Seeing The Face of God…
There are many, many, many people in this world who honestly claim to have seen God or Christ. The vast majority of these occurrences happen during near-death experiences or in visionary states of altered consciousness. (see for examples) A few even occur in full consciousness with natural eyes just as one man would talk to another. Those of different religious persuasions have these very real experiences too, although they call the light being/beings which they see by different names according to their religious biases. If you are not already familiar with the God-encountering experiences of the differing religious icons of the world (such as Muhammad’s experiences, Joseph Smith’s, Buddha’s, or the scores of other religious founders, and uncounted near-death experiences of normal people) I might suggest you take a bit of time to read a few dozen of them. And from that context I would like to explain the experience from an LDS scriptural perspective, and then from a pluralistic context.
In my opinion, to properly understand these experiences it helps to first have a sound understanding of our earth’s cosmology (see my article Eternal Progression, Degrees of Glory, and the Resurrection). It also helps to understand the deeply symbolic meaning in the phrase “see the face of God”. To sum things up, I think there are many beings who watch over our planet from what could be termed higher densities or dimensions (heavens) or alternate levels of consciousness. Because the planes these beings inhabit vibrate far more quickly than ours, when people of this plane view these beings or realms they are perceived as light (often even when only perceived through visionary states). The same is often true for the craft used by these beings. This life is a time for us to choose the group which we will join in our path to the higher planes. Truly “seeing God” and entering His rest is the summation of that choice.
-God / the Gods or higher beings teach men according to their understanding. If you are Christian it seems they will teach you according to your understanding, the same is true for a hindu or buddhist or muslim.
-Each religion has a multi-leveled counterpart in the earth’s 3rd density spirit world. These organizations seek to funnel people up to a state of consciousness where they can interact with the higher physical densities (resurrections). Again it is necessary to understand earth’s cosmology to understand how this all works (Eternal Progression, Degrees of Glory, and the Resurrection)
-There are many levels of beings which can interface with man. In Mormon terms it could be a telestial spirit (3rd density being from earth’s spirit world- or “ministering spirit”), or a resurrected terrestrial being (4rth density being/angel symbolized by “Christ” in Christianity), or a celestial being (5th density being symbolized by “the Father” in christianity).
-Nearly all beings which interface with our earth are 3rd or 4th density beings (telestial or terrestrial). For Mormons D&C 76 describes this saying that Telestial kingdoms are ministered to by the Terrestrial and so on..)
-The 4rth density (Terrestial realm) is still a polarized realm. That means there are beings of positive and negative polarity in this order who can also be perceived as light beings. The negative polarity is unity through means of autocratic domination; Lucifer or Satan being the Christian archetype. In biblical terms the fact that negative higher dimensional beings are also perceived by lower dimensional beings as light is taught by statements like “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14).
-By upper 5th density there ceases to be meaningful polarity. These realms and beings symbolized by “the Celestial” kingdom and the presence of “the Father” in mormonism, watch over all interactions made by terrestrial beings to telestial beings. They assure that no unethical interactions occur. They maintain agency and balance. They assure appearances occur only after an appropriate “call” has been made. They oversee the process of harvest where terrestrial groups seek and assimilate telestial initiates and initiate groups.
-“Christ” in Mormonism and Christianity is an archetype of a all positive group consciousness. However, the biblical Jesus is in fact a member of the highest counsel or “spirit-world” group which is funneling souls upward through the various levels to a resurrected “off planet” counterpart. This might be hard to understand, but in the resurrected terrestrial realm, a type of group is formed where all members of the group are united in a shared consciousness where the thoughts of all are available to all. The group is highly unified and the acts/words of one always reflect the will of the group as a whole. This is symbolically taught in many parts of the LDS and biblical canon. The Law of One terms this a ‘social memory complex’ (symbolized in Christianity by the communion/church or the body of Christ). When an emissary of one of these groups makes contact with an initiate, they might call themselves “Christ” or they might just let you call them “Christ” (or whatever your religious bias dictates). For reasons which will be discussed in the next point, it is important to understand that “Christ” is a title, and in truth all those who share this order are completely equal in authority, honor, doctrine and standing. (Christ is a Greek translation for the Hebrew word Messiah meaning an ‘Anointed One’, which is roughly equivalent to the Tibetan Lama, Hindu Maitreya or Muslim Mahdi)
-Negative 4rth order resurrected terrestrial beings are not equal. (Followers of “Lucifer” in Christian terms) They exist in a starkly hierarchical top-down autocratic system closely resembling that of many religions and nations. They are led by a beloved king/leader (dictator) and each member of the group willingly submits to his autocratic rule. Lower members of the group believe this leader to be selflessly benevolent, but he is infact a very cunning selfish liar. If a “true Christ” or positive/selfless terrestrial resurrected being makes contact with an initiate, an emissary of a negative group will be allowed to come in person or through thought to tempt the initiate with teachings which seek to persuade the initiate toward their selfish autocratic religious and political system. Their doctrine is one of service-to-self through exclusivity, control/fear and superiority (pride). The law of agency, watched over by celestial beings, dictates that equal opportunity for recruitment of converts must be given to both the positive (selfless) and negative (selfish) sides. This is why both sides are very selective in their personal contacts. Often, telestial initiates cannot tell the difference between the two, as both sides are very wise and the negative side is unimaginably deceptive. (Able to fake positive emotion and positive logic.) Both negative and positive heavenly groups have influenced every major religious and political system in earth’s history. The negative side is most interested in power and converts which increase its power, and uses decoy techniques to hide its real objectives.

LDS Theology, like many religious traditions, teach about two fundamental “plans” for Eternal Progression. Works such as “the law of one” go into great detail concerning the specifics of these plans and how the higher beings heading these plans seek to harvest souls for the next round of progression.
-The more strongly a disciple or initiate seeks information or contact with “Jesus” or “god”, the more influence both positive and negative groups will be allowed to interact with him/her. This is the true “trail of your faith” and the gateway to harvest. Seeking “the face of God” alone is far more dangerous (as far as possibilities of deception goes), because we really only “know” ourselves through the use of mirrors — a function played by other people. It is common for individuals to think they are seeking or seeing Jesus of the Bible, and yet they are actually interfacing with the New Testament’s antichrist (the antithesis of the free and equal system Jesus came to teach). The keys to knowing who we are dealing with is the thoughts given to us by those we are seeking contact with. Are they teaching us to love, accept and serve others in ways meaningful to them? Or are they teaching us to control others (call to repentance or enlist in a cause) in self-righteous ways which really only serve ourselves or our group? Are we serving God by loving and serving others in equality, or are we serving ourselves by serving “a God” which is a projection of our own egos; trying to control, belittle, outsmart or outperform others in self righteousness. Do we await a dictatorial Messiah (or al-Mahdi/Maitreya/Krishna), who will come to destroy the wicked, or a democratic one who will work with us to mercifully love and save the wicked by serving them without self-righteousness? One who will bring order through force or one who will bring unity through wisdom? Do we delight in coming destruction or do we pray for peace?
-There is meaning and value to both the negative and positive paths. Every religion on earth has been carefully crafted to contain scripture and doctrine endorsing both paths. The way is open for man to choose, and the path is guarded by very high beings with all power (as far as we are concerned).
-The Mormon religion (as all religion to some degree) is an accelerated gateway to harvest. Harvest is a complicated topic, but as mentioned it has to do with being translated (dimension shifted) from the 3rd Density (telestial glory) to the 4rth Density (terrestrial glory). This process happens in groups and has to do with harmonizing with the vibrations of existing 4th Density groups. This translation from our current state of isolated/separated consciousness to the more unified group consciousness of the next stage of existence is symbolized by passing through a “veil” (a separation) into the “presence or face” of the Lord. (the Lord being your chosen terrestrial group). LDS scripture and the temple ceremony teach this in many symbolic terms. Take these verses from the Doctrine and Covenants for instance.
68 Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will. (D&C 88:68)
1 Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am; (D&C 93:1)
16 Yea, and my presence shall be there, for I will come into it, and all the pure in heart that shall come into it shall see God. (D&C 97:16)
-The narrative of Moses seeing God typifies the principles given above. Like many others, Moses was foreordained to be a leader and dispensational head in the pre-existence, just as the people of Israel are composed of souls fordained to be a microcosm or type of the forces acting on the world at large. Thus Moses sought the “face of God” and was contacted by emissaries of both positive and negative terrestrial groups (each calling themselves Yahweh or Jehovah). As with all mortals, Moses was tasked with discerning the difference between these groups and incorporated large amounts of practices and doctrines from both sides. In hindsight, it is fairly easy to see which forces posing as “Yahweh” are responsible for the differing aspects of the exodus narrative. Take for instance when Moses comes down from the mount and learns that his brother has helped the people fashion an idol after the manner of the Egyptians.
25 Moses saw that Aaron had let the people get completely out of control, much to the amusement of their enemies.
26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, “All of you who are on the LORD’s side, come here and join me.” And all the Levites gathered around him.
27 Moses told them, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Each of you, take your swords and go back and forth from one end of the camp to the other. Kill everyone—even your brothers, friends, and neighbors.”
28 The Levites obeyed Moses’ command, and about 3,000 people died that day.
29 Then Moses told the Levites, “Today you have ordained yourselves for the service of the LORD, for you obeyed him even though it meant killing your own sons and brothers. Today you have earned a blessing.” (NLT Ex 32:25–29)
Ten verses earlier the negative aspect of Moses’ “Lord” had threatened to kill all of Israel for the umpteen time, but Moses had begged for them to be spared. But like many parents, Moses got upset when he came down and saw how unruly his people were, and in that anger he followed the doctrine of the negative path, which is non-patience, non-mercy and rule through fear and violence. He was inspired to find those who would mercilessly kill for him and then make them his elite. This act was in accordance with the doctrine of righteousness through violence taught by the negative Terrestrial God (Lord) Moses was obeying at that moment. Much like Mohammed and Hitler, this violence culminated in the creation of a religious/priesthood and racial elite through jihad, genocide and racial cleansing. A system which the positive “Lord” tried hard to keep in balance through later Old Testament prophets and finally through the very positively oriented Jesus Christ.
There is a complexity is these principles concerning unity that can be hard to understand. One must remember that in Celestial Beings (symbolized by the Father) there is no division or imbalance. They have harmonized positive and negative paths and are One with all lower beings. This is also the goal of all those who seek to progress to higher intelligence. Christ becoming “one with the Father” or Christ being the “Jehovah of the Old Testament” can only be fully understood within that context. The closer one comes to the Father or Creator and source of all intelligence the less division exists.

Some texts refer to the differing planes or densities as “projections” of God. This is because as the planes move further from their source, their fallen or divided nature is greater.
The principles of the positive and negative paths are explained at length in “the Law of One” material. LDS doctrine and scripture adds a second clear witness to the idea that the plan of Lucifer was to bring righteousness and unity through force (D&C 29:36–38, Moses 4:1–6). He is a terrestrial being with priesthood and power and seeks to bring about the Father’s plan of exaltation through autocratic rule which directs the honor and glory to himself. His plan is the antithesis of Jesus’ plan of unity through mercy, equality, humility and freedom. He seeks to destroy Jesus plan and sees it as weak and ineffective. He is the inspiration behind all dictatorships and autocratic systems which use manipulation, violence or fear. He is also the inspiration behind all religious systems which use propaganda, delusion, force and self-righteousness and give glory to their exclusive “Lord” (himself) instead of the Father Of All.
-As a final note it helps to reiterate that all polarity becomes unified (or at-oned) by the celestial (5th density) level. Thus the negative and positive attributes of the differing terrestrial “Gods” or groups are as the light and dark in the Yin and the Yang. They are both just differing attributes of the One True God. This is hard to explain and comprehend, but the important lesson is that in this life we choose our path to the Father in whom there is perfect unity… but we should realize that we need not demonize the other paths. Whether it be the violence of the Old Testament God contrasted with the pacifism of Jesus or the violence of Mohammadian Jihad contrasted with the pacifism of Buddha, the Highest God’s have set up these religions and path to lead mankind to unity and reconciliation. And regardless of the polarity of the Lord’s face we seek, we will one day see how all aspects of God’s plan fit into one beautiful picture with many varying shades.
Finish Writing…
In regards to seeking angels. Angels almost always speak to you telepathically through your thoughts. This is the meaning of the statement “angels speak by the power of the holy ghost… wherefore feast upon the words of Christ…” (2 Ne 32) Angels speak to us all the time, we just don’t know it. They don’t even need to be “present” to speak to you. But it is actually more important to learn to commune directly with God, (not Christ, but the Father or Most-High-God) than to get answers from angels. The same is true of the Second Comforter. Hopefully the advice you get from angels will point you in that direction. Seeing or speaking to angels often has negative consequences, and this is why there are strict rules restricting their interaction with you. One’s progress is markedly retarded once they “see” angels or the “face of the Lord”. The reason an adulterous generation seeks a sign is because of the comparative principles involved.
When we “see” the beauty of a body, it is easy to get distracted and forget that a person “is not their body”. Their mind and true self is veiled within that body. Its easy to get caught up in the outward appearance and forget that. The veiled darkness & blindness of this world acts as a catalyst to push our consciousness to connections with higher and higher spheres. At some point before going through the veil you will decide.. this is far enough, this is where I want to be. As soon as you “see God” and pass through the veil that decision is pretty much made, and your potential for progression drastically slows. We should realize there is a great deal of subtlety hidden in the term “seeing God”. It is mostly symbolic because in the highest sense it is not done with the eyes. When you finally do “see god” with “physical” eyes it will be a mediator god, and your progress toward the “Most High God” will be slowed.
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