The Chinese Language and the Bible/Adamic Language

I’ve been seeing a number of new web sites talking about the chinese language and the bible. They all seem to reference the same research done by C. H. Kang, Ethel Nelson in his book, The Discovery of Genesis : How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language.

The arguments have been debated, and could be easily explained away except for that I keep seeing evidence for this in mystic writings. The best example is this section from Oahspe.

19/3.6. Behold the multiple (Yi ha) language of the tribes of Shem! Side by side with the tribes of Japheth I raised them. And, behold, the latter use the derivation of the Adamic language to this day.
19/3.7. For I gave to the tribes of these two different lands my ten commandments and ten invocations, not to be written, but to be spoken and taught from mouth to ear, to be sacred in the language given.
19/3.8. In which man shall perceive that the same stories of the egg, and of the origin of evil in the world, could not have been communicated by mortals.
19/3.9. For I locked up enough of the Adamic language in Japheth as a testimony to be discovered in future years; showing that, unlike Ham and Shem, a mighty nation could retain one language for thousands of years.
19/3.10. For I foresaw that philosophers would try to prove that languages were of mortal origin, and that they would change according to the growth of knowledge among men.
19/3.11. Behold, I gave scriptures to all my people, enjoining some to adhere to the text; and, so, I preserved the work of my hand.
19/3.12. The tribes of Ham were previously ordained with characteristics to make them love to emigrate westward; and the tribes of Japheth and Shem with characteristics to make them love to stay within their own countries. And the tribes of America were ordained with characteristics to make them love to go eastward. For I set a boundary to the tribes of America, that they would not reach the ocean on the east.

The more I ponder this, the cooler I think it is. It’s a shame we dont have access to the original text of the Kolbrin creation chapters, which are surprisingly similar to those of the Bible as well, but translated straight from Egyptian Hieratic (as well as hieroglyphic) . I’m sure they would shed a lot more light on this issue. And even more so, I’m sure when the Jaredite plates are revealed, we may well see the most ancient language of all, with bits of early writings dating to just after the tower. It will be interesting to see how these correlate with Chinese and whether it is true that chinese is indeed the oldest, least changed language existent.

Here is a well done flash animation to show some of the arguments. Push the “click here to play button” to start and then either click the arrows or press your space bar to advance.

Chinese language in the Bible

And here is a somewhat poorly done youtube video (there are many others like it), showing much of the same arguments.

Charity, Kindness, and the Divine Center

Charity, Kindness, and the Divine Center

Finding the hidden gate to exaltation has to do with maneuvering our way through the opposites and imbalances of life. In our present state of existence there are two primary spheres. One is mortality or the physical world in which we live. The other is immortality or the hidden spirit world where we go when we die. Neither is heaven, both are still lost and fallen. The goal is not the Spirit world, it is the resurrection. It is this true heaven found through the resurrection which should be the goal found only through the straights or narrow gate.

Consider the following quote attributed to Jesus from the Gnostic “Mystery of the Crucifixion”,

” there are three different entities, all of whom are called mankind. There are those who are trapped in physical existence. These eat and sleep. They drink wine and promiscuously engage in sexual intercourse. They act according to instinct, doing whatever pleases their bodies, and whatever does not please their bodies they abstain from doing. They are no different from any other kind of animal. Their bodies become their gods, governing their decisions and their deeds. These form the vast majority of mankind.
6. “Separate from these is a much smaller group which is trapped in mental existence. These have the capacity to be human, although they may never develop that capacity. They govern their choices by their mental processes. They are reasonable and logical, but they cannot rise above the limitations of mortal mind. They act according to rational thinking, doing whatever pleases their minds, and whatever does not please their minds they abstain from doing. Their minds become their gods, governing their decisions and their deeds. These are the servants of the demiurge, who maintain that their way of thinking is right and all others are wrong. They are so convinced of their self-righteousness that they cannot perceive the Sun of Righteousness when it shines right before them.
7. “The smallest group of all consists of those who live on a spiritual plane. These transcend the limitations of mortal existence. They join the angels and rise to dwell among the Eloheim while they are still in mortality. These are not trapped by their bodies or their minds, for they bring body and mind into subjection to the Light within them so that they are transformed into the Divine image. These put on the mind [heart] of Christ. They become the Father and the Son, the Son submitting to the Father in every situation.
8. “As long as you remain in mortality,’ he continued, ‘you will not be able to discern who is in what group, for they grow as tares among wheat…

It would seem to me that this second group that is trapped in mental existence are individuals living or trapped in the Spirit World or Astral Plane. You might say they are the type of folks who live in “their own little world”. They seem out of touch with the here and now of earth life. They are the philosophers. But just as those trapped in physical existence they are unbalanced. The true gateway is not through extremes; it is not through mastery of physical existence or mastery of mental existence, it is through a balance of the two on the narrow path. One might say physical existence is like faith, mental existence is like hope, and the narrow true path in the middle is Charity or love.

I think this same distinction is seen in the Hindu caste system. In the top two caste’s you have the priestly caste and the warrior caste. The Brahmans or priestly caste being individuals more expert in the mental plane and the Kshatriyas or warriors being more expert in physical existence. The bottom two caste also seeing this distinction. The Shudras or physical labor class and the more mentally active businessmen and salesmen of the Vaishyas caste. I also thing this same distinction is found in the Chakra system, with the energy centers below the heart being more controlling of physical existence and those above the heart controlling mental existence, with the divine sacred heart making the straight and narrow path between them.

I think I definitely have trouble finding this balance. For periods I will become trapped inside myself, over-activating my mental existence, philosophizing and studying the extents of God and reality to the point of losing charity by ignoring my family and loved ones. At other times I will get lost in my physical existence becoming obsessed or overly-concerned with money, remodeling, my job, or other purely physical or mortal activities that I once again drift from the narrow path of charity by ignoring the nurturing of my relationships and neglecting all selfless acts of kindness that express the charity within.

I think of what Charity or love really is…

“45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
47 But acharity is the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.45 And acharity suffereth long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

When you think about Oahspe’s doctrine of exaltation, which is that the key to resurrection is the selfish working together of groups toward a goal of bettering humanity, I can see how Charity is the true way to do this. On one extreme you have the uselessness of religion and philosophy of constant preaching & teaching but very little doing in bettering the world. On the other you have the rogue individuals seeking only their own physical pleasures, but once again doing little to raise the state of humanity. In the middle you have those who truly love and this is shown by their constant service to humanity. Not just to their spouse or family or church but to humanity. And this is what brings the true inner piece of the ying and yang. The true exaltation of a Christian… but it is so hard to find.

So is there a secret? Perhaps a key could be to focus each day on performing selfless acts of kindness and service. Perhaps kindness in service is the key to manifesting true love.

The Power & Responsibility of Parenting

I have spoken before about how in heaven, our own attitudes and perceptions create our reality. This should not be hard to believe, since the same is essentially true in mortality. Two individuals may go through the same experience, and yet have completely different attitudes, memories, interpretations and such. Color blindness is only one example of how even our senses skew perceptions. One could say that it was two different experiences, because each perceives their own reality vastly different.

I recently read something which took this concept a step further. I have at times been quite confused as I read many ‘life after death’ or clairvoyant experiences in which the individual meets a historical figure such as Moses or Abraham or Buddha and the different experiences seem incompatible. One must then come to the conclusion that either the individuals are lying about their experience or they are just dreaming about their experience. I have since read much about the conclusion mentioned above that I believe is the correct view; that the Spirit World or life after death is a bit more dream-like, at least in the way our own perceptions deeply influence our reality (much as in the case in this life, only much greater).

The next step has to do with the specifics of how our view of others influences their behavior and our view of them. We’ve all heard the idiom “As a man thinketh, so he is”. But let us expand this to “As people think of a man, so he becomes”. In other words, the view of society, family and perhaps MOST importantly, parents highly influences that individuals behavior. If you view your child as a good kid, chances are they might grow into that ‘mold’ or projection you created for them. Likewise, if parents or families view someone as a criminal, history shows it may likely come true. Now, there are many nuances to the way in which this works because of laws of reciprocity, where our thoughts and projections on others actually cause them to become polarized in the opposite direction, but the point is that the behavior of others (especially children) is highly influenced by those closest to them.

I have often wondered why different children coming from the same parents and gene pool can turn out so differently. I certainly don’t buy the idea that it is predominately genetic chance (within limits), nor does the existing differences in the pre-mortal personality of the inhabiting spirit seem to account for all differences. Instead it seems logical that it is a combination of many factors, the most influential of which (at least for a less evolved spirit) being the image projected onto the child from the parents.

Read this excerpt from ____ by ____ and apply it to the way the same thing happens on earth.

In most instances observed on this level [the spirit world] the images of the loved ones are very far from perfect, and consequently the true egos or souls of the friends who are loved can express themselves but poorly through them ; though even at the worst that expression is much fuller and more satisfying than it ever was in physical life. In earth-life we see our friends so partially; we know only those parts of them which are congenial to us, and the other sides of their characters are practically non-existent for us. Our communion with them and our knowledge of them down here mean very much to us, and are often to us among the greatest things in life; yet in reality this communion and this knowledge must always be exceedingly defective, for even in the very rare cases where we can think that we know a man thoroughly and all through, body and soul, it is still only the part of him which is in manifestation on these lower planes while in incarnation that we can know, and there is far more behind in the real ego which we cannot reach at all. Indeed, if it were possible for us, with the direct and perfect vision of the mental plane, to see for the first time the whole of our friend when we met him after death, the probability is that he would be quite unrecognizable ; certainly he would not be at all the dear one whom we thought we had known before.

It must be understood that the keen affection which alone brings one man into the heaven-life of another is a very powerful force upon these higher planes — a force which reaches up to the soul of the man who is loved, and evokes a response from it. Naturally the vividness of that response, the amount of life and energy in it, depends on the development of the soul of the loved one, but there is no case in which the response is not a perfectly real one as far as it goes.

Of course the soul or ego can be fully reached only upon his own level — one of the arûpa subdivisions of this mental plane — but at least we are very much nearer to that in any stage of the heaven-world than we are here, and therefore under favourable conditions we could there know enormously more of our friend than would ever be possible here, while even under the most unfavourable of conditions we are at any rate far closer to the reality there than we have ever been before.

Two factors have to be taken into account in our consideration of this subject — the degree of development of each of the persons concerned. If the man in the heaven-life has strong affection and some development in spirituality he will form a clear and fairly perfect thought-image of his friend as he knew him — an image through which at that level the soul of the friend could express himself to a very considerable extent. But in order to take full advantage of that opportunity it is necessary that that soul should himself be very fairly advanced in evolution.

We see, therefore, that there are two reasons for which the manifestation may be imperfect. The image made by the dead man may be so vague and inefficient that the friend, even though well-evolved, may be able to make very little use of it; and on the other hand, even when a good image is made, there may not be sufficient development [page 47] on the friend’s part to enable him to take due advantage of it.

But in any and every case the soul of the friend is reached by the feeling of affection, and whatever may be its stage of development it at once responds by pouring itself forth into the image which has been made. The extent to which the true man can express himself through it depends on the two factors above mentioned — the kind of image which is made in the first place, and how much soul there is to express in the second; but even the feeblest image that can be made is at any rate on the mental plane, and, therefore, far easier for the ego to reach than is a physical body two-whole planes lower down.

If the friend who is loved is still alive he will of course be entirely unaware down here on the physical plane that his true self is enjoying this additional manifestation, but this in no way affects the fact that that manifestation is a more real one and contains a nearer approximation to his true self than this lower one, which is all that most of us can as yet see.

Relative Relationships, Fractals, Spiritual Centers/Chakras, and the endocrine system

I need to finish and expand upon this sometime.

Relative Relationships/Fractals


Left: Fractal pattern of a tree. At right: The Mandelbrot set is a popular example of a computer generated fractal.

The eastern concept of chakras is largely based on he idea that the body follows a fractal relationship with the universe.

A fractal is a mathematical construct or set that typically displays self-similar patterns or a pattern that is exactly the same at every scale. This is why it is also called the Law of relative relationships, or a system which shows the same relationships at every scale. Plato elaborated on this observed phenomena and coined the words microcosm and macrocosm. A tree is a great example of a fractal pattern, in how the veins on a leaf look like a twig which looks like a branch which looks like a bigger branch and so forth. This system of relative relationships exists to some degree everywhere in the cosmos. An atom with its sub-atomic particles and electron cloud is very loosely like a Sun with its planets and Oort cloud, which is like a galaxy with its associated matter and energy clouds, which is like a super cluster, etc, etc.. Several eastern religious traditions and many modern mystics have used this idea to suggest that a man with his endocrine system and energy centers is a microcosm or fractal of the solar system, galaxy and other levels of the cosmic pattern.

Each unit of the fractal has

Spiritual Centers (chakras) and the Endocrine System
Although this “fractal” teaching system was developed in eastern religion, a framework for applying fractal thought exists in western and LDS scripture. In the book of Moses especially we see prophets who hear the earth speak and cry out (Moses 7:48–61). prophets such as Enoch (as many prophets today) had the ability to read the earth’s Book of Life or see the akashic record. Likewise we see in scripture that the earth has a spirit body (the spirit world) just as people do. The earth also has a progression cycle wherein it was born in water, baptized in water, cleansed by blood and will die and be resurrected in spirit. It also has holy places or spiritual centers which govern certain functions of its being (Jerusalem being key). We also see in the bible how those spiritual centers change through time (Israel’s & Christ’s sojourn from Israel to Egypt to Hebron to Babylon/Tebet to Jerusalem to the Gentiles). Likewise we see how God’s authority and mantle pass from people to people and are crystallized in certain dispensation heads during certain periods of time. (Jacob 5 gives a key or cipher to this).

The Eastern Idea behind Chakras is that the body can be conceptualized as a microcosm of the Earth/Spirit-World as well as the solar System, etc.. Most philosophies break the body into 7 somewhat arbitrary chakras, just as there are 7 major planets, 7 archangels, and 7 colors in the rainbow, etc.. Although the idea of Chakras is very ancient, modern scientist/spiritualist have found a great correlation between the ancient chakras and the modern understanding of the endocrine system in the body. Thus God has caused the body to develop as a microcosm of Himself and creation, creating 7 major gland systems which transmute light into usable energy or in biological terms, impulses in the nervous system to chemical hormones.

Following the rainbow parallel, Each Chakra corresponds to a quantum frequency of energy/light or color. Send visible light through raindrop or a prism and it is separates into the 7 colors of the rainbow (divisions are somewhat arbitrary, but we chose 7 for mathematical reasons). Likewise the section of the electromagnetic spectrum usable to man is quantized or separated into 7 types of energy by the body (same arbitrary concepts apply). And are transformed from energy impulses in the nervous system, to chemicals in the blood by the various endocrine glands. These nerve impulses & corresponding hormones range from coarse/low frequency energies which manifest in characteristics/ideals such as sex drive, self-preservation, and other desires for self to traits/ideas on the higher end of the spectrum like love, giving, understanding. Just as color is dictated by light frequency, and frequency is determined by wave polarization (distance between top & bottom of wave peaks/troughs), so also is the spectrum of human behavior/emotion determined by polarization. Endocrine functions in youth are highly polarized/bipolar, in comparison to most elderly/progressed individuals. In youth each function managed by the endocrine system’s hormones are erratic. An unbalanced youth from toddler to mid-age might love one day and hate the next, they revel in sexual activity one day and then wallow in depression when the relationship ends. The entire first half of life (especially youth) is characterized by extreme ups and downs. Those suffering from bipolar disorder may never overcome these extreme hormonal imbalances. But as one matures and progresses they learn to balance each individual gland and its hormonal responses, as well as each gland in its reaction to the hormones created by other glands.

The kundalini philosophy correlates each chakra/endocrine gland to a stage of life defined by psychology and behavioral development. Thus one “activates” and moves through each chakra in the same way a psychologist would define the way people “move through” phases of life. (For example Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). So just as the needs such as food, sex, security are at the bottom of Maslow’s triangle, so do these characteristics correlate with hormones secreted by endocrine glands in the bottom half of the body. (The sex organs at the bottom, the liver/pancreas above that, etc..) At the top of the body are glands which govern “higher” more progress/evolved characteristics like love, creativity, and bliss. The correlations can be seen as a youth has a lot more testosterone and estrogen flowing through their veins and thus one could say their lower chakras or pancreas/sex glands which create those hormones are “most” active during that stage of life. And so on as you move up the body to the penal and pituitary gland.

See The biology of Kundalini for an in depth look at the biology behind these spiritual principles.

Outline/ Still to explain
-I need to finish writing this….
-there is a reciprocal feed-back reaction between all these glands and the hormones they produce. They govern homeostasis or balance in the body, and work in unison to achieve it. They each have a specific feedback with their ‘opposite’ or balancing glands. (base to head, pancreas/adrenal to thyroid, extremes moving into center/heart).
-as the physical gland activates and comes to define a person physically, the spiritually opposite ‘chakra’ activates and comes to define a person spiritually. (as a person’s reproductive glands activate and come to govern a persons build and sexual characteristics during puberty, their opposite spiritual chakras (indigo/violet crown/third eye) are activated and define a person spirituality (but its far more complex because of the double feed-back mechanisms).
-the earth’s spiritual centers correlate with the human bodies chakras… as do dispensation heads/prophets.
-Noah/Abraham correlate physically with the base reproductive glands. They defined humanity/Israel physically, but at the same time when they died they became heads of the highest levels of the spirit world/body defining humanity spiritually in indigo/violet crown/third eye aspects of progression.
-In one type the 7 dispensation heads are Adam, Enoch, Melchezidek/Abraham, Elijah, Christ, _____, returning Christ. (1000 year periods)
-In another type the 7 heads are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John, _____, Joseph Smith (600-800 year periods)
-Use the law of relative relationships to see how the mission of each corresponds to the sojourning of Israel and activation of spiritual centers and that of the human body.
-Talk about how Indian Caste system is a distortion of these principles
-Talk about how Nebecanezzers dream/statue correlate with the castes/chakras law of relative relationships.

-The LDS temple anointings vaguely attempt to make reference to this same fractal system of the bodies spiritual centers

See Wikipedia article on Chakras
See Wikipedia articles on Endocrine Glands


The major endocrine glands: 1 Testes (male) /Ovary (female) 2 Pancreas 3 Adrenal gland 4 Thyroid gland 5 Thymus 6 Pituitary gland 7 Pineal gland The major chakra centers: 1 muladhara or root 2 svadhistana or sacral 3 manipura or solar plexus 4 anahata or heart 5 vishuddha or throat 6 ajna or third eye 7 sahasrara or crown

The major endocrine glands: 1 Testes (male) /Ovary (female) 2 Pancreas 3 Adrenal gland 4 Thyroid gland 5 Thymus 6 Pituitary gland 7 Pineal gland  The major chakra centers: 1 muladhara or root 2 svadhistana or sacral 3 manipura or solar plexus 4 anahata or heart 5 vishuddha or throat 6 ajna or third eye 7 sahasrara or crown

Correlating Chakra Symbolic Functions with Endocrine Glands; Their Hormones and Functions

The bottom three endocrine glands are polarizing glands, meaning that the create hormones which cause bi-polarity in the body. A “bipolar” individual is having trouble balancing these hormones.

1st- MULADHARA (root chakra), RED. Grounds the endocrine system to the rest of the body and the
Each center corresponds to a major gland and nerve complex, uniting the nerves with the blood and tissuesoutside environment. Center of the will to survive and function in the material world. Proper balance brings courage, stability, physical health, and stamina. Governs spinal column, adrenals, colon, anus, legs & bones. Element is Earth. Color: Red

Governs Carnal & Sexual Energies. The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental. (Manifest primarily in the characteristics of the physical body. Especially sexual aspects. Example is Christ’s first temptation of food when he was hungry.)

– SEX ORGANS (TESTES/OVARIES). Primary Hormones: androgens such as testosterone (male) and estrogen/progesterone (female). In charge of sexual traits and sexual processes/desires. Both hormones are steroids/action chemicals. estrogen/progesterone’s seem to control menstration and child bearing processes. Progesterone is stored in special fat tissue under the skin and in areas like the breasts. Levels decrease with aging. (causes aging?) Studies have shown increased levels aid in recovery from brain injury, as well as prevent premature birthing. Shown to affect memory. Estrogen is formed by the synthesis of androstenedione from cholesterol. The action of estrogen (and testosterone?) is dependent on the presence of estrogen receptors in the cells. Estrogen in males is important to the maturation of sperm. During maturation testosterone/estrogen hormones cause the masculine/feminine characteristics of the physical body. (size of body mass, breasts, body hair, jaw, etc…) The seat of desire. As testosterone/estrogen’s result in perceived pain and pleasure, imbalances are most obvious in those in drug and sex addictions.

smaller amounts of testosterone & estrogen are secreted in the adrenal glands.

2nd- SVADHISTANA (sacral chakra/loins).  Center of sexual desire, cravings, family life, harmony, tolerance. Governs reproductive organs, prostate and bladder. Color: Orange
Affects Material & Emotional Security. Manifests in The next energy complex, which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal complex, also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding or acceptance of self. (Manifests in one’s lifestyle. Their economic situation and material possessions. Example is Christ’s second temptation of a wife with a life of ease. The perfect marriage and house/estate are the best archetypes)

– ADRENAL GLANDS. Primary Hormones: epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine. Also control blood osmolarity. Adrenaline release is a crucial component of the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. It controls the speed and volume at which other hormones can be passed throughout the body. These hormones affect perceived stress levels in the body by managing heart rate, breathing, blood flow, etc… With the pancreas it is responsible for hormones which largely govern the bodies short lived emotions. Fear/bravery, Emotional love/hate. Imbalances therefore manifest in extremes between fear anxieties or uninhibited fool-heartiness. Too much fear of people & situations or not enough fear of people & situations.

3rd- MANIPURA (solar plexus chakra/navel). Center of willpower, Self-respect, confidence, physical energy and self-control. Governs the adrenals, stomach, liver, muscles, nervous system, digestive system and Pancreas. Element is Fire. Color: Yellow

Affects Social Power & Influence. The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One. (Manifests in social power & position such as a religious or political leader. Example is Christ’s third temptation of jumping off the temple pillar to have the angels catch him and prove before all people that he was the chosen one.)

– PANCREAS GLAND. Primary Hormones: insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. Insulin lowers blood glucose/energy levels , and glucogon increases blood glucose levels. Mainly controls the bodies energy balance, and thus emotional distortions governed by energy. Feeling balanced, manic or depressant. Also somatostatin is an inhibitory hormone which stops the the release of the pituitary’s growth hormone (GH), as well as the thyroid’s stimulating hormone (TSH); so it balances the premature activation of higher glands (or simply passes on food poisons which unnaturally do so).

4th- ANAHATA (heart chakra). Center of compassion, altruism, forgiveness and acceptance. Governs the heart, circulatory system, arms, lungs, respiratory system & thymus gland. Color: Green

The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green ray energy transfer

– THYMUS GLAND. Primary gland of the Immune system. Primary Hormones: T-Cells (types of white blood cells which fight disease). Categorized into groups such as Helper, Cytotoxic, Memory, Regulatory, Natural killer T- Cells. All appear to be white blood cells with the functions of “understanding” what in the body is good or bad. They are collectively tasked with destroying cancerous cells, viruses, and other antigens in the body. They are the seat of judgement and differentiation for what is friend or foe in the body. Many illnesses are caused when these cells attack “friendly” cells, or when they don’t protect from “unfriendly” objects.

All T cells originate from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Read Development in the thymus for very insightful details of the progression of T-Cells from double negative to positive. This is a parallel of our own progress of learning to love.

5th- VISHUDDHA (throat chakra/neck). Center of communication, speech, effect of the spoken word on truth, expansion of consciousness. Governs thyroid, throat and mouth. Colors: Blue & Aqua

The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.

-THYROID GLAND. Primary Hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (Synthesized from both iodine and tyrosine). One the largest glands in body. It is a balancing gland controlling how quickly the body uses energy, and makes proteins (which control growth & development) by controlling how sensitive the body is to other hormones. Also plays a role in calcium homeostasis. Gets its name from the Greek word for “shield” (named more for its function or shape?). Works with the pituitary. Thyroid hormones play a particularly crucial role in brain maturation during fetal development, involved in protein development which allows T3 & T4 to cross the blood/brain barrier.

Metaphysically it is the expression center. Governs the ability to communicates one’s light/wisdom or love/being-ness. If the hormone balances of the lower glands define much of who a person is, it is the thyroid gland’s job to communicate (giving and receiving) this to the brain through the blood/brain barrier. So in both speech and song, those who have not balanced this gland with the rest of the body find difficulty sharing themselves

6th- AJNA (third eye chakra/head). Center of intuition, insight, devotion to spiritual knowledge, wisdom and psychic abilities. Governs pituitary, nose, ears & eyes. Color: Indigo

The next center is the pineal or [violet]/indigo-ray center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex, which has its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density, it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity. [pride]

-PINEAL GLAND. Primary Hormones: serotonin a derivative of melatonin. A hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/sexual functions. Also a powerful anti-oxidant and aids in protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Synthetic melatonin is used to help insomnia. The pineal gland connects the two hemispheres of the brain. The production of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. High levels of melatonin are thought to inhibit sexual activity/development. Damage or depressed pineal activity is shown to correlate with accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton. (Metaphysically, ‘spiritual’ growth is also stimulated by pain and spiritual darkness, physical growth & activity would be stimulated by pleasure and physical “light”). The gland has been found to govern many aspects of chronobiology, which studies the link between organisms and solar/lunar cycles.

darkness = high melatonin = low libido & sexual development = high anti-oxidant = slow aging = sleepy
light = low melatonin = high libido & sexual development = fast aging

Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults, and has been observed in children as young as 2. Calcification rates vary widely by country and tend to increase by age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year. Spiritualist often correlate this with decreased spiritual abilities and manifestations.

7th- SAHASRARA (crown chakra) Highest Center associated with merging of human with the divine, spiritual Unity and final Liberation from the karmic wheel and earth plane. Governs the Cerebral Cortex, central nervous system, and pineal gland. Colors: Violet,Clear,Opal,White, & Gold.

The remaining center of energy influx is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit. It is as it will be, “balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance. Whatever the distortion may be, it cannot be manipulated as can the others and, therefore, has no particular importance in viewing the balancing of an entity.

-PITUITARY GLAND. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis. It appears to be the ultimate balancing gland, with the ability and task of regulating many of the functions of the others.

Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland help control the following body processes:
-Growth (Excess of HGH can lead to gigantism and acromegaly.)
-Blood pressure
-Some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including stimulation of uterine contractions during childbirth
-Breast milk production
-Sex organ functions in both males and females
-Thyroid gland function
-The conversion of food into energy (metabolism)
-Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
-Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
-Temperature regulation
-Pain relief



Also Note: Navel/Root- In and out of earthly food. Mind/Heart- In and out of spiritual food/knowledge. Lower three have to do with earthly/Temporal things, upper three have to do with spiritual things. One crown to rule them all. Temporal being closer to earth, spiritual three upright closer to heaven.

Navel is intake and digestion of food passed to root where it is expelled, Mind is intake of spiritual food passed on to heart where it is expelled or given back to the creator as love. Both have a type of reversed functioning as well(?).

Add this chart here:

Other Insights

The base chakra or sexual response (either desire/lust or fear/disgust) is the first great mediating power for energy. Much like the mouth is the greatest regulator of food, being able to open or close, chew & store, the base chakra is able to take ingested energies and pass them up the spine to the head, or it can store or eject the energy before it comes far into the system. One with a poorly developed energy pathway will find that even the slightest increase in incoming energy is felt as sexual heat where the body seeks to eject this energy. (ie. in or digestive system parallel, it is like someone over-eating and throwing up because their digestive track is too small for the ingested energy.) A well developed pathway will allow large amounts of energy without creating heat, but instead the energy is effectively placed in the spinal fluid and carried up the spine into the brain, and then down from the brain into the nervous system and on to the other glands.

Fractal Relationships with Atomic Orbital Shells & Planetary Electromagnetic Fields

There is also a fractal relationship between the chakras or human energy centers and those found in atoms and planetary bodies. The seven orbital shells or electron valence shells are fairly well understood by science.  They are essentially electromagnetic fields surrounding an atom holding discrete or quantized amounts of polarized energy which our culture visualizes as electrons. Studying the relationships between the nucleus (an atom’s core vibration) and the energy shells can teach you a lot about the body and how the “spiritual bodies” or energy centers work. The following is a bit of a refresher.

-The number of valence shells an atom has or can hold has to do with the mass (or proton charge) of an atom’s nucleus. As one goes down on the periodic table (the rows), the mass number grows as well as the number of energy shells.

-The amount of energy in a valence shell (number of electrons) becomes greater as one moves to the right (the columns) on the periodic table.  The number of electrons (amount of energy) an atom can hold stably is also dependant upon the mass/number of protons (or the nuclear core vibration).

-Atoms are most stable if the number of electrons or energy in the shells matches the mass or core energy charge of the nucleus. If there are less electrons than protons, we call the atom a negative ion. If it’s the other way around, we call it a positive ion. Isotopes have to do with having a greater mass number from excess neutrons in the nucleus and are more complicated, so we will not address them now.  There are many ions which stay relatively balanced despite the imbalance in their charge, but in general atoms cannot exist unless they maintain a balance, to within a few electrons.

periodic table of the elements showing the electron shells of each element.

periodic table of the elements showing the electron shells of each element.

Planetary bodies follow essentially the same rules as atoms.  Unless they are dead (which many are), they also have energy shells which we call electromagnetic fields.  Our current science doesn’t see a lot of the correlations between the micro world (atoms) and the macro world (planets), but there is a lot of ancient religious (especially Hindu & Chinese) and modern channeled material explaining these relationships.   The amount of energy a planet’s electromagnetic field holds is also dependent upon its mass and core vibration.  The interactions between our Sun and Jupiter are one of the best examples of how these relationships work. Jupiter (which is roughly 1/10th the size of the sun) acts as a binary pair to our Sun. The center of gravity of the two, lays just outside the circumference of the Sun.

As with all binary orbits, as these two bodies approach perigee (closest orbital distance), they accelerate which induces a charge in both. (Remember that accelerating a charge through an oscillating magnetic field induces a current. see my physics article for details.)  This increased Charge increases until it overcomes the surface tension of the sphere (which can be accelerated by an object coming through its mag field) and like a Van de Graaff Generator it then releases bits of the excess charge in plasma ejections which we call Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) in the case of the Sun.  The Sun and Jupiter reach perigee once every 11 years during Solar Max.  So as they approach the Sun becomes more energized and increases the frequency of CME’s until it ejects enough energy or tangles with Jupiter [rework this] causing its electromagnetic shields to drop. Which then realign in the opposite direction for reasons not fully understood (see my physics article).

Exaggerated illustration of the binary nature of the Sun and Jupiter. Thier true center of gravity lies just outside the circumference of the Sun. This relationship creates an orbital resonance which in turn interacts with the galactic field

Exaggerated illustration of the binary nature of the Sun and Jupiter. Thier true center of gravity lies just outside the circumference of the Sun. This relationship creates an orbital resonance which in turn interacts with the galactic field

The parallels between these phenomena and human biology are quite obvious.  People also have very weak energy shells which are created by internal dynamos within our bodies (the electrochemical endocrine organs, nervous system & iron in the circulating blood).  These organs create the electrochemical charges which function our energetic systems (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems).  Much as with planets, our movement and relation to currents and electromagnetic fields influences these partially shielded systems.  As with the Sun and Jupiter, when two human become a binary system in resonance, a potential is created which causes both to energize on approach and can cause energy exchange during sexual energy transfer (which is not the same as biological sex).  In similar ways this energy is most often transferred through both the auras (weak human electromagnetic fields), and in the biological/chemical system also through the plasma (seminal fluids).

Questions & Answers. Things Still to Write About

-The greater one’s spiritual mass, the more energy one can hold both internally (nucleus) and externally (fields/auras). What dictates a person’s spiritual mass?  Is it related to physical weight?  How do you change this? (internally by movement and diet, externally by thought)  Is the internal energy all you can control, or can work on the aura or electromag shell actually change the gland’s energetics? (yes)

-Activating and strengthening sequential chakras must be analogous to activating and strengthening valence shells. (Activating the shell is done by awakening the electrochemical reactions in that endocrine gland, such as with puberty. And strengthening is to increase the energy flow to it or add electrons or energy to it).  Best practices?

-How do you know where you are in this process?  How do you stay in balance?

There are two balances we must maintain. One is the balance between protons and electrons or core mass/charge and valence/aural charge. The other is a balance between the chakras and corresponding valence shells themselves. They stack on eachother so they must maintain their proper energy density (strength), shape, etc..  In the body the electrochemical reactions of the endocrine glands must be kept in balance. (which can be worked on internally or externally)

-What effect does sex have on the endocrine system? Why does it sometimes seem to energize and other times seem to deenergize and destabilize. How is it that external energy transfer through the fields seems to work at a distance? (because fields are connected through the next higher field, remember the toroflux analog on connected strings.) How can it be mutually strengthening? (because if in balance, the energy transferred through the plasma is passed back to the giver through the aural fields. This is where harmonics comes in, you must be in rhythm with matching harmonic frequencies. The effectiveness of the energy transfer has to do with this. There is a lot riding on the function of endocrine glands with this.)

-Sex without love is energy transfer with no feedback mechanism. There is no conservation of energy. This is the danger of indiscriminate sex, pornography or self-sex, it empties and can obliterate one’s power (desire/energy balance).

-What determines negative or positive polarity in a person? (Their selfishness or unselfishness). Is an Ion or an isotope the analog? (Its an isotope, ions are temporary imbalance between the chakras. Core vibrations determine the kind of polarity you are thinking about.)

-How does religious practice (especially in regards to Mormonism) relate to all this. What function to ordinances play in bonding groups and exchanging spiritual energies, both within the mortal group and into the spiritual dimensions?

Chakra / Spiritual Center Outline

CONDENSED OUTLINE OF CHAKRAS (words used in bible to refer to chakra regions. Also note that the seven are condensed to five by combining the top two and bottom two into one. The LDS temple anointings are a simplified western analog to the more detailed (an ancient) eastern chakra system.

-brain = mind
-throat = throat, (as in raising one’s voice)
-heart = heart
-kidneys = bowels (also navel and reins)
-reproductive = loins

INSIDE TO OUT. (The Hebrew Bible & Kabbalah also applies the same relative relationship to body systems moving from inside to outside.)

-marrow (spiritual strength)
-bones (physical strength)
-sinews (balanced center)
-muscle (physical strength)
-skin (spiritual strength/worthiness. As in unworthiness of one with leprosy)

glands in respect to progression
-first (base) = the cycle of awareness;
-second (sacral/loins, reproductive glands) = the cycle of growth/division;
-third (solar plexus/navel, Adrenal & Pancreas) = the cycle of self-awareness/self-ishness;
-fourth (heart, Thymus) the cycle of love or understanding; (polarity reversal begins, expanding characteristics begin to contract)
-fifth (throat/neck, Thyroid) = the cycle of light or wisdom; (share-able knowledge or love)
-sixth (third eye/head, Pineal & Pituitary) = the cycle of light/love, love/light, or unity (of the heart & mind, faith & works, higher balance)
-seventh (crown) = the gateway cycle; (ascension to higher consciousness and next realm begins)

Judas, The Sons of Perdition and Service to Self

“During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion of abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for others, the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention, but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the environment provided in a Service-to-Other community to be a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and preoccupied, just not lively enough. The Service-to-Self are generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other and the spiritually undecided as they are today. At times it takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite inevitable.”

Wow. this is relevant. Who in the church or our family has truly chosen God with his liberation and forgiveness, and who in our church or family has chosen Lucifer, with his power hungry control structure. I have been wispered to by that serpent on ocasion as most have, “give me your power and I’ll make everyone follow the plan”. Put me in a position of power and I’ll “make” them all fit into my concept of righteousness. I’ll convince them to behave “rightly” with my eloquence and logic and power, now only if I was a Bishop or the Prophet, or could do miracles, then I could do some “good”.

Do we see the fallacies here? Do we try and control others to make ourselves feel like “righteous servents”? Or do we see how God cares so much about our freedom of choice that he builds into his true religion (all true religion) a structure where both the selfish “service-to self” and the unselfish “service to others” can succeed in thier chosen path. He sets up a tightly governed control structure that the selfish can use to manipulate others into thier world view… thier image of God. At the same time, the church is also a vessel which can be use by the non-selfish, “service to others” individual to better love and help each-other achieve thier own self determination.

As John explains, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19, also see GOHT 75:1). Judas chose service to self. By the end of his life, he became sufficiently selfish as to achieve resurrection or harvestability in that orientation. Jesus knew it. He knew Judas, the levite (a close childhood friend) had slowly drifted to that orientation from thier youth. He knew he was minupulative and thieving. But out of love and respect for his friend he kept him as an apostle. With time Christ even realized he would be murdered at Judas betraying hand. And yet “as a sheep openeth not his mouth”, he quietly let things play out knowing the outcome was thier destiny, but hoping all the while that his friend would change. That he would turn from his self-destructive path of selfishness and go to the light. In fact, in Christ’s death, and his treatment of Judas he sowed the seeds of his eventual salvation… (in a future cycle anyway).

It makes me wonder who in history has been as Judas? Judas thought he was “doing God a favor”. He was a true nationalist and believed Jesus would save Israel so it could fulfill its destiny of ruling all nations. He was deeply orthodox. He believed that by getting Jesus arrested he would use his miracles to finally show the rulers he was God, and that the people would set him up as the ruler (GOHT 76:29-30). He did not understand that Christ’s mission was one of submission and sacrifice, not control. He did not understand “what spirit he was of” (ref). He did not understand the needed ballance between obedience and sacrifice, between control and submission. The ballance of serving ones self in order to serve others instead of serving others in order to serve one’s self. I cant help but think that the ratio of one in twelve is an accurate ratio of truly service to self vs. truly service to others in this world. I cant help but think that perhaps there have been a handful of LDS apostles (and certainly dozens of Catholic Popes) that have been harvestable service to self individuals, radically adicted to control and dogma. But that is the plan, and always has been. It is the whole reason the father set up the garden drama in the first place. It is given to us to choose for ourselve, and it is the purpose of mortality to force us to make that choice. To choose Christ or Satan. Force or Liberty. It is somewhat of a shame that the “preacher” was taken out of the temple drama. Im guessing that there were good intentions in doing it, but it’s inclusion was God’s, Joseph’s and Brigham’s way of teaching us these very important lessons about the dual nature of both government and religion.

LDS Eternal Progression

Eternal Progression, Degrees of Glory, and the Resurrection: A Comparative Cosmology

LDS Eternal Progression

This article seeks to present a new and comprehensive cosmology as seen from an LDS viewpoint, but using the best of non-LDS sources for greater understanding. Cosmology is defined as “the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe”, but in religious terms it is more properly an understanding of how man, god and religion fit into the origin, purpose and destiny of the human soul within the universe. LDS people call this “Eternal Progression” within The Plan of Salvation. Joseph Smith’s view of eternal progression added a lot to the existing cosmology of Catholicism and Medieval Christianity, but the many works cited in this paper add immensely to the general LDS view, and may clear up some contradictions in the prevailing LDS view of the afterworld.


This article is under construction. Check back for updates!

1. Our Solar System has an orbit within our galaxy much like our planet orbits our sun. This orbit brings us through many varying energy densities which essentially control the progression or evolution of our planet and its inhabitants. The progression of mankind and people individually cannot be fully understood outside of the context of of physical cosmology–because they are synchronous.
2. The fractal (micro/macrocosm) or law of relative relationships is the key to understanding ourselves, our earth/ solar system, galaxy and the universe. The majority of ancient and esoteric cosmologies seek to use symbols to typify the fractal patterns of our galaxy–patterns existing in the respective levels of; the atom, the human body, the planet (body), the solar (body) and the galaxy. The patterns are often summarized in the religious use of the numbers 1,2,3,7, & 12 and their corresponding shapes (sacred geometry). The religious use of these numbers & symbols loosely summarizes very complicated concepts of physics which govern the major divisions of our earth & galaxy. Thier use also serves as a pattern or outline to understanding cosmology.
3. The number one. One symbolizes the Father; the universal natural law or the infinite & intelligent unifying field which unites all matter and intelligence in our galaxy and the universe. This all encompassing principle which Hebrew religion called “The Most-High God” & His Power/Spirit. Many high beings seek to mimic and speak in the name of this highest principle. Differing religious systems use different words and concepts to explain this symbol of first cause… but agree that it is the all-highest, eternal or first created principle of intelligence in the universe.
4. The number two. Two symbolizes the fundamental duality of the aforementioned unity (or “The Father”). Relative relationships of this duality include corporality & spirit, seen & unseen, positive & negative, masculine & feminine, father & son. Every atom and inhabited body (planet, sun, etc) in our galaxy contain this duality; which we will call physical and spiritual dimensions– a visible, particle-like core and an invisible, wave-like energy shell. In the case of bodies large enough to house consciousness these are the planetary body, and its electromagnetic field wherein non-incarnate intelligence dwells.
5. The number three. The Trinity/Godhead, symbolized by the Father-Mother-Son or Father-Son-Spirit or three realms of glory, etc. Each of two aforementioned dimensions naturally tend to separate into three divisions each, which we will classify as quantum levels, “kingdoms”, “realms” or “glories”. A few physical examples of these divisions are the three states of matter and the three electron orbitals (not counting ground state). Most modern Christian descriptions of heaven use this pattern to divide the heavenly regions of the earth. The LDS three degrees of glory spoken of in D&C 76 dualistically speaks of these divisions. Although classifications vary greatly, each earth and each heaven or spirit word contain these divisions.
6. The number seven. The seven archangels, dispensations or Elohim. On a much greater scale, the galaxy contains seven divisions of energy/light which we will term as densities, “glories” or progression levels. Every sphere in the Galaxy (planet or sun) progresses up and down through these levels sequentially. The seven periods or energy levels of the atom are a fractal of these states. Density boundaries are equivalent to the Hebrew and Christian “harvest” seasons and described in greater detail by Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies. Also symbolized by the Elohim, Archangels and creative periods. Some uses of LDS Telestial, Terrestrial and Celestial glories seek to represent levels three, four and five of these seven divisions.
As an example of how these divisions pertain to earth and mankind, we could summarize by stating the earth has two dimensions; the material world we live in and the spirit world which houses our consciousness when we die. Each of these dimensions tends to divide into three somewhat arbitrary divisions or glories. As the earth and its heavens orbit the galactic core (along with all their inhabitants) they progress through the seven energy densities, evolving/progressing from a state of lower/fragmented intelligence into what are often classified as gods, higher beings or unified planetary consciousness/intelligences. The various terms such as ‘heaven’, ‘resurrection’, ‘god’, ‘celestial’, ‘angel/archangel’ used by mystics and religion to explain these divisions and processes can be very confusing and misleading for reasons we will explain.

Is Religious Cosmology Man-made or Revealed?
The advocacy group “Survival International” suggests that as of the year 2010, there are at least 100 uncontacted indigenous tribal peoples living world-wide. The pictures below were taken by airplane in 2010 of a tribe living near the Peruvian / Brazilian border which officials in the civilized world have known about and monitored since at least 1910. Groups such as Survival International fight for these group’s right of self-determination and try to uphold policy enforcing no-fly zones and no travel zones which leave the groups in peace until they purposefully seek contact with the outside world for themselves. It is obvious from pictures such as these and other encounters that these tribes are frightened and negatively affected by encounters from the outside world. (Even marginal contact often introduces disease which decimates these types of tribal populations) It is a bit amazing to think that there are dozens of these isolated unevolved groups living in the midst of such a connected, advanced, technological world. (consider this YouTube video for instance)

The implications of this on the idea that man is alone in the universe should be obvious. Could mankind really be the only advanced life in the multiverse? Does anyone really believe there are not sophisticated civilizations which exist in the heavens or other dimensions, watching over, protecting, and studying us on our evolutionary journey of self determination and progression? Isn’t it probable that advanced life in our galaxy looks at earth’s inhabitants with the same pity, compassion and respect for self determination, as our technologically advanced world looks on these aboriginal tribal groups?

Uncontacted primitive tribe living in Brazilian rain forest photographed in 2010

Uncontacted primitive tribe living in Brazilian rain forest photographed in 2010 (red & black is body paint). Many such groups exists which are totally unaware of the advanced world around them.

In the following article I suggest that most of the world’s religious and scientific advancement is very likely result of inspiration passed to man from advanced extra-dimensional groups in the heavens. These groups seem to have carefully and subtly worked within our superstitions and religious traditions to telepathically pass information which might help us individually and as a planet to one day join the galactic community–without frightening us or violating our right to self-determination. However, because of the contradictory aspects of channeled/revealed literature and near-death experiences, it also seems evident that any such interaction happens in a subjective metaphysical realm where the cultural beliefs and expectations of the individual are strangely meshed with completely unique and new information which seems to be passed to them. Such ideas might seem a bit crazy… but then again you might think about what the aboriginal people in the above pictures thought when they tried to tell their friends about their unbelievable encounter with a low-flying helicopter.

Law of witnesses
LDS people like to talk about the law of witnesses spoken of in 2 Cor. 13:1 which says that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established”. I believe this common-sense concept applies to all truths revealed to man by higher dimensional groups. The highly organized, and strictly governed groups in the heavens, which religion’s typically associate with “God”, subtly reveal truths through the subconscious of witnesses to each respective class of people on earth according to their existing traditions and ability to receive offered information. So not only have heavenly truths been shown to multiple witnesses within Israel or the earth’s major religions but those heavenly truths are also revealed through multiple separate secular witnesses and thus on to the world at large. In Mormonism we call the religious witnesses, prophets, seers or revelators; although the generally accepted term in most of Western society for a religious witness is a “clairvoyant”, “channel” or “mystic“.  As I have combed the world’s revealed texts for cosmological information, I have found a handful of works which have been especially helpful in piecing together a cohesive view which expands and makes sense of the piecemeal and often ambiguous descriptions of cosmology found in LDS scripture.

Most Mormon’s see Joseph Smith (1805 to 1844) as the ultimate modern witness to heavenly beings, and the only true modern revelator of religious cosmology. However, this article will seek to prove that there are many more modern cosmological witnesses outside of Mormonism than in it. For instance, John Ballou Newbrough’s work (1828-1891) claimed to receive a book of scripture from light-beings which is larger than Joseph’s Book of Mormon & D&C and contains far more detailed cosmological information. He was followed by another in the seer and mystic John Sebastian Ward (1885-1949) whose channeled works on the Spirit world correspond closely to Joseph Smith’s revelation of heaven found in D&C 76. Yet an earlier forerunner was Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) whose exhaustive works likely influenced Joseph’s theology. There are many more skilled adepts and scientists in each major division of the world who were parts of the inspired religious reformation movements, religious great awakenings and industrial/technological revolutions. A few of the most popular of the Second Great Awakening were Siyyid Shírází (Founder of Bahá’í Faith; 8 million adherents), Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad (Aḥmadiyya Muslims; 20 million adherents), Hong Xiuquan (prophetic icon of Chinese millennialism)

In the last few decades it seems most modern individuals producing ‘revealed’ works have considered themselves part of the “new age movement”. One quite modern example was Don Elkins, whose strangely original works pioneered much of new age cosmology and like the Newbrough, Blavatsky and the Theosphical Society, did a fantastic job of harmonizing the worldviews of ancient eastern and western prophetic or mystic works. All of these individuals taught controversial cosmological concepts which are in many cases validated by modern consensus oriented scientific inquiry. All of these prophet/seers (called mystics in modern terms), claim to have been taught by light-beings or angels (or “Jesus” if this was their religious tradition), as well as seeing “heaven” and channeling large literary works. Works which give strikingly similar accounts of eternal progression, the constitution of heaven and a new theology—greatly advancing the prevailing ideas taught in Catholicism and medieval Christianity. Each of these individuals work’s mirrored larger cultural changes in social and industrial thought and development. By piecing together the evidence given by all their accounts, I’ll attempt to construct picture of the afterlife which seems to harmonize the views of many major earthly religions with each other as well as with scientific findings. And I believe that future consensus oriented scientific inquiry will eventually iron out the misconceptions and distortions of the world’s religious views and bring the world into a general unity of belief and understanding concerning the metaphysical realms and the ways in which higher dimensional being communicate in those realms.

The plan of salvation

standard simplistic LDS view of eternal progression

Identifying misunderstanding
Like most large religious sects, the LDS church is typically a little narrow minded as to what revelations or prophets it accepts or believes. Because of this, LDS theology has not advanced much past the cosmological ideas of Joseph Smith and the early nineteenth century. In teaching our view of cosmology, LDS missionaries commonly use the above diagram, which although somewhat corresponding to the accounts of other modern mystics in a simplistic sense– ends up distorting the available picture of revealed Christian cosmology. It suggests that the degrees of glory seen in Smith’s D&C 76 revelation, are different spheres or planets of sorts, completely separate from earth or the spirit world to which men pass after corporeal resurrection. A careful reading of Joseph Smith’s revelations, in comparison to other given revelations shows this is not quite the case (we will cover this misunderstanding in detail much later). The illustration and prevailing view also ignores Smith’s view of earth’s future status as a “terrestrial kingdom” during the millennium, or the earth’s future status as a “celestial kingdom” (LDS Terms to be described later). The illustration also perpetuates distorted views concerning the ‘Spirit World’ being a two-divisioned, disembodied realm where the majority of people on earth wait for an extended period of time until the “resurrection”, which will occur at the beginning and end of the millennium (which again is a gross oversimplification.) I have attempted to create some diagrams of my own to better show the complexity of available revealed Christian cosmology. However, I have been met with frustration realizing that they will also inevitably introduce confusion and misunderstanding in people’s minds. It is simply too difficult to properly depict the complexity of the modern mystic accounts of dimensional divisions in pictures so I will try to draw on as many examples in physics as possible. Hopefully they will help people get at least one step closer to the picture of reality as described by the many witnesses.

A less simplified view of LDS cosmology based on LDS theology. Events like the “fall, flood and second coming” are archetypes based on Judeo-christian worldviews which use partially mythological events to teach important symbolic truths.

The first step to understanding modern channeled Christian cosmology or “eternal progression” is to have at least a general understanding of the earth’s progression or orbit within the galaxy. Since man’s progression is said to follow that of the earth’s evolution, an understanding of cosmology gives a framework for us to better understand earth’s origins and destiny. Many LDS scriptures show this is supposedly often the first step taken by higher beings in educating mystics/prophets, and was among the first concepts shown to Moses (Moses 1:4,33–38), Abraham (Abr 3:2–21), Enoch (Moses 7), the Brother of Jared (Ether 3:25) and others. Joseph Smith purports to have introduced a very basic version of this cosmology in the Pearl of Great Price (see facsimile 2). In his channeled works (footnote: it is important to note that Joseph’s works were channeled, not translated), Joseph Smith suggests that there is a physical and spiritual hierarchical order to the universe where stars/planets gravitationally and energetically rule over the evolution of other stars/planets and the higher dimensional rulers of those systems rule over the inhabitants of the governed bodies as well. Abraham states in Smith’s Pearl of Great Price that he,

2 …saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it;
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.

In the notes written by Joseph Smith for the hypocephalus (facsimile 2) we get more detail stating that “Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God.” Is “first in government, the last pertaining the the measurement of time”. Abraham is further taught that Kolob has a binary or sister sphere of sorts called Oliblish by the Egyptians that “stands next to Kolob”, being “the next grand governing creation near the celestial or the place where God resides. …which is equal with Kolob in its revolution and in its measuring of time”. The account suggests these bodies are either governing masses in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or a binary system composing one of the “twelve fixed stars” described below. The power and gravitational influence of these bodies is then traced down through two more “stars” called Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam which then pass their power onto Kae-e-vanrash which in turn “governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, [including]… the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions.” In Joseph Smiths personal notes to the hypocephalus and “Alphabet of the Egyptian Language”, he goes into a bit more detail naming the “twelve fixed stars” (of which Kolob belongs) and “fifteen moving planets”, as well as giving what seems to be a slightly different explanation of some of the aforementioned spheres…

“Oliblish, Enish-go-on-dosh, and Kaii-ven-rash, are the three grand central powers that govern all the other creations, which have been sought out by the most aged of all the fathers, since the beginning of the creation, by means of the Urim and Thummim: The names of the other twelve of the fixed stars are: Kolob, Limdi, Zip, Vusel, Venisti, Waine, Wayoh-ox-oan, oansli, Shible, Shineflis, flis, os. The Egyptian names of the fifteen moving planets are: Oanisis, Flosisis, floese, Abbesels, Eleash, Subble, Slundlo, Carroam, Crashmakraw, obblesisim, Izinsbah, missel.

“Kli flosisis signifies Kolob in its motion, which is swifter than the rest of the twelve fixed stars; going before, being first in motion, being delegated to have power over others to regulate others in their time” (J.S. Alphabet of the Egyptian Language)

Comparison of Earth\’s nearly circular orbit around the Sun to Our Solar System’s more elliptical orbit around the Galactic Core in our Milky Way Galaxy. In reality the orbital path more resembles a serpent as it helically spirals or zig-zags above and below the galactic equatorial plane.

Comparing this to what we currently know of our Galaxy, its not easily understood what Joseph Smith was getting at (or if this is a feasible astronomical model at all). But although this cosmological model may at first seem a bit far-fetched, it in fact has more witnesses to its general validity in both John Newbrough’s work and in Hindu and eastern cosmology. Just a few decades after Joseph Smith, Newbrough independently wrote a cohesive and highly illustrated cosmology consisting of our solar system orbiting through our Milky Way galaxy in a circuit, in his book Oahspe, A Sacred History of the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth.

1. First, the earth plieth in a circuit around the sun, which circuit is divided into four arcs called spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. Second, the sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit [around the center of the galaxy], which is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand years or one [harvest] cycle.
3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the spiritual regions of hundreds of etherean worlds, where dwell Jehovah’s high-raised angels, whose Chiefs have to do with the management of worlds.
4. During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of such of Jehovah’s angels for the resurrection of man of the earth. (Oahspe 9/1.1)

Like Joseph Smith’s work, Newbrough’s work suggests that as our Solar System orbits the Galactic core, we pass by higher dimensional “etherean” worlds or “governing” systems which are inhabited by higher dimensional beings who subtly govern the inhabitants of world who pass within their domains. Newbrough’s works contain hundreds of pages which detail the histories, philosophies and tactics of these extra-dimensional beings. And the picture they paint is surprisingly similar to Joseph Smith’s and many ancient religious myths which integrate religion into the movement of our solar system’s as it orbits around the milky-way galaxy. Just as a single rotation around the sun can be separated into 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days; so also did the ancients try to give names to the corresponding orbital periods of the solar system moving in the Galaxy. An example is given below

The differing worlds of dimensions of ancient Norse Cosmology.

1. And thou [speaking to an officer of the current governing “god” of earth] shalt dwell in thy kingdom seven years and sixty days, and the time shall be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding shall be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth bringeth forth.
2. And the time from one dawn of dan to another shall be called one dan’ha; and four dan’ha shall be called one square, because this is the sum of one density, which is twelve thousand of the earth’s years. And twelve squares shall be called one cube, which is the first dividend of the third space, in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth. And four cubes shall be called one sum, because the magnitude thereof embraceth one equal of the Great Serpent. (Oahspe 07/2.6)

The Zodiac, Precession of the Equinoxes & their Effect on Earth
Both Newbrough’s and Smith’s works suggest that in ancient times, higher beings came to earth and taught men a general understanding of astronomy & astrophysics and their relationship to galactic rule. The idea of a “great celestial serpent” is found in many ancient cultures and generally seems to describe the Galactic Orbit of our Solar System following a sinusoidal or possibly helical pattern as it dips above and below the galactic equatorial plane. These motions relate to Earth’s precession of the equinoxes as well as the precession or axial wobbling of our sun. (The sun wobbles and travels in a slight helical pattern because of the gravitational effects of Jupiter and the other large planets; seen from the side this orbital path would look like a stretched spring or partially coiled flying serpent.) What makes Oahspe, the Law of One and Joseph Smith’s mystic works unique is the picture they paint of how these well understood astronomical phenomena affects the earth and its inhabitants. Their works agree, first in suggesting that just as the earth experience’s periodic “conjunctions” with other larger planets in its orbit around the sun, our solar system also experiences conjunctions with far larger star clusters as it orbits the galactic core. These star clusters not only subtly affect our solar system gravitationally and electromagnetically, they also rule us spiritually as they contain “gods”, archangels or unified planetary consciousnesses who “have to do with the management of worlds” (Oahspe 9/1.3). This gives a bit more insight to Joseph Smiths hypocephalus where “god”, who is associated with a celestial body (throne) is said to rule earth from/by the fixed star known in a certain Egyptian dialect transliterated as ‘Kolob’. This idea of course, is not limited to Mormonism, Star Wars and other science fiction but exists in some form in the astrology of many ancient cultures. The following is another excerpt from Oahspe which gives a more detailed account of earth’s galactic orbit and how it relates to “heavenly” government.

04/7.2. And Jehovah caused the earth, and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requires of them four million seven hundred thousand years. And He placed in the line of the orbit, at distances of [approximately] three thousand years, etherean [celestial] lights, at which places, as the earth passes through, angels from the second heaven come into its corporeal presence. As ambassadors they come, in companies of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, and these are called the etherean [celestial] hosts of the Most High.
04/7.3. They come not as single individuals; nor do they come for a single individual mortal.
04/7.4. And Jehovah gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan’ha, the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals. Every three thousand years Jehovah gave this sign on earth, so that those, who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar spirits, could bear testimony regarding the origin of man on earth. || Jehovah said: And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan’ha that these signs manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High come soon after. Let him who will become wise, enumerate the great lights of My serpent, for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew. ||
04/7.5. In the time of the earth, when man was brought forth from mortal to immortal life, the earth passed beyond se’mu [interstellar organic debris]. The angels of heaven remained with corporeal man, but not in the semblance of mortals, but as spirits; and by virtue of their presence, strove to make man wise and upright before Jehovah. Upon the earth the number of such angels was millions. To these angels Jehovah spoke:
04/7.6. Behold the work you have taken in hand! It was commanded to you all, to partake of all the fruits of the earth except of the fruit of the tree of life, which is of the knowledge of the earth and heaven, lest you lose your inheritance in etherea.
04/7.7. Behold, you now have sons and daughters on the earth; by your love to them you have become bound spirits of the lower heaven. Until you redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation, you shall not rise again and inherit My emancipated heavens.
04/7.8. To which end you shall be co workers with one another in system and order. In My name you shall become an organic body and known as the heaven of the earth, or lower heaven, which shall travel with the earth.
04/7.9. And I will allot to you a Chief, who is wise in experience in founding heavenly kingdoms; and he shall appoint from among you, officers, messengers, ashars, asaphs, and es’enaurs [angel leadership positions], and you shall be numbered and apportioned to your labor and places, like in My other lower heavens on other worlds.
04/7.10. He who is Chief shall be called God of this heaven and the earth, which are now bestowed to his making.
04/7.11. And God shall have a Council and throne within his heavenly city; and the place shall be called Hored, because it is the first kingdom of God in this firmament.
04/7.12. And God shall rule on his throne, for it is his; and his Council shall rule with him; in My name they shall have dominion over angels and mortals belonging to the earth.
04/7.13. And God shall appoint Chiefs under him who shall go down and dwell on the earth with mortals; and the labor of these Chiefs shall be with mortals for their resurrection. And these Chiefs shall be called Lords, for they are Gods of land, which is the lowest rank of My commissioned Gods.
04/7.14. And God and his Lords shall have dominion from two hundred years to a thousand or more years; but never more than three thousand years [a Dan]. According to the regions of dan (light) into which I bring the earth, so shall the terms be for the office of My Gods and My Lords.
04/7.15. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors; these officers shall be appointed and crowned in My name by God and his Lords.
04/7.16. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords, they shall in these, My bound heavens, gather together all those angels who have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My etherean [celestial] kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah, for they are Mine and in My service.
04/7.17. And in the time of dan I will send down ships from etherea to God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms; by My etherean [celestial] Gods and Goddesses, these ships shall descend to these heavens to receive God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.
04/7.18. All those who ascend shall be called a Harvest to Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles, because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give to My servants.
04/7.19. But at no other times, nor in any other way, shall My Harvests ascend to My emancipated worlds in etherea. For each and every dan’ha I have created seven dans, and to each dan given six generations of mortals.

Oaspe as well as other channeled texts also detail the spacecraft and dimension shifting technology which these higher beings use in covertly guiding and governing the affairs of earth. The Law of One, a more modern cosmological work channeled by Don Elkin, goes into great detail to explain the rules of non-intervention these beings are bound by, in order to preserve man’s rights to self-determination. These texts also explain the way in which communication and travel between the various dimensions is bound by laws of physics relating to the earth’s 11 year solar cycle and the position of our solar system within its Galactic orbit.

Illustration comparing the divisions of earth’s Gregorian Solar Calendar with the divisions outlined in Oahspe and ancient mythologies of the Galactic Calendar. These divisions are the ‘Times and Seasons’ mentioned in the Bible and the LDS D&C. Just as the earth’s seasons are caused by our planets position in the solar system combined with our earth’s axial tilt, so also are solar seasons dependent upon our solar system’s position in the galaxy combined with our Sun’s ‘axial tilt’ and position in the galactic plane.

<!– add another illustration that is a closeup of a square made on the above illustration. so in a small portion of the universe orbit we zoom in on the earth going from one of these “fixed” star systems to another. make its orbit a sinusoidal wave like oahspe shows, and explain that it is spiraling and show how it moves through the dimension, and perhaps even how it splits or activates new dimensions… –>

Additionally, Oahspe and the Law of One suggest that as the earth travels through the Galaxy, it passes through regions with differing energy density, which actually affect the consciousness and intelligence of mankind in general. This concept linking energy or light in the galaxy with intelligence and consciousness of mankind is also taught in Mormonism in the Doctrine and Covenants.

7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made….
11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—
13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:11–13)

Oahspe and the Law of One go into far more detail on the specifics of how the intensity of interstellar cosmic energy reaching the earth affects human consciousness and behavior. It suggests that most ages of enlightenment as well as ages of apostasy and intellectual darkness are caused by the amount of intergalactic energy reaching our solar system.

38/7.6. The prophets of old divided time into cycles of three thousand years, with slight variations. And they found that at the beginning of these periods of time, a certain impulse came upon the people, causing them to try to be better and wiser—even as the same feeling is manifesting itself this day in many nations.
38/7.7. The scale then rises for four hundred years, more or less; and, after that, wars and epidemics come upon the people. They then begin to decline, especially in virtue and peace, but the general intelligence suffers little for about another six or seven hundred years. After which time, they destroy their libraries and records, and reduce themselves to ignorance and vice. Then a darkness follows of one thousand or more years, with slight intermissions. And after that, for six hundred years the corporeal senses [intellect] begin to ascend. Self conceit comes upon them; they think they are the beginning of wisdom on earth. Then comes another cycle of light. Angels descend from the unseen worlds. New revelations crop up in every quarter. Inspiration comes upon mortals, and they go to the opposite extreme, becoming superstitious and obedient to unseen influences.
38/7.8. Such, then, is the general character and behavior of man during a cycle (dan’ha cycle). And he rises and falls in all these particulars as regularly as the tides of the ocean.
38/7.9. These revelations are chiefly made so that man can begin to comprehend these things, and learn to classify them so as to rise in wisdom and virtue, and thus overcome these epidemic seasons of cycles.
38/7.10. As previously shown, there are positive and negative forces continually going to and escaping from the earth. Without these no creature could live on the earth. The negative imparts to man his corporeal growth, as well as his corporeal desires, passions, and so on.
38/7.11. According to the quantity and quality of the corpor solutions in the firmament and their precipitations to the earth, so will man be affected and inclined to manifest. These influences are easily discernible by some persons. As one is depressed by a dull day; another inclined to drunkenness and fighting. A bright day inspires man with energy… (Oahspe 38/7.6-11, Cosmogony)

This is incredibly similar to the concept of Yugas convolutedly put forth in the Hindu epic Mahabharata from around 300 BC. In it, Rishi Suka teaches the times & seasons of the Gods, referred to as the Yuga.

The Rishis, measuring time, have named particular portions by particular names… A year (of human beings) is equal to a day… of the gods. The division (as regards the gods) consists in this: the half year for which the sun travels from the vernal to the autumnal equinox is the day of the deities, and the half year for which the sun travels from the latter to the former is their night. Computing by the days and nights of human beings about which I have told thee, I shall speak of the day and night of Brahman and his years also… Four thousand years (of the deities) is the duration of the first or Krita age. The morning of that epoch consists of four hundred years and its evening is of four hundred years. (The total duration, therefore, of the Krita yuga is four thousand and eight hundred years of the deities). As regards the other yugas, the duration of each gradually decreases by a quarter in respect of both the substantive period with the conjoining portion and the conjoining portion itself. (Thus the duration of the Treta is three thousand years and its morning extends for three hundred years and its evening for three hundred [3600 years])

In the other yugas, duty, ordained in the Vedas, is seen to gradually decline by a quarter in each. Sinfulness grows in consequence of theft, untruth, and deception. In the Krita age, all persons are free from disease and crowned with success in respect of all their objects, and all live for four hundred years. In the Treta, the period of life decreases by a quarter. It has also been heard by us that, in the succeeding yugas, the words of the Vedas, the periods of life, the blessings (uttered by Brahmanas), and the fruits of Vedic rites, all decrease gradually…  The learned say that these twelve thousand years (of the deities) constitute what is called a yuga. (Mahabharata 12:231)

Just a cursory look at the Hindu Yuga source material gives the impression that these convolutedly related to the same ancient cosmology expressed in the Mayan calendar. With 144,000 Yuga Sandhya equaling the 144,000 days of the Mayan Baktun (equaling 394.26 tropical years), and the 71 Mahayugas Manvantara cycles of the Tzolk’in (72×260).

[add a law of one quote here illustrating the same point. That the “logos” (law of one terminology for a governing celestial body) dictates progression of consciousness on earth ]

The following illustrations visually depict the theorized “arcs” or regions of reinforcing or cancelling galactic energy patterns described in the preceding verses.

The Oahspe text contains many supposed ancient illustrations (channeled in 1882) of astronomic regions though which the earth passed in its galactic orbit which purportedly affected human behavior and consciousness, the pattern in this illustration (left) is surprisingly similar to the reinforced wave patterns of toroidal energy flow (right); a theoretical field pattern existing in the galaxy. The blue equatorial circle could very roughly symbolize our solar system’s orbit around the galactic core. Line nodes would represent reinforcing waves which create areas of high energy density.

Much of the Christian idea of “harvest” (Rev 14:15) comes from this same concept of Galactic “Times & Seasons”. Suggesting that higher beings in our galaxy seek to help people on earth progress in the same way that a gardener tends his garden. There are cosmically induced “winters” where the earth travels through un-energetic or thick nebulous regions of galactic dust which inhibit earth from receiving much of the higher wavelengths of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum (God’s spirit in religious terms), which mankind’s body and spirit rely on for intelligence and connectivity with each other and the rest of creation. These beings plant the “seeds” of civilization in the autumn (such as Moses to Christ), clear the weeds during winter (such as the dark ages), pour down inspiration during spring (such as the renaissance to present) and gather the fruit during summer (coming millennium). The higher off-planet beings who aid the earth transmit most orally communicated information first to the upper realms of earth’s spirit world where it filters down through multiple realms of that dimension before passing on to our dimension in the material world (see D&C 76:86–88).

18/6.21. Is a summer on the earth not half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two, one full time? So also I created for atmospherea [the spirit dimension] a dan (cycle) of four hundred years, and a half time of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half time I created one dan’ha.
18/6.22. For thousands of years I sent My Gods to teach these things, so that My angels could know the times of My resurrections. Does a farmer not have knowledge of the resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new growing things, which I raise up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should My angels have of My spring times, in atmospherea [earth’s spirit world], when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of emancipated souls?

There are several other cosmic influence dictated by our position in the galaxy, explained in Oahspe’s cosmology which we don’t have time to cover in this article. These include the 11 year solar cycle affecting the ability to travel and communicate through space. There are many activities which can occur only with the collapse of the sun’s magnetic field during solar max (references coming soon). These cycles as well as regions of nebula and gas clouds also affect man’s ability in the spirit world to raise or be resurrected between realms or kingdoms (references coming soon). The realms or kingdoms of the spirit world are also raised or lowered depending on these galactic conditions (references coming soon).

[Add a few paragraphs here showing how the highly fragmented Hindu, Buddhist and Mayan cosmological belief systems and calendars each sought to literally or figuratively describe the “arcs” or discs of the solar system’s orbit through the galaxy. Name specifically a few of the most popular. End with a chart showing how they fit with Christian Harvest cycles, Mormon cosmology ideas and how Oahspe contains the most detailed and believable framework for tying them all together with modern scientific/astronomical observations.]

Parallels between the Creation Drama, Israel’s History and Personal Progression

The Garden of Eden is dualistically a type of pre-mortal life in nearly all types.

Adam/Abel-Seth/Noah/Abraham – The covenant is first established in the Garden of Eden/Holy Land/Temple Mount/Etc, promised made to Adam/Abram’s posterity for obedience (first Aaronic Covenent), Abram pays tithes/Adam makes sacrifice, Abel & Noah also, a sign given in return (rainbow, promise of seed, appearance of God), Abram/Isaac & Adam/Abel put on the alter by father, Noah & Moses put in an Arc (corresponding to the law being put in the Arc of the covenant, covered with a Kapora/mercy covering). Animal skin/12 fig leaves sown to cover Adam & Eves nakedness, promise of 12 seed given to Abraham and Sara (each given a gem & color matching the colors of the rainbow, ex 28:21,rev 21:19,ezek 28:13), etc, etc.

Moses/Christ- The covenant is established/renewed (second Aaronic Covenant) Moses takes off his shoes, Israel given the law of the gospel/preparatory Aaronic law. Each covenant has two parts an Elias and Elijah, a preparer and a renewer, each is multi-dimensional and multi-applicable. Once people’s Elias is anther’s Elijah (Christ was an Elias to the Gentiles but Elijah to the house of Israel in one respect, and in another John was the Elias and Christ the Elijah, in another the First man Adam the Elias, and the Second Man Adam the Elijah (cor 15), etc, etc..)

Elijah/Christ – New testament/covenant established, Israel taught to stop whoring after false Gods (law of chastity) in conjunction with the Higher law/priesthood (first Melchizedek Covenant). Israel (Christ’s bride) meets in person its betrothed spouse. In one respect they are married in another they are betrothed Old law becomes dead, new law brings life, puts Israel/Christ on the right hand of God (as his robes of righteousness). Symbolized by crucifixion, Christ overcomes the tests and crushes the serpents head, he is dismissed from amidst the true saints. End of the cycle brings world into new era/chamber. The “true character” of the Priesthood and its officiators is revealed, after man (Judas) is tempted to sell Christ for money. World meets and recognizes Peter, James and John, and are told by “last man Adam” that they are true messengers of God. (major dualism here, as these things occur before receiving the second Aaron law renewal, they reoccur with each new dispensation and dispensational head, but are especially seen historically at the time of Christ)

Christ/Second Coming Christ – Renewal of the covenant, which is “made sure” symbolized by sure placed nail, Christ’s bride/betrothed bride covenants and finally learns the final steps to family translation into the celestial kingdom (the law of consecration as taught by Joseph smith). Once Adam and Eve gather their righteous posterity into Zion, being one heart and one mind with no poor or ill feelings among them and pray with one voice and one song to the father displaying their mastery in obedience & sacrifice of all laws of the priesthood the veil is lifted and saints are caught up into the Celestial kingdom with Enoch & Melchizedek to be true brides and grooms of the One high God.

The more I am studying Hindu, Buddhist and New Age mysticism the more I see that all truth truly is circumscribed into one whole, and the temple touches lightly on just about all the major aspects of symbology and mysticism as revealed by not only the dispensational heads of Israel, but all with the gifts of prophesy and revelation. But as the temple teaches, its best to not get caught up or talk about such things much, so take all this with a grain of salt.

Our lives must parallel the same periods on our personal roads to the celestial kingdom, but as to the highest of the three degrees of the celestial kingdom, not only can no one enter who has not established an eternal marriage, but they cannot enter until they have also married themselves to a faith or “brotherhood”. That is a place of collective consciousness where people are connected with a oneness that is hard for us on earth to fully understand and achieve. But as the temple teaches we must be baptized by water (born on earth/etc) and spirit (born into the spirit world/etc), be washed clean of the blood and sins of our generation with water (absolve bad karma), have our body and its various parts anointed with oil (this dives into things that the Kabbalah tries to teach with the tree of life and eastern religions try to teach with chakras but will be better understood during the millennium, but lets just say we must discover and awaken our gifts of the Body & Spirit). We then learn the powers and significance of names and stones as we go through the creation of ourselves and in doing so co-create with God the destiny of this earth (in a manner symbolized by the seven periods of creation. In my opinion these days, earthly times/ numeric symbols are types of heavenly dimensions [there is no time in eternity]. So the seven periods of creation and seven thousand years of earth’s temporal existence typify seven eternal dimensions or densities or levels or kingdoms or states of progression/creation or whatever you want to call it. Many also try to extend this type to the seven chakras or spiritual gifts which we need to sequentially awaken or learn the use of as well as seven periods of seven years in our lives which are spent focusing on specific spiritual truths we need to learn/awaken. In the church this is taught by the differing offices of the priesthood which correspond to stages of life and are designed to lead us through differing aspects of temporal and spiritual power. ) Our ability to create physically and spiritually depends upon our “purity” and selflessness so if we wish to be more powerful creators we go through the process of putting on robes of righteousness through our pre-mortal, mortal and post-mortal cycles until we attain unto a celestial resurrection. The Gospel offers us a fast track to the higher heavens if we use it to serve others, but most will first gain a terrestrial resurrection at the beginning of the millennium and just as Adam reigned for 1000 years with his posterity, preparing them for their translation into the celestial kingdom with Enoch, so too will Christ reign over many of us, preparing his “posterity” to go through the veil and become brides and grooms, co-creators with God.

Being born of water and of the spirit, in one respect, has to do with the fact that part of our progression is earthly and part of it is spiritual. Likewise part of it must be accomplished in mortality and part in the spirit world. Part taught by earthly teachers and part by spirit teachers. The history of Israel shows this dualistic symbolism by its “apostasy”. It existed on earth from Abraham to Christ, being taught the Aaronic or temporal law by prophets here on earth. At the time of Christ, the night came and Israel, just like the body of Jesus before the resurrection, laid in the tomb for parts of three days or a cycle/time in order to “rest” from its earthly mission and begin its spiritual mission of progressing in the spirit world. Thus just as Christ did not “rest” but instead went and organized missionary work in the spirit world so also Israel was sent to work in the spirit bringing life to the gentiles by their spirit work. The church being driven into the “wilderness” or spirit-world to do the necessary spiritual part of its progression. Thus being born of the waters of mortality with Noah, Abraham and Moses and being born/initiated in the spirit with Enoch, Melchizedek and Christ.

In one respect Adam and Eve are a symbols of Christ and his Bride (the church), the sinless Christ having to partake of mortality to save her, because the father had bound them together.. (The woman thou gavest me, and commandest that she should remain with me, she gave me of the fruit of the tree and I did eat- Moses 4:18). In other words, the bride that thou gavest me (the church/Israel) and commanded that I stay with her (we become bound to those we teach, lead and love by laws decreed by the Father), she partook of the fruit (she took the law which is the knowledge of good and evil, and in doing so became knowledgeable of her own guilt/nakedness which now prevents her from re-entering God’s presence by her own self-condemnation), she gave it to me and I ate because I saw that it was the only way we could obey the command to stay together and become co-creators with the Father. But being part of God’s plan, “the Last man Adam” came to free us from the deathly effects of the law and raise us unto salvation by faith in his name.

In another respect, Adam and Eve are actually symbolic of our higher and lower selves. Our fallen/mortal/veiled self and our true spirit’s consciousness which has a full knowledge of God’s plan and a full memory of all our pre-existent states. As Paul taught “now we see through a glass darkly… for we shall be like him” (or we shall see that we were/are just like him).

The Priesthood and the Power of Oneness

A Philosophical Foundation
Each world cycle is composed of two parts. A dividing era, and a unifying era. A fall/division and a redemption/at-one-ment. Our source and our destination is oneness. Before this world was, we were one with God (in a sense), and all who take part in the redemption are seeking to bring all intelligence back into that oneness. So how is this accomplished?

I think the best way to see it is to take a lesson from nature… A snowflake, as well as most minerals, need a “seed”, or nucleus around which to grow. Most scientists believe that particles of dust provide this nucleus for snow. Once water coalesces around the dust particle, it freezes and begins to grow in a fractal (see Wikipedia) pattern. The formation is a chain-reaction which pulls water from the air to grow the snow flake. It is somewhat of a miracle that somehow each part of the flake knows how to grow perfectly symmetrically. The same is true for a diamond. Once a nucleus forms, the mineral continues to grow bigger and bigger in a perfectly symmetrical crystal lattice. And somehow every atom that is incorporated into that diamond follows the same form and habit (shape) of the nucleus.

The point of all this is that Christ is our nucleus and the priesthood is the magical power that makes the mineral and the snowflake grow, and do so in perfect symmetry, harmony and purity. It might be said that it is the power “to officiate in Gods name”, but this is trivial. The temporal ordinances of the Gospel have only one purpose, and that is to bring us to Christ (or in other words to bring us into a unity of the faith with Christ). Every temporal aspect of the gospel, or “Aaronic” aspect of the priesthood has the purpose of pulling chaotic intelligence from the earth and giving it a “like-mind” with our nucleus so that we can be assimilated into his body. Just as we eat food that we might assimilate it into our bodies, and we symbolically eat Christ’s flesh and blood that we might be one with his Spirit, the purpose of all the sacraments is to make us like Christ so at some point we might be fit food, that Christ may eat us and we may be one with his body. He is the vine and we are the fruit. His goal is to draw intelligence to himself to be connected totally and equally in mind and spirit and even to a lesser extent in body.

If you picture the Solar system, and Christ is in the center of the sun and is a mineral composed of pure energized hydrogen. We could then compare the planets to dispensational heads. The Sun constantly exerts two forces on all matter in the solar system. One is a gentle gravitational pull toward itself. The other is a constant solar wind blowing non-massive (unfit) material out toward the Oort cloud. We could then compare “the devil” to an oppositely polarized comet that spends most of its time out in the darkness of the universe. When the comet comes far enough into the solar system, its opposing polarity causes both the planets and the sun to “eject” masses of matter which are too strongly polarized to stay “at one” with the bodies they come from. They may separate and become planets of their own, or they may fly out of the solar body (system) completely to become comets or chaotic masses of stellar dust. In this example, lets call the seemingly opposing forces of gravity and the solar wind the priesthood. The priesthood of the sun governs what matter is attracted to the sun and what matter is repulsed. The priesthood of the planets does likewise for themselves, at the same time being controlled and even powered by the sun in a way a bit too complicated to explain here. (In essence a charged particle traveling through an alternating magnetic field creates its own alternating magnetic field, etc). So just as with the mineral and the snow flake, this mystical “priesthood” power is the force that allows these stellar bodies to attract “like-minded” aspects of stellar matter unto themselves to continue their own growth.

So in summery, I think the best definition of the priesthood is that found in D&C 84:19. It is the power holding “the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God”. Or perhaps better put, “the key of the intelligence of God”. It is the power to make your mind & spirit (intelligence) like and one with God’s mind and spirit (intelligence). And when that occurs, your body will follow suite and become like God’s as well, which is exaltation and eternal life. This is the Heavenly City or Zion spoken of in the scriptures where all men are one, and there are no rich or poor among them.

There are other more trivial aspect of the priesthood such as the organizational characteristics of the ‘Government of God’ (see John Taylor’s book with the same name for some good material on this). Additionally there are many who refer to the Power of God as manifest in the Gifts of the Spirit as the “power” of the priesthood (see this article for more on this distinction).

The Divisions of the Priesthood
Now a second point to make in reference to “the priesthood of all believers”. Remember there are two main divisions of the priesthood in the Church (even though as Joseph Smith said, “all priesthood is Melchizedek” or all priesthood is just a different manifestation of the same power). One is Temporal or Aaronic and one is the Spiritual or Melchizedek. I believe this distinction is an earthly shadow of a heavenly principle; being that there are two main divisions of the priesthood as seen from the perspective of a “king and priest” in heaven. There is an earthly priesthood and a heavenly priesthood. The lower is held and administered by the church on earth, the other is held and administered by the church in heaven. The lower earthly priesthood, of course, is governed by the higher heavenly priesthood. Just as the local or central high council (twelve) give bishops a large degree of autonomy, so also does the heavenly priesthood give the earthly one, while at the same time just as the general authorities are really the ones who have any control in which direction the church goes as a whole, so also is only the heavenly priesthood really in control of which direction human history goes.

And here is the big point I wanted to make in the previous article… the priesthood in heaven governs more than the Mormon Church. It governs the secular and religious affairs of the whole earth. The higher one gets in the heavens (third degree of celestial kingdom for instance), the more power the priesthood (both male and female) has to govern the affairs of beings below them (including the earth), BUT the less likely they are to do so in trivial ways. The higher a being is, the more power to influence they have, but the more respect they have for agency and self determination and so the less they exert that power on others.

Priesthood Apostacy
Now in regard to the quote of “the 1,400 years of priesthood privation and absence of divine authority”. This is a difficult thing to discuss. I believe on my mission my view of things was fairly dogmatic, following pretty closely with what I read in McKonkie’s Mormon Doctrine. I believed the “truth” was taken off the earth within the first four hundred years or so after Christ and that the Catholic Church was devoid of all authority and was perhaps even the “church of the devil” mentioned in Nephi’s vision. However, the more I read about the apostasy and then prayed for understanding, the more it seemed that there was so much more to it. I believe a first big step toward understanding is seeing and studying the parallel between the Times of Israel and the Times of the Gentiles (see my article here on it). A statement such as “the priesthood was taken from the earth for X years” is true, but only in the context it is usually trying to convey, which is that a certain level of the portion of the priesthood given to Both Abraham and Peter was taken from the general assembly of both Israel and the Christian/Catholic Church at the time of Moses (~1500 BC) and Justinian (~500 AD) respectively. We might simplistically generalize that the “Melchizedek” priesthood was taken from Israel at the time of Moses as also it was taken from the Christian Church at the corresponding time of Justinian. Although true as a simplified statement, a closer look at even that statement begs the question, “Do you mean that Elijah, who held the binding power to seal on earth and heaven, and was translated to heaven without tasting death only had the lower or Aaronic Priesthood? I would dare say not. I would say that many prophets such as Elijah, Daniel, Lehi and others held a form of the higher priesthood comparable to what we call today the “Melchizedek” Priesthood, even though it was not available to Israel at large because of thier wickedness and apostasy.

So also I ask, “where did they get it?” Most of those individuals were not descendants of Aaron and so should not have even had right to the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood. But they were a member of the house of faith and chosen seed, and thus by their purity they were given great power by God and might I suggest that like John they were “ordained by [an] angel of God at the time he was eight days old unto this power” (D&C 84:28). Is this an example of the “priesthood for all believers”? Well, to argue for or against that you have to dive into definitions and semantics which always lead one in circles. The Catholic Church has been debating the protestants for years on this issue (see here.. and here ) and the truth is that the doctrine like all dogmas approximates the truth, but the truth is what it is and can only be fully known when it is revealed by the spirit. God respects his lower earthly priesthood. But there also is a higher heavenly priesthood organization with the authority to give power to whom they will. But God’s house is a house of order even through to some mortal’s eyes it may seem like giving people like Elijah or Lehi or Joseph Smith a higher priesthood was out of order, at some point we will see how it all followed the proper order after all.

As I mentioned in another article.. Jesus submitted to John’s priesthood, even though “being without” priesthood (from the Jews perspective), he was greater than John’s priesthood. This is the lesson that the author of Hebrews is trying to get across when in Heb 7:14 he says, “For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Juda; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood”. In fact, this is likely a reason why many of the Jews accepted John the Baptist and not Christ. John was the son of a/the High Priest. He was a direct descendant of Aaron and a legitimate heir to the priesthood. The orthodox Jews were waiting for a great “prophet” and just as Catholics believe any great reformer must be part of the Catholic Priesthood and many Mormons believe that any prophet must be part of our high priesthood, so also many Jews undoubtedly believed the promised “Prophet” and great High Priest must be a Levite. So when Christ came along, who was not only not a descendant of Aaron or Levi or even Ephraim, but instead was a descendant of David through his unholy fornication with Bathsheba you can imagine the self-righteous repulsion from among the orthodoxy. I believe there is a great truth being taught here. Jesus submitted to the lower priesthood, but the heads of the lower priesthood rejected him. This is repeated throughout biblical history. The ones who think they have the birth right & priesthood are rejected by God, and an unexpected one gets it instead. The first are made last and the last are made first. When the orthodoxy gets weighed down in their own dogma, God sends a reformer from the unorthodox.

So what lessons might we as Mormons take away from this? I think we would do well to remember that we should all humbly submit to the priesthood, even as Jesus did to John, Caiaphas and Pilot. But at the same time, we would be well to remember that “God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” (Luke 3:8). He can make any Son of God the Chosen Seed and he can give anyone His Priesthood. He follows a particular order, but we should not be so arrogant as to think we fully understand it. We should never think we know who is or isn’t God’s chosen. We should submit to earthly religion but realize that it is a schoolmaster pointing us to the higher heavenly religion (Gal. 3:24, 2 Ne. 25:25). We should heed the council spoken to us over the pulpit and written on our earthy tablets in our buildings made by hands, but we should thirst for the council whispered to us over the unhewn alter and put into the fleshy tablets of our hearts. There is a reason that the teachings of the Temple are to remain unwritten, and there is a reason why the highest teachings are to remain unspoken.

As for another in depth discussion on priesthood, see these two articles which elaborate a bit more on these principles…

see The Difference Between the Priesthood & Prophets

Also this artilce I found written by an anonymous individual in

Also an article on the lower, temporal, Aaronic priesthood

The Parallel Between the Times of Israel and Times of the Gentiles

“I give you a pattern in all things, that ye may not be deceived” (D&C 52:14)

One type or pattern that is helpful in understanding the role of the Gentile Christian Church in relation to Israel and the Great Apostasy is the pattern or type between the Times of Israel (from Abraham to Christ) and the Times of the Gentiles (from Christ to near present). These two biblical ‘epochs’ are exact mirrors of each other. By looking at the similarities in these two times and organizations one can see how higher beings must have led the Gentile Church (Catholic Church) and European history to essentially create a “repeat” of the events of the time of Israel. During the gentile epoch, the Catholic church and Rome played the part of Judaism and Jerusalem of the former epoch. By studying the blow timelines, and histories, you can see how both groups (Israel & Christianity) have the higher law and priesthood taken away after about 500 years of existence. Both groups were twice made captive to secular empires due to apostasy. Both groups exhibited similar phases of church and state rule. God used both groups to colonize and civilize the world during a colonial era spanning from one of their darkest periods to the end of the era.  See more details in the article Redefining the LDS (Protestant) View of the “Great Apostasy”

Timeline summarizing the historical correlations or types between the times of Israel and the times of the Gentiles.


Abraham & Patriarchal Period (2000-1730 BC) = Apostolic Period (33- 300 AD)
God established the covenant with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, blessing the nations of the earth through the seed of Jacob who were the twelve tribes of Israel. This was a type of Peter, James & John who blessed the earth through the seed or converts of the twelve apostles of the lamb. Just as the period from Abraham to Joseph in Egypt was a formative period wherein the seed of Abraham suffered from many wars famines and hardships, so also was the apostolic era up until Constantine a formative period where the early saints and bishops suffered much under the persecution of Rome.

Melchizedek, Abraham & Esais (~2000 BC) = Christ, Peter & Paul (~34 AD)
Just as Christ gave the priesthood separately to Peter personally, and then later to Paul through angelic visitation (see Gal 3), so also does the Bible and Doctrine & Covenants teach that Melchizedek gave the priesthood to Abraham, but a man name “Esaias”, who lived “in the days of Abraham, received the priesthood separately “under the hand of God” (D&C 84:7–14). It was this separate priesthood which was then passed on through the Midianites to Moses and the Israelite’s in the wilderness; in a way similar to what many have argued of Paul’s (not Peter’s) priesthood being the primary authority line among the Greek and Orthodox Christian churches. The biblical parallels between Melchizedek and Christ are too numerous to mention here. Any simple internet search will return scores of articles.

Joseph, Chancellor of Egypt (1718 BC) = Constantine Emperor of Rome (313 AD)
Just as Pharaoh saved the Egyptian Empire (& the whole region of the world) by promoting Joseph and following his council, so Constantine saved the Roman Empire (& that whole region of the world) by promoting Christianity and implementing its teachings. Also as Pharaoh allowed Joseph to bring his rebellious brothers (the twelve tribes) who had sold him, into Egypt to save and promote them…. so Constantine brought together the (somewhat corrupt) twelve tribes (bishops of the twelve apostles) into Constantinople, saving and promoting them … Just as Joseph worked behind the scenes to save Egypt and Israel, giving Pharaoh the glory in Egyptian history, so is it quite likely that some humble Christian worked behind the scenes to convert Constantine to the faith of his mother and persuade him to bring salvation to “famine-ridden” (persecuted) Christians. Constantine truly was the ‘Joseph or Pharaoh’ of the Gentile age.

Israel in Egypt (1732-1517 BC) = The Church in Constantinople/Roman Empire (313-528? AD)
Just as Israel spent 215 years in Egypt, a period which started very well for Israel, but in the end turned into captivity, necessitating great plague and destruction on Egypt to facilitate their delivery; So also the church at first prospered in Constantinople & The Roman Empire but with time this marriage of church and state became a captivity, requiring great plague and the fall of the Roman Empire to facilitate the churches escape from corruption.
Likewise it is imaginable that the children of Israel probably began to fall quite quickly into idolatry and partake of the sins of Egypt after coming there and being given privileged status under Joseph. They drank in the religion and idolatry of Egypt so much that by the time God sent Moses to deliver them from both physical and spiritual slavery, many did not want to leave and would not give up their idolatry (mixing Egyptian religion and temple rites into their own culture and religion). In fact we are told in the Bible and Book of Ben Kathryn that Israel never did give up the idolatry of the nations or even properly keep the laws and feasts revealed to Moses for the entire thousand years from Joshua to Ezra. Likewise, the church once brought into and promoted by Rome immediately fell into idolatry (mixing Christianity with Roman religion and Mithriaic Romanized rites) and paganism which they did not give up until the reformation. Much like Ezra, it took Luther to get the church to remember the Law of Christ and begin to tone down their worship of idols, Saints, and Roman culture.
When Constantine founded and brought the church into Constantinople he declared “…the church bishop will be second to Rome…”. However, in time this decree was ignored and Constantinople quickly became the head of the Church, facilitating the close alliance of Church and State, and bringing with it the corruption and captivity which always follows such an unholy alliance. (Note: This problem did not exist in Rome previous to Constantine, because although the head of the empire, Rome persecuted the church, adding to its purity and fortitude.) It was not until around 533 that Emperor Justinian once again declared the Roman Holy See as the highest ecclesiastical authority. It can be debated whether Justinian’s acts would put him more in line of Moses in liberating the Church, or Pharaoh in holding it hostage to State control. In any event, it was God’s hand in sending the Plague of Justinian in 541 which sufficiently devastated the population of the Roman empire (especially in the east) as to effectively bring about it’s final fall and the wholesale liberation of the Church from it’s control (for a time).

Moses (1517 BC) = Justinian (534 AD)
It is very interesting the way Justinian seems to fit as a parallel for Moses. Indeed even Justinian perceived himself to be a modern ‘Moses’ in his publication of the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law). This law was coincidentally published in 534 AD, 1000 years before Luther published the ‘Luther Bible’, bringing the people back to the true Law of Moses. The Corpus Juris Civilus was indeed also very similar to the Law of Moses, in that it reaffirmed the Orthodox Christian church as the only true religion (and the only state religion), it gave harsh laws concerning non Christians, arians, pagans and Jews, etc… Luther also appears to have been a great student of Justinian and both read and quotes extensively from his works. In fact the Justinian Code was the basis for German Law during the time of Luther as it had been the Basis of Law for the Holy Roman Empire throughout it’s existence.

If Justinian is indeed typified by Moses, the consequences would seem to persuade us that the close relationship of church and state by the medieval catholic church were not ungodly, but were in fact the will of God. Just as it had been god’s will for Israel to be HIS special people among the heathen nations of the Gentiles. There is more involved here, of course, because church and state were not totally united in Israel (king different from high priest), but the state was to follow the laws/ councils of the church. Of course this is how it was during the medieval period as well, the kings were different from the pope, but the church held a very large amount of influence over the kings. Justinian was a self proclaimed ‘Moses’ of the Gentile age.

Joshua (1477 BC) = Belisarius (533 AD)
Belisarius was Justinian’s main general, who enlarged the empire by 45% during his campaigns. He defeated the ostrogoth in Ravenna, captured all of Italy, defeated the Vandals in Carthage… He was an orthodox Christian and did much to defeat arianism including deposing the Pope Silverius (who was installed by the Goths) with Vigilius.

Aaron/Eleazer = Pope Gregory I (the great)
Reading about Gregory is a breath of fresh air. He appears to have been a very benevolent good-hearted man. He aids in removing the Church from both Roman and Constantinople’s “Bondage”. He further exerted the primacy of the Holy See in Rome and perhaps more importantly, led the people to accept it by his goodness and popularity. He also served in Constantinople for a time under Justinian before returning to Rome and making many needed reforms. He also was a bit of a military leader and appears to have led in justice. Read about him in the catholic dictionary

Reign of the Judges = Post Roman Empire Church
Just as Israel entered a new period of fragmentation, idolatry, war/captivity and freedom from a king, so after the collapse of the Roman Empire the church both suffered and proffered from a period of fragmentation, conflict and idolatry. Reading the history of the papacy from Gregory to at least the split of the church you see how absolutely degenerate it, at times, became. The papacy became a puppet to the warring papal states and the pope was often a murderer or moral degenerate. This truly was a good parallel to an era where Israel was in constant bondage because of their wickedness.

Eli (1143)/Saul/David/Solomon (1014) begin the Empire of Israel = Charlemagne (800-814)/ Louis the Pious (814-840)/Sons? (Institution of the Holy Roman Empire)
[note: Newton’s “3 kings” were Charles Martel/Pepin the Short/ Charlemagne -all are father son, may be the better type?…]

Just as Israel is unified and made into a great empire by Saul & David, so is the Holy Roman Empire begun by reign of Charlemagne and Otto I. Just as Saul was crowned King by the High Priest Samuel, so was Charlemagne made emperor (Imperator Augustus) by Pope Leo III
Likewise “Charlemagne restored an equal balance between emperor and pope”, just as David taught that Obedience is better than the sacrifice of flesh etc…

However, This parallels bothers me as being anachronistic. It is just too early to work, and Charlemagne’s empire splits into Germany & France which I don’t think are types of Judah & Israel. Perhaps it is a sub-type or something else…? I should Look for a better type…perhaps it is Popes, or emperors at Constantinople. whoever they should be coronated by the religious leader, and lead to the division of the church. perhaps The Davidic era and kings of Israel does not have a type in the Gentile church. perhaps this is another aspect that exists only for the house of Israel, just as prophets who talk to God.

Temple of Solomon = Consolidation of the Catholic Church (Holy See)
The gentile church did not have a temple or tabernacle as did Israel. That institution was and is for Israel alone. However, the Gentile church regarded (as is true) the words of Christ’s stating that God can not be housed in stone and that the Body of Christ is the true Temple of God, and that the Church is in fact the living Body of Christ. Therefore, symbology and typology regarding the temple must be applied to the state and being of the Church; with special emphasis placed on the consolidation and leadership of the Church. Thus the destruction of the temple of Israel typified later destruction of faith in the Holy Roman See or consolidation and authority of the the Church and its Rome based leadership. This symbol seems quite fitting, as it was the temple that gave the nation of Israel its feeling of cohesiveness and divinely led nationality and authority.

Split of Northern/Israel and Southern Kingdom/Judah (989 BC?) = The Great Schism (1065 AD)
After the building of the great temple, Solomon foolishly causes the rebellion of the Northern Kingdom, which contains the greater part of the tribes of Israel (10 of them). Likewise, the foolish Pope Leo institutes the radical “Gregorian reforms” which state the Pope to be more powerful than any state and should have power to dispose Emperors. His reforms are of good intention but very prideful. They restate the Roman Popes preeminence over any other bishop (including Constantinople) and lash out against iconoclasm, an issue that leads the split off of the Eastern Orthodox Church (the greater part of the Christian church at the time).

The nature of this split is also of importance. The Northern Kingdom’s desire for more freedom actually leads to a kingdom of greater totalitarianism and despotism. Even after its destruction and absorption into Assyria, the Northern realms of Babylon/Persia/Macedonia and Rome tend to have more despotic rulers than Judah and Egypt ever did. — The same is true of the Byzantine or Eastern Orthodox Church. In its desire for greater theological freedom and mysticism it seems to breed more warlocks, magicians and imperial despots (especially in Russia).

Thus in this parallel, The Northern Kingdom and the Northern Empires (Babylon/Persia/Macedonia/Rome) are reborn in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern imperial phases of the Mongols and Russia. The Southern Kingdom and Egypt matching with the Roman Catholic Church and Western European Empires.

Assyria = The Mongols/Turks/Ottomans
The mongols were decedents of Northern Assyrian peoples (later called Scythians)  who migrated up through the Caucasus region to east Asia.  Their brutality and fighting styles were similar.  But more importantly their effects upon later empires. The Mongol influence on Byzantium and Russia matching the Assyrian influence on Babylon and Israel.

Destruction/Captivity of Israel = Destruction/Captivity of Constantinople
Much research to do concerning this section… Just as the Northern Kingdom is destroyed by the Assyrians and carried off captive to later settle in Armenia, Tibet and Mongolia, so is Constantinople and much of the Eastern Orthodox church destroyed by Ottoman Turks, Mongols and the Golden Horde (All Turkish Nomadic Warriors) and again much is carried away into Armenia Tibet and Mongolia. There is a lot of mystery hidden in this type, but its unraveling holds the keys of how Buddhism and the East fit into the Gospel plan.

Daniel's 70 week prophesy

Diaspora of Judah (600-200 BC) = European Colonialism of the World (1500-1900 AD)
Just as God leads Lehi, Mulek and a host of other Israelites to (re)colonize and (re)populate every major continent and “isle of the sea” (2 Ne 10:21) from about 600 BC to 400 BC, so also European Christians like Christopher Columbus and Magellan are led by God to (re)colonize and (re)populate the world during the 15th through 17th centuries. This parallel is key to unraveling much of God’s use of Israel/Christianity to civilize the world fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant. Many histories show that after the Babylonian diaspora Jewish enclaves popped up over much of Eurasia. Jewish & Semitic controlled ports were created up and down the eastern coast of Africa, all along the coasts of India and into Indonesia as well as throughout the Mediterranean and heading up into northern Europe. Historians are yet to discover the true magnitude and colonial parallel of this era. Just as it was not necessarily “Christianity” or any one European country that monopolized European Colonialism, so too it was not just “Judaism” or Israel that led the colonialism and imperialism of the world by Middle Eastern (Semitic) nations during the 6th to 2nd centuries before Christ.

However, one parallel of particular importance is that of the Lehite colonizing of North America with the English colonizing of North America. Both sparked restorational movements where a higher level of light was added to the mother religion (Judaism & Catholicism). Also Joseph Smith correlates chronologically to Alma the Elder, where both are regarded as “the founder of the church” (Mosiah 23:16, 29:47) which is given the responsibly of preparing a people ready for the Lords Coming.

Assyrian Sack of Israel (701 BC) = Tamerlane’s Sack of Eastern Orthodox Church & its Territories (1336–1405 AD)
Tamerlane (or Timur) the last great Turko-Mongol leader heads a campaign laying waste to much of the eastern church throughout Byzantium, Russia and the Russian steppe. The 15th century essentially marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. The Mongols were close analogs to the Assyrians in both origin and behavior.

Babylonian Captivity of Judah (586-446 BC) = Avignon Papacy & The Great Italian Wars (1494 – 1559 AD)
This parallel might be somewhat loose but still interesting and likely more thatn coincidence.  The Great Italian wars, also called the Habsburg-Valois Wars, involved the papal states and most the major states of Western Europe associated with the Holy Roman Empire’s Habsburg Rulers (France, Spain, England, Scotland, etc).  The war is associated with the Avignon Papacy, which is actually called by many historians the “Babylonian Captivity of the Papacy, because of its similarity in duration and scope. The war was a low point in European Unity, with the pope actually instigating part of the war against france. The Spanish and Portuguese inquisition was instituted during this time, as was the pope’s seizure of the papal states and building of St Peter’s Basilica which helped provoke the Reformation. Most certainly it was a major turning point for the Catholic church, the Holy Roman Empire, and Europe in general.

Ezra Rebuilding the temple (537 or 480 BC) = Martin Luther Reforms/ Rebuilds the Church (1517 AD)

Nabion states that it was 1000 yrs (exactly?) between Joshua and Ezra when Israel did not keep the feasts or the Law as given by Moses, thus we can also assume a period of 1000 yrs between Justinian and Luther when the Gentile church did not keep the spirit of the feasts or obey the Laws given to stay separate from Egypt/Babylon/Cesar. …The true date for the end of the 1000 yr period is more likely 1534 when Luther finished the translation of the ‘Luther Bible’ in German. This was about/exactly 1000 yrs from Justinian’s decree of 533/34.

But more important than Luther’s effect on Protestantism, was the Protestant movement’s effect on the mother church. The reformation brought about many, many needed reforms to Catholicism to bring it back to its roots.

Creation/Restoration of the Church through Alma = Restoration of the Church through Joseph Smith
As already mentioned Joseph Smith correlates chronologically to Alma the Elder, where both are regarded as “the founder of the church” (Mosiah 23:16, 29:47) which is given the responsibly of preparing a people ready for the Lords Coming. Additionally it is during this period of restoration among the Nephites that the Jaredite plates are found and interpreted giving a wealth of additional knowledge to the people, as well as a large amount of esoteric information to the prophets that is not allowed to be given to the Church in general (Mosiah 28:17–19, Ether 3:21–23, Ether 4:4).

Leontopolis Temple Built (169-154) = ????
Onias the rightful heir to the office of high priest flees to Egypt after temple is desecrated and builds a temple (the only functioning temple away from Jerusalem) at Leontopolis. This helps explain why Joseph & Mary fled to Egypt with Jesus, and why the Egyptian saints were so die-hard during the persecution of the first three centuries. The parallel is yet to be revealed, but has to do with the restoration of Judah and their rightful heir to the high priesthood (independent of the restoration work in America).

Babylonian Empire/Medo-Persia/Grecia/Rome-Sasinid = Early Russian Empire/Imperial Russia-Napoleonic Empire/British Empire/NATO-USSR
Just as Ezra came out of the Babylonian captivity so Luther came out of the Holy Roman Empire Captivity. There’s a lot more to these types though. The types have at least three different applications on three different levels. One is a loose European level, the next is a Eurasian level, the next is a global level. These types are the fulfillment to Daniel/John’s Revelation allegory. Getting too specific turns into speculation at this point.

Please read Redefining the LDS (Protestant) View of the “Great Apostasy” to see how this type helps to clear up misunderstandings LDS theology on the apostasy. As well as how it fulfills Bible prophesy, Modern Jewish prophesy, and the coming restoration of the Jewish state and Temple. See also Daniels 70 week prophecy and the war of Gog and Magog: The Book of Ben Kathryn’s cipher to biblical prophecy

DateTimes of IsraelTimes of the GentilesDate
1052 BCSaul / David’s EmpireOtto’s Holy Roman Empire962 AD
930 BCSplit of Northern & Southern KingdomsThe Great East-West Schism1054 AD
720 BCAssyrians destroy Northern KingdomMongols/Turks/Ottomans (Islamic) destruction of the Eastern Church1299 – 1453 AD
620 – 529 BCBabylonian EmpireByzantine Empire– 1453 AD
500 – 300 BCMedian & Persian EmpiresHabsburg Eastern Europe (Holy Roman) Empires1550 – 1804 AD
336 – 100 BCMacedonian (Greek) EmpireFrench & British Empire1750 -1960 AD
100 BC – 300 ADRoman EmpireAmerican/E.U. Empire1950 – ?

The Scattering and Gathering of Israel (Jacob 5)

[This article is a draft.  It needs a lot of work].

This topic is highly speculative, but a lot of fun nonetheless.  In this article I walk through the Bible, as well as other religious and channeled works (such as Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon), to detail the movements of a group of ideologically guided peoples (The House of Israel) throughout the earth since the days of Abraham who truly felt it their divine mission to civilize the entire earth, and spread their unique history and worldview. Understanding the depth to which these people believed this divine charge perhaps make the biblical statement from the “Lord” to  to Abraham a bit more poignant.

“That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; …And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen 22:16–18).

With the finding of the Kolbrin Book of England and its correlation with our revised archaeological timeline, we here…


1. The scattering and gathering of Israel is the ultimate global civilization program. 

2. The people of “Israel” are NOT the Israel we think of as existing today.
-It is important to make clear that “Israel” is NOT the Jews as we know them today. The full 12 tribes of Israel are not recognizable by trying to compare them to the mixed remnants of 2 tribes which compose “Israeli” or Jewish people today. The Bible suggests that Israel was far more multicultural than many suppose. Jacob was purposely inspired to have children with Semitic women (Mesopotamian/Indian) & their non-Semitic slaves (handmaidens) who represented two other major divisions of the earth– Africa! & Central Asia?). Israel has further been purposely mixed throughout the world. The “mother tree” of Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon is also not a religion, it is a people and culture. The final product will be a global culture & universal brotherhood.

3. “Pruning” is overseen by the higher beings guiding our evolution. It would have occured through population decline, war and plague. Just as with natural selection, the most spiritually and physically healthy live while the undesired and non-robust genetic groups become diminished or extinct.

4. A Basic outline of the mixing/pruning or natural selection driven breeding program is as follows (following Jacob chapter five/dates given in carbon dates until ~600BC):

TIMES OF ISRAEL (2000 bc to 34 ad)

FIRST MIXING, PART A. (planting genetic material into 3 branches/divisions of afro-Eurasia)
1-Israel mixed into Africa through the Egyptian captivity. Great influence on early Egyptian religion, culture & government.
2-Israel mixed into Greece/Anatolia, North Asia (Mongolia) & Europe through Assyrian captivity. Great influence on Greek philosophy & government, as well as mesopotamia and turkish/mongol law, religion and government.
3-Israel mixed into Near-east & Indian Subcontinent through Babylonian captivity. Great influence of Israeli law, religion and government spanning from Akad/Babylon to Tibet.

FIRST MIXING, PART B. (major period of general diasporic colonialism where Middle-Eastern cultures and Israeli genetic material colonizes the world–including the “island continents”– in the same way European imperialism colonized the world following the renaissance).
1-African Israelis mixed into South America through phoenician trade vessels sometime between 1000BC-500 BC.
2-Ephraimitic Israelis mixed into Mesoamerica by multiple groups just before Babylonian captivity (~600 BC).
3-Asiatic Israelis mixed into Oceania through Tibetan (through Indochina) & early Mongolian groups.  Many groups are inspired to island hop throughout the West Pacific.

-The first mixing reaches its climax as Israeli culture takes over the Western World through Christianity & Islam. North African, Middle Eastern & Asiatic groups (including Israeli genetic carriers) move into Europe gradually and come to dominate the cultures of civilized western world by the end of the first Millennium AD.

–SECOND/REVERSE MIXING, PART A. (major period of colonization and imperialism where Europe spreads its people and culture/religion into all the world, especially the 3 main aisles of the sea, N. America, S. America & Oceania. It is a reverse of the First Mixing, Part B).
1-Iberian (mixed-African) Christians of Spain & Portugal colonize and Christianize South America.
2-Norman (mixed-Semitic) Christians of England and France colonize and Christianize North America.
3-Slovic (mixed Asiatic) Christians of German & Dutch countries colonize and Christianize much of Oceania.

–SECOND/REVERSE MIXING, PART B (European Christians colonize and spread their political and cultural ideology into the 3 branches/divisions of Afro-Eurasia).
1-Western European countries colonize almost the entirety of Africa.
2-European culture & ideology is spread by the Russians throughout most of North Asia and the Asian steppe.
3-European culture & ideology is spread by Britain & others throughout India, Indochina and the Middle East.


–FINAL DOUBLE MIXING (final future stage of program where everything is gathered together in one)
-a final third version of the mother tree is recreated by creating a people and culture/religion who are all inclusive and incorporate the best beliefs/teachings of all the scattered branches into one religious brotherhood of man (the United States began this–spreading its influence across the Christian world, but restored Israel in Judea will finish it–spreading its influence across the Islamic world).
-this mixing parallels both the former mixings. With each superpower (America & Restored Judah) becoming a mixing pot of all the cultures on earth (but especially Christian culture for America & Islamic culture for Restored Judah). this is spread to the scattered branches and then the scattered branches are gathered back into it as well, and both pruned and cared for until they all resemble one healthy tree bearing fruit.

-The first division into 3 was the sons of the archetype Noah.  (2,600BC/40,000BC)
Its hard to judge which aspects of the story of Noah are literal and which are metaphorical. I also believe the biblical Patriarchal Period (from Noah to Abraham is symbolic of a larger span of history, each patriarch representing an early epoch. Oahspe gives some interesting ideas on this.) First we look at the 3 divisions of the earth given to Noah’s 3 sons after the flood (explained best in the book of Jubilee). They may be actual individuals or more likely be metaphorical archetypes of groups of people. The oldest, Japheth is given the north-lands (East Asia/china), the youngest, Ham is given the southlands (Africa), and Shem the birthright middle-child is given middle-earth (Mesopotamia to India).

lands given to Ham, Shem and Japeth as explained in Oahspe and other texts.
lands given to Ham, Shem and Japheth as explained in Oahspe and other texts.


Mother Israel is nurtured in each of these divisions (1800 BC – 74 AD sd/ 12,000 BC – 74 AD cd)
Abraham was a living archetype born in the lands of Shem. Joseph leads his posterity into Ham where they become captive for somewhere between 230 – 400+ years (and are scattered throughout Africa), before they are liberated back to their central homeland [1]. I speculate they integrate heavily with Shem in India during this time (Period of the Judges to just after king David). The second major captivity brings them into Japheth’s captivity with the Assyrian invasion and captivity of the Northern 10 Tribes of Israel [3]. Josephus, the Book of Jubilee and other obscure sources suggest at least one group of the Northern Kingdom flee deeply into north and east Asia assimilating with the Scythians or proto-mongols & European nomads (Scandinavia, Mongolia & China). Others likely integrated with the early nomadic turkish peoples and Arian’s of the caucasus region. The Babylonian invasion brings large populations of the Southern Kingdom of Judah into captivity in Shinar where they spread throughout the lands of Shem [2] from Mesopotamia to India & Tibet… especially during the Persian and Macedonian periods. (Babylon is primarily Semitic even though Nimrod its founder was of Ham through Cush).

Israel is scattered into Ham, Shem and Japheth during the Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian captivities.


Mesopotamian Colonialism (500 BC – 200 AD/ 4,000BC – 200 AD)
During the era from about 500 BC to the time of Christ, the empires of the Middle east experience a period of expansionism and colonialism similiar to that of European Colonialism 2000 years later. There is evidence of Phoenician trade, shipping, colonialism and settlement from Northern Europe to Southern Africa to Indonesia. The Jews are also prolific during this era in setting up colonies in much of the known world. The Book of Mormon tells of the colonization of North America by at least two Israeli group, and Jacob 5 alludes to two other large colonizations to two other major “isles of the sea”, which I speculate are South America and Oceania. (The key to inferring this is in the verse that says the reverse grafting happens in last days… so just look at where europe colonized and you will see these are the obvious places.)  Even discounting the Book of Mormon narrative, there is evidence of extensive colonization throughout much of the Old world, and quite possibly even in the new world. The Kolbrin also recounts in detail the early colonization of Britain during this era by Israeli Egyptians and Phoenicians.

The three transplanted branches of the mother tree (groups from mother israel) are taken to North America, South America and Oceania. During the Israeli diaspora period of 600 BC to 450 BC.
The three transplanted branches of the mother tree (groups from mother israel) are taken to North America, South America and Oceania. During the Israeli diaspora period of 600 BC to 450 BC.


European Settlement (800 BC – 600 AD/ 6,00 BC- 600 AD)
Europe is kept largely unsettled by its climate in early history, but with climate change Europe opens up for heavy colonization about 600 BC. Ham, Shem & Japheth move into their respective areas. The Kolbrin talks about huge Egyptian & Phoenician migrations. After Christ, Israel is salted into Europe and Jewish merchants and mystics become likely the single largest ruling influence upon the continent. By this time genetic code has been mixed thoroughly enough as to make differentiation between “Jew and Gentile” difficult.  Even so cultural Jews seem to thrive.

After Rome's destruction of Judah in 70 AD, the final diaspora leads hundreds of thousands of Jews into Europe, which is just beginning to grow rapidly in population and prominence.
After Rome’s destruction of Judah in 70 AD, the final diaspora leads hundreds of thousands of Jews into Europe, which is just beginning to grow rapidly in population and prominence.


European Colonization & The Great Mixing (1500 AD – 2000 AD).
Grafting ‘them into them’: the colonial era and European imperialism is the key to knowing where the three branches of Jacob 5 were transplanted (given the B.O.M. narrative). Just look where Spain and England settled and civilized. England, largely colonized every division on the world (Ham, Shem and Japheth in Africa, India and China respectively). It also civilized “the isles of the sea” or the Americas & Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc..). The Iberians (Spain & Portugal), did most of the rest with South America & Oceania (Philippines, more, more, etc).

Europe’s colonization and conquest of the world. need to add boat routes and colonies.


The restoration of Israel
The restoration began in the 19th century with the Zionist movement. The gathering will take place in two locations, Israel and North America. Both have already begun. The European Jews are the first fruits, but the Book of Ben Kathryn chronicles the wholesale resettlement of the entire Middle Eastern region as the climate shifts to more hospitable conditions. America has also become a melting pot, but the major gathering will take place after the United States divides and then begins to be rebuilt with true states rights.

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Allegory of the Olive Tree
The key to fully seeing the totality and fulfillment of this promise unto the House of Israel, is a simple line found in the prophesy of the ancient prophet Zenos. And an understanding the global colonialism by Gentile Christianity beginning with Christopher Columbus until present, is a preparatory fulfillment to the grafting in of the natural branches spoken of by Zenos.

Zenos’ Allegory of the Olive Tree is perhaps one of the most profound treatises offered on the topic of the scattering and Gathering of Israel found in Holy Writ. It is so impressive, in fact, that hundreds of years after it was given, Paul seems to drawn from its imagery by memory as he states to the Romans “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree” (Romans 11:17). One reading Paul’s treatise on the scattering and gathering of Israel might not catch the full significance of the comparisons made had they not access to the original text from which he quotes. (available here).

The prophet Lehi, also drew from this allegory over 600 years before Paul. We are told of his exposition,

“Yea, even my father spake much concerning the Gentiles, and also concerning the house of Israel, that they should be compared like unto an olive-tree, whose branches should be broken off and should be scattered upon all the face of the earth. Wherefore, he said it must needs be that we should be … scattered upon all the face of the earth. And after the house of Israel should be scattered they should be gathered together again; or, in fine, after the Gentiles had received the fullness of the Gospel, the natural branches of the olive-tree, or the remnants of the house of Israel, should be grafted in, or come to the knowledge of the true Messiah, their Lord and their Redeemer.”

Here we learn that the olive tree used by Zenos is made to represent the House of Israel. And that multiple branches

A few chapters later Nephi sums it up even clearer as he states,

13 And now, the thing which our father meaneth concerning the grafting in of the natural branches through the fulness of the Gentiles, is, that in the latter days, when our seed shall have dwindled in unbelief, yea, for the space of many years, and many generations after the Messiah shall be manifested in body unto the children of men, then shall the fulness of the gospel of the Messiah come unto the Gentiles, and from the Gentiles unto the remnant of our seed—

This of course is a half of the equation explained by Zenos himself. A careful reading of this verse will lay the groundwork for the discovery of all the branches of the House of Israel. After explaining (quite literally) that .. planted in 3 different spost he says.. Explain first that the mother tree is Israel/The gentile Church. Then that the 3 trees in the nethermost are 3 righteous branches planted upon the isles of the sea (1Ne? ref)

“Wherefore, let us take of the branches of these which I have planted in the nethermost parts of my vineyard [3 groups planted on different major isles of the sea], and let us graft them into the tree from whence they came [Israel/Gentile Christianity]; and let us pluck from the tree those branches whose fruit is most bitter, and graft in the natural branches of the tree in the stead thereof… And, behold, the roots of the natural branches of the tree which I planted whithersoever I would are yet alive; wherefore, that I may preserve them also for mine own purpose, I will take of the branches of this tree [the mother tree], and I will graft them [the mother tree’s branches] in unto them [the three scattered Israelite people on the isles of the sea]. Yea, I will graft in unto them [again, the three trees] the branches of their mother tree, that I may preserve the roots [of the three trees] also unto mine own self, that when they shall be sufficiently strong perhaps they may bring forth good fruit unto me, and I may yet have glory in the fruit of my vineyard.”

So by grafting both ways…

Map of religious influence

All the major players in the Human Drama have had the choice whether to unite or divide humanity. I believe in this final age, God will favor and sustain only those who unite. All other groups will become extinct. See the article The Scattering and Gathering of Israel for details on gods evolutionary plan for populating, diversifying, civilizing and unifying the planet.

Map of physical migrations…

Scattering of Israel
Illustration of Scattering of Israel

Summary of ideas still to write…

-The birthright is almost always given to the middle-child in the middle-land. The middle son, like Christ is the divine center. They are the strait and narrow way (or narrow middle way). The type is continued again and again, the first looses favor because of pride. From Cain, to Japheth, to Ishmeal, to Isau, to Rueben, to Saul, to Lamen, etc… The middle son becomes a microcosm of the opposites. He is the at-one-ment, and type of harmonizing the older and younger. He becomes a type of the first and the last, and is charged with redemption and bringing them together in harmony. This is also the job of scattered Israel.

-In both the times of Israel (Abraham to Christ) and during the Times of the Gentiles (Christ to present), God scattered the body of Israel (the chosen seed of Shem) into the lands of Japheth, Shem and Ham, as well as scattering/leading splinter groups of Israel into new frontier lands separated from the main body of humanity/civilization.

Scattering during the Times of Israel
1-The Egyptian habitation/captivity. During this 200+ year era, all 12 tribes are scattered throughout Hams seed by trade, migration in intermarriage.
2-The Assyrian deportation. Around 750 BC, Assyria sacks the Northern Kingdom of Israel and deports a large portion of its population into the Northern reaches of Assyria.

Alter this flash application to show the colonization of all European colonies around the world. Perhaps turn it into a leaflet map. and show how the colonies in Europe mirror the colonies of Israel and the 3 branches of the olive tree in the allegory.
