Entries by MormonBox

Charity, Kindness, and the Divine Center

Charity, Kindness, and the Divine Center Finding the hidden gate to exaltation has to do with maneuvering our way through the opposites and imbalances of life. In our present state of existence there are two primary spheres. One is mortality or the physical world in which we live. The other is immortality or the hidden spirit […]

Book of Mormon Geography: An Internal Model

– Quick links/ Jump to Section: Narrow Neck Ammonihah Antionum Aaron Melek Mulek Noah Bountiful Southwest Cities East Sea Cities Gideon Jershon Jerusalem Helam, Alma, Amulon Ishmael River Sidon Head of Sidon Manti Nephi Zarahemla Land Many Waters Cumorah Hill Shim Wildernesses (side) Defensive Lines West [Sea] Cities Moron Sidom Seas East & West Mormon […]

The Power & Responsibility of Parenting

I have spoken before about how in heaven, our own attitudes and perceptions create our reality. This should not be hard to believe, since the same is essentially true in mortality. Two individuals may go through the same experience, and yet have completely different attitudes, memories, interpretations and such. Color blindness is only one example […]

Relative Relationships, Fractals, Spiritual Centers/Chakras, and the endocrine system

I need to finish and expand upon this sometime. Relative Relationships/Fractals The eastern concept of chakras is largely based on he idea that the body follows a fractal relationship with the universe. A fractal is a mathematical construct or set that typically displays self-similar patterns or a pattern that is exactly the same at every […]

Judas, The Sons of Perdition and Service to Self

“During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion of abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for others, the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention, but are increasingly given self help instructions and […]

Scriptural Prophecy (List of all Fulfilled and Future Prophecy in Scripture)

Overview This document is a compilation of all the prophecy, (both fulfilled and future) found in Judeo-Christian scripture. Many of these suggested prophecies create a “chicken and the egg” scenario, where an unbeliever would suspect the fulfillment was self-fulfilling and came only because of the prediction, whereas a believer would see the fulfillment as an […]

Eternal Progression, Degrees of Glory, and the Resurrection: A Comparative Cosmology

Introduction This article seeks to present a new and comprehensive cosmology as seen from an LDS viewpoint, but using the best of non-LDS sources for greater understanding. Cosmology is defined as “the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe”, but in religious terms it is more properly an understanding of how […]

The Multi-Dimensionality of Matter

Physicist are only now beginning to place the multidimensionality of matter onto a scientifically viable framework. New innovations in String Theory (link) are showing mathematically that matter must exist in multiple dimensions given the changing states of the material universe from pure energy to denser matter. This idea is of course no surprise to the […]