Internal Geography of the Bible

The bible has a consistent internal geography which would make locating it possible, even if we only had a vague idea of where in Eurasia it occurred.

First, the cardinal directions of the Bible are well established by hebrew meanings in the words themselves with…

But even if that wasn’t the case, Psalms 139:9–10 defines east as where the sun rises. “If I go east where the sun rises or go to live in the west beyond the sea, even there you will take my hand and lead me.”    Its established again in Isaiah 45:6, “so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me”

There was a “great sea” on the west which is referenced some 10 times. 
-Gen 49:13, Zebulun’s land border’s it. The sea is a haven for ships and is in proximity to ‘Sidon’.

Israel was to extend from a desert to a place called Lebanon (presumably opposite boundaries), and a river called the Euphrates to a Great Western Sea (once again, presumably opposite boundaries).  Since the West Sea is in the west “toward the setting sun, then the Euphrates must be to the East. And Desert/Levanon must be north/south boundaries.
-Deut 11:24. ” Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea”

The Promised Land’s Boundaries are reiterated in Ezekial. 

-Ezekial 47:13-20. “These are the boundaries of the land that you will divide among the twelve tribes of Israel as their inheritance… 15 On the north side it will run from the Mediterranean Sea [by a bunch of random cities]… along the northern border of Damascus, with the border of Hamath to the north. This will be the northern boundary. 

18 On the east side the boundary will run between Hauran and Damascus, along the Jordan between Gilead and the land of Israel, to the Dead Sea and as far as Tamar. e This will be the eastern boundary.19 “On the south side it will run from Tamar as far as the waters of Meribah Kadesh, then along the Wadi of Egypt to the Great Western Sea. This will be the southern boundary.
20 “On the west side, the Western Sea will be the boundary to a point opposite Lebo Hamath. This will be the western boundary.

These boundaries were also given in Exodus 23:31
“I will establish your borders from the Red Sea (Sea of Reeds)  to the Sea of the Philistines, (Western Sea) and from the desert to the River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you.”

-Numbers 13:29. There is a River called Jordan, which is associated with a sea.

-Deut 34:1–5. The land promised to Israel extends “as far as the Western Sea, 3the Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho, the City of Palms, as far as Zoar.”

There is a River called Jordan which forms an Important Boundary
-Joshua 1:12. The Israelites come from Egypt to Israel and wait “east of the Jodan toward the sunrise” to cross into the promised land [which from this we can assume is west of the Jordan].

-Joshua 4:7. Jordan is a sizable river at flood stage during harvest (late summer/fall) and flows into a ‘Sea of the Arabah’ also called “Sea of the Salt/ Salt Sea” (yām-ham-me-laḥ).  It is somehow in a course from Egypt.

-Joshua 5:1. The Jordan river makes a border with the Amorite kingdom. which is “East of the Jordan” River (Joshua 2:10)

There is a Notable Desert in the Extreme South of Israel. 

-Joshua 15:1/ “The allotment for the tribe of Judah, according to its clans, extended down to the territory of Edom, to the Desert of Zin in the extreme south.”

Judah’s allotment stretches from The Salt Sea on the east to the Great Western Sea on the west.
-Joshua 15: 5–12. The eastern boundary is the Salt Sea as far as the mouth [delta/terminus] of the Jordan. The northern boundary started from the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan… rom the hilltop the boundary headed toward the spring of the waters of Nephtoah, came out at the towns of Mount Ephron and went down toward Baalah (that is, Kiriath Jearim). 10 Then it curved westward from Baalah to Mount Seir, ran along the northern slope of Mount Jearim (that is, Kesalon), continued down to Beth Shemesh and crossed to Timnah. 11 It went to the northern slope of Ekron, turned toward Shikkeron, passed along to Mount Baalah and reached Jabneel. The boundary ended at the sea. 12 The western boundary is the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.”

Joshua 19 gives very specific geographic descriptions of each of the 12 tribes lands. But only a few are not just city names. West mentioned 6 times, east 4 north twice and south once, Western sea once, and Jordan “on the east” four times.

Israel is bounded on the east by “the Jordan Valley” which apparently contains a “Sea of Galilee/Kennereth”, Jordan river and a “Salt Sea/Sea of Arabah”
-Duet 3:17. “They also received the Jordan Valley, all the way from the Sea of Galilee down to the Dead Sea, with the Jordan River serving as the western boundary”

The Sea of Gililee or Kennereth is mentioned some 21 times. Three times in the Old Testament & the rest in the New Testament. Joshua 12:3 and Num 34:11, also consider it an eastern boundary.

The Western Sea or Mediterranean is mentioned some 56 times. Often as the land’s Western Boundary (see Joshua 1:4, 23:4, Ezek 47:10–19, Numbers 34:5–7

There are mountains with great trees west of Israel.
-Duet 11:30-31.  “As you know, these mountains are across the Jordan, westward, toward the setting sun, near the great trees of Moreh, in the territory of those Canaanites living in the Arabah in the vicinity of Gilgal. 31 You are about to cross the Jordan to enter and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you”

Gen 13:1. In some versions seems to suggest Israel/The Negev is ‘south’ of Egypt, perhaps suggesting the usage of Egyptian directions? Or maybe just speaking from 
“And Abram goeth up from Egypt (he and his wife, and all that he hath, and Lot with him) towards the south”

Gen 15:18. On that same day the Lord made a covenent with Abram saying, ‘To your descendants I have given this land from the River of Egypt to the great River, the River Euphrates”

2 Samuel 8:3. “David smote also Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, king of Zobah, as he went to recover his border at the river Euphrates. v.6 “He put garrisons in the Aramean kingdom of Damascus, and the Arameans became subject to him and brought tribute”

Isaiah 11:15. “The Lord will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates River”

The Scattering and Gathering of Israel (Jacob 5)

[This article is a draft.  It needs a lot of work].

This topic is highly speculative, but a lot of fun nonetheless.  In this article I walk through the Bible, as well as other religious and channeled works (such as Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon), to detail the movements of a group of ideologically guided peoples (The House of Israel) throughout the earth since the days of Abraham who truly felt it their divine mission to civilize the entire earth, and spread their unique history and worldview. Understanding the depth to which these people believed this divine charge perhaps make the biblical statement from the “Lord” to  to Abraham a bit more poignant.

“That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; …And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen 22:16–18).

With the finding of the Kolbrin Book of England and its correlation with our revised archaeological timeline, we here…


1. The scattering and gathering of Israel is the ultimate global civilization program. 

2. The people of “Israel” are NOT the Israel we think of as existing today.
-It is important to make clear that “Israel” is NOT the Jews as we know them today. The full 12 tribes of Israel are not recognizable by trying to compare them to the mixed remnants of 2 tribes which compose “Israeli” or Jewish people today. The Bible suggests that Israel was far more multicultural than many suppose. Jacob was purposely inspired to have children with Semitic women (Mesopotamian/Indian) & their non-Semitic slaves (handmaidens) who represented two other major divisions of the earth– Africa! & Central Asia?). Israel has further been purposely mixed throughout the world. The “mother tree” of Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon is also not a religion, it is a people and culture. The final product will be a global culture & universal brotherhood.

3. “Pruning” is overseen by the higher beings guiding our evolution. It would have occured through population decline, war and plague. Just as with natural selection, the most spiritually and physically healthy live while the undesired and non-robust genetic groups become diminished or extinct.

4. A Basic outline of the mixing/pruning or natural selection driven breeding program is as follows (following Jacob chapter five/dates given in carbon dates until ~600BC):

TIMES OF ISRAEL (2000 bc to 34 ad)

FIRST MIXING, PART A. (planting genetic material into 3 branches/divisions of afro-Eurasia)
1-Israel mixed into Africa through the Egyptian captivity. Great influence on early Egyptian religion, culture & government.
2-Israel mixed into Greece/Anatolia, North Asia (Mongolia) & Europe through Assyrian captivity. Great influence on Greek philosophy & government, as well as mesopotamia and turkish/mongol law, religion and government.
3-Israel mixed into Near-east & Indian Subcontinent through Babylonian captivity. Great influence of Israeli law, religion and government spanning from Akad/Babylon to Tibet.

FIRST MIXING, PART B. (major period of general diasporic colonialism where Middle-Eastern cultures and Israeli genetic material colonizes the world–including the “island continents”– in the same way European imperialism colonized the world following the renaissance).
1-African Israelis mixed into South America through phoenician trade vessels sometime between 1000BC-500 BC.
2-Ephraimitic Israelis mixed into Mesoamerica by multiple groups just before Babylonian captivity (~600 BC).
3-Asiatic Israelis mixed into Oceania through Tibetan (through Indochina) & early Mongolian groups.  Many groups are inspired to island hop throughout the West Pacific.

-The first mixing reaches its climax as Israeli culture takes over the Western World through Christianity & Islam. North African, Middle Eastern & Asiatic groups (including Israeli genetic carriers) move into Europe gradually and come to dominate the cultures of civilized western world by the end of the first Millennium AD.

–SECOND/REVERSE MIXING, PART A. (major period of colonization and imperialism where Europe spreads its people and culture/religion into all the world, especially the 3 main aisles of the sea, N. America, S. America & Oceania. It is a reverse of the First Mixing, Part B).
1-Iberian (mixed-African) Christians of Spain & Portugal colonize and Christianize South America.
2-Norman (mixed-Semitic) Christians of England and France colonize and Christianize North America.
3-Slovic (mixed Asiatic) Christians of German & Dutch countries colonize and Christianize much of Oceania.

–SECOND/REVERSE MIXING, PART B (European Christians colonize and spread their political and cultural ideology into the 3 branches/divisions of Afro-Eurasia).
1-Western European countries colonize almost the entirety of Africa.
2-European culture & ideology is spread by the Russians throughout most of North Asia and the Asian steppe.
3-European culture & ideology is spread by Britain & others throughout India, Indochina and the Middle East.


–FINAL DOUBLE MIXING (final future stage of program where everything is gathered together in one)
-a final third version of the mother tree is recreated by creating a people and culture/religion who are all inclusive and incorporate the best beliefs/teachings of all the scattered branches into one religious brotherhood of man (the United States began this–spreading its influence across the Christian world, but restored Israel in Judea will finish it–spreading its influence across the Islamic world).
-this mixing parallels both the former mixings. With each superpower (America & Restored Judah) becoming a mixing pot of all the cultures on earth (but especially Christian culture for America & Islamic culture for Restored Judah). this is spread to the scattered branches and then the scattered branches are gathered back into it as well, and both pruned and cared for until they all resemble one healthy tree bearing fruit.

-The first division into 3 was the sons of the archetype Noah.  (2,600BC/40,000BC)
Its hard to judge which aspects of the story of Noah are literal and which are metaphorical. I also believe the biblical Patriarchal Period (from Noah to Abraham is symbolic of a larger span of history, each patriarch representing an early epoch. Oahspe gives some interesting ideas on this.) First we look at the 3 divisions of the earth given to Noah’s 3 sons after the flood (explained best in the book of Jubilee). They may be actual individuals or more likely be metaphorical archetypes of groups of people. The oldest, Japheth is given the north-lands (East Asia/china), the youngest, Ham is given the southlands (Africa), and Shem the birthright middle-child is given middle-earth (Mesopotamia to India).

lands given to Ham, Shem and Japeth as explained in Oahspe and other texts.
lands given to Ham, Shem and Japheth as explained in Oahspe and other texts.


Mother Israel is nurtured in each of these divisions (1800 BC – 74 AD sd/ 12,000 BC – 74 AD cd)
Abraham was a living archetype born in the lands of Shem. Joseph leads his posterity into Ham where they become captive for somewhere between 230 – 400+ years (and are scattered throughout Africa), before they are liberated back to their central homeland [1]. I speculate they integrate heavily with Shem in India during this time (Period of the Judges to just after king David). The second major captivity brings them into Japheth’s captivity with the Assyrian invasion and captivity of the Northern 10 Tribes of Israel [3]. Josephus, the Book of Jubilee and other obscure sources suggest at least one group of the Northern Kingdom flee deeply into north and east Asia assimilating with the Scythians or proto-mongols & European nomads (Scandinavia, Mongolia & China). Others likely integrated with the early nomadic turkish peoples and Arian’s of the caucasus region. The Babylonian invasion brings large populations of the Southern Kingdom of Judah into captivity in Shinar where they spread throughout the lands of Shem [2] from Mesopotamia to India & Tibet… especially during the Persian and Macedonian periods. (Babylon is primarily Semitic even though Nimrod its founder was of Ham through Cush).

Israel is scattered into Ham, Shem and Japheth during the Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian captivities.


Mesopotamian Colonialism (500 BC – 200 AD/ 4,000BC – 200 AD)
During the era from about 500 BC to the time of Christ, the empires of the Middle east experience a period of expansionism and colonialism similiar to that of European Colonialism 2000 years later. There is evidence of Phoenician trade, shipping, colonialism and settlement from Northern Europe to Southern Africa to Indonesia. The Jews are also prolific during this era in setting up colonies in much of the known world. The Book of Mormon tells of the colonization of North America by at least two Israeli group, and Jacob 5 alludes to two other large colonizations to two other major “isles of the sea”, which I speculate are South America and Oceania. (The key to inferring this is in the verse that says the reverse grafting happens in last days… so just look at where europe colonized and you will see these are the obvious places.)  Even discounting the Book of Mormon narrative, there is evidence of extensive colonization throughout much of the Old world, and quite possibly even in the new world. The Kolbrin also recounts in detail the early colonization of Britain during this era by Israeli Egyptians and Phoenicians.

The three transplanted branches of the mother tree (groups from mother israel) are taken to North America, South America and Oceania. During the Israeli diaspora period of 600 BC to 450 BC.
The three transplanted branches of the mother tree (groups from mother israel) are taken to North America, South America and Oceania. During the Israeli diaspora period of 600 BC to 450 BC.


European Settlement (800 BC – 600 AD/ 6,00 BC- 600 AD)
Europe is kept largely unsettled by its climate in early history, but with climate change Europe opens up for heavy colonization about 600 BC. Ham, Shem & Japheth move into their respective areas. The Kolbrin talks about huge Egyptian & Phoenician migrations. After Christ, Israel is salted into Europe and Jewish merchants and mystics become likely the single largest ruling influence upon the continent. By this time genetic code has been mixed thoroughly enough as to make differentiation between “Jew and Gentile” difficult.  Even so cultural Jews seem to thrive.

After Rome's destruction of Judah in 70 AD, the final diaspora leads hundreds of thousands of Jews into Europe, which is just beginning to grow rapidly in population and prominence.
After Rome’s destruction of Judah in 70 AD, the final diaspora leads hundreds of thousands of Jews into Europe, which is just beginning to grow rapidly in population and prominence.


European Colonization & The Great Mixing (1500 AD – 2000 AD).
Grafting ‘them into them’: the colonial era and European imperialism is the key to knowing where the three branches of Jacob 5 were transplanted (given the B.O.M. narrative). Just look where Spain and England settled and civilized. England, largely colonized every division on the world (Ham, Shem and Japheth in Africa, India and China respectively). It also civilized “the isles of the sea” or the Americas & Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc..). The Iberians (Spain & Portugal), did most of the rest with South America & Oceania (Philippines, more, more, etc).

Europe’s colonization and conquest of the world. need to add boat routes and colonies.


The restoration of Israel
The restoration began in the 19th century with the Zionist movement. The gathering will take place in two locations, Israel and North America. Both have already begun. The European Jews are the first fruits, but the Book of Ben Kathryn chronicles the wholesale resettlement of the entire Middle Eastern region as the climate shifts to more hospitable conditions. America has also become a melting pot, but the major gathering will take place after the United States divides and then begins to be rebuilt with true states rights.

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Allegory of the Olive Tree
The key to fully seeing the totality and fulfillment of this promise unto the House of Israel, is a simple line found in the prophesy of the ancient prophet Zenos. And an understanding the global colonialism by Gentile Christianity beginning with Christopher Columbus until present, is a preparatory fulfillment to the grafting in of the natural branches spoken of by Zenos.

Zenos’ Allegory of the Olive Tree is perhaps one of the most profound treatises offered on the topic of the scattering and Gathering of Israel found in Holy Writ. It is so impressive, in fact, that hundreds of years after it was given, Paul seems to drawn from its imagery by memory as he states to the Romans “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree” (Romans 11:17). One reading Paul’s treatise on the scattering and gathering of Israel might not catch the full significance of the comparisons made had they not access to the original text from which he quotes. (available here).

The prophet Lehi, also drew from this allegory over 600 years before Paul. We are told of his exposition,

“Yea, even my father spake much concerning the Gentiles, and also concerning the house of Israel, that they should be compared like unto an olive-tree, whose branches should be broken off and should be scattered upon all the face of the earth. Wherefore, he said it must needs be that we should be … scattered upon all the face of the earth. And after the house of Israel should be scattered they should be gathered together again; or, in fine, after the Gentiles had received the fullness of the Gospel, the natural branches of the olive-tree, or the remnants of the house of Israel, should be grafted in, or come to the knowledge of the true Messiah, their Lord and their Redeemer.”

Here we learn that the olive tree used by Zenos is made to represent the House of Israel. And that multiple branches

A few chapters later Nephi sums it up even clearer as he states,

13 And now, the thing which our father meaneth concerning the grafting in of the natural branches through the fulness of the Gentiles, is, that in the latter days, when our seed shall have dwindled in unbelief, yea, for the space of many years, and many generations after the Messiah shall be manifested in body unto the children of men, then shall the fulness of the gospel of the Messiah come unto the Gentiles, and from the Gentiles unto the remnant of our seed—

This of course is a half of the equation explained by Zenos himself. A careful reading of this verse will lay the groundwork for the discovery of all the branches of the House of Israel. After explaining (quite literally) that .. planted in 3 different spost he says.. Explain first that the mother tree is Israel/The gentile Church. Then that the 3 trees in the nethermost are 3 righteous branches planted upon the isles of the sea (1Ne? ref)

“Wherefore, let us take of the branches of these which I have planted in the nethermost parts of my vineyard [3 groups planted on different major isles of the sea], and let us graft them into the tree from whence they came [Israel/Gentile Christianity]; and let us pluck from the tree those branches whose fruit is most bitter, and graft in the natural branches of the tree in the stead thereof… And, behold, the roots of the natural branches of the tree which I planted whithersoever I would are yet alive; wherefore, that I may preserve them also for mine own purpose, I will take of the branches of this tree [the mother tree], and I will graft them [the mother tree’s branches] in unto them [the three scattered Israelite people on the isles of the sea]. Yea, I will graft in unto them [again, the three trees] the branches of their mother tree, that I may preserve the roots [of the three trees] also unto mine own self, that when they shall be sufficiently strong perhaps they may bring forth good fruit unto me, and I may yet have glory in the fruit of my vineyard.”

So by grafting both ways…

Map of religious influence

All the major players in the Human Drama have had the choice whether to unite or divide humanity. I believe in this final age, God will favor and sustain only those who unite. All other groups will become extinct. See the article The Scattering and Gathering of Israel for details on gods evolutionary plan for populating, diversifying, civilizing and unifying the planet.

Map of physical migrations…

Scattering of Israel
Illustration of Scattering of Israel

Summary of ideas still to write…

-The birthright is almost always given to the middle-child in the middle-land. The middle son, like Christ is the divine center. They are the strait and narrow way (or narrow middle way). The type is continued again and again, the first looses favor because of pride. From Cain, to Japheth, to Ishmeal, to Isau, to Rueben, to Saul, to Lamen, etc… The middle son becomes a microcosm of the opposites. He is the at-one-ment, and type of harmonizing the older and younger. He becomes a type of the first and the last, and is charged with redemption and bringing them together in harmony. This is also the job of scattered Israel.

-In both the times of Israel (Abraham to Christ) and during the Times of the Gentiles (Christ to present), God scattered the body of Israel (the chosen seed of Shem) into the lands of Japheth, Shem and Ham, as well as scattering/leading splinter groups of Israel into new frontier lands separated from the main body of humanity/civilization.

Scattering during the Times of Israel
1-The Egyptian habitation/captivity. During this 200+ year era, all 12 tribes are scattered throughout Hams seed by trade, migration in intermarriage.
2-The Assyrian deportation. Around 750 BC, Assyria sacks the Northern Kingdom of Israel and deports a large portion of its population into the Northern reaches of Assyria.

Alter this flash application to show the colonization of all European colonies around the world. Perhaps turn it into a leaflet map. and show how the colonies in Europe mirror the colonies of Israel and the 3 branches of the olive tree in the allegory.


Book of Mormon Geography Scriptures

[A] [B] [C] [D]
[E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]


Aaron, city/cities of
Alma 8:13; 50:14

Ether 9:3

Ether 14:15-16

Akish, wilderness of
Ether 14:3-4, 14

Alma, valley of
Mosiah 24:20, 21

Ammonihah, city of
Alma 8:6-13, 16-18; chs. 9-14; 15:1, 15; 16:2-3, 9, 11; 25:2; 49:3, 10-11

Amnihu, hill
Alma 2:15

Amulon, land of
Mosiah 23:31; 24:1

Angola, city of
Mormon 2:4

Alma 21:11

Antionum, land of
Alma 31:3; 43:5, 22

Antiparah, city of
Alma 56:14, 31-34; 57:1-4

Antipas, mount
Alma 47:7, 10

Antum, land of
Mormon 1:3

Boaz, city of
Mormon 4:20-21

Bountiful, city/land of
Alma 22:29-33; 27:22; 50:11, 32; 51:28, 30-32; 52:9, 15,17-18, 39; 53:3-4; 55:26; 63:5; Helaman 1:23, 28; 4:6;

5:14; 3 Nephi 3:23; 11:1

Comnor, hill
Ether 14:28

Corihor, land/valley of
Ether 14:27-28

Cumeni, city of
Alma 56:13-14; 57:7-8, 12, 23, 31, 34

Cumorah, land/hill of
Mormon 6:2-6, 11; 8:2

Desolation, city of
Mormon 3:7; 4:2, 3, 8, 13, 19

Desolation, land of
Alma 50:34; 63:5; 3 Nephi 3:23; Mormon 3:5; 4:1-2, 19; Ether 7:6

Ephraim, hill
Ether 7:9

Gad, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

Gadiani, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Gadiomnah, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Gid, city of
Alma 51:26; 55:7-26

Gideon, city/land/valley of
Alma 2:20-26; 6:7-8:1; 13:15; 17:1; 30:21; 61:5; 62:3-6

Gilgal, city/valley of
3 Nephi 9:6; Ether 13:27-30

Gimgimno, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Helam, city/land of
Mosiah 23:3-4, 25-26, 29, 35, 37-39; 27:16

Hermounts, wilderness of
Alma 2:37

Heshlon, plains of
Ether 13:2-8

Ishmael, land of
Alma 17:19-21; 20:14-15; 21:20-21; 22:4; 23:7-9; 24:5; 25:1

Jacob, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Jacobugath, city of
3 Nephi 9:9

Jashon, city/land of
Mormon 2:16-17

Jershon, land of
Alma 27:22-24, 26; 28:1, 8; 30:1, 19-21; 35:6, 13-14; 43:4, 18, 25

Jerusalem, city/land
Alma 21:1-4; 24:1; 3 Nephi 9:7

Jordan, city of
Mormon 5:3

Josh, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

Joshua, land of
Mormon 2:6

Judea, city of
Alma 56:9, 15, 18, 57; 57:11

Laman, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

land northward
Alma 22:32

land southward
Alma 22:32

Lehi, city/land of
Alma 50:15, 25-28, 36; 56:24, 26; 62:30; Helaman 6:10

Lehi-Nephi, city/land of
Mosiah 7:1-4, 21; 9:1-6, 8

Lemuel, city of
Alma 23:12-13

Manti, city/land of
Alma 16:6-7; 17:1; 22:27; 43:22, 24-54; 56:14; 58:26-30; 59:6

Melek, land of
Alma 8:3-4; 35:13; 45:18

Middoni, land of
Alma 20:2-3, 4-7, 14-15, 28-30; 21:12-13, 18; 23:10

Midian, land of
Alma 24:5

Minon, land of
Alma 2:24

Mocum, city of
3 Nephi 9:7

Moriancumer, land of
Ether 2:13

Morianton, city/land of
Alma 50:25, 36; 51:26; 55:33; 59:4-5

Moroni 9:9-10

Mormon, placelwaters/forest of
Mosiah 18:4-16, 30-35; 25:18; 26:15; Alma 5:3

Moron, land of
Ether 7:5-6, 17; 14:6, 11

Moroni, city/land of
Alma 50:13; 51:22-24; 59:5; 62:25, 32-34; 3 Nephi 8:9; 9:4

Moronihah, city of
3 Nephi 8:10, 25; 9:5

Mulek, city/land of
Alma 51:26; 52:2, 16-26; 53:2, 6; Helaman 6:10

narrow neck of land
Alma 22:32; 63:5

narrow pass
Alma 50:34; 52:9; Mormon 2:29; 3:5

Nehor, city of
Ether 7:9

Nephi, city of
Mosiah 9:15; 21:1, 12; Alma 23:11; 47:20; 47:31

Nephi, land of
2 Nephi 5:8; Omni 1:12, 27-30; Words of Mormon 1:13; Mosiah 7:6-9; chs. 9-22; 28:1-9; 29:3; Alma 2:24; chs. 17-26; 27:1, 20; 28:8; 47:1, 20; 50:8; 53:6; 58:38; Helaman 4:12; 5:20

Nephihah, city/land/plains of
Alma 50:14; 51:24-26, 59:5-11; 62:14, 18-26, 30

Noah, city/land of
Alma 49:12-15

Ether 15:10

Ornner, city of
Alma 51:26

Alma 47:5

Onidah, hill
Alma 32:4

Onihah, city of
3 Nephi 9:7

Ramah, hill
Ether 15:11

Riplah, hill
Alma 43:31, 35

Ripliancum, waters of
Ether 15:8

Sebus, waters of
Alma 17:26, 34; 18:7; 19:20

Shem, city/land of
Mormon 2:20-21

Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 10:7; 11:12; 19:6; 20:1-5; 24:1; Alma 23:12

Moroni 9:16-17

Sherrizah, tower of
Moroni 9:7

Shilom, city/land of
Mosiah 7:7, 21; 9:6, 8, 14; 10:8, 20; 11:12-13; 22:8-11; 24:1; Alma 23:12

Shim, hill
Mormon 13; 4:23; Ether 9:3

Shimnilom, city of
Alma 23:8, 12

Shurr, valley of
Ether 14:28

Sidom, land of
Alma 2:15, 3, 11, 13-17

Sidon, river
Alma 2:15, 34; 4:4; 22:29

Siron, land of
Alma 39:3

Teancum, city of
Mormon 4:3-8, 14

Zarahemla, city of
Alma 2:26; 5:2; 6:1-7; 7:3-5; 8:1; 31:6; 56:25; 60:1; Helaman 1:18-33; 7:10; 13:12; 3 Nephi 8:8, 24; 9:3; 4 Nephi 1:8

Zarahemla, land of
Omni 1:12-13, 24, 28; Mosiah 1:1, 18; 2:4; 7:9, 13-14; 8:1-8, 14; 9:2; 21:24-26; 22:11-13; 24:25; 25:19-23; 27:35; 29:44; Alma 2:15-25; 4:1; 5:1; 15:18; 16:1; 22:32; 27:5-20; 28:1; 35:14; 59:4; 60:30; 62:6-7; Helaman 3:31; 4:5; 5:16-19; 6:4; 7:1; 13:2; 3 Nephi 3:22-23; Mormon 1:6

Zeezrom, city of
Alma 56:13-14

Zerin, mount
Ether 13:30



Scientific vs. Scriptural Timelines

Today in the Christian & Muslim worlds there are two predominate world-views seeking to explain the history of the world. One is the religious view offered by traditional Christian & Muslim theologians based on faith-centered interpretation of scriptural evidence. The other is the naturalistic view offered by Scientists based on a logical interpretation of empirical evidence.

Which do you find yourself believing more?  Can they be harmonized?  See our article ‘How Old is the Earth? How the Bible Timeline Fits with Earth’s Geologic & Archaeological Prehistory‘.

The religious take on history:

  • 5000-4000 B.C. God, having power over atoms and element, creates complex life on earth, in a perfect immortal condition and places it in
    the Garden of Eden. He finishes and declares his work “Good” sometime around six to seven thousand years ago.
  • 4000 B.C. Adam’s sin brings death to the world. The world “falls” from its perfect, immortal state.
  • 4000 B.C. Adam is expelled from the Garden of Eden, which is located in Jackson County Missouri. Adam-ondi-Ahman is a mountainous region
    at this time (D&C ?? ), and is located near the “Sea East” (Moses ?? ). Adam’s posterity, and thus civilization radiates out from this area
    and is still concentrated in that region after 1000 years (Moses ?? Enoch scripture)
  • 3960 B.C. Adam is taught by God to read and write, he in turn teaches this skill to his children, who begin recording a book of
    remembrance (Moses ?? ).
  • 3960 B.C. Adam and his descendants raise livestock and cultivate grains (Moses?? )
  • 3500 B.C.? Adams descendants become masters in working metal such as brass and iron. (Gen 4:22) They also make musical instruments such
    as the harp and organ. (Gen 4:21)
  • 3000 B.C. God translates the city of Enoch about four thousand years ago; the righteous from that time until the flood are likewise
    translated in preparation for the world’s destruction (Moses ??)
  • 4000-2400 B.C Pre-flood patriarch life spans average 900 years. Something changes at the flood to make them slowly begin to
  • 2444 B.C. God baptizes the earth in the flood that kills “all that is on the dry land”, save Noah, his family, and the animals
    with him on the arc. (Gen ?? )
  • The world then begins to be repopulated by Noah and his family. His descendants all speak the same language and are concentrated in the
    land of Shinar (Assyria) & Egypt.
  • The descendants of Noah possess full knowledge of reading, writing, metallurgy and civilization.
  • 2330-? B.C. Egypt is first settled by Egyptus after the flood (Abr. 3: ?). When she finds the land, it is still underwater.
  • 2160? B.C. The earth is divided in the days of Peleg, about a hundred years after the flood (Gen. 10: ?, D&C 133: ??)
  • 2100 B.C. The Brother of Jared heads north from Shinar (Assyria) where “never man had gone before” on his way to the great
    ocean that separates the continents.
  • 2100 B.C. North America is settled for the first time since the flood by the Brother of Jared and his group. They bring livestock, bees
    and grains to repopulate the continent.
  • 2000 B.C. The Jaredites exhibit a high level of sophistication. They grow fruit and grain, and have all manner of livestock. They
    manufacture silks, and fine linen. They smelt gold, silver, and steel. (Ether 7:9) They also use horses, donkeys, elephants, and cureloms and cumoms
  • 2000 B.C. A money system using precious metals is firmly established by Abraham’s time. (Gen 23:15–16)
  • 2000 B.C. Silver and gold are smelted in the time of Abraham. They are used for jewelry such as earrings and bracelets. (Gen 13:2)
  • 1600 B.C. Iron, brass, tin and lead are used by the time of Moses. (Lev 26:19, Num 31:22)
  • 1544? B.C. The children of Israel grow to be a great people in the land of Egypt, numbering several million
  • 1517 B.C. Moses is sent by God to foretell and carry out the command to entirely destroy the kingdom of Egypt, and lead the Israelites to
  • 1000 B.C. Steel is specifically mentioned as being used for bows at the time of David.
  • 1000 B.C. David and his son Solomon rule the entire Middle East. The climate is much more fertile and is described as a land flowing with
    milk and honey (Ref ?? ).
  • 800 B.C. By this time Israel has lost much of its power in the region and Assyria begins to raise up in the north as a major world
  • 7?? B.C. Assyria attacks and destroys the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Its people are transported to foreign lands and from there scattered
    among “the north countries”. (ref ??)
  • 600 B.C. Lehi’s group and the Mulekites flee Israel just prior to its destruction and sail to America. Sometime after their arrival
    the former inhabitants (the Jaredites) are completely destroyed and these new groups become the population stock for all future American peoples. (reword)
  • 580 B.C. Babylon conquers Assyria and becomes the major world power. It then attacks the Southern Kingdom of Judah and carries its
    inhabitants away into Babylon as prisoners.
  • 550 B.C. Much like Joseph in Egypt, David becomes second in command to Nebecaneezer, the king of the most powerful country in the world.
    He exerts much influence and spreads Israelite culture throughout the kingdom. After 70 years in captivity many of the Israelites return to set up the nation once
  • 500 B.C. At this point the bible ends and written history becomes abundant and trustworthy.
The Naturalistic take on history:

  • 3 billion years ago – First life on earth appears in the form of single celled organisms such as protista and Eukarotic cells.
  • 570 million years ago – Cambrian Explosion occurs, marked by the abrupt appearance of complex life in the fossil record. Every major
    phylum on earth today, is represented.
  • 438 million years ago – First land plants and land invertebrates appear in fossil record.
  • 360 million years ago – Development of amphibians and insects.
  • 320 million years ago – Appearance of early reptiles
  • 245 million years ago – Development of conifer plants
  • 208 million years ago – appearance of fist birds and the rise of the dinosaurs.
  • 65 million years ago – First flowering plants evolve.
  • 45 MYA First Anthropoids evolve in Africa or Eurasia
  • 25 MYA First ape-like hominoids evolve
  • 5 MYA Divergent evolution begins between humans and apes (latest shared ancestor)
  • 3.5 MYA First erect walking bipeds (hominoids or early human’s) evolve
  • 2.5 MYA Humanoids learn to use stone tools.
  • 1.5 MYA First Homo Erectus species evolves
  • .5 MYA Humans learn to kindle fire
  • 400,000 BC Sites in England & Germany show hunting occurred
  • .2 MYA First Homo Sapiens evolve in Africa or Asia
  • 120,000 BC Neanderthals evolve
  • 90,000 BC Fish nets from the Congo found
  • 50,000 BC Bone and rock tools become prevalent, oldest stone spear tips found
  • +20,000 BC Cave paintings, sewing needles, bow and arrow are invented
  • 20,000 BC First inhabitants of North America cross the Bering Straights from Asia
  • 10, 000 BC Early Archaic culture raises up in North America
  • 8000 BC First cultivation of grains/farming, Alcoholic fermentation invented
  • 7000 BC Early use of pottery
  • 6000 BC Early use of linens (man goes from animal furs to woven fabrics)
  • 5000 BC Irrigation developed, First use of copper, First corn cultivation
  • 4500 BC Early ships and sailors in Mesopotamia and Egypt
  • 4000 BC Development of plowing and first domestication of horses
  • 4000 BC Sumerian /Acadian culture rises in Babylonia (peaks 2330 BC)
  • 4000 BC Some have carbon dated the pyramids of Egypt to this date.
  • 3500 BC Early number systems developed, First use of carts with wheels
  • 3100 BC Early development of writing
  • Archaic Kingdom of Egypt (3100-2700 BC)
  • 3000 BC Stonehenge built, Minoan Civilization rises in Crete (3000-1400 BC), stone plows found
  • 2950 BC The oldest living tree (a bristle cone pine in West U.S.) starts growing
  • 2800 BC Development of the Calendar by Babylonians
  • 2700 BC Old Kingdom of Egypt rises (2700-2200 BC) capitol is Memphis.
  • 2550 BC The Great Pyramids of Egypt are built
  • 2500 BC Beginnings of glass, libraries, long distance trade, and domestication of camels.
  • Early Indus Valley Civilization rises. (it is destroyed by Aryans in 1500 BC)
  • 2400 BC Rise of first Chinese Civilizations
  • 2300 BC Invention of paper
  • 2050 BC Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2050-1800 BC) capitol is Thebes
  • 2000 BC The Aramaens move into Israel from the north
  • 1750 BC Hamarabi’s Code established. (first modern system of law)
  • 1620 BC Rise of the Hittite Empire (1620-1350 BC) although they existed from 3000 BC
  • 1500 BC The Hindu “Vedas” are written. (some say 1700 or 1500-1200 BC)
  • 1450 BC The Myceneaen Civilization rises in Greece and Crete.
  • 1400 BC The Hittites begin smelting Iron.
  • 1100 BC The Dorians conquer Mycenaean Greece
  • 1050 BC The Phoenicians (the Canaanites) found Tyre and Sidon (Lebanon) and Carthage in Libya.
  • 800 BC Rise of the Medes who later conquer Assyria with Persia.
  • 600 BC The first coinage money system is invented


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Book of Mormon Geography Scriptures & Notes

Aaron, city/cities of
Alma 8:13; 50:14

Ether 9:3

Ether 14:15–16

Akish, wilderness of
Ether 14:3–4, 14

Alma, valley of
Mosiah 24:20, 21

Ammonihah, city of
Alma 8:6–13, 16–18; chs. 9-14; 15:1, 15; 16:2-3, 9, 11; 25:2; 49:3, 10-11

Amnihu, hill
-Amlicites come upon it, and battle Alma and his Army.
-Very near Zarahemla, (“up” from Zarahemla)
-Directly east of River Sidon (Alma 2:17)
Alma 2:15

Amulon, land of
Mosiah 23:31; 24:1

Angola, city of
Mormon 2:4

Alma 21:11

Antionum, land of
Alma 31:3; 43:5, 22

Antiparah, city of
Alma 56:14, 31–34; 57:1-4

Antipas, mount
Alma 47:7, 10

Antum, land of
Mormon 1:3

Boaz, city of
Mormon 4:20–21

Bountiful, city/land of
Alma 22:29–33; 27:22; 50:11, 32; 51:28, 30-32; 52:9, 15,17-18, 39; 53:3-4; 55:26; 63:5; Helaman 1:23, 28; 4:6; 5:14; 3 Nephi 3:23; 11:1

Comnor, hill
Ether 14:28

Corihor, land/valley of
Ether 14:27–28

Cumeni, city of
Alma 56:13–14; 57:7-8, 12, 23, 31, 34

Cumorah, land/hill of
Mormon 6:2–6, 11; 8:2

Desolation, city of
Mormon 3:7; 4:2, 3, 8, 13, 19

Desolation, land of
Alma 50:34; 63:5; 3 Nephi 3:23; Mormon 3:5; 4:1-2, 19; Ether 7:6

Ephraim, hill
Ether 7:9

Gad, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

Gadiani, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Gadiomnah, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Gid, city of
Alma 51:26; 55:7-26

Gideon, city/land/valley of
-named after Gideon who was killed by Nehor (6:7-8)
-Nehor lived here or near here? thus near Ammonihah who were his converts?
-east of the river Sidon (Alma 6:7)
-first church Alma visited after putting Zarahemla in order. Thus close (next door) to Zarahemla. (Alma 6:8)
Alma 2:20–26; 6:7-8:1; 17:1; 30:21; 61:5; 62:3-6

Gilgal, city/valley of
3 Nephi 9:6; Ether 13:27–30

Gimgimno, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Helam, city/land of
Mosiah 23:3–4, 19–20, 25–26, 29, 35, 37–39; 27:16

Hermounts, wilderness of
Alma 2:37

Heshlon, plains of
Ether 13:2–8

Ishmael, land of
Alma 17:19–21; 20:14-15; 21:20-21; 22:4; 23:7-9; 24:5; 25:1

Jacob, city of
3 Nephi 9:8

Jacobugath, city of
3 Nephi 9:9

Jashon, city/land of
Mormon 2:16–17

Jershon, land of
Alma 27:22–24, 26; 28:1, 8; 30:1, 19-21; 35:6, 13-14; 43:4, 15, 18, 25

Jerusalem, city/land
Alma 21:1–4; 24:1; 3 Nephi 9:7

Jordan, city of
Mormon 5:3

Josh, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

Joshua, land of
Mormon 2:6

Judea, city of
Alma 56:9, 15, 18, 57; 57:11

Laman, city of
3 Nephi 9:10

land northward
Alma 22:32

land southward
Alma 22:32

Lehi, city/land of
Alma 50:15, 25–28, 36; 56:24, 26; 62:30; Helaman 6:10

Lehi-Nephi, city/land of
Mosiah 7:1–4, 21; 9:1-6, 8

Lemuel, city of
Alma 23:12–13

Manti, city/land of
Alma 16:6–7; 17:1; 22:27; 43:22, 24-54; 56:14; 58:26-30; 59:6

Manti, Hill
-Nehor is executed here after trial in Zarahemla. Thus just outside Zarahemla
Alma 1:15

Melek, land of
Alma 8:3–4; 35:13; 45:18

Middoni, land of
Alma 20:2–3, 4–7, 14–15, 28–30; 21:12-13, 18; 23:10

Midian, land of
Alma 24:5

Minon, land of
Alma 2:24

Mocum, city of
3 Nephi 9:7

Moriancumer, land of
Ether 2:13

Morianton, city/land of
Alma 50:25, 36; 51:26; 55:33; 59:4-5

Moroni 9:9–10

Mormon, place/waters/forest of
Mosiah 18:4–16, 30–35; 25:18; 26:15; Alma 5:3

Moron, land of
Ether 7:5–6, 17; 14:6, 11

Moroni, city/land of
-drown in sea at time of Christ.
Alma 50:13; 51:22-24; 59:5; 62:25, 32-34; 3 Nephi 8:9; 9:4

Moronihah, city of
-a mountains comes upon it at the time of Christ.
3 Nephi 8:10, 25; 9:5

Mulek, city/land of
Alma 51:26; 52:2, 16-26; 53:2, 6; Helaman 6:10

narrow neck of land
Alma 22:32; 63:5

narrow pass
Alma 50:34; 52:9; Mormon 2:29; 3:5

Nehor, city of
Ether 7:9

Nephi, city of
Mosiah 9:15; 21:1, 12; Alma 23:11; 47:20; 47:31

Nephi, land of
2 Nephi 5:8; Omni 1:12, 27–30; Words of Mormon 1:13; Mosiah 7:6–9; chs. 9-22; 28:1-9; 29:3; Alma 2:24; chs.
17-26; 27:1, 20; 28:8; 47:1, 20; 50:8; 53:6; 58:38; Helaman 4:12; 5:20

Nephihah, city/land/plains of
Alma 50:14; 51:24-26, 59:5-11; 62:14, 18-26, 30

Noah, city/land of
Alma 49:12–15

Ether 15:10

Ornner, city of
Alma 51:26

Alma 47:5

Onidah, hill
Alma 32:4

Onihah, city of
3 Nephi 9:7

Ramah, hill
Ether 15:11

Riplah, hill
Alma 43:31, 35

Ripliancum, waters of
Ether 15:8

Sebus, waters of
Alma 17:26, 34; 18:7; 19:20

Shem, city/land of
Mormon 2:20–21

Shemlon, land of
Mosiah 10:7; 11:12; 19:6; 20:1-5; 24:1; Alma 23:12

Moroni 9:16–17

Sherrizah, tower of
Moroni 9:7

Shilom, city/land of
Mosiah 7:7, 21; 9:6, 8, 14; 10:8, 20; 11:12-13; 22:8-11; 24:1; Alma 23:12

Shim, hill
Mormon 13; 4:23; Ether 9:3

Shimnilom, city of
Alma 23:8, 12

Shurr, valley of
Ether 14:28

Sidom, land of
Alma 2:15, 3, 11, 13–17

Sidon, river
-a hill called a Amnihu lies east of it. (Alma 2:15)
-runs by the land of Zarahemla. (Alma 2:15)
-deep enough near gideon to throw bodies into and have them float to sea. (Alma 3:3)
-is the chosen location for baptism of those in Land of Zarahemla. (Alma 4:4)
Alma 2:15, 34; 4:4; 22:29

Siron, land of
Alma 39:3

Teancum, city of
Mormon 4:3–8, 14

Zarahemla, city of
Alma 2:26; 5:2; 6:1-7; 7:3-5; 8:1; 31:6; 56:25; 60:1; Helaman 1:18–33; 7:10; 13:12; 3 Nephi 8:8, 24; 9:3;
4 Nephi 1:8

Zarahemla, land of
Omni 1:12–13, 24, 28; Mosiah 1:1, 18; 2:4; 7:9, 13-14; 8:1-8, 14; 9:2; 21:24-26; 22:11-13; 24:25; 25:19-23; 27:35; 29:44; Alma 2:15–25; 4:1; 5:1; 15:18; 16:1; 22:32; 27:5-20; 28:1; 35:14; 59:4; 60:30; 62:6-7; Helaman 3:31; 4:5; 5:16-19; 6:4; 7:1; 13:2; 3 Nephi 3:22–23; Mormon 1:6

Zeezrom, city of
Alma 56:13–14

Zerin, mount
Ether 13:30