Entries by MormonBox

The Priesthood and the Power of Oneness

A Philosophical Foundation Each world cycle is composed of two parts. A dividing era, and a unifying era. A fall/division and a redemption/at-one-ment. Our source and our destination is oneness. Before this world was, we were one with God (in a sense), and all who take part in the redemption are seeking to bring all […]

The Spirit Body Interface

The other morning I woke up with a fairly sophisticated idea of how this interaction works. I will attempt to teach it in the same way it was taught to me, although as I have thought about it the more I realize how much more there is to this. The first idea to understand is […]

Not Selling Gifts for Money

(good thoughts from http://www.greaterthings.com/NDE/Denise_Mendenhall/comments/gifts_not_for_sale.htm) My Peace I Give Unto You by Robert Adlai Lake With Doug MendenhallAs I have read the Mendenhall’s book, “My Peace I Give Unto You,” one of the most profound lessons I am learning for myself is in regards to money and gifts. Doug has successfully learned in a couple of […]

The Principles of a Zion Community

Sooner or later we’re going to get around to writing the hundreds of pages that are sitting in my head nagging me to share.Stuff on historical attempts, early church implementations, forgotten principles, political structuring, urban planning, population planning, principles of ethics, pre-millennial implementations based on existing organizations and cities, how heaven is structured and how to mirror that structure. etc, etc. etc.

Footnotes Plugin

This page is a compilation of all the wordpress footnote plugins. I need to pick the features I like best and try and combine them in a plugin that fits my needs. YAFootnotes Plugin http://www.stratos.me/wp-plugins/yafootnotes/ My Favorite because it is the only plugin that does footnotes that are NOT INLINE with the text. So I […]