Mormonism and visitors from outer space

I have been thinking I should write an article on this lately, but figure its a bit fool hearty and futile. It’s such a complex and polarizing subject that to treat it properly to a wide audience would be practically impossible. I have been woken up many times in the early mornings over the last few years by an inner voice teaching me some pretty amazing things. I am then usually serendipitously led by the Spirit to more enlightening material to read during the day which sheds light on the foggy morning discussions. At times I have pretty distinctly felt a presence next to my bed talking to me… it’s a bit of a crazy experience, but overall its been really enlightening.

Perhaps I’ll try and write a little outline of what I’v learned so far. I’m really grateful for the being/beings(?) who have led me step by step over the last 15 years to my current understanding. Starting with Mormon orthodox beliefs and then blending into gnostism, neoplatonic and eastern philosophy until arriving at the encyclopedia of insanity which is Oahspe, then on to the almost unintelligible jumble of information from the ‘Law of One’, mixed with a good bit of Theosophy and New Age mumbo jumbo. All sources have their biases and distortions. But just as we come to know the Father by coming to know/love as many of his children as possible, so too we come to know truth by pulling the gems from His many revelations. Truth comes by overcoming the biases and harmonizing the distortions.

But in order for truth to be communicated, we have to speak a common language with others. This is what science is really all about, building a common language and system of communication with which we can describe the reality around us. When it comes to the presently unseen reality of the higher dimensions, I think that the new age movement will become the predominate language of choice for describing what more and more people on earth are becoming aware of.

Here’s an outline of my thoughts

-matter is divided into quantized dimensions. I like the base 7 system for describing them. Mormonism likes to use a base 3 which is fine too, since the three that are most pertinent to us in this octave are 3rd, 4th, and 5th corresponding to the Telestial, Terrestrial and Celestial Kingdoms of Mormonism. (Mormonism simply combine the bottom 3 or 1st, 2nd & 3rd into one, the top 3 or 5th, 6th 7th into one, and leave the center level alone.)
-Reality propagates as a fractal/hologram. That is, each level or quanta contains a relative relationship to the others. In other words, they are microcosms of each other. Because of this, the most powerful languages we can use to describe reality will be full of parallel meanings which allows words and ideas to represent different levels of the fractal. I really need a diagram to describe this properly, but in essence we could say that the earth or Spirit world have a telestial/terrestrial/celestial (4rth/5th/6th) level within it which is a shadow or type or parallel of the higher ‘true’ levels of dimension which we would call resurrections into kingdoms of glory.
-Earth is a 3rd density or Telestial planet which is close to transitioning to 4th density or Terrestrial level. It makes these transitions as our solar system moves along its orbit around the galactic core into different sectors of the galaxy.
-Terrestrial beings/angels rely on technology. They fly in space craft, they have differing levels of advancement, but they have achieved a social intelligence status which allows them to speak telepathically, communicate and travel throughout the galaxy, and altogether behave as illustrated in star wars or star trek. They are the resurrected angels or guardians of the scriptures, as explained in Oahspe they interact regularly with our Spirit World and the spiritual hierarchy/priesthood which rules our planet. Also illustrated in these inspired shows is the polarized nature of the 4th dimension/terrestrial universe. There is still good and evil there, but it is more separated than present (wheat and tares have been separated).
-There are a lot of complexities involved in the differences between spirit/disincarnate beings existing in time/space (the spirit world) and flesh/incarnated beings existing in space/time (the temporal world). All these words are horrible descriptors because they befuddle the true meanings so badly. This is a whole essay in and of itself involving the purpose of the veil in separating consciousness. In higher dimensions (5th, 6th, 7th) all things are one with no true division, but as consciousness ‘falls’ to the lower dimensions it is further polarized, individuated and divided. At higher levels we are all ‘one’ in the Father. You could call your own creative unified principle in the higher dimensions your ‘Father in Heaven’ or your ‘Higher Self’, the truth is that at those high levels there is no distinction between ‘you’ and ‘Him/Her’, those distinctions are only made by individuated consciousness in the lower dimensions so all differentiation becomes a matter of semantics.
-Beginning in the 5th dimension the polarities begin to come back together. By the time one reaches the top (3rd degree of the celestial glory/kingdom) there ceases to be polarity and “good” and “evil” (Service to self and service to others of new age movement) unify into unity consciousness. These are the true “Gods” of most western scripture. These are the Orion chiefs of Oahspe. Upper 5th dimensional beings (and 6th dimensional beings) no longer need to use technology. They can travel the universe through thought. They can through unified conscious thought create individuated thought forms (or craft) wherever they wish in the universe and project into the thought-form their consciousness. These beings are unified “social memory complexes” (as Law of One calls them) which have become “One with the Father” as Christ put it. Most the Gods of the old testament, as well as Mormon scripture (D&C 132) are 4th dimensional terrestrial beings. Christ is the archetype of the 4th dimension/terrestrial kingdom, and the Father is the archetype of the 5th dimension/celestial kingdom.
-The true “Most High God” or “Eternal God above all other Gods” (D&C 121:32) is almost a principle BEING more than a personal being of form. The Father who introduces Christ to Joseph Smith or the Nephites was a 4rd dimensional thought-form/light being channeling a 5/6th dimensional group consciousness in charge of this sector of our galaxy. But because of the law of relative relationships, beings of this level speak through or channel by divine investiture of authority from even higher consciousness theoretically, eternally up the chain of command to the All-God principle which is total unity consciousness (the most high God).
-The planetary civilizations so often channeled in the New Age Movement (Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Yahonian, Shihaeleians, Cassiopeians/Laquinons) undoubtedly correspond to the “governing ones” revealed to Abraham through the Urim and Thummim in Abraham 3:3, and depicted in the hypocephalus (Facsimile #2). These are primary 4th and early 5th dimensional planetary civilizations which have watched over us and guided us in the present and past planetary harvest cycles.
-The LDS church and more importantly its celestial governing body seeks to provide a conduit of harvest directly to the 5th dimension or celestial kingdom. The majority of its members, like most of the people of earth will gain a resurrection on the positively polarized (service to others) terrestrial earth during the millennium. Most sources teach that the negatively polarized (service to self) harvest will be taken to a different planet during the next cycle (in the same way the terrestrial ‘perople of Enoch’ were taken off planet before it descended wholly into 3rd density), although it would seem that Mormon doctrine teaches that these individuals will come back to earth for resurrection/incarnation at the end of the millennium at a point where the earth will again enter a region of vibration which supports them. Only those who can harmonize the two polarities (STS & STO) will then have the opportunity to move into celestial glory. Remember an upper 5th dimensional being (celestial being) gives no preference in polarity, they see only unity of the whole. STO, STS, pain, pleasure, joy, sorrow all play their parts in the divine plan and when perfectly harmonized (zen), the ying and yang hold all existence in a state of nirvanic beauty.

See my article on Eternal Progression and the Degrees of Glory for some more background and great illustrations on this subject.

I think the below discussion is worth re-posting, but also like everything in this world, has its distortions.

I thought I would re-post an article I found on Mormonism and extra-terrestrial life.
Re-posted from

I was looking for a quote today that goes something like this: “The only beings to visit our planet are those who were once inhabitants here” (Update: Jeremy at the Seerstone provided the scripture as D&C 130:5). My search landed me on an article in the New Era from 1971 by Kent Nielsen. Like Truman Madsen who just passed away, Dr. Nielsen is an emeritus professor of philosophy from BYU. The article is entitled, “People on other worlds,” and is still fascinating although it was written almost forty years ago.

After a brief review of the basic cosmological configuration of our planetary neighbors, we are introduced to the simple math calculations used to deduce that we are not alone in our universe. There are uncountable billions and billions of stars and galaxies throughout space. If only one star in a million should have inhabitable planets, that would give us over 100,000 systems in our galaxy alone. Galaxies like ours exist in the billions. We are not the only life in this universe.

People on other worlds

Even with the advances of science in discovering planets around other suns that conceivably could harbor conditions favorable to human life, we simply have no way of knowing that there are any people out there besides us. Or do we? Latter-day Saints have known for over 170 years about the existence of people on other worlds. In fact, we also know that people from other worlds visit the earth and have been doing so for many years to deliver important messages.

Can you imagine the impact it would have upon civilization if our scientists announced that they have detected an approaching spacecraft from outer space? How would we be prepared for the visit of extra-terrestrial beings? I suspect that Latter-day Saints would take it all in stride. After all, we claim to have been the recipients of such visits for a long time. No, the visitors did not require the use of a spacecraft to reach our planet. Their method of travel is currently beyond us.

Prophets taught of other worlds

Brigham Young said, “…there never was a time when there were not Gods and worlds, and men were not passing through the same ordeals that we are now passing through. That course has been from all eternity, and it is and will be to all eternity.” The Apostle Paul knew that God had created other worlds. He wrote, “God…hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son…by whom also he made the worlds.” Moses and Enoch revealed more in the Pearl of Great Price:

The Lord said to Moses, “The heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine. And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works.” Enoch said, “And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of thy creations…” Joseph Smith’s witness is similar.

God created countless worlds

“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father— That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God.” What an amazing testimony! But wait, there’s more.

The Prophet Joseph Smith taught: “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man. … he was once a man like us … God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth. …If Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and … God the Father of Jesus Christ had a Father, you may suppose that He had a Father also. … And where was there ever a father without first being a son? … If Jesus had a Father, can we not believe that He had a Father also?” Now that is deep doctrine!

Purpose of all these worlds

We don’t seem to talk much about this doctrine any more – that God was once a man as we are now. We tend to focus more on the idea that man can become like God. We are not alone in this teaching as it gives hope and motivation to many people besides Latter-day Saints who believe it. But the idea that God was once like us and passed through a period of mortality and testing is a bit much for some people to accept. President Hinckley even downplayed it in a news interview.

Nevertheless, as far as I know, it remains a basic fundamental doctrine of our church that helps to explain the purpose of life and all the potential inhabitable worlds that have been created. The worlds were created specifically to provide a home on which the posterity of the Gods could be tested and proven. Yes, we believe in multiple Gods, but limit our worship to our own Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ his son. We just do not teach about other Gods in our curriculum today.

Believed but not taught

I have often wondered about this unique way we have of doing things in our church. There are many things which we believe and are written about in historical sermons of former priesthood leaders. And yet, we do not include them in what we teach to investigators, new members, or even long-time members for that matter. However, just like the idea of a mother in heaven we do occasionally sing about our distinctive beliefs. A favorite hymn contains these words:

“If you could hie to Kolob
In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward
With that same speed to fly,
D’ye think that you could ever,
Through all eternity,
Find out the generation
Where Gods began to be?”

We are Gods in embryo

We are of the race of Gods. We are of his species. God looks likes us. We look like him. He has two arms, two legs and a head with two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. As Jesus said, “If ye have seen me, ye have seen the Father.” We are his sons and daughters and he loves us. The people who populate the other worlds out there are also his sons and daughters and look just like you and me. There are no green, bug-eyed monsters. They are also of the race of Gods.

The people who are out there are in different stages of their existence. Like us, some are passing through a temporal period. Others are living in worlds that have been celestialized and yet others inhabit a lower kingdom of glory. This process of living and dying and being resurrected has been going on forever. I can’t fathom that with my limited mortal brain but I know it is true. You and I are a part of that process of seeking to be like God and to inherit a glorious exaltation.

Space travel to the earth

Could a person from outer space ever come to visit the earth? Any Latter-day Saint knows the answer. Of course, visitors from outer space can come to earth! They’ve been doing it for many thousands of years. God and angels visited Adam. They visited prophets in the Old Testament and Apostles in the New Testament. The Book of Mormon has numerous accounts of angelic visitations and of the visit of Jesus Christ to the ancient American people. It is quite common!

In the spring of 1820, God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ visited the boy prophet Joseph Smith in upstate New York. Angels came to deliver keys of the priesthoodto Joseph and Oliver in the Kirtland temple in 1836. In our temporal existence we may not be able to travel to worlds beyond out own solar system but other beings in advanced phases of existence are not so limited. When Moroni appeared to Joseph, he saw “a conduit open right up into heaven.” Awesome!

Communication from space

Scientists have been listening for communication from space for years but they have yet to hear anything to indicate intelligent life. On the other hand, Latter-day Saints are very familiar with the process of receiving messages from outer space, transmitted by means that transcend beyond the normal method of communication. This is more than a future possibility. It is a present fact! Beings from outer space have been making great efforts to communicate with us every day.

They have been sending messages that are filled with wisdom and great intelligence. These are messages that come from superior beings, who have evolved way beyond our limited mortal capacities to think and to understand. They live in dimensions that we cannot begin to fathom. But they are willing to share with us knowledge that will transform our lives if we will just listen and apply what they say. Their intelligence is far beyond ours and yet is beneficent and kind.

They are coming to visit us

What’s even more astounding to realize is that these same intelligent beings will be visiting us very soon. The millennium is simply a period of time when earthly civilization will be brought under the government of superior beings from another world who will visit earth frequently to direct our affairs. “Christ and the resurrected Saints will reign over the earth during the thousand year period. They will not probably dwell upon the earth but will visit it when they please…”

But these beings who come from outer space, or another world, will not be aliens. They will be our brethren, who have lived upon this earth in mortality. What’s more, we expect a return of portions of this earth that have been broken off in times past when cataclysmic events sheared off that portion of the earth on which they resided. First the Ten Tribes, then the City of Enoch and last the portion that contains the Garden of Eden. Don’t believe it? Look it up in our history!

Summary and conclusion

The earth has received many visitors from outer space over the years. They do not come in spaceships and they do not wear spacesuits. They come from a plane of existence that we can only dream about and not yet comprehend. These are intelligent and magnificent beings that are glorified and exalted in their appearance and in their character. They love us. We are their children and their brethren. They have come to bring us messages of great joy if we but listen.

Visions of angels and Gods from other worlds are not something that I have experienced but I know such things have occurred. The influence of these beneficent beings fills the immensity of space and dwells here among us. These Gods have given us gifts that help us communicate with them. One of these gifts is the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is real and is the means by which God reveals truth to the mind and heart of man. Of this I and millions of others are unique witnesses.

Notes on Intimacy

I ran across this excerpt from the Kolbrin text and thought I would jot it down, since it brought out a lot of thoughts I’v had lately and reinforces some principles I would like to teach my daughters when they are mature enough.

I think for young woman beginning to discover boys, the following information might be of value…

SCL:31:2 Earth knows no greater joy than that of contented wedded love. Such love is a beaconlight to all mankind; it guides the caravan of its journeying with a pure and sacred flame. Sweet, hallowed love has a temple in the heart of every chaste maiden, and all men worship the mystery enshrined within. O resolute priestess and guardian, you are now worthy of the white crown of love.

The thought came to me of how a woman (as well as the feminine/receptive aspect of man) is the guardian of true love.This is the task and should be the training of womanhood. To teach a woman to judge between the true love and the emotional love (lust, desire, pity, etc) of a man. She should learn to open her heart and womb only to true love and turn away all others. As the priest in the temple, she lets only the truly worthy into the inner sanctuary on her heart.

For older individuals who are married the following more esoteric principles may be of value…

This ties into the sacred aspects and mystery of sexual union. As is pointed out in the LawOfOne material (and hinted at in Song of Solomon & Jewish mysticism), sex is more than just making babies, and even more than just a biochemical reaction that creates feelings of closeness and love. There is actually a sacred spiritual function behind orgasm.

87.23 Questioner: In addition, why is the ratio of male to female orgasms so heavily loaded on the side of the male?
Answer: We refer now to the physical body. At this level the distinction is unimportant. The male orgasm which motivates the sperm forward to meet its ovum is essential for the completion of the [carnal] desire to propagate the species. The female orgasm is unnecessary [temporally]. Again, as [indivisuals] begin to use the sexual energy transfer to learn, to serve, and to glorify the One Infinite Creator the function of the female orgasm becomes more clear.

87.24 Questioner: What was this ratio before the veil?
Answer: The ratio of male to female orgasms before the veil was closer to one-to-one by a great deal as the metaphysical value of the female orgasm was clear and without shadow.

So what is the metaphysical value of the female orgasm or of sexual union. Specifically the woman’s ability to truly open herself up on a deep level to a man, and a man’s ability to truly give sexually to a woman to the point where she feels she comes to completion.

Also interesting is…

84.9 Questioner: Going back to the previous session, you stated that each sexual activity was an [energy] transfer before the veil. Would you trace the flow of energy that is transferred and tell me if that was the planned activity or a planned transfer by [God]?

Response: The path of energy transfer before the veiling during the sexual intercourse was that of [the true love energy which each possessed]. The awareness of all as Creator is that which opens the green [heart or love] energy center. Thusly there was no possibility of blockage due to the sure knowledge of each by each that each was [one with God]. The transfers were weak due to the ease with which such transfers could take place between any two polarized entities during sexual intercourse.

84.10 Questioner: What I was getting at, precisely, was, for example, when we close an electrical circuit it is easy to trace the path of current. It goes along the conductor. I am trying to determine whether this transfer is between the green energy centers (the heart chakras). I am trying to trace the physical flow of the energy to try to get an idea of blockages after the veil. I may be off on the wrong track here, but if I am wrong we’ll just drop it. Can you tell me something about that?

Response: In such a drawing or schematic representation of the circuitry of two [individuals] in sexual or other energy transfer the circuit opens always at the red or base [chakra/energy center] and moves as possible through the intervening energy centers. If baffled it will stop at orange. If not, it shall proceed to yellow. If still unbaffled it shall proceed to green. It is well to remember [with some individuals] that the chakras or energy centers could well be functioning without crystallization.

84.11 Questioner: In other words, they would be functioning but it would be equivalent in an electrical circuitry to having a high resistance, shall we say, and although the circuit would be complete, red through green, the total quantity of energy transferred would be less. Is this correct?

Response: We might most closely associate your query with the concept of voltage. The uncrystallized, lower centers cannot deliver the higher voltage. The crystallized centers may become quite remarkable in the high voltage characteristics of the energy transfer as it reaches green ray and indeed as green ray is crystallized this also applies to the higher energy centers until such energy transfers become an honestation for the Creator.

84.12 Questioner: Would you please correct me on this statement. I am guessing that what happens is that when a transfer takes place the energy is that light energy that comes in through the feet of the entity and the voltage or potential difference is measured between the red energy center and, in the case of the green ray transfer, the green energy center and then must leap or flow from the green energy center of one entity to the green energy center of the other, and then something happens to it. Could you clarify my thinking on that?

Response: The energy transfer [climax] occurs in one releasing of the potential difference. This does not leap between green and green energy centers but is the sharing of the energies of each from red ray upwards. In this context it may be seen to be at its most efficient when both entities have orgasm simultaneously. However, it functions as transfer if either has the orgasm and indeed in the case of the physically expressed love between a mated pair which does not have the conclusion you call orgasm there is, nonetheless, a considerable amount of energy transferred due to the potential difference which has been raised as long as both entities are aware of this potential and release its strength to each other by desire of the will in a mental dedication. You may see this practice as being used to generate energy transfers in some of your practices of what you may call [non-] Christian religious systems of the Law of One.

84.14 Questioner: Could you give me an example of that last statement?
Response: We preface this example with the reminder that each system is quite distorted and its teachings always half-lost. However, one such system is that called the Tantric Yoga.

84.15 Questioner: Considering individual A and individual B, if individual A experiences the orgasm is the energy, then, transferred to individual B in a greater amount? Is that correct?

Response: Your query is incomplete. Please restate.

84.16 Questioner: I am trying to determine whether the direction of energy transfer is a function of orgasm. Which entity gets the transferred energy? I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to be sure that I have it cleared up.

Response: If both entities are well polarized and vibrating in green-ray love any orgasm shall offer equal energy to both.

84.17 Questioner: I see. Before the veil can you describe any other physical difference that we haven’t talked about yet with respect to the sexual energy transfers or relationships or anything prior to veiling?

Response: Perhaps the most critical difference of the veiling, before and after, was that before the mind, body, and spirit were veiled, entities were aware that each energy transfer and, indeed, very nearly all that proceeds from any intercourse, social or sexual, between two entities has its character and substance in [spiritual existence] rather than [material existence]. The energies transferred during the sexual activity are not, properly speaking, of [the material world]. There is a great component of what you may call metaphysical energy transferred. Indeed, the body complex as a whole is greatly misunderstood due to the post-veiling assumption that the physical manifestation called the body is subject only to physical stimuli. This is emphatically not so.

84.18 Questioner: After the veil, in our particular case now, we have, in the circuitry of which we were speaking, what you call blockages. Could you describe what occurs with the first blockage and what its effects are on each of the entities assuming that one blocks and the other does not or if both are blocked?

Response: This material has been covered previously. If both entities are blocked both will have an increased hunger for the same activity, seeking to unblock the baffled flow of energy. If one entity is blocked and the other vibrates in love, the entity baffled will hunger still but have a tendency to attempt to continue the procedure of sating the increasing hunger with the one vibrating green ray due to an impression that this entity might prove helpful in this endeavor. The green-ray [actively vibrating] individual shall polarize slightly in the direction of service to others but have only the energy with which it began.

32.2 The usual nature of sexual interaction, if one is yellow or orange in primary vibratory patterns, is one of blockage and then insatiable hunger due to the blockage

84.20 Questioner: With respect to the green, blue, and indigo transfers of energy (higher/giving energies), how would the mechanism for these transfers differ from the orange-ray mechanism in making them possible or setting the groundwork for them? I know this is very difficult to ask and I may not be making any sense, but what I am trying to do is gain an understanding of the foundation for the transfers in each of the rays and the preparations for the transfers or the fundamental requirements or biases and potentials for these transfers. Could you expand on that for me please? I am sorry for the poor question.

Response: We would take a moment to state in reply to a previous comment that we shall answer each query whether or not it has been previously covered for not to do so would be to baffle the flow of quite another transfer of energy.

To respond to your query we firstly wish to agree with your supposition that the subject you now query upon is a large one, for in it lies an entire system of opening the gateway to intelligent infinity. You may see that some information is necessarily shrouded in mystery by our desire to preserve the free will of the adept. The great key to blue, indigo, and finally, that great capital of the column of sexual energy transfer, violet energy transfers, is the metaphysical bond or distortion which has the name among your peoples of unconditional love. In the blue-ray energy transfer the quality of this love is refined in the fire of honest communication and clarity; this, shall we say, normally, meaning in general, takes a substantial portion of your [material existence] to accomplish although there are instances of matings so well refined in previous incarnations and so well remembered that the blue ray may be penetrated at once. This energy transfer is of great benefit to the seeker in that all communication from this seeker is, thereby, refined and the eyes of honesty and clarity look upon a new world. Such is the nature of blue-ray energy and such is one mechanism of potentiating and crystallizing it.

As we approach indigo-ray transfer we find ourselves in a shadowland where we cannot give you information straight out or plain, for this is seen by us to be an infringement. We cannot speak at all of violet-ray transfer as we do not, again, desire to break the Law of Confusion.

We may say that these jewels, though dearly bought, are beyond price for the seeker and might suggest that just as each awareness is arrived at through a process of analysis, synthesis, and inspiration, so should the seeker approach its mate and evaluate each experience, seeking the jewel.

84.21 Questioner: Is there any way to tell which ray the transfer was for an individual after the experience?

Response: There is only a subjective yardstick or measure of such. If the energies have flowed so that love is made whole, green-ray transfer has taken place. If, by the same entities’ exchange, greater ease in communication and greater sight has been experienced, the energy has been refined to the blue-ray energy center. If the polarized entities, by this same energy transfer experience, find that the faculties of will and faith have been stimulated, not for a brief while but for a great duration of what you call time, you may perceive the indigo-ray transfer. We may not speak of the violet-ray transfer except to note that it is an opening to the gateway of intelligent infinity. Indeed, the indigo-ray transfer is also this but, shall we say, the veil has not yet been lifted.

84.22 Questioner: Did [God] plan, before the veil, to create a system of random sexual activity or the specific pairing of entities for specific periods of time, or did they have an objective in this respect?

Response: This shall be the last full query of this working.

The harvest from the previous creation was that which included the male and female [individual]. It was the intention of the original [creation] that entities mate with one another in any fashion which caused a greater polarization (service to self or service to others). It was determined, after observation of the process of many [creations], that polarization increased many fold if the mating were not indiscriminate. Consequent [creations] thusly preserved a bias towards the mated relationship which is more characteristic of more disciplined personalities and of what you may call higher densities. The free will of each entity, however, was always paramount and a bias only could be offered.

26.38 Questioner: You speak of various types of energy blockages and transfers, positive and negative, that may take place due to participation in our sexual reproductive complex of actions. Could you please explain these blockages and energy transfers with emphasis upon what an individual who is seeking to be in accordance with the Law of One may positively do in this area? Is it possible for you to answer this question?
Response: It is partially possible, given the background we have laid. This is properly a more advanced question. Due to the specificity of the question we may give a general answer.

The first energy transfer is red ray. It is a random transfer having to do only with your [physical] reproductive system.

The orange- and the yellow-ray attempts, firstly, to have sexual intercourse create a blockage if only one entity vibrates in this area, thus causing the entity vibrating sexually in this area to have a never-ending appetite for this activity. What these vibratory levels are seeking is green-ray activity [unconditional love]. There is the possibility of orange- or yellow-ray energy transfer; this being polarizing towards the negative: one being seen as object rather than other-self; the other seeing itself as plunderer or master of the situation.

In green ray there are two possibilities. Firstly, if both vibrate in green ray there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer, the negative or female, drawing the energy from the roots of the beingness up through the energy centers, thus being physically revitalized; the positive, or male polarity, finding in this energy transfer an inspiration which satisfies and feeds the spirit portion of individual, thus both being polarized (in unselfishness) and releasing the excess of that which each has in abundance by nature of intelligent energy, that is, negative/intuitive, positive/physical energies as you may call them; this energy transfer being blocked only if one or both entities have fear of possession or fear of being possessed, or desiring possession or desiring being possessed.

The other green-ray possibility is that of one entity offering green-ray energy, the other not offering energy of the universal love energy, this resulting in a blockage of energy for the one not green ray thus increasing frustration or appetite; the green-ray [individual] being polarizing slightly towards service to others.

The blue-ray energy transfer is somewhat rare among your people at this time but is of great aid due to energy transfers involved in becoming able to express the self without reservation or fear.

The indigo-ray transfer is extremely rare among your people. This is the sacramental portion of the body complex whereby contact may be made through the violet ray with intelligent infinity. No blockages may occur at these latter two levels due to the fact that if both entities are not ready for this energy it is not visible and neither transfer nor blockage may take place. It is as though the distributor were removed from a powerful engine.

Is Pornography or Nudity Bad?

Is Pornography or Nudity Bad/Evil?

This is a very interesting question which I’v been wanting to write a blog post on for a long time. I believe the answer to this question reveals the root of sexual desire and addiction in our society. With the almost inescapable presence of nudity and sexuality in TV, Music, Internet, Public Places it is a moral question that most individuals in our society must decide for themselves, and a conversation that is being neglected both within ourselves, our families and our religions. I find it interesting because it has been made so complicated by Western Culture, Western Christianity, American Culture and thus Mormon culture as well. It is further complicated by widespread reproach of “pornography” without really even defining what pornography is. I believe this practice is causing widespread addiction and psychological issues in our culture (especially among religious youth) which results in real negative effects on both love and marriage between the sexes.

First off, Let me disclose that this article is coming from an individual that was raised a very active religious Christian (LDS). Also, I think that hopefully all reading this article can start by agreeing that there is nothing innately evil about sexuality or the human body. The body in both its male and female forms is a beautiful perfect creation of God unrivaled by any human work of art or science. The question therefore (for me at least) is not so much ‘is the nude human body bad’, the question is ‘when is it appropriate for the nude human body and its various functions to be seen’? The same for sexuality. When does nudity become pornography? When does sexual activity become bad? What are the consequences of nudity, and which aspects are socially harmful or helpful?

ancient statueNow that we’ve asked the right question lets begin the discussion on this highly polarized issue. And let me start with my thesis, that there is no universal answer for this. Or in other words, the answer is not a black and white issue of “good” and “bad” and varies depending on the age and physical/spiritual maturity of the individual. To illustrate perhaps we can pose a number of questions for the reader to ponder before discussing further. Some should be easy to answer and some more difficult, but in all of them it might help to think about how others with a different culture or viewpoint might answer. Pay close attention to condemnation, judgement or justifications you find yourself making. Does just the thought of asking the question make you angry or defensive? Are you coming to your answer from a place of love or reaction? What are your beliefs based on? Are the beliefs of others invalid? As you try your best to honestly ask and answer these questions and pay close attention to your emotional reactions, you may find you learn a lot about yourself…

Questions to think about
-What effect does teaching youth that nudity is “bad” have on people as they grow older?
-Is it good/bad to see your own baby/young children naked? How about someone else’s baby? Is that pornography? When does it become pornography?
-Is it good/bad to post such picture where anyone could see them? (ie. the internet)
-Is it good/bad to look at one’s self naked? When does this become “bad” or negative?
-At what age does this change and what was once “OK” become “bad”?
-Is it good/bad for cultures to encourage group bathing? (Such as high school showers in gym class)
-Among what ages is this appropriate? (Many cultures have/do have public bath houses for adults)
-Is it appropriate to have group bathing between the sexes?
-Is it appropriate for family members to have group bathing between the sexes? At what age does “OK” become “bad”?
-Is it good/bad for cultures to use nudity in social art or iconography? (nude sculptures, nude paintings, nude pictures, nudity in theater)
-Are native cultures where it is the “norm” to be naked or topless “bad”? Does it have negative effects? Do these “bad” social behaviors stop when the culture is taught to cover its skin?
-What is it that makes nudity become sexually charged? Is this cultural?
-Are the observed negative effects of nudity greater in areas where nudity is socially acceptable than in areas where nudity is highly unacceptable and prohibited (Islamic Nations vs. Brazil or Europe)?
-Are women or men happier and more free in cultures where they are encouraged to cover all skin, than those where it is socially acceptable for them to be naked or nearly so?
-Is there a middle ground between total coverage of the body, and total nakedness that is more or less socially harmful/helpful?
-What are the effects of sexual depictions on a culture? Is there less sexual abuse in cultures where depictions are repressed?
-How does widespread nudity or nude depictions affect people psychologically and emotionally?
-Is the effect different for girls than for boys?
-How does widespread repression of nudity or nude depictions affect people psychologically and emotionally?
-What are the effects of sexual depictions on youth? Are some sexual depictions educational and helpful and others negative and harmful?
-What is the role of sexual depictions in sexual education?
-If a youth walks in/sees their parents having sex is it psychologically harmful, helpful or neither?
-Are the effects of seeing sexual content more or less harmful/helpful than seeing violent content?
-Is it worse to see a depiction of murder/violence or sex in a picture, movie or video? Why?
-Is there a difference between a sex of love and a sex of lust? Does viewing depictions of these have differing effects on individuals?
-Is there a “best” sexual behavior or attitude for an individual? If so, is it possible that there are those who only know “lustful sex” who would benefit from seeing “loving sex”? What is the best way for such things to be learned/taught?
-Is there an educational value of sex? What is the purpose and value of sex? Does it have multiple values? Are its values different to different people or people in different circumstances?
-How common are marriages and relationships where one or both partners are sexually unfulfilled?
-Do sexual depictions in society hurt or help these individuals? Which types of depictions have which effects?
-Are sexual depictions always bad and always harmful to relationships?
-What makes them harmful or helpful?
-Is it true that individuals who have deeply held beliefs that sex, nudity or sexual depictions are inherently bad, seem to be the ones with the greatest appetites and addictions to such material?
-What is the best balance between sexual repression and sexual freedom?

My Thoughts
I think people will benefit more from just personally pondering and discussing these questions with parents, spouses, families than any amount of advise I or a church could offer. As Iv asked myself the above questions over time, and observed how my own views have changed over time, I now see how complicated this issue can be, and how there is no one answer. How what was right for me in youth was different than what is right as a single adult or as a married adult. And now as a parent I must contemplate how to advise my children in this issue.

I think one of the greatest aids in helping me wrap my head around these moral questions religiously has been the religious symbol of the garden of Eden and fall/redemption of man. I think that even for secular individuals, this story can be seen as an allegory for the evolution/progression of man kind over time, or simply the raising of a child to adulthood.

Thus in religious iconography women wear a “veil” during the marriage ceremony, symbolizing the “veil” existing between mankind and God or the Spirit/unseen world. Or perhaps the veil that separates an innocent child from the realities of the world they are raised in.
As the bible says, man is to woman; as Christ is to his Bride (the church/saints, Eph. 5:22–32, Rev 21:2–9, D&C 33:17, D&C 65:3; D&C 133:19). In the biblical creation-drama Man was once one with God, but took on mortality and was “clothed” or “veiled” in flesh. Even then he was naked and innocent. Adam and Eve didn’t think about whether nudity was Good or Bad, because duality/division caused by law (tree of knowledge) had not been introduced into the world. One could compare this to a child or even many indigenous cultures, living naked and behaving instinctively. But like animals, in their innocence there was little happiness or misery nor pain and pleasure. To progress to a higher state they would have to be educated.

Adam and Eve in the Garden by MichelangeloThis is symbolized by the partaking of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, which specifically is symbolic of the introduction of cultural, political law, mores and values (civilized behavior controls placed upon man by higher beings). I believe the garden drama is symbolically pointing to the existence of dual paths of education which have been discovered and used by the higher beings which guide us. These dual paths of education are first education through pure trail and error, and second education through teaching/ruling. The first path is the one initially ordained for mankind (Adam & Eve) by God, where they were placed in a paradise garden/earth with no other instruction or rules (other than to procreate & be happy). Through this path mankind would learn very slowly through limited experience but with constant access to God’s wisdom. However, a second path was offered by the serpent, who symbolizes beings who are close to the earth and prone to meddle in its affairs. This path was to get knowledge all at once through teaching done by the serpent (symbolized by his giving them the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil). This is the equivalent of a loving parent with a ‘hands-off’ learn as you go approach, verses a very controlling, highly regulating parent who creates strict regulations for all anticipated behavior and expects strict obedience. I think this interpretation has ample support from Paul’s lectures in the new testament on the effects of the “law”. (see my post on this for a full scripturally supported explanation).

Suffice it to say, all political and religious structures on earth fall on a continuum somewhere between these two extreme systems. But for the most part man has chosen to consume knowledge from each-other and the lower beings who slither close to the earth, and an inescapable side-effect of this system of “civilizing of man” was the division of mankind’s psyche into ‘good’ and ‘evil’. This is seen religiously as the creation of heaven and hell, especially in the after life. So the introduction of “law” in society and religion tells mankind what is “good” and “bad” introducing the physiological/spiritual divisions of guilt and self-righteousness into society. It seems to me that even without any programming from cultural or religious law, our own consciences cause sex to be a polarizing activity. Sexual depictions tend to lead to sexual acts and sexual acts tend to unite when done from a place of love and unselfishness, or divide individuals and leads to hurt and hate when done from a place of lust and selfishness. Perhaps more than any other activity, sex gives people a knowledge of the effects of our interpersonal actions, especially in regards to selfishness and unselfishness. But religious and cultural law adds another whole dimension of difficulty to unraveling the vast knowledge to be gained in sexual experience.

The complexities of these ‘difficulties’ deserves a post of its own as well, but in short, by labeling certain sexual BEHAVIORS as ‘good’ and others as ‘bad’, we mask the more subtle and yet more important physiological aspects of sex which revolve around INTENT.

And so back to the question, is sex or nudity evil? Since the fall of man, man and low spirits have intentionally or unintentionally answered this question with the regulations, laws and rules they have created to control it. But I believe the true answer is a difficult one, because it is different for every individual. I believe consciousness is divided into two camps of selfish and unselfish intent or service. And the morality of sexual depictions or sex itself must be answered in terms of its selfish or unselfish influence on individuals and society. I believe sex is a powerful act that can redeem us from duality (through unselfishness), or it can drive us further into it (by lust/selfishness). Thus sex and nudity even for “married” people can be an act of selfishness, and therefor “wrong”. As one looks at another’s naked body, which is a perfect symbol of God or the divine in all of us, we must ask ourselves if we are worthy? It is love/selflessness that makes us worthy. Do we love this person or are we using them for our own pleasure and self-gratification. For the masculine sinner, do we wish they looked different than they do? For the feminine sinner, do we desire them to desire/”love” us differently than they are able? Do we prefer one body type over another? One breast size over another? One character trait over another? All of these traits are not giving/loving in nature but desiring/taking and lustful. Are we thinking about how they feel or how we feel? About how we can serve or be served? A great teaching on this is found in an Apocryphal teaching of Jesus…

THE law forbids adultery; but in the eyes of law adultery is an overt act, the satisfaction of the sensuous self outside the marriage bonds.
2 Now, marriage in the sight of law is but a promise made by man and woman, by the sanction of a priest, to live for [ever] in harmony and love.
3 No priest nor officer has power from God to bind two souls in wedded love.
4 What is the marriage tie? Is it comprised in what a priest or officer may say?
5 Is it the scroll on which the officer or priest has written the permission for the two to live in marriage bonds?
6 Is it the promise of the two that they will love each other until death?
7 Is love a passion that is subject to the will of man?
8 Can man pick up his love, as he would pick up precious gems, and lay it down, or give it out to any one?
9 Can love be bought and sold like sheep?
10 Love is the power of God that binds two souls and makes them one; there is no power on earth that can dissolve the bond.
11 The bodies may be forced apart by man or death for just a little time; but they will meet again.
12 Now, in this bond of God we find the marriage tie; all other unions are but bonds of straw, and they who live in them commit adultery,
13 The same as they who satisfy their lust without the sanction of an officer or priest.
14 But more than this; the man or woman who indulges lustful thoughts commits adultery.
15 Whom God has joined together man cannot part; whom man has joined together live in sin.

But this ideal of perfect selfless love can rarely be fully achieved in this fallen world of duality (not to say we shouldn’t get married, but that most marriages in this life fall short of true love which is our goal)… we can search our souls to discover how close we’ve come, by whether the thought of such a situation brings thoughts of fear/desire, pleasure/pain or possession/divorce. This would include thoughts of division which classify some as preferable or ‘beautiful’ and others less-preferable and thus less attractive. Fears of infidelity or the desire that one’s partner desire them and only them. As perfect love casts out all fear, fear never comes from a place of true love. So many pretend they are ‘in love’ and above lust, but their love is partial if they are respecters of persons and do not show the same respect for all colors, body types and personalities. Would your desire for your partner remain unchanged regardless of whether they were physically attractive or not? Would your love for your husband remain the same regardless of whether he loved you back or desired others? I think that sexuality and nakedness in our western media is pretty strongly fueled by lust and likely is contributing to division and spiritual fall or decline. But perhaps it is our distorted view of the appropriateness/inappropriateness of sex that is the root cause of this, not the other way around.

True love is an easy enough ideal in the theoretical world, but hard to apply to daily life. But we may begin by accepting that there is no “one size fits all” law, solution or doctrine of achieving it. As to the solution for “pornography” in our culture and whether its bad, i beleive we should be open to the possibility that for some, perhaps it would benefit them if there were more nude pictures of “unattractive” body types. I certainly think that its possible that much more public breast feeding would be a great benefit to the sexual health of the youth of society (reminding young men what breast where created for). Perhaps it would benefit many youth to walk in on their parents sex so they can be reminded of what sex is for and what love creates! For some it may even be necessary for them to be given a little time to “sow their wild oats” and go after their sexual fantasies long enough to realize they are illusions which will never fulfill like the true love we are all seeking. For some, pornography may be a better way to accomplish that than a bout of true promiscuity. It is obvious that the current culture is lustful, unbalanced and divisive. I think balanced is the key here, because it seems to me the religious who demonize “unsanctioned” sex are often just as selfish and to blame as the promiscuous. It is obvious that the western culture has distorted human sexuality (by clothed pictures and media, as much as naked ones!) Just look at how many of our young men and especially women feel bad about the way they look and want to surgically change themselves? And it is possible that teaching the youth “don’t look at what your culture is telling you is beautiful… because in truth it’s evil!” actually does more harm than good. That it actually fuels addiction. How many religious leaders out there are counselling their youth and congregation about the evils of pornography while they themselves were sure to find women that met the status-quo of beauty or have wives with cosmetic surgery or breast implants? I’m not saying those individuals are bad, but that its quite frankly hypocritical for one to preach the lustfullness of internet nudity while they lust for beauty in their own marriage. How many parents or even spouses teach or desire lust within marriage while saying how evil it is outside of marriage? Well we’ve got to draw the line somewhere we might say… and perhaps that’s true; but lust (which is defined as possessive sexual desire) is still lust and it is in opposition to love (which only gives), so we shouldn’t judge too harshly when some people have trouble lusting only in the way society or our religion expects them to.

True righteousness is a difficult target to hit. Its a delicate balance, a challenging dance. As one quote puts it…

17 There are no rules that can apply to all, for men are specialists in sin; each has his own besetting sin,
18 And each must study for himself how he can best transmute his tendency to evil things to that of righteousness and love.
19 Until men reach the higher plane, and get away from selfishness, this rule will give the best results:
20 Do unto other men what you would have them do to you.

I think we should talk to our partners and children openly, often and personally, drawing from personal experience and gained wisdom instead of just rehashing religious or cultural ‘standards’. If we or our child has problems with sex or pornography or becomes addicted it is quite often childhood experiences, or even parents or spouse’s own unbalanced sexuality, guilt and beliefs at the root of it or keeping them from progressing past it. We may need to sit down with our children and look at picture after picture of “real” nude people in order to purge them of the false conceptions and guilt that is fueling their desire. (see this interesting study) We might just need to sit down and talk through all the difficult questions until we see how our own lust or family problems have been projected upon them and caused them grief. We might just need to understand and love them and show a better example of love to them. I have certainly never met an individual who overcame addiction through strong-arming themselves or simply “willing” change. That’s like a dictator who thinks he can eradicate evil in society by repression and incarceration… it does not heal people, and it usually creates more evil and selfishness than it eradicates. I do not believe there are any easy answers concerning the “good” or “bad” of nudity or pornography. It is not a black and white issue, but a symbol of our own progress in seeing or understanding God, each-other, our own unity and our journey back to oneness with Him.

Let me conclude in reiterating the idea that talking to those we love about sex, nudity or pornography is far more beneficial than anything I could share on the subject. But I offer my above opinions in hopes that they might prove useful to someone… I’ve found it’s difficult to share discuss these types of topics in groups, because every member of any audience is in a different place in their own personal progression or evolution. Everyone attaches different meanings to words like love, lust, sex and selfishness. We all learn in our own unique ways. So I encourage consistent one on one discussion concerning these important concepts, instead of black and white dogmas, when it comes to gaining understanding about pornography or the place of sexual media in society generally.

Relative Relationships, Fractals, Spiritual Centers/Chakras, and the endocrine system

I need to finish and expand upon this sometime.

Relative Relationships/Fractals


Left: Fractal pattern of a tree. At right: The Mandelbrot set is a popular example of a computer generated fractal.

The eastern concept of chakras is largely based on he idea that the body follows a fractal relationship with the universe.

A fractal is a mathematical construct or set that typically displays self-similar patterns or a pattern that is exactly the same at every scale. This is why it is also called the Law of relative relationships, or a system which shows the same relationships at every scale. Plato elaborated on this observed phenomena and coined the words microcosm and macrocosm. A tree is a great example of a fractal pattern, in how the veins on a leaf look like a twig which looks like a branch which looks like a bigger branch and so forth. This system of relative relationships exists to some degree everywhere in the cosmos. An atom with its sub-atomic particles and electron cloud is very loosely like a Sun with its planets and Oort cloud, which is like a galaxy with its associated matter and energy clouds, which is like a super cluster, etc, etc.. Several eastern religious traditions and many modern mystics have used this idea to suggest that a man with his endocrine system and energy centers is a microcosm or fractal of the solar system, galaxy and other levels of the cosmic pattern.

Each unit of the fractal has

Spiritual Centers (chakras) and the Endocrine System
Although this “fractal” teaching system was developed in eastern religion, a framework for applying fractal thought exists in western and LDS scripture. In the book of Moses especially we see prophets who hear the earth speak and cry out (Moses 7:48–61). prophets such as Enoch (as many prophets today) had the ability to read the earth’s Book of Life or see the akashic record. Likewise we see in scripture that the earth has a spirit body (the spirit world) just as people do. The earth also has a progression cycle wherein it was born in water, baptized in water, cleansed by blood and will die and be resurrected in spirit. It also has holy places or spiritual centers which govern certain functions of its being (Jerusalem being key). We also see in the bible how those spiritual centers change through time (Israel’s & Christ’s sojourn from Israel to Egypt to Hebron to Babylon/Tebet to Jerusalem to the Gentiles). Likewise we see how God’s authority and mantle pass from people to people and are crystallized in certain dispensation heads during certain periods of time. (Jacob 5 gives a key or cipher to this).

The Eastern Idea behind Chakras is that the body can be conceptualized as a microcosm of the Earth/Spirit-World as well as the solar System, etc.. Most philosophies break the body into 7 somewhat arbitrary chakras, just as there are 7 major planets, 7 archangels, and 7 colors in the rainbow, etc.. Although the idea of Chakras is very ancient, modern scientist/spiritualist have found a great correlation between the ancient chakras and the modern understanding of the endocrine system in the body. Thus God has caused the body to develop as a microcosm of Himself and creation, creating 7 major gland systems which transmute light into usable energy or in biological terms, impulses in the nervous system to chemical hormones.

Following the rainbow parallel, Each Chakra corresponds to a quantum frequency of energy/light or color. Send visible light through raindrop or a prism and it is separates into the 7 colors of the rainbow (divisions are somewhat arbitrary, but we chose 7 for mathematical reasons). Likewise the section of the electromagnetic spectrum usable to man is quantized or separated into 7 types of energy by the body (same arbitrary concepts apply). And are transformed from energy impulses in the nervous system, to chemicals in the blood by the various endocrine glands. These nerve impulses & corresponding hormones range from coarse/low frequency energies which manifest in characteristics/ideals such as sex drive, self-preservation, and other desires for self to traits/ideas on the higher end of the spectrum like love, giving, understanding. Just as color is dictated by light frequency, and frequency is determined by wave polarization (distance between top & bottom of wave peaks/troughs), so also is the spectrum of human behavior/emotion determined by polarization. Endocrine functions in youth are highly polarized/bipolar, in comparison to most elderly/progressed individuals. In youth each function managed by the endocrine system’s hormones are erratic. An unbalanced youth from toddler to mid-age might love one day and hate the next, they revel in sexual activity one day and then wallow in depression when the relationship ends. The entire first half of life (especially youth) is characterized by extreme ups and downs. Those suffering from bipolar disorder may never overcome these extreme hormonal imbalances. But as one matures and progresses they learn to balance each individual gland and its hormonal responses, as well as each gland in its reaction to the hormones created by other glands.

The kundalini philosophy correlates each chakra/endocrine gland to a stage of life defined by psychology and behavioral development. Thus one “activates” and moves through each chakra in the same way a psychologist would define the way people “move through” phases of life. (For example Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). So just as the needs such as food, sex, security are at the bottom of Maslow’s triangle, so do these characteristics correlate with hormones secreted by endocrine glands in the bottom half of the body. (The sex organs at the bottom, the liver/pancreas above that, etc..) At the top of the body are glands which govern “higher” more progress/evolved characteristics like love, creativity, and bliss. The correlations can be seen as a youth has a lot more testosterone and estrogen flowing through their veins and thus one could say their lower chakras or pancreas/sex glands which create those hormones are “most” active during that stage of life. And so on as you move up the body to the penal and pituitary gland.

See The biology of Kundalini for an in depth look at the biology behind these spiritual principles.

Outline/ Still to explain
-I need to finish writing this….
-there is a reciprocal feed-back reaction between all these glands and the hormones they produce. They govern homeostasis or balance in the body, and work in unison to achieve it. They each have a specific feedback with their ‘opposite’ or balancing glands. (base to head, pancreas/adrenal to thyroid, extremes moving into center/heart).
-as the physical gland activates and comes to define a person physically, the spiritually opposite ‘chakra’ activates and comes to define a person spiritually. (as a person’s reproductive glands activate and come to govern a persons build and sexual characteristics during puberty, their opposite spiritual chakras (indigo/violet crown/third eye) are activated and define a person spirituality (but its far more complex because of the double feed-back mechanisms).
-the earth’s spiritual centers correlate with the human bodies chakras… as do dispensation heads/prophets.
-Noah/Abraham correlate physically with the base reproductive glands. They defined humanity/Israel physically, but at the same time when they died they became heads of the highest levels of the spirit world/body defining humanity spiritually in indigo/violet crown/third eye aspects of progression.
-In one type the 7 dispensation heads are Adam, Enoch, Melchezidek/Abraham, Elijah, Christ, _____, returning Christ. (1000 year periods)
-In another type the 7 heads are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John, _____, Joseph Smith (600-800 year periods)
-Use the law of relative relationships to see how the mission of each corresponds to the sojourning of Israel and activation of spiritual centers and that of the human body.
-Talk about how Indian Caste system is a distortion of these principles
-Talk about how Nebecanezzers dream/statue correlate with the castes/chakras law of relative relationships.

-The LDS temple anointings vaguely attempt to make reference to this same fractal system of the bodies spiritual centers

See Wikipedia article on Chakras
See Wikipedia articles on Endocrine Glands


The major endocrine glands: 1 Testes (male) /Ovary (female) 2 Pancreas 3 Adrenal gland 4 Thyroid gland 5 Thymus 6 Pituitary gland 7 Pineal gland The major chakra centers: 1 muladhara or root 2 svadhistana or sacral 3 manipura or solar plexus 4 anahata or heart 5 vishuddha or throat 6 ajna or third eye 7 sahasrara or crown

The major endocrine glands: 1 Testes (male) /Ovary (female) 2 Pancreas 3 Adrenal gland 4 Thyroid gland 5 Thymus 6 Pituitary gland 7 Pineal gland  The major chakra centers: 1 muladhara or root 2 svadhistana or sacral 3 manipura or solar plexus 4 anahata or heart 5 vishuddha or throat 6 ajna or third eye 7 sahasrara or crown

Correlating Chakra Symbolic Functions with Endocrine Glands; Their Hormones and Functions

The bottom three endocrine glands are polarizing glands, meaning that the create hormones which cause bi-polarity in the body. A “bipolar” individual is having trouble balancing these hormones.

1st- MULADHARA (root chakra), RED. Grounds the endocrine system to the rest of the body and the
Each center corresponds to a major gland and nerve complex, uniting the nerves with the blood and tissuesoutside environment. Center of the will to survive and function in the material world. Proper balance brings courage, stability, physical health, and stamina. Governs spinal column, adrenals, colon, anus, legs & bones. Element is Earth. Color: Red

Governs Carnal & Sexual Energies. The first balancing is of the Malkuth, or Earth, vibratory energy complex, called the red-ray complex. An understanding and acceptance of this energy is fundamental. (Manifest primarily in the characteristics of the physical body. Especially sexual aspects. Example is Christ’s first temptation of food when he was hungry.)

– SEX ORGANS (TESTES/OVARIES). Primary Hormones: androgens such as testosterone (male) and estrogen/progesterone (female). In charge of sexual traits and sexual processes/desires. Both hormones are steroids/action chemicals. estrogen/progesterone’s seem to control menstration and child bearing processes. Progesterone is stored in special fat tissue under the skin and in areas like the breasts. Levels decrease with aging. (causes aging?) Studies have shown increased levels aid in recovery from brain injury, as well as prevent premature birthing. Shown to affect memory. Estrogen is formed by the synthesis of androstenedione from cholesterol. The action of estrogen (and testosterone?) is dependent on the presence of estrogen receptors in the cells. Estrogen in males is important to the maturation of sperm. During maturation testosterone/estrogen hormones cause the masculine/feminine characteristics of the physical body. (size of body mass, breasts, body hair, jaw, etc…) The seat of desire. As testosterone/estrogen’s result in perceived pain and pleasure, imbalances are most obvious in those in drug and sex addictions.

smaller amounts of testosterone & estrogen are secreted in the adrenal glands.

2nd- SVADHISTANA (sacral chakra/loins).  Center of sexual desire, cravings, family life, harmony, tolerance. Governs reproductive organs, prostate and bladder. Color: Orange
Affects Material & Emotional Security. Manifests in The next energy complex, which may be blocked is the emotional, or personal complex, also known as the orange-ray complex. This blockage will often demonstrate itself as personal eccentricities or distortions with regard to self-conscious understanding or acceptance of self. (Manifests in one’s lifestyle. Their economic situation and material possessions. Example is Christ’s second temptation of a wife with a life of ease. The perfect marriage and house/estate are the best archetypes)

– ADRENAL GLANDS. Primary Hormones: epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine. Also control blood osmolarity. Adrenaline release is a crucial component of the fight-or-flight response of the sympathetic nervous system. It controls the speed and volume at which other hormones can be passed throughout the body. These hormones affect perceived stress levels in the body by managing heart rate, breathing, blood flow, etc… With the pancreas it is responsible for hormones which largely govern the bodies short lived emotions. Fear/bravery, Emotional love/hate. Imbalances therefore manifest in extremes between fear anxieties or uninhibited fool-heartiness. Too much fear of people & situations or not enough fear of people & situations.

3rd- MANIPURA (solar plexus chakra/navel). Center of willpower, Self-respect, confidence, physical energy and self-control. Governs the adrenals, stomach, liver, muscles, nervous system, digestive system and Pancreas. Element is Fire. Color: Yellow

Affects Social Power & Influence. The third blockage resembles most closely that which you have called ego. It is the yellow-ray or solar plexus center. Blockages in this center will often manifest as distortions toward power manipulation and other social behaviors concerning those close and those associated with the mind/body/spirit complex. Those with blockages in these first three energy centers, or nexi, will have continuing difficulties in ability to further their seeking of the Law of One. (Manifests in social power & position such as a religious or political leader. Example is Christ’s third temptation of jumping off the temple pillar to have the angels catch him and prove before all people that he was the chosen one.)

– PANCREAS GLAND. Primary Hormones: insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. Insulin lowers blood glucose/energy levels , and glucogon increases blood glucose levels. Mainly controls the bodies energy balance, and thus emotional distortions governed by energy. Feeling balanced, manic or depressant. Also somatostatin is an inhibitory hormone which stops the the release of the pituitary’s growth hormone (GH), as well as the thyroid’s stimulating hormone (TSH); so it balances the premature activation of higher glands (or simply passes on food poisons which unnaturally do so).

4th- ANAHATA (heart chakra). Center of compassion, altruism, forgiveness and acceptance. Governs the heart, circulatory system, arms, lungs, respiratory system & thymus gland. Color: Green

The center of heart, or green-ray, is the center from which third-density beings may springboard, shall we say, to infinite intelligence. Blockages in this area may manifest as difficulties in expressing what you may call universal love or compassion. Fear of possession, desire for possession, fear of being possessed, desire to be possessed: these are the distortions which will cause the deactivation of green ray energy transfer

– THYMUS GLAND. Primary gland of the Immune system. Primary Hormones: T-Cells (types of white blood cells which fight disease). Categorized into groups such as Helper, Cytotoxic, Memory, Regulatory, Natural killer T- Cells. All appear to be white blood cells with the functions of “understanding” what in the body is good or bad. They are collectively tasked with destroying cancerous cells, viruses, and other antigens in the body. They are the seat of judgement and differentiation for what is friend or foe in the body. Many illnesses are caused when these cells attack “friendly” cells, or when they don’t protect from “unfriendly” objects.

All T cells originate from haematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow. Read Development in the thymus for very insightful details of the progression of T-Cells from double negative to positive. This is a parallel of our own progress of learning to love.

5th- VISHUDDHA (throat chakra/neck). Center of communication, speech, effect of the spoken word on truth, expansion of consciousness. Governs thyroid, throat and mouth. Colors: Blue & Aqua

The blue-ray center of energy streaming is the center which, for the first time, is outgoing as well as inpouring. Those blocked in this area may have difficulty in grasping the spirit/mind complexes of its own entity and further difficulty in expressing such understandings of self. Entities blocked in this area may have difficulties in accepting communication from other mind/body/spirit complexes.

-THYROID GLAND. Primary Hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (Synthesized from both iodine and tyrosine). One the largest glands in body. It is a balancing gland controlling how quickly the body uses energy, and makes proteins (which control growth & development) by controlling how sensitive the body is to other hormones. Also plays a role in calcium homeostasis. Gets its name from the Greek word for “shield” (named more for its function or shape?). Works with the pituitary. Thyroid hormones play a particularly crucial role in brain maturation during fetal development, involved in protein development which allows T3 & T4 to cross the blood/brain barrier.

Metaphysically it is the expression center. Governs the ability to communicates one’s light/wisdom or love/being-ness. If the hormone balances of the lower glands define much of who a person is, it is the thyroid gland’s job to communicate (giving and receiving) this to the brain through the blood/brain barrier. So in both speech and song, those who have not balanced this gland with the rest of the body find difficulty sharing themselves

6th- AJNA (third eye chakra/head). Center of intuition, insight, devotion to spiritual knowledge, wisdom and psychic abilities. Governs pituitary, nose, ears & eyes. Color: Indigo

The next center is the pineal or [violet]/indigo-ray center. Those blocked in this center may experience a lessening of the influx of intelligent energy due to manifestations which appear as unworthiness. This is that of which you spoke. As you can see, this is but one of many distortions due to the several points of energy influx into the mind/body/spirit complex. The indigo-ray balancing is quite central to the type of work which revolves about the spirit complex, which has its influx then into the transformation or transmutation of third density to fourth density, it being the energy center receiving the least distorted outpourings of love/light from intelligent energy and also the potential for the key to the gateway of intelligent infinity. [pride]

-PINEAL GLAND. Primary Hormones: serotonin a derivative of melatonin. A hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal/sexual functions. Also a powerful anti-oxidant and aids in protection of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Synthetic melatonin is used to help insomnia. The pineal gland connects the two hemispheres of the brain. The production of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. High levels of melatonin are thought to inhibit sexual activity/development. Damage or depressed pineal activity is shown to correlate with accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton. (Metaphysically, ‘spiritual’ growth is also stimulated by pain and spiritual darkness, physical growth & activity would be stimulated by pleasure and physical “light”). The gland has been found to govern many aspects of chronobiology, which studies the link between organisms and solar/lunar cycles.

darkness = high melatonin = low libido & sexual development = high anti-oxidant = slow aging = sleepy
light = low melatonin = high libido & sexual development = fast aging

Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in adults, and has been observed in children as young as 2. Calcification rates vary widely by country and tend to increase by age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year. Spiritualist often correlate this with decreased spiritual abilities and manifestations.

7th- SAHASRARA (crown chakra) Highest Center associated with merging of human with the divine, spiritual Unity and final Liberation from the karmic wheel and earth plane. Governs the Cerebral Cortex, central nervous system, and pineal gland. Colors: Violet,Clear,Opal,White, & Gold.

The remaining center of energy influx is simply the total expression of the entity’s vibratory complex of mind, body, and spirit. It is as it will be, “balanced” or “imbalanced” has no meaning at this energy level, for it gives and takes in its own balance. Whatever the distortion may be, it cannot be manipulated as can the others and, therefore, has no particular importance in viewing the balancing of an entity.

-PITUITARY GLAND. The pituitary gland secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis. It appears to be the ultimate balancing gland, with the ability and task of regulating many of the functions of the others.

Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland help control the following body processes:
-Growth (Excess of HGH can lead to gigantism and acromegaly.)
-Blood pressure
-Some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including stimulation of uterine contractions during childbirth
-Breast milk production
-Sex organ functions in both males and females
-Thyroid gland function
-The conversion of food into energy (metabolism)
-Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
-Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
-Temperature regulation
-Pain relief



Also Note: Navel/Root- In and out of earthly food. Mind/Heart- In and out of spiritual food/knowledge. Lower three have to do with earthly/Temporal things, upper three have to do with spiritual things. One crown to rule them all. Temporal being closer to earth, spiritual three upright closer to heaven.

Navel is intake and digestion of food passed to root where it is expelled, Mind is intake of spiritual food passed on to heart where it is expelled or given back to the creator as love. Both have a type of reversed functioning as well(?).

Add this chart here:

Other Insights

The base chakra or sexual response (either desire/lust or fear/disgust) is the first great mediating power for energy. Much like the mouth is the greatest regulator of food, being able to open or close, chew & store, the base chakra is able to take ingested energies and pass them up the spine to the head, or it can store or eject the energy before it comes far into the system. One with a poorly developed energy pathway will find that even the slightest increase in incoming energy is felt as sexual heat where the body seeks to eject this energy. (ie. in or digestive system parallel, it is like someone over-eating and throwing up because their digestive track is too small for the ingested energy.) A well developed pathway will allow large amounts of energy without creating heat, but instead the energy is effectively placed in the spinal fluid and carried up the spine into the brain, and then down from the brain into the nervous system and on to the other glands.

Fractal Relationships with Atomic Orbital Shells & Planetary Electromagnetic Fields

There is also a fractal relationship between the chakras or human energy centers and those found in atoms and planetary bodies. The seven orbital shells or electron valence shells are fairly well understood by science.  They are essentially electromagnetic fields surrounding an atom holding discrete or quantized amounts of polarized energy which our culture visualizes as electrons. Studying the relationships between the nucleus (an atom’s core vibration) and the energy shells can teach you a lot about the body and how the “spiritual bodies” or energy centers work. The following is a bit of a refresher.

-The number of valence shells an atom has or can hold has to do with the mass (or proton charge) of an atom’s nucleus. As one goes down on the periodic table (the rows), the mass number grows as well as the number of energy shells.

-The amount of energy in a valence shell (number of electrons) becomes greater as one moves to the right (the columns) on the periodic table.  The number of electrons (amount of energy) an atom can hold stably is also dependant upon the mass/number of protons (or the nuclear core vibration).

-Atoms are most stable if the number of electrons or energy in the shells matches the mass or core energy charge of the nucleus. If there are less electrons than protons, we call the atom a negative ion. If it’s the other way around, we call it a positive ion. Isotopes have to do with having a greater mass number from excess neutrons in the nucleus and are more complicated, so we will not address them now.  There are many ions which stay relatively balanced despite the imbalance in their charge, but in general atoms cannot exist unless they maintain a balance, to within a few electrons.

periodic table of the elements showing the electron shells of each element.

periodic table of the elements showing the electron shells of each element.

Planetary bodies follow essentially the same rules as atoms.  Unless they are dead (which many are), they also have energy shells which we call electromagnetic fields.  Our current science doesn’t see a lot of the correlations between the micro world (atoms) and the macro world (planets), but there is a lot of ancient religious (especially Hindu & Chinese) and modern channeled material explaining these relationships.   The amount of energy a planet’s electromagnetic field holds is also dependent upon its mass and core vibration.  The interactions between our Sun and Jupiter are one of the best examples of how these relationships work. Jupiter (which is roughly 1/10th the size of the sun) acts as a binary pair to our Sun. The center of gravity of the two, lays just outside the circumference of the Sun.

As with all binary orbits, as these two bodies approach perigee (closest orbital distance), they accelerate which induces a charge in both. (Remember that accelerating a charge through an oscillating magnetic field induces a current. see my physics article for details.)  This increased Charge increases until it overcomes the surface tension of the sphere (which can be accelerated by an object coming through its mag field) and like a Van de Graaff Generator it then releases bits of the excess charge in plasma ejections which we call Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) in the case of the Sun.  The Sun and Jupiter reach perigee once every 11 years during Solar Max.  So as they approach the Sun becomes more energized and increases the frequency of CME’s until it ejects enough energy or tangles with Jupiter [rework this] causing its electromagnetic shields to drop. Which then realign in the opposite direction for reasons not fully understood (see my physics article).

Exaggerated illustration of the binary nature of the Sun and Jupiter. Thier true center of gravity lies just outside the circumference of the Sun. This relationship creates an orbital resonance which in turn interacts with the galactic field

Exaggerated illustration of the binary nature of the Sun and Jupiter. Thier true center of gravity lies just outside the circumference of the Sun. This relationship creates an orbital resonance which in turn interacts with the galactic field

The parallels between these phenomena and human biology are quite obvious.  People also have very weak energy shells which are created by internal dynamos within our bodies (the electrochemical endocrine organs, nervous system & iron in the circulating blood).  These organs create the electrochemical charges which function our energetic systems (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems).  Much as with planets, our movement and relation to currents and electromagnetic fields influences these partially shielded systems.  As with the Sun and Jupiter, when two human become a binary system in resonance, a potential is created which causes both to energize on approach and can cause energy exchange during sexual energy transfer (which is not the same as biological sex).  In similar ways this energy is most often transferred through both the auras (weak human electromagnetic fields), and in the biological/chemical system also through the plasma (seminal fluids).

Questions & Answers. Things Still to Write About

-The greater one’s spiritual mass, the more energy one can hold both internally (nucleus) and externally (fields/auras). What dictates a person’s spiritual mass?  Is it related to physical weight?  How do you change this? (internally by movement and diet, externally by thought)  Is the internal energy all you can control, or can work on the aura or electromag shell actually change the gland’s energetics? (yes)

-Activating and strengthening sequential chakras must be analogous to activating and strengthening valence shells. (Activating the shell is done by awakening the electrochemical reactions in that endocrine gland, such as with puberty. And strengthening is to increase the energy flow to it or add electrons or energy to it).  Best practices?

-How do you know where you are in this process?  How do you stay in balance?

There are two balances we must maintain. One is the balance between protons and electrons or core mass/charge and valence/aural charge. The other is a balance between the chakras and corresponding valence shells themselves. They stack on eachother so they must maintain their proper energy density (strength), shape, etc..  In the body the electrochemical reactions of the endocrine glands must be kept in balance. (which can be worked on internally or externally)

-What effect does sex have on the endocrine system? Why does it sometimes seem to energize and other times seem to deenergize and destabilize. How is it that external energy transfer through the fields seems to work at a distance? (because fields are connected through the next higher field, remember the toroflux analog on connected strings.) How can it be mutually strengthening? (because if in balance, the energy transferred through the plasma is passed back to the giver through the aural fields. This is where harmonics comes in, you must be in rhythm with matching harmonic frequencies. The effectiveness of the energy transfer has to do with this. There is a lot riding on the function of endocrine glands with this.)

-Sex without love is energy transfer with no feedback mechanism. There is no conservation of energy. This is the danger of indiscriminate sex, pornography or self-sex, it empties and can obliterate one’s power (desire/energy balance).

-What determines negative or positive polarity in a person? (Their selfishness or unselfishness). Is an Ion or an isotope the analog? (Its an isotope, ions are temporary imbalance between the chakras. Core vibrations determine the kind of polarity you are thinking about.)

-How does religious practice (especially in regards to Mormonism) relate to all this. What function to ordinances play in bonding groups and exchanging spiritual energies, both within the mortal group and into the spiritual dimensions?

Chakra / Spiritual Center Outline

CONDENSED OUTLINE OF CHAKRAS (words used in bible to refer to chakra regions. Also note that the seven are condensed to five by combining the top two and bottom two into one. The LDS temple anointings are a simplified western analog to the more detailed (an ancient) eastern chakra system.

-brain = mind
-throat = throat, (as in raising one’s voice)
-heart = heart
-kidneys = bowels (also navel and reins)
-reproductive = loins

INSIDE TO OUT. (The Hebrew Bible & Kabbalah also applies the same relative relationship to body systems moving from inside to outside.)

-marrow (spiritual strength)
-bones (physical strength)
-sinews (balanced center)
-muscle (physical strength)
-skin (spiritual strength/worthiness. As in unworthiness of one with leprosy)

glands in respect to progression
-first (base) = the cycle of awareness;
-second (sacral/loins, reproductive glands) = the cycle of growth/division;
-third (solar plexus/navel, Adrenal & Pancreas) = the cycle of self-awareness/self-ishness;
-fourth (heart, Thymus) the cycle of love or understanding; (polarity reversal begins, expanding characteristics begin to contract)
-fifth (throat/neck, Thyroid) = the cycle of light or wisdom; (share-able knowledge or love)
-sixth (third eye/head, Pineal & Pituitary) = the cycle of light/love, love/light, or unity (of the heart & mind, faith & works, higher balance)
-seventh (crown) = the gateway cycle; (ascension to higher consciousness and next realm begins)

Judas, The Sons of Perdition and Service to Self

“During the Transformation the Service-to-Others find each other and take up abiding with each other, to the exclusion of abiding with those who are still spiritually undecided. Of course, as these individuals are usually a mainstay for others, the spiritually undecided clamor for their time and attention, but are increasingly given self help instructions and sent on their way. In fact, the spiritually undecided find the environment provided in a Service-to-Other community to be a drag, dull. No confrontations, everyone dedicated and preoccupied, just not lively enough. The Service-to-Self are generally driven from the ranks of both the Service-to-Other and the spiritually undecided as they are today. At times it takes awhile for them to show their colors, but this is quite inevitable.”

Wow. this is relevant. Who in the church or our family has truly chosen God with his liberation and forgiveness, and who in our church or family has chosen Lucifer, with his power hungry control structure. I have been wispered to by that serpent on ocasion as most have, “give me your power and I’ll make everyone follow the plan”. Put me in a position of power and I’ll “make” them all fit into my concept of righteousness. I’ll convince them to behave “rightly” with my eloquence and logic and power, now only if I was a Bishop or the Prophet, or could do miracles, then I could do some “good”.

Do we see the fallacies here? Do we try and control others to make ourselves feel like “righteous servents”? Or do we see how God cares so much about our freedom of choice that he builds into his true religion (all true religion) a structure where both the selfish “service-to self” and the unselfish “service to others” can succeed in thier chosen path. He sets up a tightly governed control structure that the selfish can use to manipulate others into thier world view… thier image of God. At the same time, the church is also a vessel which can be use by the non-selfish, “service to others” individual to better love and help each-other achieve thier own self determination.

As John explains, “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19, also see GOHT 75:1). Judas chose service to self. By the end of his life, he became sufficiently selfish as to achieve resurrection or harvestability in that orientation. Jesus knew it. He knew Judas, the levite (a close childhood friend) had slowly drifted to that orientation from thier youth. He knew he was minupulative and thieving. But out of love and respect for his friend he kept him as an apostle. With time Christ even realized he would be murdered at Judas betraying hand. And yet “as a sheep openeth not his mouth”, he quietly let things play out knowing the outcome was thier destiny, but hoping all the while that his friend would change. That he would turn from his self-destructive path of selfishness and go to the light. In fact, in Christ’s death, and his treatment of Judas he sowed the seeds of his eventual salvation… (in a future cycle anyway).

It makes me wonder who in history has been as Judas? Judas thought he was “doing God a favor”. He was a true nationalist and believed Jesus would save Israel so it could fulfill its destiny of ruling all nations. He was deeply orthodox. He believed that by getting Jesus arrested he would use his miracles to finally show the rulers he was God, and that the people would set him up as the ruler (GOHT 76:29-30). He did not understand that Christ’s mission was one of submission and sacrifice, not control. He did not understand “what spirit he was of” (ref). He did not understand the needed ballance between obedience and sacrifice, between control and submission. The ballance of serving ones self in order to serve others instead of serving others in order to serve one’s self. I cant help but think that the ratio of one in twelve is an accurate ratio of truly service to self vs. truly service to others in this world. I cant help but think that perhaps there have been a handful of LDS apostles (and certainly dozens of Catholic Popes) that have been harvestable service to self individuals, radically adicted to control and dogma. But that is the plan, and always has been. It is the whole reason the father set up the garden drama in the first place. It is given to us to choose for ourselve, and it is the purpose of mortality to force us to make that choice. To choose Christ or Satan. Force or Liberty. It is somewhat of a shame that the “preacher” was taken out of the temple drama. Im guessing that there were good intentions in doing it, but it’s inclusion was God’s, Joseph’s and Brigham’s way of teaching us these very important lessons about the dual nature of both government and religion.

Milton Friedman on the Free Market System

This is a young Phil Donahue interviewing Milton Friedman thirty years ago (and Donahue was as far left-wing as they get, as you can see here). With clarity, Mr Friedman makes the case for the free market economy.

Scriptural Prophecy (List of all Fulfilled and Future Prophecy in Scripture)


This document is a compilation of all the prophecy, (both fulfilled and future) found in Judeo-Christian scripture. Many of these suggested prophecies create a “chicken and the egg” scenario, where an unbeliever would suspect the fulfillment was self-fulfilling and came only because of the prediction, whereas a believer would see the fulfillment as an independent validation of an independent prediction. With neither scenario being provable. In a few instances of particularly impressive prophesy, unbelievers almost universally move the goal posts, arguing that the prophecy must be from after the event, such as the Cyrus prophecy. But once again it’s impossible to prove either way.

Some of the most impressive prophecies, are undoubtedly the prophesied Assyrian & Babylonian destruction and restoration of the nation of Israel — as well as the additional “latter-day” destruction & restoration fulfilled in the modern day with Israel as a secular democracy/theocracy with the same ancient language and state religion. Also of note are the known predictions of Christ found in not only in the Bible, but related middle-eastern prophesied messiah-figures such as those found in Mithraism, Egyptian & Greek epics (such as Prometheus). Also, those of the cyclical cosmic ‘destroyer’s’ found in the Kolbrin, Egyptian & Babylonian texts.

Moses prophesied in Leviticus 26 that if Israel did not keep the Sabbath & turned to false Gods, they would be scattered & destroyed 7 times. But it is prophesied and promised that each time they would be restored to the land & their temple. This has been fulfilled with remarkable accuracy over a 3500 year period. Indeed there is no other religious group that has been so thoroughly destroyed and yet miraculously restored as the Judeo-Christian tradition.

1 ‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God. 2 ‘Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the Lord. 3 ‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, 4 I will send you [all good things]… ‘But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands… 16 then I will do this to you… 18 I will punish you for your sins seven times over. 19 I will break down your stubborn pride… 25 I will bring the sword on you… [and] cut off your supply of bread… 28 I myself will punish you for your sins seven times… 30 I will destroy your high places [temples], cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. 31 I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries… 33 I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. 34 Then the land will enjoy its sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths. 35 All the time that it lies desolate, the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it… 44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God. 45 But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God.

Leviticus 23:1–46

Daniel expanded this prophesy roughly 1000 years after Moses purportedly gave it, and defined with more clarity the clause stating that “the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it” was to be broken into 70 ‘sevens’ or sabbatical years making 490 year segments. He obviously recognized that the Philistine captivity which came 490 years after Moses, and the destruction of Solomon’s temple and Babylonian captivity which happened 490 years after their liberation– was a fulfillment of Moses’ prophecy, and that the duration of their current captivity would be 70 years as well since another 490 years of unkept sabbaths had passed. One year for each Sabbatical year (or year of release) they did not obey the rule to allow land to lay fallow & release all debt. He then extended the prophecy again that 490 years would pass before their next temple was destroyed and another scattering & captivity would occur. (Dan 9) He then also extends his vision and prophesy even farther into the future to the “time of the end” (Dan 12:10–13) saying 1290 years would pass until an ultimate abomination of desolation would be set up on Jerusalem’s temple mount, but after another 1335 years would come the ‘blessed’ day when Israel’s punishment would end and they would have rest in the land (Dan 12:1–13).

4 seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. 6 How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? 11 …from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 13 …for [then] thou shalt rest… (Dan 12:4–13)

That’s a total of at least ~3675 years covered in Daniel’s timeline & prophecy. (Around ~1050 from Moses to the Babylonian destruction plus 1290 plus 1335 years to the ‘time of the end’). That Daniel was looking far past his current 490 year cycle is clear from the beginning of his book where he speaks of a “latter-day” kingdom that would “break into pieces and consume” the clay-like kingdoms which would follow the four great kingdoms of his own cycle (Dan 2:28–45). An idea that he reiterates twice with the ten horns growing out of the four great beasts of his own cycle. (Dan 7:17–23)

In fact Daniel’s two periods or ‘times’ (Dan 12:13) of 1290 & 1335 very likely are an illusion to Hosea 6:2 where the same verbiage of yā·mîn (הַיָּמִֽין׃) is used. Hosea, who lived in Samaria just before the Northern Kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians prophesied to the Northern Kingdom, pointing to Moses words in Leviticus 23 saying,

“1 …He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. 2 After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us 3 he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:1–3)

Earliest Prophecies
-Adam ‘stood up in the midst of the congregation… and predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation.’ (Moses 6:8,13,23; D&C 107:56)
-Enoch prophecies of (Moses 6:27–31,38)
-People of Canaan (north of Enoch, who must be in Africa) utterly destroy the people of Shum & divide themselves & are cursed w/ blackness & despised. (Moses 7:6–8)
-Noah prophecies of the flood…
-Brother of Jared prophecies of…
-Moses prophecies of…
-Babylonian Empire
-Persian / Median Empire
-Macedonian (Grecian) Empire
-Roman Empire

Pre Christ History
-Babylonian Empire
-Persian / Median Empire
-Macedonian (Grecian) Empire
-Roman Empire

The most important prophecy of the pre-Christian era are those of Daniel 11. (go through and pick out the most significant aspects. particularly Alexander and his generals. this section is believed to be post-Daniel because the prophecies are so exact. the following links give commentary showing exactly who/what is being talked about).

Time of Christ
-Life of Christ
-Crucifixion & Resurrection of Christ
-Global destructions at catastrophes at Christ’s death
-First Resurrection of the Dead
-Christ visit’s America (Nephites)
-Christ visit’s the other lost tribes of Israel
-Israel is destroyed by Roman Empire. (abomination of desolation of Daniel set up)
-Temple shall be destroyed so that one stone is not upon another.
-Final Scattering of Israel
-Those in Judea need flea into the mountains
-Will be famines, pestilences, & earthquake
-Gospel is preached to all nations
– Begins the day the gospel is taken to the gentiles, but continues all through the dark ages to present.

Rise of the Great & Abominable Church
-The church (& Israel) is driven into the wilderness (Apostasy)
? The love of man shall wax cold
-Many false Christ’s come
-Many false prophets come and deceive many.
-Wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet

? Times of the Gentiles is “come in”.
– times of the gentiles likely starts with the destruction of Israel and preaching of Gospel to the Gentiles. JST Matt says it is “come in” in the same generation as…
-Christopher Columbus discovers America
-Puritans cross sea and come out of captivity to America
-Lamanites are driven, smitten & chastised by Gentiles
-Europe takes over the world, ruling all fallen Israelite counties.
-America is set up a free nation, under God

Restoration of the Gospel
-Visions to Joseph Smith
-Book of Mormon Translated
-Gospel preached to all nations
-United States Civil War
— gather out of the eastern countries, stand in holy places etc…
-Lehi’s seed restored to knowledge of their fathers
— This begins as the gospel is taken to south America but is continuing today and will not be fulfilled in its fullness until the -“Lamanites blossom as a rose” and are converted in mass

Restoration of Jews to Israel (Palestine)
-Continuation of wars, pestilence & earthquake
– gather out of the eastern countries, stand in holy places etc… (this time saints are Christians who gather to the Americas
? – Elect gathered as an eagle around a carcas
– Israel will be gathered to Israel & America
– Parable of the fig tree with tender branches is fulfilled
? Fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled
– occurs in the same generation as the scourge??


Things which occur continually from the scattering of Israel to the Second Coming
People say “the Lord delayeth his coming”
The love of man waxes cold
there are wars and rumors of wars
There are earthquakes in diverse places, lightning’s, thundering’s & other common natural disasters

The saints shall stand in holy places (and escape the desolation)

Rise of the First Beast (this could be after first set of catastrophes or already happened)
Beast rises up and exercises power on 7 mountains
one of Beast’s mountains is wounded and world wonders after it (this could very well be fall of communism in russia)
Second beast rises with all the power of first and make the world worship it image (philosophy)
Second beasts gains power over saints, kills and persecutes them. Gains control of market so none can buy or sell without his “mark” of allegiance on them.
Whore rides on the beast. The beast (political kingdom) gives power to the whore (great and abominable church or world view of the devil)

Fall of United States of America & Other Gentile American Nations
(Only to occur if they fight against the church & saints. This could be before or after first set of catastrophes)
Constitution hangs by a thread
Saints hold it inviolate, and will maintain it, along with law & order if national government fails

First set of catastrophes (opening of sixth seal)
Righteous called out “go ye out from Babylon” gather to Zion and “be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord”
-Saints again stand in holy places and avoid some of destruction
Those that look shall see signs in heaven; Blood, fire & smoke
Before Lord comes, Sun shall be darkened, moon to blood & stars fall
Continents start to go back together
Seas shall heave beyond their bounds
All things will be in comotion, and some men’s hearts shall fail them
Great men, mighty men & chief captains hide in the rocks and caves. (say to rocks fall on us)

Final harvest (period of gathering) before last destructions
Four angels hold back the winds and destructions
144,000 sealed up to be high priests ordained to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.
Last of the righteous are gathered up to Zion, the only nation at peace
Elders will be called home…. After their testimony will come testimony of destructions

Rise of the Second Beast
World empire in re-established which persecutes the saints
False Prophets give this nation power over people.
World empire implements tyranny over world economics
– none can buy or sale with out the mark of beast

Opening of seventh seal
First Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)
Second Plague (angel)

Final War / Armageddon (Fifth Plague/ Angel)
Armies of the Beast (global power) gather to fight against Israel (battle of Armageddon)
Two prophets in Jerusalem hold off armies with their power over elements
Two prophets die and are left in the street, then are resurrected after three days
Second fulfilment of Daniel’s Abomination of Desolation
Arm of the Lord falls upon all nations
Angel’s sound their trump to announce Christ coming
Angels shall fly with a trump to announce the coming of the bridegroom
The “great sign in heaven” to appear, “the sign of the coming of the Son of Man” like lighting across the sky
Angel shall announce the fall of the great & abominable church

? Silence in the heavens for space of about 1/2 hour. ???
Curtain of heaven shall be unfolded as a scroll unrolled, and Lord shall be unveiled
Lord comes with his saints in the clouds in power & glory
Christ comes across the sky like a light from the east
Voice says “how oft I would have gathered you” & “I have called you by destructions”

BEFORE the arm of the Lord Falls
-First[fruits] resurrection: an angel shall sound his trump, and the saints that have slept shall come forth to meet me in the cloud (D&C 45:45, D&C 88:96–98)

AT Christ’s coming
-And after this another angel shall sound, which is the second trump; and then cometh the redemption of those who are Christ’s at his coming; who have received their part in that prison (D&C 88:98–99)

Last set of Catastrophes occur right as he appears (ends the battle of Armageddon)
-God’s presence is a melting fire, causing the waters to boil and mountains to flow down at his presence.
-The earth to reel to & fro as a drunken man
-Graves of the saints shall be opened; and they shall come forth and stand on the right hand of the Lamb, when he shall stand upon Mount Zion (D&C 133:56, 29:13)
-Continents go back together (D&C 133:
-At God’s presence the sun and moon are darkened, and stars fall

-Hail storm (meteorites) destroy the crops of the earth
-Wicked nations are utterly wasted. Babylon, The beast and whore are totally destroyed.
-Christ stands upon the mount of Olivet
-Jews are converted

Saints on earth shall be quickened and caught up to meet him
dead will be resurrected and also be caught up to meet him

? Shall be as it was in the days of Noah, two shall be in field & one taken
Third trump to announce resurrection (sounds on Mt Sanai, D&C 29:13)
Men shall be changed to immortality “in the twinkling of an eye.”
with Fifth trump, every knee bows, and every tongue confesses.
Sixth trump announces “the whore is fallen”
Seventh trump says “IT IS FINISHED, Lamb has trampled the winepress”
Angels are crowned and made equal with God
Seven angels sound again to reveal the works of men during the 7,000 years
Seventh angel stands on land & sea announcing there is “TIME NO LONGER”.

Before ‘earth shall rest’, the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth (Moses 7:61)
-Also Before, truth shall come out from the earth, truth will sweep the earth like a flood, elect will be gathered to the new Jerusalem (in short, the dispensation of fullness of times will occur BEFORE the second coming & millennium. Moses 7:62)
-City of Enoch ‘shall meet them there’ [at the New Jerusalem], and receive them into our bosom, and see [their face] and fall on their necks & kiss each other (all before Millennium, Moses 7:62–63)

Very beginning of Christ’s Millennial reign
-Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father’s name written on their foreheads. (D&C 133:18, Rev 7:1–4)
-They who are in the north countries come in remembrance before the Lord; and their prophets hear his voice, and shall no longer stay themselves; and they smite the rocks, and the ice flows down at their presence. (D&C 133:26)
-Highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep. (D&C 133:27; Isa 11:15–16, Isa 35:8–10)
City of Zion (Enoch) to come down out of heaven

Millennium [Metaphorical 1000 years]Satan is bound for [metaphorical] 1000 years (Rev 20:2–3, D&C 101:28, ), although actually “time is no longer”. (D&C 88:100,110)
Lion shall lie down with the lamb, child shall play with the asp
Men will live to the age of a tree & then be transfigured
Final resurrection occurs

Satan is loosed for the final battle
Battle of Gog & Magog
-Wicked are cast out into outer darkness & everlasting fire, with weeping, whaling & gnashing of teeth. (D&C 133:73)
-Unharvestable beings get moved off planet (LAO x:x)
? After the thousand years are over heaven and earth will pass away (D&C 29)
The heavens & earth pass away & are resurrected
– “Satan shall be bound, and when he is loosed again he shall only reign for a little season, and then cometh the end of the earth” (D&C 43:31)

Most Important Chapters of Prophecy
-Daniel 7,9,12
-Revelation x.x
-Leviticus? xx;x

3 Nephi 16 (all)
3 Nephi 20 (all)
3 Nephi 21 (all)
3 Nephi 26:1–11
3 Nephi 28:27–32
3 Nephi 29:1–9

1 Nephi 10:11–14
1 Nephi 13 (all)
1 Nephi 14 (all)
1 Nephi 15:12–20
1 Nephi 22 (all)

2 Nephi 1:9–12
2 Nephi 6 (all)
2 Nephi 10 (all)
2 Nephi 26:12-end
2 Nephi 27 (all)
2 Nephi 28:1–3, 32
2 Nephi 29:1–3, 13–14/end
2 Nephi 30 (all)

Ether 4:13–17
Ether 13:4–13

LDS Eternal Progression

Eternal Progression, Degrees of Glory, and the Resurrection: A Comparative Cosmology

LDS Eternal Progression

This article seeks to present a new and comprehensive cosmology as seen from an LDS viewpoint, but using the best of non-LDS sources for greater understanding. Cosmology is defined as “the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe”, but in religious terms it is more properly an understanding of how man, god and religion fit into the origin, purpose and destiny of the human soul within the universe. LDS people call this “Eternal Progression” within The Plan of Salvation. Joseph Smith’s view of eternal progression added a lot to the existing cosmology of Catholicism and Medieval Christianity, but the many works cited in this paper add immensely to the general LDS view, and may clear up some contradictions in the prevailing LDS view of the afterworld.


This article is under construction. Check back for updates!

1. Our Solar System has an orbit within our galaxy much like our planet orbits our sun. This orbit brings us through many varying energy densities which essentially control the progression or evolution of our planet and its inhabitants. The progression of mankind and people individually cannot be fully understood outside of the context of of physical cosmology–because they are synchronous.
2. The fractal (micro/macrocosm) or law of relative relationships is the key to understanding ourselves, our earth/ solar system, galaxy and the universe. The majority of ancient and esoteric cosmologies seek to use symbols to typify the fractal patterns of our galaxy–patterns existing in the respective levels of; the atom, the human body, the planet (body), the solar (body) and the galaxy. The patterns are often summarized in the religious use of the numbers 1,2,3,7, & 12 and their corresponding shapes (sacred geometry). The religious use of these numbers & symbols loosely summarizes very complicated concepts of physics which govern the major divisions of our earth & galaxy. Thier use also serves as a pattern or outline to understanding cosmology.
3. The number one. One symbolizes the Father; the universal natural law or the infinite & intelligent unifying field which unites all matter and intelligence in our galaxy and the universe. This all encompassing principle which Hebrew religion called “The Most-High God” & His Power/Spirit. Many high beings seek to mimic and speak in the name of this highest principle. Differing religious systems use different words and concepts to explain this symbol of first cause… but agree that it is the all-highest, eternal or first created principle of intelligence in the universe.
4. The number two. Two symbolizes the fundamental duality of the aforementioned unity (or “The Father”). Relative relationships of this duality include corporality & spirit, seen & unseen, positive & negative, masculine & feminine, father & son. Every atom and inhabited body (planet, sun, etc) in our galaxy contain this duality; which we will call physical and spiritual dimensions– a visible, particle-like core and an invisible, wave-like energy shell. In the case of bodies large enough to house consciousness these are the planetary body, and its electromagnetic field wherein non-incarnate intelligence dwells.
5. The number three. The Trinity/Godhead, symbolized by the Father-Mother-Son or Father-Son-Spirit or three realms of glory, etc. Each of two aforementioned dimensions naturally tend to separate into three divisions each, which we will classify as quantum levels, “kingdoms”, “realms” or “glories”. A few physical examples of these divisions are the three states of matter and the three electron orbitals (not counting ground state). Most modern Christian descriptions of heaven use this pattern to divide the heavenly regions of the earth. The LDS three degrees of glory spoken of in D&C 76 dualistically speaks of these divisions. Although classifications vary greatly, each earth and each heaven or spirit word contain these divisions.
6. The number seven. The seven archangels, dispensations or Elohim. On a much greater scale, the galaxy contains seven divisions of energy/light which we will term as densities, “glories” or progression levels. Every sphere in the Galaxy (planet or sun) progresses up and down through these levels sequentially. The seven periods or energy levels of the atom are a fractal of these states. Density boundaries are equivalent to the Hebrew and Christian “harvest” seasons and described in greater detail by Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies. Also symbolized by the Elohim, Archangels and creative periods. Some uses of LDS Telestial, Terrestrial and Celestial glories seek to represent levels three, four and five of these seven divisions.
As an example of how these divisions pertain to earth and mankind, we could summarize by stating the earth has two dimensions; the material world we live in and the spirit world which houses our consciousness when we die. Each of these dimensions tends to divide into three somewhat arbitrary divisions or glories. As the earth and its heavens orbit the galactic core (along with all their inhabitants) they progress through the seven energy densities, evolving/progressing from a state of lower/fragmented intelligence into what are often classified as gods, higher beings or unified planetary consciousness/intelligences. The various terms such as ‘heaven’, ‘resurrection’, ‘god’, ‘celestial’, ‘angel/archangel’ used by mystics and religion to explain these divisions and processes can be very confusing and misleading for reasons we will explain.

Is Religious Cosmology Man-made or Revealed?
The advocacy group “Survival International” suggests that as of the year 2010, there are at least 100 uncontacted indigenous tribal peoples living world-wide. The pictures below were taken by airplane in 2010 of a tribe living near the Peruvian / Brazilian border which officials in the civilized world have known about and monitored since at least 1910. Groups such as Survival International fight for these group’s right of self-determination and try to uphold policy enforcing no-fly zones and no travel zones which leave the groups in peace until they purposefully seek contact with the outside world for themselves. It is obvious from pictures such as these and other encounters that these tribes are frightened and negatively affected by encounters from the outside world. (Even marginal contact often introduces disease which decimates these types of tribal populations) It is a bit amazing to think that there are dozens of these isolated unevolved groups living in the midst of such a connected, advanced, technological world. (consider this YouTube video for instance)

The implications of this on the idea that man is alone in the universe should be obvious. Could mankind really be the only advanced life in the multiverse? Does anyone really believe there are not sophisticated civilizations which exist in the heavens or other dimensions, watching over, protecting, and studying us on our evolutionary journey of self determination and progression? Isn’t it probable that advanced life in our galaxy looks at earth’s inhabitants with the same pity, compassion and respect for self determination, as our technologically advanced world looks on these aboriginal tribal groups?

Uncontacted primitive tribe living in Brazilian rain forest photographed in 2010

Uncontacted primitive tribe living in Brazilian rain forest photographed in 2010 (red & black is body paint). Many such groups exists which are totally unaware of the advanced world around them.

In the following article I suggest that most of the world’s religious and scientific advancement is very likely result of inspiration passed to man from advanced extra-dimensional groups in the heavens. These groups seem to have carefully and subtly worked within our superstitions and religious traditions to telepathically pass information which might help us individually and as a planet to one day join the galactic community–without frightening us or violating our right to self-determination. However, because of the contradictory aspects of channeled/revealed literature and near-death experiences, it also seems evident that any such interaction happens in a subjective metaphysical realm where the cultural beliefs and expectations of the individual are strangely meshed with completely unique and new information which seems to be passed to them. Such ideas might seem a bit crazy… but then again you might think about what the aboriginal people in the above pictures thought when they tried to tell their friends about their unbelievable encounter with a low-flying helicopter.

Law of witnesses
LDS people like to talk about the law of witnesses spoken of in 2 Cor. 13:1 which says that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established”. I believe this common-sense concept applies to all truths revealed to man by higher dimensional groups. The highly organized, and strictly governed groups in the heavens, which religion’s typically associate with “God”, subtly reveal truths through the subconscious of witnesses to each respective class of people on earth according to their existing traditions and ability to receive offered information. So not only have heavenly truths been shown to multiple witnesses within Israel or the earth’s major religions but those heavenly truths are also revealed through multiple separate secular witnesses and thus on to the world at large. In Mormonism we call the religious witnesses, prophets, seers or revelators; although the generally accepted term in most of Western society for a religious witness is a “clairvoyant”, “channel” or “mystic“.  As I have combed the world’s revealed texts for cosmological information, I have found a handful of works which have been especially helpful in piecing together a cohesive view which expands and makes sense of the piecemeal and often ambiguous descriptions of cosmology found in LDS scripture.

Most Mormon’s see Joseph Smith (1805 to 1844) as the ultimate modern witness to heavenly beings, and the only true modern revelator of religious cosmology. However, this article will seek to prove that there are many more modern cosmological witnesses outside of Mormonism than in it. For instance, John Ballou Newbrough’s work (1828-1891) claimed to receive a book of scripture from light-beings which is larger than Joseph’s Book of Mormon & D&C and contains far more detailed cosmological information. He was followed by another in the seer and mystic John Sebastian Ward (1885-1949) whose channeled works on the Spirit world correspond closely to Joseph Smith’s revelation of heaven found in D&C 76. Yet an earlier forerunner was Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) whose exhaustive works likely influenced Joseph’s theology. There are many more skilled adepts and scientists in each major division of the world who were parts of the inspired religious reformation movements, religious great awakenings and industrial/technological revolutions. A few of the most popular of the Second Great Awakening were Siyyid Shírází (Founder of Bahá’í Faith; 8 million adherents), Mirzā Ghulām Ahmad (Aḥmadiyya Muslims; 20 million adherents), Hong Xiuquan (prophetic icon of Chinese millennialism)

In the last few decades it seems most modern individuals producing ‘revealed’ works have considered themselves part of the “new age movement”. One quite modern example was Don Elkins, whose strangely original works pioneered much of new age cosmology and like the Newbrough, Blavatsky and the Theosphical Society, did a fantastic job of harmonizing the worldviews of ancient eastern and western prophetic or mystic works. All of these individuals taught controversial cosmological concepts which are in many cases validated by modern consensus oriented scientific inquiry. All of these prophet/seers (called mystics in modern terms), claim to have been taught by light-beings or angels (or “Jesus” if this was their religious tradition), as well as seeing “heaven” and channeling large literary works. Works which give strikingly similar accounts of eternal progression, the constitution of heaven and a new theology—greatly advancing the prevailing ideas taught in Catholicism and medieval Christianity. Each of these individuals work’s mirrored larger cultural changes in social and industrial thought and development. By piecing together the evidence given by all their accounts, I’ll attempt to construct picture of the afterlife which seems to harmonize the views of many major earthly religions with each other as well as with scientific findings. And I believe that future consensus oriented scientific inquiry will eventually iron out the misconceptions and distortions of the world’s religious views and bring the world into a general unity of belief and understanding concerning the metaphysical realms and the ways in which higher dimensional being communicate in those realms.

The plan of salvation

standard simplistic LDS view of eternal progression

Identifying misunderstanding
Like most large religious sects, the LDS church is typically a little narrow minded as to what revelations or prophets it accepts or believes. Because of this, LDS theology has not advanced much past the cosmological ideas of Joseph Smith and the early nineteenth century. In teaching our view of cosmology, LDS missionaries commonly use the above diagram, which although somewhat corresponding to the accounts of other modern mystics in a simplistic sense– ends up distorting the available picture of revealed Christian cosmology. It suggests that the degrees of glory seen in Smith’s D&C 76 revelation, are different spheres or planets of sorts, completely separate from earth or the spirit world to which men pass after corporeal resurrection. A careful reading of Joseph Smith’s revelations, in comparison to other given revelations shows this is not quite the case (we will cover this misunderstanding in detail much later). The illustration and prevailing view also ignores Smith’s view of earth’s future status as a “terrestrial kingdom” during the millennium, or the earth’s future status as a “celestial kingdom” (LDS Terms to be described later). The illustration also perpetuates distorted views concerning the ‘Spirit World’ being a two-divisioned, disembodied realm where the majority of people on earth wait for an extended period of time until the “resurrection”, which will occur at the beginning and end of the millennium (which again is a gross oversimplification.) I have attempted to create some diagrams of my own to better show the complexity of available revealed Christian cosmology. However, I have been met with frustration realizing that they will also inevitably introduce confusion and misunderstanding in people’s minds. It is simply too difficult to properly depict the complexity of the modern mystic accounts of dimensional divisions in pictures so I will try to draw on as many examples in physics as possible. Hopefully they will help people get at least one step closer to the picture of reality as described by the many witnesses.

A less simplified view of LDS cosmology based on LDS theology. Events like the “fall, flood and second coming” are archetypes based on Judeo-christian worldviews which use partially mythological events to teach important symbolic truths.

The first step to understanding modern channeled Christian cosmology or “eternal progression” is to have at least a general understanding of the earth’s progression or orbit within the galaxy. Since man’s progression is said to follow that of the earth’s evolution, an understanding of cosmology gives a framework for us to better understand earth’s origins and destiny. Many LDS scriptures show this is supposedly often the first step taken by higher beings in educating mystics/prophets, and was among the first concepts shown to Moses (Moses 1:4,33–38), Abraham (Abr 3:2–21), Enoch (Moses 7), the Brother of Jared (Ether 3:25) and others. Joseph Smith purports to have introduced a very basic version of this cosmology in the Pearl of Great Price (see facsimile 2). In his channeled works (footnote: it is important to note that Joseph’s works were channeled, not translated), Joseph Smith suggests that there is a physical and spiritual hierarchical order to the universe where stars/planets gravitationally and energetically rule over the evolution of other stars/planets and the higher dimensional rulers of those systems rule over the inhabitants of the governed bodies as well. Abraham states in Smith’s Pearl of Great Price that he,

2 …saw the stars, that they were very great, and that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God; and there were many great ones which were near unto it;
3 And the Lord said unto me: These are the governing ones; and the name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near unto me, for I am the Lord thy God: I have set this one to govern all those which belong to the same order as that upon which thou standest.

In the notes written by Joseph Smith for the hypocephalus (facsimile 2) we get more detail stating that “Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God.” Is “first in government, the last pertaining the the measurement of time”. Abraham is further taught that Kolob has a binary or sister sphere of sorts called Oliblish by the Egyptians that “stands next to Kolob”, being “the next grand governing creation near the celestial or the place where God resides. …which is equal with Kolob in its revolution and in its measuring of time”. The account suggests these bodies are either governing masses in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or a binary system composing one of the “twelve fixed stars” described below. The power and gravitational influence of these bodies is then traced down through two more “stars” called Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam which then pass their power onto Kae-e-vanrash which in turn “governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, [including]… the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions.” In Joseph Smiths personal notes to the hypocephalus and “Alphabet of the Egyptian Language”, he goes into a bit more detail naming the “twelve fixed stars” (of which Kolob belongs) and “fifteen moving planets”, as well as giving what seems to be a slightly different explanation of some of the aforementioned spheres…

“Oliblish, Enish-go-on-dosh, and Kaii-ven-rash, are the three grand central powers that govern all the other creations, which have been sought out by the most aged of all the fathers, since the beginning of the creation, by means of the Urim and Thummim: The names of the other twelve of the fixed stars are: Kolob, Limdi, Zip, Vusel, Venisti, Waine, Wayoh-ox-oan, oansli, Shible, Shineflis, flis, os. The Egyptian names of the fifteen moving planets are: Oanisis, Flosisis, floese, Abbesels, Eleash, Subble, Slundlo, Carroam, Crashmakraw, obblesisim, Izinsbah, missel.

“Kli flosisis signifies Kolob in its motion, which is swifter than the rest of the twelve fixed stars; going before, being first in motion, being delegated to have power over others to regulate others in their time” (J.S. Alphabet of the Egyptian Language)

Comparison of Earth\’s nearly circular orbit around the Sun to Our Solar System’s more elliptical orbit around the Galactic Core in our Milky Way Galaxy. In reality the orbital path more resembles a serpent as it helically spirals or zig-zags above and below the galactic equatorial plane.

Comparing this to what we currently know of our Galaxy, its not easily understood what Joseph Smith was getting at (or if this is a feasible astronomical model at all). But although this cosmological model may at first seem a bit far-fetched, it in fact has more witnesses to its general validity in both John Newbrough’s work and in Hindu and eastern cosmology. Just a few decades after Joseph Smith, Newbrough independently wrote a cohesive and highly illustrated cosmology consisting of our solar system orbiting through our Milky Way galaxy in a circuit, in his book Oahspe, A Sacred History of the Higher and Lower Heavens on the Earth.

1. First, the earth plieth in a circuit around the sun, which circuit is divided into four arcs called spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. Second, the sun, with his family, plieth in a large circuit [around the center of the galaxy], which is divided into one thousand five hundred arcs, the distance of which for each arc is about three thousand years or one [harvest] cycle.
3. During a cycle, the earth and her heavens fall in the spiritual regions of hundreds of etherean worlds, where dwell Jehovah’s high-raised angels, whose Chiefs have to do with the management of worlds.
4. During the time of a cycle, the earth is therefore under the control and management of such of Jehovah’s angels for the resurrection of man of the earth. (Oahspe 9/1.1)

Like Joseph Smith’s work, Newbrough’s work suggests that as our Solar System orbits the Galactic core, we pass by higher dimensional “etherean” worlds or “governing” systems which are inhabited by higher dimensional beings who subtly govern the inhabitants of world who pass within their domains. Newbrough’s works contain hundreds of pages which detail the histories, philosophies and tactics of these extra-dimensional beings. And the picture they paint is surprisingly similar to Joseph Smith’s and many ancient religious myths which integrate religion into the movement of our solar system’s as it orbits around the milky-way galaxy. Just as a single rotation around the sun can be separated into 4 seasons, 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 days; so also did the ancients try to give names to the corresponding orbital periods of the solar system moving in the Galaxy. An example is given below

The differing worlds of dimensions of ancient Norse Cosmology.

1. And thou [speaking to an officer of the current governing “god” of earth] shalt dwell in thy kingdom seven years and sixty days, and the time shall be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding shall be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth bringeth forth.
2. And the time from one dawn of dan to another shall be called one dan’ha; and four dan’ha shall be called one square, because this is the sum of one density, which is twelve thousand of the earth’s years. And twelve squares shall be called one cube, which is the first dividend of the third space, in which there is no variation in the vortex of the earth. And four cubes shall be called one sum, because the magnitude thereof embraceth one equal of the Great Serpent. (Oahspe 07/2.6)

The Zodiac, Precession of the Equinoxes & their Effect on Earth
Both Newbrough’s and Smith’s works suggest that in ancient times, higher beings came to earth and taught men a general understanding of astronomy & astrophysics and their relationship to galactic rule. The idea of a “great celestial serpent” is found in many ancient cultures and generally seems to describe the Galactic Orbit of our Solar System following a sinusoidal or possibly helical pattern as it dips above and below the galactic equatorial plane. These motions relate to Earth’s precession of the equinoxes as well as the precession or axial wobbling of our sun. (The sun wobbles and travels in a slight helical pattern because of the gravitational effects of Jupiter and the other large planets; seen from the side this orbital path would look like a stretched spring or partially coiled flying serpent.) What makes Oahspe, the Law of One and Joseph Smith’s mystic works unique is the picture they paint of how these well understood astronomical phenomena affects the earth and its inhabitants. Their works agree, first in suggesting that just as the earth experience’s periodic “conjunctions” with other larger planets in its orbit around the sun, our solar system also experiences conjunctions with far larger star clusters as it orbits the galactic core. These star clusters not only subtly affect our solar system gravitationally and electromagnetically, they also rule us spiritually as they contain “gods”, archangels or unified planetary consciousnesses who “have to do with the management of worlds” (Oahspe 9/1.3). This gives a bit more insight to Joseph Smiths hypocephalus where “god”, who is associated with a celestial body (throne) is said to rule earth from/by the fixed star known in a certain Egyptian dialect transliterated as ‘Kolob’. This idea of course, is not limited to Mormonism, Star Wars and other science fiction but exists in some form in the astrology of many ancient cultures. The following is another excerpt from Oahspe which gives a more detailed account of earth’s galactic orbit and how it relates to “heavenly” government.

04/7.2. And Jehovah caused the earth, and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requires of them four million seven hundred thousand years. And He placed in the line of the orbit, at distances of [approximately] three thousand years, etherean [celestial] lights, at which places, as the earth passes through, angels from the second heaven come into its corporeal presence. As ambassadors they come, in companies of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands, and these are called the etherean [celestial] hosts of the Most High.
04/7.3. They come not as single individuals; nor do they come for a single individual mortal.
04/7.4. And Jehovah gave this sign to man on earth; which is to say: In the beginning of the light of dan’ha, the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face to face with mortals. Every three thousand years Jehovah gave this sign on earth, so that those, who learned the powers and capacities of such familiar spirits, could bear testimony regarding the origin of man on earth. || Jehovah said: And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan’ha that these signs manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High come soon after. Let him who will become wise, enumerate the great lights of My serpent, for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew. ||
04/7.5. In the time of the earth, when man was brought forth from mortal to immortal life, the earth passed beyond se’mu [interstellar organic debris]. The angels of heaven remained with corporeal man, but not in the semblance of mortals, but as spirits; and by virtue of their presence, strove to make man wise and upright before Jehovah. Upon the earth the number of such angels was millions. To these angels Jehovah spoke:
04/7.6. Behold the work you have taken in hand! It was commanded to you all, to partake of all the fruits of the earth except of the fruit of the tree of life, which is of the knowledge of the earth and heaven, lest you lose your inheritance in etherea.
04/7.7. Behold, you now have sons and daughters on the earth; by your love to them you have become bound spirits of the lower heaven. Until you redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation, you shall not rise again and inherit My emancipated heavens.
04/7.8. To which end you shall be co workers with one another in system and order. In My name you shall become an organic body and known as the heaven of the earth, or lower heaven, which shall travel with the earth.
04/7.9. And I will allot to you a Chief, who is wise in experience in founding heavenly kingdoms; and he shall appoint from among you, officers, messengers, ashars, asaphs, and es’enaurs [angel leadership positions], and you shall be numbered and apportioned to your labor and places, like in My other lower heavens on other worlds.
04/7.10. He who is Chief shall be called God of this heaven and the earth, which are now bestowed to his making.
04/7.11. And God shall have a Council and throne within his heavenly city; and the place shall be called Hored, because it is the first kingdom of God in this firmament.
04/7.12. And God shall rule on his throne, for it is his; and his Council shall rule with him; in My name they shall have dominion over angels and mortals belonging to the earth.
04/7.13. And God shall appoint Chiefs under him who shall go down and dwell on the earth with mortals; and the labor of these Chiefs shall be with mortals for their resurrection. And these Chiefs shall be called Lords, for they are Gods of land, which is the lowest rank of My commissioned Gods.
04/7.14. And God and his Lords shall have dominion from two hundred years to a thousand or more years; but never more than three thousand years [a Dan]. According to the regions of dan (light) into which I bring the earth, so shall the terms be for the office of My Gods and My Lords.
04/7.15. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors; these officers shall be appointed and crowned in My name by God and his Lords.
04/7.16. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords, they shall in these, My bound heavens, gather together all those angels who have been prepared in wisdom and strength for resurrection to My etherean [celestial] kingdoms. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovah, for they are Mine and in My service.
04/7.17. And in the time of dan I will send down ships from etherea to God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms; by My etherean [celestial] Gods and Goddesses, these ships shall descend to these heavens to receive God, his Lords and the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them.
04/7.18. All those who ascend shall be called a Harvest to Me, through My God and Lords. And the time of My Harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hundred years, four hundred years, six hundred years, and five hundred years; and these shall be called My lesser cycles, because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give to My servants.
04/7.19. But at no other times, nor in any other way, shall My Harvests ascend to My emancipated worlds in etherea. For each and every dan’ha I have created seven dans, and to each dan given six generations of mortals.

Oaspe as well as other channeled texts also detail the spacecraft and dimension shifting technology which these higher beings use in covertly guiding and governing the affairs of earth. The Law of One, a more modern cosmological work channeled by Don Elkin, goes into great detail to explain the rules of non-intervention these beings are bound by, in order to preserve man’s rights to self-determination. These texts also explain the way in which communication and travel between the various dimensions is bound by laws of physics relating to the earth’s 11 year solar cycle and the position of our solar system within its Galactic orbit.

Illustration comparing the divisions of earth’s Gregorian Solar Calendar with the divisions outlined in Oahspe and ancient mythologies of the Galactic Calendar. These divisions are the ‘Times and Seasons’ mentioned in the Bible and the LDS D&C. Just as the earth’s seasons are caused by our planets position in the solar system combined with our earth’s axial tilt, so also are solar seasons dependent upon our solar system’s position in the galaxy combined with our Sun’s ‘axial tilt’ and position in the galactic plane.

<!– add another illustration that is a closeup of a square made on the above illustration. so in a small portion of the universe orbit we zoom in on the earth going from one of these “fixed” star systems to another. make its orbit a sinusoidal wave like oahspe shows, and explain that it is spiraling and show how it moves through the dimension, and perhaps even how it splits or activates new dimensions… –>

Additionally, Oahspe and the Law of One suggest that as the earth travels through the Galaxy, it passes through regions with differing energy density, which actually affect the consciousness and intelligence of mankind in general. This concept linking energy or light in the galaxy with intelligence and consciousness of mankind is also taught in Mormonism in the Doctrine and Covenants.

7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made….
11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings;
12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—
13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:11–13)

Oahspe and the Law of One go into far more detail on the specifics of how the intensity of interstellar cosmic energy reaching the earth affects human consciousness and behavior. It suggests that most ages of enlightenment as well as ages of apostasy and intellectual darkness are caused by the amount of intergalactic energy reaching our solar system.

38/7.6. The prophets of old divided time into cycles of three thousand years, with slight variations. And they found that at the beginning of these periods of time, a certain impulse came upon the people, causing them to try to be better and wiser—even as the same feeling is manifesting itself this day in many nations.
38/7.7. The scale then rises for four hundred years, more or less; and, after that, wars and epidemics come upon the people. They then begin to decline, especially in virtue and peace, but the general intelligence suffers little for about another six or seven hundred years. After which time, they destroy their libraries and records, and reduce themselves to ignorance and vice. Then a darkness follows of one thousand or more years, with slight intermissions. And after that, for six hundred years the corporeal senses [intellect] begin to ascend. Self conceit comes upon them; they think they are the beginning of wisdom on earth. Then comes another cycle of light. Angels descend from the unseen worlds. New revelations crop up in every quarter. Inspiration comes upon mortals, and they go to the opposite extreme, becoming superstitious and obedient to unseen influences.
38/7.8. Such, then, is the general character and behavior of man during a cycle (dan’ha cycle). And he rises and falls in all these particulars as regularly as the tides of the ocean.
38/7.9. These revelations are chiefly made so that man can begin to comprehend these things, and learn to classify them so as to rise in wisdom and virtue, and thus overcome these epidemic seasons of cycles.
38/7.10. As previously shown, there are positive and negative forces continually going to and escaping from the earth. Without these no creature could live on the earth. The negative imparts to man his corporeal growth, as well as his corporeal desires, passions, and so on.
38/7.11. According to the quantity and quality of the corpor solutions in the firmament and their precipitations to the earth, so will man be affected and inclined to manifest. These influences are easily discernible by some persons. As one is depressed by a dull day; another inclined to drunkenness and fighting. A bright day inspires man with energy… (Oahspe 38/7.6-11, Cosmogony)

This is incredibly similar to the concept of Yugas convolutedly put forth in the Hindu epic Mahabharata from around 300 BC. In it, Rishi Suka teaches the times & seasons of the Gods, referred to as the Yuga.

The Rishis, measuring time, have named particular portions by particular names… A year (of human beings) is equal to a day… of the gods. The division (as regards the gods) consists in this: the half year for which the sun travels from the vernal to the autumnal equinox is the day of the deities, and the half year for which the sun travels from the latter to the former is their night. Computing by the days and nights of human beings about which I have told thee, I shall speak of the day and night of Brahman and his years also… Four thousand years (of the deities) is the duration of the first or Krita age. The morning of that epoch consists of four hundred years and its evening is of four hundred years. (The total duration, therefore, of the Krita yuga is four thousand and eight hundred years of the deities). As regards the other yugas, the duration of each gradually decreases by a quarter in respect of both the substantive period with the conjoining portion and the conjoining portion itself. (Thus the duration of the Treta is three thousand years and its morning extends for three hundred years and its evening for three hundred [3600 years])

In the other yugas, duty, ordained in the Vedas, is seen to gradually decline by a quarter in each. Sinfulness grows in consequence of theft, untruth, and deception. In the Krita age, all persons are free from disease and crowned with success in respect of all their objects, and all live for four hundred years. In the Treta, the period of life decreases by a quarter. It has also been heard by us that, in the succeeding yugas, the words of the Vedas, the periods of life, the blessings (uttered by Brahmanas), and the fruits of Vedic rites, all decrease gradually…  The learned say that these twelve thousand years (of the deities) constitute what is called a yuga. (Mahabharata 12:231)

Just a cursory look at the Hindu Yuga source material gives the impression that these convolutedly related to the same ancient cosmology expressed in the Mayan calendar. With 144,000 Yuga Sandhya equaling the 144,000 days of the Mayan Baktun (equaling 394.26 tropical years), and the 71 Mahayugas Manvantara cycles of the Tzolk’in (72×260).

[add a law of one quote here illustrating the same point. That the “logos” (law of one terminology for a governing celestial body) dictates progression of consciousness on earth ]

The following illustrations visually depict the theorized “arcs” or regions of reinforcing or cancelling galactic energy patterns described in the preceding verses.

The Oahspe text contains many supposed ancient illustrations (channeled in 1882) of astronomic regions though which the earth passed in its galactic orbit which purportedly affected human behavior and consciousness, the pattern in this illustration (left) is surprisingly similar to the reinforced wave patterns of toroidal energy flow (right); a theoretical field pattern existing in the galaxy. The blue equatorial circle could very roughly symbolize our solar system’s orbit around the galactic core. Line nodes would represent reinforcing waves which create areas of high energy density.

Much of the Christian idea of “harvest” (Rev 14:15) comes from this same concept of Galactic “Times & Seasons”. Suggesting that higher beings in our galaxy seek to help people on earth progress in the same way that a gardener tends his garden. There are cosmically induced “winters” where the earth travels through un-energetic or thick nebulous regions of galactic dust which inhibit earth from receiving much of the higher wavelengths of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum (God’s spirit in religious terms), which mankind’s body and spirit rely on for intelligence and connectivity with each other and the rest of creation. These beings plant the “seeds” of civilization in the autumn (such as Moses to Christ), clear the weeds during winter (such as the dark ages), pour down inspiration during spring (such as the renaissance to present) and gather the fruit during summer (coming millennium). The higher off-planet beings who aid the earth transmit most orally communicated information first to the upper realms of earth’s spirit world where it filters down through multiple realms of that dimension before passing on to our dimension in the material world (see D&C 76:86–88).

18/6.21. Is a summer on the earth not half a time? And the winter half a time? And the two, one full time? So also I created for atmospherea [the spirit dimension] a dan (cycle) of four hundred years, and a half time of two hundred years. And in seven times and one half time I created one dan’ha.
18/6.22. For thousands of years I sent My Gods to teach these things, so that My angels could know the times of My resurrections. Does a farmer not have knowledge of the resurrection of spring, when I cover the earth over with new growing things, which I raise up out of the earth? How much more knowledge should My angels have of My spring times, in atmospherea [earth’s spirit world], when My archangels come to gather in My harvests of emancipated souls?

There are several other cosmic influence dictated by our position in the galaxy, explained in Oahspe’s cosmology which we don’t have time to cover in this article. These include the 11 year solar cycle affecting the ability to travel and communicate through space. There are many activities which can occur only with the collapse of the sun’s magnetic field during solar max (references coming soon). These cycles as well as regions of nebula and gas clouds also affect man’s ability in the spirit world to raise or be resurrected between realms or kingdoms (references coming soon). The realms or kingdoms of the spirit world are also raised or lowered depending on these galactic conditions (references coming soon).

[Add a few paragraphs here showing how the highly fragmented Hindu, Buddhist and Mayan cosmological belief systems and calendars each sought to literally or figuratively describe the “arcs” or discs of the solar system’s orbit through the galaxy. Name specifically a few of the most popular. End with a chart showing how they fit with Christian Harvest cycles, Mormon cosmology ideas and how Oahspe contains the most detailed and believable framework for tying them all together with modern scientific/astronomical observations.]

The Multi-Dimensionality of Matter

Physicist are only now beginning to place the multidimensionality of matter onto a scientifically viable framework. New innovations in String Theory (link) are showing mathematically that matter must exist in multiple dimensions given the changing states of the material universe from pure energy to denser matter.

This idea is of course no surprise to the religions of the earth, as they have been teaching multiple dimensions for millennia (“why are heaven and hell invisible? Because they exist on another plane”).

Finish this later….

Here’s the general gist….

Matter is divided into octaves in the same way that light is divided into seven colors, or musical tones divide naturally into pitch octaves. Although matter multi-dimensionality may be infinite, only information on our present octave is known in metaphysics, and the first dimension in one octave is the same as the eighth dimension of the next octave (thus a given octave essentially has only seven levels).

Within these octaves, the lower dimensions are more dense than the higher dimensions, thus many meta-physicists refer to individual quantized levels as “densities”. The lower or ‘more gross’ densities are what Oahspe refers to as “corpor” which forms the root for western civilization’s references to the “corporeal” world or “material world”. The Ra material suggests we currently live in the third density and that the first through third density spheres are all visible to to the natural eye. The fourth through seventh densities, however, are invisible to our instruments and consist of more rarefied (less dense) spheres comprising the “atmospherean” and “etherean” worlds of Oahspe.

The Ra material suggests that each of these densities or dimensions has a corresponding “heaven world”. These “worlds” are not separate densities or dimensions but more like a reflection or duality within each density. It is explained in terms of Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal Theory where space and time are simply the two reciprocal aspects of the sole constituent of the universe– motion. Thus mortality is space over time (space/time) and “heaven” is merely a state of greater timelessness (where time/space).

The Ra material also states that the earth is currently in the process of changing from third density to fourth density. Thus the “Melleniual era”, which is now ushering in, is a “fourth density” condition. At the same time however, it states that the large majority of those living on earth right now will “repeat third density”.

Questions. what density is the waiting place? Is it out of densities or is it fourth? If so, how was premortal life there? Must be that heaven/mellenial resurrected life will be fourth and timelessness is out of these planes…

The use of intelligent energy transforming matter into energy is of such a nature among these weapons that the transition from space/time third density to time/space third density or what you may call your heaven worlds

…their grade was fifty, which was the lowest grade capable of emancipation, or capable of surviving in etherea. [Below grade fifty the person is pulled more toward the earth then away; fifty and above and the person is drawn more toward light (etherea) than corpor.] (Oahspe 05/23.12)

Q: Is there any physical difference between first and second density? For instance if I could see both a first and second-density planet side by side, in my present condition, could I see both of them? Would they both be physical to me?
A: This is correct. All of the octave of your densities would be clearly visible were not the fourth through the seventh freely choosing not to be visible. (Ra 13:20)

The Old World Mesopotamian & Egyptian Empire Dating Problem

Mesopotamian archeology is a mess. It contains by far the greatest density of prehistoric archeological ruins on the planet and yet the history we have pieced together is a mixture of nineteenth and early twentieth century well meaning bible believing archeologists who have distorted and twisted the evidence to make it correlate with the bible story, combined with equally well meaning Hellenists and Egyptologists who have correlated all archeological finds with the unfortunately incorrect dates of a handful of ancient king lists and histories (read on for proof). On top of all this you have a new breed of scientist and archeologist who relying on carbon dating (which has its own issues) do their best to fit their radiometrically dated findings into the existing convoluted timelines.

As a result we have a mess of repeating empires in Mesopotamia. The same empires given different names and different dates in repeating cycles. The Babylon of the bible dating around 600 BC being renamed ‘Old-Babylon’ of many cuneiform tablets and being ‘historically’ dated to 1700 BC (and requiring archeologist to rename the biblical Babylon ‘Neo-Babylon’). Both also being the same as geographically identical Sumerian Empire which then is archaeologically dated to around 4000 BC.

Thus the biblical/historical empire cycle of (neo) Assyria > (neo) Babylon > Medo-Persia > Macedonia > Rome is repeated in sites and tablets which are renamed Old Assyria > Old Babylon > Kassites > Late Hittite (and dated to x-xbc), which are yet again in Akkad > Sumer > Early Hitite… and kings of these empires like Sargon become two characters called Sargon of Akkad (xx bc) and Sargon II of Assyria (xx bc).

An example of a modern equivalent would be if we were to try and

finish this article… How mesopotamian history repeats itself….


summarize this…

“During the 19th century, Europeans came across certain monuments at Yazilikaya. Yazilikaya is situated just outside Boghazkoi, the site of ancient Hattusas. Hattusas was the ancient capital of the Hittite Empire. At Yazilikaya are many rock carvings showing important figures of the Hittite world. One such carving represents the assembling of two kings, each holding their royal emblems together with their respective entourages. One is dressed in a tight-fitting dress with a high conical cap and wore a beard. The other is dressed in loose flowing robes with a square-turreted headdress and has no beard. The headdress of the first resembled the well-known Phrygian bonnet and the second resembled a Persian style crown. Two figures next to them held symbols of a new moon and an eclipsed sun. These two were eventually identified as late seventh century kings, Alyattes, the king of Lydia and Cyaxares the king of the Medes. According to Herodotus [Histories I.74] these two kings came to do battle. The eclipse was a sign from heaven – a bad omen for warring nations – so the two were reconciled in a peace treaty due to the urging of the kings of Babylon and Cilicia. This was sealed by the betrothal of the daughter of King Alyattes to the son of Cyaxares. The date of the rock carving was thus set in the late seventh century or the early sixth century.
The Assyrian Connection

The dress of the two figures certainly represents what we know of the royal apparel of the seventh century. In addition, the regal weaponry displayed was a club and battleaxe well known from Assyrian carvings of the same date. Furthermore, these weapons appeared on Assyrian reliefs only as late as the reign of Ashurbanipal (668-632 BC). Nearby, the ruins of Hattusas revealed architecture of the palace area that resembled that of the Northwest Palace of Nineveh built in the early seventh century by Sennacherib, King of Assyria. [Barth, H. pp 128-157]. The dating of these carvings of Yazilikaya prior to the seventh century would appear to be excluded.

The Assyrians also influenced the art of the ancient Hittites. An art expert expressed his opinion after studying the rock carvings at Yazilikaya and Boghazkoi that the Hittite art forms were the result of Assyrian innovations that were introduced into Mesopotamia in the seventh and sixth centuries BC and not before. The most prominent motifs of Hittite art belong to the seventh century and were not present in the art of even the late eighth century BC. [Puchstein, 1890.] This too would seem to dictate the date of the New Hittite Empire to the seventh century and not before.

This opinion was reversed because of the discovery of the archive of the Hittites found at Boghazkoi in 1906 by Winckler. Thousands of Hittite clay tablets were discovered. These tablets were in several languages including Hittite, Nessian and cuneiform Babylonian. As the scholars deciphered these texts they came across a peace treaty with an Egyptian Pharaoh named Ramesses II, a mighty king of the 19th Dynasty. The existence of the treaty was not news. The Egyptologists had found the Egyptian version of the treaty. The two treaties were compared and found to be the same. The treaty could now be firmly dated to the time of Ramesses II of Egypt, the thirteenth century BC, over six hundred years earlier than had been suspected”

Also Sargon of Akkad vs Sargon I (see email with refs).

Also sumerized this… The Amorites = The Babylonian Israelites…

It is clear from many sources on the Amorites that they are the assyrian and babylonian name refering to both the barbaric tribes which surrounded Israel (philistines etc..) and later Israel itself. One article describes the Amorite “migration” into Sumerian (Babylonian) lands…

“The Amorites began to arrive in the territory to the west of the Euphrates, modern Syria, from around 2500 BC. The Akkadians called them Amurru, and they probably originated from Arabia… Although there was no actual invasion, for a period of five hundred years they drifted [up] into southern Mesopotamia, integrating into Sumerian civilization where they lived in enclaves. They served in the armies of Third Dynasty Ur, and provided general labour for both Ur and Akkad before that. As Ur declined, and with it Sumerian civilization, many Amorites rose to positions of power. When the final end of Ur came at the hands of the Elamites, the Amorites, virtually Sumerians themselves by now, were in a strong position to pick up the pieces.”

“Their discoveries contributed extensively to the development of civilisation. They founded many of the basics concepts of early literature and mathematics, and they developed multiplication, aiding in mercantile and sales transactions. This flowering of knowledge led to the creation of the Code of Hammurabi, one of the most important documents in Babylon’s history. This was a series of ‘laws’ which emphasised the pursuit of justice, especially in relation to business transactions, and it set the form for later law codes”

akkad = archeologically dated assyria
sumer = archeologically dated babylon

Kassites = Persians (cyrus who attacks babylon)
Amorite Kingdoms = ?northern kingdom?
Hittite Empire = Macedonian Empire

Ramesis II (1300 BC, 19th dynasty) comptemporary with Alyattes the king of Lydia (herodotus calls them scythians) and Cyaxares the king of the Medes (likely in 585 B.C). Some say Cyaxares was Daniel’s ‘Darius the Mede’ who is likely Herodotus’ King Cyrus (the great) 520ish BC.