Entries by MormonBox

Q&A: Questions and Answers to Debatable Book of Mormon Geography Topics

Collection of Facebook and other social media conversations with other Book of Mormon Geography enthusiasts. Q: Could John Sorenson’s logic concerning ‘Nephite North’ being an example of ancient Egyptian directionality be valid?A: This highlights one of the primary weaknesses/problems of the Limited Mesoamerican models. Especially the Sorenson Grijalva Model.You have to assume that the loose […]

Animals in the Book of Mormon

Many Book of Mormon critics try to show issues or anachronisms with the lists of animals found in its narrative.. But here we show that well known new world animals serve as evidence for each of the animal types mentioned in the text’s translation.

A Thoughtful Response to the LDS Temple Recommend Questions

Did you know: Temple recommend questions were first instituted by Brigham Young a decade after the Saints came to the Salt Lake Valley (1857) and have evolved significantly over time. Early interviews included questions about branding an animal that you did not own and using another person’s irrigation water. Since then, the temple recommend questions […]

Clearing up Misunderstandings in the LDS View of the Afterlife

Perhaps more than any other area of religious theology, understandings of the afterworld have repeatedly been used by fundamentalist traditions and individuals to manipulate adherents into conformity with their assorted religious and cultural mores, laws and customs. From the practice of some Evangelical fundamentalists of condemning to Hell those who don’t “profess Jesus as Lord”, […]

Open Letter to LDS Apostle Jeffrey Holland

Dear Elder Holland: You have long been one of my heroes. Your leadership while at BYU was remarkable. Your approach as a speaker and writer to challenging issues has usually in my experience been both enlightening and uplifting. I particularly remember hearing you speak while I was in university in the early 1980s respect the […]