Behind the Veil: The Purpose of Religion, The Purpose of This Life
-the movie wizard of oz teaches a deep truth, that all which the masses perceive as reality is really just fire, smoke and mirrors and that there is an intelligent transdimensional man behind the curtain who is really creating the illusion.
-the movie ‘the matrix’ teaches this same lesson but with a slightly more dark perception about the reality behind the illusion. ‘Reality as we know it is an illusion’, and for the sincere seeker of truth there is a path to see behind that illusion and by understanding the principles which govern it, you may ascend to the same level as those who are currently managing the illusion or matrix.
-the deep truths concerning the purpose of life, the purpose of government and religion. why we are here, and where we are going are hidden, from all but the diligent seeker. The platitudes given by culture, organized religion and government are part of the play.
The divisive purpose of this round of progression
The telestial world (current 3rd density) has one primary purpose, and that is to polarize/divide people in order to create an energy potential. In LDS terms we have all heard how there “must be opposition in all things”, or how we must taste the bad in order to prize the good. However I think we seldom realize all the implications of this; how without the somewhat hellish aspects of this telestial life, there would be no motivation for existence. As an example in physics, if we wish to do work with a charge or electricity, we must first create an electric potential by polarizing charge. We must polarize/separate a positive and negative charge and then establish a conduit (wire) or pathway with which to release the built up electric potential. The creation drama in the bible teaches this commonsense principle that in order to create, you must divide. Divide matter from space, separate ocean from sky, divide land from ocean, separate man from woman and lastly separate good from evil. The “Fall” in fact could better be termed, the “separation” or division or polarization.
This telestial life then has been created in order to separate any and every possible aspect of the human psyche in order to create a potential which will be released or used up in the next two rounds of existence (4th & 5th density/terrestrial & celestial existence). Here we are divided against each-other and divided against ourselves. Those who oversee the division process use whatever means possible to make people feel “different” than other people, and believe it or not religion is one of the most effective means used to do this. If one group of people can be made to feel better or superior or worse or inferior or any feeling of “otherness” compared to another group then the goal is accomplished. Thus the creation of a “peculiar people” who are “separate” from Babylon and the “only” true church or people is an effective condition created and egged on by the overseers of separation. (Also note that a yin and yang paradox exists wherein partial unity causes separation and total separation brings ultimate unity).
Everyone is allowed to choose how long and how far they will polarize (or be turned against ) themselves and others. As a general rule, polarization/separation is painful and unity or at-one-ment is pleasurable; and as already mentioned, in the next two phases of existence we will use up our polarity in a much more pleasurable reality (generally pleasurable for the selfless who were pained here, generally painful for the selfish who were pleasured here) . As a universal example of how this works picture the polarization of gender. In youth, by separating the genders and stressing their differences a psychological potential is created. Furthermore by clothing/hiding our bodies and keeping genders apart an even greater physiological potential is created. After each individual has on a subconscious level decided they have polarized enough, they begin the process of releasing that stored potential and the joys of sexual union are experienced. It might surprise many that the intensity of sexual pleasure is highly different to different people and it is dependent upon the created/stored potential. Some people even after having physical sex are still psychologically potentiating instead of releasing, experiencing painful relationships and subconsciously saving themselves for a better situation in which they can release the psychological stored potential and reap the consequential pleasure.
In the LDS Temple ceremony the Higher Gods oversee the separation of matter, plants, animals and even man and woman. But they leave the division of the human psyche in hands of a lower earthbound angel named Lucifer. We like to demonize Lucifer and call him the bad guy, but to a large extent he is simply an archtype of the divisive aspects of ourselves & creation (with a horrible temper mind you). Since separation causes pain it is easy to see this aspect of creation as “bad”. However, the very act of demonizing someone or calling something “bad” as opposed to “good” is divisive. Thus as we demonize or hate on Lucifer we effectually become Lucifer (or at least play that part with him in the great drama). As we demonize groups with different perspectives than us, we all play the part of Lucifer. (Watch Megamind the movie for a great treatise on how self-righteousness creates evil) That is the great paradox of religion, and the key taught in the LDS temple ceremony. It is Lucifer that gave organized religion to the world, dividing them from themselves in order to create a potential. But if we demonize either religion (or its opposite) we do the same thing. We are all potentiating in this world to some extent and when we decide we have had enough, we will die and pass to the next phase of experiencing the joy from releasing the stored potential. (There are many sub-cycles, and death for most simply continues the dramas of this life. Most must wait for the resurrection to experience release of stored potentials.)

All religions fit together in my worldview. Each seems to be a different perspective on pieces of the big picture.
Hundred of pages could be written on the scriptural archetypes concerning this paramount concept of separation or division and redemption or unity. The “first man Adam” is also a primary archetype of division in the Hebrew philosophical system. He watches and oversees his division from God’s presence (symbolized by the garden and the grave), the division of his children Cain and Abel, the division of the land, languages, peoples, religions, and the body from the spirit in death. It is the last man Adam or Christ who is the archetype of unity. He is the God of unity, redemption and reunion. He watches and oversees the reunion of man to god, child to father, brother to brother, and the resurrection/reunion of body to spirit. It is through finding Christ or the unconditional love that he stood for that man creates a conduit to re-unite the broken/separated aspects of his psyche. Truly finding Christ is reuniting and harmonizing all the opposites in our lives. It is finding peace by solving all conflicts of interest and will. Thus the lower aspects of religion, politics and priesthood divide, but the higher aspects of religion, politics and priesthood unite. This three pillared drama of creation/destruction, through fall and division, and destruction/creation through atonement and unity is what makes life worth living—and the foundation for existence.
These principles are difficult to teach in writing. When I get glimpses into the reality behind our current reality– I try to write them only to find that they will inevitably be misunderstood. In some ancient traditions (as well as in the LDS temple tradition) it was forbidden to try and teach the “mysteries” or higher laws in writing because it was known that all men would distort them to fit their own egocentric perspectives. This is in fact why all organized religion, and written/organized religion “etched in stone” is part of the lower law. (Governed by heavenly beings of the “temporal” Aaronic priesthood of D&C 84 & 107, in LDS scriptural symbology) The “mysteries” aren’t really so “mysterious” they are simply the common sense principles of why things are the way they are, how the differing dimensions relate to each other, how to live good selfless lives without rigid laws or religious or political organizations as well as the secrets of how heaven and priesthood work in governance for those not ready for a higher law. But selfish people tend to take any knowledge and use it to selfishly control or hurt others through manipulation, psychological hegemony, sexual coercion and gratification or violence. Because of this most mortals are governed either politically or religiously by the lower law until they can show they are unselfish enough to raise their consciousness to the emancipated levels. Some good hearted “apostates” who leave the church have done just that. This process of growing into higher levels of goodness in freedom continues throughout life and after death. It could be said that the higher law has only two rules, love God and love your neighbor along with yourself. It is a very free system. The lower given to Moses had ten commandments, to which hundreds were added because the people wanted and needed them. The same is typical of every dispensation. “Higher” god’s give the two eternal commandments and if the people can’t handle it, the lower gods give them more; to which humans continually multiply until God finally has to overthrow their oppressive political and religious systems.
Origins of organized earthly religions
-all churches started by “true messengers” or prophets of the higher beings which lead us have the secrets of their lower nature hidden within their teachings as well as guide posts pointing to the source of “true religion” (James 1:27). The true seeker will see these messages and learn that he must see past the visible, lower aspects of organized religion if he wants to learn “truth”.
In Mormonism it is made quite obvious in the temple ceremony. When Adam (representing all mankind) wants more truth, who sends it to him? Lucifer comes and says in essence, I hear you asking God for truth… well if you want religion, I will give you religion and it will be the philosophies of men mingled with scripture (truth). Only after Adam doesn’t believe what is taught by the organized religions of the world, do the higher beings (symbolized by Jehovah and Elohim) send him truth by way of true messengers who DO NOT give Adam (mankind) any organized religions, but instead give him personal (secret) tokens and signs symbolizing the stages & ideals of a true marriage relationship (the analogous relationship between the gods and their people as explained in other articles on this site). It is unfortunate that many of the even more blunt aspects of relationship between Lucifer and organized religion have been taken out the Mormon Temple Endowment perhaps leaving many Mormons to believe the LDS Church Hierarchy is where one should turn if he wants light and knowledge from God (even though they, like Peter James & John, are true light bringers to a certain extent). Anyway, I doubt the reason for their exclusion was purposeful deception and the general gist is still there, and I don’t say any of this to demonize Mormonism, Mormon leadership or organized religion. In Mormonism, Lucifer is the archetype of the left-hand or negative path, which is unity through force & control. He is the antithesis to Christ or an “anti-Christ”. His doctrine of autocratic government, force, manipulation and violence is thoroughly embedded in most the political and religious systems in this world. His doctrines are deeply embedded into the revelations of the Old testament and as the New Testaments teaches of the Law of Moses, are “a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ”.
Just as “it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished” (Mormon 4:5), it is also by the “wicked” that the wicked are ruled. (“Wicked” only by human standards. Celestial beings do not take sides, they simply maintain the balance/justice in the universe. But they also don’t go around killing people, it is negative terrestrial gods like lucifer & his priesthood who do this.) People are ruled by the level of heaven they are ready for, and for those who reject the higher laws and priesthood as both the Children of Moses and early saints did, they are passed down to heavenly beings who rule more autocratically and with less mercy. Oahspe, J.S.M. Ward, Swedenborg and a host of other material have a lot information to help a Mormon see their place in God’s great plan. The LDS Church has so much truth, and God’s hand was so involved in its creation. But there comes a point in our eternal progression where in order to keep ascending toward oneness an LDS member must stop calling themselves a “Mormon” and start calling themselves a “Christian” (That doesn’t mean you leave the church, it has more to do with one’s point of view). Furthermore, as a greater degree of unity is sought, one will give up the “Christian” title and join hands with all men calling themselves simply children of God— this egoless and self sacrificing, nondiscriminatory unity is indeed what Christ came to teach. (see above diagram) It is only for the purpose of preserving agency that all organized religions are given a good amount of scriptural and traditional material which seems encourages avenues of increased self-righteousness, isolation, elitism and service to the self and ego.
-one need only look to the founding of most lasting religions to see more evidence of the lower nature of organized religions. Neither Moses, Buddha, Christ or Joseph Smith really started their respective religions. They more properly revealed truth, and “gave the people what they wanted”, mingled with what they needed; and then left the scene completely unfinished, allowing their successors to construct the organized, structural part of the religion according to the wants and desires of the people of the time. Levi, Joshua, Peter, Paul, and Brigham were not bad people, but they were all blinded in part by cultural bias and personal selfishness and created systems with a balance of mixed material (good & bad) which preserve people’s agency by giving them a “fast-tracked” avenue to exaltation through the negative (selfishness) or positive (unselfishness) paths. As the Law of One states
This Ark [of the Covenant & Tabernacle] was designed to constitute the place where from the priests… could draw their power and feel the presence of the One Creator. However, it is to be noted that this entire arrangement was designed, not by the one known as Jehovah, but rather was designed by negative entities preferring this method of creating an elite called the Sons of Levi.
It became an object of power in this way and, to those whose faith was untarnished by unrighteousness or separation, this power designed for negativity became positive and is so to this day, to those truly in harmony with the experience of service. Thus the negative forces were partially successful but the positively oriented Moses, gave to your planetary peoples the possibility of a path to the One Infinite Creator which is completely positive.
This is in common with each of your orthodox religious systems which have all become somewhat mixed in orientation, yet offer a pure path to the One Creator which is seen by the pure seeker.
Christ came to show the path to those who start to see behind the veil of organized religion & politics. As shown more clearly in restored gospels such as The Aquarian Gospel of Christ, he realized at an early age that much of Judaic religion was more influenced by Lucifer and the Gods of separation and force than the Gods of Unity and freedom. But he also realized that psychologically harmonizing the dark and the light was the gateway to exaltation. He travelled the world to learn the depths of all the great religions and he harmonized all their truths into one whole. He saw behind the symbols and unified his consciousness with that of the “Fathers”. He did not “leave” Judaism even though it “looked beyond the mark” and was essentially controlled by Lucifer. He was excommunicated, but still sought to teach others how to exit the illusion of telestial glory and the domination of its mind-controlling political and religious lower priesthood. He allowed himself to be martyred, not to bring non-Jews (ie non-mormons) to repentance. But to help the jewish people see that their religion was corrupt and devilish. To free those captive to both sin and Judaism. To quell the tide of self-righteous revolutionist and give the nation of Israel 40 more years of warning before destruction. And most of all, he died as a symbol pointing toward a much larger sacrifice that plays out in the terrestrial arena. Where terrestrial positively oriented groups self-sacrifice themselves in order to neutralize the unquenchable desire of negative service-to-self groups for galactic power, authority and control.