Entries by MormonBox

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is part of the Dead Sea Scroll Library and was in wide use before the time of Christ. The book has survived in various forms in the Syriac and Ethiopian churches but fell into apocryphal status among the western churches. BOOK OF ENOCH Section I. Chapters I-XXXVI INTRODUCTION [Chapter 1] 1 […]

The Doctrine of the Priesthood

DOCTRINE OF THE PRIESTHOOD A. Definition. 1. A priest is a member of the human race who represents some portion of the human race before God. He was always a male until this dispensation, never an angel or female. 2. A priest must partake of the nature of the persons for whom he acts or […]

Two Types of People

There are two types of people in this universe….

-there are chaotic polarizers and,
-there are harmonious unifiers…

Polarizers are selfish haters…
Unifiers are unselfish lovers…

Ask yourself which camp you are supporting.

All the matter in the universe is in motion, it is either moving outward, and expanding affected by

Prophecy in the Book of Ben Kathryn

In light of all that is going on nationally and internationally I felt I should write this to help others try and get a perspective on the possible future of our nation and world.

As I talk to friends and family, I find that very few grasp the gravity of our nation’s financial insolvency