Entries by MormonBox

Clearing up Misunderstandings in the LDS View of the Afterlife

Perhaps more than any other area of religious theology, understandings of the afterworld have repeatedly been used by fundamentalist traditions and individuals to manipulate adherents into conformity with their assorted religious and cultural mores, laws and customs. From the practice of some Evangelical fundamentalists of condemning to Hell those who don’t “profess Jesus as Lord”, […]

Open Letter to LDS Apostle Jeffrey Holland

Dear Elder Holland: You have long been one of my heroes. Your leadership while at BYU was remarkable. Your approach as a speaker and writer to challenging issues has usually in my experience been both enlightening and uplifting. I particularly remember hearing you speak while I was in university in the early 1980s respect the […]

On the Great Whore & Counterfeits in the Church.

I don’t like to label things as evil. I like the detached scientific view where everything on earth is working together in a balanced ecosystem according to natural laws– to “God’s” laws if you will. Each plant and animal follows the natural laws of instinct, and the fittest survive maintaining the balance. The lion is […]

The Law of Love Vs. Special Privilege. A discussion on Homosexuality, Morality and Religious Law

Over the last few years I have put a lot of thought into the dualism of justice and mercy, or more particularly between Christ’s law of love vs. the concept of special privilege. Nowhere is the dichotomy between these principles more visible than in the personal, religious and cultural debate surrounding homosexuality. How do we reconcile the Christian […]

Christ as the Only Path to the Father

Does one have to be Christian to be saved?  Did Christ teach that you had to believe in him in order to go to heaven? Could a Buddhist get to heaven through Buddha? Scriptures such as John 14:6 which says “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man […]

MesoAmerican/Mayan influence on Mississippian Culture

from https://www.facebook.com/notes/suppressed-histories-archives/mound-building-in-north-america-is-old/375806979116303/ Recently, claims of Maya migrations to Georgia have gotten a lot of attention. A long-standing pattern interprets North America as a backwater that absorbed influences from Mesoamerica, repeatedly assumed to be more advanced. in “America’s Lost City,” Andrew Lawler lays out a body of archaeological evidence for major mound complexes in Louisiana and Illinois […]