The Kolbrin: Background and Synopsis
“The canonicals of the Arch-Druid were extremely Gorgeous… on his breast the ior morain, or breast-plate of judgment, below it, the glanneidr, or draconic egg.. before him were the coelbren, or volume of esoteric mysteries and the golden corsier… His robe was of white linen.. When Druidism merged into Christianity, these rites, festivals and canonicals became those of the Christian Church. Little variation exist[ing between them] and those of Druidic Britain two thousand years since” (Historian William Morgan, 1857) Image Description: The gold pages above are The Pyrgi Tablets: written in the Phoenician / Proto Hebrew around 500 BC, they are evidence of the type of records mentioned in the Kolbrin.
The Kolbrin claims to come from a large collection of manuscripts and tablets engraved on scrolls parchments and even metallic plates by ancient spiritual leaders/historians, taken to Great Britain from the Middle East some time around 1000-500 BC. The book is predominantly composed of spiritual material but also contains a fair amount of obscure yet verifiable history. The earliest manuscripts in the book appear to have been written in Egypt at least as early as the first or mid second millennium BC, although most are written and compiled later by a religious cult referred to as “the sons of light.” (Likely an Israeli priestly cult, like the group by the same name who buried the dead sea scrolls — see Hoskia and the Northern Kingdom below.)
The first quarter of the Culdian publishing of the Kolbrin, with its important prologue or origin, is available at at this link. A hard copy can be bought here. The full 'Master Edition', brilliantly broken into verses referenced in this article can be read here.
In the section entitle ‘Sons of Fire’, one King Hoskiah is said to have “brought the Children of Light to the Land of Mists” (Britain) from his short exile in Kadesh (Northern Israel/Syria) some during the first millennium BC — possibly remaining a relatively cohesive unit until they were converted to Christianity just after the death of Christ. These records were then handed down through some type of monastic druid, and then unorthodox Christian order until persecution devastated the order and destroyed many of the manuscripts during the Romanization and later Christianization of Britain between 400-1100 AD. The book, much like the LDS, Book of Mormon is already the source of deep controversy. Skeptics, such as the authors of RationalWiki, claim the book to be a clever forgery (a stance they’ve softened on as more evidence has come forward). Much like the Book of Mormon, early skeptics called the book a hoax. But as more and more evidence of ancient origins come to light, some skeptics have changed their tune; now suggesting the historically accurate aspects of the text must have been forged from other ancient texts.
In reality, the text is EXACTLY what one might expect from ancient translated documents, and their contents and history are incredibly relevant to any Book of Mormon scholarship. Their mere existence, in light of the monastic order which claims to have guarded these records through the centuries gives legitimacy to the LDS idea that similar ancient hermetic groups may have guarded North American records brought from the Near East as well. In fact a section of the text tells about how the ‘sons of light’ cult saw it their God-given duty to preserve ancient written scripture and text, and did so by sending them to remote locations in ‘the ends of the earth’.
Historically, the manuscript collection could even be what Richard Williams Morgan, wrote about in his 1857 book “Britons of Cambria” where he related that the ancient head Arch-Druid had before him a “volume of esoteric mysteries” referred to as “the Coel-bren.” The wisdom of which allowed Druidism to merge seamlessly into Christianity, stating that Druidian “rites, festivals, canonicals became those of the Christian Church. Little variation exist[ing] between the modern ceremonials… and those of Druidic Britain two thousand years since. (reference)
A careful reading of the Kolbrin shows how and why this would be the case. As Druidism had its roots in the Jewish, Egyptian, and Near-Eastern myths and texts brought by the “sons of light” described in more detail below. (Some suggest Coelbren could also just be an ancient Welsh word for ‘books’ much as the word ‘Bible’.)
The Culdees, which is the name of the trust to originally publish the book, were a well known set of medieval Christian ascetic monastic communities which existed throughout England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and even Iceland. They are closely related to the Papar, and likely preceded the Vikings in colonizing many of the islands between England and Iceland. I suggest that Brendan the Navigator was likely a Paper/Culdee and certain records such as the Norse Historia Norwegiæ suggest these monks “clove to the Jewish faith” (reference here) and may have formed an early trade route of sorts toward the new world (see the Sons of Fire 12:11-17).
(excerpt taken from “”)
Although the last major spiritual writings in the Kolbrin date to at least the seventh century AD, the modern publishing of the Kolbrin are said to trace back to a large collection of manuscripts salvaged from Glastonbury Abbey during an arson attack that was intended to destroy the ancient church’s library, presumably in 1184 AD. It was the time of history when there was a great suppression of monasteries. As fate would have it, the once considered heretical works were transcribed on bronze tablets by the religious druids of the time. Since they were thought to be destroyed during the fire, they were preserved in secrecy.
Since then, much of the original text was lost or destroyed due to the passage of time, their environment, and human error. Each caretaker though, has gone to painstaking efforts to preserve what was left and to fill in the gaps with the correct knowledge in order to preserve the original meaning. During the early fourteenth century, John Culdy, the leader of a small community in Scotland, owned The Kolbrin and took steps to ensure its survival beyond his care.
The Kolbrin eventually became known as The Bronzebook of Britain, and the contents of additional salvaged manuscripts known as The Coelbook were later incorporated into it to form the modern version. In the early parts of the twentieth century, the responsibility of The Kolbrin’s preservation rested with a small religious group in England that never gained much power due their very restrictive membership requirements.
The current custodian is The Culdian Trust, which was formed in 1980. The Culdian Trust inherited The Kolbrin and other books when the Hope Trust was deregistered around 1995 in accordance with its constitution. Around 1992, an elderly man from the Hope Trust who is now deceased put together the current draft from the originals. His character, reputation and relatives are still living. He was an extremely private man while alive and the trust are respecting his wishes with regard to continued privacy.
The Culdian Trust members were not allowed to see the original manuscripts on which the most recent version of The Kolbrin was derived, nor do they understand how they came into the elderly man’s possession or where he sent the originals upon completion. Despite the continued ambiguity of The Kolbrin’s origins, a Culdian Trust representative that knew the man for approximately twenty years held him in high regard and found him to be a man of extremely high integrity.
Much like the Book of Mormon, it would appear that guardians of the metal and paper manuscripts upon which the book came, are purposefully withholding any physical scientific evidence of the ancient record from the world.
Much like the Old Testament, (and the “Jaredite 24 plates” of the Book of Mormon), the Kolbrin starts with a creation story. Although it shares some similar aspects with the Bible account it gives several versions and uses very different wording. The sophistication of the language has more of an eastern flavor than most ancient western creation accounts. It is quite similar to (and I believe shares a common source with) the Hindu Veda, Manusmriti or laws of Manu (extent texts typically dating from the 2nd to 3rd century BCE – read one version here).
The other sounds far more like an expanded adaptation of the works of the Phoenician author Sanchuniathon, who wrote around 1200 BC, than the biblical creation story (which many say dates the the Ezra era of 500-350 BC). You can read the eight cosmogonies of Sanchuniathon at this link to And the expanded version of The Theology of the Pheonicans perserved in Eusebius’ Praeparatio Evangelica. See Chapter X here.
-It also contains two separate flood accounts (one global and what seems to be a local flood and tower story likely added at a later date). Perhaps a more original version of what’s found in the Sumerian texts of Atrahasi .
-It also contains a Biblical exodus story given in a format, detail and style much different than that in the bible. (These accounts are from an Egyptian perspective, but are explicitly said to have been added at a later date, and of questionable origin. This is probably the most suspect of the texts in the Kolbrin, and says that it ‘was added later’ which may suggest it is a modern addition to the collection).
-The account of the destruction and recreation by flood and fire shares similarities to both the biblical Noah’s flood and the Hindu Yuga cycles & Mayan Baktun cycles (which each were split into four creation ages and each sharing a period of 144,000–years in Yugas and days in Baktuns).
-Note the CRAZY correlation between CRT:7:5 and the 52 year Maya and Aztec Calendar Round. Book of Creation 7:5 says, “These and many other things were taught by Habaris, but many of his teachings displeased the people of Krowkasis who were then as they were before Herthew’s forefather was led away. So Habaris concealed many things from them and taught, by simple tales, things within their understanding. He taught them the mysteries concerning the wheel of the year and divided the year into a Summer half and a Winter half, with a great year circle of fifty-two years, a hundred and four of which was the circle of The Destroyer.” Note that the Aztec & Maya calendars are completely built around the 52/104 year Venus century. (see my article to understand how it was computed)
-The stories of Maya & Lila (Book of Gleanings), and numerous usage of the concept of Illusion and the Lotus (Book of Gleanings, Book of Scrolls), as well as names like Bramathamlin also suggest a common origin with some Mesopotamian and/or Hindu texts. (compare the epics of Maya Sita with Maya & Lila for instance)
-Much is spoken of Osiris and other early Egyptian myths. Many late period Gnostics adapted these myths into Israel’s Abraham. Comparison of these ancient texts with early Jewish, later gnostic, or the channelings of Joseph Smith on Abraham may give insight into possible truths which often lie behind ancient mythos and the modern cultural adaptations.
-It seems almost certain that the Kolbrin’s story of Hurmanetar is simply a slightly different version of the various Sumerian & Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh narratives. Mostly likely they all derive from a single parent epic. See many details of correlations in this article of Hurmanetar as Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Enkidu, obviously correlates to the Kolbrin’s Yadol, and the Babylonian Gilgamesh with the Hurmanetar. Both characters in both stories go off on a quest to find the secrets of eternal life, culminating in a journey to the Underworld, to speak with Noah/Utnapishtim in the Babylonian story, and the departed spirit of Yadol himself in the Kolbrin. Both tales imply a sort of psychic/astral journey rather than a physical one, in the Babylonian story, Noah/Utnapishtim hands him a physical herb which is the Tree of Life, the herb that guarantees immortality, and in the Kolbrin, Yadol tells him of the Secret of Life, or rather the reality of life beyond death, in which the soul is immortal, and experiences the real life, of which physical existence is but a faint echo.
-The “Twice Born” Egyptian cult mentioned pervasively throughout many chapters of the text is a well known concept in Hindu ancient literature. See Dvija (Sanskrit: द्विज) Particularly in the “Laws of Manu“, and ancient script associated with the Rig Veda. Manu being the archetypal man or Adam in Hindu texts. Undoubtedly many of the Kolbrin mythological heroes like Hahrew, Yosirah and Kohar are proto Hindu concepts which can be found in Hindu texts under different names.
-The “serpent” who should only be aroused by the twice born and “sleeps at the bole of a tree from which hangs the body of man, the tree of his backbone” of SCL:9:18 very obviously corresponds to the teachings of kundalini in Hindu thought.
– Ramsis in SOF:2:9, who “built the Great Temple of Ramen” is obviously one of the Ramesses of Egypt. SOF 2 details the rebirth and temple rights of the “twice born” in Egypt.
-A second variation spelled Rasmus is given in MAN:25:4. This time in association with an Egyptian Coup of some sort. “Rasmus, they slew in the antechamber, he died not from the blows before his face but from the steward’s knife behind… Neferlehi, they took; they carried her off. Proud and upright, she went, to die in a foul place by the terrible hooks of the tormentors. Her greater loveliness will live forever in the Halls of Eternity. It will exceed the radiance of the sunlight and enfold the heart like the pale glory of the moonbeam. The son of Rasmus and his children, they slew and tormented, his residence they defiled and laid in ruins.” Could this be Ramesses III and Tiyi his mother who was assassinated in the Harem conspiracy led by his secondary wife Tiye and her eldest son? This small section seems to have come to England late, as the excerpt notes “The records… survive, they journey on and they come to you.”
-MAN:33 gives an incredibly unique version of the Osiris Myth. In this version Osiris is called Osireh, in MAN:33:28 Horus, his son is called Hori, Aten called Atem. Isis his wife is called “Esitis… or in the tongue of the old river people the name became Ness. Later, this was changed to Nesit, which in the old tongue meant she who was Ness”. In this version Set (called Setis here) is the brother of Isis instead of Osiris.
-Osiris in MAN 33, sounds a LOT like a hybrid of Abraham and Moses and has a section prophesying about a Messianic figure. See MAN 33:18 where Osireh prophesies.. “Behold the land before you, it is a chosen land for safeguarding the Sacred Mysteries. Out of its womb shall come the Child of Truth. which shall die and rise again to lead men in the struggle to glory”.
-Setshra in MAN 24:24 somewhat resembles the story of Jezebel persuading king Ahaz to set up Baal worship. “Now, Setshra gained the ear of the king and, pouring in a flood of venom wrapped up in fine speech, he overwhelmed the heart of his Majesty. None in the land had a tongue more subtle than that of Setshra. Then, new shrines were set up in the temples; new forms of worship appeared, pandering to the weaknesses of men. The hidden places of the Enlightened Ones were profaned with wickedness, and the secret chambers of the Twice Born were polluted with vile rites. Therefore, the Enlightened Ones and the Twice Born withdrew from the eyes and knowledge of men.”
-“Shina” in MAN 24:28 is a known region, language and people in Kashmir/Ladakh Pakistan/India. (see Shina or Gilgitis people) A place with a rich monastic tradition which has long been suspected to have ties to Zoroastrianism. (and israel?) “Shari” is a word perhaps associated with Assyria. It reads “The Leader of light and those with him fled into the land beyond Shari and built there the Temple in the Rock, which stands against Shina. In this land, the forces of the Dark Ones were cast back.” This region seems to be mentioned a few times in the Kolbrin. There’s also some very famous rock cut churches in Armenia, which I believe are mentioned in Herodotus or some history of how Darius tried to capture them.
-Tathomasis in Man 34:29 is said to have “came to make the name of Egypt known throughout all the lands”. He immediately precedes “Nabihaton” who is undoubtedly the historical Akhenaten or Amenhotep meaning that Tathomasis is likely one of the Thutmose’s (likely Thutmose I the Great) who campaigned deep into the Levant and Nubia, pushing the borders of Egypt farther than ever before in each region.
-Starting in MAN:34:33, an incredibly interesting version of Akhenaten (called Nabihaton) is given concerning his corruption of Egyptian religion and the people’s rejection of Atenism. Note that Akhenaten’s mother Tiye is called “Towi” in v. 35
-Pharaoh Nafohia could be Nefaarud, known to have ruled after Egypt’s revolt of Persia’s king Darius.
-‘Pharaoh Athmos’ mention in Sons of Fire 6:9, is almost certainly Pharaoh Ahmose of the 18the dynasty who ruled around 1550 BC and expelled the ‘Hysos’ or shepherd kings from Canaan. The Kolbrin mentions that sometime after “Egypt was at war with the Abramites for their great red-headed king had committed adultery with the wife of a prince of Paran… The remorseful king reaped as he had sown, for his favourite daughter was ravished by her own brother”. This is certainly King David who the Bible says was “ruddy [red haired] and had beautiful eyes and was handsome” (1 Samuel 16:12). The daughter is Tamar from 2 Sam 13:1–22 who is raped by her brother Amnon who is then killed by Absalom. (The implications of knowing that the Hysos are King David’s empire are HUGE!)
-Given the identification of David, “Hiram” in SOF 6 is obviously referring to Hiram of Tyre, or some other Mediterranean King with this popular ancient name.
-Many other correlations can be drawn between Egyptian pharaohs mentioned in the Kolbrin and Historically verified accounts of Egyptian history.
-OGS:1:22 mentions King Bladud who is a legendary king of the Britons who supposedly ruled for twenty years from 863 BC or perhaps 500 BC. At some point, someone should go through the orginal source of the legends to see if the wife Kelwinith, daughter of Molmed or other names mentioned are corroborated in the ancient annals. Bladud and his son Leir (of Shakespeare’s King Lear) are supposedly of the house of Brutus of Troy. However, none of the other historical names of that line seem to agree with those given in the Kolbrin.
-Lucius Clorus mentioned in BRT:9:1 who it says “was named King Coel” is undoubtedly the same as Lucious of Britain or Lles map Coel in Welsh, credited with introducing Christianity into Britain in the 2nd century.
-The death of “Okther 165 years ago” could refer to Octha, founder of Saxon Kent. This would give 677 AD minus 165 = 512; Octha’s death date is unknown, usually put at 522 or later. But he is not mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and in British sources like Nennius seems to be earlier, taking over from his father (or grandfather) the legendary Saxon leader Hengist after 488 AD.
-However, we also have a date of 677 AD as year 2 of Ketwin’s kingship of West Saxondom and year 14 of Ardwulf’s reign over the East Saxons. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle has a ‘Centwine’ ruling Wessex 677-, yielding 678. Ardwulf is not the name of any recorded Anglo-Saxon king, but there was an Aldwulf ruling East Anglia from 663/4-, which would give us a writing date of 677/678 AD.
“The “fourth year in the reign of Lothir, king of all the Kents” leads us to Kentish king Hlothhere (Latin Clotharius or Lotharius) who acceded 674/675, yielding a date of 678-9.
-There are various similar mentions in both Manuscripts 6 and in the Admonitions/Lament of Ipuwer.
-The ‘First Great Master’ of MAN:34:5 who ‘established the Brotherhood of the Chosen Ones of Light’ is undoubtedly Abraham or Moses and the ‘The Master’ of MAN:34:50 is Elisha. These are Egyptian characters appropriated by Jews who until the Babylonian captivity were usually vassals to Egypt, and enveloped in Egyptian culture & religion.
Table of Pharaohs mentioned in the Kolbrin and possible correlations.
Pos. Date | Kolbrin Name | Equiv? | Details |
?? | Namah, & Minis | Namer & Menes? | MAN:34:3 “He carried the sword among the striving peoples, and in his day, the might of Mantethrop prevailed. The spirit of Hori, who took the land from Namah, and of Minis, who united it, were with him. Then, the lands of the North and the lands of the South were delivered in to the hands of the king, and they became one. They were united, though they remained two.” |
?? | Yosira, Osireh | Osiris/ Wsir | MAN:33:12-35 “Now this Osireh, of whom I speak, is even he whom the people of this land have made a god… it was ordained that Osireh should marry his sister, and Esitis (Isis) gave birth to the manchild Hori (Horus)… and Setis (seth) her brother”. GLN 11:1-14 ” Yosira spoke to his Sons in this manner, “I am the Viceregent of the God of Gods. I am the custodian of the Books of Power. I am the Voice of Heaven. I am one sent into Tamerua as a lightbearer” |
2600 BC | Pahopha | Apopha? | MAN:34:29 “…in the generation of Pahopha, the name of Osireh began to be known in the land, and for twelve generations, it grew in greatness. The Upuru departed; the Ameluka came” [Amalekites/Hyksos?]. Hophra (589 BC) was called Apries by Greeks, and is equated with the myth of Amasis/Sethos. The ‘Book of Sothis‘ tells of a “Aphophis/Apopha) who “first called Pharaoh, and that in the 4th year of his kingship Joseph came as a slave into Egypt.” |
1870 BC | Setshra | Senusret III? | Sesostris/Setshotri in Greek. MAN:34:21. twenty generations before the evil Amuleka descended like locusts upon the land… This is set forth in the scroll belonging to Kabitkant, son of Nemerath, copied from an old writing copied from another which was the property of a temple in Pinhamur |
1450 BC | Anked | Ankhhaf? | MAN 6:1-48 Story of Moses & the Destroyer. “Kair taught these things to the Children of Light.. before the death of the Pharaoh Anked”. Mentions places: Remwar, Noshari, Maha, Pikaroth, Mara. City/God called “Thom”. And other names of Alkenan, Anturah, Rageb & Kair. |
?? | Ramsis | Ramesses II ? | SOF 2:9 “when Ramsis built the Great Temple of R’amen, it contained within itself both temple and shrine of the All Highest God. Also, there were Caverns of Initiation underneath. In the hall of the temple, which faced East and West, between pillars of pure stone, was the portal of the outer sanctuary. As the sun rises in the East, to give life to the day, so was the Devoted Priest placed in the East of the sanctuary, to open the services of worship and to instruct”. (Temple of Amun @ Jebel Barkal?) |
~970 BC | Athmos | Ahmose? | SOF 6:9 HUGE. “In the days when Hiram came to Egypt, the Pharaoh Athmos ruled. In those days, Egypt was at war with the Abramite”. If Athmos is Ahmose, the verses following this suggests that the Hyksos were Davidic Israel. David warred with Egypt at the same time Ahmose chased the Shepherd kings out. Could also possibly be Thutmose I. |
~910 BC? | Tathomasis | Thutmose IV? | MAN:34:29 “Tathomasis came, to make the name of Egypt known throughout all the lands. He, too, could no more stay the hand of decay than could the meanest slave. Then, in his day Nabihaton came to rule in the land of Egypt.” Africanus calls Thutmose IV, “Touthmosis”, Josephus = Thmosis. Akhenaten rules 38 years later. |
~772 BC? | Nabihaton | Akhenaten | MAN 34:29 Starts the story of how he had a demon and corrupted Egypt. Kolbrin names mother as Towi (obviously Tiye). Name composed of Fathers ‘Nab’ and ‘henaten’. |
~720 BC | Nafohia | Neferkare? | SOF 1:1 “Father of sons of light (Hoskiah) came out of Egypt in days of Pharaoh Nafohia. (Should be about the time of the Assyrian conquest or Sargon of Akkad? So Neferkare (Shabaka/Pepi II fits well. But could also be Neferibre (Psamtik II, 595-589 BC) |
Other Possible Historical Characters
Pos. Date | Kolbrin Name | Equiv? | Details |
?? | Auma & Atem | Adam & Eve | CRT:5:12 The man awoke and sought food from the fruits about him and, having refreshed himself, wandered about the garden. Wherever he went he saw the wraith, but was unafraid because she smiled encouragingly, bringing comfort to his heart. He built himself a shelter and grew strong again, but always, wherever he went, the wraith was not far distant… |
?? | Hanok | Noah | GLN:4:29 Hanok and the Ark/great ship. Had three brothers who divided the land. MAN:34:4 Then [after Namah & Minis] came the year of the great flood of waters… when the salt seas rose upon the East and covered the land… |
?? | Hurmanetarr | Gilgamesh | The Babylonian Enkidu, obviously correlates to the Kolbrin’s Yadol, and the Babylonian Gilgamesh with the Hurmanetar. Both characters in both stories go off on a quest to find the secrets of eternal life, culminating in a journey to the Underworld, to speak with Noah/Utnapishtim in the Babylonian story, and the departed spirit of Yadol himself in the Kolbrin |
?? | Beltshera | Babel? | GLN 3:7-9 The floodgates [of Atuma] were opened… “the people left… Shinara..fled up a mountain… built a gateway to heaven” |
600BC | Gatum | Guatama | OGS:1:11 Those generated from the seed of Dada were the three Heaven-sent forebears of mankind, named Magog, Gatuma and Keili. …It is known only that Magog ruled in the North and East, Gatuma in the South and Keili in the West. OGS:3:1 Over the sea now called Basabrimal, came a far-ranging race from Krowkasis, the Motherland where Gatuma ruled, where skyreaching mountains rise out of a wide, green, dark-soiled plain. They were horsefighters, known among themselves as the Wildland Cultivators, and they landed at the place beforetimes called Haltraith, in the land of the Horsefolk, now held by Engling. They built the woodwalled town called Hovenlee in the new tongue, near where the great sea king sleeps beneath his mound. |
(Its important to remember when reading these sections of the Kolbrin, that Israel was part of the Egyptian empire for much of its history. From Moses’ captivity, to David’s dealings with Sheba in Cush or Upper Egypt to the Marriage of Solomon to a daughter of Pharaoh, to Jeroboam’s vassalage to Pharaoh which likely didn’t end until hundreds of years later. Even to the Hasmonean period where the Egyptian Ptolemaic Pharaoh’s ruled Israel.)
Its hard not to draw a connection between the early King “Hoskiah” of SOF 7:1 who “was the Bowman of God and brought the Children of Light to the Land of Mists” and Egyptian ally (or perhaps even vassal) to Hoshea the last king of the Northern kingdom of Israel in the Bible (likely carrying on the work of Hezekiah & his religious reforms effectuated because of the fear brought onto Judah by the demise of the Northern Kingdom).
The Kolbrin’s account of King Hoskiah begins describing him as one who “knew the Almighty God and looked up to Him as the God of his fathers.” Much as the southern kingdom of Judah would have looked upon the kings of the Northern Kingdom, the scribe seems to see Hoskiah and his people as somewhat apostate, “knowing the truth only in part, for having stolen Him they were unable to know Him fully.” In verse 4 we learn that apparently his people are destroyed by a stronger hand and Hoskiah escapes to Kadesh, Syria on the ancient Samarian border of Egypt where “those who remained alive with him slept in strange places, for they were sought by the king who had been victorious.” This “victorious king” is likely a reference to Shalmaneser V of Assyria who came against Samaria in 727-725 BC, deposing Hoshea and later taking the kingdom and deporting its residents around 720 BC. The bible and other written histories do not indicate what happened to king Hoshea.
In the story Hoskiah’s brother ‘Isais’ (likely a variant of the popular Hebrew name Isaiah) is placed on the throne in his stead, taking his kingdom and wives. Soon after Hoskiah’s favorite wife Athelia is mauled, defaced and banished for insubordination. A somewhat mythically natured tale is then given of their reuniting and her suicide causing Hoskiah to flee to the ‘ends of the earth’ in remorse. Much of the story of his background in SOF 7-15 casts a fanciful epic of the king… Almost certainly like Greek epics it is part of a common near-eastern tradition of recasting popular rulers into Gilgamesh-like mythic epics as a post-mortem homage to the monarch.
Greater evidence to the likely Israelite background of Hoskiah is given when after travelling to “the land of Mists” (England or Ireland) Hoskiah “sent to Pelasi for the remnants of” the Children of Light“… “who went Northward after the scattering” (SOF 13:34). None of them came, for they said it was not meet for them to journey to the edge of the Earth to dwell among barbarians”. They said, “We will retain the light here, for out there, it will surely be extinguished.” Later, four ships did come, but they “carried the standards of Ashratem. With them came Enos Husadim of the Sons of Dan, a learned man from the slopes of the mountain, which rests in darkness and reaches up to the limits of light” (SOF 11:9-10). The location mentioned would likely be a mountainous area existing at the northern edge of the era’s Near-Eastern civilized boundaries (limits of light). The Caucasus region of Armenia and Punjab region of the Indus seem good candidates.
The fact that the only known Old testament books or references in the Kolbrin are the revelations or “light of Amos” is another good indicator of its Northern Kingdom of Israel roots as well as the timing of its arrival to Britian. Amos was the first of the Prophets of the bible to testify, prophesying to the Northern Kingdom around 750 BC.
In SOF 13:21 we read that the Sons of light’s “destiny lies in a much bleaker land, where our seed will be planted in strange soil. It will lie within the bosom of an untamed land, until quickened to growth by the warmth of the desires of men.” This is undoubtedly quoting from the following verses in the Book of Amos.
17 Therefore thus saith the Lord; … thy land shall be divided by line; and thou shalt die in a polluted land: and Israel shall surely go into captivity forth of his land. 14 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel… 15 And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God. (Amos 7:17 & 9:15)
A bit later the scribes even describe how keeping records was part of the temple practice of the Children of light. As well as how they were later “scattered” and lost.
32 Our light was lit in the land of our beginnings. Many books were made and kept in four places, and we were in truth Children of The Written Word. There were scribes and readers, officials and guardians. There were servants and those, who served in the courtyards…. 34 As the name, The Children of Light, is written in the old characters, it may also be read as The Children of The Written Word, and this is a truth. We alone preserve our secrets in this manner. The Children of Light followed a destined course by abandoning their altars in the land of their beginnings, and went to dwell among strangers, where many ate at one table. We do not know what befell of their books, for those we have are rewritten. We know the Children of The Written Word went Northward after the scattering, but we do not know what were their journeyings. (SOF 13:32-34)
Abundant myths exist which suggest that some of Zedekiah’s children (the last king of Judah) also fled to Ireland after the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem. See this site for instance. The many settlements started by near-eastern peoples spoken of in the Kolbrin is at least partially substantiated in genetic studies such as this one by Trinity College. And other archaeological finds such as an Amber breast ornament found with King Tut and other near-eastern tombs have been tied to a prolific trade ancient ‘amber road route‘ to the North Atlantic. Trade from tin mining in Britain to the near-east is known from the early Bronze Age. There is a common Irish myth that the early bronze age (~3000 BC) druids who built the Irish Mound of Hostages or Hill of Tara & possibly Newgrange had Egyptian roots. With the medieval Lebor Gabála Érenn stating that Pharaoh’s daughter (Meritaten) becomes known as Scota, whose grave (see Scota’s Grave) is a well known monument. The Kolbrin substantiates the ancient Britain’s have long been tied into long distance shipping roots that occasionally even took ancient travelers to the New World.
11 We sailed with a large company towards the West and had nothing to fear, except the whirlpool, for the Red Men with us knew the way of the waters. For long days, we saw only the sea, and the landsighting birds all came back. 12 We went out through the mouth of the sea into the sea of the Great River [great lakes?]. Past the lands of white copper to the Place of Painted Men, where we drew up the ships and staked them. 13 Among the fighting men were some from Sparsia whose leader was Korin (SOF:12:11-13)
For Book of Mormon believers, of note is the Kolbrin verse which talks about ships full of settlers from the near-east coming to England about this time who “were divided and… wished to set up the eagle and serpent [see Uraeus & relationship to feathered serpent cult of the era] and went to the Harbour of Giants in Belharia, The same giants are builders of great temples, and they are six cubits tall.” (SOF 12:15) One of King Hezekiah of Judah’s main reforms about this time was to destroy the Nehushtan or Bronze Serpent of Moses which had come to be the focus of an idolatrous cult. (see 2 Kings 18:4, and this reference) This is noteworthy as many early Aztec & Mixtec codices also mention the “giants” as the first newcomers to New Spain followed by the Olmeca-xicalanca who seem to coincide with a rise in Quetzalcoatl or worship of the feathered Serpent.
Verse one of the Book of Manuscripts (MAN:26:1) also mentions the name “Laman,” which for those familiar to the Book of Mormon is the brother of Nephi. Although obviously a different individual in the Kolbrin, it at least proves that this name was of common early Jewish origin and associated with record keepers. The Kolbrin says of him “The words of the Great Scribe of the Universe, by Laman, Keeper of the Watergate by the Outlands. To the Children of Laka at Kemwar, Keepers of Secrets, wise in the words of God.”
In MAN:25:3, the reference to Neferlehi is likewise interesting in its phonetic similarity to NephiLehi, part of the name given to the Lamanite converts who became Nephites (Alma 23:17). The Kolbrin name invites speculation on whether the Book of Mormon names have an Egyptian origin instead of Hebrew origins. Known names such as Neferhotep, Nefertiti, Nefertari & Neferuaten of the 18th dynasty show us that ‘Nefer‘ was a common Egyptian morpheme meaning perfect, complete, pleasant, good or beautiful. This is remarkably similar to the proposed Hebrew root of nephesh (נֶפֶש), which literally means the “complete life of a being.”

The Kobrin teaches that the “Children of Light” were brought to Britain by Hoskiah (who we assume from his backstory and mention of the prophet Amos but no later prophet, was likely Hoshea, the last King of Israel), who saw it as a sacred duty to maintain records which would persist until the “latter days”. The “Sons of light” is a well known monastic cult in Israel which persisted into the Christian Era at Qumran. In the contents of the Third Egyptian Scroll we learn,
This is the manner whereby the Sacred Records shall be kept, and their number is twelve books and four hundred and forty-two scrolls.
Four copies shall be made, and each shall be rolled on a stick of blackwood. Each shall be enclosed within a pickled skin and bound with a leathern throng. It shall be placed with spices in a box of copper, which shall be enclosed in a box of wood bound about with hide and pitched.
At each of the four appointed places shall be four hewn masonry receptacles, within which shall be contained the Great Arks. They shall be kept by the Guardians at the four quarters of the Earth, and no copies shall be made, except one be destroyed.
Nothing shall be added and nothing taken away from the books, except it be done according to the books, and the signs of the books shall be counted according to the custom of writing. (MAN:7:1 -4)
This sounds reminiscent of the story of Thoth on the Emerald Tablet in Egypt. A story given life in the account of Hojax/Thoth (the builder of the Great Pyramid) in Oahspe who builds outposts in “the distant lands of the earth, to observe the winds of heaven, and and the drought upon the earth; and the abundance of the yield of the earth in different regions, in different years and seasons; and to observe famines and pestilences, and all types of occurrences on the face of the earth.” After taking careful astronomical measurements for many years “throughout [Arabi], [India], [China], [Persia], [Greece], and [Europe], even across to the western sea [Atlantic Ocean]; and to the southern extreme of [Africa], and to the great kingdoms in the interior; and to the north of [Europe] to the regions of everlasting snow… Thothma had these things rewritten and condensed into books, and named them books of great learning, and they were deposited within the south chamber of the pyramid, where harm could never come to them.” In addition, “copies of this book were made and sent into the [same various lands], to the priests of God” (Oahspe, Book of Wars against Jehovih; 24/50.19-20,22,24)
One might dismiss the above account for its spurious nature, except that there are many pyramids and megalithic structures in the various corners of the earth which all seem to date to about the same time of 2400 BC, as the Great Pyramid. These include, Stonehenge in England, Caral in Peru, Several Dolmen’s in Spain, Pukuhara Pyramid in Indonesia, Senegambian stone circles in Senegal and more. We assume therefor that this practice started with the builder of the Great Pyramid around 2400 BC.
However, as mentioned, the Kolbrin account suggests the Israelite cult adopted this same practice somewhere between the time of King David (SOF:6:9) and the prophet Amos/Hoskiah (SOF:11:10). More clues as to the location of these four record vaults comes a few chapters later where we learn that one of the locations was in India (likely the Punjab region) and later moved to England.
Yet, even the Children of Light have become divided among themselves and one institution became two. The institution of the East claims it is the true guardian of the written records, but now we have books written even before those copied by the scribes of Hoskiah. We are not the Children of the Lesser Light, and we know the mysteries of the Hidden Light. Only we in the cold north will survive, for did not Amos write. “Our destiny lies in a much bleaker land, where our seed will be planted in strange soil. It will lie within the bosom of an untamed land, until quickened to growth by the warmth of the desires of men.” (SOF 13:21)
Another verse hints to the fact that the “institution of the East” was in India. And that the primary record vault there was later moved farther away “among the barbarians” in Britain. However, as the vaults simply served as master copies from which monastic scribes then made numerous copies and spread them to other monasteries, we’d expect many of those copies to have survived in various hidden convents. Particularly places with strong ancient monastic traditions. The Kashmir province of India is likely the best candidate for the possibility of this occurring.
SOF:13:35 We know about Lothan and Kabel Kai, designer of houses, who sailed around the edge of the Earth. With them was Raileb, the scribe, who knew hidden mysteries. They gathered the records, which were in Kindia, and carried them the long sea journey, believing the records safer among the barbarians than among those who sought to destroy them. If the records are destroyed by barbarians, it will be done in ignorance and not in the knowledge of wickedness. Many books were laid open to the eyes of ignorant men and destroyed.
The previous verse and the next suggest that the records were taken from India or “the eastern quarter” and brought to England. The new repository in England is then associated with ancient circular temples, of which Stonehenge is only one of many in Iberia and Britain.
SOF:8:12 Within the wall and circle of water, I have built the temple, but not all go in there with me. We are not one people. The gates of the temple are on pillars of wood and turn on a stone, and wooden are the pillars within. Great beams support the roof, and the walls are of wood and mud brick. The floor is of sand finely raked, and before the heir, the altar rests on stones. There are no images designed to confuse men, for though the temple is poor, it does not enshrine ignorance. We have no evil men with us. There are men of valour and men of skill, men of the land and men of the sea, no more.
SOF:8:13 Beneath the altar is the Grave of Life, kept dry with mortar. In its place is the Great Chest of Mysteries and in the Urns of Life are the records. Well kept, they are and safe from the unlearned, all the records of the Eastern Quarter.
One indication that the above is an account of the Sons of Light of Israel instead of an earlier group of Egyptians guarding only Egyptian records comes a bit later in the Kolbrin in ‘Two Sections of an Unnamed Scroll’ in the Book of Manuscripts. Here we read:
MAN:28:1 Praise to the Great Lords of Eternity who, once such as we, now sit in the Everlasting Halls. Sanctified forever be the name of The One God, to Whom Alone shall be given reverence and glory… Two generations have passed into judgement since the wild dogs came swiftly in the night and scattered the seeds of wisdom to the winds. [likely the Babylonian destruction given mention of Cambyses below] The Great Land shall no more know the true greatness of wisdom. The black soil shall not nourish its seed. The seed shall spring up and burst forth into leaf in foreign lands, among strange people.
MAN:28:6 Our destiny lies Northward, and such is foretold in the Sacred Writings. I go and my household, and Jothan the Sartisian with his household. My brother Kabel also and his daughter, with Karob and Agab of the house of Moshes [Moses]. We go by way of Kambusis [likely ‘The Market of Cambyses‘ of Pliny by Premnis on the Nile delta] and the waters of Jabel [Jebel Sahaba on Nile at Sudan border], over the wild wilderness to the Mountains of Winds. Beyond them we journey into Kndia [India], where there are pines. We shall take the records of [to?] the Eastern Quarter and the Guardians, who remain with us. None among all who know our ways shall be forced to go, neither shall we condemn those who remain. The scrolls in four chests and the Books of Wisdom in their canopies go with those who depart. Our thoughts remain with Semlis; may he sail in peace with moderate winds and find everlasting glory and beauty in the Netherworld. (MAN 28:1-9)
Just after this verse, we next read a reference to bringing other records from the “swamplands”, an obvious reference to the headwaters of the Nile in Sudan or ancient Ethiopia/Cush. This same author mentions bringing “the four books to safety” by traveling through Ethiopia.
MAN:29:1 I am Kison, son of Nesubot and Nektorab, a citizen of Hakarnak. I am he, who brought the Sacred Writings from the swamplands and gathered men together, who are the Sons of Light. MAN:29:9 I brought to safety the Four Great Books, of which one is the Book of the Masters Words and one the Book of the Masters Deeds. One the Book of the Masters Ways and one the Book of Awaking to Life in the Dawnlight. With them were the Books of Beginning and End and the two and seventy scrolls. Not one was lost.
Another verse in this section connects Ethiopia to the homelands of the Sons of Fire, and mentions a character who sounds a lot like Moses, who it places in Upper Egypt or Ethiopia. It might seem strange that the priests feign ignorance of a character like Moses, but remember that even Moses’ Pentetuch fell into disuse in Israel and had to be “re-discovered” buried in the temple in the days of Josiah. (2 Chronicles X) The parallel here gains its strength, not so much from the Bible and its mention of Moses’ Ethiopian wife (Num. 12:1–15), but the record of Josephus and the medieval Arab-Christian historian Agapius of Manbij, who writes “in the year 28 from the birth of Moses […] the Ethiopians declared war on the Egyptians and devastated much of their country.” and then goes on to talk about the part he played in the war with them. Of course his mentioned “death” is where the similarities end, and suggests we might be talking about someone else, such as one of the Sons of Joseph, or even someone after the time of David when Israel was vassal to Egypt.
SOF:13:25 We know that the first Leader of Light was among the highborn of Egypt and his name was struck on marble pillars. He was cast down because he carried the lamp of Truth, and his name was removed from the records of Egypt. He raised an army, but it was like a goat attacking a wild bull, and he was slain in the great marshlands lying near Ethiopia.
SOF:13:26 He wrote the book, which is known to all, and the Book of Rites and Ceremonies, which is known only to the elect. He did not write the three books in the Lion Urns, which we alone know, or the Book of The Secret Way. He may have written the Book of Instruction For The Children of The Written Word Within The Children of Light. The manner of keeping the book is taught from generation to generation. The books are our foundation, our shield and our sword. They are our promise and our hope, our guide and our defence.
Given the above information it would seem that simply by searching for locations related to modern Israel with strong ancient monastic traditions might be our best bet for guessing the other two record vaults. And perhaps no better contestants exist than Ethiopia and Armenia. Both are two of the first nations (along with Britain) to convert to Christianity. Both have scores of ancient monastic libraries dating to the pre-Christian era. Ethiopia claims to be home to the Arc of the Covenant with monastic accounts of David & Solomon’s dealings with their ancient kings. Armenia has its own quarter in Jerusalem as a consequence of its ancient alignment with Judaism & Christianity.
The accounts above of the four stone record boxes sound unbelievably similar to the account of the Book of Mormon. An ancient record hid up in the earth in a buried masonry box. A dispersion after the Babylonian captivity. Joseph Smith records the contents of the box he was shown by the angel Moroni in JS-H 1:51–53.
On the west side of this hill, not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates, deposited in a stone box. This stone was thick and rounding in the middle on the upper side, and thinner towards the edges, so that the middle part of it was visible above the ground, but the edge all around was covered with earth.
52 Having removed the earth, I obtained a lever, which I got fixed under the edge of the stone, and with a little exertion raised it up. I looked in, and there indeed did I behold the plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breastplate, as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement. In the bottom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these stones lay the plates and the other things with them.
53 I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messenger, and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived…
If the above account is to be believed, many questions arise. First, could Joseph Smith’s record repository be the same as one of those spoken of in the Kolbrin, to which we must answer no. This because the Book of Mormon states that the Book of Mormon was only an abridgment of the greater records vault, which by 300 AD had been moved from its unknown original location to the ‘Hill Shim’ in the Land of Desolation. Later when the Lamanites were about to take over that land, the records were again moved to the ‘Land Cumorah’. Moroni selected from these many records to create the abridgement which is the Book of Mormon. However, given the similarity of the relics stored with the Book of Mormon to those mentioned in the Kolbrin (the shield, knife and crystal seer stone) it seems very likely that the Book of Mormon vault was fashioned after the original. As to where the originals were stored I have included my guess after much prayer & meditation. (map coming soon)
Also of note is an early Egyptian scroll in the Kolbrin that speaks not just of the trade of “lions tails, cowhides, spices, worked and unworked ivory, blackwood, oils and paint” from Punt [ancient Ethiopia], but also this tale of a trade expedition to what is undoubtedly Indonesia.
The same lord Torka is he whose father, now in port. took his vessel south of Pontas [Punt or Ethiopia] from Ofir [Ophir] towards the sunsetting [east], past Kindia [India] to the land of Bemer. He returned when the waters had risen four times and fallen thrice [3.5 years], and sorrow gave way to rejoicing. To the rim of the great circle he went, to where the fires [volcanoes] of the Netherworld were revealed and men were the brothers of dwarfs [pigmies]. He it was who brought back the great hairy giant who rests with Thosis (MAN:24:8 )
If this was indeed a known trade route as early as 600 BC (or2400 bc) it adds to the possibility that the Lehites of the Book of Mormon followed this route, stopping at known ports, to make their way toward the Americas.
As mentioned above, the story of Nabihaton given in Manuscripts 34:29-71 is undoubtedly Akhenaten. In 34:35 the narrative tells clearly how he was the daughter of Towi (Tiye) husband of Nefare in 34:47 (Nefertiti) and father to Meriten (Meritaten). Also in 34:45 how he moved his royal court upriver to a new city (Amarna). Just like Akhenaten it talks of how his wife Nefare had only daughters (34:48) so he had children with secondary wifes, one called “Lady of Songstresses” and the other un-named (known as Kiya to archeologists, mother of king Tut). He went insane or mad..
The most interesting part of this story however is the side story of “The Master & Hepoa” who I believe firmly are actually Elijah and Elisha. Elijah is one of the twice born from Labados (Lebanon?) and Elisha is a son of the pharaoh said to be the son of the “Lady of Songstress”, but taken by Nefare to a temple in Lebados (34:50). The last mention in 34:66 which states, “the next Pharaoh married his sister, conceived in wickedness, and therefore died while yet young” is obviously referring to king Tut who is known to have married Meriten, likely to disguise the sins of Akhenaten. Not only do the timelines of these prophets match fairly closely with my revised Egyptian timeline, but the stories have interesting correspondences too.
-Both Hepoa and Elijah fast for seven days
-Both curse children
-Both testify before the king (in bible the king is Ahab.. was this a vassal of Akhenaten or is it possible that some Northern Kingdom ‘kings’ were actually pharaohs–since it was a vassal state to Egypt after Solomon?)
Its interesting to note how both Oahspe and the Law of One have somewhat similar and somewhat differing views on the building of the Great Pyramids with Imhotep of the Law of One (Hojax/Thothma in Oahspe). As well as Akhenaten who the Law of One says was both visited & inspired by Ra and then driven mad by his quest for power (coincident with Elijah and his ‘Chariot of fire’), as opposed to the Kolbrin account which seems to have him being the father of Elisha and driven mad by demons brought on by his incest.
Those familiar with Joseph Smith’s description of the items he found within the cement container which housed the golden plates of the Book of Mormon might find this excerpt included in the Kolbrin familiar. It describes the items passed along with this ancient record…
“When I was young my grand-father told me that the Kolbrin had been brought back to light by his grand-father’s people in the place known to them as Futeril Cairn, beyond the pool of Pantlyn at Carclathan by way of Gwendwor in Wales.”
“I remember him saying it was originally written in the old alphabet of thirty-six letters. The books were stored in a tinker’s budget box, the lid of which was not hinged but held with flanges and lifted off after being heated, a cunning device of the wayfaring tinkers [Traveling MetalSmiths]. It was also secured with pins and stirrups. There were goblin heads at the corners and it was fastened by locking bars inside and out. I never saw it, nor did I know anyone who knew whether it still existed.”“I remember being told that inside the box was a clear glass roundish ball about the size of a large apple, which at one spot reflected all the colours of the rainbow. It was encased in a precious cagework inside a protective cover of horny hide which had raised swellings, the like of which my grand-father had never seen before. He knew a lot about animals and their hides, but could not tell what this was; he thought it might have been the hide of some kind of large, horny snakelike creature such as those which live in deep lakes.”
“There were two stones of dullish glass like rainstones, one being whitish at one end. Each was oval in shape and somewhat flattened and tapered towards one end. Grand-mother used to tell fortunes with these and they went to cousin Sarah in America. There were two other pieces of rounded glass set in something made of bone which had pretty designs engraved on it. The bone setting was falling apart and was of no conceivable use. There was also a bluish coloured cross with an opening at the top and its arms were forked at the ends. This was fastened by a small chain curiously worked, to piece of round brass about the size of a small plate which was engraved with figured, of which a bird, a wand, two billhooks, a whip and some heads could be made out. There were beads of blue and red and a brooch shaped like a hook and made of gold. There was a acorn-like cap such as Flamens wear.”
“There was also a longish brass object like a knife, with engraving, in a wrapping of rotten wood. That is all there was, except for the books which were not like books at all. I do not know what became of the other items. I saw the glass ball once when I was a small child but cannot remember much about it, except that it was hollow at one end and when I put a finger in the hollow it felt warm.”
It would almost seem that both the Kolbrin and Book of Mormon were preserved using the same interesting protocol. Each containing a record, a knife/sword, a shield of some sort and some type of seer stones or crystals to aid mystics in “translating”. In LDS and Jewish tradition there were multiple “seer stones” like the Urim and Thumim given by God (or might we presume, higher beings of some sort?) to man in the early days of civilization. As the Book of Mormon says concerning the seer stones they found of the Jaredites… “I will prepare unto my servant Gazelem, a stone, which shall shine forth in darkness unto light, that I may discover unto my people who serve me, that I may discover unto them the works of their brethren, yea, their secret works, their works of darkness, and their wickedness and abominations. And now, my son, these interpreters were prepared that the word of God might be fulfilled…” (Alma 37:23–24). It has been said by some sources that these stones were made of crystal and were fashioned to use the natural properties of these crystals to enhance the “psychic” or revelatory abilities of one with spiritual gifts (the ability to communicate with the dead or across dimensional boundaries? See Law of One, Crystals). This is likely where the idea of gypsies with “crystal balls” came from and why in this account the author accounts that his grandmother used these to “tell fortunes”. In the Book of Mormon, Ammon warns of this type of misuse of seer stones saying, “no man can look in them except he be commanded, lest he should look for that he ought not and he should perish” (Alma 37:23).
Also of special note to Book of Mormon readers is the way in which the ancient authors of the Kolbrin reconciled their Egyptian (and Jewish?) concepts of God and a Messiah to the Christian concepts brought to them by early missionaries.
“13. How straightly comfortable a scribe am I, who reconciles the mystic daughter with the lowly mother! Who places the crystal-clear chalice beside the blood-filled golden cup! Who combines the divine circle with the eternal cross and the sorrowful son with the triumphant fighting father!” (Britain Book or BRT 5:13)
Also of interest is the section reminiscent of the “voice from heaven” in 3 Nephi 8-11 as well as other Old Testament revelations in the Book of Mormon. In the Book of Gleenings an account is given of a revelation matching remarkably with that of Jeremiah and Isaiah regarding sacrifice and burnt offerings
GLN:15:1 The Voice of God came out of the Heavens unto His servants even before the days of Wunis, but in these days, it has come to certain of His Devoted Ones who heard it within the cavern of visions. Afterwards, each wrote it down according to his own hearing, and lo, when they came together, it was seen that each had recorded the same words. Thus, the things, which were heard by the three and set down by them in writing, all being agreed alike are things recorded forever.
GLN:15:2 “I am the Voice of God Who is the God of All Men and Ruler of their Hearts. I have many aspects and come differently to all men, I am the God of Many Faces. To you, My servants, I give these words, that they may be carried to all men. Obey My commands, and I will be your God. I will enlighten and instruct you, guiding you along the way. I desire your love and loyalty, and your adherence to My plans, but I do not desire your servility. I am not only your God, but your Commander, as well, and so I expect obedience and discipline, as befits those who prepare for harsh and grim battles such as those, which lie ahead.”
GLN:15:3 “My desire is for love rather than futile sacrifices of burnt offerings, but it should not be a passive love but one expressing service in My Cause. A certain knowledge of right and wrong, with free choice of the former, is of greater value in My sight than pointless, ritualistic worship. I derive no [30]pleasure from the wasteful shedding of blood from bulls and lambs. I gain nothing from the fat of sheep and the flesh of goats. I am the Creator of All, so what can men give that would increase My greatness? Men are misled if they believe that their sins can be purged by vain rituals. Only active goodness can obliterate the stain of sin… (see GLN:15:1)
The Kolbrin incorporates these motifs into a secret temple rite which the “sons of light” participated in. (under construction. I’ll finish presenting the evidence here sometime. Also I need to finish adding the animal references below… and the Mithraism stuff — showing that Mithraism was actually just Israeli theology from the divergent group in Armenia which the Persians & West Hindus later adopted and mixed with their own myths.
“1.1 Herein are recorded sacred things, which should never be written, but the memory of man is like a storehouse made of straw… placing his trust fully in the protecting wings which are spread by the words issuing… 1.7 Look now at the great dark water mirror and see what is reflected there from the mists… 10. Even as it was in the Land of the Great River [Egypt], so let it be here. Let him not be cut off by distance.1.29 O everlasting Kohar, take this man of goodness… he is the drop returning to the filled pitcher, the leaf returning to the tree [of life] 3.1 wearing white sandals and fine linen… many come bearing cakes of fine meal and barley cakes, large, fat-bodied fish and meats… honeywine in jars… his arm is strong and he issues his commands to the guardians… 3.8 If there be benevolent Life Shadows beyond the protective pale, they may enter…according to the rites of the Sons of Fire, and thus it shall be for those who enter the chambers of stone.
5.2 He has passed through the Wide Hall and through the Narrow Portal… He continues past the Place of Waiting Souls and sees the awaiting Kohars who will unite with the ascending spirits of men. He bears in his hand the Book of Life and glides over the pure pastures, past the bright dividing flame…” 5:4 The ferryman hesitates; he says, “Show me your token, that I may know you have truly passed the tests”… he is not of Earth, neither is he of Heaven. He is at the place where the two meet and intermingle.. He eats the fruit of the [sic] tree… 21.1 Lord of Life and Light, Creator of the Tree of Life, who made the herb and fruit to nourish men and grass to feed the cattle… hear the cry of my spirit! (Kolbrin, Sacred Registers, SCL ch 1-20)
Read the rest of the amazing temple rite in the Kolbrin
The Kobrin teaches a substantial amount about the ancient religions of Britain and Druidism.
“BRT:9:2 Of the druids, it is said that Pair Keridwen, the Cauldron of Higher Love, represented to them the womb and that the fire, with which it was associated, was the lifeforce. It is said that the representation was in more than one form, but what this means none now knows. To become a druid required immersion in a bath with a decoction from the cauldron. After immersion for a prescribed time, the residue from the bath, infused with the man�s evil, was poured into a pit. His spirit was thus cleansed and renewed, but henceforth, any wrongdoing would have a twofold effect.
BRT:9:3 A band of Troubadours, being people who held some secret of life, came to Britain in the days when England was Saxonised. They had a secret book said to explain all the mysteries of life, but the book itself explained little; yet, they who followed the secret book became the wisest among men. Written words, when read without thought, are valueless, and this is how most men read. Troubadours have a secret place in the Ogmosian hills.”
BRT:5:14 In the beginning, only the Absolute existed in the firmament, called Nuvrie by the Britons and Kewgant by the Welsh of the west. The Spirit of Life spread outwards from the hub to form Gwinvidon, the region of light and the circle of spirituality. This opened out to Anton, which is the circle of germinal existence, at the inner edge of which was the circle of corporeality. This spread out to Abred, which is the material plane and the circle of trial, testing and tribulation. It is a place of experiment and experience for gaining knowledge, wisdom and spirituality. Below this is Anoon, the sea of souls. Here is the lake of unspecialised soul stuff, which is forged and fashioned in Abred and perfected in Gwinvidon. In Abred was the Garden of Karahemish, through which flowed the river Nara. Here dwelt Keili and Kithwin. Here were born Derwiddon, the first of the Druthin, Gwinidendon who composed the first song, and Tydain who was the first bard.
BRT:5:15 It is said that there were two classes of druids: the Dryones who were masters of medicine and divination, and the Druthin who were superior and gifted with twinsight and magic. The first had their seat at Abri, while the Druthin had their seat at Innisavalon, the island of indestructible apples.
BRT:5:16 The druids believed in the One Supreme Being, but also held that there was a body of lesser Beings. They believed in a fairyland of Nature Spirits, which manifested to mortals. All happenings were motivated by an interplay of unseen rays from The Source. Therefore, the running of a hare, flight of birds, fall of leaves, patterns in sand, the sound of waters, were meaningful.
BRT:5:17 Their seven deadly sins were: hypocrisy, theft, cowardice, fornication, gluttony, indolence and extortion. Above all precepts were the three manly qualities: honour, courage and manliness, and the three womanly qualities of decency, decorum and chastity. There were female temple attendants, but no female druids. The druids who taught were called Nemids. There were Waiths who knew the secrets of Nature, and these would not eat birds. Once every three years there was a firewalking.
BRT:5:18 Under the great night reflector, only four animals appear as ghosts: the dog, cat, horse and hare. The ghosts of these could be forewarners of the crack of doom. Will-o-the-wisps haunt the marshlands, but few are enlivened by ansis. Nick-o-the-nights haunt the stony places and fells.
BRT:5:19 Joseph Idewin and his brave band came to flowering Britain three years after the death of Jesus. He converted Gladys, sister of Caradew, who married a Roman, and her sister Aigra who was the wife of Salog, lord of Karsalog. After landing, he and his band passed through an avenue of oaks and standing stones. They first built huts over against the holy vineyard where the fruits were bitter.
BRT:5:20 After all the saints had gone to their rest, the first church and its surroundings became a wild place, a refuge for wild creatures. Then, as the land remained holy, saints came from Gaul, who restored it, and one was Fairgas the Briton, who had served at this place as a youth. Idewin was buried in a shirt of fine linen, which he had worn when burying Jesus, and which was stained with three spots of blood on the chest. He was buried by the two-forked cross. The saints had lived in twelve huts around a never diminishing well at the foot of the holy hill.
BRT:5:21 Joseph Idewin was related to Avalek, whose kingdom bordered that of Arviragus, through Anna the Unfaithful. He converted Claudia Rufina, the daughter of Caradew previously called Gladys, who married Pudens, a Roman, and had a daughter Pudentia. In his twenty-eighth year, Caradew was betrayed to the Romans by Arisia, queen of Bryantis. He married Genuissa, daughter of Claudius, to bind the peace agreement. The name �Caradew� means �filled with love,� but he preferred to use a warrior name.
The destroyer is a Egyptian term given in the Kolbrin as the cause of catastrophic event mentioned over a dozen times in a few of the manuscripts of the Kolbrin. It almost certainly serves as the source material for Toltec, Aztec and Hindu Yuga creation and destruction cycles which I speak of elsewhere. The term is also used in the bible in verses such as Ex 12:23, 1 Sam 24:16 & Jer 48:8. But its important to note that the Kolbrin sections on the more biblical ‘Flood’ and ‘Exodus’ could very well be later additions to the text. Each reader will have to judge for themselves whether they believe the accounts of the destroyer are original. The end of the more biblical sounding Exodus tale has a note by the scribe which perhaps suggests the section was written (or perhaps just translated?) much later in England, not Egypt at a later date than the earlier Egyptian texts.
This is written in this land and in our tongue by Leweddar who, himself, chose it for saving. It was not seen until the latter days. (MAN:6:48)
Regardless of one’s thoughts on the level of mythology or even later forgery possible in the Moses accounts of the Destroyer (its spoken of in many sections not related to Moses), I think its important to understand what the text says it is not. It is not planet X or Nirubu. It sounds much more like a catastrophic CME event. The text says clearly,
MAN:5:1 …It was not a great comet or a loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame.
MAN:5:2 Its movements on high were slow; below it swirled in the manner of smoke and it remained close to the sun, whose face it hid. There was a bloody redness about it, which changed as it passed along its course. It caused death and destruction in its rising and setting. It swept the Earth with grey cinder rain and caused many plagues, hunger and other evils. It bit the skin of men and beast until they became mottled with sores.
MAN:5:4 This was the aspect of the Doomshape, called the Destroyer, when it appeared in days long gone by, in olden times. It is thus described in the old records, few of which remain. It is said that when it appears in the Heavens above, Earth splits open from the heat, like a nut roasted before the fire. Then, flames shoot up through the surface and leap about like fiery fiends upon black blood. The moisture inside the land is all dried up, the pastures and cultivated places are consumed in flames, and they and all trees become white ashes.
MAN:5:5 The Doomshape is like a circling ball of flame, which scatters small fiery offspring in its train. It covers about a fifth part of the sky and sends writhing snakelike fingers down to Earth. Before it, the sky appears frightened, and it breaks up and scatters away. Midday is no brighter than night. It spawns a host of terrible things. These are things said of the Destroyer in the old records; read them with solemn heart, knowing that the Doomshape has its appointed time and will return. It would be foolish to let them go unheeded.
Note that these descriptions and the others not quoted here sound more like some kind of enormous solar flare or micronova which somehow rocks the earth’s axis to a degree which causes massive fissures, flood basalts and earthquakes in conjunction with strong red radiative aurora phenomena. The myth described in MAN 3:7 gives a cyclicity of 110 Egyptian generations (Which Oahspe puts at 33 years) or 3630 years. Later in the in SOF 20:21 it’s said to be 92 generations (perhaps Canaanite span of 40 years here or 3680). Both of these dates match closely with the date in Oahspe of 7.5×490 of the full cycle of the Great Serpent. This author believes that if truly cyclical, these massive flares are simply the result of our Solar System encountering large gravity waves emanating out from Sagittarius A the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, which in turn cause solar flares and reduced radiation protection from earth’s geomagnetic shield. Oahspe gives a periodicity ranging from 3000 to 5000 years for crossing these waves. A small true polar wandering event in conjunction with crossing the waves does seem to have been a real possibility given the evidence shown in the rapid change in distribution of ice age ice before radiocarbon dates of 9000 years ago. See this application and associate article on true polar wandering events (TPWE). Note if such an event were to happen, it would undoubtedly greatly affect both carbon-dioxide and radiocarbon levels in the atmosphere causing C14 dates to give skewed results in a predictably skewed curve leading to a later stabilization point.
As far as the authenticity of the destroyer sections goes… there are 29 instances or usages of the term “destroyer” in the bible. Many of them matching the usage in the Kolbrin. So there seems to be some correlation, although each reader will have to judge if post-Christian Kolbrin translators/scribes borrowed the term from the Bible, or whether Biblical scribes who compiled the modern Old Testament between the days of Ezra and the Vulgate (500 – 300 BC) borrowed the term from the same Egyptian/Babylonian sources as the Kolbrin. See this list of biblical references to the destroyer.
Time between destroyers: 100-120 generations, 120×33=3960, 100×40=4000, 100×33=3300
MAN:33:5 …My land is old, a hundred and twenty generations have passed through it since Osireh brought light to men. Four times, the stars have moved to new positions, and twice the sun has changed the direction of his journey. Twice, the Destroyer has struck Earth and three times the Heavens have opened and shut. Twice, the land has been swept clean by water. [Oahspe says Osirah lived 12,350 BP]
CRT:7:5 …He taught them the mysteries concerning the wheel of the year and divided the year into a Summer half and a Winter half, with a great year circle of fifty-two years, a hundred and four of which was the circle of The Destroyer. [104 x 52yrs = 5,408yrs or 110×49 or a Precessional cycle of 21,600yrs]
GLN:6:30 …Ten thousand generations had passed since the beginning and a thousand generations since the recreation. The Children of God and The Children of Men had passed into dust, and only men remained. One hundred generations had passed since the overwhelming deluge and ten generations since The Destroyer last appeared. Once man lived for less than two score years, now his years were three score and ten. [generation = ~40yrs?]
SCL:33:9 …The Rakima watches in silence; patiently it sits, waiting for the day of the Destroyer. It will come in a hundred generations, as is written in the Great Vault.
SCL:33:12 Great Mistress of the Stars, let us abide in peace, for we fear the revelation of your horns. Remain ever constant as a good wife to the Lord of the Day. When women are as men and inconsistent as women, the hour approaches when the Great Lady will wander. When man and woman meet as one in likeness, the Fiery Heralds will appear in the darkness of the sky vault.MAN:34:21 The House of the Hidden Places was established fifty generations before the reign of the Mighty One, who was Pharaoh, and in those days, The High God was known to men and was revealed even after. But twenty generations before the evil Amuleka descended like locusts upon the land, there was strife most grievous.
MAN:34:29 …for twelve generations, [the name of Osirah] grew in greatness. The Upuru departed; the Ameluka came. Ten generations entered into their Eternal Habitations [while the hyksos/Amalekites ruled], and Tathomasis came, to make the name of Egypt known throughout all the lands. He, too, could no more stay the hand of decay than could the meanest slave. Then, in his day Nabihaton came to rule in the land of Egypt. [a generation = ?yrs]OGS:1:2 Behind us lie fourteen Earth generations of mankind, and this has been the manner of their naming: The Generation of Light, The Generation of Fire, The Generation of Water, The Generation of Grass, The Generation of Trees, The Generation of Wood, and The Generation of Stone, and all these together are the Blissful Generations. Then followed The Generation of the Spear, The Generation of the Axe, The Generation of the Shield, The Generation of the Sword, The Generation of the Bow, The Generation of the Helmet and The Generation of the Chariot, and all these together are the Homeless Generations. The years before us contain six full Earth generations and whatever remains of this Generation of Change. Each of the past Earth generations was three times the length of the one, which followed it. [length of generation changes?]
Not only do these two stories follow the same basic plot line, but some aspects are nearly identical and form the basis of entire religious sects. For instance notice how even the Wikipedia article describes “Gilgamesh and Enkidu kill the Bull of Heaven after which the gods decide to sentence Enkidu to death and kill him. In the second half of the epic, distress over Enkidu’s death causes Gilgamesh to undertake a long and perilous journey to discover the secret of eternal life.” In the Kolbrin the battle with “the Bull of Heaven” (GLN 7:9) leads to the death of Yadol in GLN:7:19/23, also causing Hurmanetar to take his journey in GLN chapter 8. (I’ll go through here when I get time and add the hundreds of correlations).
This story is obviously the foundation for Mithraism and the Mithraic mystery temple cults of both Persia and Rome. These cults not only form the basis of freemasonry cultic practices, but eastern Mithraism also shares amazing similarities to Christianity. (see articles like this one)
The kolbrin mentions many names of places, but most of them are in an old tongue difficult to correlate to modern places. A few exceptions include.
-The “fighting men of Sparsia” in SOF:12:13 is undoubtedly Sparta. Especially since the land is associated with the “sea of the Great River past the lands of white copper”. White copper was known in Greek times as ‘oreichalcos’, which was made by mixing tin and copper with a special earth called ‘calmia’ that came originally from the shores of the Black Sea.
-The “Land of Copper, which was the Land of The Golden Light” where “one man in twelve was a priest” was undoubtedly Crete & Cyprus, which anciently had the greatest copper mines in the Mediterranean. In 570 BCE Cyprus was conquered by Egypt which may explain the markedly Egyptian traditions explained in SOF:13:14 of priests attempting to leave and reinhabit their bodies.
-The land of “Pontus” in MAN:24:3 where lions tails, cowhides, spices, worked and unworked ivory, blackwood, oils and paint are traded to Egypt is undoubtedly the land of ancient Punt.
-see this article for many more geographic correlations.
In the last 15 years since its publishing, the Kolbrin has gained an often cult-like following of supporters and defenders. Much like the Book of Mormon, these followers use their own cultural knowledge to attempt to find parallels between things found in the book and modern historical knowledge. See the Culdian Message Boards for examples.
Find more information about the Kolbrin here at the Culdian Trust
Read the Kolbrin here and here.
There is also a version on here
Ancient Histories of Britain (which can be used to corroborate Kolbrin Material)
De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae by 6th-century AD British cleric St Gildas
Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, by the English monk Saint Bede in the 8th-century
Historia Brittonum ascribed to Nennius
The 10th-century Annales Cambriae
Medieval Welsh genealogies (such as the Harleian Genealogies) and king-lists, the poems of Taliesin, the Welsh tale Culhwch and Olwen
Still reading the Kolbrin. I will make my decision afterwards.