An LDS perspective on the ‘Law of One’ Material


The Law of One is kinda crazy. But even for a sceptic, if you can get past the information on bigfoot, aliens and government conspiracies… it’s got some great insight, woven within the crazy.

It is one of a handful of foundational channeled texts which have helped define the New Age Movement. It is a collected series of transcripts, of more than 100 sessions, reputedly authored by an extra planetary intelligence claimed to be a group of individual souls at a “higher level of spiritual evolution” that were “channeled” by Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert (McCarty) in the early 1980s.

I can’t say I would recommend it to an orthodox Christian– because I think it is a back door to very esoteric knowledge and false information, but I find myself repeatedly drawn to it because of its cohesive cosmology. If you’re very open minded and feel like there’s an unbridgeable gap between Christian Theology and modern science, it’s a must read. Anyone can write a channeled work and blow smoke about this or that, but what sets truly good religious works apart is their ability to cohesively describe the cosmos and cosmological phenomenon. As well as to describe the complexity of human thought and behavior. Despite its very difficult prose literary style and strange verbiage I am amazed at this material’s ability to harmonize the foundational concepts of all religions and tie it together with UFO-ology, and the modern New Age context.

I’ll get around some time to finishing this article and showing how its cosmology fits well with that taught in both Mormonism and Oahspe. I suspect the bulk of the truth within the work is actually based on ideas that came from the Oahspe. It also has profound material on the Christ/Lucifer dichotomy. (Service to self, autocratic governance in the Universe vs. Service to Others democratic governance in the universe). It does a good job of tying eastern religious ideas and concepts with those of Christianity and Christian mysticism. It puts many new age ideas which usually come across as hokey or superstitious, such as crystal work (ie The Urim & Thummim) and energy work / pyramid structures, on a ‘scientific’ foundation. It gives explanations for Atlantis and Lemuria which seem to tie-in well with LDS concepts of the antediluvian record (Garden of Eden in the Americas or somewhere other than Babylon). It adds to Oahspe’s view of how UFO and extraterrestrial phenomenon fit with religious notions of God and extra-planetary Gods.

Views on God

The Law Of One or Ra series has one the most profound views I’ve come across of the differing aspects of God or higher intelligence. The text defines the “One most high God” of Judeo-Christianity as “intelligent infinity”. This term represents the infinite intelligence that exists within and throughout all creation. All aspects of intelligence exists within a fractal relationship to this intelligent unity which binds all creation. This intelligence is passive, and any individuated self-conscious being has the potential to access this intelligent unity of all creation. It is a concept somewhat like the Nicene concept of God, mixed with non-anthropomorphic eastern concepts of God. For Mormon’s the Law of One concept of God should immediately bring to mind the same type of language in D&C 88:7–13. “BeholdThe text also talks of “intelligent energy” which is the use of focus of intelligent infinity–a concept somewhat similar to the Mormon priesthood power or Jedi force of star wars.

7 Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he [intelligent infinity] is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. 8 As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; 9 As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; 10 And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. 11 And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; 12 Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space— 13 The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. (D&C 88:7–13)

Below this it speaks of many echelons or fractal levels of sub-intelligence. The Law Of One borrows the Hellenistic term “logos” for these. Our galaxy is an example of a logos, as is our solar system. Within these systems exists an intelligent unity which exists as a fractal of the higher governing bodies they are within (a system somewhat similar to that described in the Mormon Book of Abraham and hypocephalus). It states that there exists within each logos an 6-8th density level of consciousness which is the culmination of all intelligence independent of time. (somewhat similar to the Mormon view of the Celestial level of glory) The closer a self-conscious being can come to accessing this realm of consciousness, the more powerful he is. This is similar to the Mormon view that Christ and other God’s became “gods”, by growing “grace by grace” as they learned to use the priesthood or “powers of heaven” (D&C 121).

Ra teaches that each individual is also a “logos” and exists as a fractal or microcosm of these higher levels of consciousness… also possessing an 6-8th density aspect which is independent of time. This is something referred to as “the higher self” or personal God. Ra teaches that because this aspect of each individual’s and groups consciousness exists apart from time–it knows the outcome of every alternate reality, or possible experimentation in our personal evolution. Thus, by gaining access to this level of consciousness, we may be led to the most advantageous path of any circumstance. This is similar to the LDS views on “the spirit”–and its ability to personally lead us to happiness and salvation.

Apart from this, however, there are other levels of beings Ra speaks of. They state that any highly cohesive group has the potential of forming what Ra calls a “social memory complex”. These are a 4rth density (terrestrial in Mormon terms) phenomenon and are the “god” of most Christian Scripture. These groups create most global religions and are the source for much of the most well known channeled information. These are group consciousnesses of Carl Jung and creators of the archetypes found in religion. 

Problems & Contradictions

The material will probably not resonate with devout religious adherents, and some of its erudite descriptions of the “negative path” are a bit dark and uneasing. Much like many gnostic works, the material pokes behind the veils of organized religions, and in so doing tends to diminish fundamentalism.  The opportunities for misunderstanding are high.

As I read it, I am constantly reminded of the following verses from Oashpe,

33/3.19. O man, beware of angels who say…
33/3.28. …Behold me, I am from the highest, most exalted sphere, or from a far-off star, or,
33/3.29. Who says: I have visited the planets, or,
33/3.30. Who says: Resurrection comes by reincarnation: first a stone, then lead, then silver, then gold, then a tree, then a worm, then an animal and then man; or that a spirit re-enters the womb, and is born again in mortality, or,
33/3.31. Who says: You are blessed; for a host of ancient spirits attend you—you have a great mission.
33/3.32. For all of these are the utterances of the angels of the first resurrection. And though they may inspire great oratory and learned discourses, yet they are flatterers, and will surely lead you into grief.

33/5.6. Consider then the seers and prophets (who hear the angels) whether they have grown constitutionally to be one with Purity, Wisdom and Goodness.
33/5.7. For this is required of those who presume to hear me and my holy ones. And having attained to this, who, except those who have attained to the same, can judge them?
33/5.8. Shall a man ask a magician regarding the inspiration of the prophets of your God? Or the angels of the first resurrection be consulted as to their opinions of my revelations, and their words taken for truth without substantiation?

-Of course, to be fair, most accepted religious “prophets” are guilty of claims entailing of many of these warnings. (Including Christ himself). So obviously these wise words are not saying “don’t believe those who say these things” but instead, take caution because more often than not the inspiration is coming from a flatterer.  So keeping on our skeptical hat, yet putting judgement of the source aside (including Elkin’s troubling martyr-like suicide), I’ll go through just a few of the ideas taught in the Law of One works and show how they harmonize and fit within the framework of other restorationist and new age revelatory/channeled material.

-It says Oahspe is another work “given by the counsel” (the same council of Saturn to which they belong), but its descriptions of Jesus’ death as well as its descriptions of the building of the great pyramid, completely contradict each other.  (The law of One states that they helped build the pyramids by thought forms, Oahspe says the false Osiris inspired hojax to build it using natural means).

-Unlike most other channeled texts (Oahspe in particular) The book has virtually nothing which inspires the reader to morally better themselves. In fact it tends to do the opposite.

-Don Elkins, the mastermind behind the work seems to be associated with Adrija Puharich and Uri Geller, which should raise some eyebrows and be cause for skepticism from those familiar with these individuals.


A few other thoughts…

-The work is theoretical  and largely impractical (compared to a practicable religion at least).  It offers a lot of amazing information but little to no support framework to carry out the exercises in group consciousness that it details.

-The way in which the answers, commonly contradict the questioner give it added validity in my mind. (The questioner will say “I believe this is how it is”, and the answer will say “no, you’ve got it all wrong, its more like this…)

-Its ideas on the 7 densities are spectacular. The idea that the Spirit World and its 7 divisions (which it says can be arbitrarily divided into 3 or 7 or infinite sets of 7) are a microcosm for 7 larger major densities or dimensions which the physical earth will progressively transition into, seems very original and rational.

-Its description of the highest level of the earth’s spirit world (or inner planes) as an exact microcosm/fractal of intelligent infinity (or the most-high god), solves a major enigma of how the Biblical god can call itself “The Most High God…” who “beside me there is no God” and yet still be just a planetary God.

-Its description of a “social memory complex” is spectacular. It helps to explain Oahspe’s logic of group harmony and cooperation being the key to raising higher in the heavens.

-Thus it seems to suggest that the pre-resurrection “Degrees of Glory” of Mormonism, and the “Atmospherea” of Oahspe (which it calls Time/Space or the earth’s inner planes) are a perfect microcosm of larger cycles of “Resurrection” (which can be made to fit well with Mormon scripture).

-Its advice on healing and crystal work should be of particular interest to Mormons and other faiths which share the mystical world-view.



The Law of One uses a very difficult-to-read literary style. Here are just a few of its unconventional but descriptive words and the concepts they represent.

Ra = The material purports to come from a large group consciousness called Ra, as in Is-ra-el (Isis-ra-el) or the sun god of ancient egypt.  They suggest they are a planetary group consciousness which influenced early Egypt. This is significant to Christians as Judaism was influenced by Egyptian religion and priesthood perhaps more than any other nation. According to the Book of Mormon, Israel was till using an Egyptain based writing system up until at least 600 BC.

Social Memory Complex = basically a term for a collective or group consciousness. Similar to the Christian communion. A concept esoterically taught by the Christian Eucharist. The “body” (church) of Christ.

mind/body/spirit complex = a term better translated ‘an individual’ or person. this term seeks to specify that each individual has three primary components; a mind, a physical body and a spirit.

Intelligent Infinity = This is essentially a term for what Mormons might call ‘The Most High God’ or ‘The infinite intelligence’. In the Law of One this concept of God is more like the ‘Great Spirit’ of Oahspe. It is differentiated from lower gods with bodies. It is the aspect of all creation which is intelligent and can be accessed by any fractal or individuated intelligence like mankind.

space/time & time/space = In LDS terms these are essentially the mortal world and the spirit world. More specifically these terms come from the cosmology of Dewey Larson. His premise was that all reality is just different manifestations of motion; that time and space are both different aspects of motion. space over time being where space is large compared to time as is the case in our physical or mortal world. time over space being where time is large compared to space as is in the spirit world. However, an LDS person should realize that while roughly analogous, these concepts have different meaning in the Law of One which may take a while to come to grasp.

learn/teach, ask/receive, & other dualities = The law of one teaches that all dualities are just different manifestations of the same thing, so in its verbiage it often pairs dualities with their opposites

Law of One Summarized

6.14 The Law of One states simply that all things are one, that all beings are one. There are certain behaviors and thought-forms consonant with the understanding and practice of this law. Those who, finishing a cycle of experience, demonstrate various grades of distortion of that understanding of thought and action will be separated by their own choice into the vibratory distortion most comfortable to their mind/body/spirit complexes. This process is guarded or watched by those nurturing beings who, being very close to the Law of One in their distortions, nevertheless have the distortion towards active service.

1.7 …That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

4.20 The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.

72.12 Questioner: Could you explain what you mean by “raises up any personality?”
Ra: Clues, we may offer. Explanation is infringement. We can only ask that you realize that all are One

1.10 Firstly, you must understand that the distinction between yourself and others is not visible to us. We do not consider that a separation exists between the consciousness-raising efforts of the distortion which you project as a personality and the distortion which you project as an other personality. Thus, to learn is the same as to teach…

Similar concepts from LDS scripture

21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. (John 17:21–23)

27 And after this manner shall ye baptize in my name; for behold, verily I say unto you, that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one; and I am in the Father, and the Father in me, and the Father and I are one. (3 Nephi 11:27)

43 And the Father and I are one. I am in the Father and the Father in me; and inasmuch as ye have received me, ye are in me and I in you. D&C 50:43

2 I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified for the sins of the world, even as many as will believe on my name, that they may become the sons of God, even one in me as I am one in the Father, as the Father is one in me, that we may be one. D&C 35:2

18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them. (Moses 7:18)

One of the more interesting aspects of the Law of One is its predictions for earth changes and other phenomena during the transition from 3rd to 4rth density (predictions of what will happen between 1970 and the beginning of the Millennium).  Some of the concepts it offers opinion on include:

The transition from 3rd to 4rth density could take from 100 to 700 years.

40.8 Questioner: Then what will be the time of transition on this planet from third to fourth density?
Ra: I am Ra. This is difficult to estimate due to the uncharacteristic anomalies of this transition. There are at this space/time nexus beings incarnate which have begun fourth-density work. However, the third-density climate of planetary consciousness is retarding the process. At this particular nexus the possibility/probability vortices indicate somewhere between 100 and 700 of your years as transition period. [~three hundred year half time until millennium] This cannot be accurate due to the volatility of your peoples at this space/time.

40.10 Questioner: What, assuming that we are, our vibration— I am assuming this vibration started increasing about between twenty and thirty years ago. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The first harbingers of this were approximately forty-five of your years ago [1936], the energies vibrating more intensely through the forty-year period preceding the final movement of vibratory matter, shall we say, through the quantum leap, as you would call it.

It also talks about earth changes or geologic catastrophes that might occur in the transition from third to fourth density.

17.1 Questioner: …I got three questions just now in meditation. I’ll ask them first before we continue. First, we are now in the fourth density. Will the effects of the fourth density increase in the next thirty years? [to 2012] Will we see more changes in our environment and our effect upon our environment?

Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is a vibrational spectrum. Your time/space continuum has spiraled your planetary sphere and your, what we would call galaxy, what you call star, into this vibration. This will cause the planetary sphere itself to electromagnetically realign its vortices of reception [in magnetic pole shift] of the instreaming of cosmic forces expressing themselves as vibrational webs so that the Earth will thus be fourth-density magnetized, as you might call it.

This is going to occur with some inconvenience, as we have said before, due to the energies of the thought-forms of your peoples which disturb the orderly constructs of energy patterns within your Earth spirals of energy which increases entropy and unusable heat. [global warming] This will cause your planetary sphere to have some ruptures in its outer garment [plate ruptures] while making itself appropriately magnetized for fourth density. This is the planetary adjustment.

You will find a sharp increase in the number of people, as you call mind/body/spirit complexes, whose vibrational potentials include the potential for fourth-vibrational distortions. Thus, there will seem to be, shall we say, a new breed. These are those incarnating for fourth-density work.

There will also be a sharp increase in the short run of negatively oriented or polarized mind/body/spirit complexes and social complexes, due to the polarizing conditions of the sharp delineation between fourth-density characteristics and third-density self-service orientation.

Those who remain in fourth density upon this plane will be of the so-called positive orientation. Many will come from elsewhere, [city of Enoch] for it would appear that with all of the best efforts of the Confederation, which includes those from your peoples’ inner planes [church of firstborn, in heaven], inner civilizations [this is where people living in center of earth comes from], and those from other dimensions [resurrected beings], the harvest will still be much less than that which this planetary sphere is capable of comfortably supporting in service.

The earth is heating as a result of Cosmic or Galactic instreaming energies (neutrinos and electromagnetic forces), which at some point will result in the expansion of the crust.

60.20 Questioner: Thank you. In trying to understand the energies, creative energies, it has occurred to me that I really do not understand why unusable heat is generated as our Earth moves from third into fourth density. I know it has to do with disharmony between the vibrations of third and fourth density but why this would show up as a physical heating within the Earth is beyond me. Can you enlighten me on that?
Ra: I am Ra. The concepts are somewhat difficult to penetrate in your language. However, we shall attempt to speak to the subject. If an entity is not in harmony with its circumstances it feels a burning within. The temperature of the physical vehicle does not yet rise, only the heat of the temper or the tears, as we may describe this disharmony. However, if an entity persists for a long period of your space/time in feeling this emotive heat and disharmony, the entire body complex will begin to resonate to this disharmony, and the disharmony will then show up as the cancer or other degenerative distortion from what you call health.
When an entire planetary system of peoples and cultures repeatedly experiences disharmony on a great scale the earth under the feet of these entities shall begin to resonate with this disharmony. Due to the nature of the physical vehicle, disharmony shows up as a blockage of growth or an uncontrolled growth since the primary function of a mind/body/spirit complex’s bodily complex is growth and maintenance. In the case of your planet the purpose of the planet is the maintenance of orbit and the proper location or orientation with regards to other cosmic influences. In order to have this occurring properly the interior [mantle] of your sphere is hot in your physical terms. Thus instead of uncontrolled growth you begin to experience uncontrolled heat and its expansive consequences.

Note that similar to LDS theology, after the beginning of the Millennium, the Law of One suggests that a third density or telestial dimension of earth may temporarily cycle back into existence after the Millennium has fully come.  This is like the “little time” that the devil and his angels will be loosed for the battle of God & Magog.

63.8 Questioner: From last session, I would like to continue with a few questions about the fact that in fourth density red, orange, and green energies will be activated; yellow, blue, etc., being in potentiation. Right now, you say we have green energies activated. They have been activated for the last 45 years. I am wondering about the transition through this period so that the green is totally activated and the yellow is in potentiation. What will we lose as the yellow goes from activation into potentiation, and what will we gain as the green comes into total activation, and what is that process?

Ra: I am Ra. It is misleading to speak of gains and losses when dealing with the subject of the cycle’s ending and the green-ray cycle beginning upon your sphere. It is to be kept in the forefront of the faculties of intelligence that there is one creation in which there is no loss. There are progressive cycles for experiential use by entities. We may now address your query.

As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

Meanwhile there is another sphere, congruent to a great extent with yellow ray, forming. This fourth-density sphere coexists with first, second, and third. It is of a denser nature due to the rotational core atomic aspects of its material. We have discussed this subject with you.

The fourth-density entities which incarnate at this space/time are fourth density in the view of experience but are incarnating in less dense vehicles due to desire to experience and aid in the birth of fourth density upon this plane.

You may note that fourth-density entities have a great abundance of compassion.

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3 replies
  1. Nathaniel says:

    Thank you for posting this. I’ve been reading through some of the Law of One material and it’s kind of amazing. Like you said, I’m sure there’s got to be some bias and such to filter through, but so far I’ve felt a lot of truth and light in what’s contained there. I’ve seen other ‘Channeled’ works and …. yeah. Good stuff.

    This material is helping to bridge a lot of what seem to be truths I’ve found in my own walking. LDS, Energy Work, Cosmology, Altered states of Consciousness, all of these things exist for a reason. I feel like I’m not in a place to compose coherent words around it right now without just sounding a bit crazy, but I guess that is part of diving down the rabbit hole. 🙂

    Thanks and blessings!

  2. Cheyanna Kern says:

    This was a great summary. I stumbled upon the law of one info site and have been mesmerized. I grew up Mormon and have been inactive for over ten years. I was considering excommunicating myself, but something didn’t resonate well with that thought…Your article just solidified everything I needed. Thanks for the connection friend.

  3. Kurt says:

    “The book has virtually nothing which inspires the reader to morally better themselves.” I suppose it depends who you are and how the individual interprets the message. (Please note that the following is solely my interpretation) Ra takes an impartial stance on everything, avoiding language that is along the lines of “thou shalt do this and not this”, for wise reasons in my opinion. One being they seek to respect free-will as much as possible, not adding any sort of compulsion or bias to the choice of choosing a spiritual path of serving others or serving the self. There are certain personality types that hate being told what to do or feeling compelled to do something. They would reject any sort of teaching to consciously pursue a path of spiritual advancement outright. Ra makes it very apparent that they consciously follow the straight and narrow path of serving others/the “One and Infinite Creator”. They state that there are two distinct paths of spiritual evolution, one being the path of light (service to others) and the other being “service to self” (darkness – mostly defined as putting yourself above others, putting others down, and manipulating and controlling others and circumstances solely for your own gain. ). Another reason, they do their best to not violate a law they call the “law of confusion”, which is basically a law they follow when teaching/ministering to us that leaves our free-will uninfringed and unbiased. If we knew the whole truth and had evidence of it, we would be totally compelled in our actions and enslaved to one path or the other, whether we like it or not. Thus, we see the need to be confused in our 3rd density experience in order for our free-will to go uncompromised, for it is in making unbiased/uncompromised choices that we spiritually evolve/progress and polarize to one path or the other the most/fastest. This is also a reason for the “veil of forgetting” of our previous existence and knowledge before 3rd density. There are many religions that violate this law to some small or large degree, making others feel compelled through fear of punishment or reward to choose one path over the other, which is probably necessary for everyone to some degree, but at a variable cost, thus Ra’s message is also not for all personality types. I could go on for a while, but I’ll let this suffice for now. Thanks for this article and your service. I appreciate all of your content. It’s all fantastic! Love and light. -Kurt

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