/5.20. God: What is man before You, O E‑o‑ih? He sets up a kingdom, and it falls like a house of straw.

12/5.21. Response: O E‑o‑ih, how I have wasted my time! My buildings were lighter than chaff![376] My virtues were merely bubbles, and they are burst and gone!

12/5.22. God: When will man learn to attune himself to You, O E‑o‑ih?

12/5.23. Response: How can I put away myself, O E‑o‑ih? Have I not said: I cannot put away my own judgment?

12/5.24. God: Man says, I will not put away my judgment! And lo, by that, he does it!

12/5.25. Response: Have I not said: To protect myself is the first law; and to preserve my own, the highest law?

12/5.26. God: Man assumes to protect himself, because he is without faith in You, O E‑o‑ih! And to preserve his own, which, in fact, is not his. ||

12/5.27. And here the Light fell upon the throne, and Jehovah spoke out of the Light, saying:

12/5.28. I have called you, O man, from your youth up! My voice has never ceased in your ear. Who can come into life without Me? Who can measure his own footsteps? Behold, he treads on My ground. Of all that he is made, the substance is Mine.

12/5.29. The kingdoms of the earth and the kingdoms of Gods and Lords in heaven, what more are they than imitations of My works? Where they imitate Me well, I am with them in wisdom, love and power. Shall a man butt his head against a wall to prove he is greater than his Creator? Behold, I came in the ancient days, saying: Strive to become one with Me, and you shall rejoice that I created you. Strive to set up for yourself, and your vanity shall in time pierce you as a two‑edged sword.

12/5.30. Hear the love of your Creator, O man! For, I made you with fondness for your sons and daughters. Of love like My Own, I gave you a part. And as you send communication to your wayward[377] son, beseeching him to return to you, so do I bring My messengers from higher worlds to call you. And, so that you may not mistake their higher place, I give them power and wisdom surpassing yours.

12/5.31. The Voice ceased, and the initiates said:

12/5.32. From this time forward I will serve only You, O E‑o‑ih! No more will I think what shall become of me. For I know You will appropriate me wisely, O E‑o‑ih!

12/5.33. Accordingly, as the stone is hewn and polished, so will You put it in the walls of Your house.

12/5.34. My labor is to hew, polish and perfect my own soul forever!

12/5.35. My soul shall become as a shining star.

12/5.36. My love like Your etherean angels.

12/5.37. And plain my raiment, and clean, forever![378]

12/5.38. Never more will I boast, nor speak untruth, forever!

12/5.39. Nor sloth attain me.

12/5.40. Nor vanity, nor self; nor will I talk of myself.

12/5.41. Nor criticize my brethren, nor my neighbors, for they are Yours, O E‑o‑ih!

12/5.42. To do righteous works and lift up my fellows shall be my labor from this time forward, forever!

12/5.43. Make me strong in You, O E‑o‑ih!

12/5.44. And wise to do Your will forever. Amen!


12/6.1. So great were the words and music of the ceremonies that the people were entranced beyond measure; the old and divided kingdoms, which were without unity and discipline, were now replaced by extreme sanctity and decorum.[379]

12/6.2. Sue said: Hear me, O God, I will counsel you further: Know, then, that the false Gods and false Lords have gone off to build up kingdoms of their own; nor do they know what has happened in Hored. Allow them to proceed until they have purified the corporeans from familiars and fetals; but when they have finished, call another festival of all these people, and also send word to the false Gods and false Lords who deny Jehovah, the All Person, and they will come adorned in extravagant raiment and jewelry, and bringing their slaves. For they will expect, by their pageantry, to triumph over all other Gods and men, hoping to carry back millions of subjects with them.

12/6.3. God said: I perceive, O Sue, Son of Jehovah. So God did as commanded, and sure enough, eventually the false Gods and false Lords stripped the mortal barbarians of their familiars and fetals, making slaves in heaven of these spirits. And it came to pass that God gave another festival, and it was greater than the first; and more than three billion angels were present, who had become enlisted in righteous works.

12/6.4. This was the beginning of the third year of Sue; and his wisdom and power were now manifested all around the world, on earth and in heaven.

12/6.5. And this is what happened in reference to the false Gods and false Lords. They came to the festival equipped in chariots and ships, with banners and flags, crowns and diadems, and with many other wonderful extravagances; and nothing like it had been in heaven since the flood. And each and every false God and false Lord endeavored to outdo the others in show and parade.

12/6.6. As might be expected, the first day of the festival neither won their applause nor censure. The second day they ceased to attract attention; for the thrift, purity and wisdom manifested in the countless millions of the second resurrection caused even children to receive more praise than the Gods and Lords with all their glitter and show.

12/6.7. On the third day one‑half of the false Gods and false Lords cast aside their adornments and appeared in plain white, pleading to be initiated into the mysteries of the second resurrection. And on the day following, the rest of them came, seeking admission also.

12/6.8. At that, the Light of Jehovah spoke through God on the throne, saying:

12/6.9. Think, O Gods and Lords! What are you doing? It was barely yesterday that you asked for kingdoms, desiring to be leaders and great workers, over and above your fellows.

12/6.10. And you obtained your desires, becoming Gods and Lords over millions. And these became your dutiful subjects, and you adorned your thrones and your persons in great splendor.

12/6.11. Behold, I gave a festival, and you came as living witnesses of what self‑made Gods and Lords could accomplish. And your dutiful subjects came with you to attest their loyalty and good faith in your wisdom and power.

12/6.12. Now you have cast aside your crowns and high estate, praying to become workers among the host of men and women! Are you not mad? And are you not making yourselves the destroyers of your own subjects? For, see, because of your abjuration[380] of self‑pomp and self‑glory, all your subjects are cast aside in ignorance and misery.

12/6.13. With one voice the self‑Gods and self‑Lords answered, saying: Alas, O God! What shall we do? Our crowns we can give away; our raiment and jewels, our thrones and kingdoms. But, O God, we cannot give away our subjects; they will not go. We have bound them to us; and we are bound to them because we accepted them. What shall we do, O God? The burden is more than we can bear!

12/6.14. God said: Do not be disconsolate,[381] O Gods and Lords! You have done a great work. You have rescued millions and millions of familiars and fetals. And even before you applied for the resurrection, behold, most of your subjects had already deserted you!

12/6.15. Hear the judgment of your Creator, which is that when all your subjects and fetals are risen in wisdom, virtue and good works, so as to take the second resurrection, then on that same day you shall be promoted. Only then can you have freedom of soul.

12/6.16. The voice ceased, and the self‑Gods and self‑Lords answered: You are just, O Jehovah. We will go to work among our poor and ignorant subjects, and make them comprehend Your wisdom, power and justice.

12/6.17. For ten days the festival lasted, and then it ended. And thus were rites and ceremonies first established in the lower heaven as a power to work wisdom and virtue. And from that time forward, music, marching and dancing were included in all ceremonies by the Gods and Lords of heaven.


12/7.1. In the fifth year of Sue, he dispatched swift messengers to Opnetevoc, in etherea, saying: Thus says Sue, God of two etherean worlds: Behold, I am sojourning on the earth, and, with the God of heaven and his Lords, have prepared one billion Brides and Bridegrooms for Jehovah’s etherean harvest. Greeting to Nista, of Ho and Tow’en, Goddess; in the name of Jehovah, send an airavagna and complete the resurrection of the Father’s Brides and Bridegrooms!

12/7.2. So it came to pass in etherea that the Goddess Nista provided an airavagna, an etherean ship, resolving to come as commander in chief. Sue advised God, saying: Make of this matter a great testimony in your heaven. Send, therefore, your messengers into all parts, and to your Lords on the earth, inviting all people to be present to witness the ascent of Jehovah’s Brides and Bridegrooms.

12/7.3. God did as commanded, and on the day of the appearance of Nista, daughter of Jehovah, in her sun‑ship, in the firmament, there were assembled in Hored countless millions of souls inspired of Jehovah.

12/7.4. Great was the rejoicing and the manifestations of delight when the sun‑ship came into full view, descending, like a world on fire. And when she passed Chinvat and was fully within the earth’s vortex, the enthusiasm of the people knew no bounds.

12/7.5. They sang, prayed, danced and clapped their hands, as if mad with delight. Meanwhile, the Brides and Bridegrooms had been arrayed in etherean white, and were now saluting those whom they were soon to leave.

12/7.6. Quietly the etherean hosts fulfilled their part in the great play of the immortal resurrection; very Gods and Goddesses in demeanor.

12/7.7. Nearer and nearer came Nista in her sun‑ship, slowly turning and descending, with ten thousand curtains suspended and waving; and ten times ten thousand banners and flags waving above and around.

12/7.8. And then slowly down, lower and lower, till the airavagna rested on the plateau of Hored, to the south of the Temple of Jehovah.

12/7.9. Gussitivi, marshaless to the throne of Sue, in Izaracha, with ten thousand deputies, went forward, and with open arms received Nista, Goddess descended, saluting with the sign of the star and square, having been warm friends two hundred thousand years in the plains of Oayad, in the etherean es’tu[382] of Hi’dan, the spiritual center of the orbit of the great serpent when in Zagagowthaka.

12/7.10. The es’enaurs of both hosts were chanting, and the angels of the airavagna were coming forth in hundreds of thousands, to be saluted by the previously trained Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah and by the hosts of Sue, the etherean laborers.

12/7.11. And when Nista came up to the throne, God and great Sue rose up amid the light, now gathering fast as a mantle of brilliant fire over the place of council.

12/7.12. Sue said: All hail, O Nista, Jehovah’s Daughter! God said: In Jehovah’s name, welcome, O Nista. To which Nista answered, saying: By the Wisdom and Power of Jehovah, O my beloved!

12/7.13. And Sue and God parted, and Nista ascended and sat in the middle of the throne. After the ceremonies of salutation, Nista said: Let the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah approach the throne of God.

12/7.14. The marshals then ushered the billion of them to their places, and the swift messengers bound them on all sides, so that the responses would be uniform and spoken as if by one person. Then Nista spoke from the throne, and the Brides and Bridegrooms responded in the usual form of Gods and Goddesses, and after that, took the necessary vows and renunciations of the earth and lower heaven, according to Jehovah’s commandments.

12/7.15. When the ceremonies were finished, God proclaimed one day of recreation, which was participated in joyously by more than four billion souls.

12/7.16. So, on the next day, Nista and her hosts, with the billion Brides and Bridegrooms, entered the airavagna amid the cheers and weeping of millions of atmosphereans, who had never witnessed so grand a spectacle.

12/7.17. And then Nista, by the power of the Great Spirit, set her ship in motion; raised it up from the lower heaven; moved it upward by her command, saying: Arise! Arise! Airavagna! By my will, arise! Embrace the realms of Great Jehovah! Arise!

12/7.18. The es’enaurs and trumpeters were singing and playing; and those ascending threw down flowers and perfumes, and all sorts of pleasant keepsakes, to the countless millions below.

12/7.19. In a little while the airavagna disappeared in high heaven.

12/7.20. This, then, is what followed of Sue’s ministration: When six years expired, thus marking the end of dawn, he delivered God and his Lords and another billion Brides and Bridegrooms, taking them into the extreme borders of Izaracha, to which was assigned the a’ji’an field of Rus’tsoo with twelve etherean worlds.

12/7.21. And Sue left T‑hi, as the anointed God of the lower heaven for the next four hundred years. And God (T‑hi) anointed Lords for the divisions of the earth, the same divisions as before. And the earth and heaven prospered, so that in the dan following there were raised up two billion Brides and Bridegrooms.

12/7.22. After that there was a decrease in the etherean harvests for two thousand years, after which great darkness came on the earth and heaven belonging to it; and self‑Gods filled all atmospherea. And, as for Lords, there rose up in every nation on the earth, thousands and thousands, so that men and angels did not know if there were a true God or true Lord in all the universe.

12/7.23. Thus ended the cycle of Sue, being three thousand and two hundred years.


The Lords’ Second Book

Being contemporaneous with the Book of Sue, Son of Jehovah. As the latter is chiefly about the angels of heaven, so is the Lords’ Book about man on the earth.

CHAPTER 1 Lords’ Second

13/1.1. God said: I, the Lord, for my predecessors and successors and for myself, declare these things to mortals:

13/1.2. The chosen of God, called I’hins, because they were the fruit of both heaven and earth, were taken, under the protection of God, his Lords and angels, to all the divisions of the earth for the fulfillment of man on the earth for the glory of the Almighty.

13/1.3. And I, the Lord, a one‑time mortal, with my holy angels, who had sprung from the earth in former times, walked with man to keep him upright in the way he should go.

13/1.4. By command of God, the angels watched over man, teaching him often unknowingly to himself, in all good works and industry. By constant changes of watch the angels relieved one another daily, weekly and monthly.

13/1.5. And at no time did the angels leave the I’hins alone, and without the light of heaven.

13/1.6. But wherever the I’hins went, the angels went also, often taking on sar’gis and being seen by man, even daily; and man talked with them face to face.

13/1.7. And the angels told man what was good for him; showing him the way of righteousness.

13/1.8. And man depended on the Lord and his angels for all things helpful to his understanding.

13/1.9. Now when the earth was inhabited in many places, and there were thousands of cities and villages, the Lord said to man:

13/1.10. Behold, you have made the earth the joy of the Lord; and now I give it into your keeping. What do you say?

13/1.11. And man answered: It is well; I can keep the earth, and I shall rejoice on it because it is the gift of God.

13/1.12. The Lord said: If I stay with you, day and night forever, you will not put forth your own power and judgment.

13/1.13. Man said: Go your way, O Lord.

13/1.14. Then the Lord withdrew awhile, taking his angels with him.

13/1.15. Now in those days, there were ground people dwelling in the wilderness who did not have the light of heaven in them, nor could they be made to understand.

13/1.16. As one may discourse to an ox, and it does not comprehend; so was speech to the people of darkness.

13/1.17. Nevertheless, in winter, when food was scarce, the ground people (druks) came to the cities of the I’hins, begging for food. And the I’hins, remembering the commandments of God, went out to them, treating them to everything good to eat.

13/1.18. Now, behold, the chosen were tempted by the people of darkness. And it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and they were called I’huans, after the ancient warriors that destroyed the chosen, before the flood.

13/1.19. These I’huans were copper colored and were capable of speech.

13/1.20. When God saw what had happened, he called to the I’hins, saying: O you that could dispense with the Lord! Did I not give to you the mark of the circumcision as a limit to the line of my chosen?

13/1.21. Hear me now in my prophecy: The I’huan shall be taught the name of Jehovah, the Great Spirit, and the plans of heaven and earth. And he shall one day inhabit the whole earth, holding dominion over everything on it and in its waters.

13/1.22. And ultimately the I’hin race shall disappear from the earth; their kind shall not be found on this my footstool.

13/1.23. The I’hins inquired of the Lord as to when these things would come to pass. The Lord said: In twenty thousand years.

13/1.24. The Lord said: From this time forward, the I’hins shall not mingle with any other people on the face of the earth. This is my commandment. And whoever violates my word shall be cast out of my cities, and go dwell with the barbarians.

13/1.25. Because the I’huans are your heirs, and are capable of everlasting life, you shall be the light of my kingdoms to them; teaching them peace, righteousness and mercy; but you shall in no case permit them to enter or reside in your cities.

13/1.26. Neither shall you raise a hand to do them harm. But if they come upon you in multitudes to take your stores, then you shall depart out of that city, leaving the I’huans to take the goods and food for themselves.

13/1.27. For you shall be an example of non‑resistance for the sake of establishing the love of God in them.

CHAPTER 2 Lords’ Second

13/2.1. God foresaw that the I’huans should be separated from the druks, otherwise Yaks would again be born into the world.

13/2.2. And he said to the I’hins: Behold, the I’huans cannot hear the voice of the Lord, therefore go to them, saying: Thus says the Lord: If you mingle with the druks, your seed shall not inherit everlasting life, but go down in darkness.

13/2.3. And the I’hins went and told the I’huans the words of God. Nevertheless many of the I’huans broke the commandment. And, indeed, Yaks were again born into the world.

13/2.4. The I’hins said to one another: Are these not like those of the legends of old, who were made eunuchs and servants?

13/2.5. The I’huans inquired the meaning; and when they were told, they made a law for themselves, making eunuchs and servants of both Yaks and the ground people wherever they came upon them.

13/2.6. The I’hins feared the judgments of God in this matter, and they called out to him for a remedy.

13/2.7. But God answered them, saying: Because of the enmity between these two races, behold, they will not marry. Suffer the I’huans to do in their own way. For of what profit is it to bring forth heirs that cannot inherit my exalted heavens? Because the tribes of darkness cannot be made to understand, behold, their souls go out of being as a lamp that is burned out.

13/2.8. So it came to pass that the I’huans made eunuchs of the tribes of darkness; from both sexes they made them, and made slaves of them also.

13/2.9. The Lord said: The I’huans shall have laws of their own. Let my chosen go to them and make laws for them, saying: Thus says the Lord:

13/2.10. The I’huans shall be guardians over the I’hins, the sacred people; and through the I’hins I will bless the I’huans, and make them mighty.

13/2.11. Since it is unlawful for the I’hins to kill any beast, bird or serpent, behold, their cities and mounds are invaded by all types of evil beasts and serpents.

13/2.12. The I’huans shall slay all such evil beasts and serpents.

13/2.13. And they shall guard the cities and mounds where my chosen reside.

13/2.14. The ground people and the Yaks shall be servants to the I’huans. And the latter shall cast[383] their servants, so they shall not multiply on the earth.

13/2.15. Hear, then, the law of God between the I’huans, one with another:

13/2.16. Whoever does an injury to his neighbor or to a stranger, the same shall be done to him.

13/2.17. Whoever takes from another, he shall restore a twofold equivalent.

13/2.18. Whoever kills a man, woman or child, shall be put to death.

13/2.19. Whoever marries his sister or mother, or his half‑sister or half‑mother, they shall all suffer death together.

13/2.20. Whoever oppresses another shall be cast out of the tribe of his people.

13/2.21. He who blasphemes the Great Spirit shall be put to death.

13/2.22. He who does not respect the time of woman shall be put to death.

13/2.23. The fields I have given to the I’hins, but the forests and wildernesses I, the Lord, have given to the I’huans.

13/2.24. And it was so; the I’huans began to be carnivorous. But both the I’hins and the tribes of darkness ate neither flesh nor fish.

CHAPTER 3 Lords’ Second

13/3.1. In all the great divisions of the earth, these things were; nor did one division of the earth have much preference over another. But in the warm regions, where the earth brought forth abundantly, the I’huans and ground people dwelt most numerously.

13/3.2. In contrast, the I’hins dwelt in both the warm and the cold countries. For they clothed themselves; and built habitations. But the I’huans wore only a covering about the loins; neither did they build any habitations. And they roved about far and near.

13/3.3. But the ground people did not travel; and they mingled with their own kin, bringing forth heirs of darkness.

13/3.4. The I’huans learned the laws and obeyed them; and they looked upon the I’hins as a sacred people, doing them no harm.

13/3.5. And it came to pass that the I’huans became a very prolific people; four times more prolific than the I’hins, or the ground people.

13/3.6. And they spread rapidly over the earth, in all the regions where the earth brought forth fruit, roots, flesh and fish, that were good to eat.

13/3.7. For two thousand years the I’huans prospered; and they became mighty in many countries.

13/3.8. But in course of time they began to war upon one another.

13/3.9. And for hundreds of years they descended lower and lower in darkness.

13/3.10. And they no longer obeyed the commandments of God, but mingled with the ground people, bringing forth heirs of darkness.


Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovah

Being the heavenly administration of Apollo, an etherean God.

CHAPTER 1 Apollo

14/1.1. Apollo, Son of Jehovah, resident of Pti’mus,[384] in etherea, and God of Suf’ad and Don’ga and Tah, in the South Province of Buru, Orian Chief, controller of vortices, said:

14/1.2. I, Apollo, once a mortal, proclaim: First, wisdom, peace and patience to all men, and comprehensive judgment concerning that which I speak. Second, to perceive the reason of things, as to what seems to have been, and of what comes after.

14/1.3. For the Great Spirit is all Harmony and Perfection, abounding[385] in time and in worlds to accomplish all possible imaginings; for which reason, be magnified in conception, not judging by the little understanding of mortals.

14/1.4. So that he who asserts harmony to be closer to the order of Jehovah, than that which is ill‑formed or out of time, has little reason to prove his assertion before a wise man. As one may assert that ripe fruit is nearer perfection than that which is green, which assertion is self‑evident without proof, so, in the understanding of Gods in the management of worlds, are things past and present, not things past and present in fact, but more like the immature and the mature.

14/1.5. Since, then, man perceives that words, at best, are just slow and coarse representations of the soul’s conception of things, how much further lies a God’s wisdom beyond the reach of mortal understanding! Remember, O man, that if you could recollect in a moment of time all you had ever learned, you would be wise indeed. If you were in tune with yourself, such would be your wisdom. To advance in such a way that man becomes attuned, first with himself, then with his


i085 6w L Mid quad Etherean Roadway


i085 Map of the Etherean Roadway of the Solar Phalanx for the second set of two cycles of the past gadol, Plate 2 of 4. The Roadway shown is that through which the sun and its family (including earth) traveled during the cycles of Apollo and Thor.


immediate surroundings, then with the magnitude of worlds, and then with Jehovah, so that he moves, acts and comprehends harmoniously, is to become one with the Father.

14/1.6. Which condition awaits all men, and is called in high heaven, Nirvania, because, to him who has attained it, things of the past and future are like an open book. He can look back to his own beginning in the world, and even beyond, and wherever he directs his eye, he can see and hear as if the matter was happening now.

14/1.7. Marvel not, O man, that the Gods reveal the words and signs of things long since perished corporeally; the proofs they could give, you could not understand, for the basis of spiritual entity does not lie within the measure of the corporeal senses. Nevertheless, Jehovah has given you comparisons; as a portrait of a man shows his looks even after his corporeal body has perished; and yet, the picture is only a representative.[386] To the spirit, a corporeal body is only a representative, being a manifested production of a spirit.

14/1.8. As out of corporeal things a new thing is produced and born into the world, so out of Jehovah is born the spirit of man; neither does the corporeal lead the spirit, nor the spirit the corporeal; but Jehovah does all. Do not think, then, that when the corporeal body is dead and molders back to original elements, that similarly the spirit of man will resolve itself back into Jehovah, for spirit is not bound by similar rules. As the corporeal body grows by aggregating to itself, not so grows the spirit of man, but by the opposite, which is giving away.

14/1.9. Remember, O man, the more you put forth your soul to give light and wisdom to others, the more you receive; and in this, you shall comprehend, in the reason of things, everlasting life to the spirit of man. So also, to him who desires to comprehend Jehovah, let him constantly describe the All Highest. To him who desires to comprehend the etherean worlds, the homes of spirits long risen in Nirvania, let him describe them. Fear not, O man, that you shall err; all the imagery you can devise is surpassed millions of times in the magnitude of the Father’s kingdoms. Till you can shoot an arrow without striking the air, fear not for your weak thoughts shooting amiss in Jehovah’s worlds.

CHAPTER 2 Apollo

14/2.1. I Apollo, earth‑born, of the continent Pan, submerged by Aph, the Orian Chief, by Jehovah’s command, proclaim in the name of the Father, Creator of worlds, peace and wisdom to all nations and tribes of men: first, against all vanity and self‑conceit in the souls of men; for in every cycle man asserts himself wise, great and learned, and the ancients, fools.

14/2.2. For the evidence of wisdom does not lie in learning one thing only, but in the adaptation of man to Jehovah and His works. In which measure, the modern and the ancient do not stand upon their own judgment in the matter, but by Jehovah’s.

14/2.3. For if the ancient was not perfect in his place, neither are you, O man of this day. But, by the Gods, all the ages are adapted as Jehovah created them; do not judge Him, for your judgment is limited. That which was profitable to the soul of man, the Father revealed to the ancients; that which is profitable to the soul of man today, He reveals this day.

14/2.4. For which reason I, His Son, have come to fulfill my labor, even as all men, in time, must complete that which has been assigned them.

14/2.5. To rebuke vanity and self‑conceit in those who do not perceive wisdom in things long past, but who applaud themselves without just measure before Jehovah. And the Gods perceive this vanity and pity them, hoping rather to exalt their minds, so that they may learn to perceive the Father’s hand manifested in all things.

14/2.6. Turn your eyes inward, O man, and look at the spirit of things; imagine yourself a God looking down on a new earth, where man has been quickened into life, and attained to strength and learning. Take a look at his palaces and temples; his work in stone, iron, gold and silver; his knowledge of the sun, moon and stars; with written books to read; with clothes for the body and shoes for the feet; with great generals, and armies of soldiers; and with the land cultivated.

14/2.7. Are these civilized? And war abounding! By what right have you made yourself a judge, O man! Who has measured the inhabitants of the earth and found them pure and wise? Do more people now live on the land in peace and happiness than in many of the past cycles? Because you are different in many excellencies, you shall also remember that many great inventions are forgotten. The world has been peopled over many times, and many times laid desolate.

14/2.8. Who has been the chief enemy to man? Who is his chief enemy today? Is it not yourself? Do not think, O man, that because a few people perceive the Higher Light, the world is wise and good before the Gods. For in all ages there have been a few. Yes, today, there are a few more in number than in the ancient days. And this is the sum of the enlightenment of the world.

14/2.9. Hear me, O man of earth, and you angels of heaven: I proclaim harmony, symmetry and music. I am of the days of the fountain of these talents descending to mortals. I was like a shapely stone in Jehovah’s edifice, and by hard toil, a fashioner of the flesh mold of man and woman.

14/2.10. As the ear of one man hears music, and he cries out with delight: A tune! A tune! And as the ear of another man hears music, which he cannot discern, and he cries out: A noise! A hideous noise! Why, then, shall you not judge them, and say: One of them has an ear for music, and the other has not? || One of them is at one with[387] the music; the other, being discordant himself, declares there is no tune, but only noise. To which will you give preference in judgment as to music?

14/2.11. Who has not seen Jehovah, the All Person? Who is it that cries out: I do not see Him? No harmony, no symmetry, no music, no complete whole? And to which will you give preference in judgment? Is not the judgment of the perceiver higher than he who does not perceive?

14/2.12. This I declare of Jehovah, that in all ages there are many who perceive the All Person, and many who deny Him. If, then, the lack of an ear for music makes a man dumb to a tune, is it not the lack of spiritual harmony which causes man to not perceive the everlasting presence of Jehovah the All Person?

14/2.13. Hear me, O angels and men: Can a man who does not hear the harmony of a tune, learn to sing? How much less, then, can man, or the spirits of the dead, harmonize with the Eternal Whole if they do not perceive Him?

CHAPTER 3 Apollo

14/3.1. I Apollo, Jehovah’s Son, proclaim an age when man on earth did not consider harmony, or symmetry, or music, as Gods!

14/3.2. And Jehovah’s voice came to me in the etherean firmament, and place of Pti’mus, saying:

14/3.3. Apollo, My Son, God of Suf’ad, God of Don’ga, God of Tah, behold the red star, the earth, she comes through your dominions. Go to her with a sufficient number of your hosts, and give her a new God, and call his name Apollo.

14/3.4. Behold, neither men nor angels on the red star comprehend the harmony of My works; and because of their own disharmony, they deny Me, being blind to My Person. Go, My Son, and make them idolaters of harmony, symmetry and music, for a long season, so they may become organically attuned from the time of their birth upward.

14/3.5. I said: I perceive Your wisdom, O Jehovah. And I called together a hundred million of Your sons and daughters, and told them what You had said. With one accord, they said: We have examined the red star since the time of Wan,[388] and we perceive truly, the time has come for your labor, O Apollo.

14/3.6. I said: Send an oniy’yah to the heaven of the earth and deliver her God, Lords, and all persons capable of the second resurrection. And say to God and his Lords: Thus says Apollo, Son of Jehovah, and God of three etherean worlds: Greeting in the name of the Father, and love to you all. For your glorious work I have assigned seven Teres and Don’ga. There gather your hosts, where a place of rest and comfort is prepared for you. The earth and her heaven shall be left in darkness for thirty of her days, having neither God nor Lords.

14/3.7. So my legions departed for the earth in an etherean ship of fire, led by Tu’ain, Goddess of Proe’king, a place of great learning in the etherean mountains of Horatanad; and they delivered God and his hosts according to my decrees, and the earth was without a God and Lords for thirty days.

14/3.8. And the voice of Jehovah came to me again, saying: Hear your Creator, O My Son, you who sprang from the land long since submerged, who have spanned[389] many of My worlds, behold, the legions of Sue and his mighty resurrections are still preserved to mortals and earth‑bound angels: Of the Gods and Goddesses who danced and sang before men; and of the uneven match between spirits and Gods.

14/3.9. Profiting in this, the people of the red star have become rich in rites and ceremonies, and in preferring the swift‑footed to the slow, the nimble to the clumsy; indeed, the loo’is have well laid out the road to your success. ||

14/3.10. So, I perceived beforehand how I should proceed when I landed in the lower heaven and her earth.

14/3.11. When the time came, I departed, still remembering my native star with well-treasured pride. And so that all things would express the labor Jehovah put upon me, my oniy’yah excelled in beauty all other etherean vessels that had ever descended to the earth.

14/3.12. How shall I comprehend Your magnitude, O Jehovah? What is the journey of a God before You? We build a ship for a hundred million, and are vain of its size and beauty; but when we launch out into Your etherean realms, we feel like hiding our faces in shame of our vanity. We sail through a thousand of Your crystal worlds and talk of great distances, but the mirror of Your boundless creation lies before us still. We recall the red star, our native home, a single gem amid the countless millions You have cast into the universe, and we are speechless because of Your Awe-Inspiring Extent.

14/3.13. Where have You not excelled Yourself, O Jehovah? In one moment, we perceive Your Vastness; in another, Your Microscopic Hand in the smallest ethe’ic wave, and in the spear of grass down on the swift corporeal stars. We applaud You for Your handiwork, and yet before our thoughts have gone over even the smallest part, You turn our eyes inward to the soul of things, an endless wonder.

14/3.14. How shall I comprehend Your designs, O Jehovah? You take me back to the time Your angels came and stood man upright, saying: Be a man; and, be a woman! But they would not.

14/3.15. Again and again, Your pitying hand stood them up, and Your voice came, saying: Talk, O man! Come, you shall help perfect yourself. But man was slow in perceiving wisdom; he loved that which came to his flesh.

14/3.16. I remember the earth, O Father! Men and women with long hair hanging down; and hands with claw nails, fierce and war‑like. And hair in tufts and short‑curled. Whose eyes were drawn down like a lion’s, and mouth wide and falling open, like a dog that is tired.

14/3.17. Therefore You have called me, O Jehovah; and I perceive Your double purpose: For man left alone would select and mate, and evolve to terrible war! And You store here an idol to unfit him for cruel deeds.

14/3.18. So, from Your etherean realms, where for fifty thousand years Your Gods and Goddesses had trained me to comprehend the discipline of Your created heavens, I came, descending, down to the red star, where You first quickened me into being, so that I could fulfill Your mandates.

14/3.19. Your hand took me up, Your hand sent me down; I had learned not to fear; the tree of faith had grown in me; I knew the secret of All Power. As a mortal goes into a dark cavern, where the air is damp and unacceptable to the nose, so came my hosts, O Jehovah, out of etherea into the vortex of the earth, into its dull atmosphere.

14/3.20. Your voice came to me, saying: Go around the earth with your oniy’yah, My Son. Stir up the atmosphereans, they who know no higher heaven. Behold, they have mutinied against My God and Lords; have rejected My proffered[390] wisdom. Their delight is in war and the deeds of mortals. As men on earth gather around to witness beasts in battle, so likewise these countless millions of spirits gather to witness kingdoms of mortals at war, or on fire, or plundering. And by their presence, urge men to cruelty and cunning horrors.

CHAPTER 4 Apollo

14/4.1. Hear me, O man and angels; from my words learn to be wise and deep perceiving. He who stands in darkness, does not see; no one can comprehend the time of Jehovah. The delight of all men should be delight in the Light. But who practices to his highest knowledge? Before my days, time was no nearer the beginning of the universe than now. There were men who believed that for each and every man, with death came the end of that man’s existence; and Jehovah sent angels to prove them in their folly;[391] yet though they saw them, and talked with them face to face, many would not believe that they were spirits of the dead.

14/4.2. And in the lower heaven, they were the same; they would not believe in a higher heaven. And though ethereans came to them to prove them in their folly, and talked with them face to face, yet many would not believe.

14/4.3. I searched the disbelievers, to understand their souls; and found they were begotten[392] in disharmony. They prided themselves in their wisdom; but that which they called wisdom was as a serpent in the soul.

14/4.4. Jehovah spoke to me, saying: Hear your Creator, O My Son. In atmospherea you shall appoint ten thousand Lords, with ten thousand kingdoms; and the earth and its inhabitants shall be divided among them.

14/4.5. And you shall build a new kingdom in heaven, and call it Gau,[393] and it shall be your judgment seat, with a Council of one hundred thousand men and women.

14/4.6. And all your Lords shall be called Apollo! And they shall inspire men to make images of stone and wood. And the images shall have short arms and long legs; and nails instead of claws on the fingers, and well‑formed mouths, with shape to accomodate motion of the cheeks.

14/4.7. And your Lords shall find the loo’is who have been preparing these matters by birth; and the loo’is shall lead the angels in among mortals, finding the most comely‑formed[394] men, women and young children. And when they have chosen them, they shall report the matter to the Lords, and they shall send ethereans to those mortals who are selected, and they shall be quickened by signs and miracles.

14/4.8. And it shall be proven before all the nations of the earth, including their kings, queens and governors, that the comeliness of the forms are pleasant in My sight, for which reason I come to them. And those who are thus selected shall sing and dance by entrancement; so that kings and queens shall be overcome by the achievements. And those that dance shall be made to float in the air, and sail about[395] in the dance.

14/4.9. For I will turn the judgment of man to beautify himself; and, in so doing, he shall learn to perceive beauty and harmony in My works.

CHAPTER 5 Apollo

14/5.1. Do not think, O man, that the Gods always deliver the nations of the earth in a day or by miracles. They go to the foundation of a matter; they make man a servant to help deliver himself. They stir up the nations in rites and ceremonies first; then come after, and appropriate the rites and ceremonies. And the women look on, receiving the spirit of the matter in their souls, the act of which entails[396] on their offspring that which is desired by the Gods.

14/5.2. With the hosts of high heaven, unseen by mortals, the Lords stir up the whole world. In one generation, behold, a new race is born. Man is unfitted for dangerous war, and no longer the delight of drujas hanging around.[397] So the drujas, and the familiars, turn from the peaceful earth (to them stale and unprofitable in bloody entertainments), to find their own petty kingdoms broken down and gone.

14/5.3. Be wise, O man, and angels of earth! Hear the voice of your brother, God of three worlds! I will tell you a great secret: These are the words of your Creator: Man and woman are pro‑creators! Those whom they beget, are theirs, says Jehovah. Not for a day, but forever! Take notice of your offspring, O woman! Take notice, O man! Will you be entailed with druj, to pull you down? Will you choose offspring to glorify Jehovah?

14/5.4. Have your people not boasted, O earth? Have they not said: O the poor ancients! || What of them? Will they turn away from the idols of Apollo, and set up on their own account? Can the people hand down a name and models to live forever?

14/5.5. So I founded Gau in the place Hored had been, extending over Japheth, Shem and Ham; and the rest of the atmospherean heaven I divided among my ten thousand Lords and Lordesses, whom I selected and ordained in the manner of the ancients.

14/5.6. And the Lords established themselves in kingdoms, both on earth and in heaven. And they inspired kings and queens to erect images in the temples, and the images were given a name signifying Harmony, Symmetry and Music (Apollo). And the names varied in many countries, because of the languages of the people; but the signification was that these three entities comprised the All Light, the Creator, Jehovah!

14/5.7. And mortals were taught by the inspiration of angels how to make the images, for there were no corporeans sufficiently perfect for models.

14/5.8. According to the perfection of the images, so were they considered to be favored by Jehovah; and the sign of Jehovah’s approval was manifested in the time of the sacred dance performed by the selected su’is; and the sign was, if the whirling dance caused many women to fall down by enchantment, then Jehovah was pleased.

14/5.9. Hear me, O man. The enchantment of the women was what the Lords desired, for the impression of the soul of woman shapes the unborn child.

14/5.10. In that regard, they worshipped blindly before the idols, not being sufficiently wise to understand how Jehovah was laying down the foundation for the coming race.

14/5.11. O you of little wisdom, compared with the Lords of heaven! How puffed up you are in judgment, not knowing the race from which you sprang! Jehovah’s Gods and Lords mold the inhabitants of the earth as clay is molded in a potter’s hand. They set them up, show them the way, and say to them: Go!

14/5.12. Mortals go on a little while, like a young child that totters and falls. And again the Lords set them up; and man, ungrateful, forgets and denies his God.

14/5.13. The unseen angels lead man and woman together, and say: Marry! And they wed, and bring forth of the Lord. Then man inquires: What do you mean: Bring forth of the Lord? But his judgment is under a cloud; he flatters himself that Jehovah created him, and then went away; and since then he has been his own master!

14/5.14. O man, what is your folly! How have you found such cunning ways to put off your Creator? What greater profit do you have in putting Him away, than in trying to perceive Him in all things? Why will you sing of man who is in darkness, and of the earth, which is just a fraction of the Great I Am? Do you not hope for wisdom, so that guardian angels may go away and rest?

14/5.15. Why should they stand over you day and night, to keep away familiars, fetals and drujas? Who shall close your mouth against falsehood, and your lips against cursing your Creator? Do you not hope, O man, that a wiser age will follow? When shall man learn harmony, symmetry and music? Who will hire a musician that constantly puts his instrument out of tune? Why should the Gods applaud men or angels who do not live attuned to the All Highest?

14/5.16. Show me one who is as good as his understanding; who lives as wisely as his goodness desires he should. He will understand my words; I can come to him and inspire him with great wisdom. He will comprehend the love a God has over mortals; and the patience of the toiling Lords and angels.

14/5.17. Hear me, O man! I will answer a great matter: The angels of heaven who are good, labor for those beneath them. This is their work, day and night. Do not think that they go away to idleness forever. To the etherean, industry becomes rest; to those who have attained to be Gods there is spontaneous growth forever. Remember this and be wise. To the atmospherean and to mortals, idleness of soul leads downward forever! Remember this also, and be wise.

14/5.18. Behold the rose and the lily; they are perfect in their order. Being one with Jehovah, they did not paint themselves. Let your soul practice with your Creator, and you shall become one with Him, even His Son. Find the symmetry of flesh; the symmetry of the spirit; the harmony of music,[398] and consider wisely your behavior.

14/5.19. The star of Jehovah is within your soul; feed it, O man, and you, O angel of heaven, and it will grow to be a God! Rob it, or starve it, and you shall remain nothing. It is weak and dim in the vain; it is bright and of great power in him who forgets himself in laboring for others.

CHAPTER 6 Apollo

14/6.1. Jehovah spoke in the light of the throne of Gau, saying: My Son, you have set the temples of earth wisely, and your ten thousand Lords have the voice of your Creator. But, behold, this dawn of dan has only five years and two hundred days. Five years are already gone. Call together your etherean hosts, and they shall report to you as to who the successors to you and your Lords shall be. I answered, saying: Your will be done, O Father!

14/6.2. So I sent messengers throughout the world repeating what Jehovah had commanded. And I added also: When the time of dan is completed, behold, my hosts shall assemble in Gau, where we shall ascend to our etherean worlds. Let my messengers invite all the people in all the kingdoms of atmospherea to be present. And these things were done.

14/6.3. Now, there were ten thousand kingdoms of the Lords of heaven and earth at that time. Many of them were located within the corporeal temples of worship, having spiritual thrones within them, where the hosts of angels assembled to counsel on the affairs of mortals, and to advise with them through the prophets and seers.

14/6.4. Neither was there in the entire world a temple, used for consulting the spirits and Gods, which escaped being usurped[399] by my etherean hosts. So that when kings or queens came to consult the oracle on matters of war or personal aggrandizement, my hosts answered, not to the consulter’s own profit, but with the voice of Jehovah.

14/6.5. So it turned out,[400] that when the chief false Gods and false Lords were driven out of the corporeal temples, they lost interest in mortal affairs. And I classified them[401] and made new kingdoms in the lower heaven for them, forming them into confederacies. And they, too, became earnest workers to establish themselves in harmony, symmetry and music. And at the end of the time of hi’dan[402] there was not one false God or false Lord in atmospherea.

CHAPTER 7 Apollo

14/7.1. Apollo said: Hear the decrees of Jehovah, O Gods and Lords:[403] I, His Son, God of three worlds, speak! In my speech lies the wisdom of time; the evidence of fifty thousand years. Here is a great matter, O Gods; answer it, O Lords of heaven and earth: A child learns from that which is around about;[404] a man learns from that which is around about; a God and a Lord learn from that which is around about. Neither can they acquire anything more, forever. Jehovah says:

14/7.2. I have decreed the breaking up of old foundations; in new creations I provide food for the souls of Gods and men.

14/7.3. Apollo said: To condense and to expand; to expand and to condense, is this all? Who shall fashion a corporeal world by compressing ether? Or, by standing still, expand his own soul? How long will they be entailed with idle desires, self‑ease, and self‑glory?

14/7.4. Jehovah says: When the lower heaven turns into itself, it soon turns downward, also. And its cast molds the earth‑born.[405] See to it, O My sons and daughters, that you preserve the high estate of heaven. Apollo said:

14/7.5. To be a God is not all; to be a Lord is not all; you shall forever invent new stratagems[406] in Jehovah’s kingdoms. Your people shall be endlessly infatuated with continual surprises, or your kingdoms in heaven will go down.

14/7.6. Jehovah says: Behold, I created man, and if he rests constantly, disease shall seize on his life parts. The kingdoms of men on earth that lack aspiration for the people shall bring destruction;[407] similarly in the kingdoms in the lower heaven, the lack of invented, new glories, shall breed up false Gods and false Lords.

14/7.7. Apollo said: To be a weak man, is nothing; to be a weak king, is nothing; to be a weak God, is nothing; but to be strong with Jehovah, furnishes food for the kingdoms of men and angels. Do not think, you Gods and Lords, that to be a good God is easy, or to be a good Lord is easy, or to be a good corporeal king is easy. He who rules in heavenly kingdoms, must constantly furnish food for the souls of angels and men.

14/7.8. I, Apollo, Son of Jehovah, will give you a parable suitable for Gods and kings: A multitude go into a forest; one man goes a little ahead of the rest, and he calls: Here! Here! Then he goes a little farther, and he calls: Here! Here! And the multitude follow. Concerning which, you reason well if you say: If the leader goes too fast for the multitude, they will not follow; and if he does not go fast enough, they cannot follow. Anarchy ensues in this latter condition, and new leaders are chosen.

14/7.9. And these conditions follow all peoples on earth, and in the lower heavens. But the glory of the emancipated heavens, in etherea, lies in the development of every soul into ripeness and bloom, with none too fast or too slow, but all as one, and one with Jehovah.

14/7.10. Is this not the testimony of the All Person: A ruler of a city; a ruler of a state; a ruler of a kingdom? Without a head to lead, and to govern, what people have been found? Without a God and Lords, and kingdoms in heaven, what angels are found: strollers, beggars, drujas and vampire spirits. He who sets himself up against the king, what is he? He who sets himself up against the All Person, what is he? Where is the fruit he has brought to market?

14/7.11. His speech is cunning in denial; his arguments for liberty, the bait of hada. He cries out, in justification of his mutiny: Liberty! Liberty! But he leads to disharmony and darkness. After that, he rushes to the front, crying out: Follow me! Follow me! I will lead to truth and light. And he himself becomes a God, but in falsehood, even as by falsehood he denied the true God.

14/7.12. I declare to you a great fact, O Gods and Lords: A line lies between the man who has too much opinion of his own, and he who has no opinion at all. One is to be pitied, the other censured. So, which of these two do the Gods pity, and which do they censure?[408]

14/7.13. None could answer Apollo. So he spoke further, saying: Pity him who has too much opinion of his own; for of all men he stands the farthest from Jehovah. But the wise man and wise angel follow the median line between the two. In this lies the harmony of a man’s soul.

CHAPTER 8 Apollo

14/8.1. Apollo, Son of Jehovah, said: In Jehovah’s name I, Apollo, God of etherea, speak. Hear me, O Gods and Lords; the power of the Father rests in my soul; my words are of All Wisdom. Think of this great matter: The growth of love! As a man loves his city and his country—what, do you think Apollo has forgotten? Have I not told it in etherea? I sprang from the red star, the earth!

14/8.2. For what reason shall I not take pride before Jehovah? And hold up my head in etherea, where I have neighbors that sprang from other stars. Shall a man forget his love because he is a God? No, truly. When I was mortal, I loved my neighbors; when I entered the second resurrection, in atmospherea, I loved all the people of the earth; and when I rose to etherea, my love expanded to a thousand worlds. But, of all places, how can I make the earth and her heaven second in the love of my soul?

14/8.3. As a mother invents diversions and employment for her children, shall I not gather fruit from Jehovah’s repositories[409] to feed the atmospherean heavens? I came, and found you in a dark forest, with briars and thorns; but behold now, O Gods and Lords! The lower heaven has become a paradise.

14/8.4. Let me recall the philosophies I have overthrown: The false Gods and false Lords said: It is well that there is some war and destruction in heaven; otherwise, it would soon be too full! For they did not see the higher heavens; their arguments were framed in a dark corner. And, because of their evil inspiration, they gave mortals the same philosophy, saying: War is justifiable, lest the earth become too full. For these dark angels shut out from mortals, the higher light of Faith in Jehovah; justifying themselves in war, and the slaying of those whom Jehovah had created alive; by their behavior, thrusting condemnation in Jehovah’s face for what Jehovah had done!

14/8.5. Neither did these mortal philosophers know that they were under the inspiration of spirits of darkness; nor would they wait till the earth was full of people, to prove whether their philosophy was true or false.

14/8.6. For, as you of heaven were addicted to deeds of darkness, your kingdoms reacted on earth, making druks out of men and women. Now all these heavens have turned from evil ways and become stars of glory in Jehovah’s universe.

14/8.7. Do not think that only great thunders and terrible stratagems can govern heaven and earth righteously; for, as one man in an army may cause a adamic, or one brave man’s upraised hand lead a nation on to victory, so can you, O Gods and Lords, by wisdom, in the smallest of Jehovah’s plans, rule over heaven and earth for the glory of His everlasting kingdoms.

14/8.8. That which I declare to you, go and declare throughout heaven; for the fruit of your teaching shall enrich the earth people, through their guardian spirits; and they shall, likewise, go about preaching among themselves.

CHAPTER 9 Apollo

14/9.1. When Apollo, Jehovah’s Son, had finished his labor in the dawn of dan, God foresaw that his own resurrection, and his people with him, had come. So he sent his proper officers to the libraries of atmospherea, to learn who of all the etherean hosts should be selected to remain as God, and who as Lords, for the next four hundred years.

14/9.2. In twenty days the examiners returned and came before the throne of God and the Council of Gau. Za’dukawaski, chief speaker, said: By the grace of Jehovah, Creator, we stand before you, God of heaven and earth. We find by the ancient precepts,[410] which are adjudged wise in the foundation of atmospherea, one Gur, highest and most proficient of all the hosts of heaven, to be anointed God for the next four hundred years.

14/9.3. God said: I remember Gur, from Magel, in Sooftus, in etherea, God of Ra’yatuf and a’ji, seventy‑two. Let the marshals go to him and acquaint him with Jehovah’s decrees, in the name of God. And they shall provide suitable conveyance for Gur to come to Gau, according to his rate.

14/9.4. So the marshals, ten thousand in number, besides ten thousand musicians, went and brought Gur before the throne of God, coming in an otevan prepared for the purpose and adorned with one thousand pillars of light.

14/9.5. God said: I salute you, O Gur, in the name of Jehovah, Creator. Behold Apollo!

14/9.6. Apollo stretched forth his hand, and Gur came and shook hands with him, standing by the throne. Gur said: That I have lived to see this day, O Jehovah, I am blessed indeed! Your will, O God, and Jehovah’s, be done!

14/9.7. God said: Behold, within thirty days the dawn of dan is to end, and all who choose, and are prepared for the third resurrection, shall be taken up to etherea. Besides yourself, O Gur, there are two hundred thousand ethereans who have volunteered to remain another four hundred years in these atmospherean heavens, and on the earth. From them you shall select ten thousand Lords, and bestow them with kingdoms over mortals. I will raise two billion angels up with me to etherea.

14/9.8. To you, O Gur, I bequeath two billion atmosphereans who have been initiated into the second resurrection. And of the first resurrection, two hundred and fifty million; and of fetals three hundred million; and besides these, the inhabitants of the earth (men, women and children) seven hundred million.

14/9.9. God ceased speaking, and Gur said: Your will be done, O Jehovah! Then the es’enaurs sang, and the trumpeters played the March of Apollo, Jehovah’s Son. Presently, the marshals and messengers filed before the throne; and a light of golden fire came down from etherea, cast out by the Gods of Helmatia, Orian arc of Tanaya, and it fell upon the throne of God, and many could not look upon it because of the brilliancy.

14/9.10. God raised up, as did Apollo by his side. God said: I stretch forth my hand to You, O Jehovah! Behold Your Son, Gur, God of Ra’yatuf, in etherea, an earth‑born, forty thousand years inhabitant of Your emancipated realms. By Your power, and in Your name, O Jehovah, I proclaim him God of heaven and earth, to bestow You and Your kingdoms on angels and men! Be with him, O Father, Creator, that he may add to Your glory forever! Amen!

14/9.11. God took off the triangle, and hung it on Gur’s (God’s) neck, saying: I now bestow you with the heirloom of the Gods of the red star, the triangle of the ancients. And so that you may be still further honored, behold, one higher than I, even Apollo, shall weave a crown for your head.

14/9.12. Apollo walked to the left hand side, and raised his hand upward, and from unseen space a flame of yellow light came to rest on his hand, and he turned it just half around, and lo, a crown with sparkling gems stood upon his fingers’ ends. Apollo had said:

14/9.13. Incomprehensible All Light! Weave me a crown for Your Son, God of heaven and earth! And even while he spoke, it was done, and he placed it on God’s (Gur’s) head. And God went and sat in the middle of the throne, saying: Throne of Your throne, O Jehovah! All things are Yours! For this shall be my resting‑place, to do Your will.

14/9.14. During the ceremonies, the music was timed accordingly; and when the new God was crowned, the multitude of a billion applauded with great joy.

14/9.15. When all was quiet, God rose up from the throne, saying to Apollo and to him who had been God: In Jehovah’s name, come and honor my throne! Accordingly, they both sat down at the right hand side of God.

14/9.16. God said: In thirty days, the dawn of dan will end. Let the marshals, through the messengers, proclaim the resurrection of two billion to the etherean heavens on that day. Proclaim it in all the heavens of the earth; inviting all to come who can; for it shall be a day of the feast of glory; but do not tell any of these that there has been a change of Gods, nor that great Apollo will rise also, lest sorrow come upon the people. The marshals then selected messengers, a great number, and sent them throughout the heavens of the earth, proclaiming the commandments of God.

14/9.17. God spoke further, saying: For thirty days the Council shall deliberate on my ten thousand Lords, selecting and allotting them; and I will crown them in the name of the Father.

14/9.18. Apollo then said: Now I will clothe myself in strange colors, so no one shall recognize me, and during the thirty days I yet remain, I will go about over the earth, so that I may again look upon the star of my birth.

14/9.19. And he who had given up the throne said: Your joy shall be my joy also. I, too, will again visit the star of my birth.

14/9.20. Accordingly, God said: Joy to you both, in Jehovah’s name! Behold, I will throw a thick blanket over the throne, and you shall change your attire, and when I withdraw it, you shall walk forth unknown.

14/9.21. And this was done.

CHAPTER 10 Apollo

14/10.1. So Apollo visited all the divisions of the earth, and the islands in the ocean; and his traveling attendants, companions and officers, made a record of all the things they saw, especially those relating to the corporeans; their manners, sizes, color, habits, education and procreative capacities; and the records were taken with them, to be carried finally to etherea in the coming ascent.

14/10.2. And Apollo and his companions then visited atmospherea, making similar observations of the people in the first and second resurrections, recording the number and kind of nurseries, hospitals, factories, schools and colleges, together with the asaphs, teachers, physicians, nurses, and so on. And this record was also prepared so as to form a brief history of the earth’s heaven.

14/10.3. On the twenty‑eighth day Apollo and his hosts returned to Gau, the place of the throne of God in the lower heaven. In the meantime, the word of God, commanding the assembly for the ascent of two billion of Jehovah’s Brides and Bridegrooms, had aroused the people of the lower heaven beyond measure—millions of them having never witnessed an ascent, nor, in fact, had seen an etherean adavaysit, a ship of fire.

14/10.4. In the evening of the twenty‑ninth day, a light was seen high up in the firmament, to the northwest, brilliant, like a star of the first magnitude. Presently it grew larger and brighter, and shot across toward the southwest firmament, and then began to descend toward the earth, growing larger and brighter as it came.

14/10.5. The people of the lower heaven knew it was the adavaysit of the third resurrection, and they rejoiced before Jehovah, singing and praying. Now the marshals and proper persons for the purpose, commenced bringing into form the groups of Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah. And the groups were arrayed in stars, crescents, squares, circles and ovals, being classified according to their rates in these forms; and the groups had banners and signals of colored lights, according to their rank in love, or intelligence, or good works, or other characteristic virtues.

14/10.6. And these groups were arranged into combinations, every combination representing the work done by a sub‑Lord or sub‑God. And these combinations were further formed into four divisions, representing the four great divisions of the earth, and the four Lords, Jehovah’s sons. So that when the whole two billion spirits were in due form, they characterized Harmony, Symmetry and Music, being the symbol of Apollo, Son of Jehovah, God of three etherean worlds, brevet[411] Orian Chief.

14/10.7. At midnight, the sea of fire, the adavaysit, which was twice the moon’s diameter, reached Chinvat, the border of the earth’s vortex, just beyond the orbit of the moon. Here the ship halted for four hours, and then began to descend, and rapidly, fearful to behold, becoming more scarlet within the vortex, but growing larger and definite in shape.

14/10.8. And, lo and behold, when the adavaysit drew near, it was in the form and configuration of the groups of Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah. It had fifty thousand curtains, and one hundred thousand banners, and of the hosts within the ship, seven million souls, each bore a streamer of phosphorescent light, which, together, were of all colors, shades and tints, and arrayed in symbols of the name, Apollo.

14/10.9. Unlike all other etherean ships of fire that had, as yet, visited the earth’s heavens, it was provided with openings in the bottom, five hundred thousand of them, which were the places of entrance and exit. And the openings were studded with crystals of ceaseless fire of all conceivable colors, shades, tints, sizes, and shapes: curves, circles, angles, crescents, and so on. And up within the openings, were the crystal and opaque chambers, provided for the heirs of the third resurrection. And yet, within these chambers, were the reports of the guardian angels, of the lives and good work previously done by every man and woman of all the two billion who were to ascend to Jehovah’s higher heavens. But in all the records there was not recorded one evil thing, or dark deed, or selfish thought; for of these things, the ascending hosts had long since purged themselves, till they were gems of the pure light of the Father of all. High up within the ship were the beams and network of timber, ropes and arches; and around the whole ship was the photosphere of its power, so that the whole adavaysit was like a crystal ship within a globe of phosphorescent light; and yet, in fact, the ship was the true light, and the angels the light of that light, while the photosphere was really the shell of darkness made reflective.

14/10.10. This, then, was the size of the adavaysit: of the photosphere, the diameters east and west, and north and south, were two thousand miles; and it was seven thousand miles high. And the ship within it was one hundred miles east and west and north and south, in diameters; and it was two hundred miles high.

14/10.11. As the earth is opaque, with a transparent vortex around it, so the opposite is the case regarding the structure of an etherean adavaysit, being light and habitable within as well as without, like the etherean worlds in the firmament. As Jehovah makes worlds, and sends them forth in the places of His firmament, so, in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses make adavaysits to traverse space from star to star, and from one etherean region to another. Great in wisdom and power are Jehovah’s etherean Gods and Goddesses! Yet they, too, were once only men and women with corporeal bodies.

14/10.12. Jehovah said: I have given power to spirits of the newly dead to clothe themselves from the atmosphere with corporeal semblances of flesh and blood; and, to My exalted atmospherean angels, I have given power to clothe themselves from ethe in forms of light. But, to My exalted etherean angels, I have given power to clothe their hosts with ships of fire, and otevans, and adavaysits.

CHAPTER 11 Apollo

14/11.1. Cventi, marshalless for the hosts of Apollo, with ten thousand marshals and fifty thousand respondents of ceremonies, made preparations to receive the hosts of the adavaysit, commanded by Cim’iad, Goddess of Du’e’ghi, in etherea, Goddess of Noad and Rak, in Ji’ya, thirty‑eight, well known to Apollo, and to Phaeja,[412] God of Norse, longtime residents of Um, in etherea.

14/11.2. Cim’iad was a small woman, dark, and of deep love, most jovial of Goddesses; and had long looked forward with joy to her pleasure of bringing so large a ship to deliver two billion of Jehovah’s Brides and Bridegrooms into etherean worlds. And so, when the adavaysit was about to land in Gau, Cim’iad looked out from the clusters of central stars, the ornaments of the throne within the ship, to see the hosts who were assembled beneath, and joyously clapped her hands with delight, at which she was saluted by Apollo and Phaeja, and by God and his Lords.

14/11.3. Presently, the mighty vessel landed and anchored fast; and the ship of Apollo was moved up alongside and made fast to the adavaysit. Meanwhile, Cim’iad came forth out of the ship, and was received in the arms of Cventi, marshalless of Apollo, and then proceeded to the throne of God.

14/11.4. All the while, the musicians had been playing and singing; and the music of the lower heaven was thus united with the music of the upper heaven.

14/11.5. God said: Welcome, O Daughter of Jehovah! Come and honor my throne, in His name!

14/11.6. Cim’iad said: By the grace and love of Jehovah, I have come, O God! And to you, O Apollo, most wonderful of earth‑born Gods, how can I express my boundless love! And to you, O Phaeja, long‑enduring Son of Jehovah, my soul is as a twin, for the glory of our Everlasting Creator!

14/11.7. Behold, I have come in Jehovah’s name to wed these two billion Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah!

14/11.8. Phaeja said: Your will and Jehovah’s be done! And now they shook hands, as is the custom of Gods and Goddesses, and Cim’iad went and sat on the throne, saluting all the assemblage by making the sign of Jehovah’s name with her right hand, which was answered by three billion spirits. And now the musicians played and sang the Stars of Jehovah! Meanwhile, the All Light began to descend thick and fast on Cim’iad’s head, so brilliant that many could not look upon it.

14/11.9. And Jehovah spoke through Cim’iad, saying: I blow My breath upon a corporeal world, and man springs forth into life, the highest of My created lights. In the womb of Mi,[413] I fashion his spirit. When he is shapely and white,[414] I deliver him. I open the heaven of suns, and warm his soul. Brighter than diamonds he comes forth; male and female they come; as stars for My everlasting worlds. Dressed as Brides and Bridegrooms for My chambers of Light and Love. In My arms they shall be blessed forever; in My mansions rejoice forever.

14/11.10. The respondents said (being led by the etherean hosts): I am Your bride (or bridegroom), O Jehovah! My soul finds love in You only, forever!

14/11.11. O Jehovah, my Father! I come to You to abide forever!

14/11.12. From Mi, my mother, the earth, who conceived me, I now rise up and go, forever.[415]

14/11.13. All praise to You, O Jehovah! And to you, O God of earth and heaven! And to you, O Lords of the earth, praise forever!

14/11.14. Your Lords, O Jehovah, raised me up. How can I render them joy for my stubbornness of heart! And Your God, for my second resurrection.

14/11.15. O how You have made us brothers and sisters, O Jehovah! And given me a higher world to abide in, forever!

14/11.16. O, Joy of my soul! To You I am beholden, O Father, everlasting Creator!

14/11.17. Jehovah said: Behold Me, O Brides and Bridegrooms! I am the All that is within all and over all. Members of My body are all things under the sun, seen and unseen, boundless, forever! I give them to you for your inheritance, forever!

14/11.18. Response: Who can give as You do, O Jehovah! Not only did You give myself to me, but You sent Your Gods and Lords to me to teach me how to live to enjoy Your Fullness, forever.

14/11.19. I will rise to Your immortal kingdoms, and learn the mysteries of Your glory and wisdom, O Jehovah! And when I am strong, I will go forth to those who are beneath me, and raise them up, to rejoice, forever!

14/11.20. Jehovah said: Laborers with Me; helpmates and companions, forever! With you I wed, from everlasting to everlasting.

14/11.21. Response: With You we wed, helpmates, forever! In the glory of Your worlds, without end!

14/11.22. Jehovah said: Mine are All Harmony; All Symmetry; All Love; and will endure forever!

14/11.23. Response: When I was in darkness, I fed on hate, anger, war, and lust. But You have taught me harmony, symmetry, and love, and I shall indulge in them forever!

14/11.24. Jehovah said: Receive My mantles[416] and My crowns, O My beloved! The darkness has come and gone; the rain has dried up, and My flowers are blooming for you, My beloved!

14/11.25. Response: Glory to You, My Creator and Preserver! All hail to Your Wondrous Works, O Jehovah! In all my giving I cannot attain to You, forever! Your Crown shall shine in my behavior, world without end! Amen! Amen! Amen!

14/11.26. Jehovah, You are mine, forever! Amen!

14/11.27. I am Yours, O Jehovah, forever! Amen! Amen!

CHAPTER 12 Apollo

14/12.1. The rites of the resurrection were completed, all of which would fill a book, were the words written down; and as for the music, for which there were five hundred thousand singers and players, a conception of it can scarcely be given to mortals. And when the light of the throne of God broke away a little, God announced six hours’ recreation; and all the angels of Gau and of the etherean heavens, mingled together joyfully.

14/12.2. After this (for, behold, the end of the dawn of dan had come), Apollo, mightiest of all, rose up, and waved his hand in the sign, In Jehovah’s Name, and stood aside from the throne of God. After Apollo, Cim’iad rose up, and gave the same sign; followed by Phaeja. And when these three, high raised, stood aside on the floor of the throne, so that all the assembled millions could see them, so hushed were all things, it was as if time had come to an end.

14/12.3. Then the ten thousand Lords and Lordesses filed in front, they who had once been false Gods and false Lords, and in the past, arrayed in such gorgeous attire; now robed in plain white, and without ornaments.

14/12.4. The marshals opened the arches of the adavaysit, but yet not a soul moved from his or her place.

14/12.5. Then great Apollo, Cim’iad and Phaeja came down and sat at the foot of the throne, more loved than all the Gods who had as yet visited the earth and her heavens.

14/12.6. God came down from the throne and took Apollo’s hand, saying: Arise, O Son of Jehovah, and go your way. Apollo rose up, in tears, and stood aside. Now God took the hand of Cim’iad, saying: Arise, O Daughter of Jehovah, and go your way. Next he raised up the long‑tried Phaeja, when lo, both burst into tears, and fell in each other’s arms! Phaeja, of few words at most, was last to slack the fond embrace; and then he and great Apollo, and Cim’iad, light of heaven, broke loose and marched forward to the etherean ship of fire. God resumed the throne, blinded by his tears.

14/12.7. Now fell the mantles of Jehovah, and His crowns, on the two billion Brides and Bridegrooms. The awakening LIGHT of the etherean firmament bespoke[417] Jehovah’s Awe-Inspiring Presence! The hosts moved with one accord, and presently entered into the adavaysit, amid a shower of etherean flowers.

14/12.8. The marshals signaled, for the dawn was ended. The bright Cim’iad stretched forth her slender hand and arm to Jehovah, saying: By Your Power, O Father, I command! Arise! Arise! Ad‑av‑ay‑sit! Arise!

14/12.9. And the mighty vessel, with the vessel of Apollo adjoined, rose from Gau, rocking, rising, and moving to the music of a million trumpeters and singers, who were joined by the es’enaurs of the lower heavens. Higher and higher rose the etherean fire‑ships, turning and rising, passing beyond the vortex of the earth, beyond Chinvat, out into the firmament of etherea, higher and higher, till all was lost to sight in the distance.

CHAPTER 13 Apollo

14/13.1. Jehovah spoke in the light of the throne of God, saying: To the Council of Gau, heaven of My Heaven! Hear the words of your Creator, O My beloved: Sing songs to Apollo and his Lords; let my people rejoice; for the Glory of my Son is upon them.

14/13.2. From My kingdom comes the Light and the Life; out of My Wisdom Apollo has come. Sing to him, O you Lords of heaven; let My angels rejoice in his name, for he shall abide forever.

14/13.3. I created him for the glory of angels and men; in his idols and images My people shall perceive the harmony of My beloved. With My own hands, I molded the ankles and feet, and well‑rounded thighs. Behold the arms of My Son, no longer than to the thighs, and with dimples, and small wrists.

14/13.4. His neck is straight and slender, and smooth and round, like the higin on an altar; and his shoulders like hewn stone, polished and tapering, like a woman’s, who does not go to war.

14/13.5. His instep is high; he can spring like a deer, swift as the wind. He does not sit on his haunches all day, with his hands down, like a druk that is tired, waiting for food. He flees to the plain and the forest on his swift feet.

14/13.6. Proclaim Apollo in heaven and on earth. He is risen! Higher than the sun is the Holy Begotten of Jehovah! Out of the Virgin Mi he has come, Holy; in symmetry and music, there is none like Apollo.

14/13.7. She was My betrothed from the foundation of the world; Spouse of your Creator, O God! Her name was Mi, Mother of My Holy Begotten Son.

14/13.8. They were without shapeliness before Me; they lolled[418] about on earth; they lolled in heaven; on their haunches they waited hungrily.

14/13.9. The Virgin bowed down; for her first‑born was the Redeemer of the world. In stone, wood, copper, gold, and silver, he is stronger than ten cities; and wiser than ten thousand men.

14/13.10. He comes to the young mother’s dream, and shapes her unborn, with limbs like a racer, and with long hair on the head. He stands in the idol,[419] and knows the mother’s prayer every day. Whoever calls on the name, Apollo, calls on the Father, Creator of all things.

14/13.11. Blessed are the Lords of Apollo; blessed are the sons and daughters of Apollo; blessed are they who bring forth in shapeliness to look like My Son, Apollo.

14/13.12. This mark of shapeliness I have put up before all women under the sun; the young women prior to marriage; and also before the young men prior to marriage.

14/13.13. Choose a spouse from those who look like Apollo; and your heirs shall glorify your Creator.

14/13.14. Apollo is My judge; he sits at My right hand; swifter than an arrow is his judgment on a woman’s first-born.

CHAPTER 14 Apollo

14/14.1. Jehovah spoke from the light of the throne of God, saying: Hear the words of your Creator, O you Counselors of heaven.

14/14.2. They spin, weave and make clothes; they learn in the places of learning; neither do I condemn them.

14/14.3. But My physicians are tired; My nurses are tired; My teachers are tired. Be wise, O My Sons and Daughters. Who has reformed a beggar by giving to him? What physician prevents sickness by healing?

14/14.4. They bring forth in deformity on the earth, and you must cure them in heaven. They squat on their haunches on earth, and they squat the same way in heaven, and you must cure them.

14/14.5. Go to the root of the matter, O My beloved. Send word down to the kingdoms of My Lords, and say to them: Thus says Jehovah: Follow them, O My Lords! Double the number of ashars, double the loo’is; leave no young man alone; leave no young woman alone. Keep watch over them day and night; give them visions and dreams of Apollo. For, I am concerted[420] in heaven and on earth to remold the forms of the earth‑born.

14/14.6. Jehovah said: Hear your Creator, O Gau! Make seven more plateaus for the second resurrection. Out of the idolatry of My Son, Apollo, I will beautify the inhabitants of the earth. And the cast and mold of men and women shall become a great power.

14/14.7. Jealousies will overspread the earth; jealousies will rise in the first resurrection. Make seven more plateaus in the second resurrection, and sort the es’yans in the hour of birth.

14/14.8. God and the Council perceived; and so God appointed workmen, and fulfilled the commandments of Jehovah. And he established seven hundred tributary kingdoms of the second resurrection belonging to Gau.

14/14.9. These sub‑kingdoms were provided with sub‑Gods, second in rank below the Lords, of whom there were ten thousand who had direct supervision over mortals; and all the Lords had a sufficiency of guardian angels (ashars), and loo’is (masters of generations), so that they could direct any required number to particular mortals as they chose.

14/14.10. The Lords mostly established their heavenly kingdoms in the temples where mortals came to worship; and they inspired mortals to establish spirit chambers near the altars, where the prophets sat to learn the decrees of the Lord. The loo’is also came here (to the Lord’s place) to receive their appointments over mortals, for the purpose of bringing about marriages acceptable before Jehovah.

14/14.11. On the other hand, the affairs of the sub‑Gods were wholly with matters in heaven, except when commanded by the Lords for special work.

14/14.12. And it came to pass, that mortals and their affairs were directed and governed by the decrees of the lower heavens, and these again by the etherean heavens, which were of Jehovah direct.

14/14.13. So Jehovah changed the forms of the earth‑born; but they became worshippers of Apollo, accrediting to one another Jehovah’s perfection in them according to the form and figure[421] of the flesh. And because of the idolatry of the women for Apollo, their children were born of good flesh, and shapely; so that, in four hundred years, the hair on their heads grew long and straight, and men began to have beards. Neither did any young man consider any virtue in a young woman so important as her form; nor did young women value any virtue in man so great as a well‑molded form.

14/14.14. And when mortals died and their spirits entered the first resurrection, half the labor of the asaphs, the receiving angels, was accomplished.

14/14.15. So God changed the es’yan period to three years, except for the heirs of cousins, uncles and aunts, which was left at five years.

CHAPTER 15 Apollo

14/15.1. So perfect was the way of heaven, that, at the end of four hundred years, God, his Lords, and his sub‑Gods, had eight and a half billion souls of grade eighty‑eight ready for the third resurrection as Jehovah’s harvest.

14/15.2. So Apollo sent Adova, division Goddess of Reth, in Coak, in etherea, down to the lower heaven, to deliver God and his hosts. And they were thus raised up to etherea in a sea of fire, and made one with Jehovah.

14/15.3. The next government in the lower heaven and on the earth was in like manner, and the next deliverance in dan was ten billion souls, of grade sixty‑five.

14/15.4. Similarly was the next administration in the lower heaven and on the earth; and the deliverance was ten billion, of grade fifty.

14/15.5. Likewise was the next administration on the earth and in the lower heaven, and the deliverance was ten billion, of grade thirty‑eight. So Apollo commanded these to be delivered in the a’ji’an fields of Oth, in Sanak and Orant, for they were unsuited for etherea.

14/15.6. The next administration in the lower heaven and on the earth continued in similar manner to those previous, and the deliverance was sixteen billion; but they were of grade twenty‑four. So Apollo commanded them to be delivered in the nebulous straits of Koppawotchiakka, for further development.

14/15.7. The next administration in the lower heaven was as those previous, but not so on the earth. For the kings and queens carried the idolatry too far, and mortals began destroying ill‑formed children and cripples, thus casting the ills of mortality into heaven. So there was no deliverance for the last dan of Apollo’s cycle; and Jehovah received no harvest.

14/15.8. Thus ended the cycle of Apollo, being two thousand eight hundred years.


The Lords’ Third Book

Being contemporaneous with the Book of Apollo, Son of Jehovah. As the latter book is of heaven, so is the Lords’ Book of earth, for the same period of time.

CHAPTER 1 Lords’ Third

15/1.1. In the time of heaven known as the arc of Rupta to Mos, the Lord descended to the earth in a sea of fire, to the land of America.

15/1.2. And the Lord spoke over the land and over the waters, calling and speaking: Where are the I’hins, the chosen of the Lord? Speak, O man; come forth at the call of your God.

15/1.3. Then spoke man, answering the call of God, saying:

15/1.4. More than a million; more than two, more than four million, are your people, O Lord!

15/1.5. The Lord inquired: Where are my people? Where is the place and boundary of the sacred people, the I’hins, whom I delivered in the time of the flood?

15/1.6. And man answered, saying: From the head of the Ca’ca’tsak, the mountain river of rivers (Amazon). In Thes’onka, wide as the ocean, and the mountain plains of Om (Mexico). To the great cities of O’wan’gache and Nathon; and Neshesh, and Tesumethgad, and Naphal; and Yeshuah, by the lake Owane (Nicaragua), here stands the tower of Rakowana, shining with copper, silver and gold. And by the river Raxaa and her lake, Jon’gan. And over the plains of Go’magat (crescent) and Takshan, where they build great boats with crossbeams and sails of cloth. And to the north land of Uphsic and E’chaung, where the still river (canal) Eph’su begins, running to the wide oceans. Vid and Sajins (Lakes Superior and Michigan), where the I’huans dig deep down and bring copper, silver and lead in boats to the King of Avaya, I’huan monarch and good protector.

15/1.7. The Lord said: The greatest place of all you have not named.[422] Your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard. Search, therefore, and be wise. Man said:

15/1.8. I was ashamed before God, so I set out to get great learning to know of what the Lord spoke. And I traveled for one year to the north, and many moons to the south and east. And I found a rabbî of great learning, both in books and spoken words; and many prophets of the Lord in the great cities. So I inquired, saying: Which is the greatest place of the Lord’s chosen? And, lo and behold, they answered the same as I had answered the Lord. Then I came to the city of Ta’zuntqua, a place for the yearly dance in the valley of On‑out‑si, where the rabbî’s temple is covered with polished copper; and I asked the same question. For the che’ba[423] within me desired to make a record of all things valuable; but, alas, I got no other answer than the echo of my own words.

15/1.9. God said: Where are my chosen? Where is the greatest place of the I’hins? You have shown me the I’huans, their great cities and kingdoms; their places of great learning. But the greatest of all, you have not shown.

15/1.10. Man answered: I do not know, O Lord. Tell me?

15/1.11. The Lord said: In among the I’huans are the I’hins, the little sacred people. The little cities in the suburbs of the large cities of the I’huans, these are the greatest cities.

15/1.12. Man inquired of God: How can that be? Behold, the I’huans are three to one, compared to the I’hins!

15/1.13. The Lord said: These that build temples of hewn stone, and cover them with polished copper, are not my people. These warrior kings, that fortify their cities with soldiers, are not my people. They are not great.

15/1.14. But my chosen are these who live in mounds, and in cities with wooden walls, and clay walls. They are the greatest of all people. They do not dress in gaudy colors, nor ornament themselves with copper, silver and gold.

15/1.15. They are the people of learning. They survey the way for the canals; they find the square and the arch; they lead the I’huan to the mines, where lead, copper and silver are buried. These are a great people.

15/1.16. Without them the I’huan could not build his own house; he could not find the level for a canal; nor provide the square of his temple. The I’hins are the greatest people.

15/1.17. My chosen have shapely legs, arms, feet and hands; and their hair grows long and straight, white and yellow.

15/1.18. The Lord said: Because the I’huan is of all shapes and sizes; and of all grades and judgment, even down to the ignorance of a beast, behold, he is bringing forth heirs of darkness.

15/1.19. Come to the Lord, O you who are chosen. You have built houses and temples for the I’huans, but of what avail[424] are these things?

15/1.20. Behold, they are at war, tribe against tribe, nation against nation. They no longer listen to my rabbîs, the priests of my chosen.

15/1.21. Go, now, you shall build temples to God.

15/1.22. Then the I’hins inquired the meaning of God’s words.

15/1.23. The Lord said: For a long time I have prophesied through my chosen, the I’hins. Now I will raise up prophets among the I’huans, the copper‑colored race.

15/1.24. This is the temple you shall build to the Great Spirit and His kingdoms in haden.[425] ||

15/1.25. There are two peoples before my judgment, says the Lord: The one that does not hear the voice of God, or know him; but the other people know me, and endeavor to obey my commandments.

15/1.26. And God was weary with laboring for the I’huans; for they went more after the way of darkness than light.

15/1.27. And the Lord called away his guardian angels, leaving the I’huans alone for a season. And spirits of darkness came upon them and obsessed them.

15/1.28. And in that same time, the Lord caused his chosen to display the mold of their thighs, and their short shapely arms. And the I’huans tempted them, contrary to law. So it came to pass that the I’huan women boasted of their conquests, bringing forth heirs of more shapeliness.

15/1.29. Now, when these heirs grew to be men and women, behold, they had the gift of prophecy, and of seeing visions and of hearing the voice of the angels of heaven. And they were called Ongwee‑ghan, signifying, good‑shaped men.

CHAPTER 2 Lords’ Third

15/2.1. God said: Do not permit the Ongwee to dwell with the I’hins, lest the seed of my chosen become lost.

15/2.2. The Ongwees came suddenly into the world; by the thousands and thousands they came, in the north, south, east and west. And they had long hair, black and coarse; but their skin was brown, copper‑colored; and their arms were short, like the I’hins. Very proud were the Ongwees; they would not mix with the I’huans; and they dared not mix with the sacred people, because of the commandment of the Lord.

15/2.3. So, the Ongwee‑ghan became a new race in the world, having all the symmetry of the I’hin, and the savageness of the I’huans. And, being feeders on flesh and fish, fell under the dominion of angels of the lower heaven (inorganic heavens), and they rejected the Lord God.

15/2.4. The Lord said: Even this I will appropriate for their own salvation in time to come.

15/2.5. So the Lord commanded the I’hins to give the Ongwees laws, rites and ceremonies; and these things were done as commanded.

15/2.6. Then the angels of the lower heaven came, teaching the Ongwees the secret of making eunuchs of their enemies, the I’huans with the long arms; teaching them how to make spears, and bows with arrows, and darts, fishing‑hooks and nets; teaching them how to make fire by striking flint stones; teaching them how to cook flesh and fish to make them more palatable. And this was the first cooked food for man since the days of the flood.

15/2.7. The I’hins feared the Lord would visit a judgment upon the land, because of the Ongwees’ killing and eating flesh; but the Lord said to them: Suffer the Ongwees to fulfill their labor; for the land is too full of beasts and serpents. Nevertheless, it shall come to pass that great destruction shall come upon the I’huans and the ground people and the Ongwees. Their great cities shall be destroyed, and the lands laid desolate; but I will rebuild them again with greater glory than at present.

15/2.8. And so, that which the Lord had spoken through the I’hin prophets, came to pass. In three thousand years the large and handsome race, the Ongwees, transcended the long‑armed I’huans, the short‑legged race. ||

15/2.9. God said: Hear me, O man! Understand the labor of the Lord your God. Jehovah says to the Lord: Go to yonder earth,[426] and make man upright (on two feet). And the Lord accomplishes it. Then Jehovah says: Go yonder, and make man shapely on the earth. And the Lord finds a way to do this also.

15/2.10. Do not forget the Lord your God, for such labor will fall to your lot when you are long risen in heaven. Behold, there are millions of worlds, newly coming into existence every day. Expand your judgment; make yourself comprehensive so that you may fulfill in wisdom, the glory of the Almighty.

CHAPTER 3 Lords’ Third

15/3.1. God said: Hear the word of the Lord, O man; in your little wisdom be considerate of[427] the magnitude of the labor of your Lord.

15/3.2. Certain times and seasons are allotted by Jehovah for the development of new orders of men on the worlds He created. According to the times, seasons and condition of the earth, so has the Lord your God fittingly provided the race of man.

15/3.3. To raise man up so that he may comprehend the beautiful creation, and be adapted in harmony with it, this is the glory of your God.

15/3.4. Behold, I have spoken of the land of America! Do not think that as one division of the earth is made answerable to my will by a certain rule, that another division of the earth is provided in the same way. The Lord your God finds one place filled with beasts of prey and great serpents, which must be destroyed; and he provides a race of men to accomplish this. And so, man is allowed by God to become carnivorous for a season. In another country the Lord finds drought and frequent famine; and so he provides man with knowledge adapted to those conditions.

15/3.5. Thus, as there are seasons to the earth when man shall be changed from one condition to another, according to the progress of the earth, even so does God accordingly lift up man for the glory of the Almighty.

15/3.6. Do not let your judgment mislead you as to a law of selection. There is no law of selection. Man has no inspiration of his own to select a mate and provide his progeny with shapeliness or judgment.

15/3.7. He marries because of the impulse of the flesh; nor does he care about the issue, whether they have long legs or short ones, or whether they become warriors or imbeciles.

15/3.8. And woman cares even less than man. Nevertheless a time comes upon the world, in a later age, when man and woman both consider these things, and somewhat govern themselves accordingly. But in such an era they are almost fruitless [having no children].

15/3.9. But in the early age of a world, man has inherent only two impulses, to eat and to indulge in cohabitation [sex]. Nor does he consider what may result from it. And the Lord and his angels lead man, without him knowing, to fulfill his times and seasons.

15/3.10. Now I have come to you in the millennium (Kosmon) to reveal the government of heaven upon the earth, and the inspirations of your God and his angels upon the race of man. Behold, in the time of Apollo, man in his present form was brought into being on the earth. For the time and season of the earth was ready for such. Even as in this present day your Lord has come to change man from a race of warriors to a race of peace; for now the time and the season of the earth is propitious[428] to accomplish this.

15/3.11. In the time of Apollo, the first prophets of God were raised up from other than the I’hin race. In that day, the I’huan, the flesh‑eating man, was first capable of hearing the voice of your Lord understandingly. And your God commanded man to remember the God of harmony, symmetry and music, and to build images of him in all the divisions of the earth.

15/3.12. Be most searching, O man; for you shall find in this present time and generation, the legends and history of Apollo in all the divisions of the earth.

15/3.13. And the word of his name, in all languages, has the same signification.

15/3.14. Behold, as in America the Lord raised up seers, whom he instructed in the methods of slaying beasts of prey and serpents, so in the same period of time he raised up for the same purpose other seers in Shem, Ham and Japheth (India, Africa including the Fertile Crescent, and China). And the names of the great slayers are preserved to this day in the mortal histories of these countries. ||

15/3.15. Thus on the earth and in all its divisions, the Lord created a new race; it came of the I’hins and the I’huans. According to the different countries where they dwelt, so are they found to this day. In which, your God provided all these people who are of pure blood, to have no other God or Lord than the Great Spirit, Jehovah.

15/3.16. Nevertheless in the time of Apollo, this race (Ghan) was only a fraction compared to the hundreds of millions of I’huans and ground people and I’hins that dwelt on the earth. But the I’huans were at war for more than a thousand years.

15/3.17. They built great cities, and established mighty kingdoms; but as soon as they were built, lo, the wars laid them low or dissipated them. ||

15/3.18. God said: Now I will give man a new commandment, which is, to go forth and subdue the earth; to slay every beast of prey and every serpent that comes before him.

15/3.19. And of beasts of prey and of serpents, you shall not eat the flesh, or the blood, which contains the life.

15/3.20. Neither shall you eat the flesh of the beast with uncloven foot; nor shall you eat swine’s flesh.

15/3.21. But all cloven‑footed animals I give to you, for food to eat.[429] || For in the day you take the place of beasts of prey, you shall also take it upon yourself to eat the flesh they would have eaten. ||

15/3.22. Then the Lord sent I’hin priests to circumcise the new race, the Ghan. And he commanded the Ghans to marry among themselves, promising to give the whole world into their keeping.

15/3.23. And the Ghans began to wear clothes, like the I’hins; and the latter gave them rites and ceremonies, and taught them how to pray and dance before Jehovah.


Book of Thor, Son of Jehovah

Being the records of Thor, Apollo’s successor, on the earth and in her heavens, from the arc of Mos to the arc of Dae, in the etherean heavens, and of three thousand two hundred years.


16/1.1. Thor, Orian Chief of Don’ga, in etherea, God of Palla, Surveyor of Yonetz and Thassa, God of Galeb, Receiver of Saffer and Hoesonya, God of Wartz, Lo, and Yisain, Counselor in the ethereal worlds Hituna, Ctaran, Seeing, Sethawan and Hababak, greeting:

16/1.2. In the Holy Council of Gods and Goddesses in Don’ga, the voice of Jehovah came to Thor, saying:

16/1.3. My Son, behold the red star, the earth; she courses from Mos to Dae,[430] and now drags in the swamps of Asath. Behold, you shall deliver her through your dominions, three thousand two hundred years. Even now the dawn of Ghan approaches.

16/1.4. Thor spoke before the Holy Council, on Jehovah’s etherean throne, saying: Behold, the young world, the earth, comes our way. For three thousand two hundred years she will journey in the fields of Don’ga.

16/1.5. Then the Holy Council deliberated on the matters of the earth and her heavens, and all other corporeal worlds that were to pass through Don’ga for three thousand years. And it was found that the dawn of dan would fall upon the earth first of all.

16/1.6. Then Thor called for the swift messengers that course the firmament in the regions of Apperwaith, the roadway of the earth’s past history. And the swift messengers came and laid their report before the throne of Jehovah, as to what world the earth was, and the harvests of angels she had yielded up to the emancipated heavens.

16/1.7. When their reports were finished, and deliberated on by the Holy Council, Thor, Son of Jehovah, said:

16/1.8. For further knowledge as to the present condition of this world, the earth, it is my command that Yathai, God of Gammotto, choose one million volunteers; and, in an airiata, proceed to the earth and her heavens to visit her God and Lords, and ascertain[431] the condition of their angels and mortals, and report back in Don’ga.

16/1.9. So, Yathai, God of Gammotto, in etherea, was appointed for this purpose, and he provided an airiata, and took with him one million ethereans, and proceeded to the earth and her heavens, as commanded.

16/1.10. And Yathai came to the throne of God in Gau, in atmospherea; and God sent his Lords an invitation to come also. And seventy-two of them came.

16/1.11. God said to Yathai: Behold, the earth and these atmospherean heavens are full of false Lords and false Gods. Yathai inquired how many there were. God said: More than thirty thousand Gods and one hundred and sixty thousand Lords. Behold, in every great city on earth there is a false God or a false Lord, and he has a small heavenly kingdom of his own, located on the earth. And the spirits of the dead of that place are his slaves, for his own exaltation.

16/1.12. And in many of these heavenly kingdoms there are wars, and anarchy (hells) where the angels torment one another endlessly. Nor will these false Gods and false Lords and their subjects admit that there are higher heavens than their own.

16/1.13. The spirits of the newly dead are captured and kept in ignorance of Jehovah and His vast creations; and made to bow in adoration and worship to the false Lord or false God. And these in turn, being in contiguity[432] to mortals, inspire them to the same worship. Which fits them at the time of their death to fall as slaves into the dominion of him whom they worshipped.

16/1.14. The wars in heaven have inspired mortals to wars on earth, so that all around the world, unending battles are going on.

16/1.15. And those who are slain on earthly battlefields are born into spirit in chaos, not knowing they are dead (as to the earth), and so they linger on the battlefields, still battling imaginary foes.

16/1.16. All over the earth these battlefields are covered with spirits in chaos, and with the spirits of druks, druj, yaks and ground people, who know nothing more than the beasts in the field.

16/1.17. Return therefore, O Yathai, to your Orian Chief, Thor, Son of Jehovah, and say to him: The God of earth is powerless to rescue her angels and mortals from the great darkness upon them. And beseech him in Jehovah’s name to come and deliver me and my kingdoms.

16/1.18. Yathai inquired about the races of men on earth, and as to the times of their termination.

16/1.19. God said: In twelve thousand four hundred years the I’hin race, the mound builders, will come to an end. And at that time the Ghans will have triumphed over all the lands and waters of the earth.

16/1.20. When Yathai had obtained the required information, and also learned the localities of the divisions of the earth and her heavens, he departed in his airiata, with his companions, and visited all the chief places, and then returned to Don’ga, in etherea, before Thor, Son of Jehovah, to whom he reported all he had learned as to the condition of the earth and her heavens.

16/1.21. Then came the Light of Jehovah to Thor, saying: My Son, take a sufficient host of ethereans, and go to the red star and her heavens, and deliver them in My name.


16/2.1. Thor called in thirty million volunteers; and he provided an avalanza, an ethereal ship of fire, in which they embarked for the red star, where they would remain four years two hundred and thirty-eight days, which was called the dawn of dan, for Thor, of Don’ga.

16/2.2. Then outward, onward, through etherea sped Thor and his thirty millions. Through the swamps of Asath, and the fields of Broddwuski; through the ethereal seas of Hoesonya toward the arc of Mos, and then to Chinvat; the boundary of the earth’s vortex. Nor did he halt here, but sped onward in his ship of fire for Gau, the throne of God.

16/2.3. God and his Lords, being apprised of Thor’s coming, had the capital prepared for his reception. And they also had gathered in all the angels of the second resurrection, and as many of the first as chose to come. In all, there were assembled in Gau, nine hundred million angels, Believers (Faithists) in Jehovah. Of these, no more than one million had ever seen an etherean, nor had they visited farther outward from the earth than the seventh plateau in atmospherea.

16/2.4. Among these, even into the heavenly capital of Gau, alighted Thor and his thirty millions. And after due salutations in the manner of Gods and Goddesses, a day of recreation was proclaimed from the throne of God; and the atmosphereans and ethereans mingled together joyfully.

16/2.5. Then Thor ascended on the throne of God, and he ordained as follows:

16/2.6. One million constables to go to the false Lords and false Gods and arrest them, and bring them to Gau for judgment.

16/2.7. One million captors to possess the thrones and temples of the false Lords and false Gods, and hold them.

16/2.8. Eight million captors to gather in the angel slaves in all the hadan heavens.

16/2.9. Six million dispersers to overthrow and disperse the hells (heavenly battlefields of spirits in chaos).

16/2.10. Six million physicians to disrupt fetals from mortals.

16/2.11. Two million founders of es’yan nurseries, for the spirits of infants and helpless ones, born into heaven before their full time.

16/2.12. One million founders of hospitals, for chaotic angels and others stricken with disease.

16/2.13. Half a million marshals; half a million messengers; and three million builders.

16/2.14. And when these had been selected by the proper officers, they were dispatched to their places and duties.

16/2.15. Then Thor reorganized the Council of Gau for the period of dawn.

16/2.16. So God and his Lords rested for a season, while Thor and his hosts delivered earth and her heavens.

16/2.17. In one year all the false Lords and false Gods and Goddesses were captured and brought to Gau; nor did Thor pass judgment upon them until they were all brought in. And on this occasion, millions of angels were assembled in Gau to witness the proceedings.

16/2.18. Thor said to them: Do you not perceive that my power is greater than yours? How can that be? I have only thirty million; and of you there are more than thirty billion! What makes me more powerful? Behold, I have arrested all your heavens and heavenly rulers. How is this? Where did my power come from?

16/2.19. Not one could answer Thor.

16/2.20. Then Thor said: My army is a unit. Yours are divided, one against another. Yes, each one was in anarchy.

16/2.21. This I declare to you: Jehovah first of all; and His creations, which He has given to all His creatures.

16/2.22. To learn to master the elements of earth and heaven, this is the foundation for acquiring all power.

16/2.23. Because you bound yourselves in heavenly places on the earth, you did not rise up to the places prepared for you. Answer me now: How does the world stand as to what will come?[433]

16/2.24. Many of the false Lords and false Gods answered in the following manner: I fear to speak my mind, lest in anger you cast me in hell.

16/2.25. Thor said: He who has learned to know Jehovah and serve Him, fears nothing on earth or in heaven. Fear is nothing but the manifestation of weakness.

16/2.26. Speak, therefore, what you desire; no harm shall come to you.

16/2.27. Then many of them said: This I perceive, O God: Out there lie the earth and many heavens. The strongest mortals rule over the weaker mortals; the strongest Gods rule over the weaker Gods. Therefore, make me your slave. I am content.

16/2.28. Then Thor said: A greater hardship I give to you all; I give you your liberty and freedom. Go, therefore, wherever you desire. I ask not one to serve me; but instead I say: Go serve Jehovah by lifting up whoever is beneath you.

16/2.29. They answered: Where shall we go? We do not know the way from one heaven to another, nor the way down to the earth. You say: Go serve Jehovah by lifting up those who are beneath us. Now, truly, we cannot even lift up ourselves. If we had great riches, or power, or wisdom, then we would willingly assist those beneath us.

16/2.30. Thor said: Truly you are Gods of darkness. I say to you, do not wait for any of these things, but go at once and serve Jehovah.

16/2.31 They answered: When we have first provided a way for ourselves, then we will serve Him.

16/2.32. Thor said: You have spoken the darkness of the entire world. I say to you: Go serve Jehovah first; and after that come to me, so I may see if you lack anything.

16/2.33. They answered: How can one serve Jehovah by lifting others up, if he has no clothes, or food, or habitation?[434]

16/2.34. Thor said: It is well you ask that question; but I say: Direct that question to your own souls; and, behold, the Father will answer you. Let that be the question you ask yourselves every hour of the day; and be watchful for an opportunity to answer it by the labor of your own hands.

16/2.35. Then the false Gods and false Lords were dismissed from custody.

16/2.36. Thor commanded that the light of the throne and the pillars of heavenly fire be raised to a higher grade. The false Lords and false Gods desired to flee because of the brilliancy of the light, but did not know where to go.

16/2.37. Thor said to them: Why have you assumed to be Lords and Gods, since you cannot even master the elements in the lower heavens?

16/2.38. I say to you, the regions of Jehovah’s universe are boundless. Let no one assume to do that which he cannot do; but, little by little, learn to master the elements surrounding him, and he will, in time, learn to traverse Jehovah’s beautiful firmament, and indeed be a fit companion for Gods and Goddesses.

16/2.39. Then the false Lords and false Gods spoke, saying: O if only we had someone to teach us; someone to show us the way to learn!

16/2.40. Then Thor, perceiving they were in proper disposition for resurrection, allotted certain teachers and disciplinarians to them, and they were taken into educational colonies and put to work.


16/3.1. Thor said: To induce men and angels to find the way of resurrection, this is the greatest of all teaching. Man says: O God, raise your servant up!

16/3.2. And the Lord says: Hold up your hands and I will lift you up. But man will not. Man says: Send wise and holy angels to me, O Lord, to guide me in righteousness and good works!

16/3.3. And the Lord says: That which you ask of God, even so do to your fellows. But man will not.[435]

16/3.4. As it is with man on earth, even so do we find it in hada.

16/3.5. To induce angels to develop themselves, by taking hold with their own hands,[436] and by the exercise of their own talents, this is the work of Lords and Gods. To rule over them without their knowing it, so as to lead them in the right way, this is wisdom.

16/3.6. The first passion of man is to eat; the second, the sexual desire; the third, to make others serve him. And if he accomplishes the latter, then he is indeed the prince of evil. For he then holds dominion to the hurt[437] of others.

16/3.7. As man builds these habitations in his soul on earth, how vain becomes his effort for happiness in heaven! To teach him to undo all his past, and to make full restitution to others, this is the work of Gods and Lords over spirits of darkness. ||

16/3.8. Thor established two thousand educational colonies in atmospherea, besides innumerable places of manufacturing and building; teaching the angels of heaven how to provide habitations for those born of earth into spirit life.

16/3.9. In three years of dawn, Thor had prepared four billion Brides and Bridegrooms for etherean ascension.

16/3.10. Now all this time, the angels of atmospherea had been taught much in regard to the emancipated kingdoms in etherea; and of the splendor, majesty and power of Gods and Goddesses living there.

16/3.11. Thor spoke from the throne of God, before the Holy Council, saying: Send swift messengers with greetings to Betatis, Goddess of Terow, in etherea, and say to her: Thus says Thor, Jehovah’s Son, Orian Chief of Don’ga: Come to the heavens of the earth; I have four billion Brides and Bridegrooms as Jehovah’s harvest. Provide an airiata of great size and splendor, for its presence shall enchant my people.

16/3.12. The swift messengers departed. And the appropriate officers at once began preparing to receive Betatis. Others were sent into other parts of atmospherea with fire‑boats to bring atmosphereans to Gau, so they could perceive the glory of the higher heavens as manifested in the descent and ascent of the airiata.

16/3.13. All these things were accomplished. Betatis came in great splendor; and all the kingdoms and sub‑kingdoms of Gau were filled with the billions who came to witness the ceremonies.

16/3.14. This, then, was the size of Betatis’ airiata: The diameter, east and west and north and south, was two thousand miles to the borders of the photosphere, and nine thousand miles high. The ship within the photosphere was one hundred miles east and west and north and south, and was two hundred miles high. Of beams the entire length, there were twelve million four hundred thousand; and of uprights, two million; but of the short beams and short uprights, they were numerous accordingly. And there were a sufficient number of chambers within the airiata for every soul to have one; and, besides these, there were halls and temples within, also suitable for music and other entertainments.

16/3.15. The colors, shades and tints of the mirrors and opaque ornaments, both movable and fixed, were provided in all possible ways, for ornament and for service, the beauty of which had never been surpassed in Don’ga. And when the whole airiata was completed, it looked like an oval globe of light, with a framework. The transparent and opaque parts within, alternated, so as to add beauty to every part. And it was fitted and equipped for the third resurrection, having no storage places for atmosphere, or anything in common with the lower heavens.

16/3.16. To add still further to its splendor, Betatis had her airiata ornamented with illuminated banners and streamers, so that at a distance, when seen descending, the whole vessel looked like a sun surrounded on every side with movable stars and waving streams of light.

16/3.17. Among her hosts were one million trumpeters and players on harps; and two million singers.

16/3.18. In the center at the front of the ship was the Holy Council chamber, with four million members. Above the Council chamber was the chamber of worship; and at either side were the halls for dancing and social reunion.

16/3.19. When Betatis’ ship neared the atmospherean kingdom of God, millions of her hosts stationed themselves on the galley‑beams and stay‑lines, adding a scene of life to the ethereal ship of surpassing beauty.

16/3.20. Betatis had provided her ship with ballast, so that, when she came within the earth’s vortex, she could stand her ship where she desired, while the earth and her heavens turned their axial course, so that both mortals and angels could witness the brilliancy and glory of the works of Don’ga’s chief Goddess.

16/3.21. And thus Betatis stood in her ship of fire, just beyond the plateau of Gau, while the earth and her heavens made one revolution.

16/3.22. The next day she descended into Gau, where God and his Lords, under the direction of Thor, Jehovah’s Son, had prepared their mighty audience.

16/3.23. When the ship was made fast, the chief marshal of Gau and the chief marshal of Betatis’ hosts met and conducted Betatis up in front of the throne of God.

16/3.24. Thor said: In Jehovah’s name, welcome, Daughter of Light!

16/3.25. Betatis said: Praise the Almighty! In love, I have come to answer your prayer.

16/3.26. Then God spoke, saying: Welcome, O Goddess! Come and honor my throne!

16/3.27. Then Betatis went forward in a flame of light, and was greeted in the manner of Gods and Goddesses. After which she sat in the center of the throne. And at once the ceremonies of initiation for the Brides and Bridegrooms were accomplished.

16/3.28. Then came a day of recreation; and after that, Betatis and her hosts, together with the four billion Brides and Bridegrooms, entered her airiata and departed upward for the etherean heavens.


16/4.1. In the fourth year of dawn under Thor, Son of Jehovah, he received from the Holy Council in Buru, of Don’ga, in etherea, a dispensation from the Orian Chiefs, decreeing to the earth one hundred years’ travail[438] in vocent.[439]

16/4.2. Thor called up Waak, God of Rhines, and said to him: Jehovah has put a sore[440] travail upon these heavens. Go to Hey’loo and command him to provide an avalanza sufficient to deliver twenty billion atmosphereans to the a’ji’an forests of Gonaya.

16/4.3. For the inhabitants of these heavens are too dark to endure the vocent of a hundred years, and would be precipitated to the earth and engage in fetalism.

16/4.4. Waak, God of Rhines, knowing the condition of the atmosphereans, proceeded at once to Hey’loo, informing him of the decrees of the higher heavens, and of the command of Thor, Son of Jehovah.

16/4.5. Thor then sent word to his Lords and marshals, informing them also of his command, and, further, commanding them to bring all the lowest grades of angels from all parts of earth and heaven, to be concentrated in Gau, where the avalanza was to come for them.

16/4.6. Thor appointed Ti’See’inij, Goddess of Ares, to superintend the reception of the angels, and arrange them for entrance into the avalanza; and he gave into her command, to assist her, five hundred thousand marshals and captains, and one million es’enaurs. And she apportioned these to their respective duties and places.

16/4.7. To accomplish all this, Thor allotted seventy‑seven days. And the proceedings were so wisely carried out that on the seventy‑seventh day, the avalanza was present and all the angels ready to enter it.

16/4.8. Accordingly these things were accomplished: The twenty billion angels were carried away on the avalanza, which was walled around on every side with pillars of fire so that not one spirit could escape, even if he was chaotic or imbecile. Waak and Hey’loo had entire charge of the migration; and they proceeded upward and outward from the earth till they reached seven diameters of the earth’s vortex, which brought them into the forests of Gonaya, where they landed them.

16/4.9. To provide for the reception, Ti’See’inij, Goddess of Ares, who had charge of the twenty billion, had previously sent there a sufficient force of angels, wise and strong.

16/4.10. So that when the avalanza landed, all things were ready. And according to their development, the angels were apportioned to different sections of the Gonaya forests, with suitable officers and teachers provided for them.

16/4.11. By Ti’See’inij, these things were done. And she established a throne of a’ji, provided a temple of Council, and provided all things that are required in the government of a new colony. And she provided a God in Gonaya to reign after the expiration of dawn; promoting to this one Hazedeka, a surveyor in Thalasia, the third heaven of Gau; and she gave him the title, God of Gonaya, for four hundred years.

16/4.12. Now, in reference to founding an a’ji’an habitation in etherea, this account is rendered to mortals and angels of the lower heaven:[441] The ethereans gather up the atomic elements floating amid the ethe’ic waves, and, giving them axial motion, they propel them forth. On their way, the atomic elements aggregate, till, from the size of a mite, the aggregation grows as large as the whole earth; but this world is habitable within and on its surface by the spirits of the dead, the angels.

16/4.13. || Jehovah said: In the same way that the solid earth, the stars and moon all float in the unseen firmament, so do atomic parts to all things float in ethe. As the earth is to the air and the ether above, so is an atom of corpor to the ethe’ic solution.

16/4.14. Jehovah said: Do not think, O man, that there is only one member in My Person, and that different conditions and states of that one comprise My universe. The foolish man has said, the blood is the flesh and bones, and the flesh and bones are simply a state of blood; but he does not see that I do not make flesh out of blood, but out of that which the blood carries. And in the same way, I carry the corpor of My Person in the ethe of My Being.[442] ||

16/4.15. Now, as to Thor, Son of Jehovah, after the departure of the avalanza he provided a new God for the earth and her heavens, crowned him, and bestowed upon him the triangle which had been handed down since the inhabitation of the earth by man.

16/4.16. As for the remaining time of dawn, Thor traveled to all regions of the earth and her heavens, making records of these, to be carried with him to Buru in the time of his ascent.

16/4.17. In consequence of the depletion caused by the resurrection of the twenty billion to Gonaya, God and his Lords were greatly relieved of their burdens in Gau and on the earth.


16/5.1. Peace and prosperity were established on earth and in heaven by the time the expiration of the dawn of Thor arrived. And now the time came for his own ascent, with his hosts, leaving the earth and her heavens in the care of God and his Lords.

16/5.2. So Thor, Son of Jehovah, sent swift messengers to etherea, asking to be delivered; and asking for the deliverance of six billion Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah.

16/5.3. See We’ing, Goddess of Hotosk, in etherea, was appointed by the Council in Buru to descend for Thor and his hosts, and his six billions.

16/5.4. Accordingly, See We’ing built her ship and gathered in ten million as her hosts for the journey. This, then, was the make of her ship, which she named Harp:

16/5.5. The photosphere was flat to the north and south, but oval east and west; the openings were on the flat sides, with passages through. The crescent described a circle of three thousand four hundred miles, and the depth of the harp north and south was three hundred miles. The pillars of fire that ascended from the midst were one thousand seven hundred miles high.

16/5.6. The stars within the photosphere were provided with five points; each star had one million chambers, and each chamber was allotted the habitation of one Bride or Bridegroom; and there were seven thousand of these stars.

16/5.7. The framework was crystalline, both opaque and transparent, and of all possible colors, shades and tints. Now, besides the stars and their chambers, the base of the crescent was provided with a large social hall, which, aside from accommodating others, was sufficient for and occupied by one million musicians.

16/5.8. God had knowledge of See We’ing’s coming, and had commanded information to be sent throughout atmospherea, and to the Lords located on earth, inviting all who chose, to come and witness the ascent. And besides the Brides and Bridegrooms, two billion angels came; many not yet delivered from the first resurrection.

16/5.9. So it came to pass that See We’ing, Goddess of Hotosk, came down in her ship of fire to the foundation of Gau; came in great magnificence, and was received by Thor and by God and his Lords.

16/5.10. And she ascended the throne, and performed the marriage rite for the six billions. After that, a recreation time of one day was proclaimed in Gau, during which the atmosphereans and ethereans mingled freely together.

16/5.11. On the day following, Thor accompanied See We’ing into her ship; and their hosts went in also, being nearly seven billion. And then, amid a rain of etherean flowers, See We’ing started her fire‑ship upward.

16/5.12. God and his hosts remaining in Gau saluted in the sign, Jehovah forever! Which was properly answered by the ascending billions.

16/5.13. Then the great ship turned on its axis, rising and turning, higher and higher. And in a little while only an ascending star was seen, and then it disappeared in the distance.

16/5.14. Thus Thor fulfilled in dawn his great mission to the earth and her heavens.


16/6.1. Again the earth and heaven prospered for another season of two hundred years, and in the next dan there were five billion souls delivered. And new Gods and Lords succeeded, who also prospered, but not as well. The next harvest was four billion souls.

16/6.2. But once again, false Lords and false Gods began to set up kingdoms of their own, in heaven and in the cities of mortals. And, lo and behold, every one called himself either Thor or Apollo. And the spirits who manifested in the temples and for the oracles, all gave one of these names. And mortals who were obsessed, believed themselves to be the reincarnation of Apollo or Thor; the obsessing spirits calling themselves by these names. Others, more intelligent, said: Did the prophets not foretell that there was to be a second coming of Apollo? And are these spirits, who appear through the sar’gis, not the very person?

16/6.3. So great became the superstition of the nations of the earth, that in the fall of a leaf they found proof of the second coming of Apollo or Thor. Many of the spirits deserted the second resurrection in heaven and returned to the earth, to wait for information concerning the coming event, as they supposed, though there was no event coming.

16/6.4. Jehovah said: All corporeal worlds pass through the age of too much belief. As I gave man judgment so that he could examine and weigh a matter, so does he run into unbelief. Then My angels go to him, and show him where he believed too little; but, lo, he goes to the other extreme, believing all things, and not using his judgment.

16/6.5. God said: Why will men and angels not be patient, and wait till a matter is proven meritorious[443] before they pursue it to extremes? The same sun shines, the same stars stand in the heavens, and the earth travels steadily on her way; yes, her winds blow, her summers and winters come as in ancient time, yet man sets up a notion that a great wonder is near at hand. But no wonder comes, and nothing new is near.

16/6.6. How shall I restrain them, O Jehovah? Their desires for Apollo call down millions of spirits from my places of resurrection. And they fall in trials and hardships, and become suitable prey for designing false Gods and false Lords.

16/6.7. But no other salutation came other than the echo of God’s own words. So God and his Lords bewailed the darkness of earth and her heavens.

16/6.8. But high up in the etherean heavens, came the Light of Jehovah; came the Voice of Jehovah, saying:

16/6.9. Hear your Creator, O you Gods and Goddesses! Behold the magnitude of My works! I do not labor for the profit of this man or that man; no, neither for this people nor that people; nor for the inhabitants of one star and one heaven; but for the glory of millions of stars and millions of heavens.

16/6.10. Does one corporeal man not bewail a shower of rain, and yet, his neighbor rejoices because of it? One man prays for sunshine, and another for shade. Do not think that I labor for each one separately, but for the perfection of the whole. For what reason, then, shall the God of earth and his Lords bewail the darkness that falls on the earth at this time?

16/6.11. I have prepared places of darkness in the etherean firmament, and places of light; and My corporeal worlds must travel through them, for so I created them. And these places of darkness and places of light are like changes of seasons for My harvests.

16/6.12. Now the earth passes into deep darkness, for I fructify the races of men in new corporeal growth, for things that shall come afterward. As they absorb from the a’ji of My places, in this age, so, also, do their souls become full of superstition and darkness. ||

16/6.13. Thus the earth went into great darkness during the last six hundred years of the cycle of Thor, and there was no harvest from her for the etherean heavens. But the spirits deserted atmospherea in millions upon millions, and went down to the earth, to dwell with mortals, and to find places to live on the corporeal earth.

16/6.14. And, except to the I’hins, the Light of Jehovah was shut out from men; thus ambition for improvement was at an end; they became like drones[444] and vagabonds;[445] and, when they died, their spirits continued to lie about in the places of their mortal life. And many of these spirits persuaded mortals to suicide, and they killed themselves by thousands and tens of thousands. Nor was there any courage among men to endure anything under the sun. They wanted to be with the spirits of the dead, to talk with them, to see them, and to be rid of earthly trials.

16/6.15. Neither did the spirits who congregated on earth have any knowledge of the higher heavens; nor could they impart knowledge as to where they dwelt, nor how they employed their time, for, in fact, they did nothing useful for heaven or earth, nor even for themselves.

16/6.16. Thus ended the cycle of Thor; and it was three thousand two hundred years.


The Lords’ Fourth Book

Being contemporaneous with the Book of Thor, cycle of Thor, Son of Jehovah. As the latter book is of the higher and lower heavens, so is the Lords’ Book of the lower heavens and the earth, both books being for the same period of time.

CHAPTER 1 Lords’ Fourth

17/1.1. God foresaw that the knowledge of one generation could be handed down to the next by altars and temples, by idols and images, and by painted signs and engraved words. And though all these things are in fact false, as a written word is not a word, but an image of an idea that has been spoken, so by symbols, God conveyed the living truth.

17/1.2. God said: Behold, with my sacred people I have established myself in written words. Now it has come to pass that all the races of man on earth shall be made to know me.

17/1.3. God commanded man to make stone and wooden images, and engravings also, of everything upon the earth. And so man made them; according to his own knowledge he made them.

17/1.4. God said: As every living creature has a name, so shall its image and its engraving have the same name. And so shall it be with all things on the earth, in its waters, and in the air above the earth; the image and the engravings shall have the same names as the real things themselves.

17/1.5. And God sent his angels down to man, to inspire him in the workmanship of images and engravings, and man thus accomplished the commandments of God.

17/1.6. And these were the first writings since the flood, other than those that were kept secret among the I’hins. And the writings were in the following manner, namely:

17/1.7. A picture of a man was a man; a picture of a tree was a tree; a picture of a bird was a bird; and so on, everything represented by its own name and image.

17/1.8. Then God said: When you have made the picture of a spear, behold it is a spear. And when you desire to show which way a man goes, you shall add to the graven image the likeness of a spear; and the way it points, shall show the way man goes. And you shall express the going of everything on earth and in heaven in the same way (with a spear showing its direction).

17/1.9. Thus man made a written language, and in every region of the earth. By many men these things were done; according to the light of God upon them, so they accomplished the written languages of thousands of tribes of men.

17/1.10. God said: This shall be called the Adamic language Ah‑ce‑o‑ga [earth language –Ed.], because it is made of earthly images. And, in later times, whoever desires to find the first written words of man, shall have recourse to the pictures of all things on earth, in the waters, and in the air above the earth.

17/1.11. God said: As in the ancient times man named all things according to their own spoken words and sounds uttered, so in the days of Thor the written words of everything on earth and in heaven came to the Ghans.

17/1.12. When man had written the name of all things, one only, he had not written, even the name of his Creator.

17/1.13. God said: Even that you shall also write. Then man inquired: O Lord, how can I find a word to express the Creator?

17/1.14. God said: I have raised many tribes upon the earth, and, behold, they have all written the names of all things, except only the Creator. Go, therefore, and write His name also.

17/1.15. Man said: Alas, O my God! I know no name, except the names I have already made. If I could hear the Creator, or see Him, then I could write His name.

17/1.16. God said: You have named the wind (wh‑sh!), which you have not seen. Name, therefore, your Creator. And His name shall comprehend all things, far and near, seen and unseen.

17/1.17. Then man drew a circle and called it O, for it represented that which was without beginning or end, and which contained all within it. Then man drew a line cutting through the circle from east to west, to represent the light of the east traveling to the west. Then man drew a line from below upward, cutting the circle at right angles with the horizontal, to represent the one road of all things, from the bottom upward forever. The first line man called E, for it was the same as the wind speaks in the leaves. But the second line he called IH, for it represented that unseen shaft that cuts all things in two.

17/1.18. And when man had completed the engraving, he called it E‑O‑IH!

17/1.19. God said: In this symbol, you have found the way of a true square (true cross) and the four quarters of the world.

17/1.20. Keep His name and the image a secret between the rabbîs and your God. Nor shall you utter it aloud, for it is sacred upon the earth.

17/1.21. Between you and your Creator stands your God, who is Lord of heaven and earth. Behold, I am the key of life and death; through me, your Lord, you shall unlock all the mysteries of heaven and earth.

17/1.22. Neither shall my rabbî, nor my prophets, call on the name of any spirit, except the Lord, who is God. The words I give corporeally I also have recorded in heaven, neither can man alter my corporeal records and make them accord with that which is written above. But in the lapse of time I provide seers and prophets, through whom I can reveal to mortals the things of heaven.

17/1.23. On your behalf I have spoken the following to Jehovah: Man shall measure Your hand upon him; remember Your eye upon him; shall seek for Your wisdom within him; and he shall be thankful for Your good things before him. And he shall consider the little good of those who deny You, the conceit of those who claim to be self‑made, and the folly of uttering other glories than Yours; and yet not mention any of these imperfections. For all these are the attaining of wisdom.

CHAPTER 2 Lords’ Fourth

17/2.1. The Lord came down to man on the earth, and spoke to man in two ways: By the voice, as man speaks; and by the spirit, as soul answers to soul.

17/2.2. The Lord said: The voice of man is air in motion; by the mouth of man comes the word of knowledge.

17/2.3. But behind the voice, behind the air in motion, behind the mouth that gives voice, there lies the soul, which causes man to think of speaking. And the soul lies in the ocean of the Creator, Who is God of all.

17/2.4. The Lord said: That which speaks to your soul, O man, teaching you wisdom and good works; reproving[446] you for your faults, and enchanting you with the glories of all created things, is the voice of your Creator. And that is the road by which the Lord your God comes to you.

17/2.5. The Lord said: Behold, man has attained to written knowledge; now he shall have books, and learn to keep records, like the angels in heaven. Then God sent angels down to man, speaking both by the soul and by the voice; in different places and to different rabbîs, teaching them how to make books of skins, of bark, and of cloth, for the graven words and images which he had taught man.

17/2.6. In these days the lands of Japheth, Shem and Ham were inhabited by millions of I’huans and Ghans; but the countries lying between them were inhabited by I’huans only.

17/2.7. And God spoke to the people of Ham, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write with Adamic words, even as you do.

17/2.8. And the Hamites inquired: How far are the two other countries? Where are they?

17/2.9. The Lord said: Gather together two thousand men and women, and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood; saved by the sacred little people, the I’hins. Provide oxen, asses, and all things requisite for a journey of four years, and I will lead you.

17/2.10. The Hamites obeyed God, and gathered provisions as commanded; they formed into two companies of a thousand each, equipped themselves, and started on their journey for Japheth and Shem.

17/2.11. Then God spoke to the people of Japheth, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh, and they are Ghans also. And they speak and write with Adamic words, even as you do.

17/2.12. The Japheth’yans said: How far are the two other countries? Where are they?

17/2.13. The Lord said: Gather together two thousand men and women, and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood; saved by the sacred little people, the I’hins. Provide yourselves in all things requisite for a journey of four years, and I will lead you.

17/2.14. The Japheth’yans obeyed God, and gathered provisions as commanded; formed into two companies of a thousand each; equipped themselves and started for Ham and Shem.

17/2.15. Then the Lord spoke to the people of Shem in the same way, telling them of Japheth and Ham; and they also equipped themselves in two companies and started for Ham and Japheth.

17/2.16. Thus God provided for these three separate peoples to go and visit one another, and all in the same period of time. And God said to them before they started: The I’huans who inhabit the wildernesses on the way are very fierce and savage. Behold, they eat the flesh of both man and beast. But they will not harm the I’hins; therefore, O my beloved, take two score of I’hins (40) with you on your long journey. Through the I’hins, the Lord your God can speak all languages including the language of the barbarians, the I’huans.

17/2.17. Leave all things in the hands of the Lord God.

17/2.18. So it came to pass, after a journey of four years, the migrants from each country arrived at their destination. And they knew one another by their written and spoken words; and they called themselves the three children of the arc of Noe.[447]

17/2.19. And the Lord said to them in each of the countries where they had arrived: Provide records of the work of God; for these journeys shall be remembered to the end of the world.

17/2.20. And in all these countries, images of stone and copper, with engravings on them, were made pertaining to the children of Noe, and the flood, and the sacred tribes, Shem, Ham and Japheth.

17/2.21. God said: These shall be preserved as the first written names of these lands.[448] And it was so.

CHAPTER 3 Lords’ Fourth

17/3.1. For two years the migrants remained in the countries they visited; traveling extensively, showing themselves, and relating a history of the country from which they came.

17/3.2. Then the Lord spoke to the migrants in their respective places, saying: Behold, the time has come for your departure. Gather together, O my beloved, and return to your own country, and relate there all the glories that your God has shown you.

17/3.3. So they departed, and returned to their own respective places. And, behold, it took four years to accomplish the journey.

17/3.4. Now during the migrants’ travel, the Lord spoke to them every day through the I’hin priests.

17/3.5. The Lord said: Keep together, O my beloved. I will lead you; you shall not be lost.

17/3.6. Nevertheless, the journey was so long that many lost faith, and were not mindful of the words of God. And some of them strayed off among the I’huans, the barbarians, and were lost.

17/3.7. Of the six thousand migrants, ten tribes were lost; in all, three hundred and eighty-six people, men and women. Some were lost in one place and some in another.

17/3.8. God said: Sing songs of lamentations to my chosen who are lost, the Believers (Faithists) in Jehovah. For this also shall become a matter of record to the end of the world.

17/3.9. Nevertheless, a time shall come when the Lord your God shall reveal the mystery of this day.

17/3.10. So, when the people had returned to their respective places, behold, they all sang songs of lamentation for the tribes that were lost.[449]

17/3.11. God said: I have shown you the far distant people; I have marked out the road. Keep the road open; keep the travel open between the great countries I have shown you.

17/3.12. Every eleven years one expedition shall start to the far‑off countries. And if by chance you find my chosen, bring them home.

17/3.13 And on all the camping places of your journey, you shall build an altar to the Lord your God. You shall build it in the shape of a circle; and the congregation shall sit in this circle, but the priest shall sit in its center. And, behold, I will speak through the mouth of my priest, words of wisdom and comfort.

17/3.14. But in all your journeys, keep aloof[450] from the I’huans, the barbarians, the man‑eaters. For they did not keep my commandments; nor did they preserve their seed through the circumcision.

17/3.15. But they mixed with the druks (ground people) and went down in darkness (barbarism).

17/3.16. Keep away from them, O my beloved; on all your expeditions, carry with you I’hin priests, the sacred people, the mound‑builders.

17/3.17. In all your journeys you shall encounter your brethren coming and going, who dwell in the far‑off countries. So that you may distinguish them, keep secret the sacred password[451] and the rites of my chavah (order).

CHAPTER 4 Lords’ Fourth

17/4.1. Hear the word of your God, O man, and be considerate in your little learning, and so, interpret the records of the ancients rather by the spirit than by the word.

17/4.2. Where it was constantly commanded, in the ancient sacred writings, to avoid going down to destruction, and they did not obey the commandments of the Lord, behold now the light of your God in this present day:

17/4.3. For the I’huan race, even before the flood, was in the first place, born capable of everlasting life. But they mixed with the druks until the seed of the spirit of eternal life became exhausted, and they brought forth heirs incapable of self‑sustenance in heaven. Hence[452] it was said of them: They went down in darkness.

17/4.4. Now, after the flood a new race of I’huans was brought forth, and they were at first capable of All Light and of everlasting life. But they also did not keep the commandments of the Lord; but also mixed with the druks (the ground people), and they descended rapidly on the road of everlasting death (as a race).

17/4.5. But the Lord your God created the new race, the Ghans, capable of an upward inspiration.

17/4.6. And he gave to them the same commandments, to preserve their seed from the races beneath them, lest they go down in darkness also.

17/4.7. To which end, your Lord gave them certain rites and ceremonies, and passwords, in addition to the circumcision, which would enable them to distinguish those with whom they should mingle according to the commandments of God.

17/4.8. Behold, then, the testimony that I lay before you, so that you may perceive the wisdom of my ways. For, it will be said by some that there is a law of evolution by which man rises from a lower to a higher state, as the earth grows older.

17/4.9. But I say to you, there is no such law. Without the labor of your Lord and your God, through their angels, man does not rise upward, but goes the other way.

17/4.10. In which matter, behold, before you to this day, I have left many nations and peoples who are on the downward road. And you have corporeal records before you, showing you, that in times past, these same countries were inhabited by a higher race.

17/4.11. For thus Jehovah created man, to go as readily down the mountain as up it.

17/4.12. Behold, all resurrection comes from above; all aspiration comes from the Lord and his angels. For man, being in the flesh, goes rather to the desires of the flesh than to the spirit.

17/4.13. As the light of the sun causes sleep to pass away, so does the light of Jehovah, through His Gods, Lords and angels, cause the soul of men to awaken to the possibilities of everlasting life in the exalted heavens.

17/4.14. This also, I, your Lord, have proven in the world: That those who fall from the light of the Father, lose their symmetry and beauty of proportions.

17/4.15. Behold, in the time of Thor, man did not consider the shapeliness of his spouse, nor the mold of her face, the clearness of her voice, her wit, nor her conversational powers.

17/4.16. The Gods and Lords have, by all stratagems, devices, rites and ceremonies, labored to make man mindful of the way of resurrection through the tree of life.

17/4.17. But even in the present time, behold, the mother barters off her daughter to a rich man; and the man seeks a spouse of wasted flesh for the sake of gold. And they bring forth heirs of crime.

17/4.18. And man cries out: He cannot be a good God who creates these!

17/4.19. But I say to you, they do not keep my commandments; they have gone astray in the wilderness.

17/4.20. Be wise, O man; learn from that which is before you, remember the times of the ancients, and the labor of the Lord your God.

17/4.21. In the beginning of the cycle of Thor, the Lord opened up many ways for the deliverance of the tribes of men on the earth; and man prospered in the way of God for a long season.

17/4.22. Then darkness came upon the races of men; millions of them returned to a state of savagery. And angels of darkness came upon the earth, taking upon themselves the semblance of corporeal forms, and dwelling with mortals, and engaging in practices about which it is unlawful to write or speak.

17/4.23. So that, at the termination of three thousand years, the lands of the earth were covered with darkness.

17/4.24. And Jehovah cast a veil over the face of the sun, and it did not shine brightly for many years.


Book of Osiris, Son of Jehovah

God of Lowtsin, an etherean world in the arc of Se’ing, known in the high heavens as Osire, Son of Jehovah.

CHAPTER 1 Osiris

18/1.1. To Osire, Son of Jehovah, on his throne in Lowtsin,[453] an ethereal world, where his reign a hundred thousand years had illumined many a corporeal star, came the Voice, Great Jehovah, Spirit over all, saying:

18/1.2. Osire! Osire! My Son: Go forth from these immortal worlds, and grasp the perishable earth in its debauched flight; and with uplifted rod proclaim yourself The One, the commanding God. As an indulgent father treads softly by his infant son, guiding him tenderly, and with wholesome advice, so, through My Gods and Chiefs, I have coaxed along the red star for many, many thousands of years. But as a wise father turns to his truant son of later years, commanding you shall or shall not, so now in the same way, through you, My Godly Son, I stretch My hand over the earth and her heavens.

18/1.3. Deep-buried she lies in anarchy; the false Gods and false Lords despoil her heavens in war, and cast down on the troubled earth, her millions of spirits of darkness, who glut themselves in crime. As driftwood on a surging sea now rises high on towering waves and quickly plunges down into the roaring waters, to rise and fall, and repeat endlessly the ceaseless struggle, so do the spirits of the dead, of earth, rise in heaven only to be plunged back again in unending toil and darkness on the low earth.

18/1.4. Where My most holy God and his Lords toil and struggle, powerless to divert the terrible heedlessness of men and angels. || Osire heard Jehovah’s voice, and summoned a million swift messengers, well trained in the rise and fall of worlds, and bade1 them go to the red star, the earth, at masterly speed, and survey the affairs of mortals and spirits, and promise succor2 to God and his Lords of earth, then to quickly report back to Jehovah’s throne, in Lowtsin.


i086 6w R Mid quad Etherean Roadway


i086 Map of the Etherean Roadway of the Solar Phalanx for the third set of two cycles of the past gadol, Plate 3 of 4. The Roadway shown is that through which the sun and its family (including earth) traveled during the cycles of Osiris and Fragapatti. [454]      [455]


18/1.5. In an arrow‑ship, which Gods use for speed and light work in accomplishing Jehovah’s will, the swift messengers shot forth through the ji’ay’an fields of darkness midway between the Serpent’s coils, and were soon hidden deep in the whirling atmosphere of the warring earth. Meanwhile, Osire called long‑risen Gods and Goddesses to council around Jehovah’s throne, telling them the Voice’s words, that had stirred his soul with compassion for those only recently quickened to life by the Creator’s breath, but who persist in burrowing their souls down in hada, heedless of the call and persuasion of a loving God and Lords.

18/1.6. Jehovah’s light spread over the Lowtsin throne of Osire and curtained around the stars, the Gods and Goddesses, revealing to them the full history of the earth and her heavens, so that all were clear to comprehend His Almighty Wisdom. Yet not one was moved with haste to answer; for scenes like these, concerning the countless millions of corporeal stars dotting the firmament, were their daily deliberation. And then, slowly, one at a time, the speakers, each a representative of a thousand Gods and Goddesses, gave words to Jehovah’s light from their respective seats.

18/1.7. And when the multitude had spoken, and Osire, charged with the wisdom of all, perceived from human souls how the light matched his own, as to him Jehovah spoke, his first sphere of commandant God stood plain before him. And he rose up, mantled in white, standing in the throne of Jehovah like one newly illumined with a great change in his long life’s administration.

18/1.8. To the council of Gods and Goddesses, he spoke: Attend to my words, for now the gift of the arc of Se’ing rises up before our hallowed shrine. As step by step, all things advance by Jehovah’s will, and new roadways in etherea open up fields unexplored by traveling stars; so onward, step by step, our own endless realm takes the course of manhood in its giant strides. You have blessed the worlds of corpor and es for hundreds of thousands of years! Your busy scenes in an old routine change now to higher advent,[456] and an Orian arc comes upon us.

18/1.9. As an oscillating star feeds itself with a change of seasons, so has Jehovah coursed the wave of His traveling Serpents to give our etherean realms an endless life, diversified by change of scenes and constant surprises, which are the glory of the soul.

18/1.10. As thus Osire, the Mighty, with a soul full of words, engraved by Jehovah’s hand, discoursed on the glories awaiting the high worlds, where he and his brother Gods and archangels dwelt in the All Perfect, there came back, hastening, as with Omnipotence impelled,[457] the swift messengers from the slow earth, with their etherean arrow‑ship shooting like a meteor on fire. Then came Hagan, spokesman of the messengers, before Jehovah’s throne, his mantle turned back,[458] and his eyes radiant with sure knowledge, saluting in Jehovah’s sign and name. He said:

18/1.11. O Osire, Jehovah’s Son, and you Gods and Goddesses, as the All Light gave Voice to our far‑seeing God of Lowtsin, so do I stand here to corroborate, in Jehovah’s name. The day of sweet persuasion to the earth‑born, and their countless angels down in darkness, is done. Lo, the race of Ghans, planned by Jehovah from the foundation of the world, now stands triumphant on the earth. As Jehovah led the I’hins in paths fortuitous, by gentle words and love, but left them not strong before the warring elements, so has He created upon the earth the masters who shall subdue it, to the triumph of Gods.

18/1.12. Not like lambs are the Ghans, but lions untamed, born conquerors, with seed[459] to learn and reason about all things, faith in mastery, but not faith in Jehovah. As a man having two sons, one low‑strung and passionless, the other in ceaseless mischief and desire for havoc, because of the fullness within, so on the earth stand the two races, the I’hins and the Ghans. And when they die, and enter heaven, the first, the I’hins, go like lambs, as they are directed; but the second, the Ghans, still full of inherent stubbornness and self‑will, do not heed the God and Lords, but mock them. Back to the earth these well‑formed and stately souls come, and set up heavenly kingdoms of their own, in darkness, and eagerly pursue with most relentless zeal their former enemies.

18/1.13. By their loud clamor and inspiring acts, they break up the weak Lords’ kingdoms and deprive them of subjects, proclaiming heaven and earth free to all. So that even hapless[460] souls in the lower heaven, have been persuaded to fly from the hospitals and nurseries back to mortals, and there fasten themselves as fetals, shutting their eyes against all further light.

18/1.14. So, mortals have given themselves up to doing the wills of the spirits of darkness, turning looting and devastation into a holiday.[461]

18/1.15. We then came to God, Jehovah’s Son, whose throne lies in Gau, and he said: Take this message to Osire, Jehovah’s Son, God of Lowtsin: Greeting, in the Father’s name. Behold, the arc of Se’ing is at hand. Send a ship, O God, and deliver my hosts, four billion. || With that, and in due salutation, we hastened here.

CHAPTER 2 Osiris

18/2.1. Osire said: In the name of the All Light, I will have fifty million conquerors to do my will, on earth and in heaven. But first, send an es’elene, with suitable attendants, to deliver God, his Lords, and their hosts, the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovah. And leave the earth in darkness thirty days. Meanwhile, let my builders provide a ship for me and my hosts; and let the heralds go abroad in Se’ing, announcing this, my decree.

18/2.2. Jehovah said: Do not think, O man, that I gave talents to men differently on earth, and there to end, making my exalted places to be even shorn and alike. I did not create man so; but as one on earth is mild, and leads on by smooth words and persuasive behavior; and as another, by quick perceiving and strong will, plunges in headlong; even so I carry them onward in My high heavens, perfecting them in their bent, but with wisdom and love, till each becomes as a sun in his sphere.

18/2.3. Do not fear, O man, whether I have labor for them in high heaven: I have worlds to be nurtured and coaxed at times; worlds to be pruned at times; and worlds to be commanded at times by most severe authority, and made to know that All Power lies in Me, through My Gods and Lords.

18/2.4. For these exalted extreme Gods I have places in the firmament, and numberless worlds on which they dwell as stars in My heavens. There I make roadways for My traveling corporeal worlds, where My etherean fields of pasture lie, to glorify Me, and lead on the mortal born. So, now, to My commanding God, Osire, who ruled in Lowtsin most amiably, with equals, but was high‑strung with impatience toward self‑willed ignorance, I brought the undisciplined earth to feel his giant power.

18/2.5. Say’ah, scribe of Ctaran, thus described the scene: Osire had spoken; his word had gone forth. Heaven was stirred up; Gods and Goddesses knew that work was on hand, new of its order in this place in the firmament. The earth had sons, at last, worthy of the will and service of Gods. Osire, impetuous and much‑loved God of Lowtsin, was going to visit these earth‑sons, wash them clean, and put jackets on them.

18/2.6. Osire said: In written words I will set down explicit laws for these unruly false Gods, the Ghans, and give them bondage, like the people of other worlds. O, if only they had received discipline before, instead of sweet persuasion!

18/2.7. Say’ah said: When some Gods give command, the people move along; but when Osire decreed, the whole heaven of Lowtsin ran. And quickly now the mandates[462] were filled; the ships were built: first, the es’elene, commanded by Yok, and equipped with five million souls, and started off in hot haste to the earth to deliver God, his Lords, and the Brides and Bridegrooms prepared for the resurrection; next, the ship, Buer, an adavaysit, built for Osire and his hosts, fifty million strong.

18/2.8. Osire said: So that no adventure runs foul, let swift messengers be stationed along the roadways; and they shall announce the proceedings of my Gods and Lords, and their whereabouts. || And the order of heaven was executed; the earth was stripped of her God and Lords, and darkness reigned on earth and in her heavens.

18/2.9. Then Osire left his high place, and with his hosts, aboard the etherean ship of fire, set out at break‑neck speed toward the earth; for such was the disposition of this most determined God. Nor did he stop at Chinvat, the boundary of the earth’s vortex, but sped on with banners and curtains flying, and with most martial music to stir up the souls of his hosts to sudden tittle.[463]

18/2.10. Down he came to the earth with his fire‑ship, and sped around it, to learn its weak and salient points; and next rose up a little to view the atmospherean spirits who had presumed defiance toward high heaven. In the place where Gau had been (whose God, a most holy one, had learned to rule by love for eight hundred years, and was unappreciated by the crude boasters, the unlearned druj), there now stood castles and mansions of the false God, Utaya, around whom a million sentinels armed for battle were stationed to protect him, the false, and do his will.

18/2.11. To here came Osire, and over the battlements raised his ship, and brought it directly into the arena of the Council of hada. Then, halting, bade his marshals proclaim his voice:

18/2.12. Come forth, O Utaya; behold my power! Your sentinels stand appalled. I raised my hosts by higher law, and stand on my feet in your citadel.

18/2.13. Utaya said: Strange and audacious God! From what unmannerly region have you sprung? Know that Gods should kneel outside my walls, and beg to know my will, for an audience. Then Osire decided to hear his arguments, and thus spoke:

18/2.14. From Great Jehovah, I have come! I kneel to none except Him. To do His will in reverence I come in power and majesty. But before I demolish your pitiful walls, and cast you down, suppliant, to do my will, tell me, how do you excuse yourself in turning from the exalted heavens, and building here a kingdom of slaves, for your own glory?

18/2.15. Utaya said: O you jester! Before I demolish you and your ship, and enslave your hosts as mine, I will pacify your worthless curiosity, so that, from now on, you may know your lesson well. But first, you have mocked me for my slaves. What more are your hosts? Have you not tampered with their too willing love by stories of your unseen Jehovah, and persuaded them to let you lead them on to glory? Now I declare to you, there is no Jehovah, no All Person! Hence, your philosophy is founded on falsehood. The space is before us; the worlds are before us; there is nothing more. Let him who will, assume a kingdom; let him who will be a slave, be a slave. I am Apollo!

18/2.16. Osire said: After I have cast you down, you might say it was merely because it so happened that one was stronger than another. So, then, that you may remember my words are more in wisdom than in blind force, hear me while you can, for I cannot talk long with one like you: He who admits the universe moves in harmony and discipline (system and order), already admits the All Person, Jehovah. He who denies the All Person, Jehovah, denies unity in all things (for is your person not the unity of your members, and the All Person the unity of all things?). If all things are not in unity, then all things are divided, one against another. Whoever holds this conviction, is a disintegrator; and whoever holds that all things are a unit, is a unitor (unifier). Therefore, if there is greater strength in unison than in isolation (proving which of the two is the more potent), then unison has won the battle and so becomes the All Person (the Unifier of all).

18/2.17. Touching the matter of slaves: There is only One Master, and He rules over all; but it lies in the power of each and every soul to attune himself with the All Person, which is freedom. My hosts are of this kind. In contrast, your slaves attune themselves to you; they cannot rise higher than you; but my hosts have the universe for their model. Because you cannot find the Cause of your coming into life, why not say: I will call Him (that Cause) a name, and it shall be Jehovah!

18/2.18. And now Utaya began a long discourse, which Osire did not wait to hear, but turned to his marshals, saying: Break down the walls of Gau, and raise up ten thousand pillars of fire. Here I will rebuild Jehovah’s kingdom. Let the es’enaurs chant, All Hail to Osire, God of Heaven and Earth!

18/2.19. To which the astonished Utaya stood silently, as if wondering whether this was real, or a frenzied dream, that anyone should so disregard his power, now well established for three hundred years.

18/2.20. Out of the ship came the hosts, and without command, or waiting to know their parts, but everyone in time to the music, took their place in the citadel. Osire strode forward, and by the majesty of his power, overturned the throne of Utaya, the false God, and heaped the rubbish aside. Then, stretching forth his hand, he said:

18/2.21. In Your name, O Jehovah, and by virtue of Your power vested in me, I now command the elements to do my will, and raise a throne for me worthy of Your Immortal Son! And with his voice, his hosts, in concert, quickly piled the adamantine seat,[464] and hung it around with transparent tapestry, woven with the elements of silver and gold.

18/2.22. Meanwhile the laborers of Osire overturned the walls of Utaya’s city, and set his millions of slaves free, even while Utaya’s officers, adamic‑stricken, dropped onto their knees, pleading for pity, or fled precipitously off to the earth. And Utaya, conjecturing[465] the worthlessness of his stuff, compared to that which descended from the higher heavens, shouted and called in vain to those who were his most steadfast zealots in time of peace and easy rule, beholding them now, in thousands, vanquished without even a cruel deed or word.

18/2.23. Not long did the fray last, for Osire’s work was like a man overturning the toys of a child; and Utaya, to prove his faith in himself, stood sole spectator, unmoved from his tracks, but helpless, wondering what would come next. But now Osire, with no words of explanation or excuse, ascended the new throne and gave the sign, In Jehovah’s Name, which was answered by his mighty hosts; at which, behold, from the vault of heaven above there descended mantles of light, matchless in brilliancy!

18/2.24. Utaya was illumined, and all his former evil deeds and cruelty stood out in huge black spots, quailing before the sea of light; for around on every side stood millions of souls, all pure, and transparent, washed by the ordeal of time and holy works. But Utaya was not all evil, or short in owning an honorable adversary; and so, quickly comprehending his awful plight in the midst of Purity, first let fall a tear, the which, in pity, blinded him from witnessing further his dire humiliation; and next, with the blubbering of a beaten schoolboy, he cried out:

18/2.25. Enough! Enough! You God Almighty! Take me away from your dissolving fire! I was only needing to witness some great God’s deeds, to find proof of my own worthlessness!

18/2.26. But Osire was not new to such a situation, and proceeded with the affairs of heaven, appointing officers and laborers, and apportioning his High Council to do Jehovah’s will, and so, left Utaya to sweat a while in his own torments.

18/2.27. O give me relief, cried Utaya, you God of heaven and earth! I consume, I burn in Purity’s flame! For pity’s sake, turn down the consuming light!

18/2.28. Osire halted from his labors long enough to answer thus: All Light cannot cease for the convenience of one man; clothe yourself, O false one, with robes of darkness, and hide your cruel butcheries. You, who would have made slaves of my hosts, should be of holier metal[466] than to plead for help. Behold, I have not taken one of your slaves, or asked any to bow in obedience. To the righteous, the worlds are free; only evil men and evil Gods quail before Jehovah’s ceaseless fire!

18/2.29. Meanwhile, Utaya hustled his glittering robes closely around himself, and pulled his flashing crown down over his scalded eyes, but its worthless fabric only fed the fury of the All Light, which came from the throne of God, Osire’s resting‑place. The slaves of Utaya had fled, or lay piteously prostrate, speechless with fear and wonder. Over these the hosts of Osire watched, and hastily took them beyond the now rapidly rising pillars of fire, where they were housed temporarily.

18/2.30. Still the voice of Utaya rang aloud for help and pity; but none came to him. Then he saw that the prostrate victims fared better, and were less conspicuous; so Utaya cast himself prostrate, along with the rubbish of his former throne. At this, Osire sent Yesta, sister of Atonas, Goddess of Opsa, in etherea, to rescue him, and mantle him around with balm from the upper heavens.

18/2.31. So Yesta and her band took Utaya away, far beyond the boundaries of the new-laid Gau.

CHAPTER 3 Osiris

18/3.1. Osire spoke from the throne, saying: Proclaim it in the east and west, and north and south, there is a God in heaven! That which has transpired in Gau, go tell the false Gods and false Lords in hada, adding: Osire has come!

18/3.2. Messengers started out for every quarter of the world, inspired by the impetuous utterances of the commanding God. And so, half breathless, and in hastening speed, these young Gods and young Goddesses, the messengers, dropped in upon the Lordly defamers of holiness, and told the tale of the overturned Gau, where proud Utaya fell. And they, in manner and custom, inspired the false rulers to imagine an even worse calamity had occurred; and that much[467] had been concealed out of deference to Utaya and other usurpers.

18/3.3. Osire called his Council and appointed new positions, with new officers, having nothing in common with all past administrations of the Gods of earth and heaven. So far, these appointments came from his etherean hosts, and, moved by the fire of his own energy, they quickly assumed their most honorable duties: some to build, some to survey and lay the course of streets, and places of habitations; and yet others to remove the old hospitals and nurseries, and make way for new ones, and for factories, and all requirements for the millions of souls now scattered, lost, or in dire confusion, currently struggling in the outside darkness.

18/3.4. From which arose a constant wail of fear and torment, strangely wild, compared to the glorious light spreading quickly from the rising pillars of fire around the throne of God. Osire’s hosts of fifty million, attuned to harmony and precision, were proceeding briskly with their labor, each one knowing his part and playing close to the text in every motion; and yet in number these were as nothing compared to the millions scattered in the gloomy darkness, wailing beyond the walls.

18/3.5. Here, a road! Osire would say; or, with his hand, command: An otevan to those hapless slaves! And, as if his thoughts had spoken to his hosts, his etherean workmen rushed to make his will omnipotent. There was no loss of time or space to inquire how the matter should be done; for heaven’s trained workmen have learned the power of concentrated effort, and the power of knowledge braced to a single point, by which the elements stoop to do their wills. To learn this simple harmony, for all to be as one, how many countless millions must rise up from the earth, to be hurled back, discordant and powerless, before Jehovah’s Sons and Daughters!

18/3.6. Yes, and kings, queens and potentates (rulers), high strung in unwarranted conceit, are cast down to beg, beseechingly like a child. Like a furious lion is tamed, his giant power worthless before the hands of man, whose strength by knowledge triumphs; so do the ethereans from high heaven descend to humiliate first, and then to teach the false Gods and false Lords of hada.

18/3.7. Jehovah says: What more, O man, have I put upon you than to learn? And strewn your path with lessons rich in happiness! To learn the elements, and master them; this it is to be a God or Goddess. And where one man is weak, let two or more unite; a simple thing, by which even the stars of heaven can be turned from their course.

18/3.8. Jehovah says: Have I not said: The weakest king is he who has the most soldiers; and the strongest nation, where no soldiers are required. How, then, do the false Gods expect by evil deeds to fortify their thrones? Lo, My etherean hosts come unarmed, and by a breath blow away their mighty kingdoms. ||

18/3.9. And so it was in Gau; only one earth-day had come and gone since Utaya reigned over a hundred million slaves, who daily brought up tribute[468] from the earth, to ornament this crown‑like city; and now the dawn of another world stood supreme in the demolished kingdom.

18/3.10. What greater pity is there than to see the former slaves still loyal to their deposed master, here Utaya, coming to him in his banishment, fifty million swearing terrible oaths of fidelity to him forever; a most pitiful sight. For the Great Spirit created man capable of such, even to wed himself to misery, for zeal, in ignorance, to prove a most foolish love. And were it not for Utaya’s guardians, his very slaves would have smothered him, in desperate effort to manifest fidelity.

18/3.11. Then Yesta spoke to him, saying: Raise your voice against this unseemly crowd, and be commander still, at least to save yourself. Remember how Jehovah gives this lesson to mortals, to say to evil: Away! For lo, to allow first one and then another to fasten upon one’s self, is as great a crime as a debauched passion unchecked. Order them to go! For love of self, which is your gift from Great Jehovah, be yourself! It will better them also!

18/3.12. Utaya, struggling, said: Alas, fair angel! These were my slaves! The hardest blow of all is their acknowledged love. The fire of the throne of Osire was tame compared to this. For hundreds of years, I gave these creatures pangs and wretchedness, and now they give me love. Poor idiots! I cannot drive them away!

18/3.13. And so, sobbing, Utaya bowed his head, for such sudden great truths turned all his judgment into the darkness of his past deeds and wickedness, even while, crowding close on every side, the fifty million kept up their ceaseless assurances of endless love. Nor was there any way open to escape from their ignorant jargon and foul breath. So, when Yesta saw how helplessly Utaya had given up, she raised her hand, saying: What shall I do, O Jehovah?

18/3.14. Upon which, the Light descended, and Jehovah spoke through Yesta, saying: Flesh of My flesh I created man; from My Own Spirit I gave man a spirit also; and to all men alike I gave all things in My worlds. But some men are not content with what I gave, but ask for more, even that they may have their fellows for subjects. To these I have given in answer to their prayers. Behold, then, O man, why do you seek to put away today even that, which a day before, you did pray for? They are as good today as yesterday.

18/3.15. You have said: Man can make himself whatever he will! So, your Creator is worthless to you. If you do not desire to carry their love, which is the lightest of all burdens, how did you carry their hate for so long? Nevertheless, if you desire, you can put them away: They are yours; do as you will.

18/3.16. Utaya said: How can I put them away? I cannot reason with fifty million! No, before I persuaded twenty, the first ones, so ignorant, would forget what I said. Tell me, then, O Goddess, what shall I do to free myself from this great multitude?

18/3.17. Yesta said: Do not call on me, but on your Creator; and not to be freed for your own good, but for wisdom to do some good to them over whom you have long been a remorseless tyrant. These are a small curse to you, compared to your own judgment, for from yourself you can never flee. You shall undo your selfish deeds, which you have practiced for so long. So, turn at once, and make oath to Him Who made you, that from this time forward you will do good to others with all your wisdom and strength.

18/3.18. Utaya said: Alas, your words are wise and holy, but I have no faith! I have no faith!

18/3.19. Yesta said: Do not say this! Your words are another bondage on your soul. To say, I have no faith, is to imprison yourself away from All Light. Come, quickly, or lo, I leave you; for if you do not profess faith, why should I labor any more with you? Say: I have faith in You, O Jehovah! I can, I will, raise up these I have cast down. || Utaya wept, and answered: O if only I had faith like yours! But for long years I taught myself that prayer to Jehovah was not required of one as great and strong as I. Alas, I smothered out the fire. And, amid his sobs, Utaya fell prostrate at Yesta’s feet.

18/3.20. Quickly, now, she raised her slender hand toward high heaven, saying: O Jehovah, by Your power vested in me, I here encircle this, Your prostrate child, with adamantine light! Down from above came phosphorescent flames of light, with which Yesta drew a circle around her small group, at which the multitude stood back and looked on in wonder and fear. But the surging mass beyond pressed forward, shouting: Utaya! Utaya!

18/3.21. Little by little, Yesta extended the light, and her assistants put up a structure to guard the place, so that in a little while it was like a miniature throne in heaven. Yesta then assumed the power, and so, took command, placing helpless Utaya by her side. Meanwhile, her assistants sped through the multitude, making roadways, and selecting out the most intelligent of the former slaves, and making guards of them.

18/3.22. Yesta said to Utaya: Now I will give you a lesson in righteousness; for you shall educate and develop all this host, your former slaves, to your own level, before you raise yourself the tiniest fraction. Do not think it is easy to assume to be a God or a Lord, or even a mortal king. Those who make servants of others must also raise them up to be angels of light. Heaven is just, as well as bountiful. To whom Jehovah has given bountifully, it is commanded he shall give bountifully. For hundreds of years you have had the service of these hapless creatures; so now you shall serve them by making them intelligent men and women. Yes, till the lowest of them are your equals, of whom you can be proud, and say before the Father: Behold, my sister! Behold, my brother! || you, Utaya, shall not be free!

18/3.23. Utaya said: I perceive your words are from the All Highest. This is justice! I perceive now that while I rated myself supreme judge of right and wrong, I judged with partiality[469] to myself. Yes, without an All Highest, I perceive there can be no justice in heaven or earth. O You All Light, how can I approach You! I have been feeding myself with an endless poison; my darkness was my fortress. || Teach me the way, O angel of Light! Whatever Jehovah wills, that I will do, from this time onward, with all my wisdom and strength.

18/3.24. So Yesta restored order, and divided the multitude into many parts, and sent officers among them to select and assort them, so that, as soon as Osire would decree asylums and schools for them, they could be taken to them.

CHAPTER 4 Osiris

18/4.1. Osire lost no time, but officered Gau and established his Council in hot haste, making Ote as temporary God on the throne, while he himself went forth to other regions, to conquer and overturn false Gods and Lords. Leaving, therefore, a sufficient guard and council, Osire, with a host of twenty million, went westward in atmospherea, over and above the great central north lands, where a false God, Wotchak, was established with another hundred million slaves, to do his will.

18/4.2. Wotchak, having been advised by his messengers of Osire’s approach to the earth’s heavens, and supposing Osire to be from some remote star, and not knowing there were etherean worlds in the firmament, had laid his kingdom around with new walls, and doubly fortified his throne, and gaudily attired himself and officers, in hopes of overawing the coming God.

18/4.3. To Wotchak came Osire, not waiting to be announced, nor halting for Wotchak’s sentinels, but driving his ship straight up to the throne.

18/4.4. Stop! Stop! cried the astonished Wotchak. Who dares to profane my throne, and set at defiance all the rules of virtuous Gods? Down from your ship, and crawl on your belly to your sovereign God! Know that I am great Apollo! || But Osire deigned only to say: By what authority have you made slaves of Jehovah’s sons and daughters, to augment your own self‑glory?

18/4.5. And, not waiting for a reply, alighted down before the throne, even while a thousand or more, well drilled, stood with him, in the form of a star, at which, the Upper Light descended in great brilliancy. Wotchak was frightened, and fled from his throne, and all his Council with him. Then spoke Osire, saying to his hosts:

18/4.6. Do not allow this false God and his Council to escape. Encircle them, and hold them, to know my will and the decree of Jehovah. Presently, the ethereans returned with Wotchak, who cried out: O, let me go! Take all, but let me go! What am I to you?

18/4.7. Osire answered him, saying: Such has been the history of these heavens. In past ages, the usurping false Gods were allowed to go their way, leaving their helpless former subjects in the hands of the etherean hosts. That day is past. I come to make such Gods know that their fate and responsibilities rest on the decrees of a Higher One, even the Creator, Jehovah. Behold, you have cast down and blighted a hundred million of Jehovah’s children, making slaves of them, to do your will. As you were the cause of their fallen state, from liberty to bondage, so, now, you shall redeem them to freedom, wisdom and truth.

18/4.8. While Osire spoke, his proper officers let fall the light from the upper regions, the like of which Wotchak had never seen. Presently, all things became transparent, and the enraged Wotchak, foreseeing trouble ahead, answered in this way:

18/4.9. Do not accuse me, you audacious God! These, my Council, urged me hundreds of years ago to my course, their only condition being that they remain my close advisers. I was their tool, and if you desire justice, make them feel the sting of repentant labor. Let them have my slaves. I do not want them. I have been a most honest, upright God!

18/4.10. And now his counselors accused one another, and all of them heaping the blame on Wotchak. Meanwhile the etherean flames grew lighter and lighter, from which there was no concealment; and all their former falsehoods and cruel words, and evil deeds, were unveiled, disclosing souls dark and hideous, with long covered‑up crimes, now laid bare for the gaze of every eye.

18/4.11. This scene brought the curious slaves, in millions, to witness it, and to reassure the suffering false God of their love and loyalty. And when Wotchak looked and saw the abject wretches who claimed him as their worshipful God, he cried out: Enough! Enough! Unfeeling God! You come in pretended right and peace; but, because of your power, execute on me and my Council torments more terrible than I ever gave to any slave of mine. Know that I am Apollo!

18/4.12. To which Osire answered: What are names to me! With that, Osire, by waving his hand, caused his hosts to cast aside the false God’s throne, scattering all its glittering gems abroad, relics for the multitude. And now three pillars of light shot up and stood beside Osire and his attendants, at which all the strength and courage sapped out of Wotchak and his confederates, and they crouched down at Osire’s feet.

18/4.13. Osire called Itu, saying: Take them outside the lights, and hand them over to their slaves for a while. So Itu and his guard gathered them from the light and bore them away. Quickly now, Osire officered this newly‑conquered place in heaven, and called it Autat, signifying, foundation of perishable laws. And, on a new throne, appointed Luce as temporary God, giving him a Council of one thousand ethereans. After that, Osire drew the plans for roads, temples, schools, hospitals, nurseries, and all other habitations required by spirits newborn in heaven, leaving orders to have them completed by a given time.

18/4.14. Next, Osire ordered the divisions and selections to be made in the now scattered hosts of atmosphereans, and to have them all arrested and put into their proper places This labor he left in the charge of God, Luce.

18/4.15. Far out on the plateau, Itu and his attendants carried Wotchak and his confederates, followed by forty million of his former slaves. There Itu left Wotchak and his people, and Itu and his attendants stepped aside to witness whatever would transpire.

18/4.16. At this stage, Osire departed with his ship and steered southward over the land of Shem (India), coming to a place in the lower heaven called Vibhraj, signifying resplendent, where the false God, Daveas ruled,[470] having eight hundred million slaves, a thousand Lords and ten thousand Governors.

18/4.17. And, even as Osire had rushed in headlong upon the other false Gods, so in like manner he came with his fire‑ship into the great city of Vibhraj, at this time the largest city of the lower heaven. Daveas had been warned by his sentinels, and so, came to the front of his capital, just in time to see the fearless Osire alight on the piazza in front of the Council House.

CHAPTER 5 Osiris

18/5.1. Osire said: In the name of Jehovah, peace to you! To which Daveas replied: No, in the name of Apollo, who I am! How dare you approach, except to crawl on your belly? For four hundred years the honor of my kingdom has been revered by all visiting Gods; but you come as a barbarian. Down, wretch! Before I have you bound and cast in prison!

18/5.2. Osire said: Why should I not come before you? Behold, the Great Spirit created the whole universe for His Sons and Daughters. By what right have you usurped a portion? And from what Source comes your authority to bid me kneel to you? But if you can show me where you have one just claim to enslave these people, rather let your argument run there, for I have come in the name of the Father to liberate them, so that they may be prepared for the second and third resurrections.

18/5.3. Daveas said: Do not think that I have neglected to prepare for rebellious Gods like you. Behold my millions of subjects! What is your handful? I tell you truly, I have prisons large enough to hold you and your hosts. Neither flatter yourself that I am ignorant. For two hundred years I labored in the so‑called resurrections; I made myself a slave to the multitude, giving all my labor and time. Then I saw my folly, and so built a third resurrection myself. This is, therefore, my lawful kingdom. Moreover, I tell you to your face, you wretch, there is no higher heaven than mine. Neither do you come from a heaven as great as mine. But having great self‑conceit, you have come for mischief. I have heard of you from other heavens! But now you have put your head into the halter. Seize him, marshals! Seize him and his hosts! Cast them into prison!

18/5.4. Osire did not speak, but raised his hand upward in the seventh sign, and suddenly his hosts cast forth sheets of light brighter than the sun. Daveas stood back frightened, and his marshals fled. Presently, Osire, with a thousand attendants, stepped forth in flames of light, and went up into the capital and surrounded Daveas, the usurper, but did not touch him. And now the ship was illumined, and lo, the sentinels of Daveas’ Council broke and fled. Immediately after which, Osire spoke, saying:

18/5.5. Hand of Your hand, O Jehovah; voice of Your voice, overturn this house and throne! And, behold, the light of the upper heavens rested in Osire’s palms, and he struck the house and the throne, and they tumbled over like straw before a hurricane. Alone stood Daveas, the evil God, half speechless and half blinded by the great Light of Jehovah. Down! Down! said Osire, to the walls and temples of the city. And his hosts concentrated at any point Osire’s hand directed; and lo, everything fell and was scattered far.

18/5.6. Meanwhile, the officers of Daveas fled in all directions, except those who were overcome by the light, and these fell and buried themselves amid the rubbish.

18/5.7. Stop! Stop! cried Daveas. Give me air! I perish! I am a consuming fire! And he tossed his hands aloft; then cringed his face within his glittering robes. And now Osire called forth thunder and lightning, and sent shafts through, and over, and about the whole plateau of Vibhraj, and the din and roar confounded all the eight hundred million souls, so that they ran no farther, but stood and waited, watching for what would happen next.

18/5.8. Osire did not stop (in his proceedings), but went forward to a more suitable place, to build his throne. Jehovah! Almighty! he cried, Elements of Your elements, O Father! Found here a throne for Your Son! And even so it was accomplished, for while his words went forth, the elements rose to do his will, and there arose a most excellent throne, strong and adamantine, on which Osire ascended. Meanwhile, Daveas had fallen down flat, weeping and wailing; but Osire, by a motion of the hand, called Wang‑te, a most enlightened archangel, with her attendants, to bear him away, which was quickly done.

18/5.9. Quickly now the place was cleared, and with pillars of light as brilliant as an arc in the etherean firmament, the hosts of Osire fenced around a sufficient space for a city of a billion souls. Now Osire appointed Klesta, to be Dawn Goddess, and he gave her a Council of fifty thousand ethereans. Outside of the walls of the pillars of agni were Daveas and his eight hundred million subjects, in dire confusion.

18/5.10. Wang‑te, the archangel, said to Daveas: In your own falsehood you are favored to free yourself awhile, to organize a new kingdom, but in holiness, and then return and command obedience from this smothering host. Behold, you have taught them to believe you are Apollo; say to them now: I am not Apollo! I have been false!

18/5.11. Daveas madly replied: Never! Jehovah and His kingdoms be accursed forever! You strange spirits come from far‑off kingdoms to despoil and overturn the most righteous place in heaven! Are Jehovah and His servants destroyers? To which Wang‑te replied: This is no time for argument; see here these countless millions! If I and my attendants withdraw from you, you will be as one drowned amid this sea of ignorance and horrid smells. Assume at once, for pity’s sake, to purge yourself of your life‑long falsehoods and treacherous tyranny. Announce yourself as Daveas, as you are, and I can save you!

18/5.12. Daveas rudely thrust her aside, saying: Never! I acknowledge to no one! If there is a higher heaven, I will ascend there as I am, Apollo! Apollo! Wang‑te said: Do not put me off; in Jehovah’s name! Remember what you are, and from the little you have seen, how powerless you are before Omnipotence! Your fate is like that of all dictators on the verge of a chasm of horrors. Daveas did not wait to hear her further, but proclaimed aloud, Apollo! Apollo! and stood aside. Presently his former officers rushed to him, and with that came the sea of millions of spirits, unorganized, unwashed, unfed, frightened and mad, for love of the name Apollo, the meaning of which they did not know; and they became as a knot of serpents, entwined around the central figure, Daveas and his officers. And in the terrible brawl not one voice could be distinguished from another. And the outer extreme pressed inward, on every side, and presently the eight hundred million resembled a ball, a knot of darkness, with a dull and rumbling moan within, and fearful clamor on the surface, from which horrid smells issued in all directions.

18/5.13. Wang‑te and her attendants hastened back to the throne of Osire, Son of Jehovah, to tell what had happened. Osire said: What shall I do, O Father? Then the Light of Jehovah came, and Jehovah spoke, saying: Consider My creation, My Son. I made the young child to fall with few bruises; but the full‑grown man falls heavily. Shall I make a separate rule to favor kings and queens on earth, and false Gods in heaven? No, truly. Behold, I will make of Daveas an example in heaven, and on earth also. Because he has spurned his own name, so will I make both angels and mortals to curse and shun the name, Daveas.[471]

18/5.14. Osire said: Proceed with my kingdom, in the name of the Father. Let Daveas rest awhile as he is.

18/5.15. After that, Osire departed, taking the remainder of his hosts with him in his fire‑ship; and he went to a heavenly place to the westward, where Seru was, being a false God, with ten million slaves; and Osire destroyed Seru’s kingdom also. Next, he went to a heavenly place in the north, where Raka, a false God, had seventy million slaves; and Osire destroyed his kingdom also, liberating his slaves, and putting a guard over Raka. ||

18/5.16. So in that way, Osire traveled throughout atmospherea, demolishing all the heavenly kingdoms of the false Gods, of whom there were, in all, seven hundred and eighty; but many of them had less than a million subjects. For a total of thirty days, Osire was engaged in destroying all the evil kingdoms in the lower heavens, and then the work was finished.

18/5.17. Osire said to his hosts: For thirty days we labored in destroying that which was; now we will rebuild to Jehovah for another thirty days. Take the ship, therefore, to Vibhraj, for there I will found my central kingdom. And, after we have completed the work of starting the second resurrection on a sure foundation, then we will go down to the earth and overturn the kingdoms of the false Lords and men.

CHAPTER 6 Osiris

18/6.1. Jehovah said: Vibhraj shall be My place; your throne, Osire, shall be My throne. Send sheriffs out into all the divisions of heaven where you have destroyed the evil kingdoms. And your sheriffs shall arrest all the false Gods whom you have dispossessed, and bring them here, so I may speak with them face to face.

18/6.2. Then Osire spoke to the sheriffs, saying: Go out into all the divisions of atmospherea, and arrest and bring here all the false Gods whom I have dethroned, saying to each of them: Osire, God of the lower heavens, commands your presence. Come, and hear the voice of your Creator. || But it shall happen that many will fear to come, because of the light, lest their evil deeds be seen; say to all these: The light will be lowered for a short space of time; come, therefore, quickly.

18/6.3. To all the knots, where the false Gods are enveloped, you shall take a sufficiency of umbrae,[472] so that you may release them. But leave a sufficient guard with the knot to keep them in their places.

18/6.4. The sheriffs went abroad, as commanded, being sufficiently provided with attendants and all things required for such adventures; and after many days, the false Gods were arrested and brought before the throne of God, Osire, Jehovah’s Son. And on that occasion there were assembled one hundred thousand archangels, of whom two thousand had risen to the rank of Gods and Goddesses, and thirty thousand to the rank of Lords and Lordesses.

18/6.5. Osire said to the false ones: Brothers, greeting, in the name of Jehovah! Neither shall you fear, nor be expectant of torture or punishment. Though I come in All Power, my words shall be tempered with wisdom. But I can be no respecter of persons,[473] nor swerve one fraction from Jehovah’s commandments.

18/6.6. The bondage of all men was in the Father; for, before you were conscious individuals, Jehovah stretched forth His hand, and you came forth from Void, which was your prison in which your selfs had been as nothing.

18/6.7. In likeness of the Father, I came to deliver those you had bound; and through Him I have attained power to that end. So, in likeness of Him, also, I cannot bind you, or cast you in prison. No, indeed, my sheriffs have just delivered you from bondage, and I am now holding you free from the knots.

18/6.8. Most of you are learned men of the second resurrection; but you have used your wisdom for self‑glorification, being proud to call yourselves Gods; not teaching the unlearned of Jehovah and His kingdoms, but falsely teaching that your own kingdoms were the All Highest, and so, shutting out the true light from the unlearned.

18/6.9. Jehovah has blessed you all with strong minds and handsome forms, as a result of which, you have each falsely proclaimed you were Apollo. Do not think that this matter was unknown in high heaven. I have here the reports of swift messengers, which were brought to me in the firmament above. I did not come in ignorance of what you were doing; neither did I come in weakness. More than a hundred billion, who have been raised up to etherea from the earth and its heavens, stand at my side. Beside these, a million times as many ethereans, from other worlds; and above all of these, the Great Orian Chiefs; and yet beyond, and over all, Great Jehovah!

18/6.10. Have I not proved my power before you all? Did I go away in a corner and say: Come, I will show you my power? No, I came close to you all. As the Father first proves power, so have I. After that, wisdom. So that I may talk to you in wisdom, I had you arrested and brought here. Hear me then, and remember my words.

18/6.11. In former cycles, the high Gods who descended to these heavens, finding false Gods, simply liberated their slaves, but put no labor of restitution on the false Gods. This was because the false Gods of those periods were too imbecile and unlearned. But the earth and her heavens have progressed to a higher state. And with progression comes, also, responsibility. With learning comes responsibility; and with wisdom, also.

18/6.12. You bound your subjects to your kingdoms; and you now perceive you cannot put them aside. You taught them your kingdoms were the All Highest; of this they must now be unlearned. You taught them that you were the All Highest Gods! They must be unlearned in this, also. You put aside the ancient rites and ceremonies in which the name of Jehovah was used, teaching them to sing to you only. They must be taught new songs, substituting the Great Spirit, to Whom none can attain, forever. You taught them to be unthinking, and contented as slaves; they must now be taught to think for themselves, and to labor for everlasting liberty.

18/6.13. And now, touching the law of the resurrection, remember, this is the same in all the created worlds, which is, that the spirit of man grows by giving away whatever the spirit has to give. If you have great learning, and you give of it, then more learning shall be added to you; if you have goodness of heart, and gentle words, then, by giving this away, more shall be added to you. If you have craft in inventions or mechanics, and you bestow of these talents to others, then more will be added to you. As the corporeal man accumulates corporeal things by not giving them away, not so accumulates the spirit of any man.

18/6.14. For he who locks up the light of the Father that is in him, cannot obtain more light; he who locks up goodness of heart, cannot obtain strength of spirit. And without strength of spirit, no man can attain to the third resurrection. But, so that men may learn to obtain strength of spirit, the second resurrection has been established in atmospherea belonging to all the habitable corporeal worlds.

18/6.15. The chief delight of man shall be, therefore, to find some way to impart his spiritual talents and strength, and to the greatest possible number of people. Do not think that preaching to the ignorant is sufficient; but you shall take hold with your own hands and show them how to accomplish. Yet labor alone is not sufficient; for some are so created that you cannot inspire them without rites and ceremonies and music.

18/6.16. Nor shall a man, after having taught and raised up a few, say: Behold, what a good work I have done! But as long as he finds a man or woman or child, who lacks in anything, he shall feel to say: Alas, what I have done is as nothing in the resurrection of my fellows.

18/6.17. For the rule holds for all men alike, to desire exaltation, everlasting liberty, and unlimited power; and unless you are prepared to give these to others, then you cannot attain them yourselves. Neither is it possible for man to turn away from responsibility; to whom the Father has given, from him the Father requires. You have had your kingdoms. Yes, and boasted of them. Your boasts have ascended to etherea. Will you go there and be asked: Where is your kingdom? Shall it be said you shirked from the care of those the Father gave into your keeping?

18/6.18. Consider now, O brothers! When the conscience of man burns inward, there is still darkness slumbering in his soul. The etherean lights will burn him. He whose conscience no longer burns inward, becomes himself a brilliant flame of light. Through him Jehovah speaks.

18/6.19. Osire ceased; and now a brilliant light descended about the throne, and presently Jehovah spoke through Osire, saying:

18/6.20. Times and half‑times I have given to My corporeal worlds and their heavens. In a time I have made a full resurrection to those who aspire to My heavens above. Nor do I go away from any place I created, saying: Go alone for a season. But in a time I manifest a new light, for such, also, are My creations. Do not think that I have given seasons to corporeal worlds only; I gave seasons to atmospherea, also.

18/6.21. Is a summer on the earth not half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two, one full time? So also I created for atmospherea a time of four hundred years, and a half‑time of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half‑time I created [474]one dan’ha.

18/6.22. For thousands of years I sent My Gods to teach these things, so that My angels could know the times of My resurrections. Does a farmer not have knowledge of the resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new‑growing things, which I raise up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should My angels have of My spring‑times, in atmospherea, when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of emancipated souls?

18/6.23. I commanded My etherean hosts, saying: Go to the lower heaven and teach them there is no such thing as individual resurrection. And they came proclaiming My word, showing all people that any number of individuals were as nothing unless united, which is the salvation I provided to all My worlds.

18/6.24. For I created progress to be in compact; nor did I give to any person individual salvation or resurrection. So that men could learn the advantage of compact, I caused mortals to have corporeal languages, and to live in cities. So that you in atmospherea could learn the All Perfection of being one with one another, I gave you the second resurrection; teaching you, through My Gods and Lords, to abnegate self‑aspiration, for self‑aspiration is at the expense of others; but commanding you to learn to assimilate with one another.

18/6.25. And I gave rites and ceremonies, among which was the oath of service to Me and My kingdoms, and to none other, in which many bound themselves, which was, and is, the beginning of liberty. Touching this matter, I created types (of rites and ceremonies) on earth and in the lower heavens, so that even the unlearned might understand Me and My works.

18/6.26. For to him who begets children I gave bondage, to them and to him conjointly. But this is a bondage that does not circumvent liberty in time to come, for they can ascend to heaven, and progress conjointly, better than alone. But some gave themselves up to love earthly things, such as houses, money and kingdoms, which things have no resurrection. Therefore, such bondage holds the person after death to the thing he loved.

18/6.27. Similarly, many have set up kingdoms in the lower heavens, binding themselves to things that have no higher resurrection, which things belong on the plateau of atmospherea where I created them. But to them who have bound themselves to their fellow, saying: I am the salvation! || It is like a young man saying to a maiden: Come, I will be your husband. And she goes to him in confidence. Here, then, is bondage; and she holds him as the way of her salvation. Neither can he alone annul that which has been united, nor yet can they together annul this; for, by their bondage, I am also a party to the contract.

18/6.28. In like manner, they who assume kingdoms, professing to be Gods of salvation, and thus enticing My innocent ones to themselves, become bound, not only to their subjects, but to the contract of deliverance to salvation; for so I created them.

18/6.29. The Voice ceased, and Osire said: If a man weds a woman with an evil temper, his glory lies in not going away from her, but in teaching her to overcome her temper; or, if her husband is evil, her glory lies not in going away from him, but in reforming him. It is wise to accomplish whatever work Jehovah has put in your way, rather than to desert it for sake of personal comfort.

18/6.30. Nevertheless, there is a limit to all things, except Jehovah; and with the wise there is power to accomplish much that seems impossible at first. Hear, then, my judgment upon you, which is that:

18/6.31. You shall again assume kingdoms, and everyone shall have all the subjects he had before. And you shall be provided with places and thrones by my archangels, and with councils of my archangels, also. And I will give each and every one of you an assistant God, who shall sit at your right hand for four years, the time of this dawn, teaching how and what to teach.

18/6.32. My hosts will now conduct you to the places prepared for you, around which are erected walls of agni. And when you are safely seated on your thrones, your former subjects shall be brought before you in groups, and adjudged to the labor, and to the schools, and to other places that are suited to them, according to their strength and talents.

18/6.33. And I pronounce it upon you that you shall deliver your respective subjects sufficiently for the third resurrection. And according to your zeal and faithfulness, my hosts will labor with you, to the end that Jehovah may be glorified in your harvests for the emancipated[475] worlds. Attend, therefore, to give the sign, In Jehovah’s Name, and prepare to receive ordination from my hands, by the power and wisdom of the Great Spirit.

18/6.34. The sheriffs showed them how to make the sign, and how to stand before the throne; and then Osire said: By Your Wisdom, and Love, and Power, O Jehovah, which rest in me, I anoint these, Your Gods, for Your service, and for the exaltation of Your kingdoms, forever! Amen.

18/6.35. The light was now becoming so brilliant that many of the newly‑made Gods quailed before it. But the marshals conducted them, and they passed before the throne of Osire, where they were crowned and arrayed as Gods of the second resurrection; after which they were again conducted before the Council, and saluted on the sign; and then, to martial music, they were taken to the kingdoms prepared for them.

CHAPTER 7 Osiris

18/7.1. Who shall tell the story of the Gods of heaven! Their mighty kingdoms, overspreading the whole earth! Hundreds and hundreds of them, and thousands! Their libraries of records of valorous and holy deeds! A council chamber of half a million souls! Hundreds of departments; thousands! Here a board to select young students to the colleges of messengers. Another board to select students to the colleges of arts. Another to select students to mathematics. Another for prophecy. Another for great learning. Another for factories. Another for compounding and dissolving elements. Then come the departments of the cosmogony of the stars; then, of the ethereal worlds; then, the roadways of the firmament; then, ji’ya, a’ji, and nebulae; then, se’mu; then, hi’dan and dan; then, the dawn of dan; then, histories of corporeal affairs, and of the affairs of the heavens far and near; then, genealogy of thousands of Orian Chiefs; the creation of mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. Yes, just to enumerate[476] even half of what comes before a God and his council would itself fill a book.

18/7.2. Who, then, O Jehovah, shall venture to unveil the labor and wisdom of Your etherean Gods! How shall the second resurrection give up its mysteries? Shall Your recorder follow the young student for messenger, and disclose the training put upon him? How, like a carrier dove, he is taught to go from place to place, but holding the message in his head? Then follow the student in another department, and make a record of how he is taught? And of the multitude of questions that come before the Council from far‑off places. Then the rites and ceremonies, and the unending variety and magnificence of the music. Can a man describe a million men, women and children? A hundred million! A billion! Five billion! Who has seen so great a man, to do this! And yet this is only Your lower heaven, O Jehovah!

18/7.3. A strange voice rises up from the earth, saying: Have they anything to do in heaven? O you Gods! And one half of the earth‑born coming here in infancy! And the countless millions who know little more than the beasts of the field! Yet mortals are falsely taught that these unfortunates would skip off to paradise and possess great learning in the hour of death!

18/7.4. O that[477] their understanding could be opened up to Your kingdoms, You All‑Extending Creator! That their eyes could look upon the greatness of even Your lower heaven! To behold a thousand departments reaching as wide as the earth! And then the hundreds of thousands of branch departments, of hundreds of grades, adapted to every soul that rises up from the earth.

18/7.5. O that they could look into the dark places in atmospherea! That they could see a million souls, plunged into chaos by terrible war! Crazed spirits, wild and battling! Not knowing they are dead! The ceaseless toil of a million nurses and physicians, laboring day and night with them! O the darkness upon them! O the glory of Your exalted ones! Who is there, having seen the magnificence of Your glories, who will not stir himself up every moment to lift up his brother and point the way to Your throne?

18/7.6. O that they could see Your swift Gods of dawn! How they hear a hundred tongues at one time, and frame answers for all of them, and, by a motion of the hand, dispatch messengers to fulfill the same (answer them) in words! How they select officers, to know a hundred at a glance, and know where to place them, so that every one shall fit his place! Who is there, O Father, that can frame into words the proceedings of heaven, so that mortals can comprehend even a fraction of Your great glories!

18/7.7. Shall a man light a candle and say it represents the sun? How, then, can they find the affairs of mortals comparable to Your kingdoms? O that they knew the meaning of the difference between All Light and the darkness of man’s judgment!

18/7.8. O that they knew You, You Central Sun of All Light! They have put away Your Person, and they go in any direction. Your Great Gods are only myths to them, because of the darkness of their souls. Behold, they look for a small man with a large sword! The power of great wisdom they do not know.

18/7.9. O that they could observe the coming and going of thousands of messengers, from far‑off kingdoms, before the throne of Your God! How he has answered their matters instantly! And all the while heeded the voices of a thousand marshals! O that man knew the glory of Order! The power of Harmony!

18/7.10. They have seen a clock with a hundred wheels, and the eye of its maker overseeing its every part in motion, and they call it wonderful! But how can they know Your Councils, O Jehovah? Your millions? And Your God on his throne, mantled in Your Light, overseeing a whole heaven! What majesty of words can make mortals comprehend his wisdom, and power, and great labors!

CHAPTER 8 Osiris

18/8.1. Thus Osire established Vibhraj, the resplendent heaven, with one thousand eight hundred sub‑kingdoms, in atmospherea, all under the commandments of the central kingdom. Then he established the roadways between them, and appointed seven hundred thousand messengers. After that he ordained proper officers for inter‑communion; and the several sub‑kingdoms established their places of learning and places of labor, their hospitals and nurseries, and their innumerable asaphs, the receivers of es’yans, the newborn spirits of the dead of earth.

18/8.2. Osire said: Behold, there is order in heaven. Now I will appoint a God to hold dominion two hundred years. For while the dawn of dan yet remains, I will assist him. Let the examiners search, then, among my hosts, and find from those who sprang from the earth, one who stands clear on the record, and chief in rank.

18/8.3. So the examiners searched; and after thirty days, they selected Konas; and when Osire was informed, he sent a thousand of his own attendants in an otevan, and they brought Konas to Vibhraj, to Jehovah’s throne. Osire said:

18/8.4. Greeting, in the name of the Father! You are chosen above all others; and, after the dawn of dan is ended, you shall be God of heaven and earth for two hundred years. Prior to the ascent of my hosts and myself, behold, I will crown you. Till then, you shall sit on my throne and fill my place while I am absent.

18/8.5. I have now restored order in heaven, having given all the inhabitants a single purpose in concert, by which, their resurrection is surely founded. Now I will go down to the false Lords’ kingdoms, on the earth, and to the mortal kings and queens, and restore order there also.

18/8.6. Konas said: Your will and Jehovah’s be done! I am exalted and rejoiced in what is bestowed upon me. Make me strong and wise, O Jehovah, so I may glorify Your kingdoms!

18/8.7. So, after due preparation, Osire departed privately, taking with him one hundred thousand attendants, going down to the earth and to the false Lords’ kingdoms, in the cities and temples of mortals.

18/8.8. Seven days Osire spent traveling around the earth, visiting angels and mortals, but telling no one who he was, or what his object was; and then he halted his otevan, which had been built for the purpose, in the regions of the mountains of We‑ont‑ka‑woh, in Western Japheth (China). He said:

18/8.9. We‑ont‑ka‑woh shall be my headquarters for a season. Here, then, I will found the first Lord’s kingdom for mortals; and because mortals have made an idol of Apollo, I will cast down Apollo and make them know that I, Osire, am Lord of the earth. Then spoke We’taing, saying:

18/8.10. Behold the glory of Jehovah from the start! In our journey around the earth, we have found the I’hins not as idolaters, but still worshippers of the Great Spirit, Jehovah. But as to the half‑breeds, who can understand them? They believe nothing; they believe everything. They ask the idol for rain, and for dry weather! For strength to slay the druks; for flesh to eat, and for famine to be visited on their enemies.

18/8.11. They are as living prey for druj to feast on; they invite the darkest of all evil. And to do their wills in return, the druj, the evil spirits, busy themselves inoculating the air with poison to kill the mortal’s enemies.

18/8.12. Osire said: With the I’hins we have little to accomplish; but as to the Ghans and the I’huans, they shall be converted into disbelievers of the presence of all spirits, except two, Jehovah and satan.

18/8.13. To accomplish this, I will give them three figures: The signs of seasons,[478] which shall represent the Creator in all the parts of the living; the sign of the sun, with motion and all life coming forth; and the hand of man.[479]

CHAPTER 9 Osiris

18/9.1. Through Osire, Jehovah said:

18/9.2. I created man with a corporeal life so that he could learn corporeal things. But behold, the I’huans have lost all energy to acquire earthly knowledge, depending on their familiar spirits for information on everything, thus wasting their mortal lives in non‑improvement. So that when they die, and enter heaven, they are easily made slaves of by evil spirits.

18/9.3. It would be better for them if they had no knowledge of spirit life, so that they would put into service, the talents I created within them. See to this matter, O My Sons and Daughters; for their desire for the presence of the spirits of the dead will draw fetals upon themselves, and they will go down in darkness, like the ancients.

18/9.4. The Voice departed, and then Osire said: Hear me, O brothers, O sisters; this is my commandment upon you, and for you to render to your successors after I call you for the resurrection:

18/9.5. Possess the temples and oracles, where the familiar spirits speak; do not allow familiars to come any more to kings, queens, governors, leaders or rulers of men; but take possession of all these places, and answer the corporeans with corporean knowledge only.

18/9.6. And so that you may be as a unit to mortals, you shall all give the same name, even Jehovah, through His Son, Osire. For when you answer at the oracle, or in the altar or temple, they will ask who the spirit is; and you shall say: “Osire, Son of Jehovah;” doing this in my name and the Father’s.

18/9.7. And when you speak by entrancement, through the seers and prophets, also assert the same thing. And they will ask: Why has the Son of Jehovah come to us? And you shall say:

18/9.8. Because you are an idolatrous people, worshipping before stone and wood; by which, evil spirits take advantage of you, and rule you to your own detriment.

18/9.9. And they will reason among themselves, saying: How do we know, then, that you are not an evil spirit? And you shall say: It is well that you ask this, for I declare to you, you shall not worship Osire, but only Jehovah, the Creator. This doctrine, only, is safe.

18/9.10. Again they will say: Who is satan and his attendants? You shall answer: Whoever professes any name except the Great Spirit, is of satan, which pertains to self.

18/9.11. Now, while you are thus reasoning with them, certain ones in the temples will be worked by the familiar spirits, writhing and twisting, and you shall say to the next of kin: Behold, I will tell you how to cast out the evil spirit. You shall say: I charge you, in the name of Jehovah, to depart!

18/9.12. It shall come to pass that they will do this, and at the time they use the words: In the name of Jehovah, Depart! || you shall drive away the familiars, thus proving the power of Jehovah greater than all spirits.

18/9.13. But so that this matter may spread rapidly, and be valued highly, impart the name of the Great Spirit, in secret, not permitting them to speak it aloud. Choose, therefore, certain mortals, and ordain them through the king, and their labor shall be to cast out evil spirits.

18/9.14. It will come to pass in many places where you dispossess the false Lords and their confederates, that these evil spirits will inoculate the cattle and beasts of burden with poison, and they will die; and the evil spirits will show themselves to the dogs, and cause them to howl; and the evil spirits will obsess the swine, which are easily influenced, and the swine will appear drunk and foolish. And all these things you shall prophesy to mortals beforehand, thus supplying evidence of the Great Spirit’s wisdom.

18/9.15. After these things are accomplished, mortals will further say: Behold, O Son of Jehovah, before you came, Apollo told us when to plant, and when to reap; when to bring the male and female cattle together; but now that we have put him aside, what shall we do? And you shall answer them:

18/9.16. Come into the starlight, and I will give you the signs, so that you may know these things yourselves. || And where you speak in the oracle, or by entrancement, you shall point out to them certain stars, and give them the names of these stars; and certain groups of stars (constellations) with their names also; and you shall show them the travel of the sun, north and south, and give them a tablet of onk (zodiac), divided into twelve groups, with twelve lines coming from the sun.[480]

18/9.17. And you shall raise up priests by inspiration, and by entrancement, and through them illustrate the position of the um[481] in the signs of the zodiac (onk). And the priests shall explain these things to the unlearned, so they may comprehend through their own knowledge.

I033r10g Um033r10i Git'um

         i033r10g Um.                 i033r10i Git’um.

      Direction or place.          Direction or place of


033r10j Gitow'um033r10k Vwork'um

   i033r10j Git’ow’um.       i033r10k V’work’um.

Direction or place of sun.     Direction or place of



18/9.18. When these things are accomplished, you shall inspire the I’huans and Ghans to go to the I’hins and ask to be circumcised to Jehovah; and the I’hins, also being under inspiration, will confess them[482] and bestow them with the sign.[483]

i020 6w m2 cl Onk

i020 Onk or Zodiac. First revealed to man (other than I’hin) 12,200 years before the millennium (Kosmon). E, Earth; S, Sun.

CHAPTER 10 Osiris

18/10.1. When Osire had completed his instructions to his hosts, he sent messengers to Vibhraj, saluting, in the name of Jehovah, calling for one million more ethereans, who came presently; and Osire divided them into ten thousand groups, giving each group one or more of his attendants, to whom he had previously given instructions. When all of them were ready for the work, Osire said:

18/10.2. Experience has proven that to dispossess familiar spirits in one place, is only to drive them to another. It is wise, therefore, that in the same day that you make the attack in one city or temple, you do so in the principal places all over the earth, giving the familiars no place to fasten upon. Therefore, let the beginning of sunrise tomorrow in each and every place be the sign of attack; and you shall possess all the temples, places of the oracles, cities, kings, queens, rulers, and leaders of men, driving away, by stratagem or by force, all the false Lords, and all spirits professing

the name of Apollo, or any representative[484] spirit in the name of Apollo or Thor.

18/10.3. And immediately mortals will recognize that some change is going on in the unseen world; and they will go to the places of spirit communion, asking for Apollo to explain; and you shall answer: Apollo is cast out! Hear the wisdom of the Great Spirit, Jehovah!

18/10.4. And then you shall instruct them as I have commanded.

18/10.5. So it came to pass as Osire had decreed; the ethereans drove out the false Lords of the earth and they banished the familiars of all the kings, queens and leaders of men. And the ethereans taught in the temples and oracles, and by entrancement, and by inspiration, as commanded by Jehovah, through His Son, Osire.

18/10.6. But in all places the Great Spirit’s name was made a secret; and it was commanded of mortals that His name only be spoken in whisper, or low breath, because Jehovah speaks to the soul of man silently. And these things were established; and this was the first universal teaching of the Great Spirit given to mortals other than the sacred people, the I’hins.

18/10.7. And Osire decreed: You shall give one Lord to every city and oracle; but every Lord shall profess Jehovah, and to being His Son.

18/10.8. And this was also accomplished; and when the people consulted the oracles as to who the spirit was, the answer was: Jehovah, through His Son, Lord of earth (or God of earth). But it was made lawful to use the names, Lord and God, with audible voice; and they were thus used, and spoken of by mortals as the substitutive words, permissible in public, in place of the name, Jehovah. After this, the names Lord and God were worshipful.

18/10.9. Osire said: It is an easy matter to rule over the kings, queens, prophets, and all learned people; but not so easy to rule over the ignorant. They, having been accustomed to worship Apollo through the idols, will continue to do so for a long time; therefore, you shall cause the kings to issue edicts prohibiting familiar spirits, and forbidding soothsayers[485] and workers of magic; for you shall teach mortals that these things come from satan (the evil disposition of men).

18/10.10. This was also done, according to the commandments; and now there was no place left for familiar spirits to obsess mortals. And these spirits distributed themselves like the spirits of ancient times; some going into swine, and living with them; concerning which, Osire commanded his hosts to inspire the kings and queens to pass laws prohibiting the eating of swine’s flesh, lest mortals become bound with fetals. Accordingly, this law was established on the earth. Some of the dispossessed spirits went into the forests to dwell, and some to the fountains and mists in waterfalls; others, who were depraved, dwelt in the fisheries and slaughter‑houses; and still others, in the kennels, with dogs and cats. Nevertheless, there were many mortals who were dealers in magic and witchery, and these had an abundance of familiars. And when such mortals would die, the familiars would go to their sons or daughters; consequently it was said of them, they inherited the gift of magic.

18/10.11. Osire, having overcome the evil spirits, now called a council at We‑ont‑ka‑woh; and five hundred thousand angels came.

18/10.12. Osire said: In Jehovah’s name, I will now deliver those[486] I have cast out; and you shall labor in conjunction with the Gods of atmospherea to accomplish this end. Behold, I have had the familiars enumerated, and there are more than six billion of them on earth. You shall go, therefore, to all the divisions of the earth that they inhabit, and proclaim a great festival, to be held in We‑ont‑ka‑woh, inviting them here. And you shall provide them with conveyance, bringing them across the seas in suitable vessels. For, when I have congregated them here, I will destroy the ships so they cannot return.

18/10.13. This was accomplished, and more than five billion spirits came to the festival, where food was provided for them, and also clothes of fantastic colors, to please the eye of the ignorant; and after they were provided in decency, they were entertained with music and dancing, and taught to take part also. For seventy days the festival lasted, and every day varied from another; and the multitude became so intoxicated with delight, and also, so broken off from their old habits and associations, that they forgot all about the ships and conveyances.

18/10.14. Osire spoke to his Council privately, saying: Provide an airiata large enough for all these people. I will show you what shall happen! So, while the festival was going on, the proper workmen built the vessel, and its capacity was sufficient to carry all the multitude of spirits, besides a sufficiency of regimen for them on a long journey.

18/10.15. Now after the festival had lasted seventy days, Osire proclaimed order so that he could speak to them. He said:

18/10.16. Brothers and sisters, in the name of the Great Spirit, greeting to you all. I am about to depart to a higher world. So that you could hear my voice, I proclaimed order. So that you may rejoice in my words, I speak in love and tenderness. My home is in a world far away. Where there is no suffering; no sorrow. And the spirit of my people is radiant with light. I would tell you of the beauty and glory of my home, but it would not be fair to you. You would no longer be content to remain here. So I seal up my mouth.

18/10.17. Because you suffered, and my soul was full of pity, I made this festival. The Great Spirit taught me how to make food and clothes, and to travel far, and not be afraid. All the people where I live can hear the voice of the Great Spirit. They learn all things by first learning to hear Him. His Wisdom supplies every want.

18/10.18. It will be a long time before I come again; my heart of love will come back to you. The time of the festival is ended; your time has come to return to your old places. These Lords of yours, whom you have had so long, should provide for you.

18/10.19. Almost at once, when Osire began to speak, the people desired to go where he would decree; and when he suggested for them to return to their former Lords, who were also present, they answered with a universal shout: No, never more with them!

18/10.20. Osire said: I perceive you desire to go with me and my hosts. I have learned to understand the souls of people. But do you understand me? I mentioned the great glories in my heavens; but I did not tell you we worked to make them. Yes, we work every day. The Great Spirit made the tree to get its food and clothes without labor; but, behold, it has no power to travel. Some things in the world do not labor; but man, who has neither feathers nor hair to cover his body, is provided with talents. Talents are the greatest of all gifts. The air and the ground provide the substance of fruit and foliage to the tree; but the spirit who has talent can find the substance of fruit and foliage in the air, and gather it. ||

18/10.21. Lights of various colors were now being set up by the ethereans, and the place enriched with the most enticing perfumes.

18/10.22. Osire proceeded: By the cultivation of talent, all things are possible to all men and women. With a sufficiency of talent, you need no Lords or oppressive rulers. I mentioned the great beauties in my etherean home. You go to the spray of fountains, and amuse yourselves in rainbows; but you are in a small corner, at best, and the substances of your joys are in perpetual failure. Behold the sprays and bows made by my hosts! Hear the music played in the elements of their handiwork!

18/10.23. At that, the hosts overcast the entire multitude with the vapor of the air, converted into millions of kaleidoscopic pictures, and filled the place with the music of wind currents trained to tunes.

18/10.24. The hosts were overjoyed beyond measure. Again Osire said: Hear me yet further; the festival must cease. You forget, I told you I must go. My marshals will now conduct me and my hosts to my fire‑ship. As for you, my heart is broken. I know the toil and hardships put upon you. But if you desire these things, they are yours.

18/10.25. The universal shout was: We will go with you! Take us in your fire‑ship. Teach us how to improve our talents!

18/10.26. Osire said: What will the Lords do? Shall they remain without subjects? But the false Lords answered quickly: We will also go with you, and be servants to do your bidding!

18/10.27. Osire said: When I am on the ship I will answer. So he departed, and went into the airiata, to the side of which his own fire‑ship was made fast; and presently he commanded all who chose, to come aboard; and lo and behold, all of them, more than five billion, went in. At which point, Osire commanded immediate ascent; and he thus delivered them high up in atmospherea, where his proper officers had already provided a plateau of habitation for them; and the name of the plateau was Assan, signifying, no escape, for here Osire decreed to have them educated,