Entries by MormonBox

Difference between translation and transfiguration

Transfigure: Trans=change, carry. Figure=form, image. Thus it is to change ones form, or in christian scripture to changed or resurrect from a lower form to a higher form while still in the physical body. Translate: Trans=change, carry Late=over, slow, dead/death. In this sense, to translate is to carry over or be changed over. Death is […]

More on Eternal Progression

link to this after main eternal progression article. Your former picture is not so much correct; to picture the earth as the center between good and evil, heaven and hell; the water between earth and air if you will. This can possibly bring about an incorrect image of eternity (as it has in my case). […]

Eternal Progression

This article is under construction… come back when its done. -Need to explain the rotating ying yang upward cone illustration. There are two spiritual kingdoms (spirit world heaven & hell levels which are in a way the resurrected kingdoms/D&C 76 kingdoms of the previous cycle). The lower half / kingdom (hell) descends to a lower […]

The Anti-Christs (Demiurge)

There are three divine beings. The true Gods (the I AM’s), the false gods/idols (the demiurge/anti-Christs), and the dark lords (Satans). The Satans live in the realm of darkness (hells), the true gods and false gods both live in the realm of light, but the false gods become the Devils of the next cycle. The […]

Desire & Anti-Desire

On earth we are attracted to the qualities and things we find desirable and repulsed by the things we find undesirable. But both desire and un-desirableness are two sides of the same fruit. It is the ‘very desirable’ fruit which Eve partook of which brought death into the world. Thus to overcome the death of […]

More on the Resurrection

God gives to all men according to their understanding. He teaches Japeth through philosophy without religion because that is what they want. He teaches Ham through polarizing opposites because they cant yet walk a straight line. He gives Shem the greater light through both religion and philosophy because they have found the more balanced middle […]

Introduction to Oahspe

Oahspe is a restorationism text brought forth entirely through revelation (automatic writing) to John Newbrough in 1880. The book was reportedly revealed through angel messengers, who instructed the author not to form a church …

Additional Prophesies of the Book of Ben Kathryn

For an introduction to the Book of Jachanan Ben Kathryn Go Here. The primary proof of the validity of John Ben Kathryn as a prophet will be final destruction and restoration of the modern nation of Israel. ” AND the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: Give ear, my servant, if any of […]