Entries by MormonBox

Hagoth, The Book of Mormon and the Polynesians

There are many quotes by LDS Apostles & Prophets concerning the relationship between modern Polynesian people, modern Mesoamerican people and Book of Mormon peoples. Apart from quotes by Joseph Smith and his pre-1844 contemporaries (quotes of which are covered in my Joseph Smith Quotes on Book of Mormon Geography article) the one of the first […]

A Discussion on Sexual Media and Pornography

What to do about Porn. The advent and spread of internet pornography is a radical, polarizing social experiment whose impacts are just now beginning to be widely pondered, studied, discussed and learned from. What are we to make of it? There are literally tens of millions of people out there dealing with the effects of […]

Human Relationships & The Microcosmic Connection To Atomic Bonding

I like to think that relationships or the bonding of people follow the same rules of physics as the relationships or bonding between atoms and cosmic bodies. That cosmic bodies, humans, and atoms all share a “fractal” (ie. microcosmic) relationship and thus share inherent similarities and adhere to similar physical laws. Atomic and cosmic bonding, […]

Women and the Priesthood

——–under construction————-   finish later I think it is appropriate to compare the issue of Women and the Priesthood to Blacks and the Priesthood. I think there is a lot in the church that is essentially “traditions of men” carried over from Gentile Christianity. I think that Joseph Smith was incredibly progressive in trying to break some […]

Notes on Intimacy

I ran across this excerpt from the Kolbrin text and thought I would jot it down, since it brought out a lot of thoughts I’v had lately and reinforces some principles I would like to teach my daughters when they are mature enough. I think for young woman beginning to discover boys, the following information […]

Is Pornography or Nudity Bad?

Is Pornography or Nudity Bad/Evil? This is a very interesting question which I’v been wanting to write a blog post on for a long time. I believe the answer to this question reveals the root of sexual desire and addiction in our society. With the almost inescapable presence of nudity and sexuality in TV, Music, […]

The Chinese Language and the Bible/Adamic Language

I’ve been seeing a number of new web sites talking about the chinese language and the bible. They all seem to reference the same research done by C. H. Kang, Ethel Nelson in his book, The Discovery of Genesis : How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language. The arguments have […]

The Book of Ben Kathryn and the future of the United States

The Book of Ben Kathryn suggests in its prophesies that America will divide into 5 segments of some sort within the next 3 generations. This isn’t a stretch of coarse, as similar divisions are common in most major historical empires and republics. The USSR, for instance, split into 15 completely autonomous nations or republics after 75 […]